
The riddle about the balcony is cool. Balcony: history of origin, riddles and interesting facts. Needle and thread


Every year we give children gifts with riddles - this is a whole quest, moving from one riddle to another, the child eventually finds a gift.

I came up with this myself when I was little Yaroslav. Then there were no names such as "quest". I just wanted to entertain the child, surprise him. I took riddles about everyday things from a reading reader - a refrigerator, a wardrobe, shoes, a bathroom, laid out the notes there, and handed the first one to him. Delight was - not to describe!

And now this happens every year. I have already exhausted the fantasy of riddles. And this time she asked Yaroslav to find some puzzles for her brother.

Yaroslav tried and found such riddles that I did not even know. I spent an hour on the Internet :)

I am sharing with you the finished design of the quest:

1. Give the first note to the child. We had it in the "hands" of the inflatable Mickey Mouse

2. The unit shivers,
There is a thaw, then a cold,
He is very glad to work,
And if you turn it off, it will sit in a puddle. ( Refrigerator)

3. There is a note in the refrigerator about closet

He stands in the corner against the wall.
Oh, he looks huge
But he is not punished at all.
Mom keeps things in it.

There is another note in the closet. Only you need to hide it somewhere in a conspicuous place, otherwise the closet is big, you can look for a note for a day

4. I am not a sea or a river,
I am not a lake, not a pond
But like morning or evening -
People all run to me. ( Bath)

Interestingly, I inserted the note into a vase with seashells on the mirror, it was directly visible. But the children were looking together and could not find! Apparently, the mirror has magical properties make objects invisible.

5. And one more puzzle had to be solved in order to get to the coveted gift


I tried to arrange the notes so that Gleb had to run from one part of the apartment to the opposite: from the nursery to the kitchen, again to the nursery, to the bathroom, to the balcony.

And then Gleb asked me: "Mom, how do you manage to sneak in so quietly and spread out all the notes that they didn't even wake me up?"

The answer suggests itself: "If you become a dad, you won't be able to do that either" :)

Gift-quest- a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, addictive game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various ciphers and riddles, which, along a chain, lead to the main prize. Main idea: the surprise is hiding in a secluded place, and the player is given a kind of message-riddle-indication with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.


So, your task is to make sure that the player finds a gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. For this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house, which will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Hints-tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from washing machine and ovens to the mailbox at the entrance. The chain must be carefully thought out so that on the way the objects do not intersect and lead to a gift ahead of time.
  3. To come up with and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Lay out all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and draw up a layout scheme for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: more can make the quest tiresome, and fewer - too fleeting. But this, of course, general recommendation- perhaps you will end up with a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not have to correspond to poetic canons at all. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some fun occasion), then it will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday boy! To make it easier for you, I offer to help you a selection of riddles for drawing up a quest indoors:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm bursting: it's time to get up!

Who walks the night and walks the day,
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush and not a flower.
She will lie on her knees,
He will tell you about everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

She speaks silently
But understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

By the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-storey.
We are on the ground floor
All tenants have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
You will laugh - and in response
He'll laugh too.

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show him everything as it is!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
The merry ones see the laughter
I cry with sadness.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at -
It will transfer everything to the picture.

In this little thing
A warm wind settled.
(Hair dryer)

Two abdomens, four ears.

She will fluff her sides
Its four corners
And you, as night falls,
All the same it will attract to itself.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess -
People love me very much
Sit and lie down.

There are hangers and shelves,
Like floors in the house,
Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander on carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
There I always find delicious dust
And with pleasure I buzz loudly.
(A vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales dust -
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(A vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I grumble
I'll wrap it up and swallow it!
(A vacuum cleaner)

I am sleepy in matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hiss.
I really don't like crumpled ones!

Strokes everything that it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

He lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Demonstrates cinema.
(TV set)

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

He supports the window,
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table,
Available in the kitchen and hallway.
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is ...

Protects bread
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house
It is good for him in it.
(Bread box)

On the stove is the chief of the pans.
Thick, long-nosed ...

Iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And bye!

Her mouth was stuffed with meat,
And she chews on him
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
He sends everything to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes and omelet,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Fries everything ...

Fries meat, cooks soup,
He bakes pies.
She has both here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, do not be shy
Open up your belly soon!

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!
Where it snows even in summer
You still have a hint!

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice are sparkling there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Where delicious dinners are, where family conversations are.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
He will sweep the corners in the house.
He's certainly not a bum,
The litter will help to remove ...

Do you want to find the answer sooner -
Look for a clue where there is a bright light!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a clue
Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom,
It looks transparent and round.
I wonder when to look into the eye
Water bubbles in this box.
(Washing machine)

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.
(Crane, a note is suspended from it)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)

I'll let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we cannot enter,
Always stand in the way!

He meets everyone with one handle,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought the shelves together.
Not for battle at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Poured to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides,
In this house, residents
All skillful swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
If you let go of the leash,
Fly away behind the clouds.

I'm in my school bag
I will tell you how you study.

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a rosy fat man
But every day he was losing weight
And finally disappeared completely.
(The calendar)

Roll up - a wedge,
Expand - damn it.

He reveals himself,
He shuts you down.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite.

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

It hangs in a conspicuous place,
Swallows news all year round.

Variants of possible hints and places where they can be hidden, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some objects

  • balloon with a message inside
  • stuffed toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a clue inside the candy
  • a plate with a cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a tip on a USB flash drive
  • sms or e-mail with instructions on what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a photo taken in advance of the next item in your chain; the player needs to take a camera and view photos
  • a hint in the newspaper - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled with a pen) (or we select letters in different articles, from which the player needs to form a word)
  • At one of the stages, the player finds objects or pictures that play important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what kind of work it is and find a book with it. The book contains the next clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word "picture" itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday man will think about what the word "waterfall" means: a tap in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then he will guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are the keywords of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds a message and sees the following: a cell phone is depicted on the sheet, from it there is an arrow to your glued photo, from a photo of an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint asks you to call you on the phone and tell you the password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a photo of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Then put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be "puzzles" that the birthday boy needs to collect. At the final point of the chain, put a blank A4 sheet, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday man will need to glue the "puzzles" on a sheet of paper, put it in the file and see where the "treasure" lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing a quest, you can use these examples or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to put love during cooking, and the return will surely delight you!

Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Present to the birthday person in person
  • Send as SMS
  • Place in a prominent place or attach to the wall
  • Transfer through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy Birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck! "

And then you watch how the player with excitement unravels your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can involve friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will surely delight the birthday man, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An example scenario of a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half enters the bathroom and sees a beautiful message attached to the wall in which you wish him a happy birthday.

At the bottom it says:

P.S. Take a look at the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds a message:

“I have prepared a present for you, but I will not present it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl for all my riddles
Can you find the answer
Then you will receive a gift
Rather, you will find it yourself! "

Immediately written Riddle number 1:

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!

Riddle number 2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which a sign “Eat me!” Is attached, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle number 3

The flash drive contains a pre-created text file with the name "Happy Birthday!", And there is the following riddle hint:

With one handle - meets everyone,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

Riddle number 4

On one of the doors is a small note, rolled up into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

Riddle number 5

In the mailbox there is a "letter" - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

Riddle number 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle number 7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Riddle number 8

Newspaper tip - highlighted (with a pen) word TV set (or we select letters in different articles from which we need to compose this word)

Riddle number 9

There is a sticker on the back of the TV with a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at -
All the picture will be transferred.

This will be the final riddle. The birthday man's task is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photographs and find among them the image of the microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photo of the oven). The beloved will find your gift in it!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or you do not have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and arrange everything beautifully, I bring to your attention. By the titles of the articles, you can find a suitable scenario for a quest game for any age.

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The balcony today has become a familiar continuation of the apartment. Everyone is so accustomed to his presence on the facades of buildings that it is probably impossible to imagine modern architecture without him. But the balcony is far from a modern construction; it goes back to the deep Middle Ages. They began to be built back in the XIII century, and they served for defensive purposes. These were monolithic stone structures protruding from the plane of the wall and having a blank stone fence. They were held in place by massive brackets that were attached to the wall. They used balconies mainly for observation and defense; they built them over the main gates of the city, so they can be called the decoration of the main city entrance.

The functionality and convenience of balconies were quickly appreciated and therefore they soon began to appear on the facades of residential buildings and public buildings. All sides of the building, as before, remained tightly closed, and heavy forms began to be replaced by lighter ones, because, being on the facade of the building, they served as its decoration. With the advent of the Gothic era, a new type of balconies emerged in the form of a cathedral pulpit. They had a semicircular configuration, and overlap masonry was laid out under the floor. Such chairs were used to decorate the facades of houses and the interior decoration of the premises.

During the Renaissance, loggias began to be installed on a special ledge, which was made in the wall. Metal fencing and a clearer shape of its various parts appear. The Venetian era adds brackets in the form of animals and people to the construction of balconies, giving the impression that the structures do not hang in the air, but are supported from below by their figures. At this time, intricate curly metal fences appeared, with a complex pattern of forged railings. Balconies become a decoration of buildings, so they try to make them unusually picturesque.

In Russia, these architectural elements appeared quite late, and they could only be found on the facades of the royal palaces. In the Baroque era, the Catherine Palace was decorated with a large number of such structures, it was a special charm of those times, it emphasized the pomp of the building. At the end of the 19th century, balconies began to be widely used in the construction of apartment buildings. The use of concrete and metal makes it possible to build balconies more into the facades of city houses, this is becoming not too expensive a pleasure and a privilege not only of kings.

The origin of the word "balcony"

The word "balcony" itself has ancient German roots, and in translation means "beam" or "log". Italians began to use it, giving the word a national flavor, changed the word "balco" to "balcone". This word refers to a ledge made of beams embedded in a wall. In this form, the word went around the world and spread widely along with the construction of these structures.

Modern balconies

Currently, a balcony is not only an opportunity to enjoy the surrounding landscape and fresh air, but also the prospect of expanding the living space. Therefore, glazed balconies have gained wide popularity, in which you can arrange a storage room, an additional room, and a greenhouse for flowers.

The protruding rooms of modern houses can be divided into four main types:

  • - a platform protruding from the wall, with fences and railings;
  • Veranda- differs from the usual balcony large size, obligatory covering on top and support in the form of columns;
  • Loggia- a structure deepened into the facade of the building, having only one side;
  • - an opening in the wall, fenced from the street side, it does not have an exit platform.

In different countries, a certain shape of the balcony usually prevails, it depends on the climatic conditions of the country. In countries with sultry and hot climates, covered verandas and terraces are common, hiding from the scorching rays of the sun. Where the climate is more temperate, open structures and large verandas are used. In countries with cold and harsh weather, loggias are built in, and more often this architectural element is not used at all.

Riddles about the balcony

People have always loved to envelop objects around them with secrets and extraordinary properties. Of course, the loggias did not pass by their attention. Riddles about the balcony are very helpful in developing children's ingenuity and the ability to think logically, the ability to reproduce the image of an object according to words develops imagination. And such an element of the building is not so easy to guess, for this you have to think carefully. Here are examples of several riddles, the clues for which will be the word "balcony".

I'm from home to the doorstep
Just one step took
The door closed behind my back
There is no path in front of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends,
Where am I?

Not a house, but not a street either,
High, but not scary.

Home is like home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Flower beds.

The riddle about the balcony can be invented by both adults and children. Give the kids a little thought and describe this building element, for sure from the prevailing descriptions you can put together a whole ballad. Such constructions have become so tightly incorporated into people's lives that even the classics could not do without them, it is worth remembering "Romeo and Juliet", the balcony can be called one of the acting characters of this world famous work.

The history of its appearance can be called remarkable and interesting. In the Middle Ages, toilets did not exist in houses, so people had to correct their need using special dishes, and its contents were often simply poured out into the windows of houses, right onto the pavement. Because of this, the smell of the cities was simply unbearable, and this caused a lot of inconvenience to passers-by. In Paris, a decree was issued prohibiting pouring out slop without shouting about it three times, a fine was provided for failure to comply with this law.

Even in the Louvre, the palace of French nobles and kings, in those days it was impossible to find a single toilet. Guests and courtiers had to either squat on the wide window sills, or demand a special vase. The use of windows was extremely inconvenient, so they began to make special windows to the floor, and so that the nobles did not fall out of them, they made a special fence. Modern French balconies, of course, are not used for their original purpose, they serve as decoration of the facade and emphasize the unusualness of the interior, but the original name stuck with them.

Living in modern homes and using various subjects in everyday life, usually no one thinks about their origin, but everything has its own deep history. Much remains unchanged from its original image, and some objects have changed so much that it is difficult to even imagine what they were at the very beginning of their journey.

The balcony today has become a familiar continuation of the apartment. Everyone is so accustomed to his presence on the facades of buildings that it is probably impossible to imagine modern architecture without him. But the balcony is far from a modern construction; it goes back to the deep Middle Ages. They began to be built back in the XIII century, and they served for defensive purposes. These were monolithic stone structures protruding from the plane of the wall and having a blank stone fence. They were held in place by massive brackets that were attached to the wall. They used balconies mainly for observation and defense; they built them over the main gates of the city, so they can be called the decoration of the main city entrance.

The functionality and convenience of balconies were quickly appreciated and therefore they soon began to appear on the facades of residential buildings and public buildings. All sides of the building, as before, remained tightly closed, and heavy forms began to be replaced by lighter ones, because, being on the facade of the building, they served as its decoration. With the advent of the Gothic era, a new type of balconies emerged in the form of a cathedral pulpit. They had a semicircular configuration, and overlap masonry was laid out under the floor. Such chairs were used to decorate the facades of houses and the interior decoration of the premises.

During the Renaissance, loggias began to be installed on a special ledge, which was made in the wall. Metal fencing and a clearer shape of its various parts appear. The Venetian era adds brackets in the form of animals and people to the construction of balconies, giving the impression that the structures do not hang in the air, but are supported from below by their figures. At this time, intricate curly metal fences appeared, with a complex pattern of forged railings. Balconies become a decoration of buildings, so they try to make them unusually picturesque.

In Russia, these architectural elements appeared quite late, and they could only be found on the facades of the royal palaces. In the Baroque era, the Catherine Palace was decorated with a large number of such structures, it was a special charm of those times, it emphasized the pomp of the building. At the end of the 19th century, balconies began to be widely used in the construction of apartment buildings. The use of concrete and metal makes it possible to build balconies more into the facades of city houses, this is becoming not too expensive a pleasure and a privilege not only of kings.

The origin of the word "balcony"

The word "balcony" itself has ancient German roots, and in translation means "beam" or "log". Italians began to use it, giving the word a national flavor, changed the word "balco" to "balcone". This word refers to a ledge made of beams embedded in a wall. In this form, the word went around the world and spread widely along with the construction of these structures.

Modern balconies

Nowadays, a balcony is not only an opportunity to enjoy the surrounding landscape and fresh air, but also the prospect of expanding living space. Therefore, glazed balconies have gained wide popularity, in which you can arrange a storage room, an additional room, and a greenhouse for flowers.

The protruding rooms of modern houses can be divided into four main types:

  • - a platform protruding from the wall, with fences and railings;
  • Veranda- differs from a conventional balcony in its large size, obligatory covering on top and support in the form of columns;
  • Loggia- a structure deepened into the facade of the building, having only one side;
  • French balcony- an opening in the wall, fenced from the street side, it does not have an exit platform.

In different countries, a certain shape of the balcony usually prevails, it depends on the climatic conditions of the country. In countries with sultry and hot climates, covered verandas and terraces are common, hiding from the scorching rays of the sun. Where the climate is more temperate, open structures and large verandas are used. In countries with cold and harsh weather, loggias are built in, and more often this architectural element is not used at all.

Riddles about the balcony

People have always loved to envelop objects around them with secrets and extraordinary properties. Of course, the loggias did not pass by their attention. Riddles about the balcony are very helpful in developing children's ingenuity and the ability to think logically, the ability to reproduce the image of an object according to words develops imagination. And such an element of the building is not so easy to guess, for this you have to think carefully. Here are examples of several riddles, the clues for which will be the word "balcony".

I'm from home to the doorstep
Just one step took
The door closed behind my back
There is no path in front of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends,
Where am I?

Not a house, but not a street either,
High, but not scary.

Home is like home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Flower beds.

The riddle about the balcony can be invented by both adults and children. Give the kids a little thought and describe this building element, for sure from the prevailing descriptions you can put together a whole ballad. Such constructions have become so tightly incorporated into people's lives that even the classics could not do without them, it is worth remembering "Romeo and Juliet", the balcony can be called one of the acting characters of this world famous work.

The history of the appearance of French balconies can be called notable and interesting. In the Middle Ages, there were no toilets in houses, so people had to correct their need using special dishes, and its contents were often simply poured out into the windows of houses, right onto the pavement. Because of this, the smell of the cities was simply unbearable, and this caused a lot of inconvenience to passers-by. In Paris, a decree was issued prohibiting pouring out slop without shouting about it three times, a fine was provided for failure to comply with this law.

Even in the Louvre, the palace of French nobles and kings, in those days it was impossible to find a single toilet. Guests and courtiers had to either squat on the wide window sills, or demand a special vase. The use of windows was extremely inconvenient, so they began to make special windows to the floor, and so that the nobles did not fall out of them, they made a special fence. Modern French balconies, of course, are not used for their original purpose, they serve as decoration of the facade and emphasize the unusualness of the interior, but the original name stuck with them.

Living in modern homes and using various items in Everyday life, usually no one thinks about their origin, but everything has its own deep history. Much remains unchanged from its original image, and some objects have changed so much that it is difficult to even imagine what they were at the very beginning of their journey.

He walks, walks, but does not enter the hut.

It will take two hundred times a day,
Although it always stands still.

I'll let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand.

He meets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he sees off.
Who comes, who leaves -
All lead her by the hand.

I know people - darkness,
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand.


Black dog
Curled up lies:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,
But he won't let him into the house.


Sometimes they take from me
Rivers have their source
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I'm all made of iron
I climbed into the crack.
You are in the house for nothing
You won't come in without me.

The tail in the yard
The nose is in the kennel.
Who will turn the tail
He will enter the house.

He will lie down without attention
All day in your pocket.
You will come home without him -
You won't get into the house.

With a short beard,
With a hole in the middle
I lie quietly
Ringing in my pocket.

I'm at the door, I'm at the castle
I am in the musical line,
I will unscrew the nut,
I can if I want
Send a telegram
And solve the riddle.


No chauffeur, no wheels
And he brought me home.

Ride me almost
To the door of the apartment.
Drove it along the way
The passengers themselves.


Wooden road
Goes up sloping.
Every step is a ravine.

What is this road:
Who walks along it -
Is he limping?

Window, windows

Not on the floor, not on the shelf
And he looks into the house, and into the street.

Wooden borders,
And the fields are glass.

Many neighbors live nearby
And they never see each other.


I'm from home to the doorstep
Only one step took -
The door closed behind my back
There is no path in front of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends,
Where am I?

Home is like home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Flower beds.


Look under the window -
An accordion is stretched out there,
But the accordion does not play -
The apartment warms us up.

Under the window accordion,
Hot as fire.

Stretched out like an accordion
Wonderful stove under the window.

Water pipes

I carry water in me
We'll need some water.
We can swim without hassle
If there's?..

If the river is on the pipe,
Runs into your house
And he is in charge -
How do we call it?

Water faucet

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away quickly:
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.


Our dough hit
To a hot place.
Got it - not lost
It became a rosy bun.

There is a brick hut
Sometimes it is cold, sometimes it is hot.

Our fat Fedora
It takes a long time to eat
But when you are full,
From Fedora - warmth.

There is a hut in the hut,
There is a pipe in the hut,
It rustled in the hut,
The pipe hummed.

The people see the flame
And it does not go to extinguish.


On the roof of our gnome sits
And the sky smokes every day.

Sits on the roof of everyone above
Breathes smoke.


I don't chew, but I devour everything.

That, barely touching,
Turns firewood into smoke?

No matter how much you eat,
It is never full.

You feed it - it lives
If you drink it, it will die.


The house is small, but there are many inhabitants.

In a wooden house
Gnomes live.
Such good-natured people -
Distribute lights to everyone.

This is a cramped, cramped house.
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a bonfire.

In a neatly cleaned fire chamber
Little sisters doze
These sisters all day
They get a light.


I was born in the oven
Curled into rings
Danced trepaka
And went into the clouds.

I am hairy, I am hairy,
I am above every hut in winter,
Over a fire and a factory
Over the fire and the steamer
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no fire.

White pillar stands on the roof
And it grows higher and higher.
Now he has grown to heaven -
And disappeared.

No arms, no legs
And he climbed into the hut.

Fire and smoke

Father is hot and red
It is sometimes dangerous.
And the son will rise like a bird,
He will not return to his father.


I climbed into the stove for treasure,
I need it for the field.
What did the stove give me?
What is the name of the treasure? ..


The black horse jumps into the fire.


It may melt, but not honey,
Not a lantern, but light.

The head is ablaze with fire,
The body melts and burns.

I want to be useful:
There is no lamp - I will shine.


She's like a pear on the outside
Hangs around during the day
And at night it lights up the house.

House is a glass vial
And lives in it - a light!
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

Sun over the ceiling
It shines late in the evening.

I brought the sun
For your little window.
Suspended from the ceiling -
It was fun at home.

Held to the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed on the bubble -
The light came on.

Electricity, electric current

Who is on the wire
Does he come to our house?
To distant villages, cities
Who is walking on the wires?
Bright majesty!

I run along the paths
I can't live without a path.
Where am I, guys, no,
The light will not come on in the house.

Electricity meter

Very strict controller
Looks straight from the wall,
Looks, does not blink:
One has only to turn on the light
Or plug in the oven -
Everything is bewildering.


Behind the white door - cold, ice,
Santa Claus, friends, lives there.

North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there
Winter itself lives there.

There is a white house in the kitchen,
Solemn in appearance.
As if with solid milk
Covered on all sides.

They brought a box to the kitchen -
White white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.

Santa Claus all year round
He lives in a white house.
It will become quiet and silent,
It wakes up and grumbles.

Guess soon, friend,
What kind of snow house?
Preserves in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand
I wagged my flexible tail,
I licked the folds from the tie.

Back and forth
The steamer walks and wanders.
Stop - grief!
Make holes in the sea!

In the linen land
Along the river Bed
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

I'll walk a little hot
And the sheet will become smooth.
I can fix imperfections
And point the arrows on the trousers.

A vacuum cleaner

Walks-wanders on carpets,
Leads his nose in the corners.
Where I went - there is no dust,
Dust and debris is his lunch.

We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a Tu-liner.

He willingly breathes in dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.

I breathe in a lot of dust
To keep you healthy.


They go with a load -
stop without load.

I've been spinning the whole century, not a person.

They wiggle their mustache all day
And they tell the time to find out.

We walk at night, we walk during the day
But we're not going anywhere.

We hit regularly every hour
And you, friends, don't hit us!

Eremushka has been walking all century:
No sleep for him, no nap.
He leads the exact steps,
And still it will not leave the place.

Knocking, strumming, spinning,
Not afraid of anyone.
Counts all his life
And all is not a man.

On the arm and on the wall
And on the tower above.
They walk, walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

We don't sleep during the day
And we don't sleep at night.
And days and nights
We knock, knock, knock.


I don’t knock in vain -
when necessary, wake up.

Daily at seven in the morning
I rattle: "Get up porrrra!"

Clock hands

Two sisters one after another
Run round and round:
Shorty - just once
The one higher - every hour.


I'll sit under my arm
And I will indicate what to do:
Or let me walk
Or I'll put you to bed.


Capricious sandals
Once I was told: -
We are afraid of being tickled
Shoemaker strict ..?


There's a plate on the wall
An arrow walks on the plate.
This forward arrow
He will know the weather for us.

Record player

No ears, but hears.
I have no hands, but writes.


Musician, singer, storyteller,
And all - a circle and a box.

Gramophone record

I'm spinning, but not a whirligig
And a needle runs down me
I'm spinning without getting tired
I speak, I sing, I play.


Will guide a glass eye
Clicked once - and they remember us.


Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
Clothes are worn on top.
He has it inside.


There are four legs, one hat,
Needed if the family begins to dine.

Four brothers
they live under the same roof,
girded with one belt.


I stand on four legs
I can't walk at all:
When you get tired of walking
You can sit down and rest.

There is a back, but never lies.

There are four legs
And not even three.

Himself always stands
And he tells everyone to sit.


At night in me Vanyatka
Until then it slumbers sweetly
I don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? ..

A pillow sleeps on it during the day.
And at night - Andryushka.


Two abdomens, four ears.

They filled us with feather and down,
So that we are very soft.
We lie calmly under the cheek
So that the dream was sound and peace.


I lie under your feet
Trample me with your boots
And tomorrow take me to the yard
And beat me, beat me.
So that the children can lie on me
Flounder and somersault on me.


When I lie still
Without opening your mouth
In me, I will say but honor,
Such a void!
Hurry, sooner summer
! And people will lay
Travel items
Into my big mouth.


Who came out with me in the rain,
For that I like a roof.

He reveals himself,
And he closes you.
Only the rain will pass
Will do the opposite.

Saves from the rain
And he gets wet.
Although it gets wet
But it doesn't get wet.

I'm under a small roof
I went out for a walk in the rain.


Of cold rubber
And he knows how to warm.
Pour boiling water -
Then it will warm you.


Fingers on the rope
Hold a blanket.


The way watermelons are great
Like apples, crayons.
They cannot speak
But they can determine everything.


Mushroom pickers really need it,
You can't cook dinner without him,
You won't go hunting.
What is this?..

If imprisoned,
He cuts everything very easily:
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.


Two ends, two rings
In the middle of the carnations.

Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He's got a lot of worries
He cuts and cuts.

See we opened our jaws
You can put paper in it.
Paper in our mouth
Divided into parts.


How did the godfather get down to business,
Screamed and sang
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, a tooth.

Rides and rides back and forth
Will take in the teeth
It will split into two parts.

If the pines and spruce
They knew how to run and jump,
They are from me without looking back
Would rush off
And more with me
Would never meet
Because - I'll tell you
Not bragging, -
I am steel and wicked

The eater eats the wood,
One hundred teeth in one row.


I rested my foot on the screw,
The chatterbox has lost peace.


Where it rests with its tail
There will be a hole later.


He rang in the woods all day
Thick, whitish from frost,
And at night, going up to the fire
He fell asleep with his nose buried in the log.

There is a man from the forest
Mirror in the belt.

Bows, bows
When he comes home, it stretches out.

I go into the forest - I look home,
I go home - I look back at the forest.

Wonderful buddy:
Wooden arm,
Yes, an iron butt
Yes, a red-hot scallop.

He is held in high esteem by the carpenters,
Every day with him at work.

Although small in stature,
And I'm used to respect:
Before him are oaks and maples,
And the birches beat bows.


Titus went to work,
Everyone heard.
He himself is thin, with a head of poods,
As it strikes, it will become strong.


I'm all made of iron
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit my hat into the board,
But for me everything is thump and thump.

They beat the kid on the cap,
So that he lived in a piece of wood.

Without a head, but in a hat.
One leg, and that one without a boot.

Hammer knock-knock -
Bitches sticking out on the wall.
I knocked again -
Will not see.

Hammer and nail

The fat one will beat -
Slim will nail something.

I am the most lively worker
In a workshop.
I poke as much as possible
How I will see a lazy person
What is lying around for no good
I'll push it to the board
How can I knock you on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board
His cap is barely visible.

Iron someone
Hit him hard
And he was gone
The cap remained.


With a body as nimble as a snake,
I screw into the board.


The Humpbacked Skate
Wooden sides.
As you hold it in your hand -
He will slide on the board.

Along the wooden river
A new boat is running
Curls into rings
Its pine smoke.

I'm running on my bald head -
I cut curls from my bald head.

Glass cutter

On a mirror rink
On a single skate
He rode once
And the whole skating rink fell apart.


This stone circle
Tools are the best friend
Will whirl sparks over him,
The blunt will make it sharp.


They have hard work
They press something all the time.

Sewing machine

In the clearing woolen
Dancing thin-legged.
From under the steel shoe
The stitch creeps out.

Needle and thread

I am small
Thin and sharp
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I drag my tail behind me.

Girlfriend is holding on
For my ear
One stitch
The century is running after me.

The craftswoman walks
On silk and on chintz,
How small is her step!
It is called - stitch

I'm a one-eared old woman
I'm jumping across the canvas
And a long thread from the ear,
Like a spider web, I pull.

Needle, needles

They are usually for sewing;
And I saw them at the hedgehog.

I visit a pine tree, a tree,
And they are called -? ..

Sheathes everyone in the world
He does not wear what he sews.

Thin-legged Jelila
All dressed up, dressed up.
On the very, poor thing,
Not even a shirt.


Small head
Sits on a finger
Hundreds of eyes
Looks in all directions.

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.

Knitting needles

Two slender sisters
In the hands of the craftswoman
Dived in loops all day
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka.

Clothes brush

Who can't name me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I am from dust and stains;
Guarding your dress.

Floor brush

Our dancer all day
I'm glad to dance on the floor
Where he dances, where he waves,
Not a speck to be found.

It looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes -
The clothes will become cleaner.


Many friendly guys
They sit on one pillar.
How they start to frolic -
Only dust swirls around.

Twisted, tied
Impaled on a stake
And dances down the street.

An old grandmother is sneaking around the yard,
Keeps cleanliness.


Troubled Egorka
Took up cleaning:
I went to a dance around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor.

Worth Erosha
Shaggy and disheveled!
Will dance around the hut -
Waving twigs.
For a dashing dance
Belted with a bast.

Little Erofeyka
Belted shortly
On the floor, hop-hop -
And he sat down in a corner.

Troubled Egorka
Took up cleaning:
I went to a dance around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor.


A snake crawled into the courtyard,
Black and long
I watered the snow with water,
I didn’t yawn at work
I worked for a day -
There is a skating rink in the yard.

Home quest - a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, addictive game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various ciphers and riddles, which, along a chain, lead to the main prize.

Main idea: the surprise is hiding in a secluded place, and the player is given a kind of message-riddle-indication with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

Original birthday greetings - an exciting adventure with the search for a hidden gift using notes


So, your task is to make sure that the player finds a gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. For this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you will hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of objects in your house, which will lead to a hidden gift (the final point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Task tips can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain must be carefully thought out so that on the way the objects do not intersect and lead to a gift ahead of time.
  3. To come up with and beautifully design messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Lay out all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and draw up a layout scheme for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: more can make the quest tiresome, and fewer - too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will end up with a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not have to correspond to poetic canons at all. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some fun occasion), then it will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday boy! To make it easier for you, we offer to help you a selection of riddles for composing an indoor quest:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm bursting: it's time to get up!

Who walks the night and walks the day,
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush and not a flower.
She will lie on her knees,
He will tell you about everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

She speaks silently
But understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

By the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-storey.
We are on the ground floor
All tenants have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
You will laugh - and in response
He'll laugh too.

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show him everything as it is!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
The merry ones see the laughter
I cry with sadness.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at -
It will transfer everything to the picture.

In this little thing
A warm wind settled.
(Hair dryer)

Two abdomens, four ears.

She will fluff her sides
Its four corners
And you, as night falls,
All the same it will attract to itself.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess -
People love me very much
Sit and lie down.

There are hangers and shelves,
Like floors in the house,
Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander on carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
There I always find delicious dust
And with pleasure I buzz loudly.
(A vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales dust -
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(A vacuum cleaner)

If I see dust, I grumble
I'll wrap it up and swallow it!
(A vacuum cleaner)

I am sleepy in matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hiss.
I really don't like crumpled ones!

Strokes everything that it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

He lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Demonstrates cinema.
(TV set)

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

He supports the window,
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table,
Available in the kitchen and hallway.
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is ...

Protects bread
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house
It is good for him in it.
(Bread box)

On the stove is the chief of the pans.
Thick, long-nosed ...

Iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And bye!

Her mouth was stuffed with meat,
And she chews on him
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
He sends everything to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes and omelet,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Fries everything ...

Fries meat, cooks soup,
He bakes pies.
She has both here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, do not be shy
Open up your belly soon!

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!
Where it snows even in summer
You still have a hint!

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice are sparkling there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Where delicious dinners are, where family conversations are.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
He will sweep the corners in the house.
He's certainly not a bum,
The litter will help to remove ...

Do you want to find the answer sooner -
Look for a clue where there is a bright light!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a clue
Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom,
It looks transparent and round.
I wonder when to look into the eye
Water bubbles in this box.
(Washing machine)

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.
(Crane, a note is suspended from it)

There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Doesn't sing or play -
She heats the house.
(Heating battery)

I'll let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we cannot enter,
Always stand in the way!

He meets everyone with one handle,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought the shelves together.
Not for battle at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Poured to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides,
In this house, residents
All skillful swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
If you let go of the leash,
Fly away behind the clouds.

I'm in my school bag
I will tell you how you study.

Under New Year he came to the house
Such a rosy fat man
But every day he was losing weight
And finally disappeared completely.
(The calendar)

Roll up - a wedge,
Expand - damn it.

He reveals himself,
He shuts you down.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite.

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

It hangs in a conspicuous place,
Swallows news all year round.

Variants of possible hints and places where they can be hidden, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some objects

  • balloon with a message inside
  • stuffed toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a clue inside the candy
  • a plate with a cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a tip on a USB flash drive
  • sms or e-mail with instructions on what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a photo taken in advance of the next item in your chain; the player needs to take a camera and view photos
  • a hint in the newspaper - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled with a pen) (or we select letters in different articles, from which the player needs to form a word)
  • At one of the stages, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what kind of work it is and find a book with it. The book contains the next clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word "picture" itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday man will think about what the word "waterfall" means: a tap in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then he will guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are the keywords of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds a message and sees the following: a cell phone is depicted on the sheet, from it there is an arrow to your glued photo, from a photo of an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint asks you to call you on the phone and tell you the password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a photo of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Then put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be "puzzles" that the birthday boy needs to collect. At the final point of the chain, put a blank A4 sheet, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday man will need to glue the "puzzles" on a sheet of paper, put it in the file and see where the "treasure" lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing a quest, you can use these examples or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to put love during cooking, and the return will surely delight you!

Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Present to the birthday person in person
  • Send as SMS
  • Place in a prominent place or attach to the wall
  • Transfer through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy Birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck! "

And then you watch how the player with excitement unravels your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can involve friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will surely delight the birthday man, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An example scenario of a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide a gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half enters the bathroom and sees a beautiful message attached to the wall in which you wish him a happy birthday.

At the bottom it says:

P.S. Take a look at the washing machine!

At this moment, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds a message:

“I have prepared a present for you, but I will not present it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl for all my riddles
Can you find the answer
Then you will receive a gift
Rather, you will find it yourself! "

Immediately written Riddle number 1:

He's beautiful and cold
You won't be hungry with him!

Riddle number 2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which a sign “Eat me!” Is attached, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle number 3

The flash drive contains a pre-created text file with the name "Happy Birthday!", And there is the following riddle hint:

With one handle - meets everyone,
With the other handle he sees off.
Doesn't offend anyone
And only everyone is pushing her ...

Riddle number 4

On one of the doors is a small note, rolled up into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

Riddle number 5

In the mailbox there is a "letter" - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess my friend
What did the rhyme encrypt?

Riddle number 6

On the balcony is the following note:

I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
I’m with a back, but I don’t lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle number 7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet as soon as possible -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the message of the whole world
What kind of sheet is this?

Riddle number 8

Newspaper tip - highlighted (with a pen) word TV set (or we select letters in different articles from which we need to compose this word)

Riddle number 9

WITH back side there is a sticker on the TV, there is a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at -
All the picture will be transferred.

This will be the final riddle. The birthday man's task is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photographs and find among them the image of the microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photo of the oven). The beloved will find your gift in it!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or you do not have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and decorate everything beautifully, we bring to your attention. By the titles of the articles, you can find a suitable scenario for a quest game for any age.