
When the vernal equinox is at. Day of spring equinox. How to meet the Spring Equinox

Pathology of the uterus

The autumn equinox of 2016 will come on September 22 - at this time, the Sun will cross the celestial equator and move from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere. Equinox is the point in time at which the center of the Sun crosses the celestial equator. The autumnal equinox always occurs in the constellation Libra.

The day of the autumnal equinox is a special time for rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies for love and relationships that gain great strength. During the autumnal equinox, it is good to make global changes in life, especially concerning well-being and love.

The autumnal equinox is the astronomical beginning of autumn. On this day, the duration of the day and night throughout the Earth is the same and is equal to 12 hours. On the days of the vernal equinox and the autumnal equinox, the Sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets almost exactly in the west. The day of the autumnal equinox was previously also considered a new year according to the Old Church Slavonic calendar. At this time, a new year began - a new countdown, "new summer" according to the old calendar, because the year was counted according to the summer. This holiday was called Radogoshch or Tausen. During the autumn equinox, the Slavs, who reaped the harvest, glorified Rod and asked him also in next year to give prosperity, harvest and addition to families.

In astrology, the autumnal equinox is one of the four important temporary cardinal points of the year. During the autumnal equinox, a powerful release of energy occurs in space, which gives rise to a new action, a new countdown of time. A powerful energy impulse saturates all life on earth and makes it possible to start everything new, take initiative and take active action. Therefore, on the day of the equinox, you can switch to another way of life, a new round of life, vigorous activity, in a new season and, accordingly, at this time, new energies appear in space.

The autumnal equinox will take place in the sign of Libra, which symbolizes partnership, harmony and justice. It is at this time of harmony, equality of day and night, a person needs to return to a state of internal balance and harmony, to find the right balance between male and female, between the external and internal world, between himself and another person.

In almost all ancient cultures, these days were celebrated with special holidays and rituals. They were also magical in nature.

The autumn equinox is the time to stop, turn off your daily bustle, calm your thoughts, ponder, look at the setting sun, listen to the breath of Nature, breathe yourself in accordance with the rhythm of the Universe, as our wise ancestors did in ancient times.

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the Slavs lit a fire in honor of Svarog, the Creator God of our Universe. It was believed that Svarog could be seen on the night of the autumnal equinox, if you look at the Big Dipper. Svarog also symbolized all the ancestors who have gone to another world. Therefore, on the day of Svarog or the day of the autumnal equinox, large funeral feasts were held in the center of the settlement - tablecloths were laid on the ground and products were displayed: cottage cheese, pies with cabbage, cheese, berries, honey. Milk and butter were brought to feed the ancestors and Svarog himself. After the holiday, in the evening, everyone went to the bathhouse and asked the common ancestor Svarog to purify the soul and body, which is health.

Svarog is also considered the patron saint of the conjugal union, so September has long been the month of weddings. If you want to get married before the next day of the autumnal equinox, then observe the entire ceremony of celebrating the day of Svarog and ask Svarog to help you meet your betrothed and combine with him a sacred conjugal union.

On this day, rowan was also of great importance - rowan brushes, together with leaves, were inserted in the evening between window frames so that they would help the Sun, which will weaken, to protect the house from dark forces.

TaroTaro wishes you every success and prosperity.

The vernal equinox, or astronomical spring, in 2016 comes March 20. On Sunday, the day will be equal in duration to the night: all over the globe, wherever we are, day and night will last 12 hours.

The sun at this moment crosses the celestial equator and passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern one. Astronomical spring comes in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and autumn - in the southern hemisphere.

What time is the vernal equinox

The vernal equinox will occur at 06.30 Moscow time (GMT - 04.30) on March 20, 2016. And exactly six months later, namely on September 23, the day of the autumnal equinox comes, which, accordingly, is called the astronomical autumn.

In ancient times, when there were no calendars, it was believed that it was on the day of the vernal equinox that renewal in nature began: melting snow, swelling of buds on trees, the return of birds from the south, the first spring thunder.

Why is there no exact date for the vernal equinox?

The interval between the two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year, which is taken to measure time. Our usual daily calendar contains an equal number of days - 365 days. The tropical year is approximately 365.2422 solar days, so the equinox falls on different time days, moving forward every year by almost six hours.

For four years, the date of the equinox is shifted by almost a day, and if it were not for the plug-in day of the leap year (February 29), the moment of the equinox would have continued to "float" further along the calendar. To compensate for this shift, the concept of a leap year was introduced, which returns the equinox to the previous number.

The day of the vernal equinox among the Slavs

The day of the vernal equinox is not only a unique natural phenomenon and the beginning of an astrological spring, but also a pagan Slavic holiday - Komoeditsa.

Komoeditsa appeared during the time of the Magi, and was celebrated up to the 16th century. Moreover, the holiday itself began a week before the vernal equinox and lasted a week after. It symbolized the complete victory of spring over winter. Yarilo-Sun came into its own: a new annual cycle began. Therefore, in ancient times, on the day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs, like many other peoples, had the beginning of the new year.

How the vernal equinox is celebrated in other countries

The day of the vernal equinox is considered the beginning of the year (not calendar), for example, in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran and Afghanistan. Muslims on March 21 will celebrate Navruz - the holiday of the beginning of spring and the arrival of the new year.

In modern Japan, the day of the equinox is called "Spring Higan" and is a day off. By tradition, the Japanese on this day consider it right to visit the graves of their deceased ancestors, the altars are renewed.

In Mexico, this holiday is celebrated by gathering at the pyramids of the Sun and Moon. According to their beliefs, to meet spring at the top of the highest pyramid means to receive a blessing for a whole year. At the foot of the pyramids, Mexican actors perform ritual dances.

Who is Ostara?

The name of Ostar is associated with the Germanic or Anglo-Germanic goddess Eostre (Istra), of which the Venerable Bede informs us in the book "De Ratione Temporum" - he was the first to declare that Easter was named in her honor. The goddess known as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron, Ausos, was the goddess of dawn and fertility among the northern European peoples. This is the greatest female deity of antiquity, fruitful of all nature.

The name "Ostara" has common roots with the names of Astrea, Astarte, Astghik (Armenia), Atargatis, Ishtar, Ashtoret, Greek Eos and Judaic Esther, which evokes associations with dawn, east direction, beginning and "morning star" - the planet Venus. In addition, among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, celebrations related to the resurrection and / or return to the world of living male companions of the mother goddesses: Attis, Adonis, Astara, Tammuz-Dumuzi and so on, right up to the Christian Jesus, fell on the vernal equinox. This symbolized the spring revival of nature, hitherto dead and frozen death.

Rites and traditions on the day of the vernal equinox

One of the main rituals among the ancient Slavs on the day of the vernal equinox was considered to be the lighting of bonfires, symbolizing the main deity - Yarilo (the sun god). But the fire was kindled for a reason, but with the help of glass.

To better recharge from the solar fire, the Slavs jumped over fires, believing that in this way they burn everything bad, all diseases, receiving health, strength and new abilities from the Sun. The boy jumping over the fire was bound to grow up to be a real hero, and the girl - to become the mother of a hero and protector of the family.

Like everything folk holidays, on the day of the vernal equinox, they tried to find out the weather for the next year with the help of omens. So, if there was frost on that day, they said that forty more frosts awaited everyone.

On this day, it was impossible to think about bad things: the ancients believed that it would definitely come true. One of the customs was to bake cookies in the form of a bird that day. They were called larks.


It is believed that the vernal equinox is the time for those who want to start new life, correct previous mistakes, rewrite something from scratch. To do this, you need to start cleaning your home or workplace.

Most main advice- On March 20, think and speak only about good and pleasant things. Bad thoughts, anxieties, swear words, quarrels and negativity will lead to the fact that everything that you talked about and thought about that day will come true. So esotericists recommend spending this day only with positive emotions.

In Russia, the day of the autumnal equinox was called Autumn, historically they coincided with an important holiday - Nativity of the Virgin.

The autumnal equinox is an official holiday in Japan.

When is the autumnal equinox in 2019

Autumn (September) equinox in 2019 comes Monday 23 September at 10.50 by Moscow time.

The autumnal equinox occurs once a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving south. On this day, it shines equally in the northern and southern hemispheres.

This is a special magical day in terms of astrology and magic. On this day, the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra. Libra symbolism - balance, harmony, balance. This sign is ruled by Venus and Saturn.

In ancient times, people solemnly celebrated the day of the autumnal equinox, knowing that changes in nature correspond to internal changes. The holiday symbolized the harvest and the harmony of nature. This magical time happens only once a year. Nowadays, most of us do not harvest to prepare our own food for winter months but we must prepare ourselves for the coming of winter days when the sun is getting less and less.

Wherever you are on this day, take some time for the magical ritual of the autumnal equinox to reflect on the grace of nature, say thanks for what you have, and prepare for the coming winter months. preparing for the coming winter and creating an internal balance. Prepare for the dark winter days by holding the light within you. This is a good time to use magic for protection, wealth and prosperity, self-confidence, balance and harmony. The day of the autumnal equinox is suitable for making for yourself or charging the Venus talisman for love or the Saturn talisman for career success and financial growth.

Autumn Equinox Affirmations

Find a comfortable and peaceful place where you feel comfortable and not disturbed. Relax and repeat magical affirmations. It's good if you have magic stones corresponding to the day of the autumnal equinox. Below are the affirmations corresponding to the autumnal equinox and the magic stones.

Topaz. I have the strength to act, and through this abundance comes to me.

Tourmaline. I find balance and protection.

Aventurine, moonstone. My days are as joyous as my nights.

Sapphire. I am open to understanding the inner knowledge that God gives me.

Tiger's Eye . My emotions and intelligence are balanced. I can clearly see that for me the best choice on the life path.

Agate. I welcome change and understand that all things are impermanent.

Hematite. I see light and joy around me.

Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz). I deserve a good life and prosperity.

Put magic stones in your bag when not in use. Return to them from time to time and repeat the affirmations of the autumnal equinox. When favorable events occur in your life that correspond to affirmations, present white topaz to the person who is dear to you. Topaz increases awareness of actions and understanding of their karmic consequences.

It should be noted that the day of the autumnal equinox does not always fall on the 23rd. So in a leap year (every 4 years) this day falls on September 22. For many reasons, the day of the equinox is special. There are only two days a year in a year when our planet becomes in an upright position relative to the position of the Sun. In terms of energy, this day is very significant and important. It is on September 23rd that many people are given a special chance to change their destiny and make their lives happier. All that is required of a person is a little faith and a manifestation of initiative, which subsequently will surely pay off with interest.

From the point of view of the astrological calendar, the time of the autumnal equinox is a special period that favorably influences spiritual harmony. At this time, various kinds of negotiations are especially good, since the stars are conducive to openness and communication. Those who need to attract the attention of the opposite sex should be especially active on this day. Since the stars are conducive to establishing new relationships or restoring old ones. All that is necessary for this is to be active and communicate a lot with the opposite sex or the object of sighing. Rest assured, you will definitely be reciprocated.

If you have some kind of long-standing quarrel that you would like to eliminate, but it still does not work out, then try this day. He is said to be particularly well suited for all kinds of conciliatory conversations. Those who are engaged in meditation should use this day in order to conduct one of the sessions. The fact is that since the day of the autumnal equinox is overflowing with energy, this kind of opportunity cannot be easily missed.

On this day, waking up early in the morning, the first thing to do is to go to the shower. According to beliefs, in the soul, a person will completely wash away all the negative energy and will be clean and open to positive reception. It is also recommended to bake cabbage pie during the day. It is important that the cake is round and not burnt. If the cake turned out to be tasty, and during the cooking process the dough rose quickly, this is a clear sign that in the near future you will receive good news that will surprise and delight you.

There are also a number of signs regarding this day, by which you can determine the weather for the coming autumn and winter. The weather on the day of the autumnal equinox will be the forecast of the weather that will gain a foothold throughout the fall. At the same time, if you notice that the birds began to leave their native lands on this day and fly south, this is a clear sign that the winter will be cold and harsh. Another factor indicative of the coming cold winter and frosts is the presence of yellowed foliage on birches and mountain ash.

Many people say that the days that come immediately after the autumnal equinox are very favorable for commercial activity or, simply put, trade. Moreover, this fact is typical not only for those who are professionally engaged in trade and sell goods, but also for those who are consumers and want to buy something. It is on this day that there is a high probability of stumbling upon a price offer that will simply be impossible to refuse. Well, traders are advised to trade especially actively, as there will be no end to clients.

Make a gift to your dear person, and also thank those who have been with you all this time and have helped you along the path of life. Your good deeds will definitely return to you. Well, in general, be sure to enjoy this special day and, if possible, spend as much time outside as possible, since this year this is one of the last opportunities to enjoy a long day of light and admire the nature around us. After all, the days are still warm and the weather is usually not quite rainy at this time.

On Sunday, March 20, the vernal equinox fell. It is today that the astrological spring can be considered.

History of the Day

The vernal equinox is not only a unique natural phenomenon, but also pagan holiday, which was named Komoeditsa. It appeared during the time of the Magi and was celebrated until the 16th century. This day is a symbol of the victory of spring over winter cold... It is believed that today the Sun comes into its own and the annual cycle begins. Therefore, earlier on this day, many peoples, including the Slavs, celebrated New Year(Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan). For Germany, the vernal equinox symbolizes the beginning of the agricultural season. The people of the country baked buns and dyed eggs to welcome spring with dignity.

Every day the Sun will rise higher and higher above the horizon, the air temperature will gradually increase. Astronomical summer will begin in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, winter - in the southern one. On this day, Russians say goodbye to winter, meeting the coming warmth.

There is no single date for the phenomenon. The thing is that the intervals between two autumnal and two spring equinoxes are considered to be a "tropical year", which traditionally contains 365 days. Due to the fact that there may be more days, for example, in a leap year, this day is recalculated differently.

World Earth Day also fell on Sunday, March 20. He draws public attention to global problems that exist on Earth. It is celebrated when the duration of day and night is almost equal on the entire planet, namely on the day of the vernal equinox. When the Sun shifts from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, autumn equinox- September 22 or 23.

Feast of the Magpies in Russia

In Russia, this day was called the holiday of the Magpies. It is believed that it is today that birds begin to return from warm edges. The lark is called the symbol of the holiday, since it flew in first.

Traditionally, on this day, the hostesses baked a bird-shaped cake. The first one to see a lark and receive a treat from the inhabitants of the entire village. The remaining delicacy was distributed to children, so that they, in turn, call the birds that speak of the beginning of spring. Usually, no one slept at night: residents listened to the silence and hoped to hear the sound of the “breaking of the year”.

Fortune telling on the day of the vernal equinox

Since the spread of paganism, various magical properties... This time is the only one in the year when winter and spring meet, and the length of the day is equal to the night. According to popular beliefs, the sun descends to Earth on this day.

Traditionally, on the day of the vernal equinox, it is customary to guess and perform other magic rituals for the fulfillment of desires. Since this holiday always takes place close to Shrovetide, you can safely apply fortune-telling and conspiracies timed to this day... For example, by the shape of a pancake, people know what awaits them in the new year. There is a simple conspiracy to fulfill desires, which "works" on the night of the spring equinox: you need to bake a cheesecake and tell her your desire, while it is still warm, eat it at night, mentally repeating your plan. This ritual is recommended to be performed in complete solitude with candles lit. Also, girls can bake pancakes. If the first pancake turns out to be successful, then they will probably get married this year. You can find out what gender the child will be born on: If a man took the first pancake from the table, then a boy, if a woman - a girl.

It is said that prophetic dreams are made on the Day of the Vernal Equinox.

Before going to bed, the fair sex wondered at her husband: it is customary to put a ten of clubs, two aces (of diamonds and a spades), a ring, bread, a piece of cake, a willow branch under the pillow, all this must be wrapped in a white scarf. In the morning, the girls judged their future depending on what dreams they had:

If the card is of spades - to trouble;

If the ring is for an imminent wedding;

If any plant - good news;

If bread means success in work;

If the pie is for joy;

If the card of diamonds is for enrichment;

If the card of clubs - to change the place of residence.

2016 For astronomy, the vernal equinox is considered very significant. It is this date that speaks of the beginning of the zodiacal circle, in which the first sign is Aries. Speaking specifically about March 20, his mood will have an impact on the constellation Leo. This year the Equinox will be auspicious. Leo will help people in business, both work and family. In a love relationship, everything will be smooth and calm. Otherwise, astrologers recommend caution and perseverance.

Anyone who wants to protect themselves and provide good luck to their loved ones, you need to familiarize yourself with the talismans. The best of these is the amber stone. You can use gold jewelry as a talisman. Equinox is a holiday of the Sun and its forces are under the influence of Leo, controlled, by the way, by the fire element. The luminary is the patron saint of the animal. Therefore, this day will be successful for this particular sign of the zodiac. Since the vernal equinox at this year considered the day of Fire, astrologers recommend diplomatic, kind, but not soft. You need to pay attention to your mood, since you should not be transmitted to depression and despondency.

Angelica Kiseleva

The vernal equinox (and the three days before and after) are powerful days of power. It is great these days to gather in a circle, strengthening your energies, holding hands, to launch your good intentions, as well as to create a common thing - for the good of Mother Earth (March 20 is Earth Day), for the glory of our Ancestors (March 21 is the day of remembrance ancestors, pancakes are baked) and whirl this whirlwind in round dance circles and spirals and send it with Gratitude to the universe. We invite everyone, regardless of nationality and religion. The program includes games, round dances and circular dances of the peoples of the World.

The vernal equinox is the most long-awaited holiday for people. Winter is coming to an end, frosts are moving away, a new cycle begins, an astronomical spring. With the vernal equinox, a new Sun comes, a period of renewal in nature begins. On the day of the vernal equinox, all living things are reborn, nature wakes up, in many countries, New Year is celebrated on this day.

These days, you need to think only about good deeds, deeds. If on Kolyada (Winter Solstice) we only made wishes and intentions, then at the Spring Equinox they are already sowing grains, starting to grow them in order to harvest fruits by Autumn. That is, from the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox, we prescribed plans, laid intentions, then the time has come for action, we embody all our plans and desires and begin to act, "cultivate".

The vernal equinox (and the three days before and after) are powerful days of power. It is great these days to gather in a circle, strengthening your energies, holding hands, to launch your good intentions, as well as to create a common thing - for the good of Mother Earth (March 20 is Earth Day), for the glory of our Ancestors (March 21 is the day of remembrance ancestors, pancakes are baked) and whirl this whirlwind in round dance circles and spirals and send it with Gratitude to the universe.