
Crafts from bast. Bast sewn: we make toys with our own hands. From dough or plasticine

Pathology of the uterus

Maslenitsa- a celebration of the arrival of spring and the appearance of the warm sun. An important character of Maslenitsa since ancient times was solar god named Yarilo. Shrovetide pancakes (round, orange) also symbolize the sun. And it’s also accepted for Maslenitsa make a picture of the sun of the most different materials. Of course, the most ancient are the traditions crafts from bast and straw.

See how easy it is to make do-it-yourself sun from bast. Even children can do it. Align creativity with the child and the study of ancient traditions.

You can decorate your house with a sun disc for Maslenitsa. And you can put the sun on a high stick and put it on suburban area. It will be a symbol of a good harvest.

You will need the following materials:

Tie a bunch of bast (quite thick) tightly in the middle with a strong thread.
Spread the bast with a "rose" evenly in all directions.
This must be done on both sides of the dressing.
Put the straightened bundle on the table. To evenly distribute the bast, "comb" it with a comb with rare teeth.
Divide the bast fibers in a circle into beams. Beams should be about 8-12.
Bandage the "rays" at a distance of 8-10 cm from the center.
You already have a bast sun.
You can even leave it like that, cutting off the excess bast in a circle.
Divide each ray-bundle of bast in half. Tie adjacent halves in pairs.
The pattern of the bast sun has become more elegant. You can repeat the previous step if you wish. Get another decorative row.
Cut the bast in a circle, retreating from the knots 8-10 cm.
Spread the ends of the bast like a fan.
Decorate the solar circle with bright ribbons of solar colors (yellow, orange, red).
Here is the sun-Yarilo from bast and you're done.

Olga Savchenko
Master class on making Russian folk dolls from bast using ICT technologies

Master class on making Russian folk dolls from bast using

ICT technologies

my goal master - class is the manufacture of folk dolls and its use as a means of relaxation in working with preschool children.

The tasks that I set before yourself:

Attach to customs and traditions Russian people;

Develop fantasy, creative imagination;

Develop a good attitude towards others, towards each other;

The use of ICT - technologies to expand the horizons of pupils.

For work we need:

Lyko (one bundle is 20-25 cm long, the second is thinner and 15-18 cm long);

Wand (wooden skewer about 30 cm);

Rectangle fabric for dress (length 25-30 cm, width 10-15 cm);

Rectangle fabric for the apron;

White thick fabric on the face (square with a side of 15 cm);

Triangle fabric for scarf (sides 30 cm and 20 cm);

Braid or satin ribbon for the warrior (bottom scarf) 20 cm;

brightly colored hand ribbons (2 pieces of 30 cm);- strong threads (more correctly - red, this color is considered protective);


Event progress:

Introductory part:

Today, children's toys are presented in a wide variety of shapes and colors. But a handmade toy based on Russian folklore has special properties. Traditionally in Russia made rag dolls. Their made from pieces of linen and knitted fabrics, natural material. When they made a doll, they would definitely sing or sentence, and even make a wish. This doll was made with good mood and great love. The doll was faceless and was considered a talisman for the child from illness, from insomnia, from evil.

Playing with a doll, children preen them, talk to them, laugh or get upset.

Shaking the doll and singing a lullaby, children subconsciously relax, relieve emotional and physical stress. The child feels calm and confident. The doll leads him to the world of kindness, beauty and to give joy to children.

Therein lies the value folk chrysalis.

It's no secret that in Lately children stop playing dolls. More and more they play either on the computer or sit in front of the TV. Therefore, we often face the problem of children: they cannot play together, there is no desire to create something themselves.

But if we turn to history, we will see that the children of mothers and grandmothers from infancy were taught to manual labor. Therefore, at that time people were susceptible to stress and anxiety.

Since ancient times, dolls have been made from any material at hand, but at the same time, dolls were more often not of a playful nature, but of a more ritual nature. A certain type of dolls was made with a certain purpose: protect the house, help get married, protect the child from the evil eye.

Therefore, now, dear colleagues, we will do the same with you. doll but not simple. All you know is that Monday started "Maslenitsa" and so we will do "Home Shrovetide".

Home Maslenitsa - doll, which existed in the Tula province. She was called the daughter of Maslenitsa or her younger sister. It is a small, 20 - 25 cm high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. Home Maslenitsa symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. kept this doll in the red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling. On one of the days of the holiday pancake week when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll exhibited in windows or yards. According to tradition, the groom and the bride were greeted with the Home Maslenitsa.

Main part:

Throw away all bad thoughts, you are creating a talisman for your home. Try to stay positive!

It is desirable to take red threads, this drives away evil spirits, as they say.

When tying knots, it is better to knit 3 and whisper for each knot what you want for the person you are doing or your home.

for instance: "To Health, to Peace in the family, to Lad!"

When they tie the last one (last) knot, they say "Taco fast, taco be, taco wake up!"

The doll is kept in a sideboard, in the hall, in a conspicuous place, she is like a guardian of the hut from the evil eye.

Well. let's get started!

First beam fold the bast in half, we make out head:

Second beam (arms) put in the middle, under the head. We tie a cross to fix the hands.

We tie the ends of the hands with a thread, shaping the palms, trim the bast, but if anyone wants, they can braid their hands into braids, which will look even more beautiful.

We put a square of white fabric on the head diagonally, tie it with a thread. We tie a warrior.

Back view.

For manufacturing dress we need a rectangle of fabric (for dolls- Maslenitsa traditionally take fabric with wood or floral motif- they call Spring). The length of the dress depends on your flavors: you can make it a little shorter so that you can see the bast, or you can - "on the floor".

We fold the rectangle in half along the long side, and cut out 2 * 2 cm squares at the folds in two corners.

And from the inner corner of the square - to the edge of the dress.

At the fold we make a cross-shaped cutout for the head dolls.

We put the dress over the head, fix it with a thread under the arms.

We tie an apron. We put on a scarf in winter, leading the ends of the scarf back. We tie bright ribbons on our hands.

And finally inside dolls insert a skewer.

As a result, we got this dolls.

Final part:

In the Tula province, Maslenitsa was not treated as a toy, a stuffed animal. Tulyaks considered her a real woman, put on her their best outfits. Home Maslenitsa was put in a place of honor.

Doll can be kept at your home and protect your life, but, if you wish, you can burn it on Sunday, the last day of Maslenitsa, after dinner.

Thank you for your attention.

Very soon the festivities will begin - Wide Maslenitsa. It's time to think about how to make decorations and holiday attributes with your own hands. It can be both traditional Slavic folk and children's crafts, and of course - your author's products. A lot of people prepare in advance for exhibitions and fairs in kindergartens, schools and at festive festivities in towns and villages.

See the works sent to ours: photos of crafts and master classes for Shrovetide week. We are waiting for your photos, MK and scenarios on the theme of Maslenitsa! We remind you that walking a fun week in 2019 we will be from 4 to 10 March!


It was called banchen because of the bows with which it was decorated. 🙂 They made birch like ordinary bath brooms, tied them with bows, and on the first day of Maslenitsa they hung them on a stick stuck in a snowdrift at the entrance to the house. And at the end of the Maslenitsa week, having swept the house with them, they threw them into the fire.

A symbolic whisk can be made from a bunch of straw or bast:

One end is wrapped with a thread three times, tied into two knots:

Then the thread tightly wraps the future broom in a spiral to the middle:

Having made a couple of turns in the center of the bundle, the thread returns back:

It remains only to trim the broom evenly and decorate it with bows.

So it turns out "buncheny broom."


Maslenitsa is a holiday that is permeated with the first warm spring rays, so it is not surprising that many crafts are made in the form of our luminary. Maslenitsa is the farewell to winter and the welcome of spring. Nature comes to life outside the window, spring comes, and the birds in the trees chirp louder and louder. Very often, it is the sun that is depicted on Maslenitsa, because they want to appease this radiant luminary when they arrange festivities. People have fun, bake pancakes and enjoy this dish, as well as organize competitions and burn a huge scarecrow at the end of the holiday. You can also have fun creating interesting crafts.

From threads

In this master class, we will make a knitting craft in the form of a sun, since the sun is one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa. It is performed very simply and quickly, so you can connect children to the lesson, who will be happy to make the sun.

To make this craft you will need:

  • Yarn for knitting yellow;
  • Scissors;
  • red felt and white color;
  • Black paint;
  • Hot glue;
  • Thin satin ribbon.

For such a sun, any yarn is suitable, but not too thin. In this case, the thread "Karachaevskaya" was used. This thread is quite thick and stiff, so it will keep its shape well, and the rays of the sun will not hang down.

Let's prepare the base for the craft. To do this, yellow yarn must be wound around a book or any other object that fits in size. We wind a thick layer. Then carefully cut with scissors on both sides.

We get a bunch of small pieces of thread. We tie them in the center. When tying, we tighten the knot tightly. The tails from the thread with which the bundle was tied are divided and put into the bundle.

Now you need to divide the beam into 7 approximately identical new beams. To do this, we divide and bandage each bundle closer to the center. You can make the rays smaller, it depends on the thickness of the beam.

Now you need to trim the bundles with scissors, cutting off the excess. So we formed rays for the sun. You need to cut so that the rays are the same.

Now you need red and white felt. We will make a funny muzzle. From white felt, cut out 2 identical ovals for the eye. Let's make the ovals a little more elongated. Then cut out a mouth with a tongue from red felt. Cut out in one piece. You can make it in any other shape, for example, cut out plump lips.

Draw pupils with black paint or nail polish. To do this, it is convenient to use a toothpick or a match. Let the eyes dry.

Decorate the sun with a bow of thin satin ribbon. You can take a ribbon of any color.

Glue eyes and mouth with hot glue. We also glue the bow on top. If there is no glue, then you can sew the details with a regular thread.

It remains to make a loop from the same thread and attach it at the back. On it the sun can be hung in any convenient place.

Such a sun made of threads was made by Malyshev Artem:

Today I want to show you how folk amulet "Solar symbol". Since it is inconvenient to show this in photographs, watch the video and do it with your children.

To make the Solar symbol, you will need the remains of multi-colored threads and two sticks, straight birch twigs are best, because birch has long been considered a sacred tree in Russia. We recently had a strong wind, there were a lot of broken branches on the ground, we need to put them into action. In addition, the weather is cloudy again, but I want the sun.

So let's get started:

In the book “Russian rituals and traditions. folk doll”(I.N. Kotova, A.S. Kotova) I found the meanings attached to different colors our ancestors:

“White in crafts has always symbolized the shrine, green - life, blue - mystery, red - sacrifice, orange - the grace of God and His presence, blue - purity and innocence. Yellow- the color of warmth and love, lilac color meant sadness, purple - victory, crimson - the color of greatness, turquoise - the color of youth, pink - childhood, black - the color of emptiness and lack of happiness. Black combined with blue symbolized mystery, and black with green symbolized old age.

The finished solar symbol can be hung in front of the door so that everyone who enters experiences positive emotions. Our answer to feng shui, so to speak 🙂


Cute crafts can be done in. For example, as in these master classes by Tatyana Yablonskaya.

The first option is the sun in the sky.


  • blue cardboard,
  • yellow paper,
  • yellow thread
  • and a needle.

From the wrong side of the cardboard, draw 2 circles. One is big and the other is half the size. Draw 4 lines intersecting at the center of the circles. On a small circle, place dots at a distance of 1 cm.

Number the dots as shown in the photo.

Take a needle with yellow thread. Poke a hole at each point with a needle. Start work from point 1. From the wrong side, stick a needle with a bright thread into it, pull it to point 2 along the front side, then bring it out at point 3.

When you get to point 11, this ornament will begin to appear on the front side of the work.

Continue to embroider according to the given algorithm.

When you sew all the points, you will get such a circle. This is the sun.

Then draw rays on the wrong side, as shown in the photo.

Insert the thread at point 0 and sew in turn according to the scheme: 1-0-2-0-3-0 and so on. It turns out here is such a ray.

Gradually embroider the remaining rays.

In total, you should get 8 rays.

From yellow paper, cut a circle according to the diameter of the embroidered sun. Glue in the center of the embroidery.

This is how the sun turned out. If you wish, you can draw a face for him.

The second option is an orange sun.

Prepare a sheet of orange cardboard. Draw a circle on the wrong side and cut it out.

In this circle, draw another smaller circle.

In the center of the small circle, draw 4 intersecting lines. Place dots along the perimeter at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from one another. Fill in the numbers as shown in the photo.

Poke a hole at each point with a needle. Now start embroidering. First, pull the needle to point number 1 to secure the knot from the wrong side. The thread lies on the front side of the cardboard and enters point No. 2. It passes through point No. 3 and again exits to the front side. The stitch goes "over the face" and the needle comes out at point number 4. Continue in the same way.

If you look at the front side, then this picture will appear there.

Gradually, the circle will be filled with ornament.

When you sew all the points, you will get such a sun.

On one of the corners, draw and number points from 0 to 10.

Embroidery goes according to the scheme: 0-1, 0-2, 0-3 ... 0-10. A ray appears on the front side!

Repeat the manipulations and embroider 1 more beam.

Make 8 rays in total.

This is what the back side of the work looks like.

It remains only to cut off the excess edges of the cardboard. The sun in the technique of sinking is ready!

And quite simple craftsun made of cardboard and thread, which even children can do, an option for kindergarten:

Take a sheet of yellow cardboard. Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

Tip: if you take double-sided colored cardboard, then one circle will be enough.

Glue the circles with PVA glue, make holes along the edge of the workpiece with a hole punch.

It turns out a circle with neat holes. Prepare the threads for knitting orange and red shades.

Cut them into pieces 12-15 cm long.

Take 1 thread of each color, connect them together. Fold in half and put the resulting loop through one of the holes.

Then thread the ends of the threads through the loop and tighten at the edge of the circle.

Take 2 more threads and do the same manipulations.

Repeat the process as many times as you have punched holes. You will get the sun with long rays.

Tip: if you thread more threads (up to 10 pieces) into the holes, then the rays will turn out to be more lush and voluminous.

Flip your work over. On it you will see a different pattern.

Use a marker to draw a face for the sun to revive it a little.

The result of your efforts is a fun and provocative craft for Maslenitsa!

From felt

The sun is one of the main symbols of the wonderful Maslenitsa holiday. In this master class, we will make a fun and bright sun from felt.

To make crafts for Maslenitsa, you will need:

  • Felt yellow and orange;
  • Needle;
  • Thread for sewing;
  • Scissors;
  • Sintepon;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Black paint or nail polish;
  • Paper;
  • Pencil, ballpoint pen.

How to make the sun for Shrovetide in stages

Cut out a circle from yellow felt. This will be the center of the sun, so the size of the future craft depends on the size of the circle. You can use a template. To do this, on a white sheet of paper, you need to draw an even circle or circle any round object that fits in size. Then this circle needs to be cut out, circled on the felt and cut out the part already from the felt.

Now you need to draw a template for the rays of the sun. You can use plain paper and pencil, or take cardboard. The rays need to be drawn the same, so you can use a ruler. After the template is ready, you need to cut it out.

Now you need to attach the template to the orange felt and circle it with ballpoint pen or a marker. Also, if there is no orange felt, you can use red.

Now you need to work out the front part, namely to draw a face. To do this, attach a round piece to the orange one and insert the thread into the needle. Then you need to embroider a smile on your face, piercing both parts with a needle. You can embroider with regular stitches or chain stitch.

Now you need to attach the back of the sun to the front and sew 2 parts together, evenly aligning the rays so that the back ones do not stick out. In this case, you can slightly fill the part with padding polyester, but not tightly so that the sun does not swell.

At this stage, you will need black paint or nail polish and a toothpick. We draw eyes in the form of 2 points. Let the paint or varnish dry thoroughly.

Cheeks can be made pink using blush.

And to make the craft even brighter and more elegant, you can decorate it with a satin ribbon bow. It can simply be tied and glued on with glue or sewn on. You can take a ribbon of any color.

Craft in the form of the sun from felt is ready! It is perfect for decorating the interior for the holiday, or as a souvenir for friends and family.

Felt stand in the form of the sun

Not a single Maslenitsa celebration takes place without the most important symbol of this holiday - pancakes. Pancakes, in turn, symbolize the sun.

Therefore, the Shrovetide table should be decorated with elements with the image of the sun. For example, you can make such bright and original coasters made of felt in the form of the sun, which will bring a piece of spring warmth into the festive atmosphere.

Materials and tools that we will need in the process of making crafts:

  • Dense felt of bright yellow color;
  • Red threads;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue "Moment" transparent;
  • Compasses or any other object round shape.

Felt for the stand is desirable to take dense, so that it holds its shape well. Otherwise, the stand may quickly wear out and lose its original appearance.

Using a compass or any other round object, such as a saucer, draw two circles on thick felt. The diameter of these circles should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bottom of the mug.

Cut out these circles with scissors.

Now, from the felt of the same color, we cut out strips about 1 cm wide and 4 cm long. There should be quite a lot of such strips to cover the sun with “rays” along the entire diameter. You can make "rays" and a little narrower, but then their number will increase.

After that, we take one of the previously prepared strips and fold it in half. We glue the ends with the help of transparent glue "Moment".

Then we drip glue onto the glued part from the front side and glue the “ray” to the stitched circle with reverse side.

Glue the remaining rays in the same way as the first. And so we do around the edge of the circle.

On the back it looks like this:

Now we take the second circle and glue it on the back so that the tips of the “rays” close. Press a little with your hands so that the circle sticks better.

If you want the stand to be used on both sides, you can also sew it with red threads before gluing the second circle so that it turns out to be double-sided.

Felt stand "Sun" is ready. Happy Shrovetide to you!

Sculpt the sun

By you can blind the sun "antique" from polymer clay, salt dough or plasticine.

From paper

This craft is bright and simple, it is suitable for kids who will be happy to make it on the eve of a wonderful folk holiday.

To make the sun, you need to prepare:

  • sheets of bright paper or leftovers from previous work;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • black gel pen or felt-tip pen;
  • simple pencil;
  • cardboard optional;
  • pink and yellow pencil.

Take to work bright paper. From a yellow or orange leaf, you need to make the sun itself, and from the stripes of other colors you get rainbow rays.

On the selected sheet of paper, for example, orange, make a simple pencil sketch of the sun. Apply a circle, make curls around it in the form of flames, and also decorate curly bangs.

Cut out your blank along the contour. Get an orange wavy cloud.

Duplicate all the pencil lines with a black gel pen and make eyes, eyebrows, a mouth for the sun, that is, make a pretty face. And also shade the rays with pink and yellow pencils. The central district itself can be omitted in black, you get a ruddy sun. If you want to make the craft more dense, then duplicate the shape of the cut product on cardboard and cut it out, but do not glue it yet.

Cut the kaleidoscope of rainbow leaves prepared for the rays into thin strips. Use red, green, blue and other rays to make the craft look bright and festive.

From the bottom, on the reverse side, glue the rays to the sun, spreading them to the sides. Make a kind of fan. Instead of paper, a thin satin ribbon or other suitable material is also suitable. Now, if you prepared a cardboard blank, glue it on the back.

A bright paper craft for the Shrovetide holiday is ready. She exudes warmth and spring freshness. It leaves the impression that the sun is baking pancakes, which are so popular this week. In the same scenario, you can make a large-scale craft of a similar plan to decorate a wall in a room or in a classroom.

Facing method

Craft for the development of fine motor skills of children, such a prefabricated application from pieces of crepe paper. Description of the artwork by Tatyana Yablonskaya.

To work with children in this technique, you need corrugated paper and a piece of cardboard.

On white cardboard, stencil a sun with rays.

Cut yellow and orange corrugated paper into squares with sides of 1 cm.

Apply PVA glue to the drawing. Arm yourself with a pen rod. Take one paper square, attach it to the blunt end of the rod and wrap the paper around the plastic base. It turns out an element called trimming.

Attach the miter to the place where the glue is applied, and carefully pull the rod out.

So gradually fill the circle with yellow trimmings.

Form a mouth from pink squares, a nose from orange, and eyes from purple. The face of the sun is ready!

This is what the sun looks like, completely pasted over with paper elements. This craft looks bright and textured!

If desired, excess cardboard can be cut off and glued to a wooden stick or some surface.

From dough or plasticine

Let's now blind the sun, in stages, together with Tatyana Yablonskaya.

You can sculpt any volumetric figures from plasticine. If you choose to work with salt dough, then it is better to put something in the center, for example, foil, then the craft will be easier and dry faster.

Take a small piece of yellow and put it on a plastic file for documents or a lining for modeling.

Roll it into a layer of centimeter thickness. This can be done by hand, but it is better to purchase a special roller for modeling.

Now take a stencil of the sun, cut out of paper in advance, and place it on top of the dough.

With a stack or a knife, cut off the excess parts according to the stencil.

It turns out here is such a radiant sun.

Roll out the rest of the dough and cover it with a hemisphere, as shown in the photo.

Stick it in the sun. Now the craft has become voluminous.

Form eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth from white dough and stick them on the convex part.

green chronicle

In addition to everyday affairs and troubles, a person always has something to his liking. He devotes all his free time to his favorite hobby, the number of which is innumerable, from collecting to applied crafts, which are our cultural heritage.
Recently, traditional national crafts are experiencing a renaissance. Souvenir shops with products of skilled artisans are never empty, causing increased interest and consumer delight. But not everyone can afford to buy a vending trinket. And having examined closer, for example, a Slavic doll-amulet, many understand that it is quite simple to make it, but they don’t know and don’t know where to buy a bast for crafts, and how to create crafts from a bast with your own hands?
In former times from a thick subcortex deciduous trees Lubok wove bast shoes, matting, coolies, belts, kitchen utensils, wallets, and the thinnest and most pliable material - combed bast, went to all kinds of household needs. Adults, together with the children, made figurines of people, birds, animals, and prepared bast bast for future use.
Bast crafts were made according to the simplest technology: bundles of thin bast strips were bent and tied with threads so that the head, arms, and legs took shape. Human figures were decorated with patches of bright fabrics, forming skirts and scarves, and trousers were obtained by wrapping legs with rag ribbons. Preference was given to the red color, it was believed that it protects from all evil.
Modern needlewomen have much more options in choosing improvised material for doll outfits. Firstly, the bast will withstand any staining with water-based paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor). Secondly, intricate combination (braid, buttons, lace, canvas, leather, fur, rhinestones, etc.) is a creative and very exciting process!
You can dress your creation in any way and in anything, as far as your own imagination allows.
V Ancient Russia homemade dolls carried a sacred meaning. Therefore, we should stop and, just in case, give a few tips that have come to us from time immemorial:
1. When making human figurines, be it a toy or a charm, the craftswomen thought about love, kindness, well-being, health, longevity and prosperity, pushing away any bad thoughts.
2. Facial features were never marked on the dolls - it was believed that an evil soul could move into them through the eyes and do various misfortunes.
3. Dolls-amulets (pelenashki, Bereginya, Spiridon-solstice, Successful, Ten-handled, Zhelannitsa, Bell) carried the associative elements of an attracted desire or dream. For example, the Veduchka doll was made from two figurines of different heights with one common hand - for a close connection between the mother and the child, and for the Herbalist, herbs were used as stuffing or costume detail - for health, the Lovebirds were a male and female stand with tightly fastened hands - for the sake of happy marriage. These crafts gave dear people on the occasion of family and Christian festivities, they were kept in the house, put in a cradle, but never allowed to play with them.
4. In puppet dresses of all times, as in Russian national costumes, red prevailed, which symbolized fire and light, and, therefore, protection and purification.
5. When making folk amulets, it is better not to use scissors and a needle, the fabric was torn into pieces, tying the threads in knots. Dolls were not sewn, they were knitted. Only for toy Ivan da Marya, everything that fits your model, which is convenient, beautiful and pleasing to the eye, is applied.
In the performance of figurines of animals, birds, as well as rugs and panels, various techniques are used, up to knitting thin bast threads with a large hook and weaving macrame - who knows what.
For example, the process of creating an owl comes down to winding bast strips around a pair of cardboard rings with a narrow hole, as if we were making a pompom. Or a technique is used according to the principle of twisting an ordinary kitchen “brush”, when the body can be made of any height. Then the blanks are fastened together, and the moment of flight of fancy comes! Everything is used: wooden cuts, feathers, buttons, twigs, cones, bark, chaga, mosses, lichens, dried flowers. From such inspiration, you will get indescribable pleasure and an exclusive that you can’t buy in any store!
Decorative panels on the basis of wicker bast are very popular among the people. To create a wall masterpiece, the method of application is most often used with bright chintz, canvas, straw, reeds, leather, fur, ribbon. As with any creative process, the limits of your possibilities and abilities are wide open for original and creative ideas!
Being carried away by any kind of creativity and involving your children in joint, creative, folk art, you develop fine motor skills, perseverance, taste, accuracy, composure, concentration, devotion to traditions and, most importantly, their own vision of the world.
I really want to believe that the current surge of interest in Russian folk crafts will never fade away. It is time to revive traditions in order to discover your inner potential, to release in the world that spirit of creativity, love and freedom that lives in us from time immemorial. All possibilities are in our hands, and there is no limit to our achievements!

How to create crafts from bast

Bast is a cheap and affordable material, - master Galina Korneva tells the children.

By itself, bast is a soft fiber, a layer that is under the bark of a tree. It is removed with a special blade in the middle of summer from pre-soaked bark, then dried and used in production. Almost everything was made from bast in Russia, baskets, hats, washcloths, ropes ... Today we will try to make house guardian dolls from bast.

In Russia, such a doll was in every house, - says Galina Firsova. Initially, it was not intended for fun. A simple female figurine was considered a talisman of the house, its guardian. People also believed that a doll could bring good luck in various areas of life - for example, in order to harvest a rich harvest in the spring, the peasants made a doll into which they put a bag with several grains.

Doll-"multi-handled" - the talisman "assistant" in the household. She symbolized a woman in whom any work argues in her hands. There were also lovebird dolls - a female and male figurine made of bast, which had one hand for two. Such dolls were given to newlyweds so that they would go hand in hand through life.

In order to make a bast doll, we need a small bast panicle and a coarse thread that holds the bast strips well so that they do not slip out and crumble. Knots must be tightly tightened. By the way, it used to be believed that in the process of making a doll, it needs to be tied up clockwise - this charges it with good energy.

A few more important signs that you need to know when you make a charm doll: usually the “keepers of the house” were left without a face, since it was believed that otherwise evil spirits could move into it. Clothes for dolls were also not made, however, they can be decorated with bright threads or ribbons.

By the way, if you are making a doll for the first time, - Galina Korneva addresses the children, - then you cannot give it to anyone, it should remain yours and will bring good luck.

And I already made such dolls! - says a student of school No. 1420 Sveta Kalinova. – Therefore, I will give this doll to my grandmother. She loves handmade toys. In this I will try to put the wishes of health. I read that if in the process of work you make a wish or wish someone good, then it always comes true!

Then I will give the doll to my mother, - says Sveta's friend Nastya Ryazantseva, - and I wish that she always remains as beautiful and has time for everything!

Yes, before it was really believed that the doll helps to fulfill wishes, - says Galina Firsova. - By the way, you can decorate the doll by braiding her braid. This carries a special meaning - you can make a wish for each weaving, so you need to do this thoughtfully and without fuss.

Lyko is an affordable material. Almost any hardware store sells bast washcloths, which you can dissolve and get ready-made bast strips. But if for some reason the bast cannot be obtained, dolls can be made from straw or woolen threads.

The students were satisfied with the master class.

This is not the first time I am making a doll, - says Igor Belotelkin. - At school we made similar figurines for Maslenitsa. I will give this doll to my mother. It was very interesting, but I think I can do better - so at home I will try to repeat everything again.

I am very pleased that I came to the master class, - Masha Mokieva shares her impressions. - My mother saw an ad in the newspaper, and together we wrote an application for participation in the master class. It's great that I was invited! I like to make something with my own hands, but there is not enough time for constant work on something. So I study at home when I have time - I draw, I make applications, weaving from beads.

If you also want to participate in the master classes of the academy, send an application to nar..

How to make a bast doll:

1) We tie the bast strips with a coarse thread on one side at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the edge to make a small panicle.

2) We turn the panicle over with the bandaged end down, and straighten it so that we get a “palm tree” and again press the bast to the center. The knot should be inside. Evenly distribute the bast so that the strips do not stick out, and bandage. This will be the head of the doll, its size can be adjusted independently.

3) We take a short bunch of bast, which will be the hands of our doll - and we tie it on both sides at a small distance from the edge - to form the "palms" of the doll.

4) Insert the doll's handles into the base - just thread them through under the doll's head.

5) We “belt” the doll - we tie a coarse thread under the handles so that they do not fall out.

6) We decorate the doll with colored ribbons.

7) We braid the doll with a pigtail and attach it with a ribbon to the head.

The master classes were kindly provided by Magiclab