
How to train a kitten to go to the tray: Guaranteed results in a short time. Actual tips on how to train a cat to a tray Start accustoming kittens to a tray


By nature, kittens have a need to relieve themselves in the ground or sand, but, having become acquainted with the cat's tray, they are not always happy to start using it. If you start potty training your kitten as soon as you bring him into the house, he will quickly learn to use the litter box. It is important to choose the right size litter box and offer the kitten to use it, but the process of training kittens is different from the process of training puppies. You will not need to be shown what to do with the tray - instincts will do their job. All you need to do is to buy a convenient and suitable tray for your cat.


Purchasing everything you need

    Choose a large tray. Of course, a small kitten will be enough for a tiny kitten, but babies grow so fast that you will have to look for a replacement in the not too distant future. Replacing the tray, you will have to retrain the kitten, so it is better to immediately put the tray, which you plan to use for a long time.

    • Kittens easily climb into large trays if they have a low threshold. If you've got a large litter box but aren't sure the kitten will be able to get in, make a ramp for it out of plywood or any other non-slip flat object. Attach it to the tray with tape and remove when the kitten grows up.
  1. Consider buying an enclosed tray. The closed tray resembles a house. The advantage of such a tray is that the filler will not fly outside, and there will be less smell, which is especially important if the room is small. In addition, many cats feel safe in such trays.

    Buy cat litter. There are many types of litter, and almost all of them are suitable for young and adult cats (8 months and older). Choose a litter that contains a minimum amount of dust, as it can irritate the lungs of cats When choosing, keep the following in mind:

    Get a scoop and a special tray mat. The last items on the list of equipment necessary for accustoming a kitten to a tray are a scoop for cleaning the toilet and a rug that is placed under the tray so that the kitten does not carry the filler around the house on its paws.

    Remove large potted plants from your home. If you notice that the kitten goes to the toilet in a flower pot, remove the plant or cover the ground with foil while potty training. Instincts tell kittens to bury urine and feces, so they are attracted to soil and sand. The tray should be the only place where the kitten would want to go to the toilet.

    Feed the kitten at the same time. This will give you the opportunity to understand when the kitten wants to go to the toilet. As a rule, kittens need to go to the toilet 20 minutes after eating. If it seems to you that this time has come, take the pet to the tray and let him climb into it.

  • As the kitten grows, you will need to add more litter to the litter box. When he is six months old, start adding 5-7 centimeters of litter.
  • It is best to keep the litter box on a tiled or wood floor, as it is easier to clean up the urine with a rag.
  • If you have a relatively large house or apartment, try putting in a few trays. This will increase the likelihood that if the baby needs the toilet urgently, he will go to the litter box and not to another place in the house. Once your kitten starts using the litter box regularly, you can begin to gradually remove the litter boxes until there is only one left.
  • If the kitten is hesitant to climb into the tray, make sure that the tray is not difficult to access. You can also change the filler, especially if it has a flavor.
  • Replace the filler gradually. If you have to switch to a different type of filler, start mixing these fillers gradually, increasing the amount of the new one. Everything should take about two weeks.

Your childhood dream has finally come true - a cute fluffy ball has appeared in the house! One problem remained unresolved: how to accustom a kitten to a tray? It is this question that we will deal with, talking about the simplest and most effective ways to raise a neat and clean pet.

Cats are naturally very clean, so in most cases, owners do not have much difficulty in effectively and quickly teaching a kitten to go to the toilet in the same place. Of course, in this very place there must be a special tray in which your pet will defecate. This issue is especially relevant when you get an animal in an apartment where it is not possible to let it out into the street or take it to the yard every time to use the toilet.

Domestic cats generally do not need to visit the street, they get used to the atmosphere of the house and adapt to almost any conditions. It should be borne in mind that even in a city apartment, cats walk by themselves, choosing their favorite places to sleep, play and relax. But as for the toilet, here it is necessary to slightly correct their behavior, because the baby must know where to go if needed to keep the owners happy and satisfied. By the way, it is not worth intimidating and scolding an animal if it first relieved its natural need in the wrong place. To clearly understand how to teach a kitten to go to the tray, zoologists recommend following two simple recommendations:

  • Firstly, you should ensure that the kitten has round-the-clock access to the toilet (keep the door of the toilet or bathroom where the tray is located, always open);
  • and secondly, the tray should be clean and comfortable for the animal and it is desirable to be in a secluded place that the kitten has chosen on its own.

Some owners teach their pet immediately to the toilet, which is very convenient in terms of hygiene. However, for this you should have a very decent experience of interacting with animals and a real "pedagogical" talent. This practice is suitable for an adult cat, which is why we will talk about toilet training a domestic cat a little later. But what to do if a wonderful meowing baby has just settled in your house, we will tell you right now.

How to teach a street kitten to go to the toilet: a simple solution to a spicy problem

We all at least once in our lives dreamed of sheltering an unfortunate street kitten. However, not everyone brought this noble deed to the end. We dedicate this section to those who were not afraid of temporary difficulties and gave a street kitten a house. To begin with, it should be understood that the cat's cub his behavior resembles a small child: he can also be capricious and protest, he also requires your attention and care. Therefore, so that you don’t have to clean up “traces of a cat crime” every day, wondering why I couldn’t immediately toilet train a kitten, you should understand some rules that will help you prepare both yourself and the animal for living together in a comfortable, and most importantly - in a clean environment.

Let's remember school and present the whole process of learning an animal in the form of a task. So, the task: almost at the same time you have both a kitten and a tray, in which he subsequently must learn to go to the toilet. Initial data: you live in a city apartment, the animal does not go outside, and you do not plan to let it out. The task: how to accustom a cat to a tray, without extra effort and problems?

The solution of the problem consists of several steps

How to train a cat / cat to the tray in 1 day?

Some novice owners dream of how to accustom a cat / cat to a tray in 1 day. In principle, this is possible if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. Attach the tray with filler in a visible place. Ideally, the cat litter should be between its bowl and the place where the kitten sleeps or plays. On the way, he will pass by the tray and will definitely be interested in it. Over time, you will move the tray closer to the bathroom or to the place where you plan to equip the cat litter box.
  2. Limit the space in which the kitten will move. At least for the first time, so that he looks less at the corners and is more often near the tray.
  3. If your miracle is all the same shitting where it shouldn't, take a piece of paper and blot it with cat urine (after your cat has peed). It is this "smelling bait" that should be placed in the tray so that the animal can navigate where its toilet is. If the kitten went big, do the same with his excrement. Remember to put on rubber gloves first, and then wash your hands with soap and water.

Some pet owners think that toilet training a cat is a rather strange and incredibly troublesome task. However, in such a delicate matter, you should focus only on your patience and on the individual characteristics of your kitty. For instance , it is worth considering the age of the animal. A very small kitten should not be taught to the toilet - it can simply fall into it. First you need to accustom the cat to the tray, and then gradually move it to the toilet so that the animal moves to its final goal without any special obstacles and psychological trauma. After the tray with the filler is near the toilet, lay down newspapers or plywood, and then install the cat litter on them. Increase the height of the tray every day until it reaches the toilet, and then transfer the tray itself to it. Over time, the animal will get used to the toilet "on top", and you can hide the tray and give the cat the opportunity to go to the toilet.

A charming fluffy kitten appeared in the house, and life went out of the usual rhythm? Everyone loves to watch fun games, but these unexpected “gifts” in the most inappropriate places can pretty much spoil the mood. To avoid this, you will have to make a lot of effort and show great patience. Potty training your kitten quickly is a real challenge. A strict sequence of actions, perseverance and knowledge of some features of the cat's character will help you with this.

Setting priorities

Decide on the location of the tray in the house

The choice of strategy depends on the living conditions that you can offer your new pet. At the beginning of training you will need:

  • Pick up a tray for a kitten;
  • Decide on the filler of the toilet tray;
  • Choose the location of the cat litter, which will be convenient for the pet and will not create inconvenience to the owners.

Let's consider all these points in more detail.

Trays - what they are and how they differ

On sale you can find plastic trays for cat litter of different sizes and designs. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 types:

  • Simple cuvette without additional grid;
  • Tray with plastic protective grid.

From what apartment the pet will live in, you should start when choosing a tray.

Features of keeping a kitten in a private house and in a comfortable apartment

Tray height should not be high

If the apartment is equipped with all amenities, then you can choose a simple tray with a grill, which is placed in the tray to protect the paws from contamination. Not every kitten will agree to cope with their needs in an empty tray, however, if you manage to teach him to do this, then the next stage of toilet training will be almost painless.

By nature, kittens are very fond of digging the ground or sand with their paws. On this property of theirs, the easiest way to accustom to the tray is based. Use a tray with filler. You need to closely monitor the behavior of the kitten, especially after feeding. As soon as you notice that he begins to look for a secluded place for himself, you need to carefully transfer the kitten to the tray and dig sand or other filler directly with his paw. You will be surprised how quickly he understands what they want from him.

Kittens receive the most comfortable living conditions in a private house. Here, a delicate problem is often solved very easily - instead of arranging a toilet area for a kitten in the house, they provide him with free access to the local area, where the pet can solve problems on its own. In the floor, somewhere in a secluded corner, they make a hole through which he can go outside. The disadvantage of this simple and effective solution to the problem is that other people's cats can enter your house.

Choose a tray for the height of the kitten

This method is not always suitable - for example, your kitten is expensive and thoroughbred - is it worth letting him go for free walks? Indeed, after one of them, he may not return home: in the wild he is unprotected from the attacks of dogs, larger cats, and the actions of intruders. Therefore, even in a private home, it is necessary to teach a kitten how to use the tray. The size of the tray is selected according to the height of the kitten - the height of the sides should not make it difficult to comfortably get inside the structure, and its area should ensure the free placement of the kitten's body during the "procedure" and prevent contamination of the surrounding area.

Some owners purchase two trays at once. One can be used for minor needs, the second for more serious cases, and perhaps the same use. Then the second tray simplifies the process of cleaning and replacing the filler for the owner.

Methods and techniques

When placing the tray, pay attention to the behavior of the kitten

Without exception, all methods of training are based on careful observation of the animal and the study of its character and habits. It's great if you got a pet with developed instincts - then you won't have to train it too much. In this case, the main emphasis should be on choosing the right place for the tray and the type of filler. Everything else will happen without your participation.

In an unfamiliar environment, the kitten is stressed, and may urinate or poop anywhere. It is possible to get used to the tray in 1 month even in such difficult cases. The order of your actions:

If suddenly everything did not go according to plan, you did not manage to guard the kitten, and you found a “surprise” in a completely different place, explain to the pet in a strict voice that this cannot be done. In this case, you can not punish with spanking or poking your nose. The “crime scene” itself is not bad to be treated with a special tool, for example, “antigadin”. This should prevent the kitten from repeating the dirty trick.

If you find a puddle in the wrong place, soak a piece of newspaper in it and put it in the tray. The probability that the next time the kitten will make a puddle already in the tray is about 90-100 percent.

The sooner you start cultivating good habits in your pet, the more effective it will be. The question “how to teach to the tray” is solved when the kitten is 2 months old - later the task becomes much more complicated.

If you live in a comfortable apartment, then you can generally teach a kitten to go to the toilet. And so that the door to the toilet is always ajar, put a special closing blocker or make an inlet at the bottom of the door leaf.

Toilet training should begin only after the kitten has learned to use the litter box. Further training will be to gradually move the tray from its permanent location closer to the toilet. You need to move it over very short distances, no more than 10 cm at a time. When you get close to the toilet, you will have to use devices in the form of a stack of unnecessary magazines. Install the tray on a stack, which should gradually be equal in height to the toilet. We smoothly move the tray from the stack to the toilet, let the kitten get used to it and understand what is required of it. It is not always possible to achieve results on the first try - do not give up, repeat the whole cycle again. Persistence is the key to success.

Unpleasant odors are a side effect

You can use baking soda, vinegar, and other products to remove odors.

In the house where the animal is kept, enhanced measures must be observed to maintain the premises in a normal sanitary condition. Modern cat litter makes the task easier by keeping the odor inside securely. Special mineral "clumping" fillers are the most convenient and easy to use. Just remove the resulting lumps from the tray in time, adding fresh filler instead.

In severe cases, when the pet suddenly stops following the rules and shits in the most inappropriate places, contact your veterinarian. It is possible that the reason for the inappropriate behavior of the animal lies in some of its diseases. Expert advice will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and keep your pet healthy.

"Old surprises" can be done with the help of folk remedies - baking soda, vinegar. Their joint use is especially effective. There are many products available in stores to combat cat odors. Distinguish:

  • Fragrances that mask unpleasant odors;
  • Adsorbents that absorb odors.

For a quick, but short-term solution to the problem, you can use flavors.

Do not neglect the natural flavoring properties of certain herbs and substances. So, if you wipe the washed places with a peel of lemon or orange during cleaning, then the smell of freshness will fill the house. You can pour coffee beans into small cups and arrange them around the room. After a day, this simple tool will not work, but during the day you can enjoy an unobtrusive invigorating aroma.

Activated carbon tablets are a good adsorbent for foreign odors. It is enough to spread them in problem areas and enjoy the effect.

If everything is done correctly, the kitten quickly begins to go to the tray

For caring owners who know how to accustom a kitten to a tray for 1.5 months, the problem of odors is not relevant in principle. Timely training of the pet in cleanliness and good manners facilitates the further coexistence of the pet and the pupil.

And now some useful tips that will help to painlessly carry out the process of teaching a kitten to the tray:

  • Do not leave plant pots in the access area. Without removing them, you create an extra temptation for the kitten to delve into such a pot, or even relieve your need. Just rule out that possibility.
  • A large and spacious closed tray is the best choice. It protects the room as much as possible from the penetration of unwanted odors, and allows the kitten to feel comfortable and safe.
  • Love your pet! It's the best thing you can do

We are responsible for those we have tamed. Remember this always. Calculate your strengths and capabilities. If you fail to properly raise your kitten, then instead of pleasant worries, its content will turn into daily stress for you. Therefore, before you take a kitten, make sure that in the first days you are at home, next to him. Only then can you do everything right.

Buy a bigger box

Your kitten will grow up quickly, and if one day the tray is too small for him, the pet can go around the house to look for a larger toilet. At the same time, the height of the sides should be such that the animal can climb into it on its own.

Please note that the trays are closed and open

Both models have their pros and cons. On the one hand, a closed tray gives the animal a sense of privacy. On the other hand, the walls retain odors and the cat may refuse to use the tray that is not clean enough, in his opinion. In addition, large animals in such a tray are not very convenient to turn around and bury traces of their vital activity.

Tom Thai /

Open trays also come in different types: with a grid, without a grid, with high and low sides. A tray with high edges is good for an adult animal that likes to rummage through the litter too vigorously and scatter it in all directions. It will not be easy for a small kitten to get into such a tray at the training stage.

But a low tray with a grid can be very handy. The filler in this model is poured under the removable part and does not come into contact with the paws. Perhaps your kitten will not immediately object to the net, and if it turns out that it is vital for him to rummage through the litter, the upper part can be removed permanently or temporarily.

However, with such trays you can do without fillers at all. You just need to pour out the urine every time and rinse the pot.

There are also special toilet seat covers that are good for all but one: they are not suitable for small kittens, pregnant cats, and old or sick animals. But if you really like the idea of ​​potty training and not messing around with litter, you can try this pad when the kitten is older.

Many of these pads are gradual toilet training systems that use rings of varying diameters that are removed as the animal becomes accustomed. In some of them (for example, in this one), you can first pour filler. Which system is right for your pet depends on his preferences.

Finally, there are fully automatic cat litter boxes that take care of themselves and are therefore very convenient and hygienic. But such a miracle of technology is quite expensive. At the same time, it is likely that it will scare or simply not like your pet.

Take care of the spare tray

This doesn't happen often, but be prepared for the fact that some cats prefer to urinate in one litter box and defecate heavily in another. If you live in a house or apartment with several floors, a cat litter box should be available on everyone.

And of course, if you have several, each should have its own tray.

Choose the right place

The place of the cat litter box should be easily accessible, convenient and fairly quiet. It is better not to put the tray in the farthest corner of the house: in case of emergency, the kitten may not have time to reach it.

And don't put the tray next to food and water bowls. Cats don't poop where they eat and drink.

What should be the filler

Choose a filler without dust, lumps and smell

Today, in almost every pet store you can buy mineral, wood, corn, silica gel and even paper fillers with a color indicator. In general, they all cope with their function, so the final choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner and the animal. But at the stage of accustoming to the potty, it is worth paying attention to some important points.

It is recommended to use a litter that contains little or no dust, as it can cause discomfort to the kitten when inhaled. It is also not recommended to start toilet training with clumping mineral litter because your pet will almost certainly taste it and this can cause severe constipation.

Try to buy products of widely used brands. Perhaps your pet will get used to a certain type of granules and refuse to use the toilet if suddenly the same filler is not in the store.

Neither you nor the kitten will like the silica gel filler, as it rustles quite loudly when instilled. Small corn filler sticks sometimes even to dry paws and spreads throughout the house.

It is better not to buy scented litter, as a strong fragrance can scare the animal away and it will begin to look for an alternative place for the toilet.

Therefore, it is better to buy pressed sawdust as the first filler, and later, if you want, try other options.

If your kitten is just starting to toilet train, it makes sense to leave some wet litter or excrement in the litter box as a reminder of where the toilet is in the house.

Once the animal gets used to it, everything will need to be cleaned, as a dirty pot can cause puddles and piles in inappropriate places. It is enough to remove the used filler from the tray 1-2 times a day with a scoop and pour a new filler in its place, plus wash the container once a week with warm water and a mild detergent without a strong odor.

If you have a double litter box, empty it regularly. If possible, wash the net after each use of the toilet. Well, keep the filler clean.

The toilet seat must first be cleaned and washed in the same way as a regular tray. If you use a toilet training system with rings, then there will soon be nothing to clean. The diameter of its rings gradually increases and as a result the animal will learn to use the toilet bowl without a nozzle.

How to potty train a kitten

Put the kitten in the tray

Let the baby get used to the smell and look around. Let the kitten sit or lie down in the tray for a few minutes to begin with. It's okay if the pet does not use the toilet immediately after this.

Put the kitten in the tray every time after eating, sleeping, playing, or if a lot of time has passed since the last departure. Also, immediately transfer the animal to the tray if it sat down with obvious intentions in another place. Try to play with a kitten next to the pot: after jumping and somersaults, your pet will probably want to relieve himself.

Be patient: some kittens understand why they need a tray almost instantly, while others need a little more attention and reminders.

Keep track of feeding times

Kittens usually need to relieve themselves about 20 minutes after eating. If at the same time, it is possible to predict the time of planting in the tray.

Show the kitten what to do

If your pet has never seen a tray, you will need to demonstrate to him what to do with this item. Of course, you do not need to use the tray in front of the shocked cat - just show that you can dig here. To do this, put the kitten in the tray and scratch the filler with your finger.

Never try to teach a kitten to dig by holding its paws. From this, he will only get scared and next time he will bypass the tray.

Praise and don't punish

Stroke and talk to your kitten gently every time he shows interest in the litter box or uses it properly. Do not scream, do not poke the animal in the face and do not beat him for mistakes: this will only ensure that the toilet will be associated with punishment and the pet will relieve himself in secret hard-to-reach corners.

If the kitten left a surprise in the wrong place, transfer the pile to the tray. This will remind the baby where to go to the toilet, and the smell will be associated with the potty.

Wash the area thoroughly

To prevent randomness from becoming a pattern, remove all traces of hooliganism as soon as possible. It is necessary, otherwise the kitten will consider this place its permanent toilet.

Place food and water bowls in the wrong place

If the kitten has chosen some completely unintended place for the toilet, rearrange the food and water there. Instincts do not allow cats to defecate near food and watering places, and your stubborn pet will be forced to abandon his dubious venture.

If a small fluffy lump has appeared in your house, then you are thinking about how to accustom a kitten to a tray. Your main task is to help the baby navigate in a new place. The more attention you pay to the cat during the training process, the faster your new pet will learn to do their "deeds" in a potty.

How to accustom a kitten to a tray: choose a filler

Now pet stores offer a wide range of fillers. These are clay, and wood, and mineral and many others. Practice shows that babies like small filler more than large filler, since by their nature they are very fond of burying their “deeds”. Another important point is the shape of the tray. If you have a very tiny baby (a month and a half), then choose models with low sides so that it is easier for the kitten to understand how to get into the tray.

The use of fillers simplifies the process

  1. They absorb odors very well.
  2. If there is a filler in the pot, then it is much easier to accustom the cat to the toilet bowl.
  3. It is convenient to clean, since you do not need to constantly change the filler, it is enough to throw out the formed lumps.

How to train a kitten to the tray: a plan of action

1. Ask the person who sold (gave) you a kitten what kind of filler he used.

2. First steps. As soon as the baby gets to your house, show him the potty. As a rule, kittens up to five months go to the toilet several times a day! Your task is to keep track of when the baby wants to do his “things”, and immediately put him in the tray.

3. Pot in sight. The tray must be placed in a conspicuous place so that the cat's child can immediately find it. When the kitten gets used to it, then it will be possible to rearrange it in the toilet or in the bathroom. It is best to place the potty in the path of the baby from the resting place to the bowl, so he will very often pass through it. Since kittens are very curious, he will definitely take an interest in this strange thing.

How to train a kitten to the tray: limit the space

If you have a large apartment or house, then for the first time you need to protect a small area for the baby, so he will quickly get used to doing his “things” in a potty.

Blocking "alternative places"

It is necessary to isolate all possible corners and spaces that he can take for a toilet.

How to teach a kitten to the toilet: choose the right filler

If you don’t know what type he is used to, then experiment a little: put two identical trays, but with different fillers. Whichever one he chooses, use it.

Result control is the key to success

To consolidate the result, you need to control the baby several times: how he went to the potty, caress him and say that he is well done. As soon as the kitten understands where his toilet is, you can rearrange the tray to any convenient place.


There are various toilet training sprays on the market today. You can use them so that your kitten quickly gets used to the tray. In addition, there is a special filler "Katsan". All cats begin to walk in it, even the most fastidious ones.


If the baby wrote in the wrong place, then this corner should be washed well with vinegar solution. All these tips will help you figure out how to train a kitten to the tray. Happy learning!