
Mother's day senior group drawing. Abstract of the GCD for the development of artistic creativity "Flowers for Mom" ​​(for Mother's Day). "Mommy, my beloved"


Project type: creative, group, short-term.

Objective of the project: foster respect and care, provide a respectful attitude, a desire to help and do nice mom, most dear person on the ground, in older children preschool age.

Project objectives:

  1. to summarize the knowledge of preschool children about international holiday"Mothers Day";
  2. encourage children to express gratitude to their mothers for their care through productive activities (application, drawing, modeling);
  3. develop initiative and creativity in preschool children;
  4. bring up friendly communication of children in games, productive joint activities between peers and adults;
  5. develop the communication skills of children, the ability to find a way out of problem situations.

Relevance: V modern world interactivity has become increasingly difficult for parents to engage in raising children. This is, first of all, connected with the age (from 18 years old and more) and the educational status of the parents, secondly, with the workload of the parents' working day (from 6:00 to 22:00) and thirdly, with the marital status ( incomplete family, civil marriage). As a result, at the initial stage of the formation of the child's personality, preschool institutions are entrusted with a huge responsibility in working with the family in the moral, aesthetic, patriotic and environmental directions. Raising love, respect, feelings of empathy and mutual assistance in a child for a loved one - a mother is a necessary component in moral education children.

Equipment, materials: decoration of the exhibition of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists "Mother and Child" in the corner of the arts, family photographs of children, portraits of mothers drawn by children, congratulations, balls for decorating the premises, handicrafts, an exhibition of works "Mom's Favorite Job."

Use of information and communication technologies: laptop, projector, projector screen, speakers.

Project participants: senior preschool children, mothers and grandmothers of children.

Working with parents:

  1. Articles for the parent's corner "Mother's Day: History and Traditions", "Sayings of Famous People about Mom." Conversations with parents on these topics.
  2. Conducting a round table, master classes for joint activities of a child with a mother on manual labor(making toys, pictures, decorating, etc.).
  3. Selection of magazines, literature for individual work to parents on the topic "The role of mother in raising a child in a family."
  4. Conducting "Evenings of fairy tales about mom" (reading fairy tales by mom, quizzes based on fairy tales, dramatization).
  5. Creation and enrichment of the card index of the "Art folk art works about mom "together with parents.
  6. Creation of the "Tree of Kindness" in the reception group according to the sketch and with the help of parents.
  7. Scheduling and conducting classes, joint activities, play activities within the framework of the project:
    • participation of parents in the final entertainment lesson in the senior group "Mother's Day" ( Annex 1);
    • design of a photo exhibition in a folder-travel on the basis of family photographs "She is dearer to everyone ... This is my mom";
    • development of the presentation "Portraits of Our Mothers";
    • the creation of the video clip "Mom is the main word in my life" ( Appendix 2);
    • exhibition of works "Mamino favourite hobby»;
    • making a gift for mothers "apple" (fridge magnets);
    • photo exhibition “I'm with Mom for a Walk”, “Mom at Work”;
    • making a screen "Mother and Child";
    • presentation of handicrafts "For beloved mommy, dear ..."

The intended result is:

  1. Enriching the knowledge of children about the role of mother in their life, through the disclosure of the image of the mother in poetry, painting, music, fiction.
  2. Raising caring respectful attitude to Mom.
  3. Improving the level of accumulated practical skills of children and parents:
    • development of the beginnings of word creation,
    • development of the artistic taste of children and adults,
    • development creativity children in productive and musical activities,
    • improving the style of partnership.

Integration direct educational areas of the program in accordance with the FGT during the implementation of the Mother's Day project:

Educational area Content Tasks for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions
Socialization role-playing games Mom at Home, Family, Mom in the Store, Mom in the Hospital, Mom at Work (mom is a hairdresser, mom is a salesman, mom is a doctor, mom is a nurse, a mom is a painter);
examining the photo exhibition “She is dearer to me than everyone else ... This is my mommy”;
didactic games"Pick up an outfit for the holiday", "Set the table", "Decorate a hat", "Mom - cubs";
viewing family photo albums
Continue to develop play activities children, improve the ability to independently choose a theme for the game, develop a plot based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the environment.
Form gender, family affiliation
Work conversation on the topic
"How I Help Mom at Home", "Mom's Favorite Job"
Develop a desire together with an adult and with their help to carry out passive labor orders
conversation on the topics "Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important", "How to help mom to prepare a salad" Expand the understanding of adult work
Communication memorizing poems by heart by E. Blaginin "Let's Sit in Silence",
M. Rodina "Mom's hands"
word play"Mommy"
thematic educational activity "Mother's Day"
Continue to teach expressively retelling, telling a literary text
Reading fiction reading stories: Emelyanov B. MOM'S HANDS, E. Permyak "How Misha Wanted to Outwit his Mom", "Mom's Grief", fairy tales "Cuckoo" (Nenets) arr. K. Sharova, "Ayoga" (Nanaisk.), "Tales of a stupid mouse" S. Marshak, poems: S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?", A. Barto "Parting", "A Conversation with Mom", "Mom goes to work ", M. Plyatskovsky" Mom's song ", E. Blaginina" Mom's day " Develop a desire to talk about your attitude to a specific act of a literary character, help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, introduce them to verbal art
Artistic creation making Yabloko magnets as a gift for mothers on Mother's Day;
drawing portraits of mothers, on the theme "My Mommy" "Outfit for Mom";
modeling "Sweets for Mom", "Flowers for Mom";
coloring pages on the theme "Family";
exhibition of children's works "I give my mother, I thank her for everything"
To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities. Develop a sense of shape, color, proportion; artistic taste


  1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S. , M.A. Vasiliev. Approximate basic general education program preschool education"From birth to school." - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.
  2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten. - M .: Education.
  3. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.
  4. Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. - Leningrad: Education, 1987.
  5. About mom. Poems and stories. - M .: Children's literature, 1988.

Tatiana Prokofieva

Integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic and aesthetic"

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.


1. Expand children's ideas about the holiday "Mothers Day"

2. To form the knowledge of children about the genre of painting - portrait... Teach draw a portrait of mom, observing the shape, proportions, location of parts of the face in the drawing; convey the characteristic, individual characteristics of their mothers(eye color, hair color).

3. To cultivate love, care, tender attitude towards the closest person; aesthetic attitude to the image mothers.

4. To activate the children's vocabulary on this topic.

Preliminary work: viewing reproductions, drawing portraits in independent activity.

Materials (edit): album sheet, brushes, watercolor.

1. Introductory word of the teacher. Organizing time.

Traditionally, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country at the end of November.

Mom is the very first word that the baby says. Mom is the closest person, mom constantly takes care of her child, protects him. Mom will always regret, understand and forgive, and will love her child, no matter what. Motherly care and selfless love warm us to the very old age.

On Mother's Day, I will say thank you

To all mothers of our Earth,

So that a billion of your smiles

We could see every day!

After all, my mother gave life

We are happy to her and with misfortune,

Always strive to protect it

She will respond with kindness!

And now I will read you a story by Yuri Yakovlev "Mum"

(reading the story by the teacher)

Didactic game "Sweet Nothing" (children call sweet words addressed to mom)

2. Conversation. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, we will be today draw a portrait the most beloved person for you - mothers.

Before you start draw, let's remember what is portrait? (children's answers)

What is the shape of a person's head? (children: oval)... Draw an oval in the air.

Where are human eyes located and what shape are they? (the eyes are located below the forehead and also have oval shape where is the nose, mouth?

(children call the location of the parts, and the teacher performs a line drawing on the board)

Now, guys, remember your mother's eyes, the color of your mother's hair, your mother's smile, favorite decoration mothers and start drawing.

3. The practical part.

The educator reminds children where to start. Painting, about the ratio of the sizes of the head, neck and shoulders.

4. Outcome. Reflection.

Analysis finished works... Organization of a creative stand "My mum".

Software content:

- to teach children to compose words-comparisons, based on photographic materials and life experience;

- use epithets in the language, develop coherent speech, logical thinking;

- to consolidate knowledge about the portrait as a type of easel art, about the proportions of a person's face and shape, to improve the technique of working with colored pencils and watercolors;

- to improve the ability of children to draw a portrait of their mother, to convey the features of her face and hair;

- to cultivate love for mom and respect for maternal feelings.


photographs of their mothers, reproductions female images, watercolor, graphite and colored pencils, brushes, paper.

Previous job:

drawing self-portraits, drawing portraits of one's family, conversations, looking at photographs and illustrations, didactic games, reading works of art and listening to musical compositions.

The course of the lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

Children stand in a circle

Vop .: Children! Guests have come to us, we need to say hello in unison, it is fun to say together.

Good morning!

Turn left and right - smile at each other.

Good morning!

We wish you joy and smiles, and we also wish you: cheerfulness for the whole day!

Vos .: Children, some of the paintings of the art gallery were brought to our group. What is an art gallery?

Children: (this is a room where there are many paintings, and these paintings are viewed by people; we saw an art gallery in the museum)

Vop .: Who draws these pictures? (Artist)

Yes, children, an artist, like a magician, takes a blank sheet of paper and writes a work - a real miracle! (Children stand in a semicircle)

I suggest you consider these beautiful pictures... And what is the genre of painting in these paintings?

Children: This genre is called a portrait.

Vop .: What genres do you still know? (landscape, still life)

Children, and whom did the artist depict in these portraits? (woman).

How are these women different?

Children: (face, hairstyle, look, age).

Vosk .: Children, all these women are someone's mothers. And this exhibition is called: "Everything in the world begins with mom"

I know that you love your mothers very much!

Now, children with yellow emoticons will tell you what their mother loves to do.

And children with red emoticons compare their mother with someone or something warm, kind, magical.

Children: (My mom loves to dance .., My mom is like a star because she is bright)

Vos .: I suggest you draw a portrait of your mothers and replenish the exhibition "Everything in the world begins with a mother."

Let's warm up our hands a little.

Finger gymnastics "Friendship":

They are friends in our group (The fingers of both hands are connected rhythmically in a lock)

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you, (Rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)

Little toes

One, two, three, four, five. (Alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger.)

One, two, three, four, five. ... (Repeat 2x)

Vop .: Now come up to me and together we will recall the sequence of drawing a portrait (the first stage: a simple pencil - we draw the face, nose, eyes, lips, the second stage - with a simple pencil we supplement the hairstyle, neck, torso up to the chest, 3 stage - we take colored pencils or paints and paint a portrait) We sit down.

Well and even sat down!

They took a pencil in hand!

Good morning leaf! (hand leans towards the sheet)

Good morning, neighbour! (Left - right hand turn)

Good morning all neighbors! (Circular rotation of the hand and arm)

Have stopped! We started to paint.

(Children draw their mothers under the background of musical accompaniment. From the photographs. The teacher makes sure that the children hold a pencil or brush correctly, the children's posture, helps the children, if necessary)

Ending. Reflection

We finish drawing! Now come to me and we will all together see what beautiful portraits you did it. (Discussion)

When the portraits are dry, we will make frames for them and they will replenish the exhibition of paintings.

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 Summary of GCD for drawing "Festive outfit for mom" The material was submitted to the competition "To Mother's Day". Prepared by the teacher: Petrova Yu.A. Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the holiday "Mother's Day". Program tasks: - To teach children to draw according to the plan, filling all the intended space, to find beautiful combinations of colors. - Improve technical brush painting skills. - Arouse interest in working with gouache. - Develop creativity. - To cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers. Material: presentation "Exhibition of ball gowns" (Appendix 1), collection "Fabrics", fashion magazine with a picture evening dresses, gouache, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, sheets of paper with a silhouette of a dress, a template for showing. Preliminary work: a conversation about the holiday "Mother's Day", examination of the collection of fabrics, magazines, presentations. GCD move. Educator: Guys, very soon your mothers will have a holiday. Do you know what it is called? Children's answers: "Mother's Day" Educator: Now I will read you a poem. Mom’s dress, well, just do not count. There is blue and there is green, there are blue with large flowers, each serves in its own way to mother. In this she goes to work. In this he goes to the theater and on a visit, In this he sits, busy with drawings. Each of them serves their mother in their own way.

2 (G. Demykina) Educator: Today I invite you to make gifts for mothers. Usually we give cards, flowers, and this time we will give mom a festive ball gown. After all, we have a holiday today and we will help our mothers get together for a festive ball. Do you think mom will be delighted with such a gift? Children's answers: Yes. Educator: So that the dress for the mother is not only beautiful, but also fashionable. I invite you to watch the presentation "Exhibition of Ball Gowns" (Appendix 1). (children go to the multimedia installation to view the presentation) Educator: As soon as people came up with clothes, they began to try to make them beautiful, comfortable and attractive. Especially women, such as your mothers, paid a lot of attention to this. Look at how many magazines I have prepared with beautiful evening wear. All dresses are bright and festive. Do you want your mom to have these outfits? Children's answers: Yes. Educator: What do you think, what are such beautiful clothes made of? (from fabric) I invite you to examine the fabrics. (children examine the fabric, the teacher applying a dress template, leads a conversation: is such a fabric suitable for a dress. What is it for, etc.) Children go to their places. Children, you don't know how to sew clothes yet, but draw Nice dress can each of you. There is such a profession of a person as an artist-fashion designer who creates clothes on paper. Now let's take a little rest, and then we'll start making a present for mom. Physical education: Mom needs to rest. (stretch)

3 Mom wants to sleep. I walk on tiptoe. (Walking on tiptoes) I won't wake my mother. I'll slip into the kitchen, (Mincing step) I'll start making dress. Educator: Before starting the work, guys, let's pay attention to our posture, let's see that everyone's backs are straight. The guys sit down at the tables and get to work. If necessary, the educator provides individual assistance. Educator: Each of you has a dress template on the table. You need to position it correctly on a sheet of paper and carefully trace it around with a pencil. With one hand we hold the template motionless, and with the other we hold pencils and trace. Children perform work on a demonstration board, an intermediate stage of work is presented, an outlined dress template. Educator: As we said, the dress has a collar, bodice, skirt. We see folds on the skirt. Now you need to depict them in your works using a pencil. Children do the work on their own on a demo board, an intermediate stage of work is presented, an outlined dress template with details. Educator: now each of you can take paints. First, you need to make a contour with colored paints according to your desire and outline the details. The board shows an intermediate stage of work. Educator: Now is the most important stage of the work. Guys, you will now paint the pattern on the dress that you have in mind. Children draw on their own; the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance individually.

4 Educator: Here we are holiday outfits for moms. You tried very hard. Did you enjoy creating beautiful things with your own hands, which seemed more interesting? What was difficult for you? Children's answers: Educator: What wonderful, elegant dresses you have got for your beloved mothers. Let's close our eyes for a minute and imagine how happy mom was about your gift, how she will dance in such an elegant dress at a festive ball. Educator: Thank you for your efforts, but I would like to end our lesson with a poem about mom. Beautiful mothers - there are many of you in the world, You look openly and directly into your eyes. No matter how far the road calls us, Beautiful mothers see us all off. We so rarely bring bouquets to mom, But every so often saddens her And kind mom forgives all this. A beautiful mother forgives all this, Under the load of worries, she does not bend stubbornly, She fulfills her duty patiently Every mother is beautiful in her own way, She is beautiful with her mother's love.


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Abstract of direct educational activities

By mastering artistic creation.

Theme: Flowers for Mom (for Mother's Day)

Synopsis of the teacher MKDOU No. 17 Kirov Sedelnikova Natalia Sergeevna

Goal: Development of artistic and creative abilities of children through learning unconventional techniques drawing.

Expand the idea of ​​the Mother's Day holiday, continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue, talk about their relationship with their mother, share their thoughts and feelings for their mother. Enrich children's vocabulary

2. Master the techniques of non-traditional ways of drawing

3. Develop the child's creativity (provide children with the opportunity to

Ost to show creativity, imagination in their activities); develop independence in choosing a plot, the ability to apply in practice non-traditional methods of drawing.

Download abstract

Equipment and materials: drawing in an envelope "Children congratulate mom", gouache, flower stencils, vegetable prints, a sponge, sheets of paper with a drawn outline of a vase, rags, a box with a surprise.

Event progress:


Someone threw me at the window,

Look - a letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

That tickles my face.

Maybe it's a sparrow

Did you drop it while flying?

Or is he a letter like a mouse,

Have you lured you into the window? (finds an envelope)

“I wonder what’s in the envelope?” (drawing "Children congratulate mom")

Who is shown in the picture?

Whom do the children congratulate?

Who came to me in the morning? Mommy!

Who said: "It's time to get up!" Mommy!

Who has already cooked the porridge? Mommy!

Who poured tea into the cup? Mommy!

Who kiddies love to laugh? Mommy!

Who is the best in the world? Mommy!

What holiday is coming soon? (Mother's Day holiday)

This is the day of the closest and dearest people - our mothers. Many countries celebrate this holiday, only each country has its own day and its own month. And their own traditions of celebrating this holiday.

Do you want to know about this?

For example, in Finland and Estonia flags are flown on this day. In the USA and Australia, a carnation flower is attached to clothes: red or white. Special cakes are baked in Austria.

And all mothers are given pleasant words and souvenirs.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

- Let's try to say nice words to mom, play the game "Continue the sentence". I will begin the sentence, and you will finish it.

- My mother is the most ...

- My mom is the best at doing ...

- My mom is happy when I ... ..

- My mom gets upset when I….

- I like it when my mom ... ..

- I affectionately call my mother ... ..

How much you love your mother - this is noticeable in your answers.

Who washes, cooks, washes,

Tired at work

Waking up so early?

Only caring ... (mother)

Indeed, our mothers have a lot of work. But we can help her.

(A physical education is carried out - the children perform the appropriate movements)

We help mom together,

We wipe the dust everywhere.

We are washing the laundry now

Rinse, squeeze.

We sweep everything around

And running for milk.

We meet mom in the evening

We open the doors wide

We hug Mom tightly.

Mother's Day is celebrated in the family, giving flowers, congratulations, gifts, postcards. Dads and children wish mothers health, happiness, love. Or you can just walk up. Hug mom and say "thank you" for her love and care.

It is customary to give gifts on a holiday. Mothers are pleased to receive flowers.

Have you already prepared bouquets for mom? Not? I suggest that everyone together now prepare bouquets for mothers, which you can compose yourself, using stencils and a sponge.

(Practical work: children use a contour stencil to print flowers with a sponge and make bouquets)

There are also vegetable stamps on the tables. They can be used to decorate a vase, or you can use them in your bouquet.

Let's get to work.

(From the teacher - individual help and advice on drawing techniques.

At the end of the work, an exhibition is held.)

See what beautiful bouquets for moms you did it! Let's come up with our own congratulations. After class, we will sign these words on your resulting postcards. I offer you a hint:

My dear mother, my mother ... ...

The options are:

… This bouquet will be just for you!

... Let this rose be yours.

- Wonderful words! Do you like it? What mood have you become?

Guys, a beautiful box has appeared at the place of the letter.

And the box is not simple

And inside, it’s not empty.

That's a miracle, that's a treasure -

Here is a reward for the guys!

Thanks for your work!

  • Control and verification lesson in mathematics "Clever and clever men" (senior group)
  • Consultation for educators. Children and painting (Examining pictures)
  • Summary of the lesson on the development of speech. Topic: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Cognition", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"