
Summary of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, drawing “Who do you want to be? What do I want to be drawings


Children are the purest gold, flowers of life, parental joy, and so on. At least when they don't act like they've never heard of a limiting factor called "daddy's belt." However, apart from obvious pranks, such as breaking grandmother's Yugoslavian vase, painstakingly painting a cat bright pink, or turning a room into an impromptu paintball range, a couple of trump aces lurk in their short sleeves.

Yes, the point is that from time to time these innocent creatures with the body of dwarfs and the insidiousness of a sleepy Dr. Evil, without any ulterior motive, make parents choke with tears of laughter. And all because some children's drawings to seriously spoiled people's lives may seem ambiguous.

(Total 20 photos)

Children at school were given the task to draw what their parents work for. “When I grow up, I want to be like my mother,” little Jessica wrote. Her mother sells snow shovels at a hardware store.

"My daughter drew a dolphinarium."

"Eight year old cousin drew this self-portrait in art class. He was wearing a Minions T-shirt."

The teacher gave the children in the second grade the task of drawing instructions for observing the rules of hygiene. "Wash your hands with hot soapy water to get rid of germs."

"My dad is the best cock in the world." It seems that the child still meant "cook" ("cook").

“Recently I found this drawing, created by me as a child. I'm a little embarrassed." Caption: "Please speak in a whisper."

"This is my cat named Cosmo."

The child just drew a volcano.

Do you know what it is? This is a lighthouse.

Well, what a charm? These are scissors.

“My uncle is a fireman. One of the children he saved during the fire drew him this drawing as a thank you.”

“Once I was listening to an old rap, and my son, inspired by this, decided to draw a couple of vinyl records. It's a good thing he didn't draw a microphone as well."

"My daughter drew a fox running away from an alien."

Happy Family of Horses.

Svetlana Panfilova
Summary of GCD for educational field artistic creativity, drawing "Who do you want to be?"

Synopsis of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, Painting.

Age group preparatory to school group.

Topic: "Who are you do you want to be

Integration educational areas artistic creativity, cognition, communication, socialization.

Program tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about people of different professions. Strengthen the ability to convey in the drawing image of a person, portraying figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes.

Pin skill draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.

Teach children to evaluate their drawings according to the assignment.

Ways to organize children sitting at tables.

Equipment: illustrations or photos from image people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". Paper white color, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

vocabulary work: profession.

preliminary work: looking images people of different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic "Where do your parents work?", "Who would you like be. Excursions to the store, library, hairdresser, post office, construction site. games in "Score", "Hospital", "Barbershop".

GCD progress

1. Open entrance to the activity.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. Only first we will need to solve a few riddles, the answers to which will give us the answer to question: what will be discussed today.

Show presentation "Professions".

2. Introductory organizational.

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, it is about professions that we will talk about today.

What is a profession? (Children's answers)

A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life.

What do you think, what professions are first of all necessary for people to live? (Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.)

What other professions do you know? Children's answers.

3. Motivation for activity.

There are many professions on earth

And each is important.

Decide my friend who be you.

After all, we only have one life.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

What attracts you to this profession?

4. Explanation of new or expansion of existing knowledge.

Today you can draw who you want be when you grow up.

Think about what you draw on your sheet so that we, looking at the picture, guess what profession you have chosen. Decide how best to place the piece of paper.

5. Dynamic pause.

Fizminutka "Mill"

The mill, the mill grinds flour, (we twist our hands "mill")

Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger (slowly wave your arms above your head from side to side)

The mill grinds flour faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

The mill grinds flour even faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

We grinded flour (banging fist on fist)

Huge bags, portray"big bags")

From flour, from flour (clap hands with a coup, depicting pies)

We baked pies

almonds, almonds, (clap)

They baked pancakes.

6. Practical work.

Reminding me of ways images with a simple pencil shading the drawing with colored pencils. Individually talk about what is possible portray, in order to make the drawing more expressive.

7. Open output from activity.

All drawings are displayed on the board. The drawings should be considered and the children should be asked to choose the most interesting ones.

What drawing did you like?

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you in this?

What do you like about this drawing?

What do you like about your drawing?

What didn't work for you?

What would you like to change finish drawing?

“Who are you do you want to become when will you grow up?”.

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

Dear friends! We were very pleased to receive work on competition "Who do I want to be?". This competition was announced as part of our meeting on the topic “Choice of profession: the position of the consumer and the position of the creator”. If you did not attend the webinar, you can download the recording of the meeting and presentation from the link above. There were not many of us at the meeting, but, judging by the reviews, no one regretted that they spent time on this topic. By the way, most of the parents who attended the webinar are not parents of teenagers at all, who are already facing a direct choice of who to become and where to go to study. These are the parents of the kids. preschool age. And this is especially wonderful! As we said at the meeting, the upbringing of a creator in a child, the upbringing of a constructive attitude to work is laid from an early age, and parents are directly involved in this.

I remind you that as part of the competition, it was necessary talk with the child on the topic “Who do you want to become” and embody the results of the conversation in the form of a story or drawing . Only three mothers sent the works, but we sincerely believe that there are many more parents who have thought about this topic and who have such a conversation with their children yet to come. Maybe, competitive works give you an extra boost of enthusiasm. For example, I was very touched by the workmother Irina and two-year-old daughter Athena. Despite such young age, they had a real conversation and discovered a lot of new things. Here is a warm and sincere story of mom:

Hello, all participants and organizers of the Marathon "Boomerang of Kindness".
My name is Irina, and my daughter Athena, she is only 2 years old, we live in Krasnoyarsk.

After attending a webinar on the topic “Choice of a profession”, I decided for the first time to talk with my daughter about what she wants to become professionally when she grows up. Thanks to Olga Bardina for this idea, and especially for the idea of ​​keeping a child's diary, which will be useful to him in adolescence when choosing your business.

My daughter is still very young in order to have a clear idea about professions, about what it means to work, how it is and why, but she also has some thoughts of her own. And it’s good that I started a conversation with her on this topic, over time I will help her form her vision and opinion on this issue.

What does Athena know about work? Firstly: every morning the daughter accompanies her father to work. When her husband begins to dress, Athena asks him, “Daddy, where are you going?”, and she immediately answers: “Daddy went to work.” A mandatory procedure for a daughter is to walk dad to the door, wave to him and shout loudly “Dad, bye!”. Athena knows that they go to work to earn money. When I ask her why she needs money, she replies that she will go to her aunt's shop and buy juice, candy and fish :)

Athena also often says herself that she wants to work, that she needs money, and that when she grows up, she will also go to work and earn money. In general, Athena's dad is a creator, loves his work and devotes time to it with pleasure. Therefore, the child develops a positive and benevolent attitude towards work.

And as for the future profession, yesterday we had a conversation for the first time. I told Athena briefly about the professions she had already encountered: a doctor, a salesman, an educator, a music teacher. After talking a little about what the work of these people is, I asked Athena if she wanted to work in this profession. So far, none of these areas of activity has attracted a daughter. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, the daughter answers “mother”, and also “Athena”. I think this answer is very relevant for her age, because children are so eager to be like their parents. And this is another incentive for me to be better and work on myself, to be an example for my children in relation to work, work.

For myself, I note which directions my daughter is interested in, what she is fond of and what in the future can become her life's work. Now I will often tell her about different professions, and play them together.

For myself, I made many useful conclusions and decisions, I hope that the first conversation with Athena about work, about different professions interested her, and we will continue to develop these topics in a positive, creative way. And this entry will be the first in the diary dedicated to Athena's attitude to work, and I think it will become a sweet, kind greeting from her childhood in the future.

The second work was sent to the competition Anna Khilko and her daughter Alena. Alena is 5.5 years old, and she dreams of becoming a teacher. Alena expressed her dream through drawing. I was especially struck by how happy the kids in the picture are from the fact that they have such a wonderful teacher:

And the third work came from Tatyana Maslennikova! Here is what she writes:

Good evening, Tatyana!

I am writing to you again, the namesake from Belarus. I am sending you a drawing of my daughter Tonechka, 5.8 years old. I liked him very much and dear.

She answered questions about the profession immediately, as I expected: Doctor, Kindergarten Teacher (she liked to play this from the first year of visiting the kindergarten) and Gymnastics Coach (she went to gymnastics for 1 year). In general, all professions are with people and for people.. She loves people and children, and that's great! Therefore, I immediately chose “Personality” as a word that unites my daughter’s drawing and the professions she named.
Personality is a whole, harmonious, strong, sensitive and responsive concept that can and should be shared with others.

And on this moment- The main profession of my daughter, as I see, is a "sister", it does not have a native, but there is a cousin, but "Takaaaaaaaaya loved one that I don't need anything straight, nor gifts, no holidays, only that my beloved Sonya was I have!". Here. Once again, Thank you for the wonderful and very valuable minutes, topics and experiences that you give us as a friendly team!

Tatiana Maslennikova

Many thanks to mothers and young creators for participating in the competition. According to the results of a random selection using a random number generator, Anna Khilko became the winner. And a prize from a sponsor will go to them with their daughter - a box of fun ideas " two palms". I recommend you pay attention to this project if your children are from 1.5 to 5 years old! You can find out what these fun ideas are from the link above :)

Thank you very much to our sponsors for supporting the marathon participants and for their love for their work!