
We draw a Christmas tree in the preparatory group. Synopsis of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group "Christmas Tree" methodical development on drawing (senior group) on the topic. The main traditions of the New Year's Eve


Educator MDOU


compensating type

No. 18 in Lipetsk.

Parenting childhood is inextricably linked with the strengthening and development of the joint work of the kindergarten and the family. In the process of purposeful education in the conditions of kindergarten and family, the formation of those human qualities that the child needs in the future, in adulthood, takes place.

family playing important role in shaping the personality of the child. Force of influence family education incomparable with any, even very qualified public education. The family and the preschool institution are the two most important institutions for the socialization of preschool children.

Despite the difference in educational functions, for the comprehensive development of the child, the interaction of the family and the kindergarten is necessary.

AT preschool the child receives a comprehensive education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, to show their own activity.

The main feature of family education is the special emotional microclimate of the family, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, his sense of self-worth is determined. The family also influences the worldview of the child as a whole.

The most important condition for psychological comfort for a child is the unity and comprehensibility of the requirements that the surrounding adults place on him. If in kindergarten and at home these requirements and the style of interaction between adults and the child are different, it will be difficult for him to navigate them, and the child will gradually come to the conclusion that he can behave as he pleases - the only question is with whom he is in this moment communicates. As a result of such behavior, the child will not form his own ideas about right and wrong, bad and good, approved and condemned.

Each child is special, with his characteristic ways of controlling his behavior, the ability to establish contacts with others, the ability to show emotional reactions.

Pedagogical influences are effective if an adult is able to find the most necessary one from the whole variety of methods and techniques, taking into account the characteristics of the child and the specific situation, if there is emotional contact and mutual understanding between the adult and the baby.

Children are sensitive to the attitude of adults towards them, and depending on this, they develop appropriate ways of behavior. They behave according to the instructions they receive from adults.

If any desire of the child is fulfilled without fail, if the child is accustomed to looking at his loved ones from the position of the consumer, if he is accustomed to using the rights granted to him and does not know any duties, then people grow up despotic, selfish, prone to overestimating their capabilities. In the future, such a person is not capable of self-restraint, he will not develop the discipline of desires.

In educational terms, an adult, whether a parent or educator, is an authoritative person for a baby, from whom one can draw answers to emerging questions, adopt solutions to everyday and more complex situational tasks that constantly arise before developing child. The child imitates adults in everything and, mainly, those who constantly communicate with him, satisfy his vital and orienting needs. By itself, imitation does not distinguish between what should be adopted and what should not be adopted.

By nature, the child is given the so-called mechanical memory: visual, auditory, motor, emotional, allowing the child to remember everything that he sees, hears, feels. Therefore, at this stage of education, it is important not only and not so much to explain to the child how to act, but, more importantly, to give him a positive example of behavior.

Particularly intensive accumulation of elements of knowledge and some life experience occurs in the first five years of a person's life, that is, at preschool age. It was during this period that a keen eye is constantly watching moms and dads, grandparents, educators and just surrounding adults. developing person. And not only observes, but fixes everything, adopts, forms, creates his own “encyclopedia” of elements of behavior, moral qualities. That is why it is very important that it is during this age period of the baby that the adults surrounding him act in concert, make the same demands on him, and not unbalance his psychological mood.

Family upbringing has the strongest impact on children before school age- it is at this age that they are emotional, impressionable, imitate their loved ones in everything. Therefore, a positive pattern of behavior and attitude towards his relatives is so important for the baby, and the unfavorable conditions of family education have such a detrimental effect on him.

In families where parents strive to comprehensively educate their children, are interested in the life of children in kindergarten, share their ideas and observations with the teacher, visit kindergarten on open days, never refuse the request of educators, there you can clearly see the result of proper upbringing. But in the absence of agreed requirements for children, conditions are created for straining their nervous system, detrimental effects on health, character formation. Is it the child's fault?

A parental example in behavior, deed, method of solving any vital task leaves a deep imprint in the child's soul. And this child, having become an adult, having found himself in a situation in which he himself had never been before, acts as his father or mother, or another close educator, would have acted in the distant childhood of a similar situation. Consciously or unconsciously, but deep in the psyche, there was a trace of what was experienced in childhood, a model for solving a difficult problem, a behavioral act in difficult situation. The "encyclopedia" of the constituent elements of behavior, moral qualities, which is so intensively created in the early years of childhood, works at any stage of later life. A. Dumas once made a well-aimed remark about the importance of the example of parents for the upbringing of children: “A mother can hope for unquestioning obedience to her daughter only if she invariably serves as an example of prudence and a model of perfection.” The same father, grandmother, grandfather and generally a teacher.

Whether the child is inquisitive or inert, whether he shows interest in everything and whether he asks questions or learns the world silently, whether he has sensitivity, openness or is callous, withdrawn - the origins of all these qualities originate in the family. The main reasons for the failures that befall parents in raising children, regardless of their level of education and social status, lie in the inability to put into practice the existing knowledge. And this can be overcome only in close connection with the kindergarten.

Taking into account the relevance of this one of the central issues of educating preschool children, the teaching staff of our group developed several activities together with the parents of the pupils. All work with the family was built on the basis of an analysis of the educational needs of the family, pedagogical and psychological problems our pupils. For this purpose, a survey was conducted at the beginning of the year, and then work was planned on academic year in the following areas:

Information and analytical (conversations, consultations, decision problem situations, pedagogical tasks, studying the experience of family education).

Cognitive (conducting parent meetings, Open days, master classes, round tables, workshops).

· Visual and informational (designing stands, folders, folders, albums, photo newspapers, issuing memos for parents).

· Educational and practical (practical exercises with parents, business games, trainings).

Leisure (joint holding of holidays, sports activities, entertainment, promotions, etc.).

Having deeply analyzed the content and effectiveness of the organization of traditional forms of work with the family, we realized that they require the use of more active, interesting methods and techniques of communication, cooperation with the family. Thus, such a form of work as the "School of a Young Mother" appeared, the purpose of which was to help the family and the child safely survive the process of adapting the baby to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Tasks of the School:

Organization of the child's adaptation period in kindergarten.

· Creation of a unified health-improving space "Kindergarten - family".

· Researching the pedagogical needs of each family and providing practical and methodological assistance.

In each age group needs arose, and it was necessary to find more effective and efficient forms of interaction with the family.

In the group of senior preschool age, priority in the organization of work was given to intellectual development and development of creative cognitive activity of children.

In this regard, it became necessary to create a club "Young Family", the main purpose of which was to provide methodological assistance to parents in preparing children for schooling.

The topics of the classes were: “Development logical thinking”, “Games and exercises with Nikitin’s cubes”, “Development of a communicative culture”, “How to teach a child to read”, etc.

The traditional form of work with the family has become the holding of joint holidays: “Dad and I are the defenders of the Fatherland”, “We need to do sports”, as well as organizing joint actions “Plant a tree”, “A beautiful walking area”, etc.

The use of various forms of work gave certain results: parents became active assistants in all activities carried out in the group, participants in meetings, assistants to educators, an atmosphere of mutual understanding was created, which had a beneficial effect on correcting the behavior of our children and quality education.



Unity of requirements in the preschool educational institution and the family

Educator MDOU


compensating type

No. 18 in Lipetsk.

The upbringing of children of childhood is inextricably linked with the strengthening and development of the joint work of the kindergarten and the family. In the process of purposeful education in the conditions of kindergarten and family, the formation of those human qualities that the child needs in the future, in adulthood, takes place.

The family plays an important role in shaping a child's personality. The power of the impact of family education is incomparable with any, even very qualified public education. The family and the preschool institution are the two most important institutions for the socialization of preschoolers.

Despite the difference in educational functions, for the comprehensive development of the child, the interaction of the family and the kindergarten is necessary.

In a preschool institution, the child receives a comprehensive education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, and to show their own activity.

The main feature of family education is the special emotional microclimate of the family, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, his sense of self-worth is determined. The family also influences the worldview of the child as a whole.

The most important condition for psychological comfort for a child is the unity and comprehensibility of the requirements that the surrounding adults place on him. If in kindergarten and at home these requirements and the style of interaction between adults and the child are different, it will be difficult for him to navigate them, and the child will gradually come to the conclusion that he can behave as he pleases - the only question is with whom he is currently communicating . As a result of such behavior, the child will not form his own ideas about right and wrong, bad and good, approved and condemned.

Each child is special, with his characteristic ways of controlling his behavior, the ability to establish contacts with others, the ability to show emotional reactions.

Pedagogical influences are effective if an adult is able to find the most necessary one from the whole variety of methods and techniques, taking into account the characteristics of the child and the specific situation, if there is emotional contact and mutual understanding between the adult and the baby.

Children are sensitive to the attitude of adults towards them, and depending on this, they develop appropriate ways of behavior. They behave according to the instructions they receive from adults.

If any desire of the child is fulfilled without fail, if the child is accustomed to looking at his loved ones from the position of the consumer, if he is accustomed to using the rights granted to him and does not know any duties, then people grow up despotic, selfish, prone to overestimating their capabilities. In the future, such a person is not capable of self-restraint, he will not develop the discipline of desires.

In educational terms, an adult, whether a parent or a teacher, is an authoritative person for a child, from whom one can draw answers to emerging questions, adopt solutions to everyday and more complex situational tasks that constantly arise before a developing child. The child imitates adults in everything and, mainly, those who constantly communicate with him, satisfy his vital and orienting needs. By itself, imitation does not distinguish between what should be adopted and what should not be adopted.

By nature, the child is given the so-called mechanical memory: visual, auditory, motor, emotional, allowing the child to remember everything that he sees, hears, feels. Therefore, at this stage of education, it is important not only and not so much to explain to the child how to act, but, more importantly, to give him a positive example of behavior.

Particularly intensive accumulation of elements of knowledge and some life experience occurs in the first five years of a person's life, that is, at preschool age. It was during this period that the vigilant eye of a developing person is constantly watching moms and dads, grandparents, educators and just surrounding adults. And not only observes, but fixes everything, adopts, forms, creates his own “encyclopedia” of elements of behavior, moral qualities. That is why it is very important that it is during this age period of the baby that the adults surrounding him act in concert, make the same demands on him, and not unbalance his psychological mood.

Family education has a strong impact on preschool children - it is at this age that they are emotional, impressionable, imitate their loved ones in everything. Therefore, a positive pattern of behavior and attitude towards his relatives is so important for the baby, and the unfavorable conditions of family education have such a detrimental effect on him.

In families where parents strive to comprehensively educate their children, are interested in the life of children in kindergarten, share their ideas and observations with the teacher, visit kindergarten on open days, never refuse the request of educators, there you can clearly see the result of proper upbringing. But in the absence of agreed requirements for children, conditions are created for stressing their nervous system, detrimental effects on health, and character formation. Is it the child's fault?

A parental example in behavior, deed, method of solving any vital task leaves a deep imprint in the child's soul. And this child, having become an adult, having found himself in a situation in which he himself had never been before, acts as his father or mother, or another close educator, would have acted in the distant childhood of a similar situation. Consciously or unconsciously, but deep in the psyche, there was a trace of what was experienced in childhood, a model for solving a difficult task, a behavioral act in a difficult situation. "Encyclopedia" of Compoundselements of behavior, moral qualities, which is so intensively created in the early years of childhood, works at any stage of later life. A. Dumas once made a well-aimed remark about the importance of the example of parents for the upbringing of children: “A mother can hope for unquestioning obedience to her daughter only if she invariably serves as an example of prudence and a model of perfection.” The same father, grandmother, grandfather and generally a teacher.

Whether the child is inquisitive or inert, whether he shows interest in everything and whether he asks questions or learns the world silently, whether he has sensitivity, openness or is callous, withdrawn - the origins of all these qualities originate in the family. The main reasons for the failures that befall parents in raising children, regardless of their level of education and social status, lie in the inability to put into practice the existing knowledge. And this can be overcome only in close connection with the kindergarten.

Taking into account the relevance of this one of the central issues of educating preschool children, the teaching staff of our group developed several activities together with the parents of the pupils. All work with the family was built on the basis of an analysis of the educational needs of the family, pedagogical and psychological problems of our pupils. For this purpose, a survey was conducted at the beginning of the year, and then work was planned for the academic year in the following areas:

  • Information and analytical (conversations, consultations, solving problem situations, pedagogical tasks, studying the experience of family education).
  • Cognitive (holding parent meetings, open days, master classes, round tables, workshops).
  • Visual and informational (designing stands, folders, folders, albums, photo newspapers, issuing memos for parents).
  • Educational and practical (practical exercises with parents, business games, trainings).
  • Leisure (joint holding of holidays, sports activities, entertainment, promotions, etc.).

Having deeply analyzed the content and effectiveness of the organization of traditional forms of work with the family, we realized that they require the use of more active, interesting methods and techniques of communication, cooperation with the family. Thus, such a form of work as the "School of a Young Mother" appeared, the purpose of which was to help the family and the child safely survive the process of adapting the baby to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Tasks of the School:

  • Organization of the child's adaptation period in kindergarten.
  • Creation of a unified health-improving space "Kindergarten - family".
  • Study of the pedagogical needs of each family and the provision of practical and methodological assistance.

Each age group had its own needs, and it was necessary to find more effective and efficient forms of interaction with the family.

In the group of senior preschool age, priority in the organization of work was given to the intellectual development and development of creative cognitive activity of children.

In this regard, it became necessary to create a club "Young Family", the main purpose of which was to provide methodological assistance to parents in preparing children for schooling.

The topics of the classes were: "Development of logical thinking", "Games and exercises with Nikitin's cubes", "Development of a communicative culture", "How to teach a child to read", etc.

The traditional form of work with the family has become the holding of joint holidays: “Dad and I are the defenders of the Fatherland”, “We need to do sports”, as well as organizing joint actions “Plant a tree”, “A beautiful walking area”, etc.

The use of various forms of work gave certain results: parents became active assistants in all activities carried out in the group, participants in meetings, assistants to educators, an atmosphere of mutual understanding was created, which had a beneficial effect on correcting the behavior of our children and quality education.

Drawing lesson

Topic: « christmas tree»

preparatory group

preschool № 35

Proletarian district

G. Tver

Replayed by: Petrova V.A.


Develop Creative skills and imagination.

Continue to introduce an unconventional way of drawing: on wet paper.

Learn to see and notice beauty in everyday life.

Continue to cultivate independence at work.

Develop fine motor skills hands


Gouache; jars of water; paper; squirrel brushes.


Reading poems and fairy tales known to children about New Year.

Methods: verbal (explanation, clarification, conversation), visual (demonstration).

* * *

The teacher conducts a short conversation with the children about how they celebrate the New Year: they tell poems about Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, make gifts to loved ones, sing songs, dance around the Christmas tree, dance, dance, draw, make different papers new Year decoration. Asks for riddles.


Winter and summer in one color. (Christmas tree.)

* * *

What a beauty

It stands, shining brightly.

How beautifully decorated.

Tell me who is she?

(Christmas tree.)

* * *

He has a gray beard.

Fur coat, staff with a star.

He brought us gifts

Good ... (Grandfather Frost).

Children are asked to draw Christmas tree.

Educator. Today you will draw on wet paper that needs to be moistened. a small amount water with a sponge. The main image is painted with watercolors, so it will turn out to be slightly blurry, voluminous and more realistic. When performing a task, you need to express feelings and emotions through visual means: color, composition.

In the middle of the lesson, finger gymnastics is held.

Finger gymnastics


Before us is a Christmas tree:

The fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree".

Cones, needles.

Cams, index fingers exposed.

Balls, lanterns,

Bunnies and candles

"Balls" from the fingers up, down. "Ears" of the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers are clenched.

Stars, people.

The palms are folded, the fingers are straightened; middle and index fingers are on the table.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's work is held. Each child talks about his drawing: what visual means he managed to convey new Year mood, what new image technique he got acquainted with, what he liked or did not like in the process of work.

In free activity or in a special lesson, you can introduce preschoolers to how they celebrate the New Year in other countries; Where did the tradition of celebrating the New Year come from?


Children got acquainted with a new type of image - drawing on wet paper. The difficulty was caused by the task of fixing the colors within the figure. The children learned that the more wet the sheet is, the more the image blurs, and they experimented with this quality with pleasure.

Purpose: to continue introducing Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique); consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it; develop imagination; connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.



Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group"Christmas tree"

Program content:continue to acquaint with Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique); consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it; develop imagination; connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.

Material: Christmas decorations (modern and vintage); branches of an artificial Christmas tree; sheets of A4 paper in light green color; a painted top of a Christmas tree with a tip on a sheet of A2 paper in light green color.

Lesson progress:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Here comes the winter holiday

We have been waiting for him for a year.

Fairy tale, funny

New Year holiday)

"Do you like New Year's Eve? What do you like about him the most? What is the main decoration of the New Year holiday?(Christmas tree) How do you decorate a Christmas tree?

Today we have an exhibition of Christmas tree decorations and toys. These are the toys that decorate the Christmas tree these days, and such toys are produced by Christmas tree decoration factories. But Christmas trees were decorated with such toys before our grandmothers, when they were small. These toys are made of cardboard, paper, cotton wool, wire, fabric, wood. Here we see a fox on a sled, a bear skier, a crow, a hut on chicken legs and much more. These toys are not as bright as modern ones, but very interesting in content. Did you like them?

Look at the branches artificial Christmas tree! Do they look like the branches of a real Christmas tree? Branches are long, short, they have small branches. The longer the branch, the more small branches it has. The shorter, the less. We will draw Christmas tree branches and decorate them with toys.

Children sit two at a desk, one draws a long branch, the other a short one. One row draws a branch from left to right, the other from right to left. Children decorate the painted branches of the Christmas tree with toys.

Ready-made work is laid out by children with a teacher on a free table, picking up branches so that a Christmas tree is obtained. The middle can be glued with tape.

"Guys, look! We laid out the drawings, what did we get? What is missing from our Christmas tree? (Trunk) All together we draw a trunk. What else is missing from our Christmas tree? (tops)

The teacher attaches a pre-drawn crown.

“Now, to make our Christmas tree even more elegant, let's draw garlands, tinsel, beads. We got a big elegant Christmas tree. We will hang it in the corridor in front of the music hall to decorate the kindergarten for the New Year. All kindergarten children and their parents will admire the Christmas tree.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Goals: to develop in children fine motor skills of the hand, coordination of movements, eye; to form the ability to trace drawings and elements along the contour; develop perception, attention, thinking, speech, imagination.

Lesson progress

1. Updating knowledge and experience

The New Year is coming soon! The mouse decided that it was time to decorate the Christmas tree at home. How are you preparing for the New Year? What holiday is it? Do you like it? Tell me. (Children's answers.)

2. Finger game

Run game exercises with one hand, then the other. The left hand strokes, rubs, crumples, pinches the fingers of the right.

We stroke our fingers

We iron, we iron, we iron.

We'll rub our fingers

Three, three, three.

We remember fingers -

Me, me, me.

We'll pinch our fingers

Pinch, pinch, pinch.

And we will squeeze into a fist.

3. Work in a notebook

Task 1. Help the Mouse to choose a Christmas tree. Draw and color all the Christmas trees. Underline the highest one.

Task 2. The mouse needs to be cooked Christmas decorations. Let's help him. What will he hang on the tree? Bye

live in the air as you draw firecrackers and streamers. Draw them in your notebook exactly according to the model. Color it.

4. Physical education

Cut out snowflakes

We decorate the Christmas tree.

Balls, crackers

Let's put it on top.

Let's hang a bump down

And a funny bear.

On the right is a ball

On the left is a flashlight.

Let's jump and jump

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

5. Work in a notebook

Task 3. Do you help decorate the Christmas tree at home? Tell me.

So the Mouse wants to decorate the Christmas tree. He is waiting for your help. Circle the Christmas tree along the contour, color it. And now it's time to hang toys on the Christmas tree. How can we decorate it? Draw toys and other Christmas decorations.

In this article, we will tell you about different ways how to draw a Christmas tree in a simple and beautiful way. We will draw with pencils and paints. From this article you will learn about unusual techniques for drawing a Christmas tree. You will be pleased that the techniques themselves are very simple and accessible to people who do not know how to draw well. But as a result, spectacular and original drawings of Christmas trees are obtained. Many drawings show step by step how to draw a Christmas tree. Even a child can use this instruction.

1. How to draw a Christmas tree. Christmas tree drawing

Here is perhaps the easiest way to draw a Christmas tree with children for the New Year. Initially, the Christmas tree consists of triangles superimposed on each other. In the future, in the picture of the Christmas tree, the photos of the sides of the triangles are made more curved, figured. At the end, you need to finish drawing balls and a garland on the Christmas tree.

2. How to draw a Christmas tree in stages. Christmas tree drawing

Here is more interesting, but at the same time difficult option how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Pay attention to how the New Year's garland in the form of transverse diagonals decorates the pattern of the Christmas tree. Even a child of senior preschool or primary school age will cope with such a pattern of a Christmas tree in stages. Meanwhile, everyone will agree that such a Christmas tree looks very festive, elegant. Looking at it, it is as if you are recharged by the energy of the approaching New Year holidays emanating from the drawing of the Christmas tree.

3. How to draw a Christmas tree photo. Christmas tree pencil drawing

We have already mentioned above that the New Year's garland decorates the drawing of the Christmas tree very much. Around such a Christmas tree, you immediately want to spin in a cheerful, mischievous round dance. Below we will show you how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. We hope that you will appreciate our creation!

4. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. Christmas tree drawing photo

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of warm pine needles
The smell of freshness and wind
And the snowy forest
And a slight smell of summer.

Remember this poem by Yu. Shcherbakov? Now let's try to draw a Christmas tree with you in stages with a pencil, but we only need to make her furry paws. Here is a drawing of a Christmas tree for children we got!

5. How to draw a Christmas tree video. Christmas tree drawing for children

If you need to draw many Christmas trees in one picture at once, then in order not to repeat ourselves, we recommend that you depict such original Christmas trees. Take a closer look, all the drawings of Christmas trees are elementary, even a child can handle them. At the same time, such a forest of Christmas trees looks very nice, as if an illustration from some kind of New Year's children's book.

6. How to draw a Christmas tree. Christmas tree drawing

Romantic young ladies will surely want to draw a Christmas tree as in the photo below. An openwork, graceful Christmas tree in the picture invites you and me to a New Year's fairy tale.

7. How to draw a Christmas tree in stages. Christmas tree drawing

Until now, we have told you about the so-called. "traditional" techniques of drawing Christmas trees. Further we will acquaint the dear readers of our site with "non-traditional" techniques for drawing Christmas trees.

For example, it is easy and simple to draw a Christmas tree using children's handprints. In this way, you can make beautiful teamwork for the New Year in the kindergarten group. The lights on the Christmas tree are multi-colored prints of children's fingers.

Modern young mothers who are on maternity leave with their babies spend a lot of time and effort early development their children. Surely, they will also want to draw some simple drawing of a Christmas tree for the New Year with the baby. We offer them such an interesting option. Mom draws a schematic image of a Christmas tree as in the photo below. The kid prints multi-colored balls with a finger in the picture of the Christmas tree photo.

8. How to draw a Christmas tree photo. Christmas tree pencil drawing

Personally, we are very fond of drawings of Christmas trees as in the photo below. How to draw Christmas trees in this style? The crown of the tree is an elongated triangle, the top of the tree is slightly bent. How to decorate a Christmas tree Christmas decorations, and abstract patterns to your taste.