
Happy New Year Eastern. New Year according to the Eastern calendar: traditions of celebration. Traditions of celebrating the New Year. New Year according to the Eastern calendar! (interesting traditions) Eastern New Year


In our country New Year tops the list of favorite holidays. Not without reason, some even celebrate it twice: on January 1 and 14. When new year holidays end, you can sadly remove the Christmas tree and other holiday attributes until next December. And you can not clean anything and celebrate the New Year again - according to Eastern traditions. The start date of the holiday is determined by the lunisolar calendar. According to it, the Chinese New Year in 2018 starts on February 16.

A bit of history

The history of the New Year celebration in China is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the holiday is associated with a terrible monster named Chun (Nan). This monster once a year attacked a small village, the inhabitants of which were forced to hide from him in the mountains. Once a beggar old man came to the village and asked permission from one of the residents to stay in her house for the duration of the monster's attack. The woman tried to dissuade the old man, but in the end allowed him to stay. The next day, returning to their village, instead of devastation, the locals saw intact houses and the same old man in red clothes. The old man laughed, and around him the lights shone and crackers rattled.

It turned out that Nan is afraid of bright red and cannot stand loud noises. Now the villagers no longer hid in the mountains, but once a year they held noisy merry celebrations so that the evil monster would never again come to their lands.

When does Chinese New Year start?

New Year is not in vain considered the largest holiday in China. Preparation for it takes several weeks. It is considered very important during this period to finish all things, pay off debts and throw away unnecessary things in order to start the year with a new clean page. By the beginning of the celebration, the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Instead of Christmas tree The Chinese dress up the Tree of Light, hanging numerous decorations, garlands and lanterns on it.

The day when the new year begins is also known as the Spring Festival. According to local beliefs, this day leaves old year and with it winter. The awakening of nature is noisily welcomed by numerous fireworks, festivities and fairs. The celebration lasts for 15 days.

The Chinese spend the eve of the holiday of the year in the circle of close people. The family table is covered with a variety of treats, fish, chicken, seafood, sweets. Dumplings are a traditional dish for the New Year's table in China. It is believed that the richer and tastier it will be New Year's table, the more satisfying life will be in the coming year. At midnight, all doors and windows in the house are opened, making way for the outgoing old year.

In the first days of the year, the Chinese meet with friends and relatives, go to visit to congratulate each other and celebrate the beginning of the new year together.

The date of the Spring Festival is after the winter solstice on the first new moon, so the Chinese New Year falls between January 21st and February 21st each year.

Symbols of the coming year

The cycle of the eastern calendar includes 12 animals, which are the patrons of each coming year. In addition to animals, the calendar includes five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood), which also alternate. Thus, each year in China is symbolized by a combination that repeats only once every 60 years.

Eastern symbols have firmly entered the traditions of celebrating our country, setting the mood New Year's decorations and gift souvenirs.

Chinese New Year 2018 will symbolize the animal Dog and the element Earth. The main color of the year is yellow. By the way, the chronology in China is different from ours. The coming year of the Dog will be the year 4716 according to the eastern calendar.

In China, it is not customary to give expensive presents. However, congratulations rarely do without a gift at all. Traditional New Year's gifts in China are:

  1. Banknotes. In China, it is customary to give money to children. They are packed in red envelopes and given to every child who is on the doorstep of the house in the first 15 days of the new year. It is believed that this tradition brings good luck in the coming year.
  2. Symbols of the year. Souvenirs with the image of the animal, which is the patron of the year, are a popular gift. In the coming year, these are figurines of dogs and various items with their picture.
  3. Couple gifts. In China, it is customary to give small gifts consisting of two objects on New Year's Eve. These can be glasses, paired figurines and other gizmos. Two parts of one whole symbolize harmony and well-being in the family.

Gifts (except envelopes with money for children) are usually given before leaving. Guests often do it secretly, almost unnoticed by the hosts.

Also in China, there is an ancient tradition of handing two tangerines to the hosts at the entrance. When guests leave, they receive two other tangerines in return. This gesture is a wish to each other for good luck and wealth, as tangerines symbolize gold.

How to Celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

To make the coming year prosperous and successful, you can use it in new year celebration Some tips coming from Chinese traditions:

  1. The celebration of the coming year must begin with preparation. It would be useful, according to Eastern customs, to get rid of all the excess rubbish that has accumulated in the house. It is worth reviewing your grievances, dealing with debts and unresolved issues. If in 2018 the New Year in your family begins in a friendly and warm atmosphere, be sure that the Yellow Dog will help support it throughout the year.
  2. Home decoration is best done in yellow, gold, light brown and pale greenish tones. They correspond to the color of the elements of the Earth, patronizing the coming year.
  3. Don't celebrate alone. Chinese in new year's eve be sure to surround yourself with loved ones. In addition, the dog, symbolizing the coming year, is a herd animal, so it’s better not to argue with her and celebrate the holiday in a pleasant company.
  4. The festive table must necessarily include meat or poultry dishes. The dog prefers meat food, and in the celebration of the coming year it is better to try to please her.
  5. Clothing and accessories are also worth choosing from. colors yellowish tint. The dog is a conservative, so you should not overdo it with extreme short dresses and bright shiny accessories.

New Year's celebrations can be stretched for two months. They can start according to the traditions of our country on the night of January 1 and continue until the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, which starts on February 16 and is celebrated for another 2 whole weeks. For those who think New Year's celebration most loved, this is a great opportunity to extend Christmas mood and recharge with a positive attitude for the whole coming year.

To get acquainted with the customs of the holiday, as well as learn how and when the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2019 will be celebrated in China, a brief overview prepared by authoritative experts on Chinese traditions will help.

According to the calendar, the inhabitants of the planet met the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, but a completely new symbol, and in 2019 it is Yellow Earth Pig, until he took power from the Dog - traditionally, according to the eastern calendar, they are celebrated a little later. We will tell you about when to celebrate the Year of the Pig and the main characteristics of 2019 in our article.

Traditionally, the Eastern New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. That is, after December 21st. The astrological year does not last exactly 365 days, because the New Year is celebrated on different dates.

When will the year of the Pig come according to the Eastern horoscope

In 2019, the New Year according to the Eastern horoscope will be celebrated on February 5 - this very day will be significant in China and other Asian countries, which celebrate the arrival of the astrological year much more magnificently than the calendar New Year.

People who could not celebrate the new year with chic and scope under the presidential speech will get another chance, and the second attempt will be more successful. If we do not have the opportunity to arrange a chic feast with delicacies and exotic drinks, it does not matter - the Pig is a very modest animal, content with what it is. But it is better to spend February 5, 2019 with your family, and get to know Pig at home - the grunting creature will help those who managed to interest her all year round.

Traditionally, every year is met in such a way as to appease the symbol of the coming year - many believe that it is able to bless for good luck and success, and also make life more like a fairy tale than it is today. The pig in this case is not a pretentious animal and does not require much.

A few facts about the history of Chinese New Year

Unlike the “European calendar” familiar to Russians, China has its own “system” of reckoning, according to which each New Year is patronized by a certain zodiac constellation, named after one of the 12 totem animals. It is from the nature of this or that "patron", according to the beliefs of our eastern neighbors, that depends on what the next 365-day period will be like.

In addition, the Eastern calendar is a special astrological "guide" that gives people a lot of useful advice. For example, with its help, you can find out how and what a person should do in different parts of the year in order to enlist the support of heavenly bodies. Based on the Eastern calendar, Chinese people calculate favorable times for travel, dates of weddings, and even the period of conception of children. Based on the "mood" of the totem, the superstitious inhabitants of the eastern countries are planning such important "steps" as:

  • apparatus employed;
  • purchase of housing;
  • negotiations and conclusion of contracts with business partners.

Of course, such behavior may surprise many Europeans, however, among them there are many who often look at the Eastern calendar before making certain responsible decisions.

What date is Chinese New Year celebrated?

If in Europe and the countries of the Western Hemisphere the New Year is celebrated on the night of January 31st to January 1st, then the citizens of the Celestial Empire celebrate it in a completely different time. In the latter case, the date of the holiday directly depends on the changes Lunar calendar. In China, as well as in most countries of Southeast Asia this holiday note when the second new moon occurs, namely, in the interval between the 21st of December and the 20th of February. In 2019, Chinese New Year falls on the 5th of the last winter month.

Year of the Pig according to the Eastern calendar

As mentioned earlier, simultaneously with the passage of a full circle of planets around the Sun, the “patron” of the year will also change. The Yellow Earth Pig will become the legal "heiress" of the Dog. As a rule, along with the “animal totem”, such a factor as the element also changes. However, this does not happen every year. Therefore, as in current year Earth will remain the dominant element in 2019. It is also noteworthy that each of the five elements of the Eastern calendar corresponds to a certain color scheme:

  1. Fire is red;
  2. Water - black;
  3. Air is white;
  4. Earth - yellow;
  5. Wood - blue.

Considering that the “favorite” color of the Pig is yellow, then the New Year should be celebrated in outfits made in earthy shades. Acceptable colors are brown, mustard, or neutral colors such as white, beige, and cream. According to the Chinese, the mood of the totem will largely depend on this factor. Also, do not disappoint Piggy with reckless and thoughtless actions. Being a cautious animal, the Pig loves balance and consistency in any endeavors. By following the above recommendations, you can fully enlist the support of heavenly bodies and protect yourself from failures in the professional and personal spheres of life.

With different signs of the Zodiac, the Pig has a special relationship. Generally speaking, then the greatest "disposition" of the Yellow Earth Pig will be received by those people who are engaged in agricultural, including agricultural business. In 2019, representatives of this field of activity can safely enter into agreements with new business partners. Almost any such project will be profitable and bring considerable profits to its applicants.

Holiday traditions in China

Despite the passage of centuries, the Chinese sacredly keep and honor the customs of the New Year. In each province of this eastern country, there are traditions of this wonderful holiday characteristic only for them. As for the general tendencies of honoring the celebration, they consist in several "canonical" rules.

When starting a festive meal, the Chinese always put on clothes in which there are elements of red. According to ancient beliefs, this shade scares away evil spirits who want to harm the owners of the house.

Invited to a New Year's dinner, guests must bring with them two ripe tangerines, which symbolize peace, happiness, prosperity and family well-being.

No matter what time the celebrations start new year events, cleaning is prohibited on the 1st day of the New Year. Adherents of Chinese traditions believe that by sweeping the floor in the house or taking out the trash, you can expel good luck from it.

When the first day of the New Year begins, many Chinese hang colorful paper ribbons on the windows, which protect their homes from damage and attract material well-being, health and happiness to the houses for the whole coming year.

Beautiful congratulations happy chinese new year:

2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig - the main characteristics that will bring

The main color of the year will be Yellow, which means that the time of warmth and joy that began in the Year of the Dog continues. Yellow is considered the color of life and prosperity, sun rays and the fertility of the earth, which means that everything started and accidentally not completed in 2018, you can easily finish in 2019.

The pig is a domestic animal, and therefore it is the home and family that should be given maximum time in the coming year. These areas will require you to maximize financial and emotional investments - the Pig will favor only those who will actively work. Lazily waiting for surprises from fate in 2019 will not work - happiness and the fulfillment of a dream must first be earned.

The element of the Year of the Pig will be Earth. The combination of color and elements suggests that the year as a whole will be successful for many inhabitants of the planet - you will be accompanied by positive emotions, as well as concentration on your main problems that you want to solve as soon as possible.

The Earth Pig is different from the Pigs of other elements - it is strict, but fair, quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Therefore, we can count on the support of the Mumps throughout the year. The hostess of 2019 will give stability in many areas of life. Earth Pig will help creative people, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. However, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the elements of 2019 and do charity work more often - what we sow, we will reap, the more we give, the more we will receive.

Pig will especially favor those who decide to change their occupation or start a family - all new global projects will succeed with particular ease, and the consequences will bring only positive and pleasant ones.

The pig is a clean and very peaceful animal, but for all its loving nature, it will not tolerate chaos in relationships - it will not bless those who give themselves up to easy connections without obligations, who do not sincerely relate to their partner and pursue selfish goals. All relationships in 2019 must end in marriage, and due to the large and sincere love to each other.

The pig is considered to be a smart and thrifty animal, and therefore there will be enough money in 2019 - the main thing is to properly manage your budget and keep it in full control and order. You can pamper yourself with pleasant expenses, but saving money will not hurt - Pig will favor those who decide to invest money in their future, development, in a new business.

Successful in 2019 will be repairs, household coups, moving. The pig is a homely animal, and therefore the arrangement of your comfortable life will only be glad.

The pig is not a stupid animal, and therefore attention should be paid to self-development - for those who seek to acquire new knowledge, the symbol of the year will definitely help in all endeavors.

In general, this year will be stable and calm. Will play an important role Yellow and earth element- their influence will be felt in many areas of our lives, and in different ways every month of the year. For example, in March 2019, creative activity will be especially successful, and by the end of spring, those who are engaged in physical labor will be lucky. Summer will delight us with new meetings, acquaintances and loves, and in the fall the Pig will give us the opportunity to improve family relations.

Pleasant changes in the financial sector await us at the end of 2019, but this does not mean that we will suffer from lack of money all year. Lucky for those who are lucky - this is such a simple advice the Pig gives us. The main thing is to believe in your own strength, listen to skeptics less often, and analyze your own mistakes more often.

New Year 2019 according to the Eastern calendar - how to celebrate

For those who have already met the New Year under the splash of champagne and the congratulations of the president, it will not be superfluous to find out how it is right to meet the Pig on the day it enters into its full rights of the ruler of the year. First of all, the Chinese are in a hurry to celebrate the astrological New Year, for whom this particular calendar is more important than usual.

The arrival of the New Year is celebrated in China for two weeks - the whole country walks in a big way, carnivals and fairs, noisy parties and family feasts are held. A magical night from February 5 to 6 will be met at home and in the circle of those closest to you - Pig is a domestic animal, and therefore you should not go to an unfamiliar company.

After that, for two weeks, the Chinese go to visit relatives, and even go to the most distant ones, so as not to forget anyone on an important holiday. Lush and rich feasts are arranged daily - the symbol of the year needs to appear only with better side.

If you decide to join the celebration of the Chinese New Year, for this it is not necessary to go to the Middle Kingdom if there is no such desire or financial possibilities.

You can celebrate the Chinese New Year anywhere in the world. Prepare a festive dinner and invite your closest family and friends. You can also arrange a costume party where you will treat guests to traditional Chinese cuisine. You can spend the evening calmly, without much celebration, but the main thing is not alone - the Pig is an sociable animal, and therefore will look into those houses where there is warmth and comfort, and does not shine through with sadness and longing.

Worth surrounding yourself yellow, as well as everything that the symbol of the coming year may like - fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, legumes. It is from these dishes that it is worth preparing dinner to please the Pig, which comes to power.

Do not forget to pay attention to your loved ones, even if they are far away - congratulate them and prepare small souvenirs in honor of the coming year.

In 2020, according to the eastern calendar, the year of the Rat begins, which begins a new twelve-year cycle. Many are interested in when this will happen: with the first strikes of the chimes or in the East do people celebrate the New Year in a different way?

Chinese New Year

When 2020 officially comes around the world, the Celestial Empire will only prepare for this holiday. In the East, it is called Chun Jie, which means "spring festival" and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Most people in China still live by agricultural labor, so the lunar calendar is very important to them.

Each year according to the eastern calendar is associated with some kind of animal. There are 12 in total. The date of the change of the year depends on the phase of the moon: Chun Jie occurs on the second new moon after the winter solstice (January 21 - February 21).

Eastern zodiac

Time calculation in Chinese tradition is based on the division of the entire universe into five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and the allocation of 12 sacred animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig). In 2020, the year of the Rat is coming, the most cunning animal, according to the legend of the ancient Chinese. According to this zodiac, they live not only in the Celestial Empire, but also in the Country rising sun, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam.

The complete cycle of the eastern zodiac is 60 years. Every 12 years, the owner of the year is replaced, which passes from one element to another. In 2020, the cycle started in 1984, led by the Wood Rat, will continue. The elements change every two years. In 2020, the era of metal begins.

There are three versions of how the animals were chosen:

  • The Jade Emperor, who rules in heaven, once wished to meet 12 of the most interesting animals living on earth. His assistant chose a rat, which he instructed to send an invitation to heaven to a cat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, and a dog. The rat completed the task, but deceived the cat, considering him a contender for his place. The emperor, seeing 11 animals, became angry and ordered to bring another one, which would be the first one that his servant would come across on earth. It turned out to be a Pig.
  • The Buddha invited 12 animals to the Chun Ze festival. As the guests appeared, the Buddha gave each a year of reign. There was a cat among the animals, but there was no rabbit.
  • All the animals living on earth were supposed to come to say goodbye to the Buddha. Only 12 of them came, and they were appointed guardians.

Comparing these legends, the Eastern sages came to the conclusion that it is necessary to combine the year of the cat and the rabbit.

When is 2020 according to the Chinese calendar?

A new twelve-year cycle will begin on January 25th. It is on this day that 4718 will be celebrated in the East. Its symbol will be the White Metal Rat. To find out what the 12 months will be like, it is important to consider the color of the year, its element and patron.

The element and color are determined by the last digits of the year, but not the eastern, but the Gregorian:

  • 4 and 5 - the element Wood, the color is blue and green;
  • 6 and 7 - the element of Fire, the color is pink and red;
  • 8 and 9 - the elements of the Earth, the color is yellow and ocher;
  • 0 and 1 - element Metal, color white;
  • 2 and 3 - the element Water, the color is black and blue.

2020 will start in the East on January 25th and the celebrations will last for 15 days. And before that, there will be careful preparation. It is especially important in the days after the winter solstice. Until the second new moon, the monster Nian (literally, the Year) rules, which does not want to let go of the departing owner and seeks to destroy everything around. But Nian does not like beauty, so the more elegant the house is, the more his monster will be afraid.

The Mistress of 2020, the White Metal Rat, is an ambitious animal with a sense of purpose. The year promises to be eventful, you won't have to relax. With effort, you can expect good results from the Rat.

Traditions and rituals

Whatever the color of the year, in China, all decorations are traditionally red. According to legend, once Nian was very frightened of a child in red clothes, so he immediately left the residents alone. The second tradition is the cleansing of the home and soul. Third - festive table. Among the treats, there must be jiaozi (outwardly reminiscent of dumplings) as a wish for the birth and well-being of sons. So that there is always prosperity in the house, a dish with tangerines and oranges is placed on the table.

Every day has its own traditions:

  • On the night of the celebration, the whole family gathers together. It is good when several generations sit at the same table. At night, the house should have a lot of light and decorations. When the year 2020 arrives according to the Eastern calendar, thousands of fireworks will fly into the sky as a greeting to the Rat.
  • The second day is the day of the son-in-law. It is customary to visit each other, visit distant relatives.
  • The third day is the day of sacrifice. It is customary to make figures out of paper and then burn them.
  • From the fourth to the sixth day they meet Chun Jie with friends.
  • The seventh and eighth days are spent in a quiet family circle, without noise and fun.
  • The ninth day is the day of memory of ancestors. The number 9 is symbolic here, which in the Christian tradition is also associated with remembrance.
  • After 10 days, they prepare for the Lantern Festival, which completes the New Year's Eve. Lanterns light the way for the departing symbol and the souls of the dead to heaven.

How is New Year celebrated in China? video

Today, January 28, marks the beginning of the year Fire Rooster in the eastern horoscope or Chinese New Year. In order to find out what the year of the Fire Rooster has prepared for you personally, get your personal Chinese horoscope. The owner of the year - the Red Rooster - has already begun to establish his own rules, and we all said goodbye to the Fire Monkey. The Chinese New Year or Eastern New Year begins on the first new moon of 2017, which is today, January 28th. The Chinese New Year holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle, the rebirth of nature. Every year, the date of the celebration of the new year according to the eastern calendar is different. V Eastern countries living according to this calendar, the celebration of the new year lasts from two weeks to a month. At this time, it is good to guess your fate and perform various rituals to change your future.

The Chinese horoscope is not based on the solar cycle, i.e. rotation of the Sun in all 12 signs of the Zodiac, like a real Western calendar, but on the lunar cycle. Therefore, the point of the Chinese New Year is the second new moon after the winter solstice on December 21st. The Chinese horoscope is calculated by combining the lunar cycle in a special way and the period of the movement of Jupiter, which is called the second Sun. Jupiter symbolizes wealth, success, recognition, awards and honors.

The Eastern calendar consists of 12 signs, which are assigned the names and characters of animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Each year of the eastern calendar, in addition to its animal ruler, has a certain element: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. In addition to the elements, the year also has its own color: blue, red, yellow, white, black. And the elements and colors give the year itself and the person born at this time their own characteristics of character and, accordingly, fate.

For each person, based on the sign of the Chinese horoscope, as well as the elements and colors, you can calculate how a certain period (from a month to a year) will be favorable, which elements you need to fear, and which ones will be especially favorable for your sign.

From your personal Chinese horoscope, you can find out what things will be especially favorable for you in the next 3 months, people of which particular sign of the Chinese horoscope or elements will bring you good luck, wealth and prosperity. You will receive information on how to plan your time, your affairs, based on the most favorable periods according to the Chinese horoscope. You will find out how lucky you will be in love, in money matters, and whether success in general awaits you in the chosen period.

A personal Chinese horoscope will help you calculate your personal periods of luck and, based on this, draw up an action plan for the next 3 months, which guarantees you success in business, in love and in life in general.