
Matinee dedicated to the holiday "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" - Document. Matinee dedicated to the holiday "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" - Document School matinee for February 23


Matinee dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day “I serve Russia!”

The progress of the matinee

Introduction by the teacher.

Girls come out to the middle of the hall.

Girl 1.

The winds blow in February

Trumpets howl loudly.

Snake rushes along the ground

Light ground.

Girl 2.

Flying away, rushing into the distance

Aircraft links.

It celebrates February

Army birth.

Girl 3.

border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

Could calmly our people.

Girl 4.

Guards our sea

Glorious, valiant sailor.

Proudly flies on a battleship

Our native Russian flag.

Girl 5.

Our hero pilots

The sky is vigilantly guarded.

Our hero pilots

Protect peaceful work.

Girl 6.

Our own army

Guards the peace of the country,

So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,

So that there is no war.

Girl 7.

You are still small

But you are soldiers in the future,

And today we will check

To whom we will entrust the Motherland.

Competition program


Each team receives an envelope with cards on which individual words are written. From these words you need to make proverbs about the army, war, service.

Hard to learn, easy to fight.

Stand up for the right cause.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

Whoever is faithful to the Motherland is exemplary in battle.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

The courageous one blames himself, and the cowardly blames his comrade.

One point is awarded for each correctly formulated proverb.

Each team puts up two participants. The first participant is given the text to be encrypted and the cipher. For instance:

The headquarters in the forest is guarded.

On command, the first participant begins to encrypt the text, separating the letter from the letter with commas, and the word from the word - gire. As soon as the first participant finishes, he passes the cipher and the ciphergram to the second participant, who must decipher it. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.


At a distance of 8-10 meters, 2 chairs are placed opposite each other. There are two (three) blindfolded players on them. At the command "March!" they should as soon as possible go to the opposite chair, touch it and return. The winner is the one who quickly gets to his chair and sits on it.

Tie toy cars to a pencil with ropes of the same length. Whoever winds the rope around the pencil, that is, “arrives” to the finish line, wins.


Prepare for each participant 2 sheets of paper with unevenly cut edges. Task: cross the "swamp" only along these leaves - "bumps".


2 participants are invited from each team, 2 legs are tied together. Task: run to the other end of the hall and go back.

Team members are called. The jacket is turned inside out and hung on a chair. On a signal, the participants get up from the chair, turn the jacket inside out, put it on and fasten it.

All the girls come out.

Girl 1.

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them good health

To grow big

They were excellent.

Girl 2.

Our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations -

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Girl 3.

When to your brawls

We look at the changes

We believe - with your preparation

We will always protect the country!

Girl 4.

Let it bloom under the eye

Bruise purplish blue

Teaching is hard

The fight will be much easier!

Girl 5.

So let's go friends

With all my heart without further ado

Protect us from all adversity

But only, chur, without bruises!

Girls give gifts to boys.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
basic comprehensive school No. 7 of the village of Prirechensky, municipal formation, the city of Goryachiy Klyuch

Author: teacher school Dutov A.A.
(Solemn music sounds. D. 1) Leading: Native land can do everything! It can feed with warm and tasty bread, drink spring water, delight with its beauty. And only she cannot protect herself... Therefore, the protection of the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty.
(The song "Motherland" performed by grade 1 sounds. D. 7)
First, second, third princesses:
Sometime in the Middle Ages
Knights lived everywhere.
And their life was not easy
In iron ammo.
The knights were proud of themselves.
Swords and armor.
The knights played fate
And they went to tournaments.
But half a hundred years ago
They were not in the world.
But that's just what they say
I don't agree with this.
(Sounds horn. D.3)
First Princess: It has become quite boring in our kingdom-state. There is nothing interesting.
Second Princess: What to come up with such and such? Maybe we should declare war?
Third Princess: No, war is not in fashion these days.
First Princess: How do we know if our princes are brave or not?
Second Princess: Maybe we should announce a jousting tournament?
Third Princess: Right! We invite all the boys to the tournament. We will compete and determine the winner. Let's knight everyone.
First Princess: (Unfolds the scroll and reads): Attention! Attention! We invite everyone to the knightly tournament!
Second princess: Only now and only with us! All princes with a red emblem stand on the left.
Third princess: All princes with a blue emblem stand to the right.
(Music sounds. D.4)
1. "Let's make friends"
Stand up - palm to palm, toe to toe.
Leading: To win in a knightly tournament,
You have to be very smart and kind.
Don't hide behind shields
Do not be afraid of sharp swords!
Leading: In the Middle Ages, brave, courageous warriors who wore heavy armor, were armed with a spear and a sword were called knights. To become a knight, one had to undergo special training. At the age of 7, the boys were sent to study with experienced warriors. They taught them to ride, shoot from a bow, throw a spear, and wield a sword. In addition to military sciences, boys were taught to keep their word, to be polite, to help a friend out of trouble, to stand up for the weak and offended, to treat a woman, a girl, nobly and sublimely.
2. "Jumps"
Ride on a horse. The horse is a ball, and the bridle is a jump rope. You need to take the rope in both hands and try to drive the ball along a given route.
3. "Archery"
Throwing an onion into a bucket.
Host: In the old days, knights always carried with them a portrait of their beloved lady, which they often drew themselves. I ask you to leave one knight from the team who can draw at least such a sketchy portrait. You need to draw blindfolded and strictly on my command!
4. "Portrait of a beloved lady"
We draw: an oval of the face, nose, hair, lips, ears, eyes, neck, eyebrows, beads. Host: We have already mentioned that in the old days, knights sang romances under the windows of their ladies. Of course, I will not ask you to sing love arias, but I will only check how you can give compliments. At the same time, you can't laugh. I ask you to go out one by one the most serious knight from the team. Your task is to drive up to the lady, or rather to the portrait that you just painted, on a horse and very seriously, without a shadow of a smile, say as many compliments as possible.
5. "Compliments"
6. "Boyfriend"
At a certain distance from the teams there is a chair on which: coat, scarf, hat, mittens, paper flower, saucer with sweets. On a signal, the first player chooses a girl and brings her to a chair, the second puts on a coat and fastens it, the third - a hat, the fourth - a scarf, the fifth - mittens, the sixth - gives a flower, the seventh - distributes sweets to all the girls.
Host: Sometimes a lady, for some reason, could not openly meet with her knight. And then he secretly climbed to her window on a rope ladder, which the lady threw to him. The next contest is for girls cheerleaders. In one minute you need to tie as many knots as possible.

7. "Knots"
Host: Stop! A minute has passed. I did not tell you the most important thing - the one who will untie all the knots the fastest will win this competition!
Host: It happened that two knights at once climbed into the room on a rope ladder by some mistake. And then they fought not for life, but for death. Of course, we will not kill anyone, but we will only compete in dexterity.
8. "Cockfight"
Girls (Grade 3):
Time is moving forward,
It blows over fields and forests.
Here comes our turn
Prove what we stand for ourselves.
And they march into formidable battles,
Straight into battle from the school doorstep
My dear peers,
Knights without fear and reproach.
How much heart and soul do you need
How much strength and courage is needed,
To walk in the unknown wilderness
Through the forest, swamps and ravines!

Light new fires
Far from habitual habitation,
And they don't know what they are
Knights without fear and reproach.
You would have disappeared many times already
If not for the fierce faith,
If not for their hearts sunk,
Their impulse and the strength of their example.
Everything was given clearer at dawn,
And the hard road is easy
Because they are alive today on earth
Knights without fear and reproach.
(Song "Military" performed by grade 4. D.6)
Host: Knights live among us. These are, first of all, our respected veterans of the Second World War, your dads, who served in the Army. We will hold a riddle contest on the theme "Army". The commands will be answered in turn.
9. Riddles.
I’ll put it under myself, under my head, and it will remain to hide. (Overcoat.)
During the day - a hoop, and at night - a snake. (Belt).
Not a god, not a king, but you can’t disobey. (Commander).
What is a teenager who studies maritime science called? (Cabin boy)
The soldier is sleeping, and she is walking. (Service)
Solemn passage of troops (Parade)
Soldier's summer headdress. (cap)
Star part of the uniform. (epaulettes)
Footwear for winter guard duty. (Felt boots)
The surname of the man who invented the famous machine gun. (Kalashnikov)
Far-sighted gave me -
He brought me close. (Binoculars)
The girl walks
Starts the song
The enemy will hear
Doesn't breathe right away. ("Katyusha")
On the mountain
Old women are standing
If they gasp
People will go deaf. (guns)
Turtle crawling -
steel shirt,
The enemy is in the ravine
And she's where the enemy is. (Tank)
Who sacredly keeps the peace of the fatherland
And night and day
Any weather? (Border guard)
What is common between a tree and a rifle. (Trunk)
Leading: Here are five letters from which you can make words. Listen to the riddle poem. Using these letters, make up a certain word faster than your rivals, lining up in front of the audience.
Was in one of the newspapers
My portrait is printed.
And from all over the earth
Letters went to my unit.
Wrote me for the first time
Kaluzhanochka ... (Maria).
From Voronezh the second,
Well, this one was called ... (Raya).
And then from the peaks of the Pamirs
She sent letters ... (Ira).
You are with the girls
And you will forget yours ... (name).
I told them that here
I have a bride.
I was not happy with those letters ...
Well, enough about the girls!
We sometimes say:
All roads lead to ... (Rome).
The saying is outdated
But that's not the point today.
On the planet commander
Only one, and this is ... (peace).
Bombs, tanks and missiles
Waiting ... (pit). Where are you?
I assure you friends
On guard of the world ... (army).
(Song "Heirs of Russia" performed by grade 3. D.5)
10. "Collect a postcard"
Girls (Grade 4):
Dear peer boys,
Knights without fear and reproach,
Do you like computers and books?
Sometimes you run away from class.
The sea beckons you with a magical dream.
You are always persistent, stubborn
And are you ready to sacrifice yourself
For the sake of a girl - a beautiful sweet lady.
And your swords are always in place,
Just right for you knightly armor.
With you your loyalty and courage
And your victories and successes.
We wish you adventures not from a book,
So that you are always together on the way,
Dear peer boys,
Knights of courage, friendship, honor!
The princesses call the princes in turn and knight them. The decree is read out: “I, the Great and Almighty Queen of the Knightly Order, with my power, consecrate you to Knightly order Courage, Friendship, Honor.
We swear to be knights!
Always say thank you
Good afternoon, goodbye.
There is no higher knighthood in the world!
We swear to be knights!
Forget laziness and rudeness
Learn etiquette -
The science to remember this.
We swear to be knights!
In the fight against evil, get good.
Ignorant to smash with a magical sword
And a strict word, and healing.
Girls (grade 2):
On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.
We will not give you flowers:
They are not given to boys.
Girls a lot of kind words
They will leave you in your hearts.
We wish you forever:
So that life is not shy,
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage.
And all the obstacles on the way
To overcome you together.
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up.
Listen, boys, to us,
We know that on this day you
The second birthday.
(The song “In the meantime, we walk like soldiers” performed by grade 2. D.2)
For games, use D.8 and 9.

Leading: Good evening dear parents and my beloved children.

1 reb . Today is a holiday in the group

And we welcome all guests.

It's great that we are all here

Here we are again.

2 reb. One happy family

We live in a group

And every day our garden

Kinder and sweeter.

3 reb. Are you comfortable in our room? We will sing and dance for you. We congratulate all men! Dads together? Begin. Leading: Dear children! Dear guests! Today we are celebratingTspruce holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland, the defenders of peace, freedom and happiness. The soldiers and commanders of our army are on duty day and night.

And to congratulate not only your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, the future defenders of our Motherland.

We sincerely congratulate all the brave Russian soldiers and thank them for their military work and loyalty to the Fatherland. We wish them good health and great happiness.

Leading: Friends!

Today is our army day!

She is not stronger in the world.

Hello defenders of the people!

Russian army -

Children: Hey!

Roll call:

1 reb .: All our grandfathers and fathers.

Once served in the army

Learned to defend Russia

They were always tight.

2 child: They wore a uniform and a cap,

Engaged in sports diligently

Learned to shoot very accurately,

And they were not afraid of the gun.

3 child: Brave, strong and funny

Congratulations men today

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day

We wish you health, joy

4 child: We have a special day today

For boys and men

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows.

5 child: For good health

The guys had

After all, the boy is

Future soldier.

6 child: To be hardy

In training and in combat

Protect your beloved

Your homeland!

7 child: We walk bravely

Left and right

Because all the soldiers

There were preschoolers too!

Hurry up, grow up

To join the army!

Leading: Guys, what military professions do you know? (tankers, gunners, pilots, sailors, cavalrymen, paratroopers, rocketmen, signalmen, scouts, radio operators, border guards, submariners, etc.)

Leading: Our boys are the future defenders of the Fatherland. Will they be able to answer questions or continue the proverb?


    What animal is the best assistant to the border guard?

    What kind of aircraft do military pilots serve?

    What is the difference between different types of troops? (uniform, emblems, shoulder straps)


    Peace builds - and war ... (destroys)

    Difficult in learning ... (easy in battle)

    There is safety in numbers)

    One for all and all for one)

    Shchi and porridge ... (our food)

    The brave wins... (the coward dies)

They answered the questions, but we will see now if everyone knows how to dance.

Girl: Our boys are unrecognizable

What bearing and become!

All the girls are in love with you

After all, you are the defenders of the country!

Dance:« sailor»

Leading. How proudly the words sound:« defender of Motherland»! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and us at any moment. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.

Let's now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

The girls sing ditties.

We sing for you today

And we have one motive:

Congratulations on the twenty-third

We want girls!

We're lucky girls

We are very happy.

After all, the boys in our group

Most beautiful!

With the twenty-third we are today

All the boys were congratulated.

Wish them good luck

From the heart of all the girls.

The girls sit down.

Leading: I think that every boy wants to wear the uniform of a pilot, sailor, paratrooper… But to serve in the army, you have to be not only smart, brave, strong. There is still a lot to know! So, from childhood, let's cultivate in ourselves the qualities necessary for the defender of the Fatherland. . Now we will funny contests to make sure once again that all the boys are ready to serve in the army, we will test your dexterity, speed, endurance. To make the contests fun and provocative, we will divide dads and boys into two teams. Now we'll see how strong our dads are? Our dads are masters, they argue things.
If you don't believe me, check it out yourself!


( Three fathers enter the stage and participate in the competition, competition options: who will inflate the balloon faster, peel the potatoes and cut them with chopsticks, dress their child,( clothes are turned inside out).
Leading: Well done, that's it dads! Everyone can!

Leading: Well, what can our boys do? And let's see!
The game "Who is the first?" for boys

Rules of the game. There are several flags on the floor, one less than the children. To the music of “Tachanka”, the children run in a circle, depicting riders, their arms are stretched forward, as if they are holding the reins. When the music stops, they try to quickly take the flag. Whoever does not get the flag is out. One flag is removed, etc. The one who wins goes around the circle of honor with a raised flag.

Leading: Announcedcompetition for dads: “The best artist”.

Dads have 5 minutes to draw a postcard by February 23rd.

Leading: A competition is being held- « Report»

Description: 6 people per team participate (1 soldier in each team, who stands near the landmark). There is a hoop in front of the teams, 6 are tied to it. balloons, in each of which, a piece of paper with a letter is enclosed. The players of each team take turns performing the following task: jumping from hoop to hoop, slam the ball, take out a piece of paper, give it to the soldier who lays out the words« motherland» and« Russia» (« The country» for the third team), while they themselves return back and pass the baton.

Leading: Heldcompetition « Encryption » for boys.

Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a military-themed postcard cut into pieces, you need to assemble the postcard. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to collect a postcard in order to understand what is drawn on it.

Leading: We often scold our children without understanding the reasons. And for dads, now let's imagine the opportunity to be a little in the role of a child.

Heldcontest “The most capable child”. (kids and dads)

To the melody of the song “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, children show a dance during one verse. For the rest of the song, the kids have to teach their dads this dance. The best "child" wins. Everyone got ready, stood in two circles.

( Music sounds. Children dance, teach their dads.)

Leading: Participating in competitions, you had to dance and draw. Now dads and children will have to pick up pens and write on a postcard to our beloved mothers congratulations on the upcoming holiday of March 8.

Competition:"The most affectionate."

Competition: « The cleverest »


You can’t see with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and you won’t go into battle without it. (Hooray!)

It flies - barks, falls - crumbles. (Projectile)

A man on the shore spits over the river. (Gun)

There is a turtle - a steel shirt. (Tank)

A black grouse flew, in the evening, not now, fell into a swan, I couldn’t find it. (Bullet)

Two arap - brothers, knee-high, walk everywhere with the soldiers and protect them. (Boots)

It breathes fire, it blazes with fire. (A gun)

A raven flies, all chained, whom it pecks - to that; death. (Bullet)

The black kochet wants to roar. (Gun)

Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. Who is this? (Rider)

Leading. Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to protect our Motherland. We once again congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

Leading: Let's listen to a beautiful poem:

8 reb. We want to live under a peaceful sky

And rejoice, and be friends,

We want that everywhere on the planet

Children did not know war at all!

« Song of the world » And Filippenko to the words of T. Volgina.

9 reb. Peace is the main word in the world Peace is very necessary for our planet The adults need the world Children need the world Everyone needs peace. 10 reb . May it reign over the whole earth Peace for humanity! Let the fireworks bloom in winter For the soldiers of the Fatherland. Tdance-game: with "balls" - "Salute" balloon salute (inflate and burst (dads) 11 reb. border guard Protects our land To work and study All the people could calmly. 12 reb Guards our sea Glorious, valiant sailor Proudly flies on a battleship Our native Russian flag. 13 reb . Our hero pilots The sky is vigilantly guarded. Our hero pilots Protect peaceful work. 14 reb. Our own army Guards the peace of the country, So that we grow up, not knowing troubles, So that there is no war.

So let all the guys

They grow up happy! SONG« brave soldiers» ( childrensit downon chairs) 15 reb. Boys dream to grow up soon AND become adults, And go to work. And dads are probably dreaming again Like in childhood Become boys. 16 reb. In the soul of every dad Well, just a boy. Sometimes he acts like a jerk. Therefore, they should be allowed Albeit rare, but still Become boys. ANDgra: "Tug of war" (first children, then dads) 17 reb. My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom, Dad has skillful, strong hands. And he will not refuse to help anyone, AND good word he will tell you in time. Psong: "Song about dad", music. V. Shainsky. 18 reb .- The son once turned to me: - Dad, tell me who was in the war? - Great-grandfather Alyosha in cold winter Fought with enemies near Moscow itself. Grandpa Lenya, military pilot He flew a combat aircraft in the sky. Grandpa Zhenya was a paratrooper, He did not like to think about the war. He answered my questions: « The fights were too hard.». Grandmother Sonya worked as a doctor, Saved the lives of soldiers under fire. Great-grandfather Arkady died in the war. All served the Motherland completely. Many people did not return from the war It is easier to answer who was not on it.


18 reb. All soldiers are in time: And serve and rest. Ladies are invited to dance. Come out to dance. Tdance- "Kremena" 19 reb. The ship sails on the waves The captain is leading him. He is not afraid of fogs, Shoals, ice floes, hurricanes. He is a brave sailor Everyone knows this. ANDgra- "Whose ship will sail faster" (we wind a thread tied to the ship on a stick) 19 reb . To be the best soldier It's not enough to be a bully. Nothing that is small in stature But cheerful and daring. ANDgra- "Ride on a horse" 20 reb . For a soldier training Starts in the morning. competition-for fun, dexterous- Get it together, kids. ANDgra- "Color flags" (attention): I show the blue flag, we clap, green-stomp, yellow-silent, red - "Hurrah!" shout. ANDgra- "Assemble transport" (drawings of the ship and tractor are cut like puzzles) 21 reb. I'm almost big I can be a sailor. Even go swimming I can without asking. I'm not afraid of a hurricane Let the ocean rage. Dad, mom, don't worry: I will return from distant countries. PSong: "Sea Captain", music. D. Babajanyan ANDgra: "Hit the target" (2 teams throw the balls, and 2 dads catch them in the basket) 22 reb . My dad is good And we are similar to him. I know he is strong Handsome man. ANDgra: "Whose dad is stronger?" Leading: Who has the strongest dad? Let's check? Come out if you want, take your dad. The father puts the child on his shoulders. And now we squat: who will do it longer? - Well done dads. Strength is like that of the heroes.

All girls:

Our Russian army

Birthday in February. Glory to her, invincible, Glory to peace on earth. The trumpets sing loudly: " Salute to our army! " Fonogram: "Salute" (children give gifts to dads) Leading: Here's our squad Very friendly preschoolers. All the boys all over the country You must be brave: To protect the borders To make moms smile! Leading: Well, our holiday is coming to an end. And our girls have prepared for you, our dear Defenders, a gift - their dance. DANCE WITH FLOWERS

Vedascurrent: What a wonderful bouquet the girls gave you on this holiday.

Leading : So our holiday is over! Because the sun shines on us Because there is no war Thanks to those who protect the peace of their native country. All the defenders of the country We congratulate you today. All soldiers protect Earth, sky, peace and labor To all children They lived happily in the world.

Children give gifts to their dads, grandfathers, uncles.

Girls give gifts to their boys.

Leading: An hour of fun has flown by, we were glad to see you!

And now we are waiting more than once a year, but every holiday be here!

I don't want to say goodbye, but we must part!


Matinee dedicated to February 23 in the 2nd grade.

Teacher: Every year on February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. First of all, this is a holiday of people in uniform who have dedicated their lives to serving the Motherland. On this day, we honor, of course, the veterans of the Second World War, the courageous defenders of the Motherland. And we also congratulate our dear men: grandfathers, dads and their sons: our boys - future defenders of the Fatherland.

Dear dads! We are very glad to see you today at the celebration. After all, each of you is the protector and support of your family.

1. Russia is my Motherland,

I look around and what I see:

Endless fields all around

And the snow lies on our roof.

2. Russian snow, it's like fluff

Lies directly on the eyelashes.

Russia without winter is nothing

And it's a pity that the birds fly away.

3. In winter, the nightingale is inaudible,

Oh, how he sings at night in the summer!

And there are no such birches anywhere.

Birches ... All of Russia is in this.

4. When I leave my childhood,

I will travel a lot of roads.

Russia is my Motherland!

I want you to become stronger!

5. And in any way I can, I will help:

Fields bloom, trees grow.

I can raise the Russian spirit,

So that pride for him

passed on to our children.

Song "My Russia"

6. Such a date is in the calendar,What all men sayAnd this date in February,Everyone calls Defender of the Fatherland Day!

7. Let fireworks thunder in your honor!May you be respected everywhere!You are our pride, our strength!May your life be happy!Never get sick!And in your honor, three times "Hurrah!"Everyone shouts 3 cheers!

8. And boys on THIS day

Congratulations to all of us is not too lazy.

Even though they are not babies,

But such fools

9. Naughty tomboys,

As in childhood, their fathers.

They all look like dads

Even if they are much younger.

10. So they will grow up,

Stand up for the defense of the country.

To give them strength,

We have to give gifts.

11. We give everyone a carrot,

So that you jump deftly,

They ran like bunnies.

Eat up, boys!

They treat all the boys with carrots cut into pieces.

12. Here's an orange for all of you,

To stand alone for all

Well, all for one

To not be afraid of anyone!

Served with an orange.

13. To be friends with girls,

Protect and love them

Eat you marmalade

You will be all right.

They treat everyone with marmalade.

14. Every boy can become a soldier,

Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,

Guard the border with a machine gun,

To protect your homeland.

15. But first on the football field

He will protect the gate.

And for a friend in the yard and school

He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

16. Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -

Harder than playing war...

If you didn't protect your little sister,

How will you protect your country?

17. Be courageous, stand,
Always be brave
real soldiers
You will then!

Song We Love Our Boys

We love our funny boys

They are not afraid of either the mountain or the trouble.

They are playful, stubborn, cheerful,

They never let you get bored.

And although sometimes all the boys are scolded,

And even often they call boobies,

The boys walk firmly through life

And never, never get tired. (2 times.)

They filled us with a lot of cones

And they didn't let the girls live.

And even though sometimes we chase the boys,

They are our best friends.

merry song we congratulate you all

May there be happiness, health always ..

AND wish to strive for victory

And never give up anywhere and ever

18. On a calendar sheetFebruary 23!What a strange numberWhy is it red?And why dadHe walks proud, I don't understand?Even my mother told meDon't forget to congratulate dad!Quietly go to my motherAnd quietly askWith what today, mom,Should I congratulate dad?And my mother saidYou should congratulate dadHappy Defender's DayAnd say you're proud of him.But why only todayShould I tell him?After all, my dad is for me,be a hero forever!

19. Dear men! Dads and grandfathers!May you have only victories in your life!

Teacher: And I want to tell you guysAppreciate your grandfathers and dadsRespect them and be proudAnd you aspire to be like them!Song on the motive "Neighbor" performed by girls.

How can we not have fun?

This holiday is not a joke?

We will try together

To cheer you up.

Long thought, wondered

How can we congratulate you

We are tired of thinking

We decided to sing this time.

We are from all the girls of the class

Congratulations to eight.

In this room on the expanse

We will dance and sing.

You listen, men,

Our song is fun.

None of the textbooks

You will never find.

Competition program

1.Competition. "Watching the song and building" ( 1.Entrance dads ) We evaluate the ability to march, walk in an even formation, loudly and unanimously sing a song. (The songs "Marusya", "Aty-baty" are performed)

2. Competition "Trap".

The competition is held without announcement immediately after the command is issued. A girl passes in front of the teams and, as if by chance, drops her handkerchief (approximately in the middle between the teams). The team that guesses to pick up the handkerchief and politely returns it to the girl wins. After that, it is announced that this was the first competition.

3.Competition. "My dad is the best!"

Host: Dear viewers! Look at dads, our contestants. They are so beautiful and courageous! In addition, each of them has its own extraordinary abilities. And their sons and daughters know this best of all. Now they will tell us about their favorite dads and show that their dads are the best. The jury will evaluate this competition according to the following criteria: the content of the story and the acting skills of the reader, in total for the competition from 1 to 5 points.

4.Competition Warm-up

Questions are asked to teams in turn, for each correct answer - 1 point.

    What do trees and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

    Why are the spear and shield inseparable friends and enemies? (they are always together, the shield protects, the spear strikes)

    Whose words are these: “It is hard in training - it is easy in battle”? (Suvorov)

    Whose words are these: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword”? (Nevsky)

    What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime science? (cabin boy)

    What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy? (shoulder straps, epaulettes)

    The heroes of Russian epics are heroes. Say their names.(Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

    Who was called a knight?(A brave, noble, selfless man - a warrior)

    What orders were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War?

( Order of Glory, Order of the Red Star, Order of Suvorov, Order of Lenin, Order of Victory.

5. Competition "The Strongest".

Dads are invited to participate. Newspapers are prepared in advance (no more than six sheets). The task of each participant is to crumple the newspaper with one hand as quickly as possible and “better quality”.

6. Competition "Get in the ring"
Dad and the child run to the opposite side of the hall, dad puts the child on his shoulders and the child throws a basketball into the ring, they run back.

7. Competition " Assemble a pyramid of donuts "

Opposite each team is a stick from the pyramid. There are bagels on the table for each team. Participants take a bagel with their mouth without the help of hands, run to the pyramid, put on a bagel. Who quickly.

8.Competition "Secret agent"

Explain the words with facial expressions, gestures:




The airport






9. Competition "Dashing Riders"

Dads get on all fours, children sit on dads "on horseback", holding on with their hands and feet. Reach the landmark - run back.

10. Competition " Race" (boys)

A pencil is attached to the typewriter. Who will bring the car to him faster, winding the rope around a pencil

11. Competition " Who will inflate the balloon faster?

12.Competition: "Infantrymen"

Task: In pairs, they move to the counter, dad walks with a wide step, and the child runs like a snake between dad's legs. Having reached the rack on which they hang Balloons, dad bursts one balloon and runs away with the child.

13. Competition "PENGUINS"

Children hold a matchbox between their knees. You need to go the distance without dropping it.



Our holiday is coming to an end

The jury sums up our results,

So that we don't grieve

We need to sing a song.

Song "About Dad"

Teacher: A day without a man

Both gray and boring.

A world without men

No one really needs:

And no one to give a hand

And there is no one to raise the children with,

And no one to rely on

And put on a new dress...

There is no bright life without men -

We all declare as one.

And without those who are now in the hall,

We hardly live at all.

Therefore, let you

Congratulations on the holiday now.

Wish you health, happiness

And never lose heart!

Our dear boys, dads and guests, we wish you

To never have a war again

Shells didn't explode, people didn't die!

May there always be peace in our land!

Song "Sunshine"

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of the competition, which ensured success.
Now it's time to say goodbye. Our speech will be short:
We say: "Goodbye, until happy new meetings!"

MKOU Novomelovatskaya secondary school

With. bearish

Form of the event: matinee.

Design: presentation, posters, musical accompaniment,

Holiday progress:

Host: Every year on February 23, we celebrate an important Public Holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. And on this day it is customary to congratulate men - dads, grandfathers, brothers. Men are rightfully considered the defenders of our homeland, our Fatherland. Not without reason, even the words "father and Fatherland" begin the same way: they are close to each other in meaning. Fatherland is our country, motherland. It is also a day of remembrance for all those who did not spare themselves for the sake of the Fatherland, who remained faithful to military duty to the end.

Host: It was on February 23, 1918 that a law was signed on the creation in our country of special army troops to protect our Motherland from enemy attacks. Our army has traveled a glorious path, protecting the peace and tranquility of the citizens of Russia. And today the Russian army, using ultra-modern missiles, planes, tanks and other types of weapons, protects our borders from enemies.

1.Day of our army today

She is not stronger in the world.

Hello defenders of the people,

Hello Russian army!

2. We are not afraid of any bad weather!

The country of labor has a reliable shield -

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

A soldier of the Russian Army is standing.

3. About the beloved army

We are now talking

And to her, invincible,

"Thank you" we say.

1. Song "Defenders of the Fatherland".

Host: On February 23, 1918, the first regiments of our army entered the battle with the enemies and won, so this day is considered the birthday of the army and navy.

4. In the fierce days of February

The army did not fight in vain

Under Narva crushed the enemies

Deserved to win the battles.

5. Then this holiday was born

We praise the heroes now

To be proud of your strength

Russian fearless soldier

6. Trumpets sing loudly,

Our army - salute

Ships sail into space

Our army - salute

Peace and labor on the planet

Our army - salute

2. Song "My Army"

Host: Let's remember those who became heroes defending our Motherland.

Host: This is Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov.

7. Russia, home, fatherland

I speak with love

For the motherland, for mother

If I need to go to battle

8. I don't like battles

And the world pleases me

But if the enemy wants

Come to us with war

The resistance will be strong

We'll get in the way

9. Like great-grandfathers and grandfathers

In a harsh stormy hour

Rise to the defense

Fatherland and us

3. The song "Soldiers went to war"

Leading: War! The hardest test for any nation. Fascist Germany posed a mortal threat not only to our people, but also to many peoples of other countries.

Leading: Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, whom we must not forget, live on the territory of our villages.

10.Sunday the day before

Cloudless skies.

Black shadows grew in the mist

A cloud in the sky is dark.

The first shell exploded in the distance,

This is how the war started...

11. That longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For all, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And laid so many on the ground,

That twenty years and thirty years

The living can't believe they're alive.

4. Song "White Birds"

Narrator: The soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of a future peace in between battles.

Leading: How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!

5. Song "Katyusha"

Leading: What a high price we get this world. Soldiers leave, young 18-year-olds serve in the army. There was Afghanistan, Chechnya. How many of their dead, killed in these wars.

12. Guys from Central Russia

Coming into service for the first time

For a long time native aspens

Left you behind

13. Civil youth is behind

Lost in road dust

In the iron channel of charters

You enter like ships

14. And you need to do a lot

So that the winds beating sideways

You were not thrown on board in a storm

And the masts did not have to be cut.

15. Glory to our generals

Glory to our admirals

And ordinary soldiers

On foot, swimming, horseback

Tired, hardened

Glory to the fallen and the living

I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

6. Song "Light the candles"

16. We are still guys,

And we walk like soldiers

Let's serve in the army

Let's keep the family

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world

17. I will be a brave tanker

Carry my tank everywhere

I am my formidable rocket

I'll get the target in the starry sky

18. We dream, we dream

That when we grow up

Then we will become tankers

We will grow up very soon

While the game is on

7. Song "Three tankmen".

Host: Who is needed in the army?

Rocketeer or tanker?

Tanker or pilot

Pilot or sailor?

Sailor or airborne?

Moderator: It is impossible to answer these questions. Which finger is more important - everyone is needed. You can’t hit with one finger - you need to clench all your fingers into a fist. And the enemy will receive a strong blow when rocketmen, tankers, pilots, sailors and airborne paratroopers hit him together.

Host: The Russian army will be strong until then, as long as young boys grow up in our cities and villages, ready in case of danger to defend the Russian land. We believe that our boys will be skillful, brave, strong, brave defenders of the Fatherland, will know the history of Russia, its glorious heroes.

19. Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.

Keep her peace and quiet

This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table

And a native window in a forgotten village ...

Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.

Take care of her to be forever

With our truth and strength

All our destiny.

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

8. Song "Russia"

Leading: Not every feat can accomplish

Especially in the flow peaceful days

But everyone must serve the motherland

Hurt soul and heart only about her

Leading: February brought us a great holiday.

Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!

Protect from storms and thunderstorms

Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.

Leading: We send congratulations cordially

Dads, grandfathers

We wish you good health

To my family protectors

Host: All of Russia rejoices today and congratulates our dads and grandfathers on the holiday. And also boys - our future defenders of the Fatherland.

20. Let the sky be blue,

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the formidable guns be silent

And machine guns do not scribble,

To live people, cities.

Peace is always needed on earth.

9. Song "Let there always be sunshine."