
Pan's trick blots - prom. Circus show "Starfall" for senior preschool children Graduation with a blot kindergarten


Scenario of the graduation ceremony in the kindergarten "Prankster KLYAKSA"
Educator: Sinyutina Galina Viktorovna
Musical director: Chirkova Nina Valentinovna
Younger children enter the hall
Ved: The hall today does not accommodate all the guests gathered.
Together we see off our dear children to school.
How many guys are we graduating to grade 1 now?
Those guys who are 7, look, also 7!
We will congratulate them, sing and dance songs.
Let the music sound loud, the fanfare thunders joyfully!
Graduates enter
Vyp-k: This holiday is unusual,
It only happens once.
Everything is so new, not familiar
We're leaving for first grade!
Issue: The sun is a cheerful ray
Knocks on the windows with joy
And we are proud today
In an important word - GRADUATE!
Vyp-k: We are on a prom holiday
Gathered with the whole family.
Dads, moms are watching now
And they try to understand:
We are out of worries
Or start?
Vyp-k: parting with kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy with the school!
Let's smile goodbye
Don't be sad, our kindergarten!
1 reb: You leave us, dear entertainers,
But they lived in a group together, as if in an anthill!
2 reb: You came to the kindergarten once, small as chickens.
And now, guys, we are seeing you off to the 1st grade!
3reb: You bring highs, you behave well,
We want to be proud of you, our graduates
4reb: Don't worry about the garden, each of the guys will say!
Nothing that we part, we - for the elders remain!
5reb: Educators, believe me, we will not upset,
You will leave, they will have to educate us before school.
Ved: Our kindergarten is a "factory of stars"
Well, not stars, but only stars.
Who will come to us completely unintelligent,
Will become a bright and smart child.
The song "Cool you got to kindergarten"
Issue: In kindergarten they learned
We are beautiful words

They were read for the first time,

Mum! Homeland! Moscow!

Issue: The sun is shining for us affectionately

Blue is pouring down from the sky

May they always live in the world

Mum! Homeland! Moscow!

The song "Rosinochka-Russia"

(children sit on high chairs, there is a round dance)

Dance "wreath"

(a blot runs in)

Blot: How much did it bother you,

I taught blots,

You have grown up anyway.

Write and paint.

You are in a hurry to go to school,

Do you want to take me?

So you don’t need me?

But it's not for nothing that I'm all black.

I won't let you go to school,

Time will turn back.

(puts the clock back

I will spin you around, I will deceive you

I won't tell you the way back!

Dance of the Toddlers

Reb: Where did we end up?

They became small again.

Mom, dad loved us

And fed and taught

So that we can grow up sooner

Go to school, to grade 1.

Reb: But it’s all in vain

Time has turned back

It's dangerous to joke with a blot -

Toadies we are again!

Blot: The only magic word in the world

Back will help you, children!

Of course you know this word.

The letter is read simply:

And the letters from the word I will hide everywhere

In the sky, in the forest, on land and in the water.

To find the letters for the word

You must visit fairy tales.

(blot runs away)

Reb: We need to fix this urgently

To put the arrows correctly

We need to find the magic word.

How can we go through fairy tales?

Artist: I have a magic pencil.

In the album he will draw fairy tales now.

Here is the first tale, let's go into it soon

What fairy tale will we fall into?

He walks to school with a primer

Wooden boy.

He will fall instead of school

Into a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of the boy himself?

Children: Pinocchio!

(Buratino runs in)

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo bought me an alphabet

I spent studying at school.

But he did it in vain,

After all, life is beautiful even without school.

I sold the alphabet for money,

Buried them in wonderland.

And tomorrow, early at dawn

I'll dig them up twice,

And I will bury them again ... ..

How much was, how much is now?

How many?……. Many or few?

How much is 5 + 5?

Ved: You, Buratino, do not be sad!

Better hurry to school

Count the coins game

(silver and gold coins are scattered on the floor, their 2 children

Collect and count)

Pinocchio: Thank you guys, I'll run!


Can I help you with something?

Reb: Blot visited us,

She spelled the word,

And this is a magic word for us

It will help us go to first grade.

We need to find the letters

If you can, help us!

Pinocchio: When I took out coins from the hole

I found this little thing in the ground.

Look guys, how good is it?

Reb: It's her! Our letter "Sh"!

(Pinocchio gives the letter and runs away)

Artist: Let's turn the page soon,

To find yourself in a new fairy tale.

I don’t walk and don’t fly

And try to catch up!

I am golden

Come take a look at the fairy tale!

Children: Goldfish!

Artist: Let's call a fish together

And with its help we will find the letter "K"!

All: Fish, fish, swim!

Find us a letter help!

Rybka: Who is calling me so boldly?

Just for fun or for business?

Who broke the silence?

Reb: Have mercy, lady fish, and listen to us!

We ask you with a bow

Help us, you can't quit in trouble!

Rybka: Only those who are I am ready to help,

Who does not mind working well.

After all, everyone has long known

That you can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty!

Want to know how you will learn?

What kind of fish will you catch?

Game "Catch a fish"

Rybka: All well you did the job.

For this I will fulfill one of your wishes.

Now my girlfriends fish will swim

And your letter will be found for you!

Dance of seaweed and fish

(at the end of the dance, give the letter)

Artist: It's time for us to visit the third fairy tale

Let's turn the page again.

Well, what is this noise and din here?

Who made the battering here?

Dunno: I want to become a musician

Listen to me, friends!

(thunders on musical instruments)

Reb: Dunno, to become a musician

Notes need to be studied.

Who did not want to study at school,

He's not a musician!

Sit down and listen, Dunno, hurry

How well the orchestra of spoon-players plays!

Spoon Orchestra

Dunno: While the orchestra of musicians played

A piece fell from the sky from the sun.

Help me understand

What does this mean?

(shows the letter O in yellow)

Reb: It's a letter! Everyone knows.

We miss the letter "O"!

We are looking for her everywhere….

Dunno: I will be glad to give it to you!

And I'll take the primer, notebook

I'll go study the letters!

Artist: Drawn a fourth page for us with a pencil.

What kind of fairy tale are we going to find ourselves in?

Dance of astronauts and stars

Prince: Welcome to my planet!

What brings you kids here?

Ved: It is no coincidence that our children

Found themselves on the planet.

Reb: We want to find you

An important letter for us.

Have you met

On some planet

Or maybe a star?

We are looking for her everywhere!

Prince: (watering the rose)

There is one flower on my planet

An unprecedented sprout appeared nearby!

I water it, but I don’t know what it is!

Reb: This is our L!

We have been looking for the letter for a long time,

But what here she did not know.

Here's how the Blot joked,

Launched a letter into the sky!

Prince: I was very glad to help you,

I wouldn't mind going to school.

But I am needed here - on the planet,

It's a pity - goodbye children!

(gives the letter and leaves)

Artist: We went through all the fairy tales with you

Only the letter "A" we did not find

(Blot enters)

Blot: Yes, yes, you will not find it,

So you won't go to school!

Well, I beat you.

Well, start dancing blots!

Artist: The last page tells me

That Blot is afraid of water

Dance blots

(a letter is found on one of the blots)

Ved: And here is the letter "A"!

Blot: You managed to find the word,

Arrows - well, I'll turn again.

(turns arrows)

But always know about my habits,

Take care of your diaries and notebooks !!!

Veda: So we looked at the fairy tales, days after days flew by ...

We didn’t have time to look back - our children had matured.

Reb: The cuckoo is singing on the clock

Spoken: Time to say goodbye!

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

Reb: Goodbye toys:

Monkey, baby elephant,

Yula and crackers,

And you, teddy bear.

Goodbye to all dolls

We will not forget you.

Let us go to school

But we will remember you.

"Goodbye Toys" song-dance

(The presenter holds an asterisk in her hands and gives it to the child)

Ved: Starfall, Starfall, the stars are circling in the sky.

The stars flew in the sky, we collected those stars.

What do you kids want to be?

Tell us as soon as possible?

Reb: I want to be a cool doctor,

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Delicious like candy

I ate it - there are no diseases!

Reb: I don't have a soul in paints,

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait,

I can handle it, no doubt about it!

Reb: You with me, friends, do not argue,

I want to be the first in sports.

To hammer the puck is a trifle

I play for Spartak!

Reb: I want to become a pianist,

A wonderful artist.

Music with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart!

Reb: I dream of becoming an architect,

Build a city without corners.

Now I am making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

So my dream has come true!

Mom, you cannot, as before, loving

Put me in a corner!

Leading. Little Red Riding Hood, are you ready to go to school?

Little Red Riding Hood... Yes, I'm ready!

Leading th. Well, how did you prepare?

Little Red Riding Hood... And what is there to cook: I have a dress, my grandmother has sewn a hat, I will put fives in a basket.

Leading... To the basket? Guys, is that right? (not in portfolio)

Red. Beanie:. to the briefcase? What should I do? Where can I get it? I urgently need a portfolio !!! (walks around and notices a portfolio) So with it I will go to grade 1! What do we have there? (trying to open a portfolio)

Leading.: Wait, don't open. We’ll play with the guys now, and you’ll see what grades you need to get at school.

(game "collect five")

Red. Beanie: Opens the briefcase, blots fall out of there. Oh, what have I done?

(a blot comes out to the music)

Blot: Oh, well, finally I'm free. Thank you girl!

Little Red Riding Hood... And who are you?

Blot: What am I? Can't you see? I am a blot of the highest category! But what is your name, dignity?

Little Red Riding Hood.: Me, Little Red Riding Hood!

Blot: Yes Yes i remember. You are from this fairy tale ... How is her - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", right? Sh. What are you doing? I'm from another. The fairy tale is called "Little Red Riding Hood"

Blot: Okay. Just think, I forgot.

Leading. Guys, let's play a game about fairy tales with you. Blot will remember them and will never be confused again.

(Game "Name a fairy tale")

Blot: Well done! Now I will never confuse fairy tales.

Blot: turns to Little Red Riding Hood) -Red Riding Hood, are you going to school?

Little Red Riding Hood.: Yes, I'm already 7 years old, it's time to study. I already have a portfolio, I know what to put there. But what to do next?

Blot: So I'll teach you. Take me to school with you, I won't take up much space. I'll crawl into your notebook or diary, I can even settle in a book. With me, you know how fun and interesting it will be.

Little Red Riding Hood: Really, you're not cheating?

Blot: Honestly.

Leading: What are you talking about? What are you teaching? Is it really possible to put blots in notebooks, diaries? Children, do you agree with the blot?

Blot: Yes, if you take me from me, you will have the best profession: "Blob maker" or "Klyaksochnitsa".

Ved. There are no such professions.

Blot: As it is not. Are you saying that I am unemployed? I have been working as a Blot for a long time. And who will you be at school anyway? Unclear!!!

Leading... Why is it not clear. Our children will be first graders

(song "Now we are first graders")

So autumn has come

It's time to get ready

The house is huge, which is called a school.

Ended yesterday

Play in kindergarten.

Everything has passed and will not return.

Ended yesterday

Play in kindergarten.

Everything has passed and will not return.

Earrings and Natashka,

Now we are first graders

And we look down on the friends of yesterday.

They stayed in the kindergarten:

Marina, Sasha, Vadiki.

They haven't heard the school bell yet.

They don't sleep in class

Only the pens creak

Above the calligraphy notebook.

We just write like this:

Everything is out of order.

We just write like this:

Everything is out of order.

Well, why do we need such suffering !?

How to set up experiments in chemistry.

After all, learn from you

We came to first grade.

After all, learn from you

We came to first grade.

We can congratulate each other on this.

Blot: Well, look what beautiful blots can be in your notebooks!

Little Red Riding Hood... Oh, really, how beautiful. Maybe we’ll take her with us to school?

Leading. What are you, Little Red Riding Hood! This Blot at school will ruin everything for you! We are here and now playing a little naughty with her blots! Let's take one Blot and look at it (takes a blot and reads a verse, then puts it aside)

It’s interesting that you’ll go to school,

Will you take the dolls from the garden with you?

Well, I suggest you take the dolls

And dance goodbye with them.

(dance with dolls)

Little Red Riding Hood.: Oh, what beautiful girls you have! And who will collect them for school? And do the hair?

Ved. Like who? Mom! They will weave their pigtails. And now our mothers will practice 9 picks up the second blot and removes it)

(game "Braid the pigtails")

Blot: I do not understand anything? (picks up a blot - examines)

A blot like a blot is not visible on it. What do you see on them?

Leading: We're not going to tell you, are we guys?

Blot: Well, if this is the case, then I will add more to you, I don’t like the fact that they are becoming less and less !!!

Leading. Wait, let's take this blob first (picks up the blot from the floor) Oh-oh! Yes, there are notes, which means it's time to sing

song "Our Garden"

Boogers live in our garden,

And also all sorts of little ones.

We do not offend them in any way

And, if necessary, we protect.

Everything blooms in our garden

I go there again

And the little ones are all in a hurry

To our garden.

Everything blooms in the garden in spring

And he laughs and sings!

Waiting for boys and girls

Butterflies also fly there -

Clouds drive away from the sun.

And the birds sing in the garden like that,

That they don't let me fall asleep during the day.

Blot:(looks into the briefcase) Where have all my blots gone?

Leading. And we turned them into sun bunnies

(song "Sun Bunnies")

Grandparents, girls and boys,

Guess where the sunbeams live?

And they live in the country through the looking glass

And they want everyone to play with them.

Sun bunnies, bunnies, bunnies

Jumping like balls, balls, balls

The circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and kindness. Children especially love him - because the circus easily turns everyday life into a bright fairy tale, develops physically, educates character and teaches us to overcome our weaknesses.

The song "Circus, circus, circus" performed by O. Popov is played.

The clown comes out (teacher in a clown costume)

Clowness. Hello dear viewers!

Today in our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applaud), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a fruit) will not perform! But on the other hand, today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade - alle"

The march sounds from the film "Circus" by I. Dunaevsky. All participants pass in front of the audience with a raised hand and go behind the curtain.

Clownness. Today all evening at the arena clowns Seryoga and Shurik!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, greet, grimace.

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes the hand with the clown)

Clownness. Hello! Today in our program ... (Shurik approaches, greets in the same way).

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clowness: Hello! This is the third time you greet me, you better show that you can!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

Clowns sit on chairs, play to the soundtrack, Seryoga plays a fake balalaika, Shurik plays a tambourine. Shurik gets up imperceptibly, creeps up from the back to Seryoga and lowers him in the face of a huge spider (props) on the line. Seryoga screams.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks)... What happened?

Serega gestures in fear of a spider (what kind of "eyes", "paws" he has).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and it seemed to him.

Serega sits down to play the balalaika again. Shura puts the spider on Seryoga's head again. Serega screams, gesturing to Shura the spider. Shura takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Serega's head. Seryoga falls. Shurik blows a balalaika over Seryoga (when Seryoga comes to his senses), shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga pounces on Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clownness. And now the trainer Polina is in our program (pupil's name) and her trained dogs.

Number "Trained dogs "

Highchairs stand in a semicircle. "Dogs" - children of the older group run out to circus music. On the heads there are caps with sewn-on ears (clean insoles for shoes), on the neck there are different bows. Barking, they run around the hall, run like a snake around the chairs, then everyone around their chair, stop.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up!

"Dogs" jump onto a chair, "paws" in front of them, breathe, sticking out their tongueand like dogs.

Animal trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to "sobachke ") Ball, what is the number?

Shows number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Animal trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

My friend, how much is 2 + 1? (the dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands with paws)

Another! ( the child turns, gives a "leg", is healthyit is)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

The Russian folk melody "From under the oak" sounds. The trainer plays onthe pipe, the dogs "howl".

Alla! Up! ( spinning on chairs, wagging their tails)

Alla! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall on bent elbows)

Alla! Up! ( the trainer lines up the "dogs" to bow, all cland run away with barking).

Serega and Shurik come out to the music of "Clownery - Strongmen". Serega drags a huge fake "weight" (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what will you raise?

Seryoga. Easy!

P He lifts the weight, grimacing, which is hard, spins it around him, drops Shurika on his leg. Shura writhing in pain, jumping on one leg, holding on to the patient. The child runs up, easily lifts a kettlebell on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns run away.

Clownness. And now the strongmen will enter the arena!

Number "Strongman"

Boys - strong men with dumbbells (in a striptights, with muscles), with a heavy gait, walk around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift the weight with one hand (each with his own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 go up to the barbells, make a dash, twist the barbells overhead (afterEach type of exercise "wipes" sweat from the forehead). Leave.

Clownness. The next issue of our program "Predators" and their fearless tamer - Ksyusha (pupil's name)!

Number "Trained Tigers"

The music “Kornilovs. Trained elephants ”A trainer comes out, bows, holding a wand in her hands. Slowly, stealthily, the "predators" come out and carry out the commands of the tamer.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! ("Tigers" kneel and restwith their hands in front of them).

Animal trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers "neghands off the floor and "show paws").

Animal trainer. Ay, well done! And now into the hoop! Up! ("Tigers" jump over a red hoop with orange patches attached to simulate fire).

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! (the tamer goes forward and rotates the stick, the "tigers" turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clownness. Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up from your seats and do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll, children-"tigers" lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer gently lies down on top of them and raises her hand, saying: “Alla! Up! " To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music sounds. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in socks, under his shirt. He runs and knocks on wooden spoons.

Clownness. Wait, Shurik, you can't make noise here! ( takes spoons and carries away). Shura teases the clown, pulls out a tambourine from his bosom, runs, rings.

Clownness. I said you can't make noise here! ( selects a tambourine and carries away). Shurik takes out spare noise musical instruments from pockets, socks, sleeves. Teases Clownness by playing even louder. The clowness runs after him, swears, takes away the tools and takes him backstage.

Shurik. The tools are out, but I have ribbons!

Clowness... How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won't make any noise anymore, because we have a performance of gymnasts according to the program!

Number "G them nastki "

To the music of the show-ballet "Todes" girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clownness. And now the best of the season, trained Bear Potap will perform in the arena! Meet the trainer Polina and her trained Potapa.

Number "Trained Potap Bear"

To the music “Nikulin Circus. Bears on bikes "on a children's motorcyclethe child leaves - "bear", the tamer with a stick goes in front, gives commands.

Animal trainer. Potap, stop! (The "bear" gets off the motorcycle, somersaults).

Trainer... Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to all the guys! ("Bear" performs movements).

Animal trainer. Well, Potap, show me how the girls are going out for walks! ("Teddy bear" dresses up, looks in the mirror, paints his lips).

And show me how the girls go to work (Potap walks, reluctantly, “boflies ")

Oh, show how the girls go from work (runs merrily, bounces)

Animal trainer. Potap! Somersault! (The "bear" is tumbling)

Trainer... Potap! Squat! ("Bear" dances in a squatting position)

Well done! Whirl around! (performs the girl's command)

Animal trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

To the applause of the audience, they leave the hall.

Cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere rushes into the hallha and shouts loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clownness. Well, open your mouth! Come on! Even wider!

(Takes pliers from his pocket, shows the instrument to the viewerholes and "pulls out" a large tooth-dummy)

Seryoga. Oh, what is this ?!

Clowness... This is your aching tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth ?! Ltd! (falls)

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga... I fainted!

Clowness... Who's talking?

Seryoga... My language!

Clownness. Well, then lie down! And I am announcing the next program number!
Attention! Attention! For the first time on the arena - acrobats!

Number "Acrobatic studies"

Boys (6 people) are lined up in a column one by oneturn around and walk in a circle under the parade Alla circus march, one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it - once!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and kneel,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do two.

(the fourth and fifth acrobats step out and stop at the side of each kneeling)

Acrobat: Do three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels down to the first, two standing acrobats of one ruCoy hold it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: The second figure "Cuckoo". Do it - once!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the arms and begin to swing. When the third acrobat is facing the guests, he loudly shouts: "Ku-ku!")

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat... Figure three "Wheel" (the first acrobat performs a "wheel") Acrobat. Figure four "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the "frog")

Acrobat. The fifth figure "Bridge" (the third acrobat performs the "bridge").

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, to the music they walk in a circle and leave.

Clownness. And now on the arena you will see dashing riders!

Room "Dashing riders"

The music "Dance of the Cowboys" is played. The "riders" run out - children with chairs (on the back of the chair - the head of a horse). They run around the hall, put chairs, sit with their faces to the back, as if on a horse, pushing off with their feet, make the movements of a "rider». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each "Alla ... up!" riders change positions on chairs, always portraying a galloping rider ("shake").

1 movement - “just on the chair”;

2 movement - one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (behind the bridle);

3 movement - lying on your back, with one hand holding on to the cnchair incu, the other hand up;

5 movement - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides, head to the viewerspruce.

They run away one after another, holding a chair in front of them with 2 hands.

Clownness. The next number we have is unusual

I would say very exotic

The magician fakir speaks in our program number

Speaking at the arena, he surprised the whole world!

Mysterious music “Maurice Ravel. Bolero "and a magician appears, bypasses the arena.

Magician I am a magician, I am a magician, I am a magician

And I can prove to you

And right now here to the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Oriental music “Tarkan. Smack ", there areprecise beauties performing a dance.

Clowness... You did it cleverly

These tricks are simple.

Can you or not

Paint the water red?

Magician It's a trifle for me. I'm not a great magician for nothing.

Focus "Multi-colored water"

Mysterious music "Caravan" from the m / f "Well, wait" sounds

The clowness brings in a table, on it is a jar of water, covered with a handkerchief. The magician takes a jar with a tightly screwed lid (paint the inside of the lid with red watercolor paint) and demonstrates to the audience so that the inside of the lid is not visible. "Just like in a fairy tale, turn red water." With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash off the watercolor paint and turn red.

Magician I am a great magician! I can see through the walls!
(he leaves the hall, and the Clowness at this time puts one scarf in the box (the color of the scarf is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the box is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if it is yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and the Clowness know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the handkerchief is in the casket.

Clownness. And now, only in our circus program is an amazing show "Dancing Spiders People"

Dance "Hip-hop"

A group of boys dressed in Spiderman costumes dance the Hip Hop dance.

Clownness. This is where our circus show ends! But that's not all. All of you were waiting for the "stargazing", before you the stars of the garden. Please welcome!

The music "Fanfare of the Magician" is played. All the participants of the performance come out to the applause of the audience. The clowness calls the names of all the children. Children line up in four ranks and sing the final song "We are little stars"

Song of the group Fidgets "We are small stars".

Used Books:

  1. I. Kaplunova. I.Novoskoltseva “Circus! Circus! Circus!"

Graduation party "How we were looking for the Blot"

Characters. Host, Klyaksa - adults. Little Red Riding Hood, Barmaley, Thumbelina, Laziness - children.

Laptop, projector, screen, presentation. Costumes Blots, Little Red Riding Hood, Leni, Barmaley, Thumbelina.

Technologies. ICT (presentation), Game (N / I, M / I), personality-oriented.

Slide "Graduation"
Orchestras, play! Sound, fanfare!
Children are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.
Today we see the children off to school,
It's time for them to say goodbye to childhood.
Today it is impossible to contain the excitement,
Your last holiday in kindergarten,
Our hearts are warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and are going to school!
Meet our graduates!


Slide "September 1"
Music. Children enter with toys, build in a semicircle, put toys in front of them.
1.Ah, how beautifully our hall is decorated,
There are many guests today.
We are opening the prom ball now
And we invite friends.

2 ... Farewell holiday
Merry and sad
It is difficult to contain the excitement.
Moms and dads and teachers,
They came to see us off to school.

3 ... Back to school soon! Back to school soon!
Will open the doors to the classroom for us!
And your cheerful call
Will invite us to study!
Song "School, Open the Doors" by Yu. Mikhailov.

4. The world is unknown, school, wonderful
We'd better see it sooner.
It's just so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten
We will miss you with all our hearts.

5 ... Here is the preschool childhood
How can we keep him?
With tender sadness, our beloved kindergarten
We will all remember.
Song "Kindergarten" A. Filippenko.

6. We so want to say
Show everyone in the world
As with your toys
We can all dance!
"Dance with toys" to the song "Little country" I. Nikolaev.
At the end they put toys, sit down.

Leading. Today, guys, we will sing, dance, play, recite poetry for the last time in the d / s. In general, let's have some great fun! And the time will come - we will sing a farewell song.
The Voice of the Blot... Ha - ha - ha! Dreaming!
Leading... Who says that?
Slide "Blot".
I say this. I AM!
The blot is greasy, large,
I am very black and wicked
I entered your kindergarten at night,
I decided - I'll ruin the holiday for everyone.
I stole a farewell song
And fairy tales have bewitched everything,
Only he will be able to find her,
Who will overcome difficulties!

Leading. Oh, really guys, nowhere is there a disc with a farewell song. We must go look for her, otherwise we cannot live without her. We are not afraid of difficulties, are we? Then let's go!

Slide "Forest".
Music. Little Red Riding Hood comes out.
Hello Little Red Riding Hood! It's so good that we met you! Will you show us the way to the Blot?
Little Red Riding Hood (evil). I am very ugly
Red cap,
I don't respect anyone
And I offend old women.
And I won't let you go to the Blot,
I'll beat everyone, beat everyone!

Leading. What's the matter with you, Little Red Riding Hood? Have you always been such a sweet and kind girl?
Little Red Riding Hood... And Blot said to me,
That I’m not kind, but evil.
And she also ordered me
So that she won't let you in.

Leading. Kind Little Red Riding Hood, our children have a holiday today, they say goodbye to the kindergarten, and the evil Blot stole the song from us. And we really need it!

Little Red Riding Hood. Look, they need a song. And you can sing, though, can you?
Leading. We can do everything. Here, listen.
Song "Forest Song" by V. Vitlin

Little Red Riding Hood. While walking through the forest
I've seen a lot of animals
They ran here, frolicked,
And they danced merrily .

Leading. Little Red Riding Hood, and you watch our fun dance.
"Dance of the Animals" ("Polka Trick - Track" by I. Strauss (boys)).

Little Red Riding Hood. Oh, what's wrong with me? What a wonderful song! And what an interesting dance! What are you doing in the forest?
Leading... We go to the Blot.

Little Red Riding Hood. She was here not long ago, sprinkled some liquid on me and that's it ... I don't remember further. Apparently, she bewitched me, and you bewitched me with your song and cheerful dance. Forgive me if you offended me in any way. Follow this road, it will lead you to the Blot, and I have to go to my grandmother. Goodbye! (Exits).

Leading. Goodbye! That's good! Little Red Riding Hood was helped, you can go further.

Slide "Oak".
Music. Barmaley comes out.
I am a very kind Barmaley,
I love small children
Want to see the Blot
Or will I show you the way?

Leading. Hello Barmaley! And how did you know that we were going to the Blot: we didn’t talk about it?

Barmaley. I won't pretend anymore
And try to be good.
I am evil and terrible Barmaley
And I don't like children at all!
Leading. Why so?

Barmaley. And for what to love them - that. They are polite, kind, clean, sit in their kindergarten and eat delicious porridge. And I, poor Barmaley, (sniffs) I haven't eaten anything for 3 days.
Leading. And if you want, we will treat you to porridge, but only it will be a little unusual.
Barmaley. Of course I want. I love everything unusual.
Dance "Cook, porridge" gr. "Smile" (girls).
(at the end the pan is given to Barmaley, who "eats").

Leading. Barmaley, do not rush, there is a lot of porridge, leave yourself for dinner.
Barmaley. No - e. I'd rather eat everything at once.
How much porridge can you eat
Very interesting?
Personally, I can
Eat day and night!
Semolina, oatmeal,
Buckwheat porridge
I love and ready to eat
And yours and yours! (E. M. Alexandrova)
- And I have never eaten such delicious unusual porridge! Thanks! I ate from my heart and became so strong and dexterous!

Leading. Wait to brag. Let's check it out.

Folk game "Zhmurka".
Move. Everyone is standing in a circle, Barmaley (blind man's buff) is in the center.
... What are you standing on?
Barmaley... On the bridge.
Children... What are you drinking?
Barmaley... Kvass.
Children. Look for us all
If you don’t find, -
You will fall into the hole.
Rule. Everyone runs away, the blind man's buff catches. Running close to the blind man's buff, you have to clap your hands so that the blind man can hear, and run away. The winner is the one who didn't catch the blind man's buff.

Okay, I agree, you are dexterous too! But, on the other hand, you don’t know how to count, but I can! (Counts). 2, 3, 7, 8, 1. Here!
Leading. Eh you, grief - an accountant! And our children not only know how to count, but also difficult tasks to solve.
Barmaley. I'll check it out now.
Not in a swamp, but in a tub
Once upon a time there were 2 frogs.
If there are 5 tubs,
How many frogs will there be? (10)
Barmaley. Well done boys! Oh - ho - ho!
Leading... What are you sad about, Barmaley?
Barmaley. Yes, since childhood, I dreamed of sailing on a ship! Yes, they don't take me,
Leading. And you study, and then your dream will come true. Until then, the boys will give you the sailors' dance.

Dance "Capless" O. Gazmanov (boys).

Well, thank you! Respected! I'll show you the way to the Blot, and I'll go to study myself, maybe later I'll become a sailor! Goodbye!
Leading. Goodbye!

Slide "River".
Music. Thumbelina comes out.
Thumbelina (evil).
Who walks here, who walks here?
Pisses me off
Now the toads will come
And you will be taken into the swamp.

Leading... Guys, apparently, Blot visited here too.
Thumbelina. Yes! Blot ordered me
So I won't let you in.
Leading. Sweet Thumbelina ...
Thumbelina (interrupts) ... I'm not Thumbelina.
(Proudly) Soon I will be a toad
And the toads will be my family
(Affectionately) I love toads, I love frogs,
I idolize them all!
I love worms, bugs
And, of course, mosquitoes.
Leading. Then, dear Thumbelina, listen to the funny song "About frogs and a mosquito."

Song "About frogs and a mosquito" A. Filippenko.
Oh oh oh! What happened with me?
Who am I? Wait ... (recalls).
I'm called Thumbelina,
A little beauty.
I live in a magic flower
I like my house.
The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,
Butterflies woke up around
Herbs and flowers woke up
There is so much beauty everywhere!
"Dance of Flowers" ("Waltz" by Y. Slonov) (girls).

Forest school very soon
Opens with us.
I will study in it
And my friends are with me.
We will study the letters,
Let's learn to count, read!
Leading. Well done, Thumbelina! Our children will also go to school in the fall. They are well prepared and know a lot.
Thumbelina. Well, well, then see you at school. Until then, I'll run to my flowers.
Leading. And we need to move on.

Slide "Fog".
Music. It turns out Laziness, yawns.
Laziness. Where it is necessary and not necessary,
I am always there.
I follow you like a shadow
I guys are your Laziness.
Well why should you try
And study,
Tired for the whole day?
Better to listen to your Laziness.
I am true and skillful
I will serve everyone
I will help any business
You put it off for tomorrow.

Leading. Listen, Laziness, we have no time to be lazy. We need to get to the Blot to find our song.

Laziness. Where to hurry and hurry?
Isn't it better to be lazy together
You better go to bed
You need to rest, sleep.
After all, Blot ordered me
For me to detain you.

Leading. Oh, you are so! Then we are like this! Come on guys, let's sing a funny song.

The song "How the crocodile screams"

Leading. And let's play and finally banish Laziness.

Game "Transfer of object"

Laziness. Oh, don't. Oh, I can't stand it. You are very nimble, I cannot beat you. (Exits).
Leading... Guys, it seems that we have already arrived.

Music. Blot comes out.

Blot. How smart I am! She stole a farewell song from the children, now they will never find it and will not go to school. (Laughs)
Leading. You rejoice early, Blot, we are already here. Give us our song.
Blot (confused). A? What? Where? (Menacingly). Who authorized it? Who let it in?
Leading. We ourselves came. We overcame all difficulties, did good deeds along the way.
Blot. Just think! They have done good deeds. Maybe I would do good deeds too, but I don't know how.
Leading. And we will teach you. For starters, do a good deed for yourself - wash yourself.
Blot... Wash yourself for what? I am already the cleanest and most beautiful!
Leading. This is what you think. But in reality, it’s not like that. Look here. (Gives Blot a mirror. She looks into it, gets scared).
Blot. Who is this? (Looks back). Phew, thank God, no one is there! (Looks in the mirror again). Save! Help! There is a monster sitting there!
Leading... Yes where?
Blot. T - t - sits there (points to the mirror). Dirty, scary, shaggy. The mug is contorted. I'm afraid of him.
Leading (laughs). So it's you, Blot! This is your reflection.
Blot. I AM? Why am I?
Leading. Have you ever washed your face?
Blot. What more!
Leading. So it turned out, as in that song about Pig - Pig. Here, listen.

The song "I am an oink - a pig" A. Abramov.

Blot. Okay, there were some advisers! You yourself only know how to wash your face. And get ready for school! (Slyly). Students!
Leading. Our children can do a lot. These are the verses they know.
Blot. Just think of poetry! I can do a lot too! If you will be friends with me, then I will teach you a lot.
Blot. How what? I can do a lot! And to get dirty notebooks, and to tear books. And you can play football with a portfolio. Ka-a-ak kicked - immediately a goal! (Sees briefcase on the table, takes). I'll show you now. Get up at the gate.
Leading. Uh no ... (Selects a portfolio). It is needed for other purposes. Now the guys will show you.

Game "Collect a portfolio".

Blot. Just think! They put everything in a briefcase. But I can count.
Leading. How is Barmaley?
Blot. What are you teasing! Barmaley, Barmaley! You better listen (Counts to 10 correctly).
Leading. Well done! Can you solve problems?
Blot... And why solve them, then.
Leading. Well, listen then.
There were three sparrows sitting on a branch:
Mom, dad, son are family.
A neighbor flew to them - a sparrow,
His three more sons are with him.
How many, count quickly!
(The blot bends his fingers, moves his lips, gets confused, spits).

Blot. I'll take a slingshot
That's the whole answer.
Feathers, fluff will fly away,
There were three, two are gone!

Leading. Well, guys, help Blot. Nothing - then you, Blot, do not know how, and you behave badly
Blot... Am I behaving badly? I AM? Yes, I will! Yes, I’ll tell you! Here I sprinkle you from my magic inkwell - only small blots will remain from you.
Leading. Don't scare us. We have an excellent remedy for harmful Blots. Here it is! (Pulls out a spray bottle, on which is written "Blot remover", "splashes").
Blot. Guard! Save yourself! They are taking out! (Runs away).

Leading. There is no more Blot. And here is our song. It's time to return to the d / s. Cribble - Crable - Booms.

Slide "Kindergarten".
Here we are at home, in our favorite kindergarten. And that means it's time to thank all the kindergarten staff and sing a farewell song.
Children come out.
1 we want it so much today
Tell everyone in the world
About the people that we are all together
They helped to educate.
2.We are parting with you today,
Sad to all of us, to be sure
We came last time with flowers
To thank you for everything!
3.It was good here in the kindergarten
We are honestly telling you this.
And from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much,
We are for everything - we thank our employees for everything!
Song "The Light of Light" Z. Root.
Congratulations to the manager.
Congratulations to the parents.
Fanfare. Music.

Title: Scenario of the graduation party in kindergarten "How the children were looking for the Blot"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, graduation, preparatory group

Position: musical director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 41 "Korablik"
Location: Moscow region, Serpukhov

Graduation party at school "Harmony" 2008
The tricks of Pan Blots.
Characters: Pan Klyaksa, Change, presenter.

The presenter comes out to the music.
In our noisy, friendly school, all the guys are on the selection,
Studying for more than one year, they broadened their horizons.
Our girls are funny and love different poems,
They love fashion magazines and laugh hee hee hee.
They were boys, in our school they pulled their braids, teasing,
And now everyone can’t live a day without each other!
Presenter: Hello guys, Hello mums and dads, grandparents! We are very glad that you came to this wonderful holiday!
How fast time rushes by
but it's worth the hurry
To do a lot.
Today is a wonderful holiday!
And smart and mischievous
I'm ready to sing with happiness!
You have come a short way,
There is a road ahead
Discoveries and victories.
We will summarize
And remember all the lessons
We will find the answer to everything.

And the children of the 2nd group will open our holiday with the songs "Multicolored Round Dance".
And our graduates will show the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", we meet our young actors with thunderous applause.

I declare the ceremony of presenting certificates of graduation from the school "Harmony" open!
Music sounds, Pan Klyaksa appears.
Pan Klyaksa.
Hello, I'm Pan Blot! Can you tell me what kind of school it is?
And did I get there?
Now let's see, in my documents, what I have on you. Probably almost all of you are going to school, right? But nothing will come of it! Why? Because in my documents I have everything written about you. Shows the children: you have a lot of corrections, you were noticed with dirty hands before drinking tea, and you constantly offended the girls.
What, did all this make you feel bad? And I'm just wonderful! Therefore, I enroll you all in the blots! And you don't have to go to school anymore. In this regard, I declare the holiday dedicated to the graduation of the school "Harmony" closed, and I take your certificates for myself. And you can return them only if you cope with my blots. (There are colored blots on the screen, on the back of which are written various tasks)
Presenter: What should we do now? Is our holiday really not going to take place? Who or what can help us? We need to think carefully! Guys, after which fresh thoughts always come to mind? Let's think together.
Children answer after recess.
Presenter: That's right, a break will help us.
Beautiful, cheerful music sounds. Comes Peremenka:
My name is Change!
There's nothing to stand against the wall
We've had enough in the classroom,
Naked, seen enough,
The time has come for a change
The lesson is over
And now we're resting
We do not get bored, but play!
Presenter: Change, but we have a tragedy?
Pan Klyaksa took our holiday.
Break: Nonsense! I'll reopen it for you now! The main thing is that everyone should have fun and be happy at the holiday.
Presenter: The kids want to congratulate the graduates from the bottom of their hearts: the dance composition "Chickens",
And they will also show you the fairy tale "Kolobok".
Presenter: Break, of course it's good to have fun with you, but Pan Klyaksa took the students' certificates of graduation from the Harmony school, and we can't do without them, and we also need to deal with the blots, look how many of them are.
Break: So we must act quickly and return the testimonies to the children!
Presenter: How can you do this?

5 ruddy, liquid, 3 with sourness. How many are there?
How many insects are circling in the air
How many insects are buzzing in my ear?
2 beetles, one bee,
There is a fly and a dragonfly
Two wasps,
Two mosquitoes
It's time to give the answer.
Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer, how many bears are ahead?
Break Well done, not boring with you, you will be professors.
Get up to us as soon as possible, sing along to the song.
Song of the 2nd group "We will soon go for the first time, to the first grade!"
Break The next blot we remove and read the task
Of course I want to know how you can read
Put me in a word, and read everything as soon as possible.
Children are divided into 4 groups, they are given 4 envelopes in which one word is cut into puzzles: 1 group - CAT, 2 group - FOX, 3 group - GOAT, 4 group - WOOD.
Presenter: Don't you think that if you put these words together, you get the names of 2 fairy tales.
children of the 2nd group will show the fairy tale "Koza-dereza"
And our graduates have prepared a fairy tale "The Cat and the Fox".
Break Great, we all dealt with the blots together.
Presenter: It's time to call Pan Klyaksu
Let's get together, together we invite him
Pan Klyaksa, we are waiting for you
Pan Klyaksa call you!
Pan Klyaksa comes out: I hear, I hear, I am in a hurry to you and I bear witness.
Accompanying you to school,
I wish you success
And the Russian proverb
I remind you all
Learning is light!
And ignorance is darkness!
Remember her friends!
Presenter: But before we present you with certificates of graduation from the school "Harmony", the children will sing us a farewell song.

Presenting gifts!

Now our evening ends,
We say goodbye to everyone
We wish you fun
Happiness, joy, warmth!
It's time for us to part, goodbye, kids

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