
Remove eyeliner stain. Children's "art" or how to remove stains from a pencil, paints and felt-tip pens. Hair dye


Many needlewomen, when creating their creations, use a pencil to draw a drawing or markup.

And after that, they are faced with the problem of removing the graphite mixture from the fabric. In fact, it is quite difficult to remove it, but nothing is impossible.

Pencil cannot be removed from fabric material with an eraser. The thing is that its action is based on the fact that, together with graphite, it removes the top layer of paper. This will not work with fabric. That is why it is better to use tools such as:

  • Washing powder;
  • Vanish;
  • Soap;
  • Special gum;
  • Dishwashing liquid and some other preparations.

They will help get rid of the pencil, but you need to use them correctly. If you act randomly, it will be even worse. In view of this, you should act strictly according to the instructions.

What stains are well removed is dishwashing liquid.

  1. In this case, it is necessary to moisten the sponge in warm water and apply a little detergent to it.
  2. Then the stain is rubbed in a circular motion.
  3. After you see that it has disappeared, wash the treated area with warm water and let it dry.

If it was not possible to remove the defect the first time, smear the stain with detergent and leave it for a day. Then it remains to wash it. It is important to set the program in the washing machine that suits your material.

How to wash a pencil? There are several more ways.

  1. Soap the graphite strips with laundry soap.
  2. Leave them for half an hour.
  3. Rinse, lather again, wash.
  4. Then it remains only to thoroughly rinse the fabric.

Use of Vanish and similar products

The stain from the pencil lead is well removed by Vanish and similar products. In this embodiment, the agent is diluted and used according to the instructions.

As the reviews say, the defect is removed very quickly. In this way, stains can be removed from both colored and white fabrics.

What means can be used besides Vanish? Ace, Amway or Antipyatin will perfectly cope with the task. They are not so expensive, but the effect will definitely be.

There is another answer to the question: “how to wash a pencil?” - apply a special gum or eraser.

You can buy it at a store that sells fabric. The principle of operation of the tool is quite simple - they wipe the trace. In the end, he disappears.

Important! Special gum should not be expensive, but not too cheap. The fabric should not be ironed before the product is applied. Only then will it help.


Getting rid of a simple pencil lead on matter can also be done by washing. But this method does not always help. However, if the powder is strong, then it can handle the problem.

Important! Before you start washing, it is better to soak the product for a day.

If the effect does not follow, you can take the item to dry cleaning. They should be able to remove such stains. If that doesn't help, try all of the above options. One of them must come up, the main thing is not to give up and fight to the last.

Many “old-fashioned” needlewomen use a pencil to mark seams, patterns and ornaments. However, removing a simple pencil from canvas and white fabric is not an easy task. Special tools that are easy to prepare at home will help to cope with strokes.

Recipe for an effective soap remedy. Required components:

  • soap "Antipyatin";
  • laundry soap;
  • oxygen bleach;
  • synthetic detergent;
  • dishwashing liquid.


Mix the ingredients in one bowl, mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared product to the contaminated surface, leave for a day, and then soak in warm water for 7-8 hours. If marks remain, add some synthetic cleaner to the water. Rinse the fabric well under running water to remove any residue. Wash additionally in a washing machine with a suitable programme.

How to remove a simple pencil from embroidery and canvas?

If you need to remove pencil marks very quickly, use ready-made stain removers - As or Vanish. Before washing, be sure to read the instructions to avoid negative consequences. The cleaning powder can be added to the wash or applied directly to the stained area. There are products designed for colored and white fabrics. Keep this in mind when choosing them.

How to remove pencil from white fabric?

You will need a simple laundry soap that will help to cope with stains no worse than expensive products. Soak the contaminated cloth in warm water, carefully rub the place of contamination with a piece of laundry soap, leave for half an hour. Rub the cloth again with soap and rinse thoroughly. Additionally, wash it in a washing machine with a suitable mode.

How and how to remove a pencil from canvas

Another simple but effective remedy is Antipyatin soap. It is used in the same way as laundry soap. Soak the contaminated area, rub thoroughly with a piece of soap, let it lie for 20 minutes, rub with soap again and rinse well in clean water. It remains only to wash the product in the washing machine.

A few more effective ways:

  1. Gel Vanish. Prepare a plastic cup, pour a little gel into it (about halfway). The amount of gel will depend on the size of the contamination. Put in a bowl (without water) and leave for 4 hours. Add water, rub the contaminated places with laundry soap, leave again for several hours. Scrub the fabric with a brush (light movements), rinse and wash in the washing machine. If contamination remains, repeat the procedure again.
  2. If you are using a marking pencil, starch the fabric before embroidering. After finishing work, simply wash the product with detergent. The neck marks will easily come off with the starch.
  3. If the marks are not very strong, try erasing the pencil with a simple school eraser.
  4. Pour warm water into the basin, add 2-3 caps of Ariel, stir the contents a little, immerse the embroidery or sewing, stir again and leave overnight. In the morning, wash the product, rinse in clean water.
  5. Treat the fabric with detergent, rinse in cold water, add 2-3 drops of ammonia, treat the fabric again with detergent and rinse in clean water.
  6. Roll a small ball out of the bread crumb, put it in the palm of your hand and “roll” it over the contaminated surface. Bread crumbs literally "roll out" the traces of the neck. For starters, you can practice on paper. Finally, blow off the breadcrumbs and launder the items if necessary.
  7. If all else fails, try drastic measures. For example, use WD-40. Spray a small area, and then gently rub with a cloth. If the fabric is delicate, try this application method. Spray paper towels with WD-40 and apply to the stain on both sides. Leave the wipes on for 2 minutes, rub a few drops of dish detergent into the stain. Gradually, the napkins will begin to stain, absorbing traces of the pencil. Change napkins every 2 minutes. Wash the fabric in the washing machine.
  8. If you need to remove crayon from upholstery or carpet, try using a dull knife. After most of the dirt has been removed, moisten it with WD-40 and leave for 5 minutes. Scrub the mark with a stiff brush, treat with a paper towel, drip WD-40 again, add a couple of drops of detergent, rub the mark with a brush, moisten with a damp washcloth.

Traces from a simple and colored pencil are very difficult to remove. To mark up embroidery patterns, it is better to use special markers or thread. Traces on furniture upholstery and carpet are removed for a long time. But, the result is sure to come. If one method doesn't help, another will. The main thing is not to give up!

Greetings to all needlewomen on the blog "". A rare embroiderer can boast of high speed when working, usually the process stretches for several months, if not years. This is not bad at all - everyone has their own pace and their own preferences. But during the work with the canvas, anything can happen, and most often, what needlewomen have to deal with is spots on embroidery. How to deal with them and what to do so that the spots do not appear?

Usually I try to give only verified information on the blog, share my own experience, telling real facts. Therefore, I could not start an article about stains on embroidery for a long time - it’s just that usually I didn’t have any stains on the canvas. With the exception of traces from a simple pencil, which I wrote about when showing my work "", as well as traces of chocolate, which were easily washed off with.

So I had to open an experimental site, which unfolded interesting for myself and for the observer-son. Trying to wash off all kinds of stains is not a task for the faint of heart, so I “set” only the running ones - from tea, from berries and ... a simple pencil. 🙂

But let's talk about everything in order.

What should I do to prevent stains from appearing on embroidery?

Ideally, of course, to do embroidery outside the kitchen area and without little helpers who strive either with a marker or with paints to help mom in the process of creating a picture. For the time when you are not embroidering, put the fabric in a bag, thus protecting it from all sorts of accidents and dust.

However, this does not always help to protect yourself from all sorts of stains.

The most important thing to remember is that fresh stains are best removed. The sooner you notice the stain and start removing it, the more likely it is to remove it without consequences for the canvas and floss.

However, old spots on embroidery are not a sentence either. They just might require more effort and options to work.

True, using too many funds at once is also not worth it - you can completely ruin the canvas and the work as a whole.

How to prevent molting floss

If during embroidery you notice that the threads paint your fingers or canvas, I advise you to rinse the embroidery in vinegar water before the main wash: dilute a tablespoon of 9% vinegar in 3-5 liters of cold water and hold the canvas in the solution.

Important! If you used a marker for marking, first rinse it off with cold water and only then dip the embroidery in vinegar.

This method allows you to "fix" the paint and will not allow the threads to shed. In addition, it will help to make the colors more vivid, saturated. Therefore, I recommend lowering the entire work into a solution of vinegar, and not one fragment.

If the threads have already shed, you will have to be patient and cold water. Pour ice water into the basin (you can even throw ice cubes) and leave the work in the water for an hour, then change the water back to ice water.

How to get stains out of embroidery

Now let's talk directly about the stains that may appear from various kinds of products.

Tea or coffee stains

I don’t have coffee in my house, but the tea stain turned out to be the most harmful. So I do not advise anyone to drink tea next to the embroidery - you can seriously ruin the work. And the only option would be to repaint the entire canvas. 🙂 After all, this is a well-known way to make a unique canvas with a light (in case of a weak tea solution) or bright (in case of strong tea leaves) “pattern”. But we are not interested in creating a new shade, but in removing tea stains.

It is possible that if the tea is not strong and rinse the work immediately, the fabric will brighten. BUT this advice did not help me - the canvas with the stain lay for about five minutes and there was no longer any sense from cold water.

Washing with laundry soap improved the situation a little, but still the tea stain remained.

The photo is not so noticeable - you need to look closely, but from afar on a white background it is clearly visible.

You could try Vanish, it is often used by embroiderers to remove stains. But I do not have it. Another tip says: rub with lemon or soak in lemon water (a tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water)

As a result, only bleach for baby clothes coped with the task (for a long time I have been using only powder and bleach “Eared Nanny” - when there is no other way to have a small child in the house 😀).

Although, too, it seems to me, if you look closely, you can still notice a slight shade of tea ...

Grease spots

Grease stains usually work well with any dishwashing detergent. The only thing is that you should first try to soak only the threads in it - to check if they shed or fade. Wash in warm water and it is advisable not to soak the finished work in the product for a long time. And then it is important to rinse the embroidery very well.

Stains from berries, red wine

With red wine, my house is also tense, as with coffee. But the freezer is full of berries - regularly in a saucepan there is fruit drink for my son. Here is one cranberry ruthlessly crushed on the canvas. 🙂

Pay attention to how “successfully” it turned out - there is a light area and a darker one. This, as it turns out, is important too.

The advice that made me experiment with the berry is to use boiling water. It is important to take boiling boiling water and stretch the fabric on the hoop. Be careful with the ferry!

I poured one and a half liters of boiling water from the kettle onto a small spot. But…

A weak trace of a berry can still be removed in this way, but a strong one, alas, no.

Laundry soap partly exacerbated the problem - part of the stain went away, and part became purple. I suppose it’s also because I already washed it in warm water, because it’s simply not realistic to wash the fabric with your hands in boiling water.

Next came the bleach. In general, of course, at first it would be necessary to try the stain remover of the same brand that I mentioned. He usually copes with berry stains on ordinary T-shirts. But here I didn’t have it, so I immediately applied the “radical” option.

The bleach did the job, BUT, notice that part of the canvas has also bleached. This is barely noticeable to the eye, because the canvas is cream, but this means that it is permissible to use bleach only on white fabric and it is advisable not to allow undiluted bleach to get on floss and colored canvas. That is, it is worth diluting the product a little, and only then use it.

blood stains

Sometimes it happens to be pricked with a needle while sewing, because blood stains can also appear on the embroidery. But here, sorry, I didn’t specifically cut my fingers. 😀 If someone really tried some active means, I will be happy to read your opinion in the comments.

As for the advice on the Internet (which, as you have already seen, can not always be trusted 😉 , it is suggested to remove the stain with hydrogen peroxide or saliva. To do this, moisten a piece of white thread with saliva and apply a wet lump to the stain, most of the stain should come off thread, and the rest can also be removed in cold water.In general, the blood usually washes well in cold, almost ice-cold water.So, it may be worth holding it under cold water first, and then using saliva or peroxide.

Markers and pencil marks

Often there are questions about how to remove a mark from a marker or a simple pencil, so let's talk about this type of stain on embroidery.

How to remove a marker

Recently, I was asked if the marker would wash off if it was applied to the canvas a couple of years ago. To be honest, I haven’t marked the canvas for a very long time, but it was on it that I made a small markup about seven years ago.

Here it is barely noticeable - the camera, of course, cannot convey as accurately as possible. But I note that in reality the trace of a water-soluble marker is not so noticeable - it has faded over time.

If you used cold water, but for some reason the marker did not come off right away, hold the embroidery in ice water for an hour. Should help.

But if you rinsed the embroidery in warm water and the marker “fixed”, then, I believe, either a stain remover-bleach will help, or ... nothing. Perhaps one of my readers knows how to deal with such stains - share your experience in the comments! 😉

How to remove a simple pencil from embroidery

But the surprise for me was the removal of markings from a simple pencil. At the very beginning of the existence of the blog, she shared her experience and warned all beginner embroiderers

DO NOT use a pencil for marking the canvas!

this stain from a simple pencil remained on my work

But novice embroiderers continue to step on this rake, so they often ask themselves: “ How to remove pencil from embroidery?».

And finally, a solution has been found. Laundry soap. Not simple, Soviet, but Japanese. With the effect of boiling.

Yes, not everyone can sell it. I know that Vanish soap (namely soap) has a similar effect. But I had soap as in the photo ...

I made the markup with a hard pencil (left) and soft (right). Specially many times moved with a soft simple pencil, so that the trace remained decent.

But, to my joy, the soap perfectly washed off both the markings with a hard and soft pencil.

Without excessive effort, but with "bumping" and friction, which, as you remember, is undesirable. Therefore, I still continue to insist - for marking the canvas, please use or choose another, suitable method. I wrote about them in an article -

If the spots on the embroidery still have not disappeared

Don't be discouraged if you've tried different options and the stains don't budge. It is possible that the work will not be completely ruined if you are smart and creative. 😉

Show your imagination and sew up the soiled fragment: add another row or two of crosses or half-crosses to the embroidery, add some fragment - for example, when embroidering landscapes - sew on a flower, a bush or an asterisk.

Or try to pick up one in a framing workshop that will help hide the defect.

Do you have experience removing stains on embroidery? Have you successfully managed to remove traces of coffee from the canvas? Or maybe you tried some other ways to remove stains on embroidery that I did not mention? Share your experience in the comments!

Removing makeup stains from fabric can be tricky if you don't know a few simple rules. Keep in mind that different cosmetics react differently to detergents and the success of washing depends on whether you make the right decision in each case.

When removing stains, it is important to consider not only the composition of the substance that led to contamination, but also the composition of the fabric. So, for example, if we are talking about such delicate fabrics as silk or fine wool, and the stain is clearly not easy, then you should put aside experiments and turn to professional cleaning. In such cases, it is better to rely on experience and reassure yourself that if the situation worsens, you will be compensated for your loss.

Sometimes you have to suffer to remove some stains from cosmetics.

A few simple rules

  • If you put a stain on your clothes, never rub it with paper or a towel. To remove moisture that has not yet been absorbed, blot the stain straight up and down with a paper towel. In the case of spot friction, you are more likely to make it worse;
  • Don't use hot water unless you know for sure that it will help. In decorative cosmetics, persistent dyes are used, which, under the influence of high temperature, will only be fixed;
  • Do not use regular cosmetic soap. Some types of soap contain fragrances and cosmetic ingredients that will aggravate the situation;
  • Take care of the stain as soon as possible. This will greatly increase your chances of success;
  • Wash difficult stains by hand, but avoid rubbing the fabric. If the stain has a hard residue on the surface, the best way to remove the excess is to scrape it off with a plastic spoon;
  • If possible, test your bleach or detergent on a small area of ​​the stain that is not very noticeable;
  • Place a few drops of stain remover directly onto the stain. If the stain is very fresh and you don't have a stain remover on hand, you can use dishwashing detergent with water in proportions of 2 to 1;
  • Do not rub cloth against cloth when washing makeup. There is a high chance that in this case you will get two spots instead of one. This is especially true for lipstick. Pinch the cloth between your thumb and forefinger and try to clean the stain in this way. Spare no detergent;
  • Don't put clothes in the dryer until you're sure the stain is completely gone. Drying fixes most difficult stains tightly;
  • If possible, do not rush to remove the stain with what is at hand. Even 10 years ago, various tricky methods had to be used to remove stains. However, now the choice of stain removers is quite wide and you can pick up something for any type of fabric. Yes, and cosmetics during this time has become much more insidious;
  • Mascara and eyeliner are often oil-based, so in addition to removing paint, you'll also need to think about oil stain removal. Most types of eyeliner and mascara are excellently removed with a 2 to 1 mixture of dish detergent and water. If the soiling is more serious and you have White Spirit or another quality solvent on hand that leaves no residue, you can use it. However, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. Alternatively, you can use lighter fluid. Be careful when using it, it is highly flammable;
  • Some people advise using Coca Cola to remove stains. It is indeed quite effective on some types of pollution. However, remember that the white fabric will shed and you will encounter a new problem;
  • Removing makeup stains is a repetitive process. If the stain does not come out after the first treatment, treat again. If you need to interrupt, leave the stain wet with the stain remover, but never dry the fabric until it is completely gone;
  • Many types of lipstick are perfectly removed with alcohol;
  • Liquid makeup base is often well washed off with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • Blush, eye shadow and powder makeup base will come off when treated with a paste of washing powder (Automatic) and water;

General washing process for clothes with difficult stains

  • Treat the stain with a stain remover or a paste of laundry detergent and water;
  • Lightly rub the stain with your fingers and rinse in warm water;
  • Soak your clothes in a good bleach or stain remover based on "oxygen". Leave for at least 8 hours. If after this the stain remains, repeat the soak;
  • Wash as usual;
  • If you “planted” a stain on clothes that require only dry cleaning, then, unfortunately, only professional dry cleaning will help you;
  • Hair dye stains are the hardest to remove. It usually helps to blot the stain with isopropyl alcohol until the stain dissolves. In addition, white spirit or lighter fluid helps well. But when removing paint stains, you need to be especially careful.

Even 10 years ago, in the absence of professional detergents on store shelves, removing cosmetic stains from fabric was quite problematic, and improvised methods had to be used. Now it’s worth just keeping a small package of professional stain remover on hand, which will greatly facilitate your life in an emergency. However, remember that the use of a stain remover, although it facilitates the process, does not negate the advice given in this article.