
Do-it-yourself cornucopia: MK for making a souvenir from scrap materials with step-by-step photos and video tutorials. How to make a gift cornucopia with flowers and candies How to make a cornucopia with your own hands


Today, on the pages of the Cross, we will tell you how you can create a gift with meaning from sweets and floral material.

The Cornucopia has always been associated with a rich harvest, prosperity, and improved welfare.

Make a Cornucopia with your own hands and present it to any woman, and she will "read" the wish between the lines. In our case - between flowers with sweets!

For work we need:

  • Corrugated (floristic) paper of different colors
  • Taplenta, wooden toothpicks, wire
  • Threads, scissors, stapler
  • Hot melt glue gun
  • Floral sisal
  • Decorative elements - flowers, leaves, silver stamens, grapes, cherries
  • Floral silver ribbon with a curly edge
  • Horn paper and its filling
  • Scotch tape wide
  • Insulation (can be replaced with a polystyrene foam circle)

Let's start by creating the horn itself. Here we need unnecessary wallpaper (soft cardboard, Whatman paper).

From a suitable piece, roll up a small bag and fix it with tape. In this case, the basis for the bouquet is an insulation rolled into a ring (its height is 1-2 cm, the length of the strip is such that the resulting ring fits into the hole in the horn).

Now we will lay a wire along the workpiece and fix it. The wire is the guide horns that will allow the part to bend later. In my case, the filler is scraps of floristic paper - we fill all the void inside the paper bag with it.

At the next stage of work, we will bend the workpiece and make the base of the horn surface. The strips of floristic paper remaining after creating bouquets of sweets will be used. We wrap the workpiece with them, fixing the edges with hot melt glue.

This stage cannot be skipped, and the more layers, the neater the appearance of the finished horn will be.

You can also wrap the surface with masking tape, plaster bandage (a little expensive, but the result is excellent), cover with papier-mâché mass. All of this works on the aesthetic side of the horn.

When the preparatory stage is completed, we wrap the horn with paper, which will become the finishing one. That is, first we achieved the smoothness of the horn surface, and now we are working on the appearance.

From the bell, we wrap the horn with a strip of pink floral paper (I had a curly edge), and trim the tail with a silver ribbon for bouquets. We use hot melt glue in our work.

A bouquet of sweets, in our case a cornucopia, will only benefit if it is filled with different decorative elements, flowers from ribbons or fabric, and not just flowers with sweets.

In the video from Haykanush DIY, see how to make forget-me-nots from corrugated paper:

We make air loops. We cut several identical strips from the tape, fold them and fix the folds with a stapler. Be sure to cut the ends obliquely - but this is just advice.

I insert a toothpick between the folds on hot melt glue.

I propose to make flowers according to the pattern already known to us (), only the edges should not be sharp, but rounded. And for a more solemn option, add glitter on the petals and in the middle to the silver ribbon.

Cover the horn of the horn with green sisal and begin to collect a bouquet of sweet flowers and decorative elements. Here imagination and a sense of proportion will help you.

I added grapes to the flowers - they are attached to homemade wire pins. I glued the leaves and violets to the wire base with hot glue, and then wrapped the joints with tape. I just glued the sweet cherry to the base of the bouquet with hot melt glue.

The cornucopia is the money talisman of prosperity and success. To activate the cornucopia, it needs to be refilled to the brim, since an empty horn is not a good sign. You can replenish it with coins or jewelry.

After all, it is not for nothing that you can often hear in congratulations that people wish each other to have a cornucopia pour luck, happiness, health, prosperity and material prosperity on him.

They even present a symbolic horn filled with coins, fruits, hearts. And some put models of houses, cars and other attributes of prosperity in the horn of the horn.

What is hidden behind these words, why exactly the cornucopia is considered a talisman and amulet of material wealth and financial well-being?

An interesting version of the answer to the question of what the symbol "cornucopia" means is given to modern people by legends.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that this attribute of wealth and fertility was created by the god Zeus. There was a myth that the goat Amalthea, thanks to whose milk the baby named Zeus, being in the cave of the island of Crete, managed to survive and turn into a god, lost one horn.

The name of the goat in translation means "giver of wealth." Zeus in gratitude, so the myth says, and in memory of his nurse made this horn a symbol of wealth.

Abundance is an endless stream of bliss, abundance. The cornucopia promises the receipt of not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones.

In antiquity, there were coins depicting this symbol of the well-being and prosperity of the state. Thus, the picture of the distribution of wealth by Fortune was perpetuated - this is how the ancient Greek myth was put into the plot of the minting of coins.

Many people also know the picture in which Fortune (Tyha), holding a cornucopia in her hands, distributes divine benefits to people. The myth of the appearance of this symbol on earth is often the subject of many works of art.

Nowadays, the cornucopia is used not only as a personal amulet, but also as an amulet for the whole house. Depending on what kind of "abundance" the owner of the amulet craves, his
fill with certain items.

So, for example, if you want the house to be always warm, satisfying, cozy and beautiful, the horn should be filled with the fruits of the earth: vegetables, fruits and cereals. If you are hungry for wealth, pour coins into the horn. Flowers and spikelets are placed in the horn to provide "richness of the senses". To restore the lost health, the horn is filled with aromatic herbs.

The horn unites the feminine and masculine principles, as well as the associated ideas about procreation and fertility.

It is believed that the turquoise horn helps to discover new facets in oneself. The pomegranate horn gives you the ability to enjoy life. A miniature horn made of black obsidian helps to feel unprecedented strength. A rose quartz horn will make its owner irresistible.

The theory of the influence of a symbol on human destiny says that not only the one who receives the symbol of good luck and longevity as a gift becomes happy, but also the one who presents it to a loved one or a loved one, doing it from the bottom of his heart.

You might be interested to know that the Cornucopia talisman is a widespread heraldic element that embodies all the blessings of Mother Earth.

The coat of arms of Colombia, in particular, depicts a classic cornucopia filled with flowers and exotic fruits common for this country, and another one with gold coins. There is also a golden cornucopia on the coat of arms of Peru. The coat of arms of Venezuela features two crossed cornucopia adorning its upper part. The same motif is repeated on the Panamanian coat of arms and on the coat of arms of the province of Mendoza in Argentina.

How to make a cornucopia with your own hands

A symbol of good luck, an amulet and a gift, if desired, can be made with your own hands. Since the cornucopia symbol has the meaning of an attribute that gives endless gifts, its main element is the filling of the horn.

Therefore, it can be used as a "wrapper" for the main gift: money, gold jewelry, sweets and other useful and pleasant gifts.

There are many workshops explaining how to make a cornucopia with your own hands.

A crocheted attribute will look great on the wall as a decoration for a hallway or bedroom.

Sewn from fabric and filled with symbolic divine gifts, an attribute symbolizing prosperity and happiness will decorate the walls of any room.

You can make a cornucopia out of papier-mâché by sticking pieces of newspaper onto a template sculpted from plasticine, and then painted with watercolors or acrylics.

You can soak toilet paper in water and sculpt an attribute from the resulting gruel - this will not be difficult for people, even those who are not familiar with the process of artistic modeling.

You can make a cornucopia in the form of a bas-relief with your own hands by decorating the wall of the room. To do this, the master will first need to mold a template from plasticine, then make a mold for casting from plaster. And after that, directly cast the product, which is attached to the wall with glue.

It is believed that happiness and good luck are brought not only by the attribute itself - the cornucopia - but also by the myth embodied in the drawing. Therefore, a picture depicting the battle of Hercules with Aheloy or a goat feeding a baby with its milk will also bring prosperity and fulfillment of desires to its owners. The theory of the action of the symbol is such that providence is able to help a person out of any trouble.

A picture with a cornucopia plot can also be made in the form of a bas-relief - a three-dimensional protruding image on the wall. This, of course, is accessible to few, but if a person has the talent of a sculptor, then such art will not only decorate the room, but make its owner richer and more successful.

The most powerful amulet, of course, is made from real horn. It is varnished, encrusted with precious stones, framed in gold. But such a talisman can only be made by a person who is a real professional in this skill.

Have you ever tried DIY cornucopia? If not, then I present a wonderful master class from Lina Pishuschaya.

Such a cornucopia symbolizes material and financial wealth. It will be a wonderful New Year's gift, or it will decorate your home and bring prosperity in the coming year.

It is easy enough to make it. The advantage of this horn is that you do not need to specially purchase decorative elements to make it. You can use whatever is at hand at home. It is not forbidden to use fabric of any color, and any quick-drying glue.

With a little imagination and using various materials, you can achieve completely unexpected effects. Well, let's get down to making a wonderful craft - cornucopia.

Materials and tools:

  • Textile.
  • Threads.
  • Ribbon.
  • Scissors.
  • Newspaper.
  • Glue gun.
  • Twigs.
  • Cones.
  • Coffee.
  • Nuts.
  • Coins.
  • Beads.

1. Sew the fabric from the inside out to make a horn.

2. We turn it out.

3. Slightly pinch the fabric closer to the end of the horn (only on the upper side). We do this so that the end is bent upwards. Can be secured with thread, glue or even a stapler.

4. We fill the inner part with a newspaper. Don't try to shove in a large piece of newspaper right away. For a better shape at the horn, fill it with small, crumpled pieces of newspaper.

5. Apply glue to the end of the horn and glue the tape.

6. In the same way we decorate the whole horn with a tape.

8. Glue the twigs with a lot of glue.

9. On a piece of paper we form a flower from coffee beans.

10. Make out the neck of the horn in such a way that the newspaper is not visible. We glue a large nut, a pine cone, a coffee flower and a coin.

12. Decorate to your liking with beads, nuts, pine cones, coins and coffee beans.

13. The cornucopia, made by hand, is ready.

When you don't know what to give, the standard ones are almost always used: money, a set of sweets and / or alcohol. Why not pack even these banal gifts so that they look chic and individual? Many interesting installations can be made of chocolates: guitar, cake, horseshoe, ship and many others. Some of them are of a narrow focus, like a guitar, while others, on the contrary, will suit anyone, at the same time it will be clear that the gift was made with a soul for a particular person. The cornucopia will show your care and love, and will also become a beautiful and useful charm souvenir that is easy to make with your own hands. Choose MK to your taste with step-by-step instructions and photos.

Cornucopia with your own hands made of sweets

  1. Cut a circle out of foam or other suitable material. Insert any suitable twigs or wire into it. Moreover, the more often and closer to each other you stick them, the more rounded the horn will be.
  2. The ends of the twigs on both sides must be secured with masking tape. Well, or ordinary, but painting is better.
  3. You can glue the entire frame with the same masking tape. Or take some other paper - napkins or toilet paper work well.
  4. When the glue is dry, paint over. Brown and copper acrylics are perfect. But you can choose gold or silver colors. Wrap a nylon cord in a metallic or gold color around, fix it in some places, this can be done with glue or double-sided tape.
  5. Specifically for this option, you also need a stand. In our case, it is not homemade. Fill the horn with pretty candies, coins and bills.

Cornucopia workshop from newspaper tubes

Despite the similarity of the principles of work, some things are done differently. More about these changes:

  • We twist 7 pieces of tubes with a knitting needle and PVA. Better - white A4 paper, although newspapers will work too. We connect six of them from one end with glue, from the seventh we make a circle so that the glue seizes, we press each of the 6 tubes with a clothespin to the 7th.

  • Bend the ends inward. Glue.

  • As in the previous MK, glue the frame with paper. Cut the corner from the newspaper sheet in a semicircle.

  • Take souvenir or printed money and glue it together as much as necessary based on the newspaper clipping.

  • Twist the glued bills and insert the resulting bag into the horn blank:

  • Bend the excess protruding corners outward, liberally greasing everything with glue.

  • Wrap the horn with corrugated golden paper. Here you can make a stand with your own hands from polystyrene or polystyrene foam. Your task is to cut out pieces of the desired shape and connect them to each other with toothpicks, and then wrap them in gold paper.

  • Wrap the horn with a cord or tape. At the junction of the horn and the stand, glue some kind of decor so that the cuts are not very noticeable.

  • A stand made of a sheet of cardboard or a plastic board (it can be used from a sculpting board - it is cheap and just the right size and shape), wrap it with an openwork fabric or mesh of a suitable color, fix it with tape (painting) from the inside. Fill the cornucopia with things that represent profit and wealth.

Cornucopia with your own hands from salt dough or polymer clay

Of course, such a product will not be as beautiful and voluminous as the previous versions. But you can make a wall panel or a picture from it!

  • If you make a horn from dough, then its proportions are as follows: flour, salt and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5. Add PVA to this mixture - about a third of the total. Salt is needed fine and without iodine. After mixing, refrigerate for a couple of hours. The dough should not stick to your hands.
  • The horn will be "braided", so step by step we will create a "braided" look:

  • We fold the workpiece in the shape of a horn and flatten it to the working surface.

  • We fill the horn with "gifts of nature" - fruits and berries are most appropriate. Roll the balls and then gently shape them with your fingers. Make all cracks and grooves with a toothpick or plasticine stack. You can make a filling from flowers. Lay the filler in layers. That is, there will be several rows.

  • For beauty, make leaves that will sit on top of the fruits / flowers.

  • Dry the workpiece in the oven - with the door open, at the lowest temperatures - no more than 60 degrees. Without an oven, you will wait for a week to dry. Not less!
  • Paint the dry workpiece with a mixture of black and brown paints, leave for five minutes and wipe off with a dry cloth. Wash only from the raised parts - whatever gets into the grooves, let it stay.

  • Color based on the fruits / berries / flowers made. The horn will look more organic if it turns brown.

  • After complete drying (and this is a couple of days), cover with acrylic varnish. If you attach a strong rope, you can hang it on a nail, for example, in the kitchen.

Such different, but insanely attractive souvenirs will become a chic decoration of your home or office (the cornucopia, after all, should bring money) and an excellent gift for anyone - from dad to boss! Watch the video from MK, they always help you figure out the details.

The cornucopia is a beautiful symbol of wealth and fertility. It is usually filled with a variety of fruits or precious coins. This mythical image is used, as a rule, in architecture, for example, in cornices or when decorating windows. But you can make a cornucopia with your own hands. Today, you will learn how to create this graceful symbol of wealth from dough and fruit yourself. The whole work will take you 1.5-2 hours. However, the time spent on this creative activity will fly by completely unnoticed for you.

What does cornucopia mean?

The idea of ​​this unusual object came to us from ancient Greek mythology. There are several legends associated with this vivid and beautiful image. According to legend, the horn belonged to Plutos - the owner of the untold riches of the underworld. This god gave people a good harvest and fertility. In the Middle Ages, the myth of the horn was associated with the image of the sacred goblet - the Grail. It was believed that the one who drank from it will be gifted with immortality and cleansing from all sins.

Today, in many countries of the world, the horn is a cult image. For the most part, this applies to eastern countries such as Turkey, for example. The cornucopia is depicted on the coats of arms of some states and cities: Peru, Colombia, New Jersey, Kharkov, etc. Let's try to bake an original symbol of fertility, which can be an excellent decoration for a wedding or festive table.


This dessert can be made very quickly using regular dough, which is sold in any store in the pastry department. You can use a bread base or bake pies. If you have a bread maker, knead a quick yeast dough. If you prefer to cook only at home and on your own, then you will have to work a little.

For a sweet dough, you will need 250 grams of flour, 100 ml of low-fat milk, 100 g of butter, a pack of dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of sugar and two eggs. Add some turmeric to make it look pretty. Leave one more egg to grease the finished product. Also prepare some vegetable oil to lubricate the mold. You will also need baking foil and a variety of fruits or nuts for decoration. Use grapes, apples, tangerines, and walnuts. You can make a horn with candy and pistachios. It all depends on your capabilities and creativity. So let's get to work.

Cooking the dough

Prepare a bowl or saucepan in which you will knead the dough. First, you should warm up the milk a little and pour the yeast into it. At this time, beat the eggs, add softened butter and sugar. Mix the mixture with milk. Then start adding flour in small portions, continuing to stir the dough with a spoon. It should be soft. Leave it on for an hour, remembering to cover the dish with a towel. It is best to place the dough in a warm place so that it comes through faster.

How to make a cornucopia?

As long as the dough is coming up, don't waste your time. Start making the "shape" of the future product. To do this, use regular foil. Try making a cone. Crumple the foil so that one side of the horn is wide and the other narrow and pointed. Use several sheets for work at once, twisting them around its axis. All sides of the model should be smooth so that after baking the product can easily come off its mold. Also, the foil must be greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Further, when the dough comes up, you can proceed to the next stage. Divide the finished base into 2-3 parts. Depending on what size you want to get the product, you can create more than one "masterpiece" from the resulting mixture. Roll out one slice of dough on a previously floured cutting board. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil so that the product does not stick. Roll out a thin slab of dough. The layer should be only 2-3 millimeters thick. Next, cut it lengthwise into thin lines (about 1-1.5 centimeters wide).

Weave a "basket"

Now comes the hardest moment. We begin to design our cornucopia. Take one strip and start wrapping it around the sharpest edge of the foil horn. Next, take another strip, wrap the horn with it, and put the tips on top of each other in the form of the letter "V". Add the next strip. Do the same procedure with her. Only now you will have to thread the ends under the previous strips in a checkerboard pattern. Raise the dough carefully to avoid spoiling the entire product. Continue adding more stripes to form a basket. Don't worry if the tip breaks somewhere. It will always be possible to cover it with a new strip.

Of course, in the end it will be very difficult, because you will need to skip several lanes at once under each other. Therefore, here you have to be patient. It's okay if there are small gaps between the stripes. Keep in mind that the dough will still rise and all the "voids" will be filled. Decorate the entire side of the foil in this manner. At the very end, cut off the remaining ends of the strips. Twist three long strands of dough into a braid. Wrap it around the wide side of the horn, crushing the dough with your fingers a little. Use a little water to brush the braid onto the base of the piece.

Bake the form

Now you can start the most important part of our procedure - baking. To do this, beat the egg in a bowl with a fork. Then brush the surface of the piece with a brush to make the cornucopia rosy and shiny. We put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. You need to bake for about 20 minutes for the horn to be covered with a beautiful golden brown crust. Of course, depending on the capabilities of your oven, the manufacturing time may be longer or less, so check your masterpiece every five minutes to make sure it doesn't burn.

We decorate the work

Next, we take out the finished dough from the oven and leave it to cool for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove it from the mold, gently unbending the structure. Keep in mind that the dough is still susceptible to breakage. Therefore, it is better to leave it until it cools completely, putting it back in the mold. And then comes the funniest part of the procedure.

Wash pre-cooked fruits, nuts, or candy. The cornucopia, the meaning of which boils down to the idea of ​​fertility and wealth, should be beautifully and originally decorated. Put it on a large plate, decorated with bright colors in advance. Add various fruits inside: grapes, apples, tangerines. Use nuts for decoration: walnuts, almonds. Create a fun composition by adding beautiful leaves or twigs of greenery. Sprinkle nuts on the loose parts of the plate. Your product should look rich and original. Thus, absolutely all the components of the horn will be very tasty.

We treat home

Now that our masterpiece is completely ready, you can safely put it in the most prominent place on the festive table. Such a product will be a great decoration for the New Year or wedding. This beautiful, light and tasty dish can also be enjoyed with your family. You can simply tear off pieces of sweet dough, dip it in butter and eat with your favorite fruit. If you make a cornucopia of candy, your culinary masterpiece can be a great name day or birthday present.

This elegant tasty craft filled with sweets will definitely please your family or friends. Many will surely be surprised to see such an unusual product and ask you to arrange a master class for them. A cornucopia in this way will help your family members have a wonderful evening with their friends. Just prepare the dough ahead of time and buy some fruit. If there are a lot of baskets, and you do not have time to eat them, then do not worry. Cover them with plastic wrap overnight and refrigerate. This will help you keep your baked goods fresh until the next morning.


Only the most daring and creative people are not afraid to experiment and create unusual and original products. Such a cornucopia made of dough can become not only a delicious delicacy, but also an excellent decoration for a festive table or an original gift. To prepare such a dish, you do not need to have special culinary skills. It is more important to have patience and a sense of taste. After all, designing a beautiful fruit composition is an important step in the process of creating this whimsical culinary masterpiece. Bon Appetit!