
What to do with children at home: we make games from improvised materials. Things to do with kids at home: a list of interesting activities for kids What to do with a child at home


Hello dear readers! The task of every parent is to comprehensively develop their child. Each of us understands the degree of responsibility for the future of the child, so we spend hours poring over educational literature and articles on the net. We teach children to read and write, but we often face the question - how to teach a child to count? We'll talk about this topic today. Summary1. How do children perceive the score? 1.1. We count everywhere1.2. Learning to count up to ten1.3. We remember the spelling of numbers 1.4. Overcoming...

Hello dear readers. Not far off the first of September. That is why today I want to discuss a very serious topic that worries many mothers and fathers of six-year-olds - what time to send the child to school? By law, a baby can be admitted to first grade from the age of 6 years 6 months, but is this really necessary? Of course, we all want our children to grow up smart, educated, smart, but sometimes studying from such an early age becomes ...

Greetings, dear readers! The requirements for first-graders are becoming more and more stringent, and if earlier a kid could come to school at the age of 7 and only remotely know a couple of letters of the alphabet, today everyone should be able to read in syllables already at 6! But what if you are not a teacher by education and have completely forgotten how your mother worked with you as a child? Find out now - how to teach a child to read by syllables. Summary1. When...

My friends, hello! It's time for exams, and every day the excitement only grows, and not only among children, but also among their parents and many adults. Do you know that this very excitement can be overcome? If not, then read the article on how not to worry before the exam and other serious tests. Go! Probably, you are now thinking that in order to avoid excitement, you need to memorize all the material? But it's physically impossible! The main thing -...

Hello dear moms and dads! Do you consider yourself caring and responsible parents who are willing to develop their child with all their might? And now you have already learned all the colors and counting up to 10, but you still can’t master the alphabet? Does the kid not want to look at pictures in a brand new primer, lay out cards with letters, and generally listen to anything on this topic? Do not be discouraged, today you will learn how to teach your child letters so that this process delivers ...

Hello dear readers! Probably, today, sooner or later, every parent thinks about the question: which section to send the child to? This thought can even occur to parents of one-year-old children. Even then, reflections may appear on what type of activity would favorably affect the development of the baby. But most sections and circles invite children from 3 years and older. What to pay attention to when choosing? We will answer in this article. Brief...

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Sometimes even the most enduring parent is overwhelmed by fatigue or a breakdown.

And sometimes even the most wonderful child gets bored with all his toys, books, puzzles and wants something new. What he persistently demands.

And the desire to sit quietly for 15 minutes and play something interesting, come into direct conflict.

What to do with a child At such moments? Yes, so that also with the benefit of its development?

Maybe in these ideas of what to do with a child, you will find something interesting for yourself?

All these activities an adult should be nearby, but he is not required to take active steps. You can sit quietly nearby, give the child freedom of action. I usually have enough time to rest and gain strength. All games develop fine motor skills, and as a result, both thinking and speech of the child.

So let's get started? :)

1. We take out the hoarded old magazines or newspapers ... They can be torn - into strips or pieces - and then correlative hand movements and grasping develop. But first you need to show how to do it right. We grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands, and then pull it in different directions. My son most likes the final part of this action - throwing the scraps up with the words: "Autumn has come!" Then together we collect all this leaf fall.

And you can crumple the sheets and throw them like snowballs. Clumping develops hand strength.

2. Plasticine to the rescue! Let's not take modeling seriously. Just first remember it in the hands - combining self-massage of fingers and hands and developing muscles. We poke into it and make holes with one straightened index finger or all at once. And then we roll out the cake and stick into it everything small that comes to hand: beads, pebbles, shells, cereals and legumes, and so on.

3. Sorting items piled into one large box can keep a child busy for a while. In this box - buttons, and in this bowl - beads. If the child copes, you can increase the sorted to 4-5 species.

4. Still, a plastic bottle - although not environmentally friendly, but a brilliant invention! No matter what they do with her. Here we will throw small objects there ... previously dug out of plasticine :) One at a time, supporting the bottle with the other hand.

5. Do you have a rubber bulb at home? Well, there is definitely a rubber toy with a hole. We press a pear or a toy and blow off lumps of cotton wool or pieces of paper from any surface with a stream of air. You can blow on each other - it can be even funnier. This is how we develop arm strength. By the way, that is why squeaking with squeaker toys is also very useful.

6. I never thought that this activity would be so interesting for my son. We put on the fingers and hands everything that can be used in this way: hair ties, caps from felt-tip pens, bracelets made of pieces of wood or stone with elastic bands, curlers, cardboard rolls of toilet paper - cut or whole ... It is only important that we do not all this beauty was put on the baby's fingers, and he was taught this. Then we move our multi-colored fingers in felt-tip caps, shake them with our hands. Now we're filming. And we decorate ourselves with something else ... so we develop correlative movements.

7. We wind a thick rope or cord on a stick or coil. When it turns out well, you can wind it on a ball. Develops the movements of both fingers and hands.

8. Do you know how to weave a pigtail? That is great! You can hang a bunch of ropes (I usually pinch it with a desk drawer) and weave a pigtail out of them. Or tie a light knot. And offer the baby to unweave it. But a child can learn to braid and tie knots only at preschool age. It is better to use sliding ropes - they are easier to unravel. Develops fine finger movements.

9. The same rope or ribbons can also be wound around the hand: wrap the hands or finger of the child and offer to unravel. And then he will tangle you with a rope. Develops hand and finger movement.

10. Have you tried stringing beads on a string? Or any other items with holes, such as buttons. Instead of a needle, you can use a stick with a hole or a wire. Develops matching movements.

11. Lace up, open-close zippers, Velcro is very useful. There are many toys that use this technique. But you can do just fine without them. We bring a pile of things and arrange a thorough search. So-and-so, let's open the zipper ... what is this in our bag? Yeah, daddy's shoe...washed...with laces. And mine - with Velcro ... we continue the study.

12. Never use clothespins to dry clothes. Not necessary. But I keep clothespins in the house. They can be fastened along the edge of a bucket or bowl - the child needs to unfasten them one at a time and throw them into this container. If you cut a circle out of cardboard - clothespins can become rays in the sun ... or you can make a palm - four clothespins on top and one a little to the side ... or attach “needles” to the outline of a hedgehog. Unhooking the son turns out, but still not fastened. It's more difficult. The lesson develops the strength of the hands, correlating movements, differentiates the movements of the fingers.

13. How many boxes, jars, bottles, vials and other things screwed or closed with different lids or caps in the house of a thrifty mother? We take out supplies and let him twist-unscrew himself ... closes-opens. Selects the desired diameters and sizes. For intrigue, you can put something inside. It will rumble mysteriously and enticingly inside.

14. You can lay out figures on the floor or table from matches or cord.

15. How do you like wet games? Available? Then we pour water into a basin or a bowl, throw small non-sinking objects there (balls, Kinder surprise eggs ...) and give the child a slotted spoon. Let him “fish” and collect what he catches in another bowl.

16. And in the dry version of this game, he can shift small pieces of foam rubber or cork from one bowl to another with tweezers. The pieces are about the size of a sugar cube and the rougher the edges, the better.

17. In addition to the usual transfers, transfers, you can use a more complex option. We mix small cereals with large ones in one container (I use semolina and rice). Next we put another container (we have a tray from the oven) with a strainer. The kid pours the mixture into the strainer with a spoon and stirs. The sifted rice is poured into a jar. And on the pallet with semolina, we then draw with our fingers.

18. Scraps of paper torn in the first paragraph may still be useful to us! If you collect them in a box, you can hide a small toy there. And then look for it by touch.

19. Turning the key perfectly develops fine finger movements. But we don't have clockwork toys. But there are doors with locks, a magic key and a toilet stand from Ikea. A trifle gets the key into his possession, drags the stand from door to door and is wiser with locks.

20. Although, if there is absolutely no strength left even for simple actions ... or something urgently needs to be done around the house ... the most proven method, popular with all times and peoples, is probably this one: “Bunny, bring me from another room .... take it to dad... and where is your truck? Well, how to look! ... go there ... bring something ... "And who can say that this is not a developmental activity;)

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To make this happen not soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of glycerin. The solution barrel is ready!

22. Painting without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong hermetically sealed bag, the child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with his fingers and not get dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister, you need to cut out the sink body with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin, long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling. Color the design with permanent markers. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The rest will be done by the imagination.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemistry experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon, and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will result in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen dinosaur egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably a little overripe), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take out the frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!

The age of five is a unique period in the life of a child, when he is able to absorb and remember the maximum amount of information, and feels a great need for a deeper study of the real world. At the same time, the main features of his personality, in fact, are formed and one can judge from them what kind of person he will grow up to be. Knowing these features, you can understand what to do with a 5-year-old child at home for the benefit of his development. We have prepared for you ideas for pastime for five-year-old boys and girls.

Proper organization of a child's leisure time is an important task for parents if they want to raise a full-fledged member of society and just a good person. For this, it is important for the father and mother to know what their baby is interested in, what activities are closest to him, what he can and wants to learn on his own. Of course, this requires close observation of the child, constant communication with him, trusting relationships. If friendly contact is established, it is easier to direct the daughter or son in the right direction, moreover, the school is not far off, which also requires preparatory work.

The difficulty is mainly the work of parents, and yet you need to find time for joint games and lessons. What should you pay attention to in the first place?

From the attitude of parents to occupation with the child, its further development depends. Games at this age should be educational.

In fact, the whole day of the baby should be scheduled by the clock, especially if he does not go to kindergarten. Actually, we are talking about such children, because, namely, parents and households should take care of his development and upbringing:

  1. Children are usually picked up when they stand up themselves. After hygiene procedures, the baby has breakfast, after which he has a free hour or an hour and a half before walking. Psychologists recommend at this time to pay attention to learning - you can do learning numbers And mathematical operations using cards, counting sticks or dice, try to make complex sentences, study writing vowels or consonants. This is the most favorable time for mastering any educational material. Lessons of 15-20 minutes can be divided into 5-10-minute breaks for dancing or and fun exercise to your favorite music.
  2. After exercise and lunch, half an hour or an hour can also be used to good use. At this time you can read a book(we wrote how to quickly teach a child to read), memorize simple poems(read how to quickly learn poetry with a child) or Tongue Twisters, or compose picture story.
  3. Further, the child's regimen provides for daytime rest and afternoon tea. The following hours can be spent on any creative pursuits with a child - all types of fine arts are appropriate - drawing, modeling, engraving, needlework, appliqué creation. You can also let your child play a little on their own using a favorite constructor, puzzles or any kits role playing.
  4. After the second walk, it is best to choose an activity for the child that does not capture him completely. After all, dinner and preparation for sleep are ahead, and in an overexcited state it will be difficult for a baby to fall asleep, even after an evening fairy tale. Therefore, you can stop at something calm, for example, on coloring pages, uncomplicated board games from finding differences in pictures, listening to your favorite musical works followed by their discussion.

Advice. In order to correctly determine the activities of a child at the age of five, parents can draw up a plan of educational games for every day, which will undoubtedly help the baby develop fully.

Continuing to improve fine motor skills, thinking, logic, associative memory and imagination of five-year-old children, it is necessary, at the same time, to bring them to an awareness of the rules and norms of behavior, the development of specific knowledge, for which they are already ready at this age. Those babies who still need the constant presence of their parents need to be taught to be independent, as this is an important aspect of their future life.

When creating such a schedule, parents should not forget that the baby needs to be given time for his own hobbies and favorite games, after all, he is still a child who just needs to fool around and have fun.

Organization of space for games and study

The knowledge of any phenomena and objects of the external world in children occurs during the game.

Having fun, the child acquires useful skills, receives the necessary information and learns.

Play space is important. First of all, it should be safe - parents should know the most unreliable places. These are soft corners with which protruding parts of furniture, foams and mats in places of falls are sealed.

Contrary to popular belief, toys do not have to be put away in cabinets; only superfluous, currently irrelevant dolls and games can lie there. So, toys can be in constant open access so that the baby himself comes up and chooses what he likes. Of course, after the game, he will have to return them to their places, so he will learn to restore order from early childhood.

It is desirable that the apartment has several play areas:

  • permanent places for games - children's houses and tents for games, sports complexes, areas where sorters, designers, mosaics are located, to which the baby returns periodically;
  • temporary zones, depending on the type of game, which are equipped each time in a new way - they are needed for such creative activities as modeling and drawing, needlework, by the way, large toys, balls, structures can be taken out during the game and then removed;
  • a special area for developing learning - a comfortable place with a soft mat or a children's table with a chair, which is more convenient for anyone to learn new knowledge.

One of the conditions is that the place for developing activities should not be located next to the entertainment area, as it will distract the attention of the baby during classes. If the footage allows, you can give the child a separate corner for creativity.

Classes with the baby should take place in a friendly atmosphere, when the child is in good health and mood.

What to do with a child 5 years old at home: video

Lessons for a 5 year old

At home, the child can play by himself or together with his parents, both of these activities will be useful for him in their own way. Of course, at home, calmer games are more natural, but no less interesting games.

Consider what to do with a child of 5 years at home:

  • together with parents kids can create various crafts, soft toys, and garlands for family celebrations (see how to make a New Year's garland);
  • for development logical thinking, concentration of attention and memory, board games are good - checkers, chess (we wrote about how to quickly teach a child to play chess), dominoes, lotto, ludo, walkers, strategies;
  • Mind games such as "Answer in 5 seconds", "Mr. Twister", "Guess who you are?", "Miombo Leaning Tower";
  • developing quiz games, for example "Wheel of Fortune";
  • rpg games"Dr. Aibolit";
  • logic and math games- "Labyrinth", "Fructo 10", "Logic Domino".

Many of these games are team games, which, in fact, is what a kid of this age needs. For creative education and harmonious development of the personality, it is suitable:

  • creation of paintings with the help of semolina, colored paper, glue of improvised materials - beads, dry leaves, beads;
  • independent execution paper designs- origami, paper flowers, animal figurines, all kinds of applications;
  • at 5 years old, kids can already be taught decorate different objects with the help of a picture, drawing or pattern - children really like the decoupage technique.

The exception is the days when there is bad weather outside and the child does not have the opportunity to actively move. In such cases, the following options are suitable:

  1. Parents who care about the full physical development of their children by this age, as a rule, already purchase a prefabricated home horizontal bar, wall bars or a whole complex for daily activities. This is probably the best alternative to street walks. With it, you can play monkeys - going down and climbing the wall, imitate climbing on branches, swinging on a trapeze and making hangs on the rings, depict swinging on lianas. And if you attach bags with balls at the sports complex, you can even get “bananas” at different heights. Parents, in this regard, will have to insure the baby - it is better to immediately lay a mat on the floor and monitor the safety of the children's game.
  2. Active pastime you can also consider the copying of different animals by a child - the baby must portray the gait, habits of certain animals, can make characteristic sounds - this will not only be useful for training his muscles, but also very fun. But you can not be limited to this - parents may well give the task to their son or daughter to imitate an iron, a steam locomotive, a tumbler. To complicate the task, and thereby make it even more interesting, you can make riddles about the object that should be depicted. This will make the baby reason and develop logical thinking and memory.
  3. Dancing were and remain an excellent example of outdoor games at home. They can be accompanied by dressing up in different costumes, carried out in the form of a competition, children can perform with improvised items, for example, balls, ribbons, imitating gymnasts.
  4. hide and seek- an outdoor game that kids will happily play at home. You can hide anything, and then search for clues, notes placed around the apartment or a drawn map. Of course, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment, and in a small room this game is unlikely to be relevant.
  5. Home hike will also bring a lot of joyful moments to the son and daughter, but for this, mom and dad will have to recreate the atmosphere of a real corner of nature. You will need to make a real obstacle course from improvised materials - mountains, meadows, rivers. Everything can be used - pillows, bedspreads, boxes and much more. A halt, as in life, in the middle of the road. If the house has a tent or a children's wigwam, then you can arrange an overnight stay.

In this case, the active pastime of a son or daughter may completely depend on the imagination of the parents.

The best activities for boys and girls

Five-year-old boys and girls are well aware of their gender, and therefore their interests differ significantly.

Games for a 5 year old boy

To entertain a five year old boy, he will need purely "male" accessories for role-playing games, such as cars, beautiful weapons, any tools, such as a mechanic or an auto mechanic. Your little one will surely love the 5-year-old electrical engineering set, or the young chemist set, which includes many bright flasks, pipettes and other items with which he can experiment with sand, water and other materials.

Boys like to build a lot, so a complicated version of the designer is one of the best options. The children also like to play table hockey, football, tennis and other similar games.

Games for a 5 year old girl

You can keep a 5-year-old girl busy with games using needlework kits - they will be happy to create clothes for paper and fabric dolls, learn to knit funny souvenirs, weave macramé, and create exclusive jewelry. My daughter will definitely like to cook with her mother using the dough, combine the ingredients for vegetable and fruit salads on her own, make cakes from multi-colored clay or plasticine.

Girls enjoy many role-playing games in which they act as princesses, teachers, doctors or hairdressers, and adults just need to help them set up the scenery and make sure they are provided with the necessary tools for their performance.

The daughter will be happy to help her mother with household chores - she can wash and wipe the dishes, set and clear the table, wipe the floor from the bookshelf, feed her pet. And girls are very fond of fairy tales, so they will never refuse to read and then discuss the book they have read.

35 games for children: what to play with a child at home: video

The problem of what to do with a child of 5 years old at home disappears by itself, if you just try to remember how many hobbies your son or daughter has, and if you include the necessary preparatory classes for school in this list, you get a very impressive list of interesting and useful things, so parents and their children will definitely not be bored.

Every parent wants their child to be happy, but what can you do to make your child's childhood the happiest in practice, and in childhood memories it will evoke an inner smile for a long time. Already being an adult, your "baby" will always remember these unforgettable moments, and you, dear parents!

And all you need to do is nothing:

1. Let the sunbeams.

2. Watch how the seeds germinate.

3. Roll down a high ice mountain together.

4. Bring from the frost and put a branch in the water.

5. Cut the jaws out of the orange peels.

6. Look at the stars.

7. Shade coins and leaves hidden under paper.

8. Shake the pencil so that it seems that it has become flexible.

9. Make holes in the ice under running water.

10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon.

11. Cut out garlands of paper men.

12. Show shadow theater.

13. Run pancakes on the water.

14. Draw a cartoon in the margins of a notebook.

15. Set up a home in a refrigerator box.

16. Weave wreaths.

17. Make a volcanic eruption out of citric acid and soda.

18. Show trick with electrified paper figures.

19. Carbon copy.

20. Make bottle sprinklers and have a fight.

21. Listen to birds singing.

22. Let the chips go with the flow, dig channels and make dams.

23. Build a hut.

24. Shake a tree branch when the child is standing under it and arrange leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

25. Watch sunrise and sunset.

26. Admire the moon path.

27. Look at the clouds and imagine what they look like.

28. Make a weather vane and a wind trap.

29. Shine in the dark with a flashlight.

30. Make octopuses from dandelions and pupae from wild roses.

31. Go fishing.

32. Leave body prints in the snow.

33. Feed the birds.

34. Keep secrets.

35. Build a house out of furniture.

36. Sit by the fire. Fry bread on a stick.

37. Fly a kite.

38. Twist the child by the arms.

39. Build a sand castle. Burrow in the sand. Dig a deep well to reach water.

40. Sit in the dark, by candlelight.

41. Make little devils out of soapy hair.

42. Blow into an empty bottle.

43. Repeat one word many times so that it turns into another.

44. To publish a victory cry of Kamanches.

45. Be surprised at your giant shadow and play catch-up with the shadows.

46. ​​Jump to the center of the puddle.

47. Take notes with milk.

48. Arrange a storm in a teacup.

49. Bury treasure in a bowl of porridge.

50. Explain by signs.

51. Make spouts from maple lionfish, orders from burdock, earrings from cherries.

52. Blow on a feather.

53. Leave a blade of grass in an anthill and then try formic acid.

54. Eating rabbit cabbage, sucking resin, licking birch sap and maple syrup, chewing blades of grass.

55. Squeeze cookies with cookie cutters.

56. String berries on a blade of grass.

57. Play cyclops.

58. Sing along.

59. Fix your favorite toy.

60. Blow soap bubbles.

61. Decorate the Christmas tree.

62. Whistle through an acacia pod.

63. Make a dollhouse.

64. Climb a tree.

65. Play ghost.

66. Invent fancy costumes and dress up.

67. Talk about dreams.

68. Beating a homemade drum.

69. Release a balloon into the sky.

70. Organize a children's party.

71. Look at the world through colored glass.

72. Draw on misted glass.

73. Jump into piles of autumn foliage.

74. Start dinner with dessert.

75. Put your clothes on your child.

77. Watch your favorite cartoon together and finally understand who Bakugan are!

78. Make faces at the monkeys at the Zoo.

79. Peep through binoculars for everyone.


81. Throw pillows (small and soft).

82. Measure snowdrifts together. Play snowball fights and build snow towns/barricades.

83. Make a snowman, always with a carrot nose, scarf, hat and broom.

84. Rock a child on a blanket / bedspread.

85. Make an ambush in the pillows and shoot back with something soft.

86. Make rowan beads.

87. Knock down chestnuts with the whole family, collect them, and then carefully warm them with your hands in your pockets.

88. Plant your tree and every year on about the same day go and check how much it has grown :)

89. Collect cones, acorns, leaves and make crafts from them

90. Sew clothes for a girl’s doll or make a boat with a boy.

91. Making spitting pipes and playing war games

92. Letting boats out of walnut shells in the bathroom.

93. Make a forage cap / hat from a newspaper or just paper.

95. Hide under the covers with a flashlight.

96. Go for mushrooms.

97. Catching waves on the sea.

98. Build dams on a stream.

99. Catching butterflies with a net.

100. Catch ladybugs and release them into the sky with the appropriate song.

101. Write a letter to Santa Claus.

102. Decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the room for the New Year and be sure to cut snowflakes on the windows.

103. Launch paper boats in a puddle or on a river.

104. Make prints of coins and keys in plasticine or dough.

105. Collect leaves and flowers and make a herbarium.

106. Tell your dreams.

107. Come up with a secret word/cipher, a secret sign.

108. Bury the treasure.

109. Catching snowflakes, incl. language and make wishes.

110. Look for 4-leaf clover and five-leaf lilac flowers, eat them and make wishes.

111. Eat a lucky ticket on the bus.

112. Go camping with a tent, a backpack, a fire, a bowler hat and a guitar.

113. Peel the tangerine with one crust.

114. Get a pet... and it doesn't have to be a cat or a dog.

115. Blow bubbles through a tube into a glass of water.

116. Play kings and queens while wearing a curtain/sheet/tablecloth robe.

118. Listen to the chirping of cicadas/grasshoppers in the evening.

119. Write stories about a child.

120. Draw with crayons on the pavement, and then watch how they come to life in the rain.

121. Swim or just get wet at the fountain.

122. To make turrets from flat pebbles or "bulk" from sand - "buns" like that.

123. Make a birdhouse.

124. Bake potatoes on coals or in ashes.

125. Make a cocked hat from a small pillow-dumochki.

126. Roll the child on all fours on the back (horse) or on the shoulders.

127. Make skeletons from leaves (chestnut leaves are especially good).

128. Come up with your own family tradition, in which all family members can participate.

129. Let the child hang and "fly", taking him from both sides by the hands.

130. Build Cookie Houses

131. Sculpt something from the dough and be sure to smear in flour :)

132. Decorate a Christmas tree.

What happy moments do you remember from your childhood?