
The conversation is the middle group that autumn has given us. Passport of the project “What did Autumn bring us? Integrated activity for children


ChDOU "Kindergarten" Rodnichok "


Event for parents and children in the middle group

Quiz "What did autumn bring us?".

(middle group)

Generalization of children's ideas about vegetables and fruits.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the appearance and taste of vegetables and fruits; Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through deepening knowledge about vegetables, fruits and vitamins; Promote group cohesion, improve the communication skills of parents and children; Create a positive emotional climate in the group.


    Pictures of vegetables and fruits; Fruit and vegetable masks for children; Two surprise boxes with holes with sets of vegetables and fruits (natural); Two sheets of drawing paper; Sets of felt-tip pens; Board didactic games - "Lotto", "Entertaining squares"; Two flannelgraphs; Video "Autumn melody".

Group form:

The group has two tables opposite each other for teams with masks of vegetables and fruits - vegetables on one, fruits on the other, benches for parents and high chairs for children.

Event progress:

Parents with children are divided into 2 teams by lottery. At the entrance to the group, they pull pictures rolled up into a tube with images of vegetables and fruits and take the appropriate places opposite each other. Children put on masks of vegetables and fruits, denoting teams. Choose team captains, name.

We are glad to see you today in our group. You have entered the quiz. And the theme will need to be guessed.

The fields are empty, the earth is wet,

It's raining - when does it happen? (autumn).

Correctly. Today we will talk about autumn.

Remember the verses about autumn (three quatrains from both teams).

Indeed, autumn is a wonderful time of the year.

And now we will play the finger game “What did autumn bring us?”

Vedas: - Autumn brought us torment

Children: - So there will be pies (imitation of making pies),

Vedas: - Brought us honey

Children: - A full deck (spread their arms to the side).

Vedas: - She brought us buckwheat

Children: - Porridge will be in the stove (children interfere with porridge).

Vedas: - Brought vegetables and fruits

Children: - Delicious foods (clap their hands).

Task for teams number 1.

In autumn, a rich harvest was gathered in the garden and vegetable garden.

The next task is "Mysteries".

“What has grown in the garden and in the garden?”

(teams take turns guessing riddles to each other, 5 riddles each about vegetables and fruits).

Task for team captains.

- "Collect a picture from the game" Fun Squares "

(vegetables and fruits respectively).

Task for teams number 2

Whoever chooses the fastest and then names vegetables and fruits (children from the “loto” set choose the appropriate pictures and bring them to the table of their team, then name them).

Task for teams number 3

I propose to play the game "Guess by touch".

Children from both teams take turns feeling the contents of the surprise boxes and name the vegetables and fruits that are there.

Task for parents.

- "Show a fairy tale in which there are vegetables or fruits"

(parents are preparing to show a fragment from a fairy tale without masks and words).

Children at this time are playing with the leader in the finger game "About cabbage"

What's a fiddle? (clench and unclench fists)

What's the crunch? (palms to the lock, raise and lower fingers).

What is this bush? (spread arms out to the sides, shrug).

How to be without a crunch? (palms to the castle).

If I am cabbage! (show head of cabbage with palms).

We chop cabbage, chop! (hit the knees with the edge of the palm)

We three carrots, three (cams three against each other up and down)

We salt the cabbage, salt (finger pinch)

We press cabbage - we press! (clench and unclench fists).

Parents present their task, and children guess a fairy tale.

Task for teams number 4

Who will name more dishes from vegetables and fruits. What vitamins are present in vegetables and fruits and why they should be consumed.

Task for teams number 5

Draw your mood. Children draw one detail of the face, in turn (oval, eyes, nose, etc.) on their sheet of drawing paper.

Looking at posters.

Autumn is coming to an end. Let's remember once again what it was like (watching a video about autumn "Autumn Melody", children singing the song "Autumn").

At the end of the quiz - a table - a buffet table with various vegetables and fruits, dishes from them.

Children and parents taste, share their impressions.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Golden Autumn, what did it bring us?”
Area integration
mathematical development, acquaintance with the natural world.



Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Golden Autumn, what did it bring us?”
Area integration: cognition, speech development, development of artistic skills (sculpting),
mathematical development, acquaintance with the world of nature..

strengthening the ability to sculpt familiar oval and round shapes from plasticine, help children remember the techniques by which this can be done;
arouse the desire to blind the vegetables offered for display;
activation in the dictionary of children of the concepts "autumn", "harvest", "circle", "oval", "ball",

Educational: continue to consolidate the ability to use a variety of modeling techniques;
sound consolidation (C)
introduce children to vegetables - zucchini and pumpkin;
consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, activate the names of vegetables in speech;
to activate in the dictionary of children the concepts of "autumn", "harvest", "circle", "oval", "ball";
introduce the concept of "cylinder" into the passive vocabulary of children;
continue to activate the concepts of "part", "whole", "many", "few", "long", "short".

Developing: develop speech, memory, thinking.

Educational : to continue to cultivate the ability to bring the work begun to the end, to focus in their actions on productivity and a positive result.

Materials and equipment: yellow and green plasticine - for each child; boards for modeling; vegetables or their replicas - zucchini and pumpkin; posters depicting fruits and vegetables; circle and oval figures, corresponding to the color and size of vegetables, cut out of paper; a cylinder from a building kit and a plastic ball from a dry pool - for demonstration during modeling;
a diaper or a large napkin; musical accompaniment corresponding to the theme of autumn.

Lesson progress:
the teacher invites the children to remember what season it is now (children's answers).
- That's right, guys! Today we will talk about autumn.
Then the children are invited to look at posters with images of vegetables and fruits.
-Look, guys, what does autumn give and bring to us? (children's answers)
-Tell me only fruits! (Answers)
-And now - only vegetables! (Children's answers)
-Well done boys! Autumn also sent a gift to us today, but first we must guess by touch what could be there. (pumpkin and zucchini lie on the table under a napkin)
The teacher invites several children to take turns examining the vegetables to the touch through a napkin and tell everyone about their feelings. If the child has difficulties, the teacher asks leading questions containing the designations of sensory standards (“round” or “square” and so on)

Game physical training "Leaflets":
Finally, the teacher says that autumn, of course, is not opposed to removing the napkin and considering the surprise from her, but she would like to listen to the foam of flying leaves performed by the guys. This song is either loud or quiet and sounds like this: s-s-s-s-s-s-s. When the song sounds loud, the leaves fly quickly from the wind, and when it subsides, the leaves fall to the ground.
Children play on the teacher’s command: “loudly” - “quietly”, perform walking and light running, at the same time making a sound either loudly or quietly, until the teacher says that the wind has died down.

Then they sit on the chairs and the teacher opens the vegetables.

Teacher questions:
What are these vegetables called?
- What color are they?
What shape are they or what shape do they look like? (a comparison is offered with paper forms on which these vegetables are pre-placed - a circle (yellow, like a pumpkin) and an oval (green, like a zucchini))

Each child is invited to once again examine the vegetables tactilely (at the stage of connecting the visual analyzer).

Then the teacher offers to make plasticine vegetables so that moms, dads, grandparents in the evening can see at our exhibition what vegetables autumn sent us today.

This is followed by the teacher showing the stages of modeling, questions to the children:
What kind of vegetable can be molded from a yellow piece of plasticine? (pumpkin)
- what shape will our pumpkin be? (round, ball (showing a ball), with circular movements of the palms a ball is molded, slightly flattened from above and below by squeezing)
- what can we make a pumpkin tail from? (Pinch off a small piece (part) from a piece of green plasticine, roll a short tail out of it and stick it to our pumpkin)
- green plasticine is suitable for sculpting which vegetable? (zucchini)
How is the shape of a zucchini different from that of a pumpkin? (the zucchini is long - the teacher says that this shape resembles the shape of a cylinder (showing the cylinder), but the edges of the zucchini are smooth, rounded). The zucchini is molded by rolling the ball and then rolling it into an elongated shape by moving the palms back and forth, the tail is pulled out with the fingers from one side.

NOTE: during the show, the teacher invites all children to first show the rolling movements in the air, and then on the piece of plasticine used to make the sample (we do it together).

Then the children take their places at the desks and do the work on their own, under the supervision of a teacher.

Reflection : an exhibition of finished works next to real vegetables, a conversation about what we will tell parents about these vegetables in the evening.

What did autumn bring us?

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Explain the benefits of natural vitamins.

Stroke:caregiver . Guys, look who came to visit us ..


Children: Dunno.

Educator: Dunno has prepared a riddle for you.

Round side, yellow side;
Sits on the garden bed,
Rooted firmly into the ground
What is this…

Educator. Children, what do you think it is? (Children's answers.) Of course, this is a turnip. How did you guess it was a turnip?
caregiver . Listen to another riddle from Dunno.
In the garden is long and green,
And in a tub yellow and salty.
(Cucumber) caregiver . Children, how can one name a turnip and a cucumber in one word? That's right, vegetables!
caregiver . What other vegetables do you know? (slide)
Summarizes the children's answers: "Turnip, cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot, cabbage, potato are vegetables."
Guys, Dunno asks, is this also a vegetable? (slide)

caregiver . No, an apple is a fruit. Children, what other fruits do you know?
Summarizes the children's answers: "Apples, pears, plums, apricots, lemons, tangerines, bananas, these are all fruits." (slide)
Then the teacher asks: “Where do fruits grow? Where do vegetables grow?
Summarizes the children's answers: "Vegetables grow in the garden - on the beds, and fruits in the garden - on the trees."

Game wonderful bag "Fruits, vegetables" caregiver Guys, do you know how cucumbers grow? First you need to plant cucumber seeds, small sprouts will grow from them. After that, the cucumber seedlings bloom, and only then do small cucumbers appear in place of the flowers. People water the plant and cucumbers grow. Then they are plucked and eaten. To grow a good crop, you need to work hard. (slides). Children, I suggest you play with Dunno.
The game "Gather the harvest" is held.
Children come to the tables. In front of each child are fruits and vegetables (models).

The first basket is for picking vegetables, the second basket is for picking fruits - the child has.
caregiver . What a generous autumn! Harvested in the fall and prepared for the winter. Why do you think people make preparations in the fall?
Summarizes the children's answers: "Many fruits and vegetables ripen in autumn, and plants rest in winter."
caregiver . Do you guys know what preparations people make for the winter?
Summarizes the children's answers: “People make salads; they salt tomatoes and cucumbers, cook compotes, etc. Each housewife has her own cooking secrets. Vegetables and fruits are very tasty and healthy for humans.
caregiver . Yes, Dunno, all vegetables and fruits contain many useful substances and vitamins. Nature itself gives us these vitamins! To be healthy, you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Guys, what did we talk about today?

What gifts has autumn brought us?

Berdnikova Natalya Grigorievna
Abstract of the GCD on acquaintance with the natural world for children of the middle group "What autumn brought us"

Abstract continuous educational activities « Introduction to the natural world» for middle group children

Topic "What do we autumn brought»


Expanding knowledge about autumn and its gifts.


Extend Views children about fruits and vegetables.

To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Give insight into the benefits natural vitamins.

Equipment: dunno doll; two baskets; models of vegetables and fruits; a series of consecutive pictures: cucumber seeds, cucumber sprout, a person waters a bed with cucumber seedlings, cucumbers bloom, wattle with cucumbers; vegetables and fruits, cut into small cubes; disposable spoons.

The course of continuous educational activities

1. Organizational stage. Surprise moment.

caregiver: Guys, what time of year is it?

Children: Autumn.

caregiver: Correctly. Today we will talk about what we autumn brought! But first you must solve my riddles.

Knock on the door (the teacher goes out the door and puts a doll on his hand - Dunno).

caregiver: Who came to us? Hello Dunno, come to us and help the guys solve riddles.

2. Main stage.

1. Guessing riddles.

Round side, yellow side;

Sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly into the ground

What is this…


Dunno: It's a bun!

caregiver: Children, what do you think it is? (Answers children)

Of course it's a turnip. How did you guess it was a turnip? (From a fairytale)

Dunno: I read a fairy tale "Turnip". The turnip grew so big that it was barely pulled out of the ground. The mouse came running and pulled the turnip out!

caregiver: Children, what do you think, who pulled the turnip? (Answers children)

Dunno: I realized that it was not the mouse that pulled the turnip, but everyone pulled it together - the grandfather, and the grandmother, and the granddaughter, and the bug, and the cat, and the mouse. In order for a turnip to grow in the garden, we must work together.

caregiver: Listen to another riddle. Dunno, in order to correctly guess the riddle, you must be attentive:

In the garden is long and green,

And in a tub yellow and salty.


The dunno together with the children guesses the riddle, explains why the riddle says about the cucumber.

2. Generalization.

caregiver: Children, how can you call a turnip and a cucumber in one word? That's right, vegetables!

caregiver Q: What other vegetables do you know? (Children list vegetables).

caregiver: Therefore, turnip, cucumber, tomato, carrot, beet, cabbage, potato are vegetables.

Dunno: You forgot to name the apple!

caregiver: Guys, Dunno speaks correctly? No, Dunno, an apple is a fruit. Children, what other fruits do you know? (Children list fruits).

That's right, apples, pears, plums, apricots, lemons, tangerines, bananas, these are all fruits. Well done!

caregiver: Children, do you know where fruits grow?

Children: Fruits grow in the garden - on trees.

caregiver Q: Where do vegetables grow?

Children: Vegetables grow in the garden - in the beds.

Dunno: If you plant one cucumber in the garden, will many cucumbers grow?

caregiver: No, Dunno, first you need to plant cucumber seeds, small sprouts will grow from them. After that, the cucumber seedlings bloom, and only then do small cucumbers appear in place of the flowers. People water the plant and cucumbers grow. Then they are plucked and eaten. To grow a good crop, you need to work hard.

(Shows illustrations and accompanies his story by showing the sequence of plant growth).

caregiver: Children, I suggest you play with Dunno.

3. The game is being played "Harvest".

Children come to the tables. Each child has fruits and vegetables in front of them. (dummy).

The teacher gives Dunno and one child each a basket.

The first basket - for collecting vegetables - from Dunno, the second basket - for collecting fruits - from the child.

caregiver: You need to put vegetables in Dunno's basket, and fruits in Masha's basket.

At the end of the game, the teacher praises the children for correctly collecting vegetables in one basket and fruits in the other.

4. Discussion “What preparations are made for the winter?”

caregiver: What a generous autumn! autumn harvest and make preparations for the winter. Do you guys know what preparations people make for the winter? (Answers children)

caregiver: That's right people make salads; they salt tomatoes and cucumbers, cook compotes, etc. Each housewife has her own cooking secrets. Vegetables and fruits are very tasty and healthy for humans.

Dunno: And I know that fruits and vegetables are very useful, they have a lot of vitamins.

caregiver: Yes, Dunno, all vegetables and fruits contain many useful substances and vitamins. Gives us these vitamins herself nature! To be healthy, you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. And now we'll play a game "Know the Taste".

5. The game is being played "Know the Taste".

In the plate are pieces of vegetables and fruits, cut into cubes. Each child takes a piece of a vegetable or fruit with a disposable spoon and puts it in their mouth. After the children chew, the teacher asks what each child ate. Dunno participates in the game with the children.

Dunno thanks the guys for the new interesting knowledge that he received in the lesson, and says goodbye to them.

3. Final stage. Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

What did you learn about autumn?

Who came to visit us?

What did you play today?


1. Solomennikova O. A. Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten: middle group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2016

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Naberezhneva Svetlana Alexandrovna, educator, GBOU of the city of Moscow "School No. 285 named after V.A. Molodtsoa" structural unit No. 13
Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson on the development of speech "What did autumn give us?" for children of the middle group of kindergarten. This methodological development can be useful for preschool teachers and parents.
Target: Introducing children to natural phenomena.
Tasks:- fix the signs of autumn: it became cold. it's raining;
- learn to distinguish between vegetables and fruits;
- learn to use nouns with a general meaning: fruits. vegetables.
Material: Painting "Late autumn". Basket with models of vegetables and fruits. Doll in autumn clothes. Umbrella. Musical recording by P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".
Lesson progress:
Educator: Children, today I went to kindergarten and saw a lot of colorful boats in puddles: red, yellow, orange. The boat will sink into the water and immediately float. Tell me, what are these multi-colored boats?
Children: Leaves.
Educator: What is the name of the time when the leaves fall?
Children: Leaf fall.
Educator: When does leaf fall happen?
Children: In autumn.
Educator: Right. One of the signs of autumn is the yellow leaves on the trees. it is a very beautiful phenomenon. Children, tell me, what happened to nature?
Children: It became cold.
Educator: Look at the picture and say the signs of autumn.

(Children look and name)
The teacher reads a poem
If in the trees
the leaves turned yellow
If in a distant land
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
if it's raining,
It's the time of year
called autumn.
(M. Khodyakova)
Educator: Let's imagine that we are in a forest.
(The recording with the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky is turned on. The Masha doll is brought in.)

Educator: Our guest is a Masha doll. She brought a picture, and something lies with her.
- Sasha, come and have a look. what's in the basket? (The child takes out an umbrella from the basket).
Autumn has come, it has become cold. The sun hid behind the clouds. It started raining heavily.
- Let's play the game "Rain". (The game is being played).
Educator: We have found a new sign of autumn. What's this?
Children: Rain.
Educator: And what did autumn give us from our garden?
(Children list)
Educator: I will give you riddles, and you must guess them.
Red nose stuck to the ground
You don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I...

And green and thick in the garden grew a bush.
Dig a little: under a bush...

Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ...

Although my name is sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you know who I am? ...

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
By autumn they turn red.

I am long and green, I am delicious salty,
Delicious and raw. Who am I?

Educator: You correctly guessed my riddles.
- And now Anya will come to the Masha doll and take out only vegetables from the basket, and Nikita will take out only fruits.
Having grouped vegetables and fruits, children call them in one word - generalize.
The game "Vegetables - fruits" is being held. (Vegetables and fruits are mixed on the table. Children line up at the start in two teams: boys and girls. At the signal of the teacher, one child from each team is picked up to the table, and they take one vegetable (girl) or one fruit (boy), set aside each to their side and quickly pass the baton to another child.The team that collects vegetables and fruits faster and more correctly wins.
Then summarize the lesson with the children.