
How to become more mature in appearance. How does a girl look older than her age? Tips and more tips. Don't put a ton of makeup on your face


Hello! I look much younger than my age. What makeup and hairstyle can I choose to remove this effect? The matter is further complicated by the fact that I have oily skin and face square shape, but I would like to look sleeker! Thanks in advance!

Anna, good afternoon!

What an interesting problem you have! I have never met women who want to look their age and consider youthfulness to be a disadvantage. As a rule, this is characteristic of men who want to make a more serious impression on others. Perhaps your field of activity (teacher, doctor, research assistant) requires increased seriousness. Plus, you want to look not only older, but also sleeker. The problem is difficult, but interesting. I will try to help you.

First of all, let's figure out the shape of the face. According to what I see in the photo I sent you, your face is not square at all, but rectangular at the top and oval at the bottom. You perfectly mask the forehead line without my help: side parting and long oblique bangs - perfect option... The chin and jaw do not need correction.

Makeup: how to look older

Now I'm going to share with you some simple tricks to help you grow up visually. At the same time, for sure, you want to look older, but not worse than now. Therefore, in my recommendations, I observed the golden mean.

1.Darker skin tone instantly makes you look a few years older. But it doesn't need a darker one tone cream and a tan. You don't want to see the difference between face and neck color.

2. Wide eyebrows are also a sign of youth. On the other hand, eyebrows become less frequent with age. Therefore, you can slightly correct their shape by making them a little thinner at the base (in no case do the eyebrows with a "thread"). Also, for your purpose, the eyebrows should be given a more rigid horizontal shape and not with a rounded soft base, but angular. This will give the face masculine features: imperiousness, strength. Approximately such straightened (albeit wide) eyebrows in Natalie Portman and Miranda Kerr... Although, in my opinion, the current form suits you perfectly.

3. In your photo, wrinkles around the eyes (and in other areas of the face too) are invisible, so you can use pearlescent shadows. However, you will look older thanks to matte shadows in brown tones. You will achieve the same effect by drawing your eyes with a black pencil along the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. But be careful not to make your eyes smaller, as glasses are already making them smaller.

4. Dark lipsticks with a shining finish. Dark tones (wine, eggplant, brown-red) always add age. However, they also visually reduce the surface of the lips, so I pointed out that the texture should by no means be matte (but not glossy either, since lip glosses are young). If you draw a clear outline with pronounced corners upper lip, you will seem more mature.

5. Blush of dark beige, brown, reddish-red tones visually make the cheekbones higher, and their owner - older.

An improperly applied make-up adds age, and a competent one gives maturity. No matter how much you would like to seem older than your years, you should not use in practice techniques that will not decorate anyone. This is too thick a layer of foundation and concealer, too light foundation, completely matte complexion.

Hair: adult color and haircut

Anna, you are feminine romantic hairstyle with long curls. It is better to make a symmetrical haircut: a graphic square with a side parting, a bob-square with untwisted ends. Create a tight bun with slicked-back hair.

It is better to make the hair color two or three shades darker, and also choose a more saturated shade of red. The more olive pigment your skin has, the deeper red you can afford. And the darker your eyes, the lighter it should be. I propose a ginger shade like the star of the series « Desperate Housewives»Marcia Cross... A uniform color, of course, will add age to you, but it will take away some of the attractiveness and naturalness. Therefore, do not overdo it and stop the choice on coloring.

And a few recommendations regarding clothing. Instead of T-shirts and jeans, wear elegant classics: blazer pairs with a pencil skirt or trousers, shirts and blouses, a classic-silhouette coat (with a belt). Accessories don't have to be teenage either. Choose tote bags or shopping bags, clutches, high-heeled shoes, soft leather or suede gloves, cashmere scarves.

Are you tired of being confused with your younger brother or sister? You can look older and appear more mature than you really are. Just watch how you dress and how you behave, and people will start thinking that you are older.


Wear the right clothes

    Get rid of teenage fancy clothes. One of the ingredients by which we are judged is clothing. What we wear can influence the opinion of others about us. If you want to look older, stop wearing teen clothes. Start purchasing items from other parts of the store. Just walk past the children's section and head to the adult section. In the usual children's departments, you will find clothes made from cheap, thin and translucent materials that give childish view... Consider clothing made from good material instead.

    Wear clothes that fit. Swap out baggy items for tight fit. You don’t want your clothes to absorb you completely. This style gives you an unsightly and sloppy look... On the contrary, tight-fitting clothing lends an immature and youthful look.

    Don't wear painted T-shirts. A T-shirt with a logo or a funny inscription speaks of a person's immaturity. This includes brand names, logos, and so on. If you want to look mature, remove T-shirts from your wardrobe altogether.

    Wear quality jeans. Jeans are an integral part of any person's wardrobe, regardless of age. However, you should choose your jeans carefully if you want to look older. Buy jeans of exceptionally good quality. Make sure they are not high or low waist.

    • Guys should only buy straight jeans. Girls can buy loose or skinny jeans with slightly flared legs. If you decide to buy skinny jeans, make sure that you are not too tight in them.
    • Change highlighted or ripped jeans on darker models. Don't wear jeans with rhinestones or other accessories.
  1. Wear the right shoes. Complete your look with a selection the right shoes... Do not wear sneakers or fabric shoes. You should also not wear too flashy shoes. If you're a girl, you don't have to wear very high heels or overly sophisticated styles. Regardless of gender, you shouldn't wear flip-flops. Instead, it is better to get sturdy shoes.

    • Guys are better off wearing shoes. Black boots look good with just about any outfit. Leather boots with lacing can also be combined with all types of clothing. Loafers will also be a great pairing if you don't want to wear boots. Patent leather shoes give a mature look.
    • Girls are advised to wear high heels. However, heels don't have to be very high. If you don't want to wear high-top shoes, get ballet flats. Sandals will look good in the summer.
  2. Dress gracefully. This is another way to look mature. Present yourself as a neat, professional person. This will help people see you as an adult, not a child.

    Get rid of your backpack. You should not take a backpack when you are going somewhere, it makes you younger in the eyes of people. Guys are advised to carry a messenger bag or leather briefcase. For girls, you can take a simple clutch or a small handbag.

  3. Develop your vocabulary. This does not mean that you should rush into a conversation with long, abstruse words. This behavior will simply give the impression that you are desperately trying to get attention. Concentrate better on removing childish and teenage words from your vocabulary that make you look childish. Speak slowly and deliberately. Choose the right words to express a particular thought.

    • Use difficult words. For example, use: “This unusual idea! " - instead of: “This new idea". Ask to be with you "wide open", instead of asking to speak honestly. The more vocabulary a person has, the more mature and intelligent he seems.
    • Try not to overdo your slang. Avoid the word "clear", in sentences use "in particular", "you see." Try to eliminate the words "cool" and "dude" from your vocabulary. In correspondence, do not write words and sentences in full in capital letters... This can be perceived as a harsh tone or even a cry. In most cases, profanity should also be avoided.
  4. Be prepared to stand up for yourself politely. If someone disrespects you, you have the right to ask to stop. After all, an important part of a mature personality is that he or she has respect. Be straightforward and say what you want. Try not to use sarcasm or offensive tone. Using sarcasm and offensive tones when making jokes will make you look unattractive and unlikely to achieve the results you want.

    • For example, if someone interrupts you, ask to wait and not interrupt yourself.
    • Don't say, “Wow, I can't believe you interrupted me! Some people don't know when to shut up. "
    • Learn to let go of the situation. Everyone has unpleasant situations with people, but it is necessary to have wisdom in order to know how to behave correctly in a quarrel. Malicious behavior or resentment can indicate your immaturity.
    • Often times, people don't even notice when you are hurt. Therefore, be respectful of the feelings of others and sometimes even try not to notice mistakes, or, if necessary, tell the interlocutor that he hurt you.

Good day, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are back in touch. It so happens that women over 30 are looking for a miraculous elixir of youth, and 16-year-old schoolgirls, on the contrary, try with all their might to seem older. The situation when a woman is completely satisfied with her appearance and age, is quite rare.

At first, the girl tries to look older, and then - younger. And this is a completely natural desire, which is due to female impermanence. Today we're going to take a look at a few tricks on how to look older than your age.


There are several methods by which you can visually adjust your age.

For example, add height. Everything is simple here - wear heels. These shoes will help you not only be taller, but also older. And it is not at all necessary to choose a high heel or stiletto heel for these purposes, choose the model in which it will be comfortable for you, and you will not walk like a "grasshopper".

The best option for lovers comfortable shoes- wedge heel or platform. To make sure that the heel suits you and you don't look ridiculous, take a walk in front of a mirror or ask a loved one for advice.

You should be careful, because often high-heeled shoes can only emphasize the young image of a girl.

Buy only quality fabrics. If you want to look older, get rid of T-shirts and teen tops that accentuate their wearer's youth.

It is best to get a nice blouse or shirt that can add solidity to your look.

Buy clothes from women's stores, not teen mass stores. Garments made from quality silk or cotton can help give the impression that you have experience and wisdom. It is best to ditch polyester and knitwear.

And also buy things only with modest prints, this will allow you to look like an adult. Discard clothes that immediately show that they are childish. This rule is obvious, but, nevertheless, it is violated most often.

Things with prints in childish style it is best not to wear it, especially if you have a naturally childish face. In addition, you should give up mini-shorts and ultra short skirts forever.

Experiment in front of the mirror more often. Try dressing strictly and see if you like this look.

Use the tips from the video course “Dress code rules. How to dress beautifully and appropriately " , which contains all the secrets of business style, and this, as you know, can add seriousness to your image.

Personal care

Taking good care of yourself is essential to looking older. There are a few rules you can follow to help you look more mature, such as getting the right hairstyle.

Never cut your bangs if you want to look older. Straight bangs will make you cute and naive, which won't add a few more years to you. If you already have a bang, take it up or comb it on the side.

Check the neatness of your hairstyle and carefully monitor the condition of your hair. To look older, cut your hair short. the best option- bob or square.

Watch your styling. Use a special gel to highlight your beautiful curls or a skillfully styled haircut.

It is worth giving up small hairpins and frivolous bows. Also, do not do two frivolous ponytails or pigtails on the sides. For a mature look, it is best to let your hair down.

In order not to damage the delicate structure of your hair while experimenting with hairstyles, use automatic hair straightener which is also able to create great styling on your hair.

And also in order to change your appearance beyond recognition, you need to choose the right cosmetics, and you can quickly and easily add yourself a couple of years.

To do this, you can be guided by the following rules:

  • you can grow up. If you don't have the opportunity to lie on the beach or go to the solarium, use a foundation in dark, bronze shades. But do not forget to apply it on the skin of the neck so that others will not notice any difference between the face and the body.
  • watch your eyebrows, because they can be wide only in youth. Eyebrows begin to thin out with age, so make yourself a narrow horizontal shape.
  • if you bring your eyes over the upper and lower eyelids, you can add yourself a couple more years
  • the dark colors used in makeup are always growing up, this rule must be remembered when choosing a lipstick. You should not buy products that are too matte, or cosmetics that contain gloss.
  • For an older look, ditch the rosy blush. It is best to choose a brown or red blush and focus on your cheekbones.

A wide range of any decorative cosmetics you can always find in the online store In chapter "Beauty and health" .


In order for your demeanor to be correct, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

But don't go after growing up.

Maturity will come anyway, so it is important to enjoy your youth and learn to enjoy it.

Do you like your age? Would you like to add or subtract it? Share your feelings.

We're always happy to help you look the way you want! Subscribe to updates, and we will provide you with a new portion of advice for your ideal look! See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Are you a grown woman with a cute baby face? Do you dream of looking more mature for your age? There are several tricks to help you look older.

Some ladies want to know how to look older. This is a very strange desire these days. After all, you see, most women, on the contrary, want to know how to look younger.

So here are some tips and tricks for you to help you look older and get rid of your baby face faster.

Don't put a ton of makeup on your face

This is the most common mistake many women make. Before you put makeup on your face, remember a simple rule: the less makeup, the better. Yes, you want to look older, but this fact does not mean that you need to use all the contents of your cosmetic bag.

No need to wear high-heeled shoes to make you look younger

You've probably heard that girls look older in high heels, but this is actually not true. Women who wear high heels and a lot of makeup, really looks younger. Young women, on the other hand, use these same tactics to look older. Do you understand what I mean? Wearing high heels and a lot of makeup is actually just proving that you are younger than you look.

Change your wardrobe

If you want to look older, choose strict, not too stylish clothes... No, you don’t need to dress like you’ve just joined the ranks of the book club lovers, but choose classic outfits not too much. bright colors... Dark straight jeans paired with a plain white tee and low-heeled shoes will add a couple of extra years to your current age.

Focus on one area of ​​the face

Yes, it might be a little tricky in the beginning, especially if you are used to wearing a lot of makeup. But instead of putting all the makeup on your face, focus on one area. For example, tint the eyelashes a little and move your lips with dark lipstick, or vice versa. This makeup, with an accent on the eyes or lips, only makes you look like you're trying too hard to hide your age.

Stay away from fashion trends

This may sound unexpected to you, but it really needs to be done. Yes, as a rule, all girls are big fashionistas who follow the latest trends, but you don't have to be like that. No matter how hard it is for you, try not to litter the closet with unnecessary things. You have to stick to one style. Everything young women of fashion follow the latest trends, but you don't need to. If you're unsure of certain trends, you don't need to follow them, instead try to stick to a classic, simple style.

Should you change your haircut?

Well, in most cases, yes. For example, a bob haircut is very trendy this season. This is a kind of square - short haircut which adds age. It is especially popular with young women. The advantage of this haircut is that it fits almost any face shape and looks good on both curly and straight hair.

Forget the high ponytail

Yes, almost every girl loves to wear a high ponytail, but in fact, such a playful bow makes you look younger. Your best bet is to pull your hair into a low ponytail to make you look a little older.

Wear as little jewelry as possible

This does not mean that you should completely give up jewelry. Jewelry you need to select exclusively for each image, and not carry on yourself everything that you have in your casket. If you wear too much jewelry, you will smell cheap and tasteless. So, only wear items and accessories that go well with your outfits.

Get a strict cashmere coat

You can't even imagine how much you need this thing in your wardrobe! Accustomed to wearing a warm sweater or denim jacket? Great, but you should also have a coat in your wardrobe. Don't buy a bright coat. It should be either gray light, or black, or camel. Why? After all, these are the colors that go well with all classic outfits.

Never wear ugg boots

Yes, these boots are really comfortable, but if you want to look like an adult and not a fourteen year old, just forget about them and that's it. Wait, though! You can carry them around the house. But seriously, tight pants and ugg boots are not the most suitable outfit for adult women. If you want to look older, stop wearing clothes that are meant for a teenager.

Monitor your posture

Your posture changes everything. Adult women stand and sit straight, do not slouch. If you slouch, you are not emitting this vibration. When you stand or sit up straight, you automatically look older. So, constantly check that your head is slightly raised and your shoulders are straight.

Combination of bra and clothing color

If you wear a black bra under a red tee, you're probably sixteen. You see, people don't even need to know how old you are, everything is visible anyway. Yes, this is a small and insignificant thing, but believe me, people notice it. So, make sure your bra matches your blouse well and your breasts are fully covered. Believe me, this makes you look more neat.

Now that you know how to look older, use some of these tips in your Everyday life... But do not overdo it so that the opposite does not work out. It may be difficult for you at first, but over time you will do all of these things automatically.

If for women over thirty it becomes relevant the question of how to prolong their youth and look younger than their age, then for girls fifteen to twenty-five years old the topic of how to look older is much more relevant. Rarely does a woman come to terms with her age. First, you want to quickly become more adult, mature, and then you want to return to your youth. This is completely natural for any person. But do not forget that your thirty is still ahead and it is not at all necessary to strive for them ahead of time. However, let's take a look at how a girl looks older and what needs to be done to get it done.

How to put on makeup to look older?

Makeup is a girl's first assistant at any age. With the help of cosmetics, you can create any image, as well as change your age. Makeup for looking older is extremely simple. It is necessary to use dark and saturated colors. For example, shades of brown, gray and black scales, and for evening makeup you can take purple or blue shades. An excellent option will be, which not only makes the look more expressive, but also adds age to young girls. Gloss and lipstick should also be chosen from browns and caramel shades, but the most irreplaceable color in your arsenal is red. Red lipstick is suitable for all girls, you just need to correctly choose "your" shade. And the image of a vamp woman, which is obtained thanks to this color in makeup, will give your image an adult sexuality.

Also, always watch your eyebrows. Gently remove excess hair and adjust the shape to match your face. Also, pay attention to the skin, as it is an indicator of age, not only in old age, but also in youth.

How to dress to look older?

If you want to look older on the outside, how can you forget about clothes? She is, in fact, the first indicator of your age. So ditch all the different T-shirts and jeans (save them for weekends and walks) and get used to the classic style. In general, the classic style of clothing has several directions, one of which you can choose. For example, elegance or minimalism, or you can add a little military to the image. Everything is up to your taste, but the main thing is to look feminine and graceful. Your wardrobe must include shirts, a pencil skirt, jackets and vests, as well as - every woman's assistant - a little black dress.

How to get your hair cut to look older?

We've talked about a lot of the things you need to do to look older, but there is another important point - a haircut. If you have long hair, romantic curls or some incredible ragged punk haircuts, then you will have to give them up. Of course, adult women walk with long flowing hair, but they have already reached their age and delicate curls will not make them look like schoolgirls. But you have to try a little.

If you want to look older, then stop your attention on the bob haircut and its variations, as well as on short hairstyles... The latter, by the way, generally tend to rejuvenate the face, but in young age A well-chosen short haircut can also add years to you.

How to behave in order to look older than your age?

And the last thing to keep in mind is demeanor. Study and always follow them. Always be polite, reserved, courteous. Don't raise your voice, don't be late, or gesture too hard during a conversation. There are many rules, and try to adhere to them all in order to look older, not only externally, but also internally to feel like a lady.

So we figured out how to look older than your age. This task is not particularly difficult, but you will have to work on yourself. And yet, do not forget the main thing: age will eventually catch up with you, so rejoice now with your young years, because then you will want to return them, but it will not work.