
What is the vernal equinox day. The vernal equinox. Traditions and signs on the day of the spring equinox


Day spring equinox(Spring equinox) is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, in scientific terms, is that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.”

On this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position with respect to the luminary that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically on the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and these days in all countries the day is almost equal to the night.

There are spring and autumn equinoxes. UTC (in other time zones, these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring equinox occurs 20th of March when the sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern autumn equinox occurs September 22 or 23(in 2019 - September 23)when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

spring and autumnal equinox are considered the astronomical beginning of the corresponding seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today adopted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 solar days in a tropical year. That's because of this "approximately" equinox every year falls on different time days, each year advancing by about 6 hours.

On the Day of the spring equinox, many peoples and nationalities of the Earth begin New Year: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the new year with this natural phenomenon.

The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the spring equinox was considered a great holiday.

In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also of no small importance. The date of the Easter holiday, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

Many peoples have kept the spring equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called , which means "new day". Rooted in the traditions of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam.

In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other nations. Navruz has been announced in a number of countries public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day that renewals in nature begin: the first spring thunder, swelling of buds on trees, violent germination of greenery.

The day of the spring equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day, in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

When the sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox occurs.

Speaking of equinox dates, one should distinguish between a date according to universal time and a date for a specific time zone:

if the equinox occurred before 12:00 UT, in some countries located west of the zero meridian, this day may not yet come and, according to local time, the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier;

if the equinox came after 12:00 UTC, then in some countries located east of the zero meridian, the next day may already come and the date of the equinox will be 1 more.

As conceived by the creators of the Gregorian calendar, the "official" date of the vernal equinox is March 21 (literally "12th day before the April kalends") because such a date of the vernal equinox was at the time of the Council of Nicaea.

The last time in this century the vernal equinox fell on March 21 in 2007 and will fall on March 20 or even March 19 in the 21st century.

We remind you that there are literally 4 days left until the most significant event of the year - the vernal equinox. And this means that preparations for it should be in full swing. And what do scientists tell us about the spring equinox?

The vernal equinox is one of the most unique phenomena of nature, the essence of which, in scientific language, is that "at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator." In 2018, the spring equinox occurs on March 20.

Simply put, on this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position relative to the luminary that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically on the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and these days in all countries the day is almost equal to the night.

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The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the respective seasons. But the spring equinox is also considered the beginning of the astronomical year. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today adopted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 solar days in a tropical year. Because of this, the “approximately” equinox falls at different times of the day each year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

Interestingly, even the scientific world says that the year begins at the spring equinox.

Historians tell us that since ancient times, among many peoples of the world, the day of the vernal equinox was considered a great holiday - magical and ritual. In ancient and medieval times, spring festivals were held with fun and rituals that called for the fertility of the land and the well-being of people.

And the ancient Egyptians even built the Great Sphinx so that it points directly to rising Sun at the time of the spring equinox.

Many nations have kept this holiday in their calendar to this day. The Navruz holiday, which means “new day” in Farsi, has its roots in the tradition of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia.
The holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam. In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other nations.
The Celts and Germans associated this day with the rebirth of spring and marked the beginning of the agricultural season. To meet the spring especially and please the goddess Ostara, the housewives dyed eggs and baked wheat buns. Ostara is one of the most "old" goddesses; evidence of her worship dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC.
The Slavic holiday of the komoeditsa-Shrovetide is timed to coincide with the spring equinox, when people saw off the winter and met the spring, personifying the revival and revival of nature. People believed that the more cheerful and joyful the holiday was, the more generous nature would be to them.

Incidentally, it is interesting that March 20 is traditionally celebrated as World Earth Day., calling on all people to realize that the Earth is our common home, which should be loved, protected and preserved for future generations.

And yet, on the day of the spring equinox, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday- Day of astrology, timed to coincide with the beginning of the astrological year, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.
Why was this day considered so important since ancient times? Because the location of the Sun is such that it most strongly influences our Earth with its fiery and creative energy. Therefore, it was believed that this day is nothing but the birthday of the Sun. And we advise you to prepare for it. major event. It is good to remember your previous solar year, to sum up the results of the year, to remember your victories and defeats. Give thanks for everything. And on the day of the equinox and after - make plans for the future!
We must definitely take advantage of the most magical moment of the year - the birth of the new Sun - to thank him for the entire past year, to unite appeal to him for help in the new solar year. Therefore, join us on March 20 in our festive special issue, call all your friends, so that the joint appeal to the Sun will be as effective as possible!

The spring equinox in 2020 falls on March 20. It's bright and joyful folk holiday. It means the arrival of spring and warmth, the awakening of nature after a winter sleep. On this day, the center of the Sun passes through the celestial equator. The length of the day is equal to the night. The following day, the Sun occupies the Northern Hemisphere, and the day begins to increase.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

The day of the spring equinox was expected and revered in Russia. On this holiday, people saw off the winter and solemnly burned its effigy. Spring was met with cheerful dances, mass celebrations, pies and pancakes. It was believed that the more festive and hospitable to meet spring, the earlier it would come, and the year would be more fruitful.

At this time, the first birds arrived. The person who saw the first herald of spring - the lark, received Easter cake in his form.

The day of the spring equinox was considered magical. On a festive night, the girls wondered about the future. Dreams that were dreamed were interpreted as prophetic.

In ancient times, it was believed that on this day the Sun God descended to earth. He checks and helps in all good deeds.

What Not to Do on the Spring Equinox

On this holiday, you should not be sad, otherwise the year will pass in despondency. You can not think about the bad - it can come true.

Signs for the spring equinox

  • What is the weather on this day, so it will be for the next 40 days.
  • The weather is warm - there will be no more frosts.
  • The one who counts 40 thawed patches on this day will have a happy year.
  • If you make a wish on the day of the spring equinox, then it will come true.
  • The more fun this day is, the better the year will go.
  • It falls on September 22-23.
  • In Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and other countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, the spring equinox is the beginning of a new year. This holiday is called Novruz, which means “new day”.
  • On the eve of this day, the Japanese commemorate their ancestors, clean their homes so that by the day of the equinox they will come clean and enlightened in soul and body.

The time when the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator is called an equinox. The Earth at this time is in such a position in relation to the Sun, when both hemispheres, from the equator to the poles, heat up relatively equally, which happens twice a year: on the day of the spring equinox and on the day of the autumn equinox.

The spring equinox occurs when the sun moves from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern.

The time interval between two successive passages of the Sun through the same equinox point (tropical year) does not coincide with the duration of calendar years, so the time of the equinox moves from year to year relative to the beginning of the calendar day. In a simple year, the equinox moments come 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds later than in the previous one, and in a leap year - 18 hours 11 minutes 14 seconds earlier; therefore, the equinoxes can fall on two adjacent calendar dates.

In 2018, the Spring Equinox Day will come on March 20 at 19.15 Moscow time.

Since the day of the spring equinox, the seasons of the hemispheres change. Astronomical autumn begins in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, and astronomical spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere, which continues until the day of the summer solstice (June 21).

© Sputnik / Vladimir Sergeev

How the vernal equinox is celebrated around the world

The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the spring equinox was considered a great holiday.

In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also of no small importance. The date of the Easter holiday, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

Many peoples have kept the spring equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called Navruz, which means "new day". Rooted in the traditions of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples who profess Islam. In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other nations. In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

In Japan, the spring equinox is called Shunbun no hi and is also celebrated as a holiday. The week period beginning three days before the vernal equinox is called Higan. At this time, the Japanese visit the graves of their ancestors, and cherry blossoms bloom in the gardens.

© Sputnik / Evgeny Odinokov

How the Spring Equinox is Celebrated

The spring equinox has long been celebrated on a grand scale. In the morning, housewives baked cookies in the shape of larks and pancakes, decorating them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. The first sweets were intended for the Bear God. Thus, people tried to appease the deity so that henceforth predators would not attack men while they were on the hunt.

Then everyone went to the fair. On the way they sang, danced and even participated in exciting games. For example, tug of war, jumping over a fire, towns. The winners, as a rule, were protected by nature from dark forces.

By evening, bonfires were lit en masse in the city squares. It was believed that a high, bright and pure flame is the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year. And our ancestors ended the day by rolling burning wheels from the mountain into the river - symbols of the Sun.

It is said that one's own thoughts on the spring equinox affect what will happen to a person in the near future. Therefore, you need to think only about the good and make positive wishes.

You can’t sort things out, start conflicts, this is hello to the destruction of relations. Emotions of anger and aggression will lead to the appearance of energy of destruction in life, so they should be avoided.

Also, on the spring equinox, it is good to honor the ancestors, have fun, meet the renewal of nature, visit and give others a positive mood. Great if you have the opportunity to bake. Treats are given to close people, friends and are taken as a gift to ancestors.

© Sputnik / Konstantin Chalabov

Divination for the spring equinox

The day of the spring equinox was considered a magical day. And after sunset, young girls began to guess.

Gingerbread was baked, and small items were placed in the raw dough. And each item meant something. If the lady pulled out a pastry with a ring inside, get ready for the wedding this year. A coin - to prosperity, a key - to an inheritance, a bead - to pregnancy, an earring - to a meeting with a betrothed.

Popular and meditation. The girl lights a candle, sits down in a chair and relaxes. Next, he represents the life he dreams of. As if she lives in a huge house, drives an expensive car. And further down the list, what do you want. It is believed that it is on this day that heaven will hear you, and changes will gradually begin to occur in life.

In order to find out the name of the future husband, before going to bed, you need to write seven male names on seven sheets of paper and put them under the pillow. In the morning, without uttering a word, get one and read it. Our ancestors believed that all this would come true.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

In the year of the Yellow Pig, the day will be equal to the night a couple of hours before the Full Moon, when the Sun passes into the sign of fiery Aries, which triples the energy of the Universe and awakens intuition even among ordinary people.

The day of the spring equinox 2019 is ideal for harmonizing family relationships, conspiracies and rituals for love, as well as powerful love rites. Nature reviving in the spring endows the Full Moon with the magical power of dreams and reality, helping fortune-tellers accurately predict the future.

Spring Equinox: Celebration, Traditions

The date of the astronomical beginning of spring falls on the exact date of March 20, 2019, exactly at 23.58 Moscow time, but the Full Moon in March will come on March 21 at 4.45 Moscow time. The spring equinox on the fifteenth lunar day is considered very strong and powerful, any new business started on this day or an acquaintance made in the future will bring great prospects and profits.

In some countries of the world, on the spring equinox on March 20, 2019, according to tradition, they will celebrate the New Year: launch holiday fireworks are planned in Uzbekistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and other countries of the Great Silk Road.

In Germany, on March 20, 2019, the spring equinox honors the goddess Ostara, who is able to revive the dead and awaken the living to a new life. In pagan times, in Catholic countries, it was in honor of this goddess that the Easter holiday (Easter - English) was named, when chicken eggs were dyed in different colours(a symbol of the rays of the Sun) and baked buns, symbolizing fertility.

The vernal equinox is always patronized by the energy of the planet Venus, therefore, first of all, the Higher Forces respond to people's prayers for happiness in their personal lives, finding (or connecting) a couple, getting rid of loneliness.

When is the Full Moon in March 2019

On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, March 21, 2019, the Moon will not only enter the phase of maximum glow, but also make the transition to the sign of Libra. It is very symbolic that the first Full Moon in March 2019 coincides in time with the spring equinox. Such a unity of the forces of nature will make it possible to achieve harmony of the soul with the body, the mind with the heart, and men with the woman.

A personal consultation with a psychic will allow you to find out what the coincidence of the spring equinox with the Full Moon means for you personally, order a ritual for love, read strong conspiracy to connect a couple or strengthen a family.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2019, when the Full Moon is supplemented by the energy of the Sun, fortune-telling for the future comes true, Tarot cards tell the truth, and a woman can easily bewitch a man she likes with the help of a conspiracy or love magic.

However, it must be remembered that it is necessary to enter the holiday of the revival and revival of all living things with pure thoughts, not to hold evil on anyone and observe the measure in everything. Only in this case, the Universe will increase your income in business and help you find happiness in your personal life with the help of prayers, consecrated water and the magic of burning candles. holidays are very exciting, as our ancestors saw a mystical meaning in this day. In ancient Russia, the people believed that before this equinox, 40 birds arrive, and the very first of them are larks. They were a symbol of the holiday, women baked figurines of birds from pastry and treated everyone who came to the holiday.

On the spring equinox on March 20, 2019, it is necessary to use white and red colors, both in clothes and in the interior - they symbolize purity and passion, give a powerful charge of positive, bring happiness and prosperity.

Spring equinox March 20, 2019: what not to do on this day

On the day of the rebirth of all living things, you can recharge your batteries in order to get rid of chronic diseases. The sun at the time of the vernal equinox will be in the zodiac sign Aries, which gives courage, but makes people uncontrollable, prone to aggression. To remove the negative, it is enough to find a strong tree on March 20, 2019, on which the first buds have already appeared, and which has a powerful crown, without dry branches.

Lean against it with your whole body, hug it with your arms and stroke the branches, asking for help. Telling him about your problem, at some point you will hear a hint: it may be a sign of fate, a conversation overheard by chance, or another event.

The spring equinox on March 20, 2019 itself dictates what cannot be done on this day: quarrels, scandals, showdown, conflicts fall under a categorical ban.

It is forbidden to be sad or depressed, as the Higher Forces can punish for this, depriving a person of sanity, profit in business and gifts of fate.

On a holiday, you can’t even wish evil on sworn enemies or try to punish the offender - the spring equinox is not created for negative emotions. This magical holiday tends to increase any energy, which can adversely affect the health of the one who wishes evil, even to his enemy.

Spring equinox 2019: accurate divination for the future

dawn holiday March 20, when the spring equinox in 2019, you need to meet with the words: "Hello, Sun!" This will attract positive changes and the blessings of heaven into your life. But already on the Full Moon on March 21, 2019, you can perform a money ritual.

You will need a pot of earth, which you need to take near the house, where prosperity and happiness always reign. Also purchase greens seeds (parsley, dill) and two candles of red and white wax. Speak water in a glass for business success, saying the words three times: “Prosperity hurries to me, money is added in my pocket. Yes, it will be just the way I want. Protect the Lord from all misfortunes and harmful people, protect me and help me. My wishes are correct. Amen".

The ritual for wealth is done in the daytime, when the Sun brightly illuminates all living things. First, light the candles and sit for a few minutes, visualizing your cherished desire as if it had already been fulfilled. Then - plant the seeds in fertile soil, pour them with charmed water and say out loud: “The seeds will germinate, and my dreams will gain a body. May it be so. Amen!"

Carefully take care of the seedlings, and when it gets warmer, take the pot out to the balcony, where there is more sun rays and air. Grown greens can be used to increase internal energy, if you pluck it for the Trinity holiday on June 16, 2019.

Folk traditions advise paying attention to predictions with the help of homemade baking. Accurate divination for the future on the day of the spring equinox 2019 can be done by baking small buns in the form of birds, the so-called "larks". A small object with meaning is placed inside each product: a button - new clothes, a coin - wealth, a rope - a journey, a ring - a wedding, a key - housewarming, a major purchase or purchase of a car, one earring - new meeting, pepper - intrigues, adventures, salt - tears, bad news, honey or sugar - sweet life.

The "larks" oven with a surprise follows at the dawn of the vernal equinox, early in the morning of March 20, 2019, then they must lie under the rays of the Sun all day, saturated with the energy of new life. But to torture fate and pull a bun with a personal prediction should already be a fan when the full moon appears in the sky - such a fortune-telling is the most accurate and will quickly come true.

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