
On approval of the rules for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and heat carrier. On approval of the rules for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and coolant On the approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool education and training facilities


      • Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217.
      • 1. Approve the attached Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects preschool education and education of children.
    1. On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children" - "Adilet" ILS

    2. On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children"

      • Order of the Ministry of National Economy of March 17, 2015 N 217.
      • 8. The areas of land plots of preschool educational institutions are normalized by the requirements of the Building Regulations and Rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Preschool educational facilities" (hereinafter - SNiP PEO), "Houses and boarding schools for ...

    3. Sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children" (approved by order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217)

      • 3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the supervising Vice-Minister of the National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
      • 217. The occupancy of groups of DOs is accepted in accordance with these Sanitary Rules. 218. The duration of walks is at least ...

    4. On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children" - "Adilet" ILS

      • New. Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 6, 2015 No. 10975.
    5. Draft Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments to the Order of the Acting Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2017 No. 217 “On Approval of Standards of Public Services in the Sphere of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” | Committee for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

      • 1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      • 3) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    6. Official website of the education department of Pavlodar - Nursery garden No. 115 - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the Sanitary Rules" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children "Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217"

      • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 30, 2008 No. 77 "On approval of the Model staffs of employees of state educational organizations and the list of positions of pedagogical workers and equivalents to them." Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On...

    7. On approval of the standard of the state service "Registration of children of preschool age (up to 7 years) for sending to preschool institutions" - "Adilet" ILS

      • Lost force - by the decision of the akimat of the Timiryazevsky district of the North Kazakhstan region dated November 13, 2009 N 217.
      • In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 30, 2007 No. 558 "On approval of the Model Standard ...

      Adilet.zan.kzOrder of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217 "On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children"" - Legal information and reference system "BestProfi"

      • Approved by the order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217. Sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children."
  • In accordance with subparagraph 35) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 "On Electricity", I ORDER:

    1. Approve the attached Rules for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and heat carrier.

    2. The Electricity Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shall ensure:

    1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, its submission for official publication in periodicals and in the information and legal system "Adilet";

    3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;

    4) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Legal Service Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information on the implementation of the measures provided for in subparagraphs 2) and 3) of this paragraph.

    3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the supervising Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    4. This order shall enter into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

    Minister of Energy
    Republic of Kazakhstan V. Shkolnik

    Minister of National Economy
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    ______________ E. Dosaev
    April 3, 2015

    by order of the Minister of Energy
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    dated March 17, 2015 No. 207

    Rules for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and coolant

    1. General Provisions

    1. These Rules for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and coolant (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 35) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 2004 "On the electric power industry" and determine the procedure for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and coolant.

    2. The following terms and definitions are used in these Rules:

    1) information-measuring system is a set of measuring instruments and a hardware-software complex for measuring, collecting, processing, storing and transmitting heat energy accounting data;

    2) steam metering device - a measuring device designed to measure the mass (volume) of steam flowing in a pipeline through a section perpendicular to the direction of flow velocity;

    3) metering unit - a system of instruments and devices that provides metering of thermal energy;

    4) the time that metering station devices were in a malfunction - the time interval during which the metering station devices were in a state of malfunction;

    5) the operating time of the metering station instruments - the time interval for which, based on the readings of the instruments, heat energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant are recorded, as well as its temperature and pressure are monitored;

    6) heat network - a set of devices intended for transmission, distribution of heat energy;

    7) heat carrier - a substance (water, steam) used in the heat supply system for the transfer of heat energy;

    8) coolant flow rate - the mass (volume) of the coolant that has passed through the cross section of the pipeline per unit of time;

    9) heat load - the amount of heat energy received by a heat-consuming installation per unit of time;

    10) heat point - a set of devices for connecting a heat consumption system to a heat network and distributing a heat carrier by types of heat load systems;

    11) heat consumption system - a complex of heat-consuming installations that are designed to consume one or more types of heat loads;

    12) independent scheme for connecting a heat consumption system - a scheme for connecting a heat consumption system to a heat network, in which the heat carrier coming from the heat network passes through a heat exchanger installed at the consumer's heating point, where it heats the secondary heat carrier used later in the heat consumption system;

    13) heat-consuming installation - a technical device designed to receive and use thermal energy;

    14) thermal energy - energy transmitted by a coolant, the consumption of which changes the thermodynamic parameters of the coolant (temperature, pressure);

    15) thermal energy metering device - a device or a set of devices designed to determine the amount of thermal energy and measure the mass and parameters of the coolant;

    16) registration of parameters of thermal energy and heat carrier - fixation by metering devices of the measured value, in digital or graphic form, on paper or electronic media;

    17) metering point for heat energy consumption - a point in the heat supply scheme, at which, with the help of a commercial metering device or by a calculation method, in its absence, heat energy consumption is determined;

    18) heat supply - activities for the production, transmission, distribution and sale to consumers of thermal energy and (or) heat carrier;

    19) heat supply system - a complex consisting of heat-producing, heat-transferring and heat-consuming installations;

    20) open heat supply system - a water heat supply system in which network water is directly used for hot water supply to consumers by taking it from the heat network;

    21) closed heat supply system - a water heat supply system in which water circulating in a heat network is used only as a heat carrier and is not taken from the network. Hot water supply is provided through the water heater, regardless of the heating network;

    22) balance affiliation - affiliation of equipment and (or) heating network of an energy producing, energy transmission organization or consumer on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds;

    23) the boundary of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility - the point of dividing the heat network between energy producing, energy transmission organizations and consumers, as well as between consumers and subconsumers, determined by the balance sheet ownership of the heat network and establishing the operational responsibility of the parties;

    24) flow measuring device - a device designed to measure the instantaneous flow rate of a heat carrier flowing in a pipeline;

    25) automated energy metering system - an automated metering system that performs commercial metering, remote collection, storage, analysis of data from commercial metering devices of at least the following resources: water, gas, electric and thermal energy.

    Other terms and definitions used in these Rules are applied in accordance with the legislation in the field of electric power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    3. To account for the amount of thermal energy and control the parameters of the coolant, sets of autonomous devices and (or) information-measuring systems for accounting for thermal energy are used.

    In multi-apartment residential buildings, common house, apartment heat energy meters for a horizontal heating system, heat consumption indicators for a heating system with common risers for several apartments must be used both as part of an information-measuring heat energy metering system and as part of an automated energy consumption metering system.

    In the case when a single consumer is connected to the main branch from the heat networks of the energy-producing organization, and this main is on its balance sheet, by mutual agreement of the parties, the consumed heat energy is accounted for by commercial metering devices installed at the metering station of the networks of the energy-producing organization.

    4. Mutual obligations between the energy supply organization and the consumer in terms of payments for thermal energy and coolant, as well as to comply with the regimes for the supply and consumption of thermal energy and coolant, are carried out by concluding an agreement.

    5. When performing calculations related to the supply of thermal energy and coolant, it is necessary to use regulatory technical documents on the thermophysical properties of the coolant.

    6. The consumer, in agreement with the energy transmission (energy producing) organization, is allowed to install additional (redundant) devices at the metering station to determine the amount of thermal energy and coolant, as well as to control the parameters of the coolant, without violating the metering technology and without affecting the accuracy and measurement quality.

    The readings of additionally installed non-commercial heat energy meters are not used in mutual settlements between the consumer and the energy supply organization.

    7. Heat consumption systems of all consumers of thermal energy are provided with commercial metering devices for payments for thermal energy with an energy supply organization. Metering devices for payments for thermal energy are provided by the energy transmission (energy producing) organization in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of natural monopolies and regulated markets.

    8. Accounting for the supply of thermal energy is carried out at the point of accounting for the consumption of thermal energy at the interface between the balance sheet and operational responsibility of thermal networks, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

    The metering unit located at the metering point for heat energy consumption is equipped in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 21, 24, 28, 32 and 37 of these Rules.

    9. The following units of measurement are used in the formulas and in the text of these Rules:

    1) pressure - Pa (kgf / cm2);

    2) temperature - °C;

    3) enthalpy - kJ/kg (kcal/kg);

    4) mass - tons;

    5) density - kg/m3;

    6) volume - m3;

    7) consumption - tons/hour;

    8) thermal energy - GJ (Gcal);

    9) time - hour.

    2. The procedure for accounting for the supply of thermal energy and coolant

    Paragraph 1. The procedure for accounting for thermal energy and coolant by an energy-producing organization released into heat supply systems

    10. Thermal energy metering units are equipped at the border between the balance sheet and operational responsibility of pipelines in places as close as possible to the head valves of the energy-producing organization.

    11. With the help of metering devices of the energy-producing organization at each metering station, the following are determined:

    2) released thermal energy;

    3) the mass (volume) of the coolant released and received by the energy-producing organization, respectively, through the supply and return pipelines;

    4) mass (volume) of the heat carrier used to feed the heat supply system;

    6) the mass (volume) of the heat carrier released by the energy-producing organization through the supply pipeline and received through the return pipeline for each hour;

    7) the mass (volume) of the heat carrier used to feed the heat supply systems for each hour;

    8) average hourly and average daily temperature of the heat carrier in the supply, return pipelines and cold water pipeline used for make-up;

    9) average hourly pressure of the coolant in the supply, return pipelines and cold water pipeline used for make-up.

    Based on the readings of instruments that record the parameters of the coolant, the average hourly and average daily values ​​of the coolant parameters are determined.

    12. Metering devices installed on the return pipelines of the mains are installed up to the point of connection of the make-up pipeline.

    The layout of the points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat networks of the energy-producing organization for heat supply systems are given in Appendix 1 to these Rules.

    13. The amount of thermal energy released by an energy producing organization is determined as the sum of the amounts of thermal energy released according to its conclusions.

    14. The amount of thermal energy released by the energy-producing organization for each individual outlet per unit of time is determined as the algebraic sum of the products of the mass flow rates of the coolant through each pipeline (supply, return and make-up) by the corresponding enthalpy. The mass flow rates of network water in the return and make-up pipelines are taken with a negative sign.

    15. In the absence of thermal energy meters to determine the amount of thermal energy Q released by the energy producing organization per hour, the following formula is used:

    a - the number of metering stations on the supply pipelines;

    b - number of metering units on return pipelines;

    m - the number of metering stations on the make-up pipelines;

    G 1i - mass (volume) of the coolant released by the energy-producing organization through each supply pipeline per hour;

    G 2j - mass (volume) of the coolant returned to the energy producing organization through each return pipeline per hour;

    G nk - mass (volume) of the heat carrier used to feed each heat supply system of thermal energy consumers per hour;

    h 1i - hourly average enthalpy of network water in the corresponding supply pipeline;

    h 2j - hourly average enthalpy of network water in the corresponding return pipeline;

    h xvk - hourly average enthalpy of cold water used to feed the corresponding heat supply system to heat consumers.

    The amount of heat released by the energy producing organization for the reporting period is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (2.1).

    16. If an energy producing organization has one outlet or several outlets, each of which has a separate make-up pipeline, the amount of heat released by the energy producing organization for each outlet is determined by the readings of two heat energy metering devices, the flow meters of which are installed on the supply and make-up pipelines in in accordance with the layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat network of the energy-producing organization for heat supply systems according to the readings of two thermal energy meters, given in Appendix 2 to these Rules, according to the formula:

    Q = Q 1 + Q p, (2.2)

    Q 1 \u003d G 1 (h 1 - h 2) - the amount of heat according to the readings of thermal energy meters, the flow meter of which is installed on the supply pipeline;

    Q p \u003d G p (h 2 - h xv) - the amount of heat, according to the readings of thermal energy meters, the flow meter of which is installed on the feed pipeline.

    The layout of the points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat network of the energy-producing organization for heat supply systems according to the readings of two thermal energy meters are given in Appendix 2 to these Rules.

    The readings of the recording devices of the metering unit are used to determine deviations from the contractual values ​​between the energy transmitting (energy producing) and energy supplying organizations of the amount of thermal energy, the mass and temperature of the coolant in heat supply systems.

    Paragraph 2. The procedure for accounting for thermal energy and coolant released into steam heat supply systems

    17. Nodes for accounting for thermal energy of steam of an energy-producing organization are equipped at each of its outlets.

    Thermal energy metering units are equipped at the boundary between the balance sheet and operational responsibility of pipelines in places as close as possible to the head valves of the energy-producing organization.

    It is not allowed to organize coolant withdrawals for the own needs of an energy-producing organization after the metering station for thermal energy supplied to the heat supply systems of consumers.

    18. At each heat metering unit of an energy-producing organization, using instruments, the following are determined:

    1) the operating time of the metering station devices;

    2) the time spent by the metering station devices in a malfunction;

    3) released thermal energy;

    4) mass (volume) of released steam and condensate returned to the energy producing organization;

    5) thermal energy released for each hour;

    6) mass (volume) of released steam and condensate returned to the energy producing organization for each hour;

    7) average hourly temperatures of steam, condensate and cold water used for make-up;

    8) average hourly pressures of steam, condensate and cold water used for make-up.

    The average hourly values ​​of the coolant parameters, as well as their average values ​​for any other period of time, are determined based on the readings of the instruments that record the coolant parameters.

    The layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat network of the energy-producing organization for steam coolant systems are given in Appendix 3 to these Rules.

    19. The amount of thermal energy released by an energy producing organization is determined as the sum of the amounts of thermal energy released according to its conclusions.

    The amount of thermal energy released by the energy-producing organization for each individual output per unit of time is determined as the algebraic sum of the products of the mass flow rate of the coolant for each pipeline (steam pipeline and condensate pipeline) by the corresponding enthalpies. The mass flow rate of the coolant in the condensate pipeline is taken with a negative sign.

    20. To determine the amount of thermal energy Q, released by the energy producing organization per hour, the formula is used:

    k - number of metering stations on steam pipelines;

    m is the number of metering stations on condensate pipelines;

    D i - mass (volume) of steam released by the energy-producing organization through each steam pipeline per hour;

    G kj - mass (volume) of condensate received by the energy producing organization for each condensate pipeline per hour;

    h i - hourly average enthalpy of steam in the corresponding steam pipeline;

    h kj - hourly average enthalpy of condensate in the corresponding condensate pipeline;

    h xv - hourly average enthalpy of cold water used for make-up.

    The amount of heat released by the energy producing organization for the reporting period is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated using formula (2.3).

    The readings of the recording devices of the metering unit are used to determine deviations from the contractual values ​​between the energy transmitting (energy producing) and energy supplying organizations of the amount of thermal energy, mass and temperature of the coolant released in steam heating systems.

    3. The procedure for accounting for thermal energy and coolant at the consumer in heat consumption systems

    21. The metering unit is equipped at a heat point owned by the consumer, in a place as close as possible to its head valves. It is allowed to install a metering unit up to the boundary between the balance sheet and operational responsibility of pipelines. When determining the released thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, heat losses and coolant leaks are taken into account in the area between the installation site of the metering unit and the boundary of the balance between the parties.

    For heat consumption systems in which certain types of heat load systems are connected to external heat networks by independent pipelines, accounting for heat energy, mass (volume) and coolant parameters is carried out separately for each independently connected load.

    22. In closed heat supply systems at the metering unit for thermal energy and coolant parameters, the following is determined:

    1) the operating time of the metering station devices;

    3) the mass (volume) of the heat carrier received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline for each hour;

    4) average hourly temperature of the heat carrier in the supply and discharge pipelines;

    5) received thermal energy for each hour;

    6) mass (volume) of network water lost as a result of leaks in the heat consumption system.

    The layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the heat carrier, as well as its recorded parameters in closed heat supply systems, is given in Appendix 4 to these Rules.

    23. In closed heat consumption systems, the total heat load of which does not exceed 0.1 Gcal / h, it is allowed, in agreement with the heat supply organization, to measure the flow of network water through one of the pipelines (supply or discharge).

    24. In the absence of thermal energy metering devices, the amount of thermal energy Q received by the consumer in 1 hour is determined based on the readings of the metering unit devices according to the formula:

    Q = G1 (h1 - h2),

    G1 is the mass (volume) of network water that passed through the closed heat supply system through the supply pipeline in 1 hour;

    h1 and h2 - hourly average enthalpy of network water at the inlet of the supply and return pipelines of the consumer, respectively.

    The amount of heat energy received by the consumer for the reporting period established by the Agreement is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (3.1).

    The mass (volume) of network water Gu, lost by the consumer as a result of leaks in 1 hour, is determined by the formula:

    Gu \u003d G1 - G2,

    G1 - mass (volume) of network water received by the consumer in 1 hour through the supply pipeline;

    G2 - mass (volume) of network water returned by the consumer in 1 hour through the outlet pipeline.

    If the mass (volume) of network water Gу, calculated according to formula (3.2), does not exceed 3% of G1, then the standard leakage value for this heat supply system should be taken as the leakage value.

    The mass (volume) of network water lost by the consumer as a result of leaks during the reporting period is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (3.2).

    If the metering unit is not installed at the boundary between the balance sheet of the heat networks of the supplier and the consumer, then the amount of heat energy received by the consumer in 1 hour is calculated by the formula:

    Q = (l + kn) (l + ky) G1(h1 - h2),

    kn and ku - coefficients of normative losses and leakages of the heat network from the boundary of the balance sheet to the place of installation of the metering unit, respectively.

    The mass (volume) of network water lost by the consumer in 1 hour as a result of leaks in the heating system is calculated by the formula:

    Gy = (1 + ky) (G1 - G2),

    25. In open heat supply systems with circulation at the heat energy and coolant metering unit, the following is determined:

    1) the operating time of the metering station devices;

    2) received thermal energy;

    5) average hourly temperature of the heat carrier in the supply and discharge pipelines;

    6) received thermal energy for each hour;

    7) mass (volume) of network water used for hot water supply for each hour.

    26. The layout of the points for measuring thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in open heat supply systems with hot water circulation are given in Appendix 5 to these Rules.

    27. In the absence of thermal energy meters, the amount of thermal energy Q received by the consumer in 1 hour is determined based on the readings of the meters of the metering unit according to the formula:

    Q = G1(h1 - hxv) - G2(h2 - hxv),

    G1 - mass (volume) of network water received by the consumer in 1 hour through the supply pipeline;

    G2 - mass (volume) of network water returned by the consumer through the outlet pipeline;

    h1 and h2 - hourly average enthalpy of network water at the inlet of the supply and outlet pipelines of the consumer, respectively;

    The amount of heat energy received by the consumer for the reporting period established by the Agreement is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (3.5).

    The mass (volume) of network water consumed by the consumer in 1 hour for hot water supply is determined by the formula:

    Ggv = G1 - G2,

    The mass (volume) of network water consumed by the consumer for hot water supply during the reporting period is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (3.6).

    28. In the absence of thermal energy metering devices and if the metering unit is not installed at the border of the balance sheet belonging of the supplier's and consumer's thermal networks, then the amount of thermal energy received by the consumer in 1 hour is calculated by the formula:

    Q = (1 + kp) (1 + ku) ,

    kp and ku - coefficients of standard heat losses and leakages of the heat network from the boundary of the balance sheet to the place of installation of the metering unit.

    At the same time, the mass (volume) of network water consumed by the consumer for hot water supply in 1 hour is determined by the formula:

    Ggv \u003d (l + ku) (G1 - G2),

    29. In open heat supply systems without circulation, the following is determined at the heat energy and coolant metering unit:

    1) the operating time of the metering station devices;

    2) received thermal energy;

    3) mass (volume) of network water used for hot water supply;

    4) mass (volume) of network water received through the supply pipeline and returned through the outlet pipeline for each hour;

    5) mass (volume) of network water used for hot water supply for each hour;

    6) average hourly temperature of the heat carrier in the inlet and outlet pipelines for each hour;

    7) received thermal energy for each hour.

    30. The layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in open heat supply systems without hot water circulation are given in Appendix 6 to these Rules.

    31. The amount of thermal energy Q received by the consumer in 1 hour is determined based on the readings of metering devices according to the formula:

    Q \u003d G1 (h1 - h2) + G3 (h2 - hxv),

    G1 - mass (volume) of the coolant that passed through the supply pipeline in 1 hour;

    G3 - mass (volume) of the coolant, according to the readings of the flow meter, passed through the hot water pipeline for 1 hour;

    h1 and h2 - hourly average enthalpy of network water at the inlet of the supply and outlet pipelines of the consumer;

    hhw - enthalpy of cold water used for feeding by the energy producing organization.

    The amount of heat energy received by the consumer for the reporting period established by the Agreement is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​calculated by formula (3.9).

    32. If the metering unit is not installed at the border of the balance sheet of the heat networks of the supplier and the consumer, then the amount of heat energy received by the consumer in 1 hour is calculated by the formula:

    Q = (1 + kn) (l + ky) ,

    kn and ky - coefficients of normative heat losses and leakages of the heat network from the boundary of the balance sheet to the place of installation of the metering unit.

    The mass (volume) of network water consumed by the consumer for hot water supply in 1 hour is determined by the formula:

    Ggv = (l + ku)G3,

    33. If the difference in the mass (volume) of the heat carrier that passed through the supply pipeline, G1 and the mass (volume) of the heat carrier returned through the return pipeline, G2 in 1 hour exceeds the mass (volume) of the heat carrier consumed through the hot water supply pipeline G3, by more than 0 ,03 G1, then in formulas (3.9), (3.10) and (3.11) G3 is taken equal to (G1 - G2).

    34. The readings of the meters of the metering unit are used by the heat supply organization to determine the deviations of the received thermal energy, mass (volume) and coolant consumption from the values ​​normalized by the Agreement.

    35. When metering devices are taken out for repair due to a malfunction, if the time the devices were turned off did not exceed 10 days, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof heat consumption and consumption of network water for each day after the cessation of operation of the devices are taken equal to their average daily consumption for the last three days preceding the shutdown of metering devices.

    The readings of the recording devices of the thermal energy metering unit are used to determine deviations from the contractual values ​​between the consumer and the energy supply organization to settle contractual relations according to the following parameters: the amount of thermal energy, the mass and temperature of the coolant released in the heat supply systems.

    The readings of the recording devices of the metering unit are used to determine deviations from the contractual values ​​between the energy supply organization and the consumer of thermal energy in the amount of thermal energy, mass and temperature of the coolant released in the heat supply systems.

    4. The procedure for accounting for thermal energy and heat carrier at the consumer in steam heat consumption systems

    36. In steam systems of heat consumption at the metering unit for heat energy and coolant, using instruments, the following are determined:

    1) the operating time of the metering station devices;

    2) received thermal energy;

    3) mass (volume) of the resulting steam;

    4) mass (volume) of the returned condensate;

    5) mass (volume) of steam produced per hour;

    6) average hourly values ​​of temperature and steam pressure;

    7) average hourly temperature of the returned condensate;

    8) the time spent by the metering station devices in a malfunction;

    9) the operating time of heat-consuming installations with an overload in terms of flow;

    10) mass (volume) of returned condensate per hour;

    11) received thermal energy for each hour.

    The devices take into account the thermal energy and the mass (volume) of condensate formed in the steam pipeline during interruptions in steam consumption.

    When determining the consumed thermal energy, the devices take into account the state of the steam (wet, saturated or superheated).

    The average hourly values ​​of the coolant parameters are determined based on the readings of the instruments that record these parameters.

    In heat consumption systems connected to heating networks according to an independent scheme, the mass (volume) of condensate consumed for make-up is determined.

    The layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in steam heat supply systems, is given in Appendix 7 to these Rules.

    37. The metering unit for thermal energy, mass (volume) and parameters of the coolant is equipped at the input of the heating point owned by the consumer, in places as close as possible to its head valves.

    It is allowed to install a metering unit up to the interface between the balance sheet of pipelines, while determining the released thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant takes into account heat losses and coolant leaks in the area between the installation site of the metering unit and the interface.

    For heat consumption systems in which certain types of heat load systems are connected to external heat networks by independent pipelines, accounting for heat energy, mass (volume) and coolant parameters is carried out for each independently connected load.

    38. In the absence of thermal energy metering devices, determination of the amount of thermal energy and heat carrier received by steam heat consumption systems:

    1) the amount of heat energy received by the consumer per hour is determined by the heat energy meters or by the meters of the metering station according to the formula:

    Q \u003d D (h - hxv) - Gk (h2 - hxv),

    D - mass (volume) of steam received by the consumer per hour through the supply pipeline;

    Gk - mass (volume) of condensate returned by the consumer per hour through the outlet pipeline;

    h1 and h2 - hourly average enthalpy of steam at the inlet of the supply steam line and condensate at the outlet of the consumer condensate line, respectively;

    hhw - enthalpy of cold water used for make-up at an energy-producing organization.

    The amount of heat energy received by the consumer during the reporting period, in accordance with the heat supply contract, is determined as the sum of hourly values ​​determined by formula (4.1).

    The mass (volume) of the coolant consumed by the consumer per hour is determined by the formula:

    G = D - Gk,

    The mass (volume) of the heat carrier consumed by the consumer during the reporting period is determined as the sum of hourly values.

    When installing a metering station outside the balance sheet of the heat networks of the supplier and the consumer, the amount of heat energy received by the consumer per hour is determined by the heat energy meters or by the meters of the metering station according to the formula:

    Q = (1 + kp) (1 + ky) ,

    kp and ky are the coefficients of normative heat losses and leakages of the heat network from the boundary of the balance sheet to the place of installation of the metering unit, respectively.

    The mass (volume) of the coolant consumed by the consumer is determined by the formula:

    Ggvs = (l + ky) (D - Gk),

    2) the readings of thermal energy meters, steam and condensate meters, as well as the recording devices of the metering unit are used by the energy supply organization to determine deviations from the contractual amount of thermal energy, mass (volume), flow rate and temperature of the coolant.

    The readings of the recording devices of the metering unit are used to determine deviations from the contractual values ​​between the energy supply organization and the consumer of thermal energy in the amount of thermal energy, mass and temperature of the coolant released in steam heating systems.

    Annex 1

    to the Leave Accounting Rules

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat networks of the energy-producing organization for heat supply systems.

    Annex 2

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the thermal network of an energy-producing organization for heat supply systems according to the readings of two thermal energy metering devices.

    Appendix 3

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters of the heat network of the energy-producing organization for the steam systems of the coolant.

    Appendix 4

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in closed heat supply systems.

    Annex 5

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring thermal energy and mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in open heat supply systems with hot water circulation.

    Appendix 6

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in open heat supply systems without hot water circulation.

    Annex 7

    to the Leave Accounting Rules
    thermal energy and coolant

    Layout of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as its recorded parameters in steam heat supply systems

    2. The Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall ensure in the manner prescribed by law:

    1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, its submission for official publication in print periodicals and in the information and legal system "Adilet";

    3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the supervising Vice Minister of the National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    4. This order shall enter into force upon the expiration of ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.

    Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2015 No. 217

    1. General Provisions

    1. These Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children" (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) are developed in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 "On the health of the people and the healthcare system" (hereinafter - Code), and establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, construction, reconstruction, repair, commissioning, water supply, sewerage, heating, lighting, ventilation, microclimate, maintenance and operation, conditions for education and training, accommodation, catering, medical care for children, as well as hygienic education (personal hygiene) of personnel at preschool education and training facilities of all kinds and types, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination with full, incomplete (short-term), round-the-clock stay of children.

    2. These Sanitary Rules apply to objects of preschool education and training of children (hereinafter collectively referred to as objects) that carry out the following activities:

    1) preschool education and training - public and private nursery-kindergartens, kindergartens, family nursery-gardens, sanatorium nursery-gardens, complexes " school-kindergarten", preschool mini-centers (hereinafter collectively referred to as - DO);

    2) education and organization of places of residence for children - children's homes, shelters;

    3) organizing meals for children, regardless of the form of ownership of the objects.

    3. Legal entities and individuals whose activities are related to the upbringing and education of children, before starting activities (providing educational services, including education and training, accommodation, food, medical care) receive a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

    4. Control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by the department of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

    5. When conducting state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of objects, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out in accordance with Appendix 1

    6. The following concepts are used in these Sanitary Rules:

    1) special preschool organizations- organizations implementing special educational curricula developed on the basis of general educational curricula for preschool education and training in accordance with the state general educational standard for preschool education and training;

    2) special clothing - a set of protective clothing for personnel designed to protect raw materials, auxiliary materials and the finished product from contamination with mechanical particles, microorganisms and other contaminants (suit or gown, scarf, cap, apron, etc.);

    3) preschool with short-term stay of children - preschool with children staying no more than 4 hours without food and sleep;

    4) culling - assessment of the quality of food products and ready meals according to organoleptic indicators;

    5) procurement - a room where the preparation of food raw materials and the production of semi-finished products;

    6) pre-cooking - a room in which the preparation of finished food products from semi-finished products is carried out;

    7) physical education - a field of activity aimed at strengthening the health and development of a person's physical abilities;

    8) expiration date - the period until the expiration of which food products are considered safe for their intended use, subject to the conditions of the processes (stages) of production (manufacturing), circulation of food products;

    9) semi-finished products - raw food products, previously prepared for heat treatment;

    10) insolation - a normalized indicator of solar radiation for the hygienic assessment of the premises;

    11) climatic zone - a territory allocated according to climatic characteristics (temperature, humidity);

    12) regime of the day - the established order of the day in DO;

    13) public catering - activities related to the production, processing, sale and organization of food consumption;

    14) pre-school classes - classes that prepare children for schooling;

    15) preschool mini-centers - pre-school with up to 50 seats, located in a separate building, in an apartment building, as well as in built-in and attached premises;

    16) preschool education and training - the development of physical, personal, intellectual qualities children, the formation of key competencies necessary to ensure their social success and competitiveness throughout their lives;

    18) optimal microclimatic conditions - a combination of quantitative indicators of the microclimate, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to children, ensure the preservation of the normal thermal state of the body without straining the mechanisms of thermoregulation;

    19) shelf life - the period during which the food product, subject to the established storage conditions, retains all its properties specified in regulatory documents;

    20) sanitary yard installations (hereinafter - SDU) - a non-sewered toilet located on the territory of the facility, at a distance of at least 25 meters (hereinafter - m) from buildings, having an above-ground part and a cesspool. Above-ground premises are constructed from tightly fitting materials (boards, bricks, blocks). The cesspool is made of waterproof material. The depth of the cesspool depends on the level of groundwater, but not more than 3 m;

    21) child's home - government agency designed to educate and provide medical care orphans and children left without parental care, children from young mothers born out of wedlock, as well as children with mental and physical disabilities;

    22) septic tank - a facility for cleaning small quantities domestic wastewater, which is a horizontal type underground sump, consisting of one or more chambers through which the waste liquid flows;

    23) morning filter - a preventive measure aimed at preventing the introduction of an infectious disease;

    24) commodity proximity - conditions excluding joint storage and sale of raw and finished products, preventing their contamination and the penetration of foreign odors that affect the quality of the goods;

    25) perishable food products - food products that require special conditions for transportation, storage and sale in strictly regulated terms;

    26) technological equipment - a set of mechanisms, machines, devices, devices necessary for the operation of production;

    27) occupancy of groups - the normalized number of children in a group;

    28) group isolation - isolation of groups from administrative, utility, amenity premises and from each other;

    29) group cell - a set of rooms for children of one group in preschool;

    30) loading room - a place for receiving food raw materials and foodstuffs;

    31) rational nutrition - a balanced diet, taking into account the physiological and age norms nutrition;

    32) people with limited mobility - people with disabilities, with disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, moving in wheelchairs and / or with the help of other assistive devices, as well as visually impaired and / or blind citizens moving with the help of accompanying persons.

    2. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the territory of objects

    7. Design, construction, reconstruction and commissioning of facilities is carried out in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the department of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

    8. The areas of land plots of preschool educational institutions are standardized by the requirements of the Building Regulations and Rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Preschool educational facilities" (hereinafter - SNiP PEO), "Houses and boarding schools for disabled children".

    9. POs with short stays of children placed in multi-apartment residential buildings, in private households, in built-in and attached premises may not have a separate land plot.

    10. The territory of the site of objects is fenced in order to prevent the penetration of stray animals.

    11. Trees and shrubs that produce pubescent seeds when flowering are not planted on the territory.

    12. Entrances and entrances to the site of the facility, driveways, paths to outbuildings, to sites for garbage collectors, to sanitary yard installations are covered with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface available for cleaning.

    13. Garbage bins are equipped with tight-fitting lids, installed on a site with a hard surface, accessible for cleaning and disinfection, fenced on three sides, at a distance of at least 25 m from buildings. To collect waste from objects located on the first floors of an apartment building, in built-in and attached premises, in agreement with the territorial subdivision of the department of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, garbage bins are installed at a distance of at least 15 m from the building and / or common waste bins are used .

    14. The territory of the object and the territory behind its fence within a radius of 5 m is kept clean.

    15. On the territory of the facilities, zones for the location of the main building (s), utility and group sites are allocated. Additional zoning of the territory is provided depending on the profile of the object.

    16. The territory of the economic zone has a hard surface that allows cleaning and disinfection.

    17. Outdoor lighting equipment of the building of the facility must provide uniform diffused light of the territory.

    18. Group playgrounds of the orphanage and preschool are provided separately for each children's group. Group playgrounds of orphanages are provided with an area of ​​7.5 m2 per place in toddler groups and 7.2 m2 in preschool ones. The sizes of group sites of DO are accepted at least 6 m2 per place. All sites are isolated from each other by green spaces (shrubs).

    19. At each group site, a shady canopy is provided at the rate of 1.6 sq.m. for 1 place in the group for protection from the sun and precipitation. The floor of shady canopies is provided wooden. In the IV climatic zone and III B subarea, shade canopies are fenced on both sides.

    20. Group playgrounds of the orphanage and preschools have a convenient connection with the exits from the premises corresponding to the group cells in the building. Playgrounds for toddlers in ECs are located in the immediate vicinity of the exits from the premises of these groups.

    21. Equipment for group and sports grounds should be set according to the height and age of the children. The surface of the equipment is covered with a waterproof material.

    22. The coverage of playgrounds for toddlers shall be grass, for preschool age - grass or compacted earth, reinforced with sand bedding or fine stone chips. To cover the paths and sidewalks, paving slabs and other materials available for cleaning are used.

    3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, construction, reconstruction, repair, commissioning of facilities

    23. Subsidiaries are located in separate buildings or can be built in (built-in-attached) in multi-apartment residential buildings.

    24. On the ground floors of residential buildings, as well as in built-in and attached premises, children's preschools are located with a short stay, unless otherwise provided by the design assignment. DOs in multi-apartment residential buildings are located no higher than the first floor.

    25. In the building and on the site of the children's homes and preschools, the principle of group isolation from administrative, utility, amenity premises and from each other is observed. The composition of the group cell for children of toddlers includes a reception room, a playroom, a bedroom, a pantry, a toilet;

    preschool groups - dressing room, playroom, toilet, pantry, bedroom. According to the design assignment in the DO, it is allowed to combine a bedroom with a group room in accordance with the requirements of SNiP DOO. In preschool mini-centers, a common dressing room is allowed.

    26. Specialized medical and dental offices, laundries, swimming pools, classrooms, food facilities at the facilities of preschool education and training of children comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

    27. Children's homes are placed in separate 1-2-storey buildings.

    28. DOs located on the first floor of an apartment building have a separate entrance that is not combined with the entrance of a residential building.

    29. The areas of the main premises of children's homes, preschools are indicated in tables 1, 3 of Appendix 2 to these Sanitary Rules.

    30. The number of children should not exceed the design capacity of the facility.

    31. The height of the stair railing is provided for at least 1.2 m. In orphanages and preschools, handrails for adults are located at a height of 0.85 m, for children - 0.5 m, in the stair railing, vertical elements have a clearance of no more than 0.1 m , horizontal divisions are not allowed.

    32. When designing buildings of facilities, the issues of accessibility for people with limited mobility are carried out in accordance with state standards in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

    33. Premises, the mode of use of which is accompanied by noise and may cause disturbance to children, interfere with or disrupt the work of pedagogical, medical, administrative personnel (boiler rooms with pumping units, industrial premises, repair shops, cooled chambers with a pump room, ventilation chambers, compressor rooms and others) , do not place adjacent, above and below bedrooms, treatment and diagnostic rooms.

    34. Rooms for personal hygiene, sanitary facilities for staff are located in the area of ​​​​administrative premises.

    35. A medical block with an insulator is placed on the 1st floor of the facilities.

    36. When placed at the facilities of the sports hall, the area per student is taken to be at least 4 m2. The floors are wooden or have a special coating. The surface of the floor must be flat, without cracks and flaws. Batteries are located in niches under the windows and are closed with wooden bars, protective devices are provided on the windows and lighting fixtures.

    37. In the basement and basement floors of buildings do not place rooms for the stay of children and medical facilities.

    38. For interior decoration, building materials are used that have documents confirming their quality and safety. Suspended ceilings of various designs are used in recreations, halls, assembly halls, administrative premises.

    39. In rooms for medical purposes, rooms for group cells, walls, floors, equipment have a smooth surface that allows wet cleaning with the use of detergents and disinfectants. In sanitary facilities for staff, toilets, catering facilities, swimming pools, vaccination rooms, procedural rooms, in rooms with a wet mode of operation (showers, laundries, washrooms, washing, etc.), the walls are lined with glazed tiles or other moisture-resistant materials to a height of at least 1.8 m, waterproof materials or floor tiles are used for flooring.

    40. In places where sinks and other sanitary fixtures are installed, as well as equipment whose operation is associated with possible dampening of the walls, waterproofing is provided with glazed tiles or other moisture-resistant materials to a height of 1.8 m from the floor and to a width of at least 20 cm from the equipment and appliances on each side.

    41. Separate premises (places) are provided for the storage and processing of cleaning equipment.

    42. The arrangement of swimming pools with a volume of not more than 32 cubic meters is provided without a water purification system. Water is changed after two groups of children (no more than 50 children) have finished bathing, followed by treatment with disinfectants approved for use in the prescribed manner, according to the instructions.

    43. On the territory of objects, objects that are not functionally related to them are not placed.

    4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the equipment of facilities

    44. Furniture and equipment of facilities correspond to the growth and age characteristics of children. The set, quantity and size of equipment are provided taking into account the profile of objects, the specifics of the premises.

    The main dimensions of the furniture of children's homes and preschools are indicated in tables 1, 2 of Appendix 3 to these Sanitary Rules.

    45. At the facilities, furniture is marked according to size.

    ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL ECONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects of preschool education and training of children"

    I decide:
    1. Introduce the following changes to the Decree of the Governor of the Volgograd Region dated March 15, 2013 N 228 "On the assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the Volgograd Region":
    1.1. In the decision:
    1) in paragraphs 2, 3, 5 the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    2) in paragraph 4 the words "To the Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee", the words "Ministry of Regional Development" shall be replaced by the words "Ministry of Economic Development";
    3) clause 6 shall be deleted;
    4) in paragraph 8 the words "Vice Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Volgograd Region O.V. Kersanov" shall be replaced by the words "Deputy Governor of the Volgograd Region - Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Volgograd Region A.V. Dorzhdeev".
    1.2. In Appendix 1 to the said resolution:
    1) in paragraph 1 in column 4, the text shall be stated as follows:

    2) in paragraphs 2 - 4, 7 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    3) in paragraph 5 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Finance" shall be replaced by the words "Finance Committee", the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    4) in paragraph 6 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Labor and" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    5) in paragraph 8 in column 2 the words "Volgograd region" shall be deleted, in column 4 the word "ministry" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    6) clause 9 shall be stated in the following wording:

    7) in paragraph 10 in column 2 the word "accounting" shall be deleted, in column 4 the word "ministry" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    8) in paragraph 11 in column 4 the word "ministry" shall be replaced by the word "committee".
    1.3. In Appendix 2 to the said resolution:
    1) in paragraphs 1, 14, 15, 17 - 22, 24, 26, 32 - 34 in column 4 the word "ministry" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    2) in paragraphs 2, 5, 13 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee", the words "Ministry of Labor and" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    3) in paragraphs 3, 4 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    4) in paragraph 6, column 4, the words "Ministry of Culture" shall be replaced by the words "Committee of Culture", the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Committee of Economics";
    5) in paragraph 7, column 4, the words "Ministry of Health" shall be replaced by the words "Health Committee", the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    6) in paragraphs 8, 9 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Education" shall be replaced by the words "Education Committee", the words "Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and Investments" shall be replaced by the words "Economy Committee";
    7) in paragraphs 10, 11 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Labor and" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    8) in paragraph 12 in column 4, the text shall be stated as follows:

    9) in paragraph 16 in column 4, the text shall be stated as follows:

    10) clause 18 shall be deleted;
    11) in paragraphs 23, 27 - 31 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and the Fuel and Energy Complex" shall be replaced by the words "Committee of Housing and Communal Services";
    12) in paragraph 25 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Sports and" shall be replaced by the word "committee";
    13) in paragraph 35 in column 4 the words "and the Government" shall be deleted;
    14) in paragraphs 36 - 41 in column 4 the words "Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy" shall be replaced by the words "Committee physical culture and sports";
    15) in paragraph 37 in column 2 the word "population" shall be replaced by the words "students and students".
    2. This resolution comes into force from the date of its signing.
    Volgograd region

    On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents"

    dated December 20, 2013 No. 1367)

    In accordance with subparagraph 2) of Article 6 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 "On the health of the people and the healthcare system", the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    1. Approve the attached Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents".

    2. This Resolution shall enter into force upon the expiration of ten calendar days from the date of the first official publication.

    Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan


    Government Decree
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    December 30, 2011
    № 1684

    Sanitary regulations
    "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for objects
    upbringing and education of children and teenagers”

    (As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    dated December 20, 2013 No. 1367)

    1. General Provisions

    1. These sanitary rules (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the selection of a land plot for construction, design, construction, reconstruction, repair, commissioning, water supply, sewerage, heating, lighting, ventilation, microclimate, maintenance and operation, conditions of upbringing, accommodation, catering, hygienic education (personal hygiene) of personnel, conditions of upbringing and education (to school textbooks), industrial practice, medical support, at the objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents.

    2. These Sanitary Rules apply to objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents engaged in the following activities:

    1) preschool education and training (nurseries and kindergartens of all types, preschool education centers with full and short-term stay of children, babysitting services);

    2) implementation of educational programs of secondary general (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums), curricula of technical and vocational, post-secondary education (vocational lyceums, colleges, higher technical schools) and higher professional education (universities, academies, institutes and equivalent (conservatories, higher schools, higher schools), as well as special and correctional ones;

    3) education and organization of places of residence for children and adolescents (children's homes, educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, adaptation centers for minors, boarding schools, youth homes, boarding houses, madrasahs, shelters and others);

    4) organization of leisure, physical education and development creativity children and adolescents (institutions of additional education) - centers for the creativity of children and youth, music, sports and art schools, children's and youth centers, courtyard clubs, stations for young naturalists, training and production plants, training courses and other out-of-school organizations).

    3. Objects for the upbringing and education of children and adolescents, put into operation before the adoption of sanitary rules, are brought into line with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules within the time period agreed with the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

    4. Control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

    5. When conducting state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, laboratory and instrumental studies of objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents are carried out in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Sanitary Rules.

    6. The following concepts are used in these Sanitary Rules:

    1) small school - a general education school with a small contingent of students, combined class sets and with a specific form of organization of training sessions;

    2) special clothing - a set of protective clothing for personnel designed to protect raw materials, auxiliary materials and the finished product from contamination by mechanical particles, microorganisms and other contaminants;

    3) culling - assessment of the quality of food products and ready meals according to organoleptic indicators;

    4) gymnasium - an educational institution that implements general education curricula of primary, basic secondary and humanitarian profiles of general secondary education in accordance with the inclinations and abilities of students;

    5) procurement - a room where the preparation of food raw materials and the production of semi-finished products;

    6) pre-cooking - a room in which the preparation of finished food products from semi-finished products is carried out;

    7) physical education - a field of activity aimed at improving the health and development of a person's physical abilities;

    8) general education school - a secondary general education institution that implements basic and additional general educational programs, consisting of three levels: primary, basic and senior, each of which can function independently;

    9) semi-finished products - raw food products, previously prepared for heat treatment;

    10) expiration date - the period until the expiration of which food products are considered safe for their intended use, subject to the conditions of the processes (stages) of production (manufacturing), circulation of food products;

    11) organization of education for orphans and children left without parental care - a state institution of the education system, in which favorable conditions are created for upbringing, receiving education with the provision of a place of residence for orphans, children left without parental care;

    - the sum of teaching hours with the hours allocated for conducting optional and sectional classes, circles;

    13) insolation - a normalized indicator of solar radiation for the hygienic assessment of the premises;

    14) boarding schools - educational organizations that provide state guarantees of the rights to education of certain categories of persons with the provision of a place of residence;

    15) leading - a gap, a space between two lines in a book and other printed publications;

    16) centers for the adaptation of minors (hereinafter referred to as CAN);

    17) fatigue - a state of a temporary decrease in the functional capabilities of the body, a decrease in working capacity;

    18) line arrangement - arrangement of furniture and equipment in rows in the center of the room, one after another;

    19) font size (skigel) - font size, including the height of the letter (point) and shoulders (free spaces) above and below the point, measured in points - 1 point is equal to 0.376 millimeters (hereinafter - mm);

    20) climatic zone - a territory allocated according to climatic characteristics (temperature, humidity);

    21) public catering - activities related to the production, processing, sale and organization of food consumption;

    22) institutions of additional education for children - out-of-school institutions designed to provide the necessary conditions personal development, health promotion and professional self-determination, creative work of children and adolescents, the formation of their common culture, the adaptation of the individual to life in society, the organization of meaningful leisure;

    23) daily routine - the established order of the day in organizations of upbringing and education for children and adolescents;

    24) letter - a rectangular bar made of printing alloy, wood or plastic with a relief image of a letter, number or sign at the end;

    25) lyceum - a secondary general education institution that implements basic and additional general education programs that provide for in-depth, specialized, differentiated education of students in accordance with their inclinations and abilities;

    26) organizations of preschool education and training (hereinafter referred to as ECVE) - preschool organizations with a capacity of 4 to 12 groups that implement educational curricula of preschool education and training, taking into account the types of activities specific to preschool children, as well as providing additional health-improving and other services provided for by law ;

    27) pre-school classes - classes for children of five, six years old in general education schools, in which one-year mandatory free pre-school training is carried out;

    28) school textbook - a book for students in which material is systematically presented in a certain field of knowledge at the current level of scientific and cultural achievements;

    29) academic hour - the duration of the lesson (classes) or lecture from the beginning to the break (break) for organizations of technical and vocational education

    30) study load - the total normalized employment of students and pupils in the educational process for each age group, which is measured in teaching hours;

    31) the study load, the mode of study of students and pupils is determined by the provisions approved by educational organizations, prepared on the basis of state compulsory education standards, sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms, curricula and recommendations of health and education authorities;

    32) tutorial- literature for students and pupils, which sets out the material on a certain discipline of the corresponding curriculum;

    33) optimal microclimatic conditions - a combination of quantitative indicators of the microclimate, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to children, ensure the preservation of the normal thermal state of the body without straining the mechanisms of thermoregulation;

    34) central arrangement - arrangement of furniture and equipment in the center of the room in groups;

    35) point - the printing surface of a convex mirror image of a letter or sign on a letter, stereotype;

    36) perimeter arrangement - arrangement of furniture, equipment along the walls (along the perimeter);

    37) petit - a typographic font, the font size (size) of which is 8 points (about 3 mm);

    38) recreation - a room for rest and recuperation of students during breaks and in their free time;

    39) spiritual (religious) educational organizations - educational institutions that implement professional educational programs for the training of clergy;

    40) shelf life - the period during which the food product, subject to the established storage conditions, retains all its properties specified in regulatory documents;

    41) sanitary-yard installations (SDU) - a non-sewered toilet located on the territory of the facility, at a distance of at least 25 meters (hereinafter - m) from buildings, having an above-ground part and a cesspool. Above-ground premises are constructed from tightly fitting materials (boards, bricks, blocks). The cesspool is made of waterproof material. The depth of the cesspool depends on the level of groundwater, but not more than 3 m;

    42) children's home - a state institution intended for the upbringing and provision of medical care to orphans and children left without parental care, children from young mothers born out of wedlock, as well as children with mental and physical development defects;

    43) septic tank - a facility for the treatment of small amounts of domestic wastewater, which is an underground horizontal septic tank, consisting of one or more chambers through which the waste liquid flows;

    44) sports facilities - organizations whose activities are related to the organization and implementation of medical and recreational, sports and recreational, educational work and cultural leisure for children and adolescents;

    45) class occupancy is the number of students in a class in relation to the area of ​​the classroom;

    46) commodity proximity - conditions that exclude the joint storage and sale of raw and finished products, preventing their contamination and the penetration of foreign odors that affect the quality of the goods;

    47) morning filter - a preventive medical measure aimed at preventing the introduction of an infectious disease;

    48) perishable food products - food products that require special conditions for transportation, storage and sale in strictly regulated terms;

    49) technological equipment - a set of mechanisms, machines, devices, devices necessary for the operation of production;

    50) coefficient of natural lighting (hereinafter referred to as KEO) - a normalized indicator of natural lighting of a room;

    51) rational nutrition - a balanced diet, taking into account physiological and age-related nutritional norms;

    52) group cell - a set of premises for children of the organization of preschool education and training of one group;

    53) occupancy of groups - the normalized number of children in a group;

    54) loading room - a place for receiving food raw materials and food products;

    55) endpaper - two four-page sheets, one of which connects the first sheet of the book block with the front side of the binding, and the second - the last sheet of the block with the back side;

    56) people with limited mobility - people with disabilities, with disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, moving in wheelchairs and / or with the help of other assistive devices, as well as visually impaired and / or blind citizens moving with the help of accompanying persons;

    57) small preschool educational organizations (mini-centers) - preschool organizations with a capacity of up to 3 groups are located in a separate standing building, in an apartment building, as well as in built-in and attached premises;

    58) shmuttitul - the title of a part of the textbook (rubric) on a separate, clean, without text, usually an odd page;

    59) typeface - a set of fonts that have different font sizes (sizes) and styles, but the same point pattern.

    2. Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for selectionland plot of objects of upbringing and education of children and adolescents

    7. The choice of a land plot for the construction, design, construction, reconstruction and commissioning of objects of upbringing and education for children and adolescents (hereinafter referred to as the objects) is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare in accordance with the established requirements legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    8. The areas of land plots of objects are accepted in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Sanitary Rules.

    The composition and areas of the zones of the site and sites of special boarding schools different type listed in Appendix 3 to these Sanitary Rules.

    9. Land area of ​​special correctional educational institutions for children with physical and mental development, provide for at least 2.2 hectares (hereinafter referred to as ha), depending on the profile of the organization.

    10. The area of ​​the land plot is taken at the rate of one place for children with hearing impairments 50 square meters (hereinafter referred to as m2), with visual and intellectual impairments 60 m2, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system 65 m2.

    11. Out-of-school organizations located in multi-apartment residential buildings, in private households, in built-in - attached premises may not have a separate land plot.

    12. The territory of the site of the institution of technical and vocational post-secondary education (professional lyceums, colleges, colleges, higher technical schools (hereinafter T and PO)), higher professional education - (universities, academies, institutes and equivalent conservatories, higher schools, higher schools (hereinafter - the university), general educational organizations and boarding schools, out-of-school organizations are fenced to a height of at least 1.2 m, in orphanages, AEVO, educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, centers for the adaptation of minors (hereinafter - TsAN ) not less than 1.6 m, special correctional educational organizations not less than 2 m.

    13. The planting area of ​​the site of the object is provided for 30 percent (hereinafter referred to as %) or more of the total area of ​​the site. It is not allowed to plant trees and shrubs with poisonous fruits, as well as those that give pubescent seeds when flowering, on the territory.

    14. Entrances and entrances to the site of the facility, driveways, paths to outbuildings, to sites for garbage collectors, to sanitary yard installations are covered with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface.

    Manholes available on the territory are equipped with tightly closing hatches.

    15. Garbage bins are equipped with tight-fitting lids, installed on a concrete or asphalt site, fenced on three sides, at a distance of at least 25 m from buildings. To collect garbage from objects located on the first floors of an apartment building, in built-in and attached premises, use common waste bins of a residential building.

    16. Daily cleaning is carried out on the territory of the facility and behind its fence within a radius of 5 m.

    17. On the land plots of the object (with the exception of objects located in built-in and attached buildings), zones are allocated: the location of the main building (s), recreation, physical culture and sports and economic.

    In accordance with the type of organization, zones are additionally provided: in orphanages, educational organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, ODVO - a zone of group sites, in T and PO, HEI - training and production, military training, residential (hostels, objects of trade, public catering and consumer services), open areas for parking cars and other vehicles. The training and experimental zone is allocated depending on the profile.

    The number of zones and their sizes at out-of-school institutions can be determined by the institutions themselves, depending on the direction of the programs being implemented.

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