
Read the friendship conspiracy. A magical rite for a good relationship. Conspiracy on the obedience of the husband


Who among us is not familiar with the words of a song from a children's cartoon about true friendship, when "a friend in trouble will not leave and ask too much"? Everyone knows and loves them! Because each of us dreams of acquiring a girlfriend or boyfriend with whom we would never be bored and easily share both joy and sorrow. But, unfortunately, for a number of different reasons such friendly relations are extremely rare. A way out of the situation can be a conspiracy against a friend - magic words that cause sympathy in the person we like, that can develop into friendship or strengthen existing friendships, as well as speed up reconciliation in case of a quarrel.

With the help of a special conspiracy, it will turn out not only to improve relationships with people around, but also to make many new acquaintances and comrades. However, one not unimportant fact should be taken into account: since friendship, as a rule, is tested by time, it is best not to resort to magical measures immediately after meeting. To begin with, firmly decide whether you need it so much, because after applying the conspiracy, the person will become attached to you and then it will be very difficult to break off and get rid of these relationships, if they become a burden to you.

What are “friendly” rituals?

Before you apply any conspiracy to friends, keep in mind that several types stand out among them.

  1. First, they are capable of attracting friends to a person's life. As a rule, such rituals are used by people who feel very lonely and dream of having a faithful friend in their life. It is recommended to perform rituals from this category during the day and only when the moon is in a growing phase.
  2. Secondly, helping to improve, maintain and maintain existing friendships. They will help establish and reanimate a relationship with a friend after a major quarrel, significantly speeding up reconciliation.
  3. Thirdly, they make a person attractive for new acquaintances. With their help, he becomes open, relaxed and sociable, which, of course, helps to find mutual language with a wide variety of people. Thanks to these rituals, you will have not one, but many interesting acquaintances at once for new communication.

When using conspiracies, keep in mind that there will come a time when the effect of magic words will end, and then you yourself will have to establish friendly relations with others, getting rid of bad and oppressive ones, and forging new connections.

Friendship conspiracy

Use the following ritual to help you make new friends. It should be performed on the growing phase of the moon. First, take a small metal container and place some sunflower seeds in it. Then a church candle is lit and the following words are pronounced nine times in a row:

"I put seeds in a bowl, I attract new friends to myself!"

A conspiracy to strengthen or acquire new connections

Read the following text carefully and use it to attract new acquaintances into your life:

“I count the leaves in the forest - I can't count them, I invite new friends to my life! In difficult days they will be with me, betrayal will bypass us! Faithful, reliable and good friends my day will be full! ".

Sometimes it happens that a friendship that has lasted more than one year suddenly ends. Misunderstandings arise, quarrels occur, and all this negatively affects respect and trust between people. In order to rectify the situation, return old relationship and make up, use the following prayer. It is read before bedtime with a lit candle twelve times in a row:

“Jesus Christ, son of God! I am addressing you with a sincere heart and an open soul. Return harmony and peace between your sinful slaves (name), revive and strengthen their friendship. So that their relationship improves and does not stop. Amen!".

Conspiracy for a friendly atmosphere

Your acquaintances turned away from you, and loneliness became your companion? It happens that at a subconscious level, a person himself pushes the people around him and then suffers from the fact that he has no one to communicate with. The following ritual will help to correct the situation, as a result of its implementation, a person will be able to acquire new connections, stiffness and constraint in communication will go away. He will allow himself with pleasure and easily communicate with many people, and not run after one, then after another, trying to keep him at any cost.

At night, three times in a row, it is necessary to thoughtfully read the following words:

“As the stars in the sky, so the eyes of my friends shine from my presence! My soul rejoices! Their souls rejoice and our communication develops! ".

As a result - the acquisition of harmonious friendships. At the same time, which is important, bad people will not bother you. And in the very near future, an invitation for friendship will arrive: this ceremony will also help to make peace with an old friend.

“Our friendship is strong, we will not quarrel forever! Forces of heaven preserve friendship and always help friends! "

Then this thing must be hidden in a place where no one can find it.

If you are against using conspiracies, do not worry. All of the above options for rituals refer to white magic. Their action will not bring any harm to you or other people, but it will give you the kind of friendship you dreamed of! In addition, there are prayers that will help you achieve your goals, for example, if you dream of having a child and a husband, a best friend whom you could trust as yourself. There is no need to deny yourself desires - perform the appropriate ceremony and enjoy the happiness.

A friendship conspiracy is a method of magical influence that helps to arouse friendly sympathy in another person or strengthen an already existing friendship. Rituals of this kind help to influence not only one a specific person, but also on everyone around. Using special conspiracies or prayers for friendship, you can build relationships with others and have many friends and acquaintances.

All friendship conspiracies can be of several types:

to attract friends into life.
Such rituals are usually used when a person is lonely and dreams of a loyal and good friend. Such rituals are performed most often during the growing month in the daytime.

to maintain relationships.
These types of rituals help to re-establish a relationship with a friend after an argument. In addition, conspiracies are used to maintain friendship and in a situation where people move away or their paths diverge.

to new friends and acquaintances.
These conspiracies help to please others and make a person friendly and sociable. As a rule, this type of ritual will not help to find one faithful friend and keep him, but if they do so, then a person will have many new acquaintances and the opportunity to get rid of loneliness.

By choosing the most suitable type conspiracy, you should exactly follow all the recommendations and instructions.

Conspiracy to please others

It so happens that the most ordinary person feels uncomfortable among the people around him. Even more, he realizes that they do not like him. And all attempts to gain the favor of other people fail miserably, not allowing to gain approval and friendship. In this situation, a special ritual will come to the rescue, which will help to fix everything.

To carry out the ritual, you will need twelve fresh colors of light shades. With this bouquet you need to go to church to pray for the icon to tame evil hearts. The bouquet is left near the icon. Leaving the church, you need to say the magic words:

“The snakes sting everyone with their tongues, do not spare anyone,
And let their poison pass me by,
Let the people love and have mercy on me.
Whoever has my name on his tongue can only remember me with a kind word,
He can only say good things to me and to others.
And the Lord will help me, my desire will come true.
God bless help.

The words of the prayer are read three times. When you say your prayer, go home. On this, the ceremony is considered completed. However, it is recommended to repeat it one more time after a month.

This ritual is effective when a person seeks good communication with others and does not do it for his own benefit.

Rite of passage for peace

It is believed to be found good friend- not too difficult.

It is much more important and more difficult to carry friendship through the years, strengthening the relationship.

But it happens that people quarrel and not every time it turns out to be reconciled. In order not to delay reconciliation with a loved one, you can use the following rite.

To complete this conspiracy of friendship, twelve church candles are required.

The prayer is read twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the ceremony is twelve days.

“Lord God, bless and help me, the servant of God (your name).
The angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, to the church itself.
Archangel Michael and the Mother of God were waiting for him at the gate.
They held a saber and a sword, they drove away evil spirits from the slave,
With a saber and a sword, quarrels were dispersed, troubles were stopped.
Return, God, peace and quiet between the servants of God (your names),
Strengthen their friendship and peace, and close the gates tightly,
So that their friendship is not broken and not stopped.
And the key with which you lock your friendship,
Take it away so no one finds it.

You need to read the prayer for twelve days, even if you and your friend have already made peace. It will only strengthen your relationship and make your friendship last forever. If during this time you have not made up, then you should take the initiative and apologize. The use of magic will make the reconciliation process quick.

Magic rite for a good relationship

This conspiracy of friendship can be used both to improve friendships and to restore friendship due to a quarrel. In addition, the ceremony is perfect in the case when absolutely new friendships are being born, in order to make them strong.

The conspiracy is read exactly at noon, thinking about the person with whom you want to be friends:

"An angel will fly from heaven, call the servants of God with him (your names)
At one table, at one bench.
The servants of God (names) will sit side by side,
They will bring them food, drinks,
They will sit next to each other alone.
The conversation between them will boil, no one can stop those speeches
And he will not understand. The ardor of God's servants cannot be quieted by anyone.
Above the table the tree grows
On it, green leaves rustle, their conversation is supported.
And while the leaves make noise, there will be friendship between the slaves (names).
Their hearts will thaw, their hands will close in a handshake,
The smiles of their lips will decorate them, the world will be at peace.
And if the slaves quarrel, they admit that the two of them were wrong,
They will drink at the table and breathe easily.
After a quarrel, peace comes, friendship will be indestructible.
Be friends with the servant of God (your name) and with the servant of God (name of a friend).

Rite of passage for a thing

This ritual can be used both to gain the disposition of a completely new person, and to restore relations with the one with whom there was a quarrel. To perform the ceremony, you will need a thing or object that was in the hands of the prospective friend.

A conspiracy is read on this subject:

"Let us never run away, we will not part,
We will not go in different directions.
And heavenly forces will help us to be together, to overcome quarrels, to resolve differences.
From now on and forever, forever and ever.

The plot is repeated three times, after which the item must be removed to a secret place and stored there.

A conspiracy against friends is considered an effective and efficient way to build new relationships and restore old ones. Accurate adherence to all instructions and recommendations regarding the performance of the ritual and belief in a successful outcome will make magical effect strong and effective.

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Detailed description from several sources: “How to Make Friends of Prayer” - in our non-profit weekly religious journal.

In order to find reliable friends!

  • In order to find loyal, reliable friends, perform such a ritual on the growing moon. Pour a handful of sunflower seeds into a deep metal dish. Light a candle of blue color and say out loud 9 times the conspiracy:

"How many seeds I poured into a bowl, I called myself so many friends."

  • Then pour the seeds onto a white piece so that the seeds do not spill out, and say the plot 3 times:

"As you, seeds, you will surely lie with me, you will be just as faithful to my friends."

  • Put out the candle, and put the seeds in a secluded place so that no one can find them.

© Orthodox prayers, special conspiracies, magic ceremonies and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

The strongest prayer from loneliness to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Man is a social being. At the very beginning of his life, he is surrounded by parents and other relatives, over time he matures and matures to create his own family. Only now, not all people manage to find their other half, which will later become a companion or companion in life. Even the most successful people are often lonely. But loneliness is not a sentence. You can get rid of it, and the Orthodox Church recommends doing this through prayer. One of the most powerful prayers for loneliness is considered to be a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

A lot of believers revere Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and turn to him with a variety of requests, including a request to eliminate loneliness. Loneliness is a depressing state. Of course, there are those who like it, but most people, nevertheless, tolerate it rather hard. The lonely person is more prone to melancholy and depression than anyone else. Often apathy, boredom, sadness and indifference to everything and everyone are added to the melancholy.

Sincere prayer can bring relief in difficult times. Thanks to her, every single person will be able to find peace in his soul, for prayer is an appeal to the Higher powers for consolation and help. If you pray with deep faith in your soul, from a pure heart, the Lord God, Nicholas the Pleasant and other saints will surely hear you and give you the opportunity to know true happiness in love and marriage.

Texts of the most powerful prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker from loneliness and prayer ritual

You can ask Saint Nicholas the Pleasant to get rid of loneliness with the help of several prayer texts - read about them below.

Nicholas the Wonderworker: the strongest prayer for loneliness

This prayer must be pronounced daily (the church usually recommends reading it for at least 40 days in a row, without gaps). A prayer ceremony involving the use of this text below should consist of three stages:

  1. First, you need to sincerely ask Saint Nicholas to send you a worthy companion or life partner. This request is formalized in your own words. Be sure to note the qualities that you would like to see in your future husband or wife.
  2. After the portrait of the “ideal” second half has been drawn up and voiced, tell the holy elder about how you would like to see your personal life (also in maximum detail).
  3. Pray in front of the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and at the end ask him to reveal to you God's will regarding your life purpose.

The text of a strong prayer for loneliness, addressed to Nikolai the Ugodnik, is as follows:

Another strong prayer to Nikolai the Ugodnik, changing fate

The task of this prayer, in comparison with the previous one, is more extensive. She is able not only to save a praying person from loneliness, but also to change his fate in better side... It is not for nothing that the prayer bears the name “For a change of fate”.

A prayer ceremony using this text has characteristic features:

  1. Secret. Any prayer (and this one as well) is a personal conversation between the prayer and the saint, therefore, you should not devote anyone to your plans regarding the appeal to Nicholas the Pleasant with a request for intercession.
  2. Training. The same applies to most prayers and includes going to church, communion, strict fasting a week long, and confession.
  3. Solitude and silence while pronouncing a prayer. You can pray directly in the church, or at home, in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. If possible, you need to light the icon. Of course, the prayer is read without the icon, but pronouncing the text in front of the image of the saint greatly increases the efficiency and brings the result faster.

The text of the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “To change fate” is as follows:

Saying a prayer from loneliness must be approached responsibly: with unshakable faith, sincerity and good intentions. The fate-changing prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker should also be read for at least 40 days in a row, without gaps. In the event that gaps do appear, it is recommended to resume the ritual and start counting 40 days anew. On the days dedicated to prayer, the prayer must completely give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

The prayer to St. Nicholas “For a change of fate”, which can relieve loneliness, must be recited 3 times with each reading: aloud, in an undertone and mentally. The Orthodox Church believes that it has more power for the third time. It is recommended to memorize the text of the prayer, but if you do not trust your memory, it is not forbidden to pronounce it from a piece of paper (it is best to rewrite the words with your own hand). A person should turn to this prayer from loneliness with pure thoughts, readily change internally, change his thinking.

If you decide to read this prayer text at home, do not rush to remove the icon of Nicholas the Pleasure every time. During the entire prayer ritual, the entire period of recitation, the image of the saint should remain in the place allocated for him.

How does the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker work?

Orthodox prayers have the ability to change the fate of the person praying for the better. Prayer texts addressed to Nikolai the Ugodnik are no exception. Under the influence of prayers, a person gains spirituality, becomes closer to God. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help everyone who prays to him sincerely and with deep faith, will convey to the Lord the prayer of the prayer. And God, in turn, will send the believing person the opportunity to realize his dream. If the prayer is able to use them in time and correctly, then stable positive changes will come in his life.

You can turn to St. Nicholas with a request to eliminate loneliness not only with the help of the prayer texts presented above. It is allowed to appeal to him in your own words - the main thing is that they come from the very heart, from the very soul. Nikolai the Pleasant is distinguished by boundless kindness and will certainly help you get closer to your dream. Just do not forget to thank him (there is even a special thanksgiving prayer for this). And on December 19, the day of remembrance of the holy elder, be sure to go to the temple and pray.

I will never stop thanking Nikolai the Pleasant for my family, for my happy marriage... Once I prayed to him, asked him to get rid of loneliness, and after a while I met my future husband, a wonderful man with whom we have been living in marriage for 11 years and raising two children.

After the departure of a loved one, I still can't come to my senses, I can't build a relationship with anyone. He has been married for almost 5 years and is happily married, and I am still alone ... I'm tired. Thanks for the prayer texts! I hope Saint Nicholas will help me too.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Friends conspiracy

I bring to your attention strong conspiracy to the friends whom a familiar village healer shared with me.

It will allow you to direct streams of positive energy to people dear to you and strengthen existing friendships.

If you have not yet found them, then it is time to perform the simplest ritual.

My friend's shoulder will become a strong support,

No one will part us with a vicious quarrel.

In a hard time, we will support each other,

We will drive away the trouble and the hateful blizzard.

Let betrayal pass by

You will be with me, and I will be with you.

Let me meet friends on the way,

I call on reliable comrades.

I swear I'll be there for the bad days

I will help them, they will help me.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

one). You go to the church shop and buy seven expensive candles.

2). If not available, get the icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

3). Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light candles.

Place Orthodox icons next to it.

4). Look at the burning flame and mentally imagine your friends in good health, drawing images of those who are not yet in your life.

In this way, you will attract positive energy towards meeting a trusted friend.

5). You read a magic conspiracy against friends seven times in a row.

6). After the candles are burned out, get rid of their stubs.

7). After a while, the ritual can be repeated.

I wish that only reliable and decent people meet in your life.

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How to get a person to be friends with you?

A friendship conspiracy is a method of magical influence that helps to arouse friendly sympathy in another person or strengthen an already existing friendship. Rituals of this kind help to influence not only one particular person, but also everyone around. Using a special conspiracy or prayer, you can build relationships with others and have many friends and acquaintances.

Varieties of rituals

All friendship conspiracies can be of several types:

Such rituals are usually used when a person is lonely and dreams of a loyal and good friend. Such rituals are performed most often during the growing month in the daytime.

  • to maintain relationships.

    These types of rituals help to re-establish a relationship with a friend after an argument. In addition, conspiracies are used to maintain friendship and in a situation where people move away or their paths diverge.

  • to new friends and acquaintances.

    These conspiracies help to please others and make a person friendly and sociable. As a rule, this type of ritual will not help to find one faithful friend and keep him, but if they do so, then a person will have many new acquaintances and the opportunity to get rid of loneliness.

  • Having chosen the most suitable type of conspiracy, all recommendations and instructions should be followed exactly.

    Conspiracy to please others

    It so happens that the most ordinary person feels uncomfortable among the people around him. Even more, he realizes that they do not like him. And all attempts to gain the favor of other people fail miserably, not allowing to gain approval and friendship. In this situation, a special ritual will come to the rescue, which will help to fix everything.

    To carry out the ritual, you will need twelve fresh colors of light shades. With this bouquet you need to go to church to pray for the icon to tame evil hearts. The bouquet is left near the icon. Leaving the church, you need to say the magic words:

    “The snakes sting everyone with their tongues, do not spare anyone,

    And let their poison pass me by,

    Let the people love and have mercy on me.

    Whoever has my name on his tongue can only remember me with a kind word,

    He can only say good things to me and to others.

    And the Lord will help me, my desire will come true.

    God bless help.

    The words of the prayer are read three times. When you say your prayer, go home. On this, the ceremony is considered completed. However, it is recommended to repeat it one more time after a month.

    Rite of passage for peace

    It is believed that finding a good friend is not too difficult.

    It is much more important and more difficult to carry friendship through the years, strengthening the relationship.

    But it happens that people quarrel and not every time it turns out to be reconciled. In order not to delay reconciliation with a loved one, you can use the following rite.

    To complete it, you will need twelve church candles.

    The prayer is read twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the ceremony is twelve days.

    “Lord God, bless and help me, the servant of God (your name).

    The angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, to the church itself.

    Archangel Michael and the Mother of God were waiting for him at the gate.

    They held a saber and a sword, they drove away evil spirits from the slave,

    With a saber and a sword, quarrels were dispersed, troubles were stopped.

    Return, God, peace and quiet between the servants of God (your names),

    Strengthen their friendship and peace, and close the gates tightly,

    So that their friendship is not broken and not stopped.

    And the key with which you lock your friendship,

    You need to read the prayer for twelve days, even if you and your friend have already made peace. It will only strengthen your relationship and make your friendship last forever. If during this time you have not made up, then you should take the initiative and apologize. The use of magic will make the reconciliation process quick.

    Magic rite for a good relationship

    This conspiracy on strong friendship can be used both to improve friendships and to restore friendship due to a quarrel. In addition, the ceremony is perfect in the case when absolutely new friendships are being born, in order to make them strong.

    The conspiracy is read exactly at noon, thinking about the person with whom you want to be friends:

    "An angel will fly from heaven, call the servants of God with him (your names)

    At one table, at one bench.

    The servants of God (names) will sit side by side,

    They will bring them food, drinks,

    They will sit next to each other alone.

    The conversation between them will boil, no one can stop those speeches

    And he will not understand. The ardor of God's servants cannot be quieted by anyone.

    Above the table the tree grows

    On it, green leaves rustle, their conversation is supported.

    And while the leaves make noise, there will be friendship between the slaves (names).

    Their hearts will thaw, their hands will close in a handshake,

    The smiles of their lips will decorate them, the world will be at peace.

    And if the slaves quarrel, they admit that the two of them were wrong,

    They will drink at the table and breathe easily.

    After a quarrel, peace comes, friendship will be indestructible.

    Be friends with the servant of God (your name) and with the servant of God (name of a friend).

    Rite of passage for a thing

    This ritual can be used both to gain the disposition of a completely new person, and to restore relations with the one with whom there was a quarrel. To perform the ceremony, you will need a thing or object that was in the hands of the prospective friend.

    A conspiracy is read on this subject:

    "Let us never run away, we will not part,

    We will not go in different directions.

    And heavenly forces will help us to be together, to overcome quarrels, to resolve differences.

    From now on and forever, forever and ever.

    The plot is repeated three times, after which the item must be removed to a secret place and stored there.

    A conspiracy against friends is considered an effective and efficient way to build new relationships and restore old ones. Accurate adherence to all instructions and recommendations regarding the performance of the ritual and belief in a successful outcome will make the magical effect strong and effective.

    Hello everyone, tell someone the rituals and conspiracies helped me, I have a bad case evil people Tune one kind person against me and now he doesn’t know he will not see me or despises me or simply doesn’t trust me, but there was friendship with him and there were no rules they corresponded and the rules communicated! how to return? will rituals help?

    Hello. If you choose the appropriate ceremony and do everything as recommended, then the result will certainly be what you expect.

    And in a ritual for peace, what should be done with candles?

    Hello. Candles should be stored until you make up.

    Hello, I need a conspiracy for new friends, only without black magic

    I used to be very popular, but now nobody looks. in my direction, not. I know what to do ...

    Hello. A rite of passage will suit you in order to please others! Follow the instructions and you will succeed!

    Hello. My two quarreled best friends... Moreover, the reason for the quarrel is ridiculous, but there was a great misunderstanding and the discord turned out to be very serious. There is a suspicion that one of the friends said bad things about the second one. The explanations between them did not help, everything became worse - one side does not want to listen to the other. It is very painful and unpleasant to see this, because before they had a wonderful relationship. Tell me - is there a conspiracy for a similar case? I just really want them to make up and not fight anymore, especially because of stupidity. And will there be actionable conspiracy about the angel above? Thank you.

    Good afternoon. Yes, I think this ceremony will help you, just follow the instructions exactly.

    Hello, please tell me how many times you need to read the conspiracy Magic rite on the a good relationship? And how long does it take to get the result?

    Hello. The plot is read once, but every day for seven days. The result should appear in 10-15 days.

    I have such a problem ... it so happened that my friend and I began to move away from each other very much, almost does not call, does not write, it seems as if soon we will not communicate at all. will a conspiracy "for a good relationship" help ?? will it be possible to regain that friendship? and is it possible to read on the waning moon? thanks in advance

    Hello. Yes, this ceremony will help, it is read only for the growing month.

    why don't you immediately write that the conspiracy is read on the growing moon?

    Good afternoon. In some rituals, it is indicated at once which moon to do, in some it is not.

    And what will help if my friend and I haven’t talked for two years, he doesn’t even say what he’s offended at. In addition, now he has a new relationship with a girl, and he is focused on them. But I want us to be friends again. But for all my attempts, he makes friends with him, he gets mad and closes in himself, constantly ignoring me = (((

    Hello. I think in your situation, magic will soften your friend and help start a friendship.

    Good evening! and if the conspiracy on "good attitude" is not read at noon, it will not work?

    Hello. Any departure from how it is said to do in the rite will negatively affect its effectiveness.

    and how long does it take to work?

    Good afternoon. The ceremony will begin to operate almost immediately, and you will see the first results in a few weeks.

    Hello! And please tell me after what time should we expect the result from the rite on the thing?

    Good afternoon. The result can be seen in a few weeks, in extreme cases - to take the initiative.

    Good afternoon, and for the Mogic ceremony for good relations, church candles are also needed. just tama in the instructions is not written. Or it is enough to read the instructions.

    Hello. If the instructions do not say that the candles should be church candles, then ordinary ones, not scented, will do.

    Hello. I have such a situation: 5 years ago my friend and I had a very strong friendship, and now we just say hello! And I really want to return our old relationship! Please tell me which of these conspiracies suits me?

    Hello. The last three rituals from this article will suit you, they will give you the impetus for you to establish a relationship with your friend. And what this relationship will be depends only on you.

    My son has problems with friends; as a mother, I can read conspiracies. I am for. to establish his friendships. I

    Good afternoon. It will be much more effective if you point out these rituals to your son. This will make them more effective.

    I conspired on a thing, my friend and I had a fight over little things. And we can't measure it for more than half a year. She went to another company. They called themselves BRO. And she doesn't even pay attention to me. She just doesn't want to talk. For I’m a stranger to her. We are best friends with her since 2nd grade. Tell me this ceremony will help me return our friendship with her.

    But if I stumbled a couple of times in the text, will this not affect the SPLOT?

    Tell me please, is a magis ceremony for good relations not dangerous? And can you read from a sheet?

    Hello! What rite of passage will help bring a friend back?

    We had a fight with her because of the fact that I bitterly told him to doh!

    The fact is that she broke up with her husband, and began to live with another, her children are against him. And so are we. With bitterness through the messages, she said a lot.

    She wrote, I don’t want to know you, that you wish the death of my daughter’s father. She has two from the first, and a lyalke from a new guy. They are constantly swearing, but they don't drink to put it together with a lyalka.

    And they vouched for some kind of roommate, he doesn't suit her against me.

    She blocked all pages and cell phones in the black list.

    What does an attack situation do? Help rite of passage

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    ◄ Attention! is just a guide, we provide information for informational purposes only, in no case use black methods in practice in order to harm others!

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