
Parables about the meaning of life. Parable about solitude Wise quotes about loneliness


One is a writer’s perspective, a story about friendship. Amelie is afraid to swim in the sea and suddenly feels that someone is tickling her feet. This is the fish with which the girl decides to go into the water. Her fear disappears, and all day she and the fish splash merrily in the water. Now they meet every morning, have fun, but break up in the evening. This parting upsets Amelie, and she decides to catch her friend to put in a jar and always be together. But when she realizes this intention, the fish withers before our eyes, and Amelie realizes that she is losing her. Then she lets her friend out into the sea. And he waits, but the fish does not return. The girl cries and asks for forgiveness, and suddenly again feels that someone is tickling her legs. The fish is back, and with it the friendship. In the evening, the girlfriends part, but Amelie is not sad, because she knows: they have each other.

This story "teaches" that love requires freedom.

It is narrated in a poetic language - very unnatural, so "they do not say". But it is precisely this language that reconciles with "teaching." As if like this, in poetry, you can give moral instructions, and then they, from crushing moral teachings, turn into soaring lyrics.

Another look is the artist's. In the first and last pictures, he shows the context of the story: here is dad and mom in sun loungers, and Amelie is alone on the shore; but, at the end, mom and dad leave, and Amelie is again at a distance - saying goodbye to her friend. Mom just turns her head slightly to see if Amelie is following them? In the illustrations, where the girl is playing with a fish, they are only together. When Amelie comes to the sea in the morning, wanting to capture the fish, she, too, seems to be alone.

The manner of drawing - as if unfinished sketches - leaves a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety, as if the girl herself is a rather unsteady and insecure creature, and it is not clear how it will all end.

The pictures tell a slightly different story - about loneliness and anxiety. Against their background, the melancholy that accompanies the farewell of the girlfriends every evening becomes clear. Amelie's "hunger" is too great - it is impossible to satisfy it by parting.

So another story arises, as if uniting the other two: one very lonely girl so needs support and friendship that when she meets them, she simply does not find the strength to let go of the one who gave it. She does what every person with a similar problem does - clings to another, wants to take possession of him. But the longing for intimacy cannot be satisfied with the help of power over the other, and Amelie very soon realizes this. She regrets the fish (loves it) and decides to let go, and trust helps to survive the separation.

This is a story about how you are never alone in love, even if you are alone.

The instructiveness, metaphor, and content of the book are close to children aged 8-12. With a younger child, there is a great risk of oversimplifying the original beauty of the book and its slightly more complex message to the reader than “when you love, you let go”. Schoolchildren are already fully proficient in allegory, well understand metaphors with emotionally similar content and are able to deeply immerse themselves in the history of the relationship between Amelie and the fish.

Usually, by this age, children from a cozy world, where everything is familiar and close to them, move into the wide social world of the school, where there are many new, very different children and adults. But the main thing is that in elementary school, for the first time, children discover their uniqueness, separation from other people, from mom and dad. The famous “loss of immediacy” at the age of 7 is associated with a new quality - reflection. The child understands that he is not alone, there are others - a different consciousness, a different look at things, at himself. That is, for the first time, children experience special loneliness, not physical, but mental: people (parents) are nearby, but they are different. It becomes important for the child to find “like him”. Those who would be close "in spirit" and could become a soul mate. Up to adolescence this experience only grows, becomes sharper and more obvious to the child.

Trust in the other person helps to live this new state and again learn to be direct. If it is, then the other is not scary and losing it is not so scary. Trust, like an endlessly stretching thread, connects a child with another, with mom and dad. And I already want to be apart, because this is the only way to be truly together.

Some children find it difficult to live this feeling. And the story about Amelie and the fish may be to their liking.

Irina Ryabkova

Helga Bansh
"Amelie and the Fish"
Illustrations by the author
Translated from German by Evgeniya Prokopyeva
Publishing House "Young Mom", 2017

You are not alone!

A man is standing on the top of a dingy mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. He either asks something, or is waiting for an answer to an already asked question. The sky is silent, whether because it has no answer, or it has nothing to say to a person, or because it does not know how to speak at all, because this is heaven.
Time passes imperceptibly, and the man at the top continues to stand. Neither the reasons for his expectations, nor his thoughts, nor his plans are clear. We can only say with certainty that he is in no hurry, although this peak is not at all the goal of his life. From the outside, it may seem that he looks lonely, standing like this in silence and looking at the heavens. Perhaps this is so, it is difficult to judge loneliness from the outside, it is not always possible to distinguish it even close. After all, loneliness itself is difficult to characterize. Assign it to an internal state or to an external one. With external factors, it is quite simple - loneliness: there is no family, loved ones, children, like-minded people and associates, that is, you are absolutely alone. If we classify it as an internal state, feeling, a certain form of existence, then it is difficult to describe. After all, in fact, each of us is lonely from the very birth, it cannot be said that from birth we are doomed to loneliness, it's just a normal state: in the womb, in our inner world, in our thoughts, reflections, perception of the world, feelings - we alone. No one will ever be able to describe and express to anyone what is happening in his soul. Our whole life is just an attempt to do this ... A life-long, endlessly fruitless attempt.
A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. This is not unusual, people often turn their gaze upward, someone believing that God is there, someone out of habit, someone in hope or a question. Since time immemorial, mankind has associated the sky with dreams and hopes, with flight and altitude, which has no bottom. Many millennia later, man rose into the air, then, having overcome the stratosphere, into space, having found out that even the sky has a bottom, but this could not destroy the tale of heaven, so close and unattainable at the same time.
It is possible that it was the feeling of constant loneliness that led a person to the creation of God, something that is always with you and in you, a kind of image, the antipode of loneliness. According to Nietzsche, even if God did not exist, people would create him themselves. And indeed, taking, for example, the god of any faith, and assuming that initially he did not exist, then the centuries-old belief in him of millions of people could give him not only existence, but also essence, materializing human faith in a material image. This can be supported by the fact that at present only mass religions have survived, showing that a single god has less chance of survival compared to mass gods and prophets. This reflects another form of human struggle with loneliness, mistakenly referred to by many as "herd instinct." Of course, a person is in many ways a highly organized herd animal, but at the same time he possesses a complex psyche and logic that is not inherent in the animal world, and therefore it is absurd to compare the herd nature of animals and people, the herd nature of animals is associated with the struggle for survival, and not the struggle with loneliness.
A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. It is strange that the mountain on which he stands is also lonely, but in this case the word "lonely" means a geological term, and implies that he stands alone. Interestingly, a lonely person is not necessarily lonely. So "loneliness" is still an internal state that does not reflect itself externally.
This can be confirmed by the fact that a person being in a solitary confinement is not necessarily lonely, just as being in a noisy company can be completely lonely. We are alone, regardless of the number of people around us and the closedness of the room. Perhaps, even when we are within four walls, we turn our gaze to the invisible sky, struggling with physical loneliness. It is also impossible to associate any other feelings and emotions with loneliness, as many often do. Associations: "sad", "sad", "empty", "deserted", "hopeless" are not at all connected with the concept of loneliness. It's just that many of us mistakenly combine these concepts into some kind of a single whole, more showing our perceptions of loneliness and reflecting inner fears. Many are afraid of loneliness, most of them have never experienced it or will not even experience it, but this fear gives strength for a kind of figurative struggle with possible loneliness.
A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. It is difficult to determine the purpose of his stay at this summit. He can be a climber, geologist, hiker, or just a wanderer who climbed this mountain without any goal. We often commit absolutely meaningless actions in life without a visible purpose or meaning, or because of emotional impulses or listening to an inner voice, or for other incomprehensible reasons. Perhaps it is even for the best that not everything in our life lends itself to logic and explanation, and not all questions have answers, and not all actions have a reason and purpose. Because, seeing the meaning of everything that happens and understanding the essence of everything (if possible), it becomes not interesting to live, since chance is an important factor in our life.
But whether loneliness is accidental or is it predetermined in advance for some person, part of fate, if it exists, and whether it can be avoided - we do not know. Perhaps there is some internal predisposition for this, or external factors can influence it, perhaps even we ourselves are able to resist and avoid it. But on the other hand, we do not know how, running away from one, we can get into another, even heavier and more difficult "something". For those who realized or themselves came to this feeling or state of loneliness, it is much easier to endure it, they even find in it some advantages and benefits.
A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. They are both lonely, each in its own way, and even the fact that they are together does not interfere with their loneliness. After all, even being in the center of a crowd of people or surrounded by family and loved ones, we feel a sense of loneliness.
Everyone treats this feeling differently, there are people who are used to it and do not pay attention to it, there are those who, even without experiencing this feeling, live their whole lives in fear and struggle with its possible approach. Perhaps the fear of loneliness is due to a person's eternal fear of death. Indeed, in the understanding of many, death is the highest and final form of loneliness, from which one can neither escape nor avoid. It can even be assumed that the very concept of loneliness originated as a derivative of death and its perception. But in this case, one cannot judge this state, since no one can yet describe the state of death, and all this comes out only as a semblance of children's fears in a dark room.
A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. We do not know this person and we do not know the location of this mountain, which, in principle, does not matter, because anyone and anywhere can be lonely, regardless of geography and personal data, regardless of social status and religion, regardless of the way of thinking and physiology.
Loneliness defies statistics and analysis, although modern psychology and psychoanalysis is undertaken to cure this supposedly disease. It makes no sense to describe this feeling, because it is as personal as love or hate, and its origins are not at all in reality and the world around us, but in the soul, and one cannot judge whether it is bad or good - to be lonely. Indeed, in the place of this person on the top of a lonely mountain and looking at the sky, any of us can be, and what kind of person we can only guess and build conjectures for now. When we ourselves find ourselves alone, we have no words, and we are silent, looking up, either asking something, or waiting for the much-desired answer. We try to understand, find a reason or a way out, we are afraid and wait, we fight and move on, look back and gaze into the distance. We suffer all our lives or get used to, learn to avoid or not show, hide and pretend, hold back and pay no attention.
We are living. And in the elusive moment between the blows of the second hand, we catch ourselves thinking that we are alone. But this moment passes, like everything else, turning into the vanity of the past, leaving in the present a place only for the present.
You are not alone…

08.11.2003 V.P.


A man stands on the top of a lonely mountain. His gaze is turned to the sky. He either believes that there is God in the sky, or he is trying to unravel the constellations in the starless sky ...
From the dome of the gray sky, God grins displeasedly ... he became sad because a man who stands on the top of a lonely mountain doubts that he is alone ... and that God is his only salvation ...
Somewhere below, a lonely stream runs. He would never guess that loneliness is not only his lot ... that loneliness is masked by routine, life, illusion ...
Somewhere on the top of the mountain there is a man ... He believes in God and knows that there is a stream running below ... But he is alone ...

    For many years, two turtle doves, a male and a female, lived in perfect harmony in the peasant's yard. A caring peasant made for them an elegant house out of wood, where the birds were calm in bad weather. It was a happy time. The male relentlessly followed his girlfriend, ...

    After a long absence, the teacher returned. He found the student sitting in the library. It was evident from his exhausted look that he had spent a lot of time here, and from the feverish glint in his eyes, it was guessed that he was impatient to communicate something. - Well, what are you ...

    Once it exfoliated so that the shipwrecked sailor reached a deserted island. For five years he was forced to live there, since no ship passed by. He built a small hut and lived there, constantly thinking about the world. Everything was like this ...

    One day the priest saw a woman who, with her head in her hands, was sitting in an empty church. An hour has passed. Then two. The woman did not leave. Having decided that her soul was in grief and wishing to help her in some way, the priest approached her and said: - I can ...

    One day the Chicken decided to become a Turkey. Nobody could dispute the status of turkeys in the huge farm yard where this Chicken lived, and she also wanted to be more beautiful and respected. Then she attached the found turkey feathers to herself from behind with a fan, hung ...

    Once upon a time there was a woman. She was very attractive, caring mother and wife, hardworking. But she had no time to turn to the Lord, but, as a matter of fact, there seemed to be no need for her. Everything was in order with her: the children are healthy and well-fed, her husband ...

    One day a village girl came to the fair, a beautiful woman, lilies and roses bloomed on her cheeks. Her hair shone with the rays of the sunset, and the smile of the morning dawn played on her lips. Before the beautiful stranger had time to appear, the guys immediately noticed her and surrounded her. ...

    One hermit was asked - how can he remain in constant silence? He was very surprised and said: - On the contrary, I never keep quiet and talk incessantly - so many interlocutors visit me.

    I saw a crow that people are feeding pigeons. Deciding: "Why should I live from hand to mouth?" - the crow gathered up the pigeon feathers, covered itself with them and went to the pigeon flock. She grazes among them, and suddenly she saw a crow flying in the sky. Forgotten, the crow croaked. ...

    Once a famous rich man fell ill. But none of his acquaintances came to visit him. Surprised, the rich man said to his entourage: - It's a strange thing, why does nobody come to me? They answered him: - Because all people owe you and are afraid that ...

    A long time ago, when people lived in peace, and the world still lived in people, in one of the caves, one wise man made his home high in the mountains. Because I wanted to see further and know more than others. And although life was hard and lonely for him, he had a faithful brother - ...

    The Heart lived in the world. It dreamed of love. But it was a very categorical Heart: when a new feeling of love began to emerge in it, the Heart evaluated the one who caused this feeling from the point of view of "bad" - "good", and, seeing the shortcomings, destroyed ...

    Once a peacock was sitting in the forest and bitterly complained about his loneliness. It happened that a jackal ran by. He saw a peacock and asked him: - Why are you so sad, brother? At first the peacock was frightened by the jackal, but then, plucking up courage, he answered with ...

    Their parents had three small children and one elder daughter-assistant. From morning to evening, she nursed the younger children: fed, consoled, washed. In the evening, when the kids fell asleep, the girl helped mom wash and clean everything. Once a girl went for ...

    Once, Hing Shi found his students in the courtyard, heatedly arguing about something. Approaching them, he asked about the subject of their dispute. “We argue about what is the essence of human happiness and unhappiness,” the students answered. - And how did you find them? - asked ...

    A dispute broke out among the students about the causes of human suffering. Some argued that the reason is selfishness. Others believed that delusion was to blame. Still others said: a person suffers because he is unable to distinguish between true and false. When about it ...

Sometimes we crave loneliness, but we just can't manage to be alone with our thoughts and feelings, and sometimes we need someone to be there, but he is not ...

Loneliness is considered to be a kind of awareness of oneself as useless, abandoned by a person. But for what reasons does a person who lives in the company of other people consider himself lonely and abandoned? Is that so? Let's try to figure it out with short quotes about the loneliness of great people.

Beautiful women rarely alone, but often alone.
Henrik Jagodziński

Dreamers are lonely.
Erma Bombek

Loneliness is the wrong side of freedom.
Sergey Lukyanenko

Loneliness, how overpopulated you are!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

How better means messages, the further the person is from the person.
Yalyu Kurek

The sage is least alone when he is alone.
Jonathan Swift

Solitude is a luxury for the rich.
Albert Camus

You are not alone in your loneliness.
Ashley Diamond

We make ourselves lonely.
Maurice Blanchot

Eagles fly lonely, sheep graze in herds.
Philip Sidney

In every person there is a piece of loneliness that close people, earthly entertainment, pleasure or enjoyment will never fill. It just so happened since biblical times, namely from the moment when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, loneliness settled in the hearts of people. Maybe loneliness is that eternal longing for the times of being in paradise, but maybe not. Probably, everyone should answer this question for himself. Well, quotes about loneliness will help with this.

Wise quotes about loneliness

We are often more alone among people than in the quiet of our rooms.
Henry David Thoreau

Alone, man is either a saint or a devil.
Robert Burton

Loneliness is a famous refrain of life. It is neither worse nor better than many other things. They just talk too much about him. A person is always alone or never!
Erich Maria Remarque

The most cruel loneliness is the loneliness of the heart.
Pierre Bouast

A person feels lonely when surrounded by cowards.
Albert Camus

Loneliness is sometimes the best society.
John Milton

A brooding soul tends to loneliness.
Omar Khayyam

The worst loneliness is not having true friends.
Robert Burton

Better to be alone than in bad company.
John rae

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel lonely in one way or another.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

As long as humanity exists, so much loneliness exists. More than half of humanity is afraid of it and cannot understand in any way why it comes sooner or later. But, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. So let's try to understand this topic with the help of sayings and quotes of great people.

About loneliness with meaning

Loneliness is a wonderful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a wonderful thing.
Honore de Balzac

Loneliness often makes a person feel less lonely.
Johann Gottfried Herder

God is with us, so we are not alone.
Konstantin Kushner

I've never met a partner as outgoing as being alone.
Henry David Thoreau

Most strong people and the most lonely.
Henrik Ibsen

Loneliness is really a lousy thing for all its enormous benefits.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

I've always been the best company for myself.
Charles Bukowski

Loneliness only heightens the feeling of being unnecessary.
Ken Kesey

You must not confuse loneliness and solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, spiritual concept, while solitude is a physical one. The first dulls, the second soothes.
Carlos Castaneda

The first thing loneliness prompts is to deal with yourself and your past.
August Strindberg

Many find solitude positive points... Indeed, loneliness can be viewed as an opportunity to be alone with yourself, to understand your own soul and listen to your inner voice. Many psychologists believe that the time we spend alone is the most rewarding. If a person was always busy communicating with others, he would never have many wonderful thoughts and ideas. And besides, as one quote says, you can live alone if you are waiting for someone.

Sad statements about loneliness

Don't wait for someone else to take the first step. What can you lose besides your loneliness?
John Kehoe

How pleasant it is to lie motionless on the sofa and know that you are alone in the room! True happiness is impossible without loneliness.
Anton Chekhov

How good it is to be alone. But how good it is when there is someone to whom you can tell how good it is to be alone.
Ernest Hemingway

To be able to endure and enjoy loneliness is a great gift.
Bernard Show

Better to be alone than unhappy with someone.
Marilyn Monroe

I don't like being alone. I just don’t make extra acquaintances - so as not to be disappointed in people once again.
Haruki Murakami

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings.
Faina Ranevskaya

Being alone does not mean that you are weak. This means that you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Will Smith

It is scary to become unnecessary, not to be lonely.
Tatiana Solovova

A fool seeks how to overcome loneliness, a wise man finds how to enjoy it.
Mikhail Mamchich

But, smart quotes about loneliness with meaning is one thing, but the real state when, even being among other people, you feel lonely is quite another. Being alone for too long has a negative effect on life expectancy. By degree negative impact for life expectancy, loneliness is equated with smoking and alcohol. And sometimes only a good psychoanalyst can help. Well

Somehow a fool was walking along the road, as always he was not thinking about anything, but suddenly he met 7 wise elders. And he suddenly decided to turn to them:

- You are so smart, explain to me what is the meaning of life?

One of the sages stopped and began to explain. The six wisest went on, and two fools remained on the path.

Many people ask serious questions about the purpose of being, but in fact they just want to talk without changing anything. You shouldn't be like that or waste your precious time on such people. The seeker will definitely find it.

Once two hamsters were sitting, enjoying the autumn sunset on the field. And then one asks the other:

The second hamster thought and replies:

- Look: everything is fine with us, we have collected food for the winter and now we eat to the full, the collective farmers do not touch us, the weather is good, the fox has not entered our land for a long time. Everything is fine! But we started looking for meaning. So we lost him?

But last year, how hard it was - first drought, then frost, the fox was constantly hunting, and people scattered poison across the field, barely survived, spinning as best they could. But they did not think about the meaning of this - it turns out, then we had it?

For many of us, survival, overcoming problems or achieving goals seem to be the essence of being, but they only take our gaze away from the search for true meaning, regardless of circumstances. Some even deliberately create difficulties in order to distract their mind and heart from looking for something more.

- Hello, Doctor! Tell me, what are the results of my tests? I will live?

- What for?

Indeed, it is pointless to live - it is just to exist. But this does not mean that you need to lay hands on yourself - it is better to find the purpose for which you were born.

Once a great teacher was asked:

- Rabbi, what is the meaning of life?

- Oh, do you really want to spoil such a beautiful question with an answer?

Some people like to think about beautiful questions, but they don't like getting truthful answers.

- Listen! And what is the essence of being? Why ?

- I'm sorry, brother. Now I can not answer, the Internet is disconnected.

How often we look for answers in the wrong sources, we want to find a ready-made, "convenient" solution for us instead of an independent search for the truth.

Once a passer-by saw a sage sitting on the bank of the river and asked him:
- Share your wisdom with me! What is the sense of life?

The elder took out a rosary, looked at the man and threw one bead loudly, then looked at the man again and threw another one with a loud clatter.

- I understand! Are you telling me that the purpose of existence is like a rosary - an action is born in movement and we have to perform it?

- Well, not quite. - said the old man and continued to sort out the beads.

- A! Do you mean that the essence of living is similar to sound, and when we make a lot of noise, we cannot hear the main thing?

- A little bit wrong ... - said the sage distressed.

- Then perhaps our days resemble these beads? Or do they symbolize us as we drift apart in the hustle and bustle?

- No! I just took the rosary to focus before answering.

Sometimes it is so important to remember that things are just things and not see anything more in them.

The way these parables about the meaning of life, with morality, short will help you to look differently at the issues that you are thinking about.

The best way to find meaning in life is to trust God with your life. Do it, try Him! Are you looking for the meaning of life? God has a wonderful path for you.