
How to make a blast out of simple men's jeans. How fashionable to cut jeans: instructions and fashion ideas. How to make fashion scuffs


Today, denim with scuffs and cuts is very popular among young people. But such an attribute of the wardrobe is very expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford to buy it.

But if there is no financial opportunity to buy ripped denim pants, then you should not be upset, because you can make them yourself, though not everyone knows how to make ripped jeans at home.

It should be noted initially that it is very easy to make fashionable denim pants with cuts yourself. But initially it is worth deciding on their style.

Note! Ripped jeans should look nice and fashionable, but not vulgar. Therefore, do not make cuts and holes in the buttocks or in the upper part of the clothing. The incision should not highlight the intimate sides.

It is best to make incisions on the knees, shins or above the knees. So the clothes will look elegant, but clearly emphasize everyone's favorite western country style.

Table: techniques for making torn denim items.

If a person does not like clothes with large holes or slits, then he should simply create the effect of “worn out” things. It looks more natural, but not defiant.

Necessary materials

To create a unique thing with slots with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Denim pants or shorts.
  • Scissors designed for fabric or blade.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Bar of soap or pen for outlining.
  • Tweezers.

Important! Many tools can be replaced. Instead of a blade, you can use a clerical knife, and sandpaper can be perfectly replaced by an ordinary kitchen grater or a disposable razor.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to make a unique, beautiful and glamorous wardrobe attribute out of simple and ordinary things at home, you need a little patience and a desire to create a masterpiece from an old thing.

Initially, before you cut holes yourself, you should try on a thing for yourself. During the fitting, it is worth designating the places of future cuts. They will need to be outlined with a pen or remnant.

It should be borne in mind that if the intended hole is located on the knee, then cutting it out is slightly higher than this part of the body due to the nature of the denim material.

If you cut just under the bend of the leg or at the knee, then the cut may tear further.

After that, it is worth laying the clothes on a flat surface with the front side. Under the trouser leg you will need to put a solid object. It will keep the back leg intact.

Grunge step-by-step instructions:

  • Make horizontal cuts on the leg with a knife or scissors. They are made at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  • Slowly start pulling the vertical threads with tweezers.
  • Lightly rub the fabric with sandpaper.

When performing the style of minimalism, transverse incisions are made that do not capture the equity threads. Cuts in the style of minimalism are made closer to the side seams.

If you want to make a solid hole in the pant leg, then it should be cut with scissors, removing the transverse and equity threads. But keep in mind that on the inside of the fabric, the hole should be stitched, otherwise it will tear further.

Other options

Not only jeans with large holes are popular, but also with light scuffs or a burnout effect.

Pay attention! The linings under the holes look very nice. They can be made using various multi-colored fabrics, openwork material or denim of a similar color.

Table: technique for performing various fabric processing options.

Fabric processing option Execution technique
Strong wear effect This type of clothing is achieved by using a grater. Take your jeans, lay them on a flat surface and cut horizontally.

The length of the incision depends on the desire of the person. But do not make it more than 2-3 cm.

Run a kitchen grater along the incision several times until the effect of wearing out of the thing appears.

Weak fading effect To give things a slight effect of wear, it is worth walking over the fabric with sandpaper.
Burn-in effect Chlorine is used to achieve the effect of tissue burnout. Burnout looks very impressive with small holes.

After cutting and pulling out the threads, you should take a cotton pad and soak it in chlorine. Run the disk around the hole. Then the thing will need to be washed.

Draping The effect of staining looks very original. Chlorine is required to create it. The product is diluted with water and applied pointwise with a pipette to jeans.

After that, the pants are left for 1-2 hours. After this period of time, they must be washed in powder.

It is worth remembering that bleach quickly interacts with the fabric.

Therefore, in order to avoid the transition of white spots to the back of the leg, it is worth putting a piece of gauze or cotton wool between them, which will absorb chlorine.

In order to properly sew the lining, turn the leg inside out, cut out the patch of the desired size and sew it on with large stitches.

In order for the process of redoing things to become pleasant for you and the result to meet your expectations, you should use the following tips:

  • To give the item a worn look, it is worth washing it in a bleach that does not contain chlorine.
  • Do not make cuts near the seams of clothing. They will quickly disperse, and the jeans will look too torn.
  • If there is no eyebrow tweezers in the house, then it can be replaced with a sewing needle. With a sharp end, the thread is hooked in the incision and pulled out.
  • Minor abrasions are made with a scissor blade. The blade should be applied with the back side and walked over the fabric, creating a corrugated effect.

Important! Do not make large holes initially. It should be borne in mind that in the process of wearing they will become even larger.
The process of making denim shorts

If you have unnecessary jeans, then they can be made into very attractive and fashionable shorts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Lay out your pants on a flat surface.
  • Mark with a pen or bar of soap the estimated length of future shorts.
  • Cut along the marked line. If you want to achieve a torn effect, then we make a horizontal incision and tear off the fabric with our hands to the seam.
  • Markings, scuffs, holes are made at will.
  • Lapels are made in shorts: the lower base of the thing is tucked 1 time.

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The hippies were the first to tear jeans in the last century. It was a protest, a riot. But fashionistas quickly adapted the new type of clothing to everyday life, began to wear them with sneakers and even with heels.

Today, many girls, looking at beautiful, but expensive jeans models in stores, think about how to make ripped jeans on their own, because it's not so difficult.

Not all models will look equally good with holes, so the first step is to determine which denim can be recycled and which can not. Sometimes, before making fashionable pants at home, it is worth going shopping and looking at trends: where, how and how many holes are made on jeans by modern designers.

Ripped jeans for women

Fashionable ultra-narrow jeggings, so loved by girls, are not suitable for these purposes. Elastin, on the basis of which they are sewn, will not work beautifully. But worn models of medium width are the right choice. They already have scuffs, holes will update them, make them more stylish.

However, if you really want to break the new model, then you should not deny yourself either. Only choose cheap jeans. There is still a risk of spoiling them, it will be a shame to throw away expensive clothes.

Sometimes, before you think about how to make ripped jeans at home, you should go shopping and look at trends: where, how and how many holes are made on jeans by modern designers.

Jeans of any color are suitable for experiments. but blue and bright blue denim looks the most beautiful. It's all about the successful contrast of threads and fabric.

Ripped jeans for men

"Boyfriends" are more suitable for experiments than any other models. They are wide, holes look organic on them. Some girls use their husband's old jeans for the first experiments, give them a second life.

Although many men do not mind making interesting clothes with their own hands. Here it is important to be guided by the same principles as in the modernization of female models: Jeans should not be too tight or stretchy.

As a rule, men choose blue ripped jeans. They help create the image of a rebel and a “bad guy” better than others.

What tools will be needed for work

You won’t be able to tear jeans with your hands, however, as well as limit yourself to scissors. It is important to understand that even when changing clothes at home, you need a specialized tool. Otherwise, there is a risk of making an ugly torn and unwearable model.

The following tools are needed:

How to make ripped jeans step by step

In order to beautifully tear jeans from the bottom, you do not need to have any specific skills. There are several options for how to make ripped jeans at home.

Following the instructions, the question: how to make ripped jeans at home will not seem difficult.

For each option you need:

  1. Make a markup where the holes will be.
  2. Place a piece of plywood or board inside the leg.

The girl should decide what kind of jeans she wants to get: neat, with a small number of small holes or bright, almost torn to shreds denim. Both options will look great depending on the situation.

For the first, you need to highlight the white threads that are in any jeans:

  • make small horizontal cuts along the entire length of the jeans or up to the knees. You should get small neat squares. A sharp clerical knife is best suited for these purposes;
  • with a darning needle or the tip of nail scissors, carefully, trying not to damage, pull out the white threads so that they become visible;
  • pull out the dark threads that run perpendicular to the white ones with tweezers.

The second option involves more scope for creativity and a little less scrupulousness:

In addition to these fairly standard options, there are others. Pants torn in a certain place will look interesting in different situations. They can also be made at home, but the instructions are slightly different from those above.

Ripped knee jeans

This model is one of the most popular. As a rule, holes in the knees look good on tight and dark jeans.

Making them is easy:

  1. It is necessary to put on jeans and make markings on yourself: draw a wide horizontal line on the knee or on two with soap or chalk.
  2. Then you should take off your pants, put a board under the place of the future hole.
  3. With a razor-sharp utility knife, make cuts along the marked line. Jeans torn in this way should look slightly casual, so the movements should be sharp and relatively sloppy.

This is the easiest option that you can create at home.

Ripped jeans on the butt

As a rule, girls' jeans are torn under the booty, but there are brave people who make holes in this attractive place. This option is not for everyone. On the pope, it is not recommended to tear jeans for owners of magnificent forms and adult women.

holes in the knees look good on tight and dark jeans.

It will look vulgar. The rest can boldly challenge public opinion. And still in holes created in such an intimate place, transverse threads should be left. So the jeans will look interesting, defiant, but not vulgar.

Jeans ripped at the bottom

Recently, the fringe fashion has returned. Many girls take out jeans from the far corners of the closet, which are very worn out from the bottom and make them a stylish thing. Fringe can be a great solution for pants that need to be shortened.

Making pants torn at the bottom is very simple if you use the following instructions:

  1. Jeans should be turned inside out and the folded edges should be torn off on both legs.
  2. Make a markup where the fringe will begin. From the intended line, draw a few strips down. They should be at the same distance of about two centimeters from each other.
  3. Cut jeans along vertical lines.
  4. All horizontal threads should be removed with a darning needle. No need to try to do it quickly, grabbing a lot of threads at once. Let the process go slowly, but the result will please.
  5. To prevent the fringe from going further up, it must be secured with a needle and thread in the color of the jeans.

Fashion ripped jeans

Incredible the combination of holes and scuffs looks interesting and stylish. But it is important to know the measure. A competent combination of different types of cuts and fringes or just a raw edge will make jeans a fashionable outfit, and any excess will turn a girl into a clown.

Rolled-up pants are still in trend this year. Ripped jeans, designed in this way, will look stylish and beautiful. In this season colored ripped jeans are popular: white, black and even red.

Fashionable ripped jeans 2018. Photo

How to make baby ripped jeans

Children are very mobile and energetic. They play, run, have fun and, of course, tear clothes. Most often goes to jeans. The kid can return with holes in his knees - this is a consequence of falling on the asphalt.

Or tear your pants on the side, because he climbed a tree and unsuccessfully caught on a branch. You can scold the child, but this is not an option. Children will still run and climb wherever possible.

Therefore, the best way out of the situation would be to forgive the kid for pranks and think about how to make ripped jeans at home, thus disguising their affected part.

Use the following instruction:

  1. First you need to assess the scale of the "catastrophe". If the hole on the knee is very small, then you can slightly increase it with scissors or a sharp blade, and then remove the threads with tweezers.
  2. Then, with a crayon and a felt-tip pen, outline a place for a hole on another, whole leg. Jeans will look more interesting if the new hole or wear is located a little higher or a little lower than the one already made.
  3. Put a board inside the leg and make cuts with a blade or a clerical knife, and then also pull out the longitudinal threads.
  4. In order for the holes not to look foreign, you can add scuffs on the pockets with sandpaper or pumice stone. The image of a little fashionista is ready.
  5. Ripped jeans for a girl can be decorated by sewing on large beads in different parts of the pants.

Handmade ripped jeans. Photo instruction

What to wear

Making a new ripped model from old jeans at home is just the beginning. Now you should figure out how they can be combined with other clothes and shoes. Things and accessories that match each other make the image complete and attractive, and inappropriate things kill it.

Light blue ripped jeans

Blue jeans look great with light-colored clothes. A spacious white T-shirt and light-colored sneakers will add lightness and careless beauty. This is the easiest and safest option. If it's cool outside, then you can put on a jacket on top, which beautifully emphasizes the figure.

T-shirt can be replaced with a vest. It is also interesting to combine with blue ripped jeans, but it brings more audacity and charm to the image. But one should not forget that light things and a horizontal strip will suit slender girls. Owners of more magnificent forms are better off opting for a vertical strip.

A competent combination of different types of cuts and fringes or just a raw edge will make jeans a fashionable outfit, and any excess will turn a girl into a clown.

Blue ripped boyfriends go well with wide flying sweaters
in pastel colors. If you add stilettos and a large bag to this, you get a romantic and elegant look.

Black ripped jeans

The black color gives the girl severity, and the holes on the jeans - the spirit of rebellion. That's why dark ripped jeans go best with a white long t-shirt and leather jacket. Complete the look with low heels.

Wear a denim jacket and sneakers for a sporty look. Black ripped jeans are just made for fitness girls and those who want to bring a little sport into their everyday look. Therefore, a model of this color looks great with sneakers or moccasins.

Not every company allows you to wear clothes with a hole to work, however, in combination with a light-colored shirt and black pumps with heels, skinny ripped jeans will help create an elegant but daring office look.

White ripped jeans

White color is very gentle and at the same time bright. With it, you can create the image of a romantic princess. However, the holes on the jeans will hint that the gentle fairy is not as simple as it seems.

A ruffled top and high-heeled sandals are the perfect complement to ripped denim.. A blouse or fitted sweater in pastel shades will also look harmonious in this look.

A profitable solution is often a game of contrast. Ripped white models go well with a black loose-fitting jacket, T-shirts with bright prints and dark high-heeled low shoes. It turns out a very stylish, but slightly aggressive bow.

Pair white jeans with a shirt and ballerinas or loafers to create an image of a stylish and self-confident resident of a big city in a hurry on business.

Red ripped jeans

Homemade red ripped jeans are a real challenge to dullness and everyday life. They will make the bow bright, unlike anything else. Like black, red goes well with white. A light loose-fitting blouse and ballet flats are a great choice for walking and traveling.

Since the red color itself is very noticeable, you should not overload the image with an additional print on the jacket or jewelry. It is better to give preference to monophonic things.

Red ripped jeans go well with a black blouse or jacket. However, with this combination, it is important to choose the right accessories and shoes. Black pumps or heeled ankle boots and a medium-sized dark bag will look good.

To be stylish, fashionable and modern is the natural desire of every woman. That is why the fair sex so often visit shopping centers. But in order to purchase a new thing, you do not always need to go to the store. You can diversify your wardrobe easily and quickly if you understand how to make ripped jeans at home.

How to make ripped jeans:

How to make jeans torn at home:

Pick up a pair of jeans. It doesn't have to be new jeans. You can buy inexpensive jeans from a second-hand store.

  • The result will be better if you have already worn these jeans. However, this should not deter you from buying new jeans.
  • Light-colored jeans look better torn because they look naturally worn. Dark jeans will look different realistic.

Prepare the necessary tools. Usually, it's a pair of jeans and something edgy. Depending on your idea, in all likelihood, you may need the following materials to work with:

  • If you want to make big holes then take scissors, a razor or a knife. Perfect for a utility or utility knife.
  • If you want a worn look, then take sandpaper, cheese grater, steel wool or pumice stone.
  • Mark the location of the incision. Lay your jeans on a flat surface and use a pencil to mark the cuts. Use a measuring tape to determine the exact length of the incision. Imagine in your mind what the cut will look like and how wide it should be.

    • Generally, most people prefer incisions near the knees. However, you can rip them anywhere else.
    • Make the cut just above the knee so that the hole doesn't get bigger every time you move or bend your knee.
    • Don't cut too high or your underwear will show through.
  • Lay your jeans on a smooth surface. Insert a small block of wood into the leg to avoid damaging the fabric at the back.

    • Alternatively, you can use a cutting board, an old book, or a stack of magazines. In a word, everything that you do not mind damaging. You're not going to damage the kitchen table with a sharp knife.
  • Before making a cut in the fabric, take sandpaper or steel wool and rub the fabric with it until it becomes much thinner. This process will help loosen the fibers.

    • You can use various tools: sandpaper, steel wool and even pumice stone. You will need a little time, depending on the thickness of the fabric on your jeans.
    • If you want to rip your jeans right away and don't want to create a worn look, then go for it.
  • Loosen the fibers more to form holes. If you want to get torn fibers instead of holes, then with scissors or a knife, gently stretch the part of the fabric that you rubbed with pumice. Thus, this area will be very worn, and your skin will be slightly visible through it. Pull on the white fibers of this worn part to make wear more believable.

  • Add holes with a knife or scissors. Take scissors and make a few cuts in the frayed part. The cuts should not be large, otherwise you will ruin the jeans. The length of the cuts should not exceed one and a half centimeters.

    • Make cuts across, not lengthwise. This will look more natural.
  • Ripped jeans are back in fashion! With their help, you can become not only daring, but also romantic beauty! The main thing is to choose the right design and the right holes. On the shelves of trendy shopping malls you will find hundreds of stylish models. But if you don't like them, don't despair! You can always make super trendy ripped jeans yourself. And this material will help you!

    How to make your own ripped jeans at home

    If you have old or new jeans that you want to transform, that's great. This needlework will not take much time, but the future new thing will certainly be unique, non-standard. Ripped jeans at home is not so difficult to make, but at the same time there are many schemes, technologies. You won’t have to go to cutting and sewing courses, but you need to stock up on patience, tools, and imagination.

    Tools you will need during the work

    To transform unsightly jeans and make scuffs on them, holes must be prepared:
    👖 jeans (it is allowed to take trousers from a different material, but the technology for processing them is slightly different);
    👖 scissors (preferably for fabric - large, sharp);
    👖 a small grater, razor, nail file or sandpaper (if abrasions are expected in addition to holes);
    👖 stationery knife or blade (it is possible to replace this tool with ordinary nail scissors, but you will have to be more careful when working with jeans);
    👖 additional pieces of fabric, lace (if a beautiful feminine decor is supposed and sewing it under a large hole as an inner patch);
    👖chalk, pencil or pen (to mark the places of future holes in jeans);
    👖 needle or ripper (will help pull out unnecessary threads);
    👖 tweezers or vacuum cleaner (for quick removal of excess threads);
    👖 small sewing needles or paper clips (for fixing patches on jeans).


    at first determine the places in which holes will be made, slots. Analyze denim the cloth trousers. If it is worn, then the holes should be small and in those parts where bends are not expected (above or below the knees, on the back pockets of each leg). If the material is new and does not burst at the seams, then the shape, placement, size of holes can be anything. In the first option, they will be made easily, and you can even pull out the threads with your hand, and in the second case, you will definitely need a fabric ripper.

    To outline future places for holes, measure jeans and put the places of bends, knees, ends of the buttocks to start. When you take off your pants, these marks will help you determine exactly where the holes and scuffs should be. Mark their full circle, not just a point. If the hole is irregular in shape, it is better to place it so that the largest diameter falls on the equity thread (it stretches less). Some sewing crayons don't wash out, so a small bar of soap is best.

    How to tear jeans beautifully with your own hands: performance techniques

    Sloppy holes in grunge style are very simple.
    👖 In the selected place, strips of different lengths are cut parallel to each other at a distance of 5 mm.
    👖 The transverse threads are pulled out and removed. If any of the threads are damaged, this will add sophistication to the trousers, but in no way spoil them.
    Ripped jeans in a minimalist style. For such trousers, you will have to outline several places with small holes. The main task is not to damage the transverse threads, but to take out part of the equity threads so that they do not stick out very colorfully. Such holes are often made in the size of 2 cm by 4 cm and placed closer to the side seams of the jeans.
    👖 Shabby holes on trousers are used very often, especially when it comes to large hole diameters. This effect is easily achieved using a simple kitchen grater, sandpaper or a pumice stone for the feet. The main thing in this matter is not to touch the threads that have remained transverse or shared, so that the jeans serve for more than one month, a year, and the fringe does not break after the first wash.

    How to make a scuff with a grater

    Ordinary kitchen utensils often come to the rescue in needlework. To make a hole in jeans look old and shabby, you will need a simple grater or a piece of sandpaper. Tightly, along the edge of the hole, draw the selected tool in small jerks so that the threads fluff. Do the same with each edge of the jeans hole. You can work both from the front side and from the wrong side. After that, additionally bleach the threads with a chlorinated solution.
    Note, The inside of jeans often looks more original than the front side. If there are additional pieces of such fabric try to make such a patch on the front of the trousers. You can sew on the patch with large stitches so that the threads can be seen. Such an addition would be quite appropriate for both men's and women's types of clothing. From pieces of other fabric you can form a pattern (optional). Improve your jeans so that they can complement both a romantic, feminine look and a sporty, daring one.

    bleached holes

    To make your denim look even more stylish, try bleaching some threads and places. The easiest way to do this is with a chlorine solution or other bleach. Ordinary chlorine and dissolve in a small amount of water, apply the solution on a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and treat the necessary places with holes. Chlorine eats into the fabric, and whiteness may not appear immediately, but after a while. Therefore, after processing, immediately wash the jeans, so the excess chemical agent will be removed and the holes will remain in excellent condition for a long time.

    When whitening holes in jeans, it is important to carry out all work in rubber gloves and in the open air. It is advisable to test the bleaching on a small piece of the same fabric or on an invisible part of the trousers (under the knees, on the wrong side). If you want to decorate jeans with white drops, then with a pipette apply chlorine solution to the cloth, and put a layer of cotton wool underneath. When chlorine is absorbed, it needs about 1 hour to interact with the fabric, after which it will need a full wash of clothes.

    How to make shorts or breeches from ordinary jeans

    An easy way to update old jeans is to cut them to the height of shorts or breeches. In this case, you need to outline the height of the future product and break it along the transverse thread. If the shorts are supposed to be without further processing, but with torn edges, then no allowances will be required. They are necessary if, according to the model, a fold is needed. For this design, add 3-7 cm to your desired length and cut off the excess. Step by step, this process will look like this:

    ✂ Without folds, lay out the finished jeans on a flat surface.
    ✂ We mark with chalk or a pencil the place of trimming the extra length.
    ✂ Tear off with your hands or cut off jeans along the line with scissors.
    ✂ Additionally, we make holes or scuffs (optional), given that the color of the longitudinal thread will be lighter than the main shade of the trousers.
    ✂ We turn the edge or leave it torn. Ready!

    Photo of beautiful ripped jeans

    You will need

    • - stationery knife;
    • - pumice;
    • - bleach or bleach with chlorine;
    • - a thick needle or nail scissors;
    • - a metal or plastic plate (for example, a lid from Montpensier sweets).


    Ripped jeans at regular intervals fall into. They can again be seen at the shows of eminent. These jeans are ideal for those who are not afraid to look beautiful, fashionable and extravagant. Jeans with add to their owner a small amount of eroticism and freedom. You can find them in almost any denim store. But the price due to increased demand is quite high. Much cheaper to make these jeans yourself. This will save you money and jeans will be individual, and not made "under" whole batches. Luckily, DIY jeans are not that hard.

    It is necessary to take pants made from classic jeans to get good holes. Choose jeans so that the material is fairly tight to the touch. Buy or choose from your wardrobe jeans that fit the silhouette. If you take tight pants, then all the holes made will stretch and look ugly. If you choose loose-fitting jeans for work, then the holes simply will not be visible. The golden mean in this business is one of the main conditions for success.

    It seems that the holes on jeans are always made in a chaotic manner, guided only by inspiration. But this is far from true. The cuts themselves must be made very carefully. And you need to start your work with markup. Lay the jeans on the floor or on a table and mark with chalk the places where you would like to make holes. Then you can visualize what the jeans will look like in the end. Also, try on pants during the process. It is better to modify somewhere than to overdo it in creating holes. After all, if you make a hole too big, then it is unlikely that you will be able to correct your mistake without destroying the finally acceptable appearance. As a result, the thing will simply end up in the trash can, and the mood will be spoiled.

    Do not make holes in jeans at the knees. There you will definitely stretch them and the pants will look terrible. It is better to make cuts a little higher or lower. Also, make sure that there are no cuts in the folds of your pants. This also threatens to stretch the material.

    There are several proven ways to rip jeans in a very artistic way. The first one is to cut holes with a clerical knife. To do this, select the place on the leg that you will process, for example, the knee. Place a metal cover under the jeans, take a clerical knife and start cutting holes across the leg with it. Make a fairly large number of cuts so that individual threads begin to stand out. Then use your fingers to clean the resulting fringe from dust and small threads and place the jeans in the washing machine. After washing, the holes will look natural.

    In addition, holes in jeans can be made with a darning needle or nail scissors. With a sharp end, simply pull thread by thread vertically from the spot on the fabric where you planned to make a torn effect. This method will provide you with disheveled holes that will look even more impressive after washing.

    Also try using a pumice stone or a wire brush to "wipe" the holes in your jeans. You can do this by wearing jeans on yourself or placing something solid under the fabric, as was the case in the first case. Try to make the rubbing even and not tear the jeans. To make only small scuffs, the jeans should first be wetted with water.

    Holes on jeans look especially good if the fabric around them is slightly bleached. To achieve this effect, before tearing the jeans, treat them with bleach or "whiteness". You can apply the bleach solution only to the areas you need for a while and then wash your pants, or you can boil the jeans completely in the bleach solution. Having received such "scuffs", you can safely proceed to making holes.

    Sometimes it makes sense to tear jeans not only in a certain place, but also to make several small cuts and holes on the belt, pockets, as well as abrasion along the edges of the pockets and along the bottom edge of the jeans. After this treatment, the jeans will look more harmonious.

    Add an effect by cutting off a little of the leg hem. Tousle the remaining jeans with sandpaper or pumice stone. Don't forget the pockets too. Make a few small holes in visible places and also do not forget to ruffle them.

    For ripped jeans, you can use the minimalist style. To do this, make two small cuts parallel to each other. The cuts must be horizontal. Now take your cosmetic tweezers and carefully begin to pull out the vertical threads from this area. As a result, you should be left with horizontal threads, which, as a rule, will be several tones lighter than the main color of the pants. In this way, you can create individual, made-to-measure trousers. The length of the cut strips may vary. You can also choose different spacing between cuts. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number and size of holes.