
Buy New Year's gifts from tea. New Year's tea sets. Tea and coffee bouquets and baskets as a gift for the New Year

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It's already New Year's Eve. So everyone wants to give the perfect gift, but everyone is so different! Yes, and the salary is not rubber, so you have to look at such gifts for the new year 2020, which will not be ruinous to buy for the family budget, but at the same time there will be an opportunity to please the recipients. And what could be better in a cold season than an invigorating drink, reminiscent of summer and setting the necessary mood for the next year? What if it's also cheap? Perfect option!

Warming tea in a gift box is the best New Year's gift for family and friends

If you look at original gifts for the New Year, you can be sure that they will make every member of the family happy. The main thing is to make the right choice, because everyone has their own tastes. The online store "Non-Random Gifts" presents a huge variety of coffee and tea sets. If your eyes are wide open and you don't know what to choose, we are always happy to help you make an unforgettable gift for your grandmother, parents, brother, sister or children for the New Year.

From the age of 3, children can drink tea, and we also have excellent handmade gingerbread cookies for kids! By the way, made only from natural ingredients.

Coffee can enter the diet only from the age of 14-16, and for a teenager, a personal, his personal, long-awaited jar of coffee will be a welcome New Year's gift.

Why tea and coffee are the best New Year's gifts?

Tea and coffee are the most popular drinks in the world. This makes them a universal gift for any person, regardless of age, hobbies and professional activities. At the same time, tea can be selected in such a way that it becomes a personal gift, for example, choose a favorite variety of a person or arrange a gift in a special way.

Presents for men

The best gift for a man for the New Year 2020 is noble tea or coffee with a strong bright aroma. In general, the same tea as the man himself. It should also have a positive complex effect on the body, invigorate, clarify thoughts.

Many men love black tea with ginger or ginseng. These drinks with a slightly bitter taste will be better than any energy drink. From the very morning, they will help to give strength to the whole day. Such teas have every chance of becoming the most interesting gift for the new year 2020 for the strong half of humanity.

Gifts for women

The most desired and at the same time the most original gifts for the new year 2020 for women are 2 in 1 gifts, so to speak. That is, those that, in addition to good taste, will also benefit the body. The most important thing is that this benefit is reflected in appearance.

There are many varieties of teas and coffees that improve the condition of the skin and hair, but most of all, girls prefer either the classics or drinks with floral motifs.

Gift sets of tea and coffee in the store "Non-Random Gifts"

The catalog of New Year's gifts for 2020 in our online store is truly impressive. It features tea and coffee sets, gift accessories, gift boxes and baskets. Here you can order New Year's corporate gifts and presents for friends and relatives in Vladimir at very attractive prices.

To buy New Year's gifts for the New Year according to the catalog of the Non-Random Gifts store means to really take care that the gift not only pleases the person, but also has a positive effect on his health.

Imagine how delighted your loved one will be if the order of New Year's gifts is delivered directly to his hands by a courier with an indispensable wish for a pleasant tea or coffee. Such a surprise will be a wonderful first step into a new, certainly successful, year!

Tea is one of the best gifts for loved ones, as well as colleagues and friends for the New Year. Rich aroma, soft taste and pleasant emotions - all you need to impress the gift. The online store "Russian Tea Company" presents a diverse range of gift teas - from classic types of black and green, to original mixes of fruits and berries.

Gift tea - how to choose?

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Unlike coffee, both teenagers and toddlers drink tea. Therefore, tea can be given to both a large family and just a loved one on an individual basis.

Ready-made ones are perfect for this.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of types of tea - from classic green to herbal teas and spicy mixtures, choosing tea as a gift is quite simple. Here are some tips for choosing gift tea for the New Year:

    Pay attention to the packaging. In our online store there are gift teas for all occasions: it can be a gift for a father or mother, or a special one in the form of a symbol of 2020.

    If you doubt the preferences of loved ones, opt for classic combinations - green Chinese teas or "strawberries with cream". Can you donate

    Unusual tea can also be a good gift. For example, a bunch of tea leaves wrapped around a flower (most often jasmine). When brewing, the beam opens up into a spectacular composition.

    You can also pay attention to the most popular mixtures - these can be teas with berries or fruits, Rooibos, Oolong varieties and others.

    Colleagues or a teacher will love the ready-made gift set options - for example, which includes excellent tea and a glass teapot

How to arrange gift sets with tea for the New Year

We expect a miracle from the New Year, which means that the New Year's gift should be appropriate - unusual and extraordinary. We offer to give relatives or friends a tea set - several varieties of tea, decorated in the same style.

What can be included in gift tea for the New Year:

    tea from a certain country. In our online store there are teas from various countries: Indian teas, Chinese teas and more.

    We all love to give and receive gifts. Regardless of age, we are waiting for a miracle and enjoy pleasant surprises. Previously, a book was considered the best gift, then cash gifts were preferred, and now we want to get something not only beautiful and original, but also useful and practical. If you are thinking about what give for the New Year 2017, we recommend buying an exquisite tea set, ground or bean coffee of the best varieties, as well as related accessories. And if such presents are packed in original tea and coffee jars, caskets, baskets, handbags, boxes or bags, then they will invariably cause a smile and will always be appropriate.

    Tea as a gift for the New Year

    A tea set is a great idea for a gift for the New Year 2017. You can choose a product created according to different criteria. For example, tasting collections, sets for men or women, green or black teas of different varieties, products of the same type or brand. In terms of price and size, such gifts can be very different - from a scattering of portion bags of 5-10 grams each, to large baskets weighing 1 kilogram or more.

    Especially pleasant and interesting will be such a gift for the New Year 2017, as set of tea probes. These are several different types of tea, packaged in small bags and packed in a stylish box. This gift is truly exclusive. It will certainly be appreciated by true fans of the noble drink and those who are just getting acquainted with it. And don’t let the small weight of such a tea gift scare you - even if each bag contains only 10-20 grams of the product, then such a portion of tea leaves is quite enough to treat a fairly large company.

    Oolong tasting collections are in great demand. These are sets consisting of small bags with honey, ginseng, creamy, milky flavors. Collections of elite pu-erhs have also gained great popularity. They contain from 3 to 20 types of pressed or loose tea. The sets include monosorts created from large or small leaves, and blended varieties. Compositions include classic Shen or Shu Puer, considered the elixir of youth, as well as products with chrysanthemum or tangerine peel (the latter option, by the way, will be a very symbolic New Year's gift). Such gifts for the New Year are a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelight and pleasure. They help to discover new tastes and sensations, to expand the boundaries of the world.

    Men's sets created taking into account the tastes of the strong half of humanity. It is known that our defenders like tea stronger - red or black. Therefore, for them, elite Chinese pu-erh and red varieties with nutty notes, hints of smoke and a tart aftertaste should be collected in gift collections. A set of this composition looks very harmonious: dark oolong Da Hong Pao, Imperial Gong Ting puer, Lumpy wild puer, red Keemun and black Sauasep. Every man should try these elite strains.

    Women's sets- collections of green tea and red (black) with a delicate aroma and mild taste. Any lady will like this series: delicate green tea Milk Pearl, light Green Spiral, fragrant jasmine based on green, delightful and bewitching bound (flower tea), exotic flavored with flowers, pieces of berries and fruits. Every woman will appreciate a set packed in a chest or a beautiful wooden box. The container after the end of the product can be left as a keepsake and used for various little things.

    We recommend that you buy a set as a gift for the New Year 2017, as several varieties of tea included in it will help satisfy the tastes of a large family or a friendly company gathered at the New Year's table. But do not forget about exquisite monosorts packed in original gift boxes, jars or bags. Pu-erh with chrysanthemum or in mandarin, Oolong with jasmine or ginseng, selected Sencha or Gunpowder tea are very popular. The product is neatly packaged in a beautiful tin or cardboard box.

    Coffee as a gift for the New Year - a win-win option

    Coffee as a gift for the New Year 2017 is a lot of options: ground or grain products, flavored or single varieties, packed in bags, pouches or tin boxes with a thematic design. Or it can be a variety of collections, consisting of different types and varieties of coffee.

    Manufacturers offer a huge range of original compositions and sets. For those who love an interesting, sweet bouquet, collections are produced that include coffee varieties such as Irish Cream, Cappuccino - Tiramisu, Baileys. Admirers of true classics will be happy with a selection of 100% African, Costa Rican, South American highland Arabica. On New Year's Eve, a set of grain coffee, which has an inconspicuous sourness and fruity aroma, will be more appropriate than ever. For example, a collection of Arabica varieties such as African Kenya AA, American Costa Rica SHB, Colombian Maragogype and Guatemalan Antigua.

    The male half will like a set of coffee beans Cherry in Cognac and Black & White Whiskey, which have the aromas and flavors of whiskey and aged cognac. And for beautiful ladies, the “Royal Dessert” is perfect as an exquisite coffee present.

    Tea and coffee bouquets and baskets as a gift for the New Year

    So, as you can see, tea, coffee or mixed sets are an original and unusual gift for the New Year 2017. This is a universal present suitable for any person. The compositions are packaged in bright wrapping paper, transparent film, decorated with decorative ribbons. But the most important thing is the tasty and fragrant contents of the gift.

    Any tea and coffee accessory can be added to such a set. For example, it can be a beautiful mug or cup with a saucer, a teapot or strainer for brewing tea, a pu-erh knife or a tea set. It is very convenient when in one presentation there is everything for a pleasant tea party.

    Now to the question “What to give for the New Year 2017?” you have the answer. Tea and coffee sets, as well as accessories that help make the feast more enjoyable and convenient, are universal gifts that will appeal to relatives, friends, colleagues, and classmates.

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    What would you like to receive on New Year's Eve?

    It is clear that the majority will immediately name abstract concepts, wishing themselves and their loved ones “health”, “happiness”, “joy in the New Year” or even “a lot of money”. But if we talk about specifics, then not so many people can immediately formulate their desire. And if we ourselves sometimes cannot decide on the subject that we would like to receive on New Year's Eve, then what can we say about other people, whose soul, as you know, is dark. That is why, when choosing a gift for someone for this holiday, it is worth keeping a couple of universal ideas in reserve.

    Here's a pair for you: New Year's coffee sets and New Year's tea sets!

    Tea as a gift for the New Year: new versions of the traditional solution.

    It is not known when the tradition of giving gifts of food and drink began. It is obvious that they began to do this at the dawn of the birth of civilization. Food was the most valuable gift. Today, we continue to maintain this attitude when we decide, for example, buy tea as a gift friend or colleague. Such a present expresses respect and good wishes.

    Moreover, modern tea set as a gift sometimes it has a completely unusual, even fabulous design! Check out our website for the kits we offer. Perhaps you will immediately understand which of them is suitable for a friend, which one for a boss, and so on. Today, good tea as a gift is decorated with luxury and originality. Don't worry, the sets with tea and sweets do not at all resemble children's gifts, although they are decorated in the New Year's spirit.

    A basket of tea can be presented to a married couple, a chest of tea and bowls to a young colleague, and an elegant tube with winter motifs will suit your conservative aunt. Books, caskets, beautiful tin teapots, special business souvenirs - there is no limit to your imagination when making such gifts!

    Coffee as a gift for the New Year - stylish and tasty!

    Traditionally, tea is a “homemade” drink that symbolizes calmness, while coffee is associated with business, work, employment and cheerfulness. Of course, everyone knows better who from his environment what suits more. But buy coffee as a gift boss or partners - a great idea!

    New Year's gifts with tea and coffee are created in various designs. There are also business souvenirs prepared for presentation to a respected colleague.

    Please note that not only the external design varies for such sets. You can choose sweet gifts for the new year- with coffee and sweets, you can purchase a set with cups, bowls.

    How to make an original and desired gift for the New Year from tea? DEDMOROZ will reveal a secret to you: to do this, you need to find out the tea preferences of the person for whom the present is being prepared, and make an exclusive package with a personal congratulation.

    Each person will be pleased to receive their favorite tea in a personalized package. Your loved ones will definitely appreciate the care and attention to detail. You can order both a separate gift tea and a themed set for tea drinking with a bright New Year's mug, a set of sweets or a chocolate card.

    Fragrant Indian tea is presented in three varieties: Earl Gray with Bergamot, Strawberry with Cream and Thyme. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, find out in advance which variety the recipient likes.

    Buying personalized tea as a gift is a great idea if you need to congratulate several people: colleagues, teachers or classmates. Everyone will feel special thanks to the personal congratulations on the package and will want to try fragrant long leaf tea as soon as possible.