
How to wash gold at home. Methods and tips for cleaning gold with stones and what not to do at home. Effective Options for Restoring Gold Jewelry with Affordable Remedies


Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 4 minutes


How to clean gold at home quickly and efficiently, what folk remedies can be used and how to restore the original shine to your favorite products without damaging the surface, we will tell in this article.

The loss of the original luster of gold jewelry is due to several factors: exposure to oxygen, which forms an oxide film; exposure to household chemicals and chlorinated pool water; microparticles of dust and dirt, clogged in the smallest hard-to-reach elements of jewelry.

It is a well-known fact that gold jewelry is not made from pure gold of the highest standard, but from an alloy of gold with copper, silver or other metals. This is due to the fact that pure gold is a soft metal, and additives give it hardness. However, the elements of the alloy make gold prone to ageing, oxide filming and tarnishing.

Among the most common causes of contamination of gold products: sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands, creams and decorative cosmetics, environmental exposure - dust and smog.

By understanding the causes of aging and contamination of gold, it will be possible to choose the best way to clean it. Everyone can cope with the task at home, as well as clean silver from blackness.

Features of cleaning gold jewelry

In order for gold jewelry to please with its original brilliance for as long as possible, you will need careful, careful handling and storage. It is recommended to remove jewelry when playing sports, visiting a bath or doing household work that involves the use of chemicals.

Even following the recommendations, it will not be possible to completely neutralize the negative impact of the environment: water, cosmetics, household chemicals, oxygen and the sun can change the appearance of gold for the worse. Due to mechanical damage, micro-scratches form on the metal, due to which the jewelry loses its luster. Cosmetics and perfumes are the cause of stains on the surface. Detergents, which include alkalis, chlorine, and iodine, also have a detrimental effect on gold.

The cleaning method and means for each product are selected individually. What works for classic yellow gold doesn't always work for white. Particular attention is paid to cleaning products with stones and with a matte surface. Cleaning smooth rings without inserts will take the least time and labor.

Folk remedies for cleaning gold at home

Every woman has at least one piece of gold jewelry in her jewelry box. Over time, any gold product loses its original luster and needs to be cleaned. It is quite possible to give the original look to your favorite decoration at home.


You can quickly and effectively clean gold with a cloth. This is the most economical way. Use a soft fluffy cloth to thoroughly rub the product until it shines. For these purposes, fleece, flannel or suede is suitable.

So it will be possible to delicately clean any decoration. If such care is performed constantly, professional tools and liquids for gold will not be required.

The only disadvantage of the method is that the fabric will not cope with old dirt, will not dissolve the dark oxide film and will not clean dirt in hard-to-reach places. For these cases, one of the many folk recipes for refining gold will help.

Video tips


To add shine to gold with ammonia, you will need the following components:

  • 150 ml of ammonia;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 2 drops of detergent.

All components are mixed and decorations are placed in the resulting solution for exactly 1 hour. After that, the products are washed in cold water and each separately wiped dry. White gold is especially carefully wiped; in no case should moisture remain on it.

Hydrogen peroxide

A solution that will help "rejuvenate" jewelry is a combination of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide. It is easy to prepare: 3 teaspoons of ammonia, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a drop of liquid soap are added to a glass of water. Enamelware is used to prepare the solution.

In this composition, gold jewelry is soaked for several hours. After the procedure, oxide films, old contaminants will leave the surface of the products, and a delightful shine will appear. Please note that the product is contraindicated for cleaning jewelry with stones.


You can clean gold at home using ordinary foil. This is a very simple but effective way. In a deep container, lay out a layer of foil on which we lay out the decorations. In a glass of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda and pour the resulting solution into gold items for 10-12 hours. It remains only to rinse the gold with running water and wipe it dry with a soft fleecy cloth.


Gold items are placed in a small container with water and brought to a boil. Table soda is added in the proportion of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda to 1 cup of water and boil for 5 minutes. After that, the jewelry is brushed, rinsed and dried.

There is a known method of cleaning gold directly with soda with the addition of vinegar. However, it is not recommended to use it, because the direct mechanical contact of soda particles with gold leaves micro-scratches, which will not be reflected in the best way on the appearance of the product.


Salt is found in any kitchen, so this method of cleaning gold jewelry is the most affordable and cheapest. A saline solution is prepared from 0.5 cups of hot water and three tablespoons of salt. At night, gold items are placed in it. In the morning they are washed with water and wiped dry. This method is suitable for small dirt, it will not cope with old stains.

Coca Cola

Many have heard about non-standard ways to use the popular Coca-Cola drink. One of these unusual ways is the purification of gold. As part of Coca-Cola, an increased concentration of acid, which dissolves plaque. Gold jewelry is placed in a small container and filled with a drink for one hour. After this, it is enough to rinse the product with water and dry it.

Lemon acid

Another great plaque remover is citric acid. To clean jewelry, prepare a concentrated solution of citric acid and boil gold jewelry in it for about 10 minutes. Then they are washed with running water, and the products will shine, as on the day of purchase.


The composition of toothpaste and toothpowder includes substances with abrasive properties, and, therefore, capable of cleaning metal. Toothpaste contains foaming elements that soften the impact of the abrasive.

Gold is cleaned according to the same principle as teeth: paste is applied and the cleaning is carried out with the usual movements. Use the softest brush possible.

Refining gold with commercial means

If there is no time and desire to prepare mixtures for cleaning gold on your own or boil in solutions and rub with toothpastes, you can use specialized tools that are widely available in stores.

Means are issued in the form of pastes, liquids, napkins with impregnation. The main thing when choosing is to consider what metal it is intended for and whether it is suitable for processing natural stones and various inserts.

Video instruction

If the instructions indicate that the product is suitable for processing gold, you need to use it without touching the stones.

How to clean gold with stones to make it shine

To fully care for jewelry, you need to know how to clean gold and various inserts made of precious and semi-precious stones. Stones require special handling. For example, some stones are not afraid of exposure to water and a number of chemicals, while for others it is detrimental.

Products containing diamonds, zirconium or cubic zirkonia can be cleaned in soapy water or with ammonia and vinegar. Diamonds will not be damaged by light brushing with a soft bristle brush.

They can be wiped down with a flannel cloth. Lapis lazuli, rubies and opals can be washed in a weak solution of water and baby soap.

  1. Most opaque stones are recommended to be treated with a special napkin or soft cloth.
  2. Stones cannot be immersed in water if they are fixed to the product with glue.
  3. To clean dirt from hard-to-reach places, use cotton swabs dipped in a special compound that is sold in jewelry stores.

In addition to proper care, careful handling is important for the preservation of jewelry. It is worth remembering and following simple rules:

  • it is necessary to store gold in a box, away from a direct source of heat, without sunlight;
  • Products during storage should not come into contact with each other. If there is no special box with sections, you can separate the jewelry with a soft cloth, such as flannel;
  • before doing household chores using household chemicals, you need to remove all jewelry.

The main advice for caring for gold jewelry at home is simple: the attitude to your favorite jewelry should be careful, and care should be constant. Then they will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren.

Accessories made of precious metal - gold - are the pride of their owners. Earrings, pendants, rings, chains, bracelets - jewelry is a great pleasure. They look attractive only if they are kept clean. The brilliance of jewelry fades very quickly if no effort is made to preserve it. Over time, gold jewelry fades, loses its attractiveness, and dirt fills into the recesses. For many, the question is very relevant, how to clean gold at home? And to do it in such a way as to get a good result, and gold jewelry for a long time pleased with its magnificent appearance.

How to clean gold

From domestic pollution at home, gold is cleaned by resorting to improvised means. For such cleaning, many chemicals are not required: you should know only the main ones, those that will return the original gloss to the jewelers' products. What are the cleansers? Is it possible to clean gold to a shine at home? Mistresses with experience in this business, as well as jewelry lovers, give an unambiguously positive answer. Moreover, it should be noted that all methods are quite simple in execution. Understanding the composition of gold jewelry will greatly help to achieve high results.

To shine

It is important to know that in its pure form, without the addition of other substances, the noble metal is not used. It is very soft, so products made from it also contain some substances that improve the performance of the physical and chemical plan.

Plaque on gold may appear due to the presence in the metal:

  • a small amount of cadmium;
  • silver;
  • zinc (also - a little);
  • copper.

Interacting with water (both tap water and sea water) or air, gold oxidizes. It needs to be cleaned, because pollution affects not only the appearance of jewelry in a negative way, but also harms the health of its owners. So, due to plaque on the metal, the owner of a gold accessory may experience inflammation, and allergic reactions are not uncommon.

To keep gold always shiny and free of plaque, try:

  • exclude exposure to the noble metal of ultraviolet and elevated t;
  • do not allow the product to come into contact with acids or alkalis (clean the house by wearing gloves);
  • protect from exposure to abrasives and paints and varnishes (remove jewelry or also work, protecting your hands with gloves);
  • avoid exposure to solvents and other “aggressor” substances (in this case, we also mean nail polish removers).

For preventive purposes - against pollution - gold cleaning should be carried out systematically, even if the above recommendations are followed.

How to clean gold at home

And even more so, if the moment is missed, the conditions for the correct wearing of gold jewelry were not observed, as well as preventive measures, it remains to carefully clean the precious metal. How can you cope with this task at home? All cleaning options are below.

Important nuances of the cleaning process

When it comes to cleaning jewelry, there are a number of important things to keep in mind. Then you will do all the work correctly. Thus, most jewelry items have a complex shape, many of them have places that are difficult to access for self-cleaning processing - places for attaching stones, connecting grooves, bends. To prepare a cleaning mixture, the container should be selected taking into account the fact that the product must “lie down” in it completely.

Provided that the above particulars of the issue are taken into account, the cleaning work will be much faster, and the result will please with excellent quality.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

Ammonia plus any washing powder (but with the condition that it does not contain coloring additives).

It is preferable to use a plastic or glass container: in this case, the possibility of oxidation is excluded.

We take a glass of boiled water, add 4 ml of ammonia and a tablespoon of washing powder. If the latter is not available, feel free to add the product with which you usually wash dishes. Mix everything well until the powder is completely dissolved (there should be no lumps).

Place the jewelry in the prepared solution for a couple of hours, then remove it, rinse with clean water, wipe thoroughly: use a soft, but lint-free towel or similar cloth for this.

Other cleaning solutions

How to clean gold if there is no ammonia in the house? Then it is quite possible to “involve” recipes with other components for cleaning. With their help, you can also make your expensive (in every sense of the word) jewelry shine. The recipe is suitable for both yellow and red gold.

So, how else can you clean gold at home?

  1. Take as a base component 1 tsp. dish detergent with mild effect, pour into water (1 cup). In this case, the container should be such that its contents can be heated for several minutes. Cover the bottom of it with a soft cloth, then lay out the decorations that need cleaning, and fill it with the prepared solution. Heat up 10 min. After that, remove the products, rinse with water and wipe with a soft towel.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap are also used when the question arises: how to clean gold at home?

Mix a glass of warm water, 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide and add a teaspoon of mild liquid soap (the fewer additives in it, the better) and ammonia. Mix everything well. Then put the gold accessories you want to clean into the container, soak them for at least 20 minutes. Then take it out and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.

How can you clean gold at home

  1. Salt is also successfully used for cleaning work. With the help of a saline solution, gold can easily be made to shine, ridding it of a dark coating.

Take ¾ cup of water, add 3 tbsp. l. salt. Mix everything well: the salt should be completely dissolved. Dip the jewelry in the solution for half a day, then rinse with clean water.

  1. We offer another simple method that allows you to effectively clean gold: use foil and do it as follows.

Cover the bottom of the container with foil (it should completely cover the surface). Mix in this bowl a glass of water with 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and place the jewelry in the solution. Leave everything also for half a day, then the algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous paragraphs.

Cleaning of noble metal with a matte surface requires special attention.

  1. Jewelry made using this type of gold is quite in demand today. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home without damaging the precious surface does not lose its relevance. In this situation, delicacy, slowness and accuracy are important. The use of brushes and powder is prohibited.

An excellent cleaning agent can be a 25% ammonia solution. The product is placed in it for a couple of hours. Then rinse it and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Suitable for cleaning dull gold items and lime mixed with water (1 cup) (about 4 g). Add a small pinch of soda, mix everything. Infuse the mixture for at least 3 days, and then put gold in it for 4 hours. Then proceed as usual.

We clean red and yellow gold mechanically

Often this method is necessary. So, mechanical action should be applied if none of the above methods helped, and pollution still remained.

It is important to note that abrasives cannot be used in this process. Especially if your jewelry is covered with cubic zirkonia. Otherwise, the surface of the stones and the product itself is easy to scratch. Cleaning paste is easy to make yourself.

Take in equal proportions: petroleum jelly, toothpaste (it should be without additional components), crushed chalk, water and grated laundry soap. Mix everything well. Using a soft cloth, apply the prepared paste to the decoration. Then rinse the gold thing (twice if necessary, because of the Vaseline), then dry it.

Clearly about how to clean gold at home - in the presented thematic video. Namely, by viewing it, you can find out in all the details:

  • what is gold refining;
  • how can you clean gold at home;
  • how to clean gold with ammonia;
  • how to clean gold jewelry at home;
  • how to clean a gold ring at home;
  • cleaning gold at home, user tips;
  • we quickly clean gold at home, jeweler's recommendations, etc.

Did the article on how to clean gold at home help you?

Silver has been known since ancient times and was of great value until it was learned to be smelted artificially. Up to this point, gold was valued much less, there are very few silver deposits, even if compared with gold mines. From Sanskrit, silver is translated as light, and in Ancient Russia the name of silver is borrowed from the ancient Indian word "sarpa" - the Moon and the Sickle.

Like other precious metals, silver is marked with a breakdown. The figure, for example, 925 means that this is how much pure metal is in the product per 1000 parts of the alloy. Previously, zinc and copper were traditionally used for the alloy, but today, most self-respecting manufacturers have abandoned the use of zinc due to its proven harmfulness and use other safe metals.

Whether quality silver or not, it darkens over time as any metal oxidizes. Although many superstitious individuals believe that this is damage, but there is only a chemical reaction with objects that surround a person in everyday life. The following factors can cause oxidation of silver:

  • humid environment;
  • direct contact with cosmetics;
  • human sweat;
  • domestic gas and rubber;
  • egg yolk and onion.

Despite this, silver does not lose its popularity, and it can be easily polished. How to clean silver at home? This will be discussed in the article.


Effective cleaning of silver jewelry at home is done using ammonia. This tool is considered the simplest and most affordable, which allows you to get rid of dirty plaque on silver. You will need to purchase a 10% solution. The cleaning procedure is recommended to be carried out in a small glass container where silver items are placed. After 20 minutes, the silver is thoroughly washed with warm running water and dried. This recipe is suitable for products that are not very oxidized or can be prevented in this way.

Ammonium chloride and toothpaste

In this case, the silver is first cleaned with an old toothbrush and toothpaste. After this, the products are immersed in 15 minutes. This recipe is suitable for silver with strong oxidation, but not for jewelry with stones.

Ammonium chloride, hydrogen peroxide and baby liquid soap

All ingredients are mixed in equal parts and diluted with a glass of water. Silver is added to the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After the metal has dried, it must be polished with a woolen cloth.


Silver must be soaked, but only in warm water and immersed in a container with dentifrice powder. In this case, you will need to rub the products with a cloth made of wool or suede. At the end of cleaning, the silver is washed from the powder and dried.

Baking soda

For cleaning, you will need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in half a liter of water, the mixture should be heated over a fire. After the solution has boiled, a small piece of food foil is thrown into it and silver items are placed. After 15 minutes, you can remove the silver and rinse with water.


Cleaning silver jewelry at home can also be done with salt. It will take 200 ml of water and one teaspoon of salt. As soon as it is well mixed, silver items can be immersed in the solution and left for several hours, at least 4. If the silver is heavily contaminated, then it can be boiled in the solution for about 15 minutes, but not jewelry with stones.

Salt, baking soda and detergent

For one liter of water, you will need a tablespoon of soda, salt and dishwashing detergent. It is better to knead in an aluminum bowl. The container with the solution must be put on a small fire, add decorations and boil for about 20 minutes. After that, pull out the silver, dry it and wipe it with a piece of suede cloth.


This recipe can be combined with cooking. After the potatoes are cooked, the water from under it must be drained into a separate container, add a little foil and immerse silver jewelry, boil for about 5-7 minutes. After that, the products are removed, dried and polished.


Cleaning silver jewelry at home will be effective if you use 9% vinegar, which is heated and jewelry is immersed in it. After 10 minutes, the silver can be pulled out, dried and wiped well with suede.

Water after boiling eggs

After the eggs are cooked, the water should not be poured out, but simply cooled. Jewelry is placed in a warm liquid for 15 or 20 minutes. After this time, the silver jewelry is pulled out, washed very well and rubbed with a natural cloth.

Lemon acid

Effective cleaning of silver jewelry at home does not require a lot of money or a lot of effort. For example, use citric acid. To dilute the composition, you will need a bag of the product, about 0.7 liters of water and a small piece of copper wire. The entire composition is placed in a water bath. Jewelry is placed in the solution and boiled for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the jewelry should be dried and polished.

Drink "Coca-Cola"

How else is it done at home? The methods may seem strange, but they are effective. Many have heard about the washing and cleaning properties of Coca-Cola, and its use for silver is no exception. To clean jewelry, you will need to pour a drink into a container, immerse silver in it and put it on a slow fire. After 7 minutes, the jewelry must be pulled out and dried.

Rules for cleaning silver jewelry with stones

Cleaning products with precious or semi-precious metals and not inlaid with silver makes a big difference, especially if it is done at home. In this case, the density of the stone is very important. The higher it is, the easier it is to clean silver products.

How to clean silver jewelry at home, you already know. But what if they are with stones? If the product contains an emerald, aquamarine or sapphire, then they can be cleaned even with a powder, use a toothbrush and even heat.

Items inlaid with turquoise, moonstone, opal or malachite should not be cleaned with detergent or other abrasive products. Despite the fact that these stones also have a high density factor, they can still be scratched after aggressive cleaning.

In no case should gems such as ruby, garnet and topaz be exposed to heat. After immersion in hot water, they may even change color.

Silver items inlaid with glass or enameled stones are no exception. Such jewelry can also be cleaned, but only in a “soft” way. For example, a cotton swab is placed in tooth powder and the dirt is gently brushed off. Previously, cotton wool can be immersed in ammonia. Under no circumstances should abrasive products or high temperatures be used. Such stones do not tolerate mechanical damage.

Cleaning silver with stones of soft and porous structure

What other methods are known? How to clean silver jewelry with soft and porous stones? These stones include mother-of-pearl, pearls, ivory and amber. Under no circumstances should cleaning agents based on ammonia, acids, alkalis or abrasives be used.

Amber and pearls can be soaked in warm, but not hot water and wiped with a soft cloth. You can add a little laundry soap to the water. If there are corals in a silver item, then it is better to clean it without touching the stone itself, since it is too sensitive to almost any impact.

How to achieve silver shine

In addition to the fact that you want to see your silver in a perfectly clean condition, it is desirable that it also shine.

How at home to shine? For polishing and obtaining glare on products, they use. In principle, all the above methods of cleaning products allow you to achieve shine. But sometimes, even if all the dirt is gone, the silver seems faded. In fact, such a plaque is the thinnest layer of corrosion. Therefore, to obtain shine, it is best to use special polishes. They safely remove plaque from the surface of the metal and give them an attractive look that was when they were purchased.

For polishing, it is better to use a sponge made of cellulose, as it will not scratch the silver. They come with some polishes. The sponge is moistened with the agent and reciprocating movements, that is, up and down, but not in a circle, clean the product. After polishing, the product is washed with running water and wiped dry with a clean and soft cloth.

Preventive actions

Try to always dry your silverware after swimming in a river, bath or pool. And best of all, take them off before you are in a humid environment.

If you use rubber gloves for washing dishes, then it is better to remove the rings. Remember that silver does not tolerate contact with rubber.

Even if a woman (and a man too) has only one wedding ring, he still needs to periodically arrange a bath day. Or at least clean it.

Everyone wash their face several times a day, and they forget about the ring or chain. But microbes, dust accumulate on them, and gold itself fades over time, becomes covered with microcracks and spots.

Of course, if you have a whole box of gold jewelry, and some of them are even exclusive, then it is best to seek help from specialists. This is especially true for those jewelry that consists not only of gold, but also ennobled with precious stones, pearls or very expensive, carved, with many small links.

Professionals with knowledge of the matter will clean the gold jewelry, which after it will become like new.

You can also purchase a special tool in a jewelry store that is designed to clean gold jewelry. Most likely, you will be offered jewelry cosmetics from the Aladdin company. But if you still decide to clean gold items yourself, then at least buy special napkins for polishing gold items in the store. Their price is acceptable. After all, those rags that you have at home may simply not be suitable for this work.

And for those who still want to clean gold items on their own, below are ways to clean gold jewelry and recommendations on how to do it better.


But first you must remember that cleaning gold without stones and with stones differ significantly from each other! After all, if an ordinary wedding ring can be cleaned with both soda and toothpaste, and can also be dipped in boiling water, then a ring with a precious stone requires a more careful attitude.

For example, when cleaning with abrasives, scratches may appear on the smooth surface of the stone, and when in contact with boiling water, the color may change. So, if you are going to clean a gold ring or earrings with precious stones such as amber, opal, emerald, pearls, then they cannot be mechanically cleaned with chalk, toothpaste and other substances.

The main methods of cleaning gold jewelry - liquid solutions with the addition of active substances: soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, citric acid and others - should be applied to gold jewelry with stones carefully.

After all, if hard gems (diamond, beryl, aquamarine, topaz, quartz) respond well to contact with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then soft stones (turquoise, coral, pearls) cannot be cleaned with either vinegar or ammonia.

You also need to be careful with white gold., which can be damaged by brushing too vigorously. Therefore, it is also cleaned with liquid soap, ammonia or alcohol.

Cleaning gold with soap

Method 1. This method is the simplest and most easily accessible. In order for your gold jewelry to be like new even after a few years, they need constant care. If you always wash them in soapy water, then you will not have to resort to more drastic measures.

To do this, pour hot water into a bowl and add soap or dishwashing liquid. Beat up a rich foam and dip your gold jewelry into it.

After one or two hours, rinse them in clean water and lay them on a napkin to dry.

Festive video recipe:

If the jewelry is poorly washed, take a soft toothbrush and lightly rub the jewelry with it.

Method 2. Grate laundry soap and add the same amount of chalk to it. Pour in some hot water to make a thin slurry. Rub the decorations with this mixture. For this purpose, you can use a soft toothbrush. Polish clean jewelry with a soft, dry cloth.

Method 3. Prepare a small amount of soap shavings. Add to it the same amount of vaseline, crushed chalk and water. You will have a thick paste. Apply this paste to a soft cloth and clean the gold items. Then wash them well from the greasy film and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with sugar

This method is good for adding shine to gold jewelry that does not need to be cleaned from dirt and stains.

Pour clean water into a glass and put two or three teaspoons of sugar. Stir. Soak your gold jewelry in sweet water and leave it there overnight. In the morning, remove the products and rinse with plain water. Blot dry with a clean cloth.

Cleaning gold with vodka

This is probably the most common and easiest way. In addition to vodka, you can use alcohol and even gasoline. Apply the liquid to a piece of cloth and rub the product with it. If the product has many links, then it is best to pour the liquid into a small container and lower the jewelry into it. This method is suitable not only for an engagement ring, but also for jewelry with transparent precious or semi-precious stones.

Cleaning gold with soda

To bring back the original luster of a gold piece of clear gemstone jewelry, soak it in a glass of soda and let it sit overnight.

Alka-seltzer help!

If the decorations have faded, it is enough to dip them in a glass of sizzling alka-seltzer for two minutes. This is enough to make the jewelry shine again.

Cleaning gold with vinegar and citric acid

Pour vinegar, lemon juice or diluted citric acid into a cup. Put the gold jewelry on and hold for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda

Method 1. Pour a little soda on a plate and add so much hydrogen peroxide to make a slurry. Clean the ring with this mixture, and then rinse it in clean water.

Method 2. Sprinkle the gold jewelry with a thin layer of baking soda. Then pour vinegar over and rinse with clean water. This method cannot be applied to gold jewelry with pearls or other precious stones.

Method 3. Mix table vinegar with soda in a ratio of 2: 1 and immerse gold jewelry in this liquid for one to two hours. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or a special cloth.

Method 4. Line a bowl with foil and add some water. Pour salt and soda into the water. Stir. Put the gold jewelry into the water and clean well with a soft brush. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Method 5. In a small enamel bowl, put 50 g of baking soda and pour half a glass of water. Put gold jewelry in a saucepan and put it all on fire. As soon as the water with soda boils, add two tablespoons of vinegar, reduce the heat and boil for twenty minutes. Take your jewelry out and let it dry.

Cleaning gold items with laundry soda

This method is suitable for both silver and gold jewelry. Prepare a solution of half a liter of hot water and a tablespoon of soda.

Put a piece of zinc in a jar and put all the gold jewelry in the same place. Soak them in hot soda solution.

Take out the jewelry, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

Method 1. Add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse gold jewelry in it. After an hour, take them out and rinse in clean water. If the jewelry is very dirty, then you can add a little liquid soap to this composition.

Method 2. Pour equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia into a glass of water. Add a little washing powder to them. Put the gold jewelry there and hold for five minutes. Then take them out of the glass, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Method 3. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil and add a tablespoon of ammonia and some kind of liquid detergent, for example, for washing dishes. Dip gold jewelry into this water and leave for two hours. Then take them out and rinse in clean water. This method helps to clean heavily soiled jewelry.

Method 4. Place heavily soiled gold jewelry without stones in a small container and fill with ammonia. Leave for several hours without fear of spoiling it. Then remove the jewelry from the solution and rinse under running water. Dry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with lipstick

Spread a gold product with any lipstick (you can take the cheapest one). Wait for a while and carefully wipe off all the lipstick with a clean, dry cloth. Gold jewelry will immediately shine like new. Titanium dioxide has such an effect on gold.

Cleaning gold with mustard powder

Mustard powder is a mild abrasive, so it won't do any harm to gold rings. To clean them, sprinkle a little dry mustard on a cloth and gently polish the products.

Cleaning gold with toothpaste or toothpowder

Since these substances are still abrasives, they must be cleaned very gently, only lightly polishing the product. Diamonds respond very well to such cleaning. To do this, you just need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto a soft toothbrush or cloth and rub the ring with it. You can use only white classic toothpaste without a whitening effect.

Tooth powder can be diluted with lemon juice. After cleaning, the ring is washed in clean water and dried on a rag or paper towel.

Polishing gold jewelry with beer

Method 1. This method is only suitable for jewelry without precious stones. Moisten a cloth with light beer and gently wipe the jewelry with it. Then wipe dry.

Method 2. Combine half a glass of warm beer with one egg yolk. Clean the gold item with this mixture, and then rinse in clean water.

Cleaning gold with salt

Pour a glass of hot water into a bowl and add four tablespoons of salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Put gold jewelry into this solution and leave for twelve hours. Then rinse them under running water and dry well.

Cleaning gold jewelry with onions

Take an onion and peel it. Then grate and squeeze the juice into a cup. Put jewelry into this juice and clean it with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the cleaned items.

Chemical cleaning of gold jewelry

Method 1. If you accidentally dropped iodine on the ring, then it can be cleaned in this way: put one teaspoon of hyposulfite in a glass of water and stir. Dip the ring in this solution for fifteen minutes. Then rinse and dry.

Method 2 suitable for cleaning matte gold. Mix in a bowl 8 parts bleaching powder, 7 parts bicarbonate salt and 2 parts table salt. Add 1/3 cup of distilled water. Put the decoration into the mixture for a few minutes. Then take them out, wash them with alcohol and leave them on sawdust or a paper towel to dry.

Method 3. Mix 16 parts chalk, 4 parts white lead, 6.5 parts clay, 0.5 parts bloodstone, 1.5 parts magnesia. Use this powder to clean your gold jewelry.

Method 4. Mix 80 g of iron oxide (kolkotara) and 30 parts of ammonia. Use this mixture to clean your jewelry.

Method 5. If spots appear on the gold ring, they can be removed with a solution of borax. To do this, moisten a cloth with a solution and wipe the ring.

Tips to help you keep your gold jewelry in top condition

  • When taking on housework, remove all gold jewelry so that they do not come into contact with hot, humid air, such as in the bathroom. And also did not come into contact with detergents such as bleach or bleach.
  • Sometimes the rings grow into the finger so that they are no longer removed. In this case, you should always wear rubber gloves to protect the ring from an aggressive environment that can ruin it.
  • Wash your gold jewelry frequently with soapy water or alcohol.

  • Remove all jewelry before taking a bath or going to the shower, sauna, pool.
  • Remove gold jewelry before doing beauty treatments at the salon or at home. After all, creams, lotions or paints can react with gold and ruin it.
  • Store your gold jewelry in a dry place in a wooden box. Do not store jewelry in a cardboard box or box, as cardboard can release substances that will affect the color of the jewelry. For example, if there is sulfur in the composition of the cardboard, then the surface of the jewelry will oxidize.

Remember to take care of your gold jewelry and they will always be in perfect condition!

There are several methods for cleaning gold jewelry at home:

  1. Soak. Jewelry must be placed in a special liquid, which can be made from what you have in the kitchen, bathroom or first aid kit. After a certain time, the plaque can be removed with a simple soft cloth.
  2. Polishing with improvised materials. Suitable if you need to return the product to a breathtaking shine.
  3. mechanical cleaning. It is applicable if the pollution did not succumb to the previous methods. Use with care so as not to damage the surface of your precious jewelry.

  1. Salt. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of table salt in a glass of hot water. Put jewelry there at night, and rinse in running water in the morning.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. In a glass of water, stir a teaspoon of liquid detergent, add gold and place in a water bath. Boil the jewelry for a few minutes, then rinse off any remaining soap with water and dry with a soft cloth.
  3. ammonia + washing powder. Dilute a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of powder in a glass of water and boil. Place the jewelry in the hot solution for 2 hours, and then wipe them with a cloth.
  4. Liquid soap + hydrogen peroxide. Mix a teaspoon of soap and 2 tablespoons of peroxide with a glass of warm water. Put the gold into the solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Soda + foil. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of hot water and pour into a container with a sheet of foil at the bottom. Put the jewelry there at night, and in the morning rinse it under the tap and dry it with a towel.

  1. Velvet or felt cloth. The old, proven way. Just take a piece of suitable material and make yourself comfortable in front of your loved one: polishing can take quite a long time.
  2. Eraser. A soft white eraser will not only add shine to gold, but will also remove light deposits.
  3. Vinegar. Soak a cloth in table vinegar and gently work the jewelry.
  4. Lipstick. An interesting way for girls. Apply lipstick (preferably colorless) to a piece of cloth and walk it over the tarnished gold.
  5. Beer and egg white. And this is more suitable for brutal men. Stir some foam with protein, soak a cloth in the solution and rub the jewelry.
  6. onion juice. The principle is the same: soak a cloth in the juice and polish your favorite gold items. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse and dry the jewelry at the end of the procedure.

mechanical cleaning

Of course, you can buy a special paste in a jewelry store. But if you want to effectively clean gold without leaving your home, it’s easy to prepare one from improvised materials.

Remember: you should not use aggressive abrasives, such as soda or sandpaper, to clean jewelry, as there is a high risk of damaging the surface of the precious metal. Therefore, we will use softer and more delicate mixtures.

  1. Dentifrice. A little powder, an old toothbrush and a bit of patience will remove old plaque from gold.
  2. Toothpaste + Vaseline. Works just as well as tooth powder, but more gently and gently.
  3. Chalk + laundry soap. Crush the crayon (the usual white from the children's art kit is suitable) into powder and mix in equal proportions with grated soap. Stir until a smooth paste is obtained, and then rub the jewelry with a piece of cloth. To avoid streaks, be sure to rinse the gold under running water.
  4. Chalk + ammonia. Grind the chalk and mix with ammonia until a thick mass is obtained. Thoroughly clean the gold with a toothbrush or cloth, and then rinse and dry.

How to clean gemstone gold jewelry

Be especially careful with such jewelry. Remember that some gemstones require special care. For example, opal, turquoise, or malachite can be scratched by abrasives, so forget toothpowder, baking soda, or salt. Ruby, garnet and topaz are sensitive to high temperatures and should not be washed with hot water. And amber, pearls, coral or ivory really do not like acids, alkalis and solvents - it is better to entrust cleaning to specialists.

If you are confident in your abilities, use the following methods for cleaning gold jewelry with stones:

  1. Alcohol. Moisten a Q-tip with an alcohol-based liquid (strong alcohol, cologne, or alcohol-based lotion will do). Gently wipe the jewelry to remove grease and other dirt.
  2. Petrol. Moisten an unnecessary soft toothbrush with it and process the gold item. Fine bristles are great for removing dirt from hard-to-reach places.

White gold differs from ordinary gold in that silver, palladium or nickel is added to it to obtain a light shade, and often covered with rhodium on top. It protects the jewelry and gives it a white sheen.

Hard methods are not suitable for such products, but the following will be useful:

  1. ammonia + hydrogen peroxide. Mix both liquids in a container in a ratio of 1: 2. Put the gold in the resulting solution for half an hour, and then rinse in running water and wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Sugar. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of water. Soak jewelry in a sweet solution for 10-12 hours: this will restore their former shine.

How to clean matte gold

Jewelry is made matte using a special polishing method. Therefore, polishing materials are not used to clean such products, but only remove visible plaque. To clean matte gold, it is enough to soak it for a couple of hours in a 25% ammonia solution, and then rinse it in running water and wipe it dry with a cloth.

What to do so that the gold does not darken

  1. Keep jewelry away from sunlight.
  2. Remove rings and bracelets before cleaning, going to the bath or sauna, and also when removing nail polish.
  3. Wipe dry gold items if they have been exposed to moisture.

Did these tips help you? Tell us in the comments about your experience of cleaning gold at home.