
Formation of a healthy lifestyle 1 junior group. Games on the topic: healthy lifestyle for the younger group of preschool educational institutions. "Journey to the Land of Health"


MKDOU Zdvinsky kindergarten "Sun"

general developmental type

Health saving project for preschool children aged 2 - 3 years (1 junior group "Bee")

Sitnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna


Health saving project for preschool children 2 - 3 years old

"Be healthy, baby!".

Material Description : I bring to your attention a project aimed at improving the health of children, at forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and cultural and hygienic skills in children. This development can be useful for teachers of preschool education. This material is intended for children 2 - 3 years old. In the health-saving space of the kindergarten, physical education and health work and the correct organization of the motor activity of pupils take a special place, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, the time of year and the mode of operation of the preschool educational institution. The educational process includes recreational activities: respiratory gymnastics, articulation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, physical exercises and dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics, self-massage, musical and rhythmic exercises, relaxation. The diet of children includes fruits, juices, salads, vegetables.


The protection of life and the strengthening of the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of a child's health. This task is especially acute in the adaptation period, when children experience a significant increase in the number of cases of morbidity, which requires the use of modern, innovative approaches to educational and recreational work. The educational field of physical development requires us to form healthy lifestyle habits in children, which always come first.
In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

Problem: children have not formed the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, cultural and hygienic skills (neatness and self-service skills) are not fully formed.

Justification of the problem :
1 . Parents do not pay enough attention to the physical development of children (health protection and promotion), the education of cultural and hygienic skills in children.
2. There is not enough knowledge among children about cultural and hygienic skills, about a healthy lifestyle.

Project type: wellness

Project type : short-term (February 2016)

Project participants: children of the junior group "Bee", teachers, parents, health worker, physical education instructor.

Target: improvement of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

1. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, prevention of morbidity and injuries.
2 . Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
3. Education of cultural and hygienic skills, the formation of ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.
4 . Development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers.
5 . Activate vocabulary: health, healthy lifestyle, exercise, physical education, rules, personal hygiene.
6 .Strengthen ties between the kindergarten and the family, change the position of parents regarding their own health and the health of children

Expected results :
1 .Children have formed initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. 2 .Cultural and hygienic skills are formed, they know the elementary rules of personal hygiene.
3. Children independently take the initiative: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions. show creativity, activity and detail in work.
4 .Children's vocabulary on the topic has been activated and enriched.
5 .With pleasure they draw, sculpt, play different games.
6 .Participation in joint activities of parents.

Project activity product : Making a health corner in the group, creating file cabinets of various gymnastics (breathing gymnastics, articulatory gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education minutes), outdoor games.

Project implementation:

Stage 1 -Preparatory stage

Working with parents:
- Survey of parents.

Consultation "Help your child improve his health", "Culture of a healthy lifestyle in the family and kindergarten."
- folder - shift "Daily routine is important";
- Conversations with parents on disease prevention.
- a memo for parents "Rules for washing hands", "Prevention of intestinal infections", "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2-3 years old", "Massage - here I am!";
- Advice to parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, on morning exercises, on the organization of physical activity, on the organization of proper nutrition;
- Recommendations "Approximate recommendations for hardening children", for a healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 -Practical

Work with children:
Wellness activities (daily during peak times):
- Morning exercises;
- Dynamic pauses, physical minutes;
- Breathing exercises;
- Finger gymnastics (with objects) with pronunciation of poetic forms.
hardening activities (daily)
- Air baths, hygiene procedures.
- Walking barefoot along the massage paths;
- Self-massage of feet and hands.
Preventive actions
- Vitaminization;
- Lightweight clothing indoors and outdoors;
- Prevention of flat feet (walking on ribbed paths, etc.);
- Games aimed at the formation of correct posture

- Role-playing games“Family”, “Hospital”, “We are athletes”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Going for a walk”, “Toys at the doctor and others;
-Didactic games and exercises aimed at instilling cultural and hygienic skills, a healthy lifestyle: "We will dress the doll for a walk",
“Let's put the doll to sleep”, “Bathing the doll”, “Let's feed the doll”, “Vodichka, some water”,
“Wash your hands”, “Washer”, “Doing your hair”, “Grey cat washes”, “I will tell, and you show”, “Determine the taste” and others.
- Gymnastics for the eyes;
- Conversations with children “Talk about proper nutrition”, “Me and my body”, “What I know about sports”, “Healthy foods - vegetables and fruits”, “Why exercise is necessary”, “Rules of conduct while eating and washing”.
- Reading fiction(K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Moidodyr", "Fedorino grief"), Russian folk tale "About naughty hands and feet", nursery rhymes, poems, riddles on the topic "Healthy lifestyle", "KGN";
- Consideration of the material on the topic "Sports", "Personal hygiene items", "If you want to be healthy", "Bad habits", "How to properly use personal hygiene items."
- Outdoor games"Catch a mosquito", "Mice and a cat", "Find your color", "A mother hen and chickens", "Get in the circle", "Find your place" and others;
- Articulation gymnastics;

Stage 3 - Final

Summary of work:
- a film - a presentation of the work done.

Enrichment of the corner of physical culture

Exhibition of works by children and parents

Making a wall newspaper

Application No. 1

Questionnaire for parents



3. Do you exercise at home?

4 Do you keep a schedule on the weekends? Which?


6 What type of hardening do you use at home? (Mark)

systematic ventilation

salt track

breathing exercises

walk at any time of the year



outdoor games

board games


a computer

9. What advice would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Thank you for your cooperation!

Questionnaire for parents

"Physical education in the family".

1 . How often does the child get sick, what serious illnesses, injuries did he suffer

2 . Do you know what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle? Explain.

3 . Do you exercise at home?

4 . Do you keep a schedule on the weekends? Which?

5 . Do you have exercise equipment at home? Which?

6 . What type of hardening do you use at home? (Mark)

systematic ventilation

breathing exercises

walk at any time of the year

walking barefoot on the "miracle rug"

7. Do you walk with your child after kindergarten? How many hours do you go somewhere and where?

8. What does your child do in the evenings and on weekends: (mark)

outdoor games

board games


9 . What advice would you like to receive?

disease prevention

breathing exercises


posture correction

prevention of flat feet

Application №2

(wall newspaper “Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”)

Pedagogical project on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the 1st junior group

"How to be healthy!"

The project was prepared by:

educator MADOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk

DS №88 "Dandelion"

Gizatullina Elvira Tagirovna

1. Passport of the project.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Purpose, objectives, essence of the project, relevance, practical significance of the project, principles of project implementation, expected result, project implementation model.

4. Stages of project implementation: organizational, practical, final.

5. List of references.

Project passport

Topic "Formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle in the younger group."

Research base:MADOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk kindergarten No. 88 "Dandelion".

Project type : long-term (October-May 2016-2017 academic year).

Project type : educational, game.

Project participants: children 2-3 years old, educators, parents.

Final event: Entertainment "We grow up healthy."

Project implementation conditions:

Implementation of health-saving technologies in all sections of the educational program;

Compliance with a rational regimen of the day, providing a change in a variety of activities and recreation;

Use of modern progressive methods and teaching methods;

Individual approach to the child according to his level of development, biological and psychological age;

Implementation of various forms of systematic work with parents;

- developing environment of preschool educational institution:

1) gym "Zdorovyachok";

2) music hall “Funny notes;

3) sports centers in group rooms;

4) sports ground (on the site of the kindergarten);

5) medical office "Aibolit";

6) methodical cabinet "Encyclopedia of Wisdom".

Explanatory note

In the light of the Federal State Educational Standard, the content of the educational area "Physical Development" is aimed at achieving the goals of protecting children's health and forming the basis of a health culture. Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such legal documents as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", as well as Decrees of the President of Russia "On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation", "On approval of the main directions of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation", etc.

Health is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

“Health is a treasure (and at the same time the only one) for which it is really worth not only not sparing time, effort, labor and all kinds of benefits, but also sacrificing a particle of life itself for it, since life without it becomes unbearable and humiliating.”

M. Montel.

"A healthy mind in a healthy body is a brief but complete description of a happy state in this world."

John Locke.

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the state of children's health. Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that we, teachers of preschool institutions, need to do. The full physical development and health of the child is the basis for the formation of personality. The physical health of children is inextricably linked to their mental health and emotional well-being. A preschool educational institution has great potential for the formation of a health-saving culture in children, healthy lifestyle skills. This is due to the systematic nature of preschool education, the possibility of a phased implementation of the tasks set, taking into account the age and psychological capabilities of preschool children. Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils is one of the main tasks of the kindergarten. The efforts of the employees of the institution are aimed at improving the health of each child - a preschooler, cultivating a healthy lifestyle, so we believe that one of the means of solving the identified problems is the use of health-saving technologies.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a huge path of development, which is unique throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health of a child at all stages of his education and development. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name "health-saving technologies".

Each of us wants to see our children healthy, happy, but not everyone thinks about how to make children grow up to live in harmony with themselves, the world around them, and other people. And behind all this is a healthy lifestyle. It is he who gives physical and spiritual strength, a healthy nervous system, the ability to resist harmful influences, to feel the joy of living.

Justification of the problem:

Sedentary lifestyle of parents and children / poor physical activity;

Inattention of parents to a healthy lifestyle.

Relevance This problem is that the majority of children experience a “motor deficit”, that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm.

Hypodynamia threatens the health of our children. Many understand this concept in a simplified way - as a lack of movement. But this is completely false. Hypodynamia is a kind of disease, the definition of which sounds rather ominous "a violation of the functions of the body (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, respiration, digestion) with limited motor activity." The kindergarten is currently faced with the acute issue of ways to improve the work on health promotion, development of movements and physical development of children. It is known that only 7-8% of health depends on health care and more than half - on a person's lifestyle. Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can be ensured only through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues.

Target : to bring to the consciousness of children and parents the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


To instill in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness, to instill cultural and hygienic skills and the simplest self-service skills.

Promote the harmonious physical development of children.

Contribute to the formation and enrichment of motor experience.

Development of physical qualities.

To develop in children the need for physical activity, interest in physical exercises.

Estimated result

Children quickly adapt to the object-spatial environment, to peers and adults: they increase the body's resistance to colds and physical activity, improve social health indicators.

Project Implementation Principles

  1. Availability:

- taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Adaptation of material to age.

2. Systematic and consistent:

Gradual presentation of material from simple to complex;

Frequent repetition of learned rules and norms.

3. Differentiation - creating a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

4. Dynamic – integration of educational areas.

Project implementation


Daily preventive gymnastics:

flat feet;


Posture improvements;

Exercise after sleep.

Social development:

Conversation "On health and cleanliness";

Conversation “To always be healthy, you need to do morning exercises”;

Conversation "Clarification of the purpose of personal hygiene items";

Didactic game "I am a man";

Role-playing game "Family".

Work planning

Stage 1: Organizational

Diagnosis of children and the allocation of levels of adaptation of children to preschool educational institutions.

Group consultation for parents on the goals and objectives of the project being implemented.

Didactic and methodological equipment of the project.

Stage 2: Practical

1 Block. "I am human".

Target : Form an idea of ​​yourself as a separate person; talk about ways to protect yourself; show models of social behavior.

1 . Abstracts of GCD on social development:

- "I am human".

- "Ears, nose, mouth and eyes always help us."

- "Who are we?"

- "What are we?"

- We are alive.

2. Didactic game"I am human".

3. Game "Find the difference."

4 . Didactic game"Where is whose things."

5. Conversation "Me and other people."

Creative workshopstogether with parents, joint holidays:

Productive activities.

Making a folder-slider "My family".

2 Block. "Our day". Follow the daily routine.

Target: Formation in children of observance of the daily routine, self-service skills, prevention of overwork of children, organization of proper nutrition.

- "Aibolit checks the health of children." (GCD)

Game situation "Let's feed the doll and put it to sleep."

Sculpting vitamins for toys.

Your "daily routine" (conversation).

- "Why observe the regime of the day."

- Get on the charger.

- My fun activities.

3 block. "Danger". Follow the "no" rule.

Tasks : Tell about the rules of conduct on the streets of the city: cross the street on the green color of the traffic light only by the hands with an adult, move on the right side of the sidewalk, do not bump into passers-by, carefully look under your feet and forward.

Tell about the sources of danger in the apartment and the group room, explain the “no” rule.

- "Baby at home."

- "Do not touch the matches, there is fire in the matches."

- Actions to be taken in the event of a fire.

- "Electrical appliances".

- "Comfortable shoes, clothes."

- Rules of conduct on the street.

- "Traffic lights".

- “Be careful! »

- "I'm a little pedestrian."

4 Block. "Moydodyr!" Follow the rules of hygiene.

Tasks: Tell about the rules of conduct at the table; introduce objects and actions related to the implementation of hygienic processes; washing, bathing, body care, appearance, cleanliness of the home.

1) Conversations on topics:

- "Our true friends";

- “Cleanliness is the key to health”;

- "Water procedures in the morning";

- "Washing";

- "Bathing";

- "Body care";

- "Rules of conduct at the table";

- “Cleanliness is the guarantee of health”;

- "Cleanliness of the playroom";

- "What is good, what is bad."

2) Reading fiction:

Sergei Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly";

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief";

N. Migunova "Why you need to brush your teeth."

3) Abstracts of the GCD on the topics:

- "We teach the doll Dasha to wash her hands";

- “Brush your teeth”;

- "We have a good friend of water";

- "Let's teach Piggy to wash";

“Vitamins grow in our garden.”

4) Games:

The game "Doll got sick";

The game "Wash the hands of the doll";

Soap gloves game. Bubbles";

The game "Doll Masha has lunch."

5 Block. "Physical training!"

Tasks: Introduce the rules for performing physical exercises (attentively listen to the signal, wait for each other, do not push, coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner, control and coordinate movements).

Physical culture activities:

- "Turnip";

- "Visiting matryoshka";

- "We are not afraid of frost";

- “If you want to be healthy, temper yourself”;

Thematic week "Winter fun";

- "The sun is visiting";

- "We are funny chickens."

Synopsis of GCD on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest."

Setting up a health corner for parents.

Involve parents in Health Day.

Making a folder "First Aid".

Reminders for parents:

"Rules of good manners during a conversation."

"Seven parental misconceptions about freezing weather."

Adviсe "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills."


"Hardening of children in modern conditions";

"Creating an emotionally comfortable climate in the group";

"Movement is the basis of health";

"The influence of physical exercises on the development of the child's body";

“Rational nutrition is a guarantee of health in children”;

"Healthy lifestyle of a child - prevention of many diseases."

Consultations :

"The regime and its significance in the life of a child";

"How to properly dress a child for a walk";

"Peculiarities of cultural and hygienic skills of children of primary preschool age";

"How to teach a child to be careful";

"Let prudence be your guide."

Booklet "Organization of a health-saving environment at home".

Booklet "Playing at home".

Visual agitation"Child safety at home".

parent meetings:

"Development of independence in young children";

"Formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle";

“An example of adults is a guarantee of traffic safety”;

Stage 3: Final

  • Diagnosis of children.
  • Analysis of the obtained results.
  • An open event for parents based on the results of the work done - entertainment " We grow up healthy».
  • Recommendations to parents.


The unstable composition of children associated with the period of adaptation;

Weak interest of children and parents.

Ways to overcome

Individual work with absent children. Making memos and information sheets for parents whose children were absent.

Joint activities with children and parents. Informing parents with information boards.


Thus, an integral system of education, health improvement, psychological and pedagogical support, based on pedagogical innovations, contributes to the harmonious physical development of children. In general, the effectiveness of health-oriented activities in kindergarten can be traced in the increased level of competence of teachers in matters of health saving, as well as in general in enhancing health-improving activities in kindergarten. This ultimately had a positive effect on the development of the child's motor activity, the development of physical qualities and, in general, had a positive effect on the health of children, which resulted in a decrease in colds. A survey of parents showed that the main thing for them is the physical and mental health of the child. Most families are determined to actively cooperate with the kindergarten in matters of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

The knowledge gained by the child, ideas about himself, his health and physical culture made it possible to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

The acquired skills helped to consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

The experience gained allowed us to avoid accidents.


1. Development program "School of a healthy person", authors G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko; Moscow 2006

2. Healthy lifestyle "Me and my health" (a program of classes, exercises and didactic games), author T.A. Tarasova, L.S. Vlasova; Moscow 2008

3. Methodological guide "We introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle" - Moscow, 2012.

4. Health system for preschoolers "Zdorovyachok", authors T.S. Nikonorova, E.M. Sergienko, Voronezh 2007

5. A guide for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers", Moscow 2010.

6. Educational and methodical magazines: "Management of preschool educational institutions", "Preschool education", "Child in kindergarten", "Preschool pedagogy", "Hoop", "Educator of preschool educational institutions".

7. "Thematic physical education classes and holidays in a preschool", author A.P. Shcherbak.

8. "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children", authors N.S. Golitsyna, I.M. Shumov.

9. Program "Healthy Baby" edited by Z.I. Beresneva, Sphere, 2004.

10. Morgunova O.N. "Physical and recreationalwork in a preschool educational institution, Sfera, 2006.

Card file of Didactic games on the formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children of the younger group in kindergarten

Material Description: This material will be useful to educators and parents of children in the younger group. It is designed to form the initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Didactic games and exercises

Fruits and vegetables game.
Systematize children's ideas about the distinctive features of vegetables;
Cultivate a thrifty attitude towards plants;
Develop fine motor skills of hands, memory, speech.
Models of vegetables (cabbage, carrot, cucumber, garlic, potato, pepper, corn, tomato), baskets, fruit models (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, banana).
Game progress:
Educator: Guys, let's take a look at what is in the basket.
The teacher takes out a basket with dummies of vegetables and fruits and offers to examine them.
Educator: Look, these are vegetables and fruits. Let's put vegetables and fruits in different baskets.
In the garden, in the garden they walked merrily
In the garden, in the garden, we dug up beds.
The seeds were planted in the garden, they were lowered into the hole
And then they watered the bed with warm water.
You grow soon carrots, peppers and garlic!
We will weed the bed.
Let's pour some water!
The teacher reads poems about vegetables and fruits.
We sat down at the table
Aprons put on
We will eat fruit
Delicious products.
Hey pear! What a marvel!
And blush, and beautiful.
The pear asks very much:
"Eat me, Vanyusha
native apple,
Ours, bulk.
Will grow in our garden
I'll follow him in the fall.
Ripe, juicy orange -
Fruit contains the first vitamin.
How good is he
And it looks like the sun.
Look, watermelon
Here's a cute little one!
Top important, smooth,
And sweet on the inside.
Educator: Well done guys.
Making the game more difficult: Invite the children to look at vegetables and fruits, and sort them by color.

The game "What grows in the garden"
Purpose: To learn to distinguish vegetables by taste and appearance.
Game rule. Take out vegetables and determine them to taste by examining them
appearance and feel.
Game progress:
The teacher brings a hedgehog to the group and says: “The hedgehog has grown a crop of vegetables in his garden. Hedgehog is a good cook. He decided to make soup. He cut vegetables, put them in a saucepan, and then he got a phone call, and he was distracted. When the hedgehog returned, he could not remember which vegetables he cut on the plank. Help the hedgehog recognize vegetables for soup.
The teacher gives the children a taste of chopped vegetables: carrots, cabbage, turnips. Vegetables can be folded into a deep cup so that children take a vegetable without seeing it, touch it and determine its taste.

Vegetable shop game
Goal: Expand ideas about shape and size, develop skills for comparing objects.
Game task: To be good sellers, to select vegetables for buyers correctly.
Game rule: Do not make mistakes when sorting goods, do not anger the director of the hedgehog.
Game progress:
The teacher invites the children to a new vegetable store. There are a lot of goods on the counter: beets, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Invites children to work in the store as sellers. The manager of the hedgehog store invites the sellers and gives them a task: to arrange the goods in baskets so that buyers can quickly buy them: to select round-shaped vegetables in the baskets. If the children are wrong, the hedgehog snorts angrily.
Game variant. You can offer children to deliver vegetables from the vegetable base by car to kindergartens, shops (select only red vegetables; pack vegetables of larger and smaller sizes).

The game "Let's treat the doll with tea"
Objectives: to achieve a repetition of the names of tea utensils, the order of table setting for tea drinking, to give an idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior at the table.
Equipment: doll furniture, tea utensils, doll.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to treat the doll with tea, clarifies what utensils are needed, asks to put a saucer, reminds that the cup must be placed, turning the handle to the right, and put the spoon on the saucer to the right of the cup. He asks questions about what you can drink tea with, offers to put a treat on the table, then invite the doll to the table, treat her with tea, remind her that the tea is hot and you need to be careful not to burn yourself. Draws attention to the fact that at the table you should always behave calmly.

Game "Put the doll to sleep"
Objectives: to fix the names of bed linen and their accessories;
clarify the sequence of undressing and hanging clothes;
reinforce the idea that sleep is good for health.
Equipment: doll bed with bedding, chair, doll, pajamas or nightgown for her.
Game progress:
The teacher says that it's time to put the doll to bed, asks to make a bed for her, clarifies the procedure for undressing and hanging clothes on chairs, suggests that the children do this. After laying down, it reminds that children definitely need to sleep during the day, go to bed on time in the evening, as this is all good for their health, and if children sleep well, they grow up faster. To make the doll fall asleep faster, he offers to sing a lullaby for her.

The game "What, where is it?"
Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the need to maintain order in a group, to clarify knowledge about the location of objects in a group, to consolidate the idea that keeping things in order helps to maintain health.
Equipment: subject pictures depicting toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, books, photographs of group furniture, play centers for various types of children's activities.
Game progress:
The teacher examines with the children photographs of group furniture and centers for various activities, clarifies their purpose. He lays out the photographs on the tables, distributes subject pictures to the children and offers to put things in order - put the objects in their places.
Exercise "Let's tell Styopka the tattered how to behave in kindergarten"
Objectives: to clarify the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior in a group
Equipment: Styopka-ruffled toy, photographs of group rooms or corresponding pictures.
Game progress:
The teacher brings in a toy, examines it with children, offers to remember the content of the cartoon, sequentially shows photographs or pictures, then offers to tell Styopka the ruffled how to behave in a particular room, while emphasizing safety rules.

Exercise "Dress the doll for a walk"
Objectives: to fix the names of winter clothes, to clarify the order of dressing.
Equipment: several dolls, winter clothes and shoes for them.
Game progress:
The teacher offers to put the dolls on for a walk, clarifies what items of clothing are needed, invites the children to alternately put a piece of clothing on the dolls in one sequence or another in which the children dress themselves, encourages them to comment on their actions.
Exercise "Let's show Mishka how to dress so as not to catch a cold"
Objectives: to fix the names of winter clothes and the order of dressing, to form an idea of ​​the need to take care of your health.
Equipment: Bear toy, clothes for him.
Game progress:
The teacher shows Mishka, who is not properly dressed for a walk (the coat is not buttoned, there is no scarf and mittens, etc.), clarifies whether Mishka is dressed correctly for a walk, why not, and offers to tell and show Mishka how to dress. At the suggestion of the teacher, the children put on clothes, show and tell why a scarf, mittens, etc. are needed.

Game "Recognize and name vegetables"
Objectives: to consolidate knowledge of the names of vegetables, to learn to recognize them according to the description of the educator, to continue to form an idea of ​​the health benefits of vegetables.
Equipment: pictures or dummies of vegetables.
Game progress.

The game "Where to put the Bunny harvest"
Objectives: to consolidate the generalizing concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits", to exercise in the ability to distinguish and name them.
Equipment: a bunny toy, pictures or dummies of vegetables and fruits, a vase, a basket.
Game progress.
The teacher says that Bunny needs to lay out the crop, but he forgot where, what to put, and offers to help him. He examines with the children the crop that the Bunny has grown, clarifies the names, suggests putting fruits in a vase, and vegetables in a basket.

Game "Guess the Taste"
Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to identify them by taste, to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe health benefits of fruits.
Equipment: vegetables, fruits that can be eaten raw, pieces of these vegetables and fruits.
Game progress.
After examining vegetables and fruits, the educator clarifies which of them to eat raw, suggests recalling the taste of vegetables and fruits and other features (cabbage, carrots crunch on the teeth, oranges and onions smell specifically, apples are juicy, etc.), reminds them of their health benefits. Then he offers to close his eyes, open his mouth, and alternately puts a piece of fruit or vegetable for each, so that the children identify them by taste.

Game "Call it right"
Purpose: to clarify knowledge about vegetables, their qualities (color, shape, taste, smell), consolidate the ability to recognize them from the picture and give a brief description.
Equipment: pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Game progress.
The teacher examines the pictures and clarifies the names of vegetables. Then, having removed the visual material, he gives a description of vegetables in turn according to the scheme: size, color, shape, smell, taste. When the game is repeated, instead of a description, poetic riddles can be used.

The game "We have order"
Purpose: to form the knowledge that for convenience and safety all items need to be put away, to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, to cultivate the desire to keep the house clean and tidy.
Equipment: pictures of clothing, shoes, dishes, sewing accessories, work tools, pictures of a kitchen cabinet, wardrobe, work drawer.
Game progress:
The teacher reminds the children how important it is to put things away so that they can be easily found, and it is especially important to properly store dangerous objects - put objects in their places - and suggests laying out subject pictures to images of their destinations.

Game "Find the picture"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the names of clothes, to improve the ability to differentiate clothes according to the season.
Equipment: pictures of clothes.
Game progress:
The teacher reminds that in different seasons children wear different clothes, suggests choosing winter clothes that girls and boys like to wear, clothes that both girls and boys love. Similarly, he gives assignments about summer, spring, autumn clothes.
Game "Tanya woke up"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge that it is necessary to cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing, to exercise in using a handkerchief.
Equipment: doll, handkerchief, individual handkerchiefs.
Game progress:
The teacher brings the doll Tanya, says that she walked in windy weather, loosely wrapped her neck with a scarf and caught a cold. She imitates that the doll coughs and sneezes without covering her mouth, makes a remark to her that this is not allowed, invites the children to remind and show Tanya what to do when coughing and sneezing. Then the teacher says that the doll needs to wipe its nose, and invites the children to teach this Tanya: take out their handkerchiefs and show how to do it correctly: bring the handkerchief to the nose, pinch one nostril, release the other, then vice versa and fold the handkerchief, and put it in pocket.

Doll bathing game
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of toiletries and the order of washing, to clarify knowledge of the need to maintain cleanliness of the body, to promote the formation of the habit of neatness.
Equipment: doll, bath, wash items, towel, pajamas, bed.
Game progress:
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that it is time to put the doll to bed, but before going to bed you need to wash it, and invites some children to bring the necessary items, remembers their names and purpose with the children. Then he clarifies what water should be poured into the bath, offers to put the doll in a bath of water, clarifies where to start washing, invites one of the children to do this. He also offers to wash the rest of the body, wipe the doll, put her pajamas on her, put her to bed, sing a lullaby.

Exercise "How do we recognize the subject"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the role of the sense organs.
Equipment: objects different in shape, to the touch, by smell, pieces of fruits and vegetables.
Game progress.
The teacher reminds the children that each of them has assistants who help to recognize objects, and they do it in different ways. Then he offers:
- find certain objects with closed eyes, touch objects and identify them by touch (fur, cold, wet),
-with closed eyes try and identify vegetables and fruits,
- Smell and name the object.
Each time, the teacher clarifies what helped to determine its taste and smell.

The game "Who knows what"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about body parts and their role for a person, to form attention, the ability to quickly and correctly answer questions.
Equipment: ball.
Game progress.
Children stand in a circle, the teacher alternately throws the ball to each, asking questions. The child answers the question and returns the ball to the teacher:
What can your hands do?
What can clouds do?
What can your legs do?
What can horns do?
What can your eyes do?
Who knows how to listen to fairy tales?
What can fingers do?
What can bunnies do?
What can your mouth do?
Who will go for a walk with me?

Exercise "Remember the movement"
Purpose: to improve the understanding of the role of body parts and the need to exercise them.
Equipment: pictures of children doing different exercises.
Game progress.
The teacher reminds that when performing different movements, different parts of the body are exercised, shows pictures depicting exercises for arms, legs, torso. Clarifies what exactly is being exercised when performing these movements, then shows the pictures one by one, suggests memorizing the movement and performing it.

Veronika Zuykova
Healthy lifestyle project in the first junior group "Be healthy!"

Healthy lifestyle project« be healthy.

(Creative, frontal project) .

1. Zuykova Veronika Vitalievna. A place work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8". Educator. Teaching experience - 24 years. Category - first.

Plan project.

1. Identification of the problem.

2. Purpose and objectives project.

3. Estimated results.

4. Planning and implementation project.

5. Results project.

6. List of used sources.

Project progress.

1. Identification of the problem.

Diagnostics of physical development and health of children in the 1st junior group showed:

K 1 health group include 44% of children;

Co 2 - 56%

Analyzing the incidence rates for the 2014-2015 academic year, we (nurse - Faizova F. M., caregivers: Zuykova V.V. noticed that with the onset of the cold period, the incidence in the group began to grow.

Months September October November December January February March

Average list of children 15 15 16 16 16 16 16

Number of missed days due to illness 6 14 22 22 18 11 6

Number of absences per child 0.4 0.93 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.6 0.4

Number of cases 2 4 4 4 3 2 2

Currently there is a downward trend health the younger generation, so the need to form children's ideas about healthy lifestyle increases. Health- this is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Therefore, the main task for us was to strengthen health children in kindergarten and directly in our (I junior group, the formation in children and parents of ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, the formation healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to teach the child the right choice in any situation, only useful for health and renunciation of all that is harmful. To instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it, and this requires the search for new ways in the education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Today, the preservation and strengthening health children is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development.

In September, the initial diagnostics of the development of the educational field was carried out health, in December 2014 - intermediate diagnostics, in April - final diagnostics. The scores have improved significantly. (Data)

3. Purpose project.

Formation of knowledge about health and its importance in children junior preschool age and introduction to work health saving educational technologies.

Tasks project:

1. Strengthening and protection health children and the formation of their initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Creation of conditions for the systematic hardening of the body,

3. Formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Expected Results project

Enrichment of motor experience; increase in physical activity, strengthening health, development of cultural and hygienic skills, food culture, the formation of the foundations of security and the preservation of one's own health.


Enriching parental experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family; increasing the competence of parents in matters of physical education and health improvement of children.

4. Planning and implementation project.

Starting point project steel competitions: "non-standard physical culture equipment" "The best physical education corner of the preschool educational institution".

Members project.

1. Educators Zuykova V.V., Sitova T.A.

2. Children the first junior group and their parents.

3. Children's specialists garden: nurse Faizova F. M., music director Karaseva T. V., social teacher Zuykova V. V.

4. Chiefs: students 6 "BUT" class school number 13.

Plan project.


Educational area. literature. Date Subject Tasks

Physical development 10.02. “I want to be smart, strong!” Learn to walk and run without lowering your head. Develop the ability to jump on two legs in place and moving forward. To form in children an idea of ​​healthy lifestyle. Cultivate a desire to exercise

11.02 Physical education lesson according to the plot of the RNSC. "Kolobok" Strengthen the ability to walk and run without lowering your head. Develop the ability to jump on two legs in place and moving forward. To form in children the ability to crawl under the arc. Continue to form an idea of ​​​​healthy lifestyle.

Lit-rawellness work with children of early and junior preschool age. S. 205 13.02 In the air.

(Games "My cheerful sonorous ball", "Snowflakes")

Learn to throw the ball with both hands at a horizontal target. Strengthen the ability to walk and run without lowering your head. Develop the ability to jump on two legs in place and moving forward, listen carefully and run away at the last words of the verse. To continue to form an idea of ​​​​a healthy lifestyle - the benefits of winter walks.

17.02 According to the plot of a Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox". Learn to jump from circle to circle. Strengthen the ability to walk and run without lowering your head. Develop the ability to jump on two legs in place and moving forward. To form in children the ability to crawl under the arc. Continue to form an idea of ​​​​healthy lifestyle.

Lit-ra: L. I. Mosyagina “A holistic system of physical culture and wellness work with children of early and junior preschool age. S. 82 18.02 2. "We're Going Hiking"


Lit-ra: L. I. Mosyagina “A holistic system of physical culture and wellness work with children of early and junior preschool age. S. 214

"Visiting a fairy tale" 20.02. Final Event project - fun 2. "We're Going Hiking"

Developing the ability to vigorously push off with both feet and land correctly in jumps from a height, in place and moving forward; take the correct starting position in the long jump and height from a place.


Lit-ra junior group

Page 90 9.02. "We bathe" Help to remember and use in speech the names of objects, qualities and actions (bath, soap, soap dish, towel, lather, wash off soap, wipe, hot, warm, cold water)

Reinforce distinct sound pronunciation (f).

To consolidate knowledge of the names of clothing items and the sequence of undressing.

Cultivate the desire to wash yourself.


Formation of a holistic picture of the world, sensory development).

J. "Preschool Education" No. 7, 2004 S. 7.

"Aibolit and plants". Acquaintance with a profession accessible to the understanding of the child - a doctor. Continue to work on the formation in children of the desire not to get sick and strengthen their health vitamin food. To acquaint with signs of a good condition of houseplants. To cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards plants, the desire to care for them.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the medical profession.

Artistic creativity (drawing).

Lit-ra: N. S. Golitsyna “Summaries of complex thematic classes 1st junior group Integrated approach "- M. 2013

Page 94 10.02 Comb Learn to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines with a pencil. To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200belementary hygiene skills.

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Lit-ra: N. S. Golitsyna “Summaries of complex thematic classes 1st junior group Integrated approach "-M. 2013

Page 94 17.02 "Fruit for a Doll" Bringing children to the image of objects of a round shape. Strengthen the skills of drawing with paints. Encourage paint to paint simple round objects (orange, apple). To form knowledge about the benefits of fruits. To form in children the correct posture when drawing.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll.

Artistic creativity (sculpting)

Lit-ra: N. S. Golitsyna “Summaries of complex thematic classes 1st junior group Integrated approach "-M. 2013

Page 95 12.02 "Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods"- Learn how to push. Strengthen the skills of sculpting rounded objects. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly name colors: red, yellow, green.

Develop the ability to compare and generalize.

To give elementary ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for health.

Artistic creativity (sculpting) 19.02 "Pills and vitamins" Development of the ability to roll lumps in a circular motion between the palms, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

(summary attached)

Music (Music director)

9.02,12.02 Music games "Quiet-loud" Formation of the ability to move in accordance with the music and the power of its sound (loud quiet). Emotionally respond to musical accompaniment.

P / s "Hare".

16.02,19.02 "Fast slow". Development of motor skills: together with everyone and individually, run easily, at a moderate and fast pace to the music. P/I "Train".

Speech development (development of oral speech).

Enrichment of the developing environment.

Parents and teachers. Select literature on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" in the corner of a children's book": "Moydodyr",

"Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky, Bathing Z. Alexandrova 9.02

“Pour clean water, we know how to wash cleanly. Reading an excerpt from a poem by K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" with play.


(N. S. Golitsyna “Complex-thematic classes 1 ml. gr." from. 92) To consolidate the cultural and hygienic skills of washing. Cultivate accuracy. Activate Dictionary words: health, purity. Enriching children's vocabulary with words topic

To promote the development of articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing.

Speech development (development of oral speech).

12.02 A. Barto "Dirty Girl" Exercise in listening to a literary work without showing, to promote its understanding.

Develop auditory perception. Reinforce distinct sound pronunciation (F) in words.

Cultivate neatness, neatness

Speech development (development of oral speech).

Lit-ra: V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in first junior group» from. 79 16.02 Playing with nursery rhymes "Water, water", "Ay, alright, alright, alright" Teaching children to listen to nursery rhymes, accompany them with game actions.

Develop auditory and visual attention. Give children the opportunity to finish words, phrases.

Cultivate independence in the performance of cultural and hygienic skills

Speech development (development of oral speech).

Lit-ra: V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in first junior group» from. 55 19.02 Katya's doll bathing Learn to accompany your actions words: bath, soap, hot water, towel. Develop auditory attention.

Enriching children's vocabulary with words topic: towel, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief.

Cultivate an attentive attitude to your appearance (cleanliness).

Educational activities during regime moments.

Basic type of activity Periodicity Integration of educational areas

morning exercises

To the music. Daily ORU for the hands, development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back muscles and spine flexibility.

Encourage children to participate in joint physical activities. Raising interest in physical exercises, the desire to use physical education equipment in their free time. Formation in children of positive emotions, activity in independent motor activity. Developing the ability to respond to signals "run", "stop".

Complex of hardening procedures.

Educator + nurse. Daily Pouring hands with cool water up to the elbow. Prevention of flat feet (walking after sleep in shorts and T-shirts along massage paths. A set of relaxing exercises. (Prevention of nervous strain, protection of psychological children's health).

Self massage (prevention of colds)

Hygienic procedures Daily Improvement of cultural and hygienic behavior during eating, washing. Formation of habits to monitor their appearance; the ability to properly use soap, gently wash hands, face, ears, wipe dry after washing, use a comb and handkerchief.

Situational conversations during regime moments Daily Formation of initial ideas about a person. Formation primary gender representations of a person, primary gender representations (boys are strong, brave; girls are gentle, caring). Form the need for the use of words "thanks", "Hello", "Goodbye". (in family, group) . Formation of the desire to take part in feasible work, the ability to overcome small difficulties. Encouraging the desire to help adults, fostering a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

Walks. Daily Nurture the Need for Strengthening health, the desire to actively move on a walk, to follow the rules of the game and safety. Children play mobile games: "Catch up with the lump", "We stomp our feet", "Hit the target", "A gray bunny is sitting" etc. they go sledding, make buildings out of snow together with the teachers. To form a desire to help adults build buildings from snow, to develop children's skills to notice changes in nature. Formation of the ability to dress for the weather.

Physical education - wellness work once a week.

Organized by a social teacher - educator V. V. Zuykova

As a social educator, as well as the chairman of the parent committee 6 "BUT" class secondary school No. 13, I work closely with the class teacher, parents, teachers. With great desire students 6 "BUT" class became chefs of the 2nd junior group. They themselves love sports, lead an active lifestyle and helped educators conduct physical education. health work. We called it event: « Health thanks to physical education and exercises!”

Target: interaction of schoolchildren with younger preschoolers enrichment of children's motor experience.


1. Formation of social skills of interaction with other children, including schoolchildren. Teach is built in a column one at a time. Development and improvement of the main types of movements, their expressiveness and beauty.

2. Consolidation of the ability to vigorously push the balls away when rolling, throwing.

3. Cultivate a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

In the course of the interaction of schoolchildren and preschoolers, all the goals and objectives were successfully solved, they gained invaluable social and motor experience. (See appendix 1).

Working with teachers: Workshop held "Methods of morning exercises".

Working with parents:

1. A parent meeting was held « be healthy» (with workshop elements).

2. Consultation "Fundamentals of Child Safety"

3. Folder-slider is designed "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children"

4. An open day "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children during meals" was held.

5. Parents took part in a newspaper competition “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”.

6. Photo exhibition "Winter holidays with children".

Nurse Faizova F. M.

Interviewed with parents "Vitamins in winter".

Musical director Karaseva T.V. Helped in the selection of music for physical education. Charging, physical education classes, physical culture leisure are accompanied by music, which gives the classes a positive emotional background.

6. Results project.

1. Children's health improved. Significantly decreased incidence in group. (See table)

2. Children began to show more independence in carrying out hygiene procedures and perform these procedures with pleasure. They began to understand the importance of cultural and hygienic skills during meals and washing, the importance of preserving health.

3. The competence of parents in matters of physical education and health improvement of children.

4. Parents, students and junior preschoolers have acquired the skills of interacting and collaborating with others to strengthen health.

5. Diagnostics shows the development of physical qualities, the accumulation and enrichment of children's motor experience.


They observe elementary hygiene rules (washes hands with soap as necessary, uses a handkerchief, napkin, towel, pot).

Follows basic rules of eating (correctly holds a spoon with his right hand, eats on his own)

With a little help from an adult, he takes off his clothes, shoes (unfastens buttons in front, fasteners on Velcro) neatly folds the removed clothes in a certain order; with a little help from an adult, puts on clothes and shoes correctly.

Maintains a stable balance, correct posture when performing movements.

7. Perspectives project- Work with teachers.

Workshop "Methodology for morning exercises" (April 2015)

Summer planning health work.

8. List of used sources.

1. Early childhood education program "Birth to School". Edited by N. E. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, Moscow; Mosaic-Synthesis 2011

2. N. S. Golitsyna “Summaries of complex thematic classes 1st junior group Integrated approach "-M. ,2013

3. "Preschool Education" 2012, No. 10;

2013, No. 1; 2013, No. 2; 2012, No. 7;

7. L. I. Mosyagina “A holistic system of physical culture and wellness work with children of early and junior preschool age. - St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2013.-288C.

Lesson summary in I junior group

"We're Going Hiking"

Target: create conditions that encourage children to physical activity, promote the development of walking.

Learn to overcome obstacles while walking.

Develop balance, coordination of movements; activate speech.

Arouse interest and emotionally positive attitude towards the lesson and joint actions with adults and children.

Materials and equipment: 3 "logs", sewn from materials of different colors, 3 small hoops, a folding tunnel, a massage path, a ribbed board.

Course progress.

1. Introduction. Organizing time.

The sounds of nature are in the background.

Look, kids, what a nice weather today! The sun is shining. I invite you to go hiking.

2. Main body (fixing the main types of movements).

We will start our trip from this beautiful path - we go straight along it and do not turn anywhere.

They go along a fabric path, then along a ribbed board, to a certain place, they find sultans there.

ORU with sultans.

1. "Show and hide the sultan".

I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, in the hands of a sultan. They showed the sultan, their hands were stretched forward, they hid the sultan, they hid their hands behind their backs. (3-4 times).

2. "Here are our sultans".

I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down, in the hands of a sultan. We raised our hands up - waving the sultan; put their hands down. (3-4 times).

3."Take a turntable"

I. p. - sitting, legs apart, in the hands of a sultan. Tilts of the torso to the toes of the legs, put the turntable, straighten up, bend over, take the sultan in his hands. (3-4 times).

4. "Resting arms and legs".

I. P. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your hands up, wave the sultan, lower. Raise your legs up, lower. (3-4 times).

Development of basic movements. Children overcome obstacles (crawl through the gates, walk along the ribbed board, then 3 hoops lie.

The exercise "From bump to bump"- jumps on 2 legs into flat hoops (from cardboard). Hoops are laid out one after another 3 pieces. (2-3 times).

mobile game "Carousel"

So we passed the forest, the river, the swamp and went to the clearing. And in order to relax a little and make a halt, I suggest you play the game "Carousel".

Barely, barely, barely, barely

Carousels spinning, holding hands.

And then, then, then Running in a circle, holding hands.

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush, running is getting slower

stop the carousel

One, two, one, two Children stop, squat, hands

So the game is over! On knees.

Our journey was so interesting and unusual, and I suggest our travelers to go to group. And for the fact that you were so brave, resolute, I will give you magical (massage balls, they glow and make sounds).

Self massage:

Let me show you how you can massage your hands with these magic balls. (The teacher shows, and the children roll the balls between the palms). How you're doing great. Such a massage will help us to get sick less often or not at all.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" creation".

Occupation in I junior group"Pills and vitamins".

Tasks: Clarify knowledge of ways to strengthen health. Develop the ability to roll out lumps with circular movements of the palms, flatten the ball, squeezing it with the palms of both hands. Develop a desire to take care of yourself health.

Course progress.

Guys, it's winter now and it's very easy to catch a cold and get sick. And what happens

when do we get sick? (We sit at home, drink medicine, go to the doctor).

Yes, when healthy children run, jumping, playing in kindergarten, patients should lie in bed, take medicine and do everything the doctor says. And it's very boring and sad. Tell me, how can you protect yourself from colds and illnesses.

(children's answers)

That's right, for this we cut garlic in a saucer, ventilated group, lubricated the nose with oxolinic ointment. We planted onions, and when they grew, we added them to the soup.

We know that green onions contain many vitamins.

Green onions are vitamins from the garden. In the people so they say: Bow for seven ailments (diseases and illnesses).

And there are other vitamins that live in our first aid kit, and you are also familiar with them.

There are also pills in the first aid kit. Can you tell me when we take the pills? (children's answers)

Yes, when we get sick, when we have a headache and a sore throat, the temperature rises - that's when we take pills.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the dolls that are in bed.

Guys, look what sad dolls. What do you think happened to them? (children's answers).

Yes, they got sick. And what about us. do how to help them? (children's answers).

That's right, we will treat them. What do we need to do for this. (children's answers)

Yes, dolls need pills. Where do we get them? (children's answers).

And let's make pills for dolls ourselves. What can they be made from? (children's answers).

That's right, we'll make pills for sick plasticine dolls, and for healthy animals blind vitamins.

Let's remember what vitamins are like. (Children's answers.)

Yes, they are small, yellow balls. How are we going to mold them? (Pinch off small lumps from a large lump and roll the balls between the palms).

From some balls we will make tablets - we will flatten the balls with the palms of our hands.

The teacher helps the children as needed. Encourages and praises them on behalf of the dolls. After finishing work, the tablets are collected in one saucer, vitamins - in another. Children treat sick dolls with pills and treat them with vitamins healthy animals.

Well done guys, the dolls thank you for wanting to help them. If not for your pills, they would have been sick for a long time. And the little animals are grateful to you for taking care of them. health.

And I want to take care of your health and treat you with real vitamins.

List of equipment in the corner of independent motor activity

Rubber balls



Ring Throwers

ball throwers


Ribbed tracks

soft snake

Massage mats, massage balls

exercise bike

For boys

Football balls



Sticks Girls


Non-standard equipment

(list of manuals made by hand)

Balls stuffed

Massage mats with traces

soft snake (for balance)

Ribbed track (from slats, buttons, soft caps)


Abstract of a lesson on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the younger group on the topic: "Ears, nose, mouth and eyes always help us."

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the lesson in the younger group on the topic: "Ears, nose, mouth and eyes always help us." This material will be useful to educators of the younger group.

Software content.
1. To introduce children to the organs of hearing, smell, vision and their importance in human life.
2. Formation of the ability to take care of their organs of hearing, sight, touch and smell.
3.Formation of logical thinking, aesthetic taste.
4. Develop creative imagination, musical taste.

Demo material.
2. Talisman - a silhouette of the image of the sun.
3.Vegetables, orange, carrot, candy, bread, onion, pickles, garlic clove.
4. Screen, tambourine, drum, paper, 2 glasses, one with water.

Lesson progress

Our sun has woken up
All of it smiled at us
Wishing everyone good health.
This is our sun. Our talisman. And what is your motto?
Children: "We want to be healthy"

Educator: Oh guys, I hear a sound. He is calling us. Let's go to the table and see what the merry bells have left us. Oh, guys, look, there's something on the tables. Children are mirrors.
Educator: Sit down at the tables.
Educator: Our light, mirror, soot and show the whole truth.
Mirror: I'll show you, take a mirror in your hands.
Educator: Children, take a mirror. Look into it. What do you see there?
Children list, nose, mouth, ears, eyes.
Educator: Yes, we have eyes. How many eyes do we have? (children - two) And what color are they. Look in the mirror. Tanya, what color are your eyes? (brown), Alyosha (blue), etc. Yes, guys, Vanya has blue eyes, Polina has brown eyes. Eyes come in different colors and are naked, and green, and brown, and otherwise they are called brown eyes. Why do we need eyes? (children - to watch).
Now let's play a game:
"What's added."
There is one bear, one doll, one car on the table. Then two bears, two dolls and one car.
Well done, you all did it, proved that eyes are needed to look. And so that the eyes do not hurt, you need to do exercises for the eyes.
Eye charger.
Eyes smile at the sun
Look down at the grass
And back up high
They look back and forth.
Will never get tired
We close our eyes tightly
We open them wide.
Educator: Oh, guys, the bell is calling us to the table again. And again asks to take a mirror.
We take the mirror again, what do we see in it again?
Educator: Guys, what else do you see on the face? (children - nose). How many spouts do you and I have? (children - one). Why do we need noses? (children - to breathe). Let's prove it. Close your nose with one hand and your mouth with the other hand. And try to breathe. Does not work. Here we have proved that we need a nose for breathing. And now we will play with you.
A game.
Spout, spout, guess
What does it smell like, you know? (Garlic, perfume, orange, sweets are taken). Children guess. So, children, what do we need a nose for? (breathe, smell). And so that our nose does not hurt, you need to do gymnastics for the nose.
Nose exercises.
Let's take a deep breath of air
We breathe it out with our mouth
One inhale, two inhale
One inhale, two inhale
We stroke the wings of the nose
From above, from below we will grind
And breathe in one more time
Again we hear the ringing of the bell (we approach the table).
Educator:“Again we take a mirror, what else do we see in it” (children). Why do we need a mouth? (children - talk, eat). And at the mouth, what are the helpers? (lips, teeth, tongue). Yes, children, we have lips, teeth and a tongue ... why do we need teeth ((to chew). And the tongue (it helps us speak and recognize what food we eat). Let's play, children. I'll be in your mouth put food, and you guess their taste.
The game "Guess the taste."
(orange, carrot, candy, bread, onion, pickle on toothpicks).
What helped us to define these subjects is language.
Educator: We hear the bell ring again. We approach the table. “Again we take a mirror, what else do we see in it” (children - ears). How many ears? (children - two). What are they for us? (children - to hear). You come up to me, now let's play the game "Whose sound".
A game.
(behind the screen, a bell, a tambourine, a drum, the rustling of paper, overflowing water from glass to glass). You guessed it right, children, ears are our novices.
And so that our ears hear well, let's do exercises for the ears.
We will rub our hands
Feel free to take the ears
From top to bottom we pinch them
Let's go from bottom to top again.
Educator: Well done guys, you did well. Oh, you hear who's crying. Let's go to the table. Here are the guys grandfather and grandmother blinded Gingerbread Man. And that they forgot that he needs him to look at the sun (eyes), smile at you and me (mouth), hear a wolf, a bear (ears) to breathe air (mouth). And let's help the kolobok, give him what? (nose, ears, mouth, eyes). Children perform.
Look, Kolobok smiled and says thank you. Guys, and our sun is also happy for you and says again, “Be healthy”, what will we answer him? "Thanks!"