
Metric cross newborn name Ilya. Cross-stitch - a metric for a boy. Beautiful cross stitch patterns for children's metrics: a boy with a girl


The birth of a baby is an exciting, joyful event in the life of every person. I want to remember forever every little thing associated with this good news. The metric can help parents, and later the baby himself.

The baby's metric in the traditional sense contains information about the date, time of birth, as well as weight and height. Many carefully keep this record on a piece of oilcloth (as is still done in many maternity hospitals).

V last years cross-stitched metrics are gaining more and more popularity. Such a metric can be embroidered by both the mother of the baby, and one of the friends or relatives and presented as a surprise gift. Usually, cross-stitched metrics are small. Therefore, it does not take much time to embroider it. And how pleasant it will be for parents to receive such a reminder of the first important data of the baby! When the baby grows up, he will also be able to learn from this metric about the date, time of birth and his weight and height.

To embroider metrics, you can buy a ready-made kit with everything you need - a pattern, canvas, threads. When embroidering a picture, please note that it should not be embroidered in the center (as usual), but with a slight offset so that there is room for information about the baby.

You can find a suitable pretty picture on the Internet. Usually bears, storks, angels, children with pink or blue symbols are embroidered (depending on the gender of the baby).

If you decide to find a suitable drawing on your own, and embroider a metric on it, be sure to first sketch out a diagram (plan) of the metric - where the drawing will be located, and where - information about the baby. And in accordance with the plan, purchase right size and numbers.

For instance:

The most impressive option can be a metric with an embroidered photo of the baby. But then, for starters, you will need to “get” this photo, make a diagram based on it (there are many offers of similar services on the Internet) and embroider.

For twins, you can embroider one metric for two or each separately; also for those families where there is more than one baby, each child can embroider their own metric, or you can combine information in one embroidery.

The embroidered metric should be framed and handed over to happy parents!

I bring to your attention drawings that can serve as the basis for embroidering a metric for a baby:





One of unusual gifts in the baby's room can serve as an embroidery children's metric - a picture embroidered with a cross. Mom will be pleased to receive such a gift, or maybe she herself will want to embroider a metric with her own hands, where she will put all the love, kindness and warmth for her child. When the child grows up, he himself will like such a creation, especially since he will know that his mother did it with her own hands, tried for him. In this master class, we will see step by step how to embroider a children's metric.

For work we need:

The scheme of embroidery for the metric.

Mouline threads.

Let's get to work. It must be said right away that embroidery is painstaking work that requires patience and perseverance. Better to embroider good mood, such work relaxes, distracts from all negative thoughts.

We stretch the canvas on the hoop, select the place on the diagram where to start the embroidery and thread the floss of the desired color into the needle. It is usually advised to start embroidery from the lower left corner and gradually move up, but everyone determines for himself what is convenient for him. For some reason, I decided to embroider from the upper right corner, from the cloud.

Since we will have an inscription on this cloud, we only embroider its outline. I didn't make markings on the fabric, but simply counted the cells on the diagram and transferred them to my fabric.

After I embroidered the outline of the cloud, I really wanted to write a name. Here, it's done! Now, to highlight the cloud, we take a blue thread and embroider the cloud along the edge with stitches. Seam "back needle". Just do not make stitches for the entire length, sew three or four cells, so the thread will lie well and will not budge.

We embroider all the text inside the cloud. Here, too, you can choose your option. I wrote the date of birth of the child, height, time and weight. You can specify another day of the week, for example, or a last name. But here you need to be careful so that all the text fits on the cloud, you either embroider the cloud more, or select the text, count it by cells. Also, as an option, the text can be placed throughout the metric field: just above the stork between two clouds, to the right or below the stork. It's how you decide, fantasize and everything will work out. So, on the cloud, the text looks like this.

Next, we embroider in the cells. It was more convenient for me to embroider the edge of the wing with gray and black threads, and then, in order not to get confused, I embroidered the entire contour of the stork, and then embroidered the rest inside the cells with the necessary threads. And at first I embroidered along the contour with light gray threads, because it is easier to embroider later, filling the space with threads in one color. Here is such a stork turned out.

The stork is ready, we embroider the baby and the remaining clouds. One cloud with an inscription inside is empty, and the remaining two are completely embroidered with blue threads and at the end we make an outline with blue threads, it looks more beautiful, more contrast.

Our metric is ready. All you have to do is iron it and frame it. I advise you to iron from the wrong side, so as not to burn the threads with a hot iron and not ruin the work.

You can embroider other metrics as well. For example, this cute teddy bear. Also determine for yourself whether you need text in the picture or not. It is not necessary to copy the scheme, change, supplement it and your work will be unique.

A baby sleeping with a toy will also look beautiful in a frame.

Such a metric will look original. And prints of handles or legs can be embroidered in full size. Just circle the handle or leg of your baby on paper in a box and boldly embroider on the fabric.

Also, as an option, you can embroider one leg and one handle in one picture, an inscription somewhere in the middle, well, or as someone decides.

And here is an option for a girl, here all the colors match and the patterns are also not for a boy.

Good luck and creative success! Please your children and yourself with a children's metric!

For the birth of a child, you always want to give something original and memorable. One of these gifts may be a metric for newborns. Parents will surely like such a souvenir and will remain for a long memory of the wonderful day when their baby appeared.

What is a metric for a newborn

The metric is a small souvenir, where it is indicated brief information about the child (date of birth, name, height and weight at birth). Sometimes the metric is supplemented by a photo of the crumbs, a small poem on the topic, a prayer for the children.

Today on the Internet you can find many options for various metrics:

  • Framed cross-stitch or beadwork.
  • Children's decorative pillow with embroidery.
  • A poster (poster) made on a computer using various graphic editors.
  • Metric made of wood or plywood. This kind of metrics can be made in the form of photo frames or just the name of the baby with pendants containing information about him.

Any kind of metrics can be made to order. Finding an artist is easy, there are a lot of offers on the Internet with various options execution. But it is much more exciting to make such a souvenir with your own hands.

Metric embroidery with a cross or beads

For such work, it will take a little time, cross-stitch skills. The starting materials are quite inexpensive and can be purchased at any craft store.

  • Canvas. You can choose white or color.
  • Needle.
  • floss threads different colors. To determine which threads are needed, you need to select embroidery patterns in advance.
  • Hoop.
  • Suitable frame. If there is no ready-made frame, then you can order it in a framing workshop or make it yourself from improvised materials.

In specialized stores, you can find ready-made patterns for embroidering metrics with a set of all necessary tools and selected threads. But if you don’t like anything, then you can look for ideas and patterns for embroidery on the Internet. Most often, this information is freely available, and you do not have to pay.

An example of a finished embroidery metric for a boy

But such a pattern can be used for a child of any gender

Metric embroidery schemes for newborns:

Such a scheme can be used for both a boy and a girl, if you choose one bear. Also suitable for twins.

A cute scheme that will work if a girl is born

A popular motif for metrics is a stork with a baby

Another popular scheme for metrics. If replace pink color on blue or blue, then the embroidery will suit the boy

Beautiful scheme - mom and baby

You can make a pattern for embroidery yourself. To do this, the image you like is loaded into a photo editor with a vector graphics function. The image is divided into pixels by a grid. Now it will be easy to choose threads for each color.

If the image is multi-color, then the scheme can be very complex with many halftones. In this case, it will be difficult to pick up threads exactly in tone, and the embroidery will turn out to be unnatural and ugly.

Beaded metric looks much prettier. The following schemes can be used:

The scheme for embroidery with beads "Stork"

Scheme for a boy

Embroidering with beads is a little more difficult than with threads, as it has different shape and invoice. Downloading schemes on the Internet and choosing beads on your own is better for those who have the skills in such painstaking work. And for beginners, advice: First, embroider a few trial works by buying ready-made kits with patterns and selected beads.

How to make wooden metrics for kids

Making a metric out of wood or plywood is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have good jigsaw skills. If there are no such skills, then it will take a lot of time, since the work is rather delicate and painstaking.

For needlework you will need:

  • A sheet of thick plywood or a suitable board of wood.
  • Dye.
  • Tapes.
  • Stencils (child's name, additional elements, for example, in the form of a pacifier, a weight, a bottle, a heart).
  • Hooks for attaching ribbons. You can get away with just holes in the base.

Step by step work:

  • It is necessary to draw a life-size template of each element on paper in advance. It is better to think over all the details before that - the font of the name, the size of the base and pendants. Finished work should look harmonious.
  • Transfer the image to plywood or wood.
  • Carefully cut out the blanks with a jigsaw.
  • In the middle of the additional elements, you need to cut out information about the baby (date of birth, growth, weight, etc.). This work requires great skill and accuracy!
  • Process all finished elements with sandpaper.
  • Paint parts of the metric with a suitable paint and dry thoroughly.
  • Attach information elements with ribbons to the basis of the metric.

Ideas for work:

An example of a metric for a girl with photo frames

Name photo frames for a boy

A simple version of the metric for the baby

Option for a girl without photo frames

How to make a poster for a child

Creating a poster for newborns will be mastered by anyone who knows at least a little about working with graphic editors. It will take no more than 1-2 hours.

Usually the poster is made in the form of a large poster and resembles a poster. In the center is a suitable image, which is surrounded by numbers and words (information about the child). You can leave a place for a photo that young parents will paste themselves.

Of course, it is better to give the poster not by itself, but to pre-frame it, preferably with glass. So the souvenir will look more solid and stay in its original form longer.

If you have difficulty creating a poster with your own hands, then you can turn to a professional. metric poster in in electronic format will cost quite inexpensively (on the Internet you can find prices in the region of 150 rubles apiece). In this case, you can choose a ready-made layout or order an image individually. But you need to understand that this is not the final price of the souvenir. Electronic metrics is not yet a gift. It will need to be printed on paper and framed.

An embroidered metric for newborns has become a beautiful tradition for a gift to a family in which a baby has appeared, the schemes of which are in great demand today. Craftswomen and needlewomen from all over the world bring to life the most tender and touching feelings, imprinting them on the canvas. A boy or girl born into the world is forever memorable gift, where their name, height, weight and time of birth are indicated - the most valuable numbers for mom.

What is an embroidered metric?

Such a wonderful event as the birth of a child is a special, most joyful stage in life for a family. You certainly want to keep it in memory, and even the most beautiful card unable to convey the full force and gamut of light feelings associated with it. But embroidery (personally for a man who was born) will always evoke in memory exactly those bright emotions that family members experienced when a tiny living bundle appeared in the house. Especially if, in addition to the name, the first data of a small person will be reflected on the canvas: height, weight and hour of birth.

In anticipation of replenishment, sometimes the expectant mother herself wants to embroider a metric for the unborn child, but more often it is done by friends or relatives who know the technique of embroidering with an ordinary cross on canvas. It is not difficult to do this even for beginner needlewomen. In addition, a number of superstitions oppose the expectant mother holding a needle and thread in her hands before giving birth, but those who are not prone to prejudice understand that embroidery can tire the expectant mother during a long pregnancy.

How is the metric for newborns, schemes and gift ideas

However, embroidering a metric for newborns does not always require a lot of effort. Very often, when preparing such a gift for an upcoming event, they embroider the main details in advance, and at the last moment leave data about the name, height and baby. Sometimes birth time data up to minutes is also embroidered. Quite often, a drawing is used for metrics, where the baby is sitting on the scales, the finished images on the canvas are simply supplemented with the necessary information. Sometimes, instead of a picture of a baby, images of a small palm or heel are used.

Standard schemes are made in pink or blue tones, but if the fantasy is not fully realized, any gamut is chosen - the main thing is that the combinations are not too bright, and the image on the embroidery conveys tenderness. For newborns, the schemes of which can be done independently, color is immediately printed. Kits that are sold in specialized needlework stores sometimes contain the desired thread colors in the kit.

How to make a pattern for embroidery yourself?

If among the ready-made schemes there was no suitable option for such, of course, a very special case, you can find any suitable picture and work with it in a photo editor. Many of them are equipped with vector graphics functions, that is, you can break the spectrum of colors into pixels using a grid. The size of your embroidery and set the desired parameters for the size of the image in pixels. It will now be easy to choose the right gamut for each color.

All you need next is:

  • canvas;
  • needles;
  • floss or other threads;
  • hoop;
  • frame for work.

Gift for mom

Of course, an embroidered metric for a newborn is a gift, first of all, for future mother. It is she who will forever save the most precious figures in her memory: the hour and minute of the birth of her precious baby, weight up to tens of grams and every centimeter of growth. From time immemorial, in the maternity hospital, at discharge, mothers took metric tags from the handle or foot of their child and cherished them all their lives. Today it has become possible to make a wonderful memorial gift out of this tradition.

Imagination can suggest a lot of interesting and touching options for designing a picture that depicts a newborn baby: with a mother gently holding him in her arms, or with the first toy, during feeding or a serene sleep. Allegorical images of a baby on the scales or with a dummy, rattle are only symbols of how wonderful, beautiful and healthy the baby was born.

A ready-made metric for newborns, the schemes of which can be purchased depending on the gender of the child, in classic blue tones for a boy or pink for a girl, as a rule, should not be embroidered all over. On the canvas, areas are indicated that are embroidered with threads. Usually, the kits include all the necessary threads of the desired colors, selected according to the range.

Embroidery options

Quite beautiful and neutral options without indicating gender, depicting charming babies, can be made with the image of the attributes of a newborn: strollers, booties, undershirts, bottles, toys, etc. In general, the children's theme of the image allows you to make embroidery such that the metric for the newborn will remain festive , despite the fact that even the name of the baby may not be embroidered. Sometimes a beautiful metric also contains astrological data - the child's zodiac sign, the year of birth in the Chinese calendar, etc.

Unusual metric

If a non-standard embroidery scheme is selected, the metric for a newborn can also combine several dates of birth of babies - the eldest and the youngest, or all children in the family. Such embroidery can be made original by placing, for example, a figure of a stork with a newborn (ready-made patterns of this subject are very popular and common) and surrounding it with embroidered data on children born in the family. If twins or twins were born, you can perform mirror embroidery, this will symbolically emphasize the connection of the babies with each other. Another unusual way make a metric for kids different ages- place children's photos in the windows cut in the canvas.

A baby sleeping in a cabbage, a portrait of a toddler, or just booties and dates - whatever you choose for a baby metric image, it will be a touching and unique gift in any case. The most important thing is the emotional memory of the event, which is captured on the canvas.

Original handmade gift for children - cross embroidered metrics. With its help, young parents are congratulated on the birth of a baby or presented at a christening, name day or other holiday. The craft is presented in two versions of gifts: the main one or an addition to it.

We offer examples of the most common schemes with which you can make a masterpiece with a cross yourself.

The most common image is funny pictures and cartoon characters of various themes. It is not difficult to embroider such work. The scheme for the metric is simple, the colors of thread for embroidery need about 10-15. Also in such embroidered postcards there is a place for the data of the newborn: name, date and time of birth.

Such metrics look elegant and rather resemble a touching picture. This cuteness is given to boys and girls, the background with letters is changed or a neutral color is left.

This piece will have to be dealt with. The complexity of embroidery is average, it is laborious due to the large amount of work and the small cross that fills the entire field. If desired, the central part is replaced, any other scheme is suitable for embroidery.

Metrics with a hand-drawn image of sleeping animals or angels are popular. They look childishly cute. It is recommended to embroider such a pattern for beginners, the patterns are so simple that even a child can handle it. Small sections of the picture and large letters are filled with a cross, the remaining small elements are embroidered with a seam with a needle forward.

Metrics with the image of beautiful poems with wishes and parting words to a new person look nice. Together with them, angels, climbing plants and flowers, birds and animals or just a decorative border in the form of children's toys or hearts are embroidered on the card.

A beautiful metric for a boy in the form of an open book with the data of a newborn baby looks more worthy in comparison with other metrics. The scheme for such a picture is simple, not requiring special exercises. Funny animals and birds will add liveliness to illustrations and give mood. If desired, the blue ribbon is replaced with pink, then it will be a gift for the girl.

One of the non-standard infant metrics is the image of the baby and the time of year in which he was born into the world.

In this series, the baby is depicted sleeping in flowers or leaves corresponding to a certain season. Embroidery belongs to the category of medium complexity, but it is worth the time and effort spent on it. Each baby in seasonal pictures looks touching and funny in its own way.

Another metric for a girl in the form of a postcard. The decoration of the work is a christening gown with frills and beautiful flowers. The embroidery pattern is simple, but most of the picture is filled with a cross, so it will require perseverance. In the center of the postcard there are lines where metric data or wishes are entered.

An illustration of a children's bedroom with a baby in a crib will be a wonderful gift for a tiny man. The embroidery scheme does not require additional skills, but the amount of work is rather big, the main part is sewn up with crosses.

Many infant metrics depict babies sleeping with their favorite toy. The scheme is simple, does not require costs a large number time to work. Edging helps to create a finished look to the picture. If desired, a signature is made at the bottom.

An embroidered portrait of a baby touches any mother, such work is worthy of high praise. Complex transitions of colors and tones create the effect of photography. The scheme is difficult to embroider and requires experience. If there is a desire, then the portrait is supplemented with metric parameters.