
Teenager's birthday - we organize a holiday. How to celebrate a teenager's birthday? Where to celebrate 16 years


Celebrate a teenager's birthday so that "both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe"? Such a difficult task faces the parents of 13-16-year-old children. After all, these are no longer silly kids, but also not quite adult boys and girls. What's the best way to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Why is celebrating a teenager's birthday always so difficult?

It is very difficult to please a teenager in choosing a scenario for celebrating his birthday. Usually the preparation for the event looks like a continuous chain of puzzling problems that require immediate resolution.

Teenagers tend to grow up as soon as possible, to become more mature, so entertainment programs with clowns and pirates often seem like "baby talk" to them. However, they are still not interested in the really "adult" program of the holiday, because in some respects they are still children.

In addition, in adolescence, it is especially important for a child what his friends think about him, so often a teenager's pleasure from a holiday is measured in the number of admiring reviews from guests.

Important! When thinking about how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, you can be sure of only one thing: he really wants this day to be something fundamentally different from what he had before in his life. For him, this is not just a holiday, but the beginning of some new stage in life, the expansion of his capabilities.

Problem #1. Stay at home or go somewhere?

So, which is better - to celebrate a birthday at home, or to go somewhere? To make the right decision, you need to weigh several factors:

  • birthday person's preferences and hobbies
  • season
  • expected weather
  • estimated holiday budget
  • the number and composition of the guests, their characteristics and preferences
  • physiological characteristics of adolescents - the need to throw out energy in movement, dancing, outdoor games, competitions
  • age-related need for adolescents to make as much noise as possible - to shout themselves and listen to loud music
  • the amount of free time that you can devote to preparing the holiday

It is impossible to say exactly which version of the holiday will be preferable for you in advance. It all depends on your specific situation. But if you, when thinking over a program for a teenager’s birthday, will focus not on how it is “customary” to spend it, and not on how you yourself spent it in your childhood, most likely you will have a really good holiday, and this The day will be remembered by the teenager for a long time.

Problem number 2. What to treat guests if you are celebrating a teenager's birthday at home?

A teenager's birthday can be perfectly celebrated at home. Only one condition: you don’t need to turn your birthday into a “eating room” with several changes of dishes.

At the feast itself, you should dwell in more detail. So that the birthday boy and guests are not "sluggish" and literally tired of a hearty meal, it is best to organize a buffet table or a buffet. Snacks on convenient skewers, various sandwiches, pies, cookies with surprises, and a lot of soft drinks should be served at such a table. The food is simple but satisfying. It is very good if there are a lot of fruits on the table. You can also prepare one - but only really one - simple "signature" dish. However, remember that teenagers have an excellent appetite, which means that the food on your buffet should not only be varied and beautiful - there should simply be a lot of it.

And at the end of the feast - of course, a cake with candles, because no matter what teenagers say, in their hearts they are still the same little children who love sweets and surprises.

On a note! When developing a menu, do not forget that teenagers are not interested in sitting at the table for a long time, decorously using cutlery. Most likely, a cheerful company will prefer to return to food several times between other things, or even settle down with pieces somewhere on the sofa or balcony. Do not cook dishes that can get cold, sour or stain furniture - this way you save your nerves and do not spoil the holiday.

Problem number 3. How to make a home holiday interesting and original?

The choice of scenario for celebrating a teenager's birthday largely depends not only on the financial capabilities of the parents, but also on the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy and the entire invited company. Of course, in any case there will be a lot of music, noise, running around and dancing. But this is still not enough to make the holiday unforgettable.


The feast should definitely be “diluted” with fun, moderately “adult” contests. Think and prepare them in advance. It is imperative to choose contests for the holiday together with the birthday boy - everyone has different characters and interests, so only the teenager himself can decide whether the contests you like will go for his company. And do not forget that the winners of the competitions are entitled to prizes.


Playing different games is fun for all ages, although the games are different. Teenagers often like intellectual games with elements of competition - erudite, danetki, burime or anagrams, etc. However, they are still much more likely to be addicted to games that require movement and noise - for example, cinema pantomime, impromptu theater, candle, recognition games, dancing with an orange, and the like. A team quest like "find the treasure" is usually perceived very well. But whatever games you choose for a teenage party, remember that they should be interesting for all guests and should not offend anyone.

Theme parties

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to celebrate a birthday with a party on a predetermined theme. The success of such a holiday is determined, of course, by its organization. The theme of the party should be of interest to everyone invited. Guests should have enough time to prepare for the party. There is usually cosplay at these parties, so you need to have some stock of themed clothing items for guests who have not had time to prepare their own costume. Games, contests and menus for a theme party are also selected very carefully.

Choosing a theme for such a party is a separate issue. Attempts to persuade teenagers to "fabulous" topics usually end in failure, even if they are interested in fairy tales - after all, it is necessary to demonstrate their "adulthood". It is much better if the topic is related to a movie or a computer game, the main thing here is that they are familiar to everyone in the company. Girls might like a "fashion show" or a "cat party", boys might like the "wild west", all teenagers like "vampire" themed parties, fruity (orange, banana, etc.), colorful (black and white, red, etc.) etc.), sometimes geographical (Japanese, Indian, American, Russian, or simply sea, cave, mountain, etc.). And of course, the birthday boy should play a major role in the celebration.

On a note! Whatever games and competitions you hold, you can be sure of one thing: teenagers have such irrepressible energy that they are able to smash an apartment to smithereens and not even notice it. Therefore, when preparing to celebrate a birthday at home, immediately determine the places where the cheerful company will have fun, and where it is undesirable to enter. Of course, this must be done together with the birthday man and in a tactful manner.

Problem #4: Where can you go to celebrate your teen's birthday?

Celebrating a teenager's birthday outside the home is both easier and more difficult than at home. On the one hand, you won’t need to cook anything, you won’t have to think about big cleaning after the holiday, it’s easier to organize entertainment, and in general you can invite hosts with a ready-made birthday script. But on the other hand, such an event, firstly, can be very difficult for the family budget, and secondly, it implies your responsibility for all minor guests whom you invite to the holiday.

If funds allow, and you are sure that there will be enough adults at the holiday so that nothing happens to your teenager's guests, you can choose from several options.

  1. A teenager's birthday can be very fun to celebrate in the water park, on the rollerdrome, climbing wall or ride ATVs. The main advantage of such a celebration is that the birthday man and his guests have a place to "turn around". You can run from the heart, jump, scream - break away from the soul.
  2. Just sitting in a cafe is a common but boring option for teenagers. Usually it is combined with a visit to a bowling alley, cinema or entertainment center.
  3. Many teenagers will surely like to play shooting games - paintball, laser tag, quasar.
  4. A teenage girl can be pleased by arranging a professional photo shoot or shooting a "movie" in her honor - she can feel like a real singer, model or actress.
  5. Perhaps a teenager and his friends are united by some common hobby, for example, cycling. Then organizing a hike to some beautiful and unusual place is a great option.
  6. Another great option is a birthday party at an equestrian club. Usually there are sleigh rides or carriage rides, depending on the time of year, and you can always ride ponies and horses.
  7. If it's summer outside, then you can celebrate a teenager's birthday by having a picnic in the forest, on the lake, in the country. It is only important not to forget to grab another ball or badminton set along with snacks and barbecue.
  8. Holidays are very interesting, at which teenagers are offered a live quest: participants must play a certain plot and solve a whole series of riddles, while visiting several objects in the city. To organize a live quest, you need to contact special agencies, because the success of the event depends primarily on the professionalism of the hosts.
  9. And finally, you can always order a themed holiday show from the agency with professional hosts, which is held either in a cafe, or in a special club, or on a rented water bus.

Important! When deciding where exactly you will celebrate a teenager's birthday, try not to repeat yourself. Even if your teenager and his friends really like, for example, bowling, he is unlikely to be pleased if he celebrates his holiday there several times in a row. Anyone on their birthday is formed into something new, but for teenagers this is not just a joy - it is a need to enter "adult life" and get what "yesterday it was still impossible, but now it is already possible."

Problem #5

This is an extremely delicate problem, and there is no general solution for it. On the one hand, it is still too early for teenagers to drink alcohol. However, the “forbidden fruit” is especially attractive for them, and therefore the birthday boy and guests can easily get drunk on cheap “port wine” somewhere around the corner, thus marking their “growing up”, and you are unlikely to be able to prevent this. Therefore, each parent will have to decide for himself, taking into account the attitudes and traditions of his family.

In any case, if you still decide to serve alcohol to the table at the birthday party of a teenager of 15-16 years old, you will be sure at least how much it was drunk and what quality it was, and the birthday person will not have the feeling that you don't trust him. But the choice of alcohol should be taken as responsibly as possible. Of course, strong drinks should not be on the table. Carbonated alcoholic cocktails are not an option at all. First, they are generally extremely harmful. Secondly, adolescents subjectively do not feel intoxicated from such cocktails (they are too "similar to lemonade"), and therefore try to drink as much as possible. Perhaps a small amount of good wine will help solve the problem.

Problem number 6. Should I invite relatives to a teenager's birthday?

Should adults celebrate a teenager's birthday with his friends? Often, parents invite "their" adult company to a teenager's birthday. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives and family friends gather to admire the birthday boy and congratulate his happy parents. Of course, parents have the right to share their joy with these close people, but the teenager himself, as a rule, believes that staying at home with his family is childish and boring, and in some ways he is right. Indeed, for all the relatives present, he remains a child, and after congratulations, "adult" conversations that are completely uninteresting to the teenager begin, during which he plays only the role of scenery.

If you can’t refuse a family celebration with relatives, separate the companies. Let the teenager accept the congratulations of adults, but his main holiday will still be separate, with a company of friends. It is best if these two events can be held not on the same day, but on different days. First, your teen's actual birthday. Well, tomorrow or next weekend - family gatherings with relatives. It is unlikely that a teenager will refuse to extend his holiday for another day, but a solemn family feast in this case will no longer seem so painful to him.

Important! Preparing for a teenager's birthday is best with him, unless it's a surprise party. Together with a teenager, you should discuss options for celebrating, offer him contests and entertainment that are successful in the opinion of parents. If you plan to go to the entertainment center, be sure to make a reservation in advance. But still leave room for a little surprise. Let the holiday program include a few pleasant surprises for your teenager, about which he will not know in advance.

A teenager's birthday is, first of all, not different chores, but a holiday with a capital letter. May this holiday become the most beloved and unforgettable for your teenager!

What problems did you have to solve when celebrating a teenager's birthday? Tell us how you dealt with them.

You can order beer, wine, or cider during the gala dinner at the café (restaurant) if you are accompanied by an adult over 18. Agree, it's a thrill to try alcohol (albeit a weak one) in the presence of your ancestors and with their permission! True, there is a nuance. All parents of your guests must give written or oral permission for such a promotion. Otherwise, there may be trouble (you don’t know how your friends’ shoelaces relate to alcohol).

You can legal to ride a moped or scooter. According to the updated Russian law, these vehicles now also need to have rights and a license. And they are issued to persons aged 16 to 18 years old. Agree, great birthday gift for young people striving for mobility and speed!

You can rent your own home(True, the keys to the rented living space are received by an adult security guarantor, but you didn’t intend to hide the place of your party from your parents, did you?). It's great to spend time celebrating Birthday away from home? Now you can have a party on "your" (albeit for a short time) territory.

You can play national lotteries. Another great gift idea! And if you win, you can get your own cash prize!

You can fly a glider. If you are in love with the sky, and are just waiting for the life alarm clock to ring at around 16 to conquer it yourself - this item is just for you! Why not arrange party at the airport, with gliding lessons for yourself and guests? A more original holiday simply cannot be imagined!

You can enter into a civil or official marriage(with parental consent). Do you already have a beloved (beloved) with whom you do not want to part even for a minute? And, of course, both of you could not wait for the cherished sixteen to live together? And did your parents approve of your choice? After all, there is no chapel for teenage fatalism! And it’s good if loving parents are able to put themselves in the child’s place, understand him and support him! Or, at least, accept the fact that he has the right to choose! In such scenarios, the theme of the sixteenth birthday may well be an engagement!

You can buy chocolate with liquor without barriers. Really, little thing? But how nice! And so delicious! Great argument if you're planning party in the style of "Sweet 16"!

Need to do many unique non-alcoholic cocktails. Strawberry Margarita, Kolovy Ice, Juice Cockatoo are trendy drinks among teenagers. Especially if they are beautifully decorated and served in "adult" glasses!

Need arrange a music playlist according to age and tastes. You can do it yourself! Thus, you will participate in the preparatory process of your holiday. And if, suddenly, your parents decide to arrange for you birthday surprise, tactfully advise them to use the services of a professional DJ, with the ability to order any musical compositions from him.

Need store more food than you intend to put on the table. Teenagers- people are active, constantly on the move. Surely, after dancing, they will want to have a bite to eat. Agree, it will be terribly unpleasant if after the next dance marathon there is nothing to eat.

It is necessary that all Birthday was special, and not just its solemn part. Shopping, limousine, horseback riding, etc. Probably, your relatives will try to fulfill your every desire, even the most cherished (absurd) one on this day!

It is necessary to celebrate 16 brightly and unforgettably! For example, having a party in retro style. Huge sunglasses as invitation cards, a poodle hairstyle and leather jackets as a party dress code, remakes of popular music in the 50s as an invitation to dance until the morning! Plus, a bonus! - incredibly positive photos that will warm the memory for a lifetime!

You can't be bored, you must dance until you drop! Ideal if you are serious about any particular type of dance art. Accordingly, you have formed a certain circle of friends who master this or that dance to perfection. In this case, a party in the style of tango (salsa, waltz, macarena, etc.) will be quite appropriate, and will be perceived as "Hurrah!". But what if you just want to dance? Then for you - disco night! Rhythm, sounds, body movements to the beat!

16 - want not be like adults but really be an adult! sixteenth anniversary- an occasion to revise the rules and laws regarding a teenager. For example, give him as a gift, postpone the “curfew” to a later time, increase the amount of pocket expenses, etc. And also organize a party for him and his friends in an “adult”, previously forbidden, place or style. For example, a glamorous party in the spa, with a visit to a variety of "adult" procedures: pedicure, manicure, pilling, etc. Or - a party at a golf club, with a buffet table, punch and a good game on a professional field. Or - Birthday, the climax of which will be a trip to the cinema for a night session.

16 - you need to arrange the first in life night party! Invite your friends to meet at midnight! Night, stars, scary films under the sea of ​​popcorn, frank conversations until dawn. Or - a musical show in the open air, to the accompaniment of cicadas and night birds. The night can reveal all secrets! And when, if not in 16 , look for clues to global issues?


Hard alcohol, drugs, sex- taboo during parties! birthday boy (birthday girl) BEFORE the party should be informed about this. And BEFORE the preparatory stage of the holiday, they are obliged to inform adults, their friends about this ban. Likewise for parents birthday boy It is worth thinking about how to behave in case of violation of the rules.

Parents should always be in the access zone for the holiday! Even if your parents trust you one hundred percent, and can easily leave the house for several hours, ask them not to go too far. There are various uncontrollable and unforeseen situations! For example, someone became ill, or a neighbor came to sort it out because of the noise and din from your apartment. Dad and mom can solve the issue faster than you.

Be sure to include in the invitation holiday end time! This item is necessary for the comfort of all. Your parents - because they will know when to serve the cake and start cleaning the room. You and your friends - because you will clearly know how long to split your holiday (treats, entertainment, dancing, etc.). The parents of your friends - because they will calmly wait for the return of their children at a certain time, and will not call in vain.

And, at the end of the conversation about the do's, do's and don'ts of partying in symbolic birthday, recall that 16 - the peak period of youthful maximalism, but absolutely no reason to break irrevocably further life. AT 16 years you don't act LIKE adults for exactly one day, but you become adults forever. So - you are responsible for your bad and good deeds! May your sixteenth birthday be remembered by you with a mass of positive, which is enough for a long, bright life!

No longer a child, but not yet an adult. This expression can be used to characterize this “difficult” age. Adolescence involves the desire to appear more mature and independent. This is the age at which everyone wants to show their independence and significance.

Mark Teenager's birthday not easy. At this age, it is important to take into account the wishes and preferences of the hero of the occasion, you need to consult with him and take into account his opinion. After all, this is "a transitional age between clowns and striptease."

Celebrate a teenager's birthday so that "both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe"? Such a difficult task faces the parents of 13-16-year-old children. After all, these are no longer silly kids, but also not quite adult boys and girls. What's the best way to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

In preparing the celebration, the birthday person himself should take an active part. After all, when you know what you want, when you don’t need to puzzle over whether you like it or not, where to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, how to have fun, what to give, you can firmly and confidently go in the indicated direction and achieve the best result.

And it's good when teenagers know how they want to see their birthday. After all, it often happens that the birthday person himself does not know what he wants on this day, does not know how and where to celebrate his 15th birthday or some other date of his “difficult” age. In this case, the participation and attention of adults is important. Talk to your teenager, let him tell you what confuses him, what annoys him, what scares him. Tell us about your experiences at this age, share your observations and life experiences. But this should not happen in the form of moralizing, but in the form of a friendly conversation. As a result of the conversation, an interesting option will surely be born, how you can conduct Teenager's birthday.

Teenager's birthday.
Teenager's birthday

teen birthday, teen birthday, 13 teen birthday, 14 teen birthday, 15 teen birthday, 16 teen birthday

Celebrating a teenager's birthday will require more serious preparation than.

First of all, you need to decide in what environment your child prefers to celebrate his birthday. Someone likes a cafe or a restaurant, while others serve a big noisy campaign of friends right at home. In any case, the responsibility lies with the parents. In the case of a restaurant - for a wallet, but in the case of a home birthday party - for cooking, table decoration, entertainment.

You can certainly please a teenager by inviting him and his friends to play bowling or paintball. For your information, a child under 14 can play paintball only with the permission of the parents.

First of all, ask your teenager how he sees his birthday. After all, not only the atmosphere, but also the mood of the child depends on your participation. After all, many of them want to look independent in the face of their friends, and your excessive attention and presence can cause irritation or even resentment. Well, sooner or later any parent has to put up with this.

Today there are many cafes and restaurants focused specifically on holding holidays for children and teenagers. Everything here will be equipped exactly the way children like - special meals, entertainment, music and so on. You just have to bring the company to the institution, and the administration takes care of further concerns. As practice shows, such a birthday can become unforgettable, but at the same time, the bad attitude of the organizers from the institution can ruin everything. Therefore, first study the reviews of cafe visitors so as not to get into a mess and not waste quite a lot of money.

Hosting a teenager's birthday at home can be a much more difficult task. Modern children do not like large laid tables. The best solution would be a small buffet with snacks and drinks. Well, the most important thing is entertainment. Good music, interesting films and games - today there are many opportunities to make the holiday fun and bright.

What will the party include? Let's break it down into three main parts:

  1. Attention to the birthday boy (congratulations)
  2. treat
  3. Games, contests, entertainment

Celebrate a teenager's birthday it is possible both in nature, and in a club, and at a disco, and in a cafe, and in a restaurant. The latter option sounds beautiful and serious, and gives teenagers more opportunities to feel like they are already old enough. And it's so important to them.

If funds allow, a teenager's birthday can be very fun to celebrate in a water park, rollerdrome, bowling club or entertainment center. The main advantage of such a celebration is that the birthday man and his guests have a place to “turn around”. You can run from the heart, jump, shout - break away from the soul.

The boys will surely enjoy playing paintball - a kind of modern war game. Girls can be offered "glamorous gatherings" in the style of the heroines of their favorite films. Many teenage girls will surely enjoy a professional photo session arranged in their honor or shooting a "clip" - they will be able to feel like real models and actresses.

Teen Birthday Scenarios

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The choice of scenario for celebrating a teenager's birthday largely depends not only on the financial capabilities of the parents, but also on the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy and the entire invited company.

Every teenager dreams of having a crazy birthday party. Such a party that will be remembered by all his friends and acquaintances...

What games will be interesting for teenagers on their birthday?

Teen Birthday Pranks

Postcards happy birthday to a teenager (Postcards with your own hands)

postcard for a teenager +happy birthday, +happy birthday pictures for a teenager, movies +about the birthday of teenagers

Festive table for a teenager's birthday

table + for a teenager's birthday, cake + for a teenager's birthday, menu + for a teenager's birthday, dishes + for a teenager's birthday, recipes + for a teenager's birthday, salads + for a teenager's birthday, snacks + for a teenager's birthday

Teenagers are often not picky about festive dishes. But, nevertheless, this issue should be taken seriously. At fun and active events, young people can eat twice as much food as adults - this is worth considering.

The menu should be flexible and include teens' favorite foods: pizza, pasta, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, meat dishes, salads, and sometimes exotic sushi and Chinese food.

A teenager will be pleased to receive an original birthday cake baked by one of his relatives or made to order as a gift. And its shape can harmoniously fit into the decoration of the holiday (football field, book, violin, etc.).

Music and Songs for a teenager's birthday

songs + for a teenager's birthday, music + for a teenager's birthday

This is an important factor in a teenage company. Therefore, it is better to entrust the musical accompaniment to the hero of the occasion or his friends. Rehearse in advance where and at what competition, what kind of music will sound.

Birthday Gift Ideas for Teenagers (DIY Gifts)

birthday gift for teen

Not an easy task: what to give a teenager for his birthday?
This question is really with a “trick” - its difficulty lies in the fact that parents and friends face a difficult task: it is quite difficult to please a representative of young people of transitional age.

What to give a teenager for his birthday?
Adolescence is the age when you want to be an adult. Therefore, the gift must be appropriate. No soft plush toys, no small souvenirs, no puzzles and board games. Only absolutely adult gifts that can be usefully used in everyday life.
What to give a teenage girl? What to give a teenage boy?

Teen Birthday Gift Ideas
A laptop or tablet, a mobile phone or smartphone, an mp3 player, e-books - all of the above devices are not cheap, and therefore, if the budget is limited enough, you can pick up a gift that is no less pleasant and useful for a teenager, which is much lower in price level.

If the question of how to celebrate a teenager's birthday makes you nervous, try to discuss this topic with him, starting from the most important issues and ending with the little things. And do it long before the celebration. Let's talk about questions that may arise in the process of planning a birthday.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Discuss with your son or daughter about whether only close friends and relatives will attend the celebration, or whether it will be a party for the whole class. Explain some of the .

Ask if your son or daughter has specific wishes for the venue, decorations, and menu? First of all, together with the child, you need to decide around what kind of hobby you should build a holiday around. It can be music, sports, clothes or favorite foods. On the Internet you can find many themed holidays for every taste. Everything is limited only by your imagination, possibilities and, of course, education.

Guests Choice

Before celebrating a birthday, ask your child to make a guest list. But keep in mind that teenagers tend to invite all the guys they know to their holiday. They want everyone to see the beauty of this holiday. Warn your child that too many people will not give the opportunity to fully communicate and have fun with everyone. Therefore, for a big party, you should choose the golden mean between the quality of the holiday and the number of guests. For a more effective pastime (with the consent of the child), it is better to choose a small number of the closest friends and share wonderful fun with them.


Various options open up before you. You can organize a noisy holiday both in your own home and outside it: your choice of various banquet halls, restaurants, clubs, entertainment centers, amusement parks, swimming pools, etc. You can also think about how to celebrate a birthday in nature. The final choice will be influenced by various factors, the main of which will be the wish of your daughter or son.

The time of year will also play a role. Summer birthdays are calling to nature. The warm water of a pool, river or sea, or fresh air in the shade of trees - everything sets you up for a fun and active pastime. In winter, you can also get out into nature: go skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc.

By organizing a celebration in a restaurant or a banquet hall, you will take care of tables, chairs, dishes, cooking and serving them on the table. It remains only to resolve the issue with the menu, decorations and musical arrangement. If you decide to create a festive atmosphere in nature, you will need to do everything yourself or contact a special service.

Holiday invitations

A good way to invite guests to a birthday party is to give everyone stylish invitations. If the birthday is themed (disco, carnival, football, in the animal world or other), then you should issue invitations according to the chosen style. So you immediately warn guests about a strict dress code. It is advisable to give invitations at least three weeks before the holiday with the opportunity to receive a response in advance in order to calculate the number of seats.

Holiday menu

Teenagers are often not picky about festive dishes. But in order for everything to go at the highest level, this issue should be taken seriously. At such active events, young people can eat twice as much food as adults - this is worth considering. The menu should be flexible and include teens' favorite foods: pizza, pasta, sandwiches, hot dogs, meat dishes, salads, and sometimes exotic sushi and Chinese food.

The child will be pleased to receive as a gift, baked by one of the relatives or made to order, an original birthday cake. Its shape can harmoniously fit into the decoration of the holiday (football field, guitar, book, etc.).


You should definitely think about how to celebrate a birthday in the sense of an entertainment program. Keep in mind that every guest, if possible, should be actively involved. Let your child decide this question - he should have a lot of ideas on this topic.

Musical accompaniment should also be carefully considered. It can be playing collections of the child's favorite artists, a guest DJ or a youth rock band who will be responsible for the musical atmosphere. You can add to all this and karaoke.

If your daughter or son attends a theater group, is in a choir, or trains in a sports section, you can prepare a special performance as a gift. In addition, dancing, playing in the water, volleyball, badminton, croquet, horseshoes and other games are interesting and natural ways to burn calories gained from eating chips and sandwiches.

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