
What if mom doesn't. What to do if my mother does not love me: recommendations from experts. The psychologist Gnatyuk Lyudmila Yurievna answers the question


Valentine's Day, which is celebrated annually on February 14, has long been shrouded in various mysteries and legends of its origin. Some supporters of the holiday of lovers attach a romantic meaning to this day, while others regard it only for commercial reasons. However, it is still worth finding out where we can take the origins and history of a well-known date from.

History of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is not only a holiday of romance, love and tenderness. Reportedly various sources, the holiday is shrouded in many legends, and no one knows for sure whether Saint Valentine existed and whether he really gave his beloved a romantic Valentine for the first time.

Priest Valentine

According to one legend in 269 AD. Roman emperor Claudius II sought to conquer the whole world, but for the implementation of the expansion he had to collect a strong army. Since the family institution kept men from military service, the emperor issued a decree banning marriage during military service.

However, the young priest Valentine, who was still engaged in natural sciences and medicine, did not listen to the orders of Claudius II and secretly married lovers. When the emperor found out about this, he sentenced Valentine to death. But while waiting for the execution of the death sentence, Valentine in prison fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer Julia and healed her.

Before the execution, he left her a farewell message and signed it "Your Valentine". It is with this incredible moment and manifestation of love that the appearance of Valentine's Day and the custom of giving valentines are associated. The priest was beheaded, and later Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. In 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th to be Saint Valentine's Day.

Mastermind of Christianity Valentine

According to another legend, Valentine's Day originated as a memory of the Christian Valentine, who was a real inspiration to others. During the secret wedding of the Roman patricians (representatives of the indigenous Roman people), they were all detained.

As a representative of the upper class, Valentine could avoid execution, but his servants did not have such a privilege. However, they continued to admire him in the future and conduct secret marriage ceremonies under his cover.

The Three Martyrs of Valentine

As reported in other legends and stories, there may have been at least three more men with the names of Valentine, who died a martyr's death for the Christian faith.

In the earliest Roman chronograph of 354, nothing is said about them, but according to ancient legends, they all died no later than 270.

One of the Valentines was a priest and physician in Rome and died in 269 (the time of Emperor Claudius II). The second Valentine was a bishop in Terni (Italy) and died in 197. Two Valentines, who died martyrs for the Christian faith, were buried in the same cemetery (near the modern Porta del Popolo in Rome, now often called the "gate of St. Valentine").

Saint Valentine's Gate in Rome

Subsequently, the remains of the first Valentine were kept in one of the churches in Rome, and in 1836 Pope Gregory XVI handed over the remains to the church in Dublin, where they are still kept. The remains of the second Valentine are today in the Basilica of St. Valentine in Terni - in the city of his pastorate.

The third Valentine lived in Egypt around 100-153. He was a valuable candidate for the position of bishop of Rome (i.e., pope) and in his sermons extolled the values ​​of marriage as the embodiment of Christian love. Almost nothing is known about the circumstances of his death and the place of burial.

pagan roots

Also, some sources note that Valentine's Day in Christian times replaced pagan holiday lupercalia (in honor of the god Faun, and according to another version - in honor of the goddess of marriage, the family of Juno), which was also once celebrated annually on February 14th. This replacement took place in 496 by order of the same Pope Gelasius I.

But there is nothing surprising in this practice, since the dates of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ and the Nativity of John Kupala, which fall on pagan festivals in honor of the winter and summer solstices (about December 25 and July 7, respectively), were chosen according to this principle.

Patron saint of the mentally ill

In the Roman Catholic Church, Saint Valentine is officially considered not the patron saint of lovers, but the patron saint of people suffering from nervous diseases. That is why the icons often depict Valentine in the clothes of a priest or bishop, who heals a young man from epilepsy or mental disorders. Then such people were called mentally ill.

Saint Valentine was the patron saint of the mentally ill

Saint Valentine was the patron saint of the mentally ill

According to church tradition, at the grave of St. Valentine, a young man who suffered from epilepsy prayed for a long time and recovered.

The Disappearance of Valentine's Day

As you know, Roman Catholics have 16 Saint Valentines and two Saint Valentines. In 1969, the patron saint of lovers was removed from the calendar of saints due to dubious historical justification. Now on February 14, Roman Catholics celebrate the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, whom Pope John II proclaimed the patron saints of Europe.

Today, the UGCC celebrates February 14 as the eve of the Candlemas and honoring the memory of the martyr Tryphon. The UOC also venerates the memory of the martyr Tryphon, Perpetua, Satire, Satornila and others. It is believed that in Western Europe Valentine's Day has been widely celebrated since the 13th century, in the USA - since 1777.

According to the latest information, the relics of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, have been preserved in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sambir (Lviv region) for three centuries in a row. The authenticity of the relic is allegedly confirmed by a document of the Pope of Rome dated 1759. As noted by Fr. Bogdan Dobryansky from the parish in Sambir, Saint Valentine was the patron of the Przemysl-Sambir diocese.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Sambir (Lviv region)

The relics of St. Valentine in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Sambir (Lviv region)

History of Valentine's Day

According to legend, the ancient custom of sending cards to loved ones on Valentine's Day also originated in the Middle Ages. The very first Valentine in the world is considered to be a note sent by Duke Charles of Orleans in 1415.

Valentine? Love is in the air, and people confess their feelings. To do this, you don’t even need to pronounce words, you can say everything with an eloquent look, and you will undoubtedly be understood. Romance, flowers, gifts, heart-shaped sweets and burning loving eyes... Do you know where and when Valentine's Day came to us?

history of the holiday

This holiday has existed for a very long time - more than 1500 years. So, on February 14, Valentine's Day in Europe began to be celebrated somewhere from the 13th century. America joined in the celebrations in 1777. The countries of the former Soviet Union discovered Valentine's Day only in the early 90s.

So, whose holiday is this and why is it called that?

This story begins in 269 in the Roman Empire. Then the state was ruled by the stern emperor Claudius II. And the main goal of the Empire was the conquest of lands. The sovereign-commander was faced with the problem of a shortage of soldiers in the army for military campaigns. And Claudius II found an explanation for this - marriages. The emperor came to the conclusion that the legionnaires, whose wives and children are waiting at home, are less interested in the victories of the Motherland. Where should they think about conquests when they need to take care of feeding their families. And Claudius II found a wonderful, as he thought, way out: he issued a decree prohibiting marriages. Thus, he tried to maintain the soldier's morale.

However, the ban on creating a family could not prevent men from falling in love. And, fortunately for the legionnaires, there was a man in the empire who supported them. It was a Christian priest from the city of Terni - Valentin. Despite the emperor's strict ban, he secretly held wedding ceremonies for legionnaires with their lovers in his church. Probably, Valentine was a real romantic, since he not only connected people by marriage, but also assisted lovers in every possible way: he helped compose tender messages and gave flowers on behalf of the legionnaires to the objects of their passion.

Of course, everything came out and became known to the Emperor. And since in the Roman Empire the law was above all, the activity of the priest was sharply suppressed. Valentine was put behind bars. And soon the emperor signed a decree on the execution of the priest.

The last days of Valentine, which he spent in prison, are shrouded in a halo of romance. It is said that the daughter of the head of the guard was in love with him. However, Valentine, who gave to answer her feelings, could not. On the last night before the hanging on February 13, he sent her a letter in which he told about his feelings. The girl read the message only after the execution of her lover.

Saint Valentine

Valentine's Day is named after him. Of course, there is no evidence that everything was exactly as described above. After all, no material evidence of this has been preserved. But it is clear that the young Christian priest died in the name of love. And in his short life he was allowed so much of this feeling: love for beautiful woman, to God, to the people he helped. He was a wonderful man with a huge soul, striving to do good. No wonder Valentine's Day is named after him.

Later, the Catholic Church considered Valentine a Christian martyr who died for the faith, and recognized him as a saint. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th to be Valentine's Day.

However, with the reform of worship in 1969, St. Valentine was removed from the Catholic liturgical church calendar. They did the same with some other saints, about whose life there was no reliable information. However, even before that time, the church did not particularly approve of the celebration of this day.

Celebrations of love

Valentine's Day is a holiday that has existed for over 16 centuries. However, since the 18th century and much earlier, a wide variety of national celebrations of love have been known.

There is a version that the first was the Roman festival of eroticism Lupercalia. It was held in honor of the goddess Februat, who was considered a symbol of "feverish" love. The purpose of this celebration was to find your other half. Therefore, after its completion, many new marriages were created.

The day before the holiday of Lupercalia, which was held on February 15, they celebrated the triumph of the Roman goddess of motherhood, marriage and women - Juno. On this day, all unmarried girls had to write and put it in a large urn. And the men - pull out the letter. It was believed that every man had to look after that beauty, whose ardent and passionate message he got.

V Ancient Greece The holiday was called Panurgy. It was a festival held in honor of the deity Pan, who was considered the patron saint of herds, fields and fertility. Pan was portrayed as a little merry fellow, playing the flute and chasing the beautiful nymphs with his love.

All of the above is a pagan contribution to Valentine's Day. Whose holiday served as the basis, it is not possible to determine. Most likely pagan traditions different peoples found their reflection in the modern celebration.


At the end of the 17th century, an English court chronicler recorded that Valentine's Day is a holiday during which lovers can exchange passionate notes, give each other all kinds of gifts, such as rings, sweets, gloves, cakes, etc. But it was important condition: all souvenirs are in the shape of a heart. Whether this was actually so is unknown, but, most likely, it was from there that the tradition of sending special messages on such a day - valentines - came from.

Today, this word refers to love letters in the form of hearts. You can't sign a valentine. The recipient himself must guess who it is from.

On Valentine's Day, people want to show their feelings and tenderness to their soulmate. They give roses symbolizing love, send cute cards, make an offer. This is the celebration of love all over the world. But every country has its own Valentine's Day traditions.

and Italy

On February 14, it is traditional for both the French and Italians to give flowers and gifts. The difference lies, perhaps, in the choice of the latter.

In France the best gifts Jewelry is considered on Valentine's Day. In extreme cases, jewelry is also suitable. The French were the first to come up with original and popular all over the world congratulations on Valentine's Day today - rhymed quatrains. France is a country of love. And its inhabitants justify such a name. February 14 is an abundance of flowers, gifts, Pink colour and declarations of love.

An Italian holiday is a sweet day. Traditionally, it is customary to arrange a sweet treat for your loved ones. Therefore, cakes, sweets, chocolate, yogurt and other goodies are used.

Love and Germany

What is Valentine's Day in Germany? You will be surprised. But February 14 for the Germans is a holiday for the mentally ill.

On this day, divine services are held throughout the country, where people can pray for the health of mentally ill loved ones, as well as for the repose of Valentine's soul. Orderlies decorate the wards and corridors of psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons. Therefore, if you see a beautifully decorated building on this day, you should know that this is a "psychiatric hospital".

But in Lately German youth strive to imitate the rest of the world. And let unofficially, but still celebrates the holiday of love. In Germany, a pig is added to the traditional European symbols of celebration. Various figurines in the form of this animal, chocolates, Stuffed Toys and much more.

Celebrations in the USA and Canada

The traditions of Valentine's Day in America are basically similar to those in Europe. But still, the main gift for loved ones on this day is red roses. Statistics showed that in the States on February 14, 20,000 roses are sold per minute. And more than a million of these beautiful flowers are bought per day!

Children also rejoice in the holiday - the script for all school productions and plays. The guys dress up as angels and distribute valentines addressed to both classmates and teachers. By the way, there are a lot of weddings in the USA on this day. Especially popular is the famous city of Las Vegas, located in the state of Nevada.

In Canada, on February 14, a girl can propose to her beloved man. And if he decides to refuse, sanctions await him: from a fine to imprisonment! This does not apply to those representatives of the stronger sex who have already found their soul mate. But if a person is free and decides to refuse a lady in love with him, he will be dragged to the "jailhouse".

Love Festival in Britain

Real English gentlemen give their ladies roses. And definitely scarlet. And women who have not yet found their lover prefer to do fortune telling. It is believed that if you stand near the window on the morning of February 14 and look at the empty street, then the first passerby who appears on the horizon will look like a future husband. If the girl has time to call him, then he can even become one.

The English are famous for their quirks. They congratulate not only their soul mates, but also their pets. Horses and dogs are especially fond of. On February 14, you can buy heart-shaped food in pet stores to please your pets.

Love Day in Japan

This holiday in Japan is somewhat similar to our day on February 23rd. Japanese men on this day receive much more gifts than women. The girls give their lovers wallets, razors and the obligatory Honmei chocolate. Such sweet gifts appeared thanks to the largest confectionery factory with the same name. It is believed that chocolate "Honmei" can only be given to the most beloved man. So it's kind of a confession.

In Japan, a competition is held on February 14 every year. Young people rise to a special podium and shout words of love to their girls, as much as they can. Of course, the winner will receive a valuable prize.

Love Traditions of Denmark and Holland

On this day, festive parties are held throughout Denmark dedicated to St. Valentine and all lovers. Numerous concerts, game shows, exhibitions are arranged. The whole country is celebrating. The Danes have interesting tradition. On Valentine's Day, men send a dried flower with which the beloved is associated. So girls learn a lot about themselves and about the tastes and fantasies of their chosen ones.

If you really want to get married, you need to go to Holland. There is a tradition there that on February 14, if a girl made an offer, she cannot be refused. Of course, tying a man in marriage against his will is unlikely to succeed. But even if the offer is refused, then there is an opportunity to ask the chosen one for a silk dress. And any brand and for any price. No man can refuse this. The only condition is that the dress must be red. It is believed that only such an outfit can console an outcast woman. So the Dutch in any case will not remain in the loser.

friends day

In Estonia and Finland it is Friendship Day. Of course, lovers also celebrate it. But the peculiarity of the holiday lies in the fact that real friends also receive cards and gifts. This is done so that almost everyone can join the holiday, and not just happy lovers.

One way or another, but on this day, as well as all over the world, people send valentines, cute little things, gifts, soft toys, sweets and other gifts made in the shape of hearts. Flowers are less popular here, as practical Finns and Estonians prefer material expressions of their feelings of love and friendship.

The ban on love

Iran and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the world where Valentine's Day is officially banned. The traditions of the holiday are considered pernicious and pernicious here, embarrassing young minds. Saudi Arabia even has a Commission for the Prevention of Sin and the Promotion of Virtue. It was she who issued a decree banning the celebration of Valentine's Day. The commission concluded that "this Western holiday extols man's original sin."

Therefore, on February 14, all shops and supermarkets in the country are not entitled to sell flowers, valentines, plush toys and any other attributes of the holiday. And anyone who decides to celebrate this celebration will face a huge fine.

Valentine's Day in Russia

As mentioned above, in Russia Valentine's Day is celebrated not so long ago. However, the holiday has already managed to please many. Especially those who are in love. Russia has already managed to have its own holiday traditions. This day is perceived as a celebration of joy and love. In all corners of the country, lovers send valentines, present gifts and flowers, arrange romantic evenings by candlelight and dates under the moon.

By the way, Russia also has its own Valentine's Day. Orthodox holiday called Valentine's Day. Russians celebrate it This holiday is a tribute to the legendary love of Fevronia and Pavel. And in 2008, he declared the official fidelity and love.

Or Valentine's Day. Since the 1990s, this holiday has become popular in Russia.

Initially, the celebration of the memory of St. Valentine was established as a veneration of his martyrdom, without any connection with the patronage of lovers. At the dawn of Christianity, three people who bore the name Valentine were martyred for their faith. The only thing known about the first of them is that he died in Carthage along with a group of fellow believers.

The second Valentine was the bishop of Interamna (now the city of Terni, Italy), he was executed during the persecution of Christians and buried at the Via Flaminius in the vicinity of Rome.

The third martyr, Presbyter Valentinus, was beheaded between 268 and 270 and buried at the Via Flaminius. The relics of Presbyter Valentine rest partly in Rome, partly in Dublin, and the relics of the bishop - in the city of Terni.

During the reform of the Roman Catholic calendar of saints in 1969, the celebration of the memory of Valentine as a church saint was abolished on the grounds that there is no information about this martyr, except for the name and information about beheading with a sword. In the Catholic liturgical calendar, February 14 is the commemoration of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

In the Orthodox Church, both martyrs Valentine have own days commemorations. Valentin the Roman, a presbyter, is venerated on July 19, and the Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, on August 12.

The history of the emergence of the image of St. Valentine as the patron saint of lovers refers to the Middle Ages and their romantic literature, and not to the circumstances of the life of real martyrs who died at the dawn of Christianity.

The day of February 14 in England and Scotland was accompanied by a peculiar custom. On the eve of Valentine's Day, young people gathered and put tickets in the urn with the names of young girls written on them. Then each took out one ticket. The girl whose name was given young man, became his “Valentina” for the coming year, just like he was her “Valentine”. This meant that for a year relationships arose between young people, similar to those that, according to the descriptions of medieval novels, arose between a knight and his "lady of the heart." This custom was of pagan origin.

According to the custom established since ancient times, the young men sent gifts to their beloved on this day, as well as letters and poems in which they expressed their feelings and wishes.

The very first valentine greeting card in the world is considered to be a note sent from imprisonment in the Tower of London in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, and addressed to his wife.

Valentines were very popular in the 18th century, especially in England. They were exchanged as gifts. Lovers made postcards from multi-colored paper and signed with colorful ink. By the beginning of the 20th century, with the improvement of printing technology, printed cards began to replace handwritten ones.

Today is Valentine's Day in the form of hearts, with declarations of love, marriage proposals or just jokes.

Italians call February 14 sweet day and give sweets and sweets. Valentines are mailed in a pink envelope with no return address.

In Denmark, dried white flowers are usually sent to each other, and in Spain it is considered the height of passion to send a love letter with a carrier pigeon.

In Japan, Valentine's Day has been around for decades. This is not so much a declaration of love as a sign of attention. Chocolate sets specially produced for this day are exchanged by friends, many Japanese women buy "Valentine" chocolates for themselves. V last years the fashion to give chocolate has reached primary schools and even kindergartens.

Giving chocolate on Valentine's Day is also common in South Korea, with gifts given only by women to their men. For the closest male residents South Korea handmade chocolate.

Valentine's Day: Everything you need to know about the holiday

From open sources

Valentine's Day has many fans and detractors. The former adore pink and plush paraphernalia and other "tenderness", while the latter see a marketing ploy and an element of mass culture in the holiday. To celebrate this holiday or not is an individual matter, but for now we will tell you where it came from

The whole world, and with it Ukraine on February 14 celebrates Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. The holiday gained popularity in Ukraine relatively recently, about 15-20 years ago, and is now celebrated everywhere, without reference to religion, but rather as an additional reason to tell your soulmate about feelings and arrange something especially romantic.

history of the holiday

The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine who were murdered. One legend claims that Valentine was a priest who served in the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers than those with wives and families, he forbade marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, challenged Claudius and continued to marry the lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for trying to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, the imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" after falling in love with a young girl, possibly his jailer's daughter. Before he died, he claimed to have written her a letter signed "From your Valentine", an expression that is used to this day. Although the origin of the legends about Valentine is still unclear, they all emphasize him as a sympathetic, heroic and, most importantly, romantic figure. During the Middle Ages, perhaps due to this reputation, Valentine became one of the most popular saints in England and France.

Saint Valentine From open sources

While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in mid-February to commemorate the anniversary of the saint's death or burial, others argue that the Christian church may have chosen to place Valentine's Day at this time in an attempt to "Christianize" the pagan celebration of the Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to the Faun, the Roman god of agriculture, and the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

At the beginning of the Lupercalia, the Roman priests gathered in the sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been nursed by a she-wolf. The priests sacrificed a goat and a dog, then cut the goat's skin into strips, dipped them in sacrificial blood, and whipped passers-by with these strips. It was believed that the touch of the skin brings fertility, and women will ensure easy childbirth.

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius outlawed the Lupercalia and decreed that February 14 should be celebrated as Valentine's Day. In the Middle Ages in France and England, February 14 was considered the beginning of the mating season of birds, and over time this day became a day of lovers and romance.

In the Roman Catholic Church of St. Valentine is officially considered the patron not of lovers, but of people suffering from nervous diseases: icons often depict Valentine in the clothes of a priest or bishop, who heals a young man from epilepsy. According to church tradition, at the grave of St. Valentina, a young man with epilepsy, prayed for a long time - and recovered.

In total, Roman Catholics have 16 Saint Valentines and two Saint Valentines. In 1969, the patron saint of lovers was removed from the calendar of saints as one whose historicity was questioned. However, in the modern calendars of the RCC, February 14 is marked as the day of remembrance of St. Valentine.

Eastern Rite Christians commemorate the three Saint Valentines on May 7, July 19, and August 12. As for the holiday of February 14, the attitude towards it is ambiguous: Orthodox priests warn that it is necessary to distinguish between bodily and spiritual love. the best way to prove the purity of their intentions, they consider going to the temple that day with their soulmate.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, in the then very popular home theater performances, one of the most beloved was a play based on the Old Kiev legend about Kiev lovers, who were helped to keep their love by St. Olga and St. Valentine.


Traditionally, on Valentine's Day, people give each other various heart-shaped treats, flowers and small souvenirs. As the chronicler Samuel Pepys wrote in the 17th century, on February 14, lovers exchanged small gifts: gloves, rings, delicacy. The invariable attributes of the holiday are "valentines", red roses, doves and cupids. It is believed that the first Valentine's Day greeting that has survived to this day was written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife in 1415, while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London after its capture at the Battle of Agincourt. A few years later, King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a Valentine's card for Catherine of Valois.

From open sources

The first "valentines" were created with their own hands. The most talented wrote acrostics, and later in Britain they began to print collections of poems - lovers chose the best and copied them into a "valentine". With this, the production of "valentines" on an industrial scale began. This idea came from the American Esther Howland. In just one year, she sold $5,000 worth of postcards.

By the number of sales, "valentines" take the first place, second only to Christmas cards. Most of the "valentines" are bought by women, men "specialize" more in sweets, chocolates and bouquets of roses. In this regard, pragmatic people consider Valentine's Day a grandiose marketing ploy.


Once upon a time, girls believed in a belief: if a girl sees a robin bird that day, then she is destined to marry a sailor, if a sparrow, then a poor man sued her, with whom she would still find her happiness, and the goldfinch promised a millionaire husband.

In Japan, this day is considered a holiday for men, respectively, and gifts on February 14 are most often received by the stronger sex. Traditionally, women give gifts to men (usually confectionery, chocolate, purchased or homemade) as a token of appreciation and love. And there are two types of chocolate. The first is called giri-choco and is given to friends, colleagues and male relatives. This gift does not carry a love connotation and is perceived by the recipients as a courtesy. The second type of chocolate, the so-called hon-mei, is bought only for beloved men: husbands or boyfriends. Often such chocolate is made individually.

In Poland, it is customary on February 14 to visit the Poznan metropolis, where the relics of St. miraculous icon. Lonely people, making a pilgrimage to this metropolis, believe that Valentine will help them find a soul mate. In addition, there is a belief that you need to ask the name of the first man who met an unmarried girl on Valentine's Day in order to find out the name of the future groom.

In Wales, before the holiday, lovers carve a wooden spoon, decorate it with hearts, keys and keyholes, and give it to each other. Such a gift literally means: "You found the way to my heart."

In Denmark, men send unsigned "valentines" to their girlfriends. If the girl guesses who the sender is, she should send him a chocolate egg in response to Easter.