
Danish New Year traditions. Tours to Denmark for the new year and Christmas. Canadian New Year Traditions


It would seem that the homeland of the Germanic tribes can offer a simple tourist who decided to turn New Year into a real winter fairy tale? But what if we tell you that, according to research from the University of Leicester, it is the Danes who are considered the most...

New Year's Denmark or 12 "shock" wishes

It would seem that the homeland of the Germanic tribes can offer a simple tourist who decided to turn the New Year into a real winter fairy tale? But what if we tell you that, according to research by the University of Leicester, it is the Danes who are considered the happiest nation in the world? Based on this statement, we can safely say that a New Year's holiday in Denmark will bring you so many emotions and positive shocks that henceforth you will consider this country the cradle of your best new year celebration. Want to know what "hygge" is? Then it's time to pack your bags and learn common phrases in Danish.

Danish Traditions: 365 New Reasons to Have Fun

The word "hygge" has no translation, but there is a clear interpretation: this concept means a feeling of comfort, security and happiness. All this awaits you in Denmark. And you will also find here the world-famous Christmas beer, New Year's fairs and festivals, millions of candles and quite comfortable weather - the air temperature in Denmark in winter tries to stay at -1°C on average.

The happiest people have not one, but two Santa Clauses - Ulenisse and Ulemanden. The first old man looks like a gnome and rides a sleigh pulled by foxes. The second - Ulemanden - a big grandfather, who is helped by the elves.

On New Year's and Christmas in Denmark, all residents decorate festive tables with balls, put on funny hats and look for secrets in the form of almonds in a large bowl of sweet rice porridge. If the nut goes to an unmarried girl, then in next year her bachelor life will come to an end. And for everyone else, almonds “threaten” with simple human happiness in the coming year.

When the New Year comes, the TV speakers explode with the striking of the clock on the Copenhagen City Hall, champagne gushing and everyone on both cheeks gobbles up the kransekage tower cake. It is customary for kids to give toy Christmas trees, in the branches of which a prankster troll is hiding, who knows exactly what the future holds for you.

"Fiery rooster" in Copenhagen

Of course, the main celebrations for the New Year in Denmark in 2019 will traditionally take place in Copenhagen. The City Hall Square is filled with unbridled fun, and in Tivoli Park you can bargain at the Christmas market and test the power of gravity on the skating rink. You should go here with children, who will be delighted with numerous attractions. Be sure to look for the carousel, which recently turned 150 years old.

During the day, you can take a walk along the Nyhavn embankment, on which the famous multi-colored houses flaunt in front of visitors, as if descended from a postcard. It is these houses that will become the best backdrop for your Danish photo shoot.

Don't miss the opportunity to watch the changing of the guard, which takes place at Amalienborg Palace every day at 11:30. The king's guards, dressed in full dress, pass through the whole city, accompanied by an orchestra thundering marches.

Fans of museum promenades should visit the State Museum of Art, which exhibits paintings by European painters, and the Museum of Bertel Thorvaldsen, one of the most famous Danish artists and sculptors who worked in the style of late classicism. In the New Glyptothek of the Carlsberg brewer, you will be lucky enough to see one of the richest collections of works of art that have come down to us from the Ancient World, and in the Guinness World Records Museum you will see all the very same thing and that telephone booth that two dozen schoolchildren could come across.

New Year's Denmark - the first page of a new volume of life

Don't limit your trip to Denmark to visiting Copenhagen alone, because in this country each city offers a unique experience.

Aalborg is famous for its embossed aquavit and merchant houses, in which the spirit of the Renaissance still reigns.

Ribe, with its ancient cathedrals, is the oldest city in Scandinavia - it was founded back in 700, and today its cobbled streets and medieval sights captivate those who are in love with hoary antiquity.

New Year's tours to Denmark are guaranteed to turn into a fairy tale tour only on one condition - if you visit hometown Hans Christian Andersen - Odense. You will visit the half-timbered house in which the storyteller spent his childhood, as well as the cultural center for children "Ognivo", on the stage of which the heroes of fairy tales come to life.

In the city of Aarhus, which is called the "capital of East Jutland", you can visit the unique Women's Museum, which tells everything about the fairer sex.

The New Year is like a cocktail, after drinking which you can "come true" all your dreams. And one of its main ingredients is cool Denmark with its burning heart. Let's follow the recipe!

Here it is customary to celebrate Catholic Christmas(December 24-25), and the New Year, but already the second of January is considered a normal working day. On the 31st, the Queen congratulates the Danes and guests of the country, and the Prime Minister congratulates the first.

An important part of the tradition is the famous Danish Christmas beer, which goes on sale on the first Friday of November. From this day until the New Year, a lot of fairs and festivals are held in the country.

Christmas wreaths are hung on the doors as early as December 1st. From that day on, every Sunday, candles are lit in the houses, symbolizing the Christmas star.

How to spend the New Year holidays in Copenhagen with maximum benefit?

The easiest way is to visit The Wonderful Copenhagen tourist center at Vesterbrogade, 4A immediately after arriving in the city (near the railway station and Tivoli). There are many brochures about the main attractions, and any additional information will be provided by the staff of the Center.

Assistance to tourists even includes booking tickets and hotels. In addition, here you can get discount coupons, which is important: Copenhagen is one of the most expensive cities in Europe.

Please note: although traditional markets are called Christmas markets, they do not work on Christmas in Denmark and are closed on the 24-25th. Plan an interesting excursion for these days and visit one of the great restaurants in Copenhagen. It is recommended to come a week before the New Year: the most interesting thing happens before December 24 and after December 27.

New Year's traditions and places of rest

Both in the New Year and Christmas, the main festivities are concentrated on the Town Hall Square. It is attractive not only for the magnificent architecture of the surrounding houses, but also for the many cozy restaurants and cafes.

Tivoli Park hosts a Christmas market, a winter skating rink, and musical groups perform. It is here that it is advisable to look if you come with children. There are many attractions in the park, and during this period it most of all looks like an illustration to a children's fairy tale. Many of them have their own history: the park has been operating since 1843, and one of the central carousels is more than a hundred and fifty years old!

But other areas of the city are not far behind: ice rinks are poured on the squares, and traditional candied roasted almonds are cooked right on the streets.

Weather during the New Year holidays in Denmark

Christmas in Copenhagen is usually cold: frosty, snowy weather. Therefore, it is best to make a route in such a way as to see not only the sights, but also, for example, museums where you can bask.

Although the climate in Denmark is very mild, the proximity of the sea provides not only relatively warm, but also unstable weather. Arriving here, be prepared for snowfall. But the air temperature, even in the most severe winters, rarely drops below -10°C, and on average stays at -1°C.

What to see on New Year's Eve in Copenhagen?

If the weather is sunny, be sure to drop by the Nyhavn embankment in the afternoon or evening. It is here that you will find the famous rainbow houses, which will serve as a magnificent backdrop for photographs. During the New Year holidays, not only illumination, but also magnificent fireworks become the decoration of the embankment.

The changing of the guard ceremony at the residence of the monarchs - the Amalienborg palace complex looks very impressive. Every day the guard leaves Rosenborg Castle at 11:30 sharp. Guardsmen in full dress parade through the city to the sound of an orchestra that plays a new march in every street. All this takes half an hour, and at exactly noon a solemn changing of the guard takes place in front of the gates of Amalienborg.

Any tourist in Denmark can attend a real session of Parliament. The tour schedule is on his website, but registration is optional. It is enough to go to the guest entrance to the parliament and check if there are empty seats. If there is, you will be admitted free of charge.

Excursions and other entertainment

On New Year's Eve, you can go out of town: tourist routes around Bernstorf and Fredensborg castles are popular. If you are going to celebrate the New Year in Copenhagen, do not forget about the city museums:

1) The State Museum of Art, offering the attention of visitors to the canvases of famous European masters;
2) National Museum;
3) Thorvaldsen Museum;
4) the New Carlsberg Glyptothek, with a huge collection of works of art from the ancient world;
5) Guinness World Records Museum.

Be sure to buy the Copenhagen Museum Card, which will give you the opportunity to visit more than seven dozen museums for free. In addition, you can use it for free on public transport and get discounts when renting a car.

Copenhagen and children's holidays

Celebrating the New Year in Denmark with children is a pleasure, because there are two Santa Clauses here (Julemanden and Julenisse), who amuse the kids with might and main. Numerous circus performances are supplemented entertainment programs in the local aquarium, the richest in Europe.

Be sure to drop by the Langelinie pier, “visit” the Little Mermaid, and take a picture of the baby against her background. It is often called the No. 1 attraction even for adults - what can we say about kids then!

There is a zoo here, and from the territory of the Frederiksberg Garden bordering it, surrounding the palace of the same name, part of the enclosures is viewed for free. In addition, the Deer Park is open to everyone, where the real royal deer, almost tame, graze. It houses the Bakken amusement park - however, with a paid entrance.

Property rental: what for how much?

When planning to celebrate the New Year in Copenhagen, it is best to pay attention to housing in the area of ​​Tivoli Park or the railway station. It is not recommended to look for an apartment in Nørebro, Tinbjerg and Sydhavn - Europeans do not settle here, and the criminal situation is tense.

The cost per day will, of course, be higher than with a long-term rental, but lower than in hotels.

You can search for options in advance, through the Internet or acquaintances, or, upon arrival, look at the local University and look through the bulletin board. In the second case, you may be able to save additional money.

New Year's tours and resorts in Denmark

You can visit the country on your own, and as part of a special New Year's tour. His average price– about 900 euros (depending on duration, program and other factors). In winter, the number of options is reduced: seaside resorts are not very popular at this time. It is best to celebrate the New Year in Copenhagen - this will allow you to fully feel the local flavor.

You can visit Denmark as part of a tour of other European capitals. In this case, you will get a lot of impressions in just a few days. Everyone celebrates the onset of the new year in their own way, and the tourist discovers the facets of culture hidden in other seasons.

What must be done during the New Year holidays in Denmark?

New Year in Denmark is a bright and memorable holiday. It can be fun to celebrate it both on your own and in the family circle.

Arriving at this time in Copenhagen, you must:

  1. Order a local gleg in one of the restaurants or cafes - a drink made from warmed red wine and spices. There are also non-alcoholic options - from juice;
  2. Try cinnamon rice pudding;
  3. Buy a souvenir or something more serious on Stregert - the central pedestrian street of the city, which has turned into a realm of boutiques and souvenir shops. By the way, this is the longest shopping street in Europe;
  4. Visit the Tivoli amusement park;
  5. Order some of the famous Danish sandwiches in a restaurant, which are not an appetizer, but the basis of local cuisine.

Country of Shakespeare and Andersen

Denmark is the cradle of the Germanic tribes and their unique culture. Arriving in Copenhagen for the New Year, you can see how reverent the Danes are about their own history. According to the results of several independent surveys, it is the locals who consider themselves the happiest people in Europe and in the world.

It was no accident that Hans Christian Andersen became a great storyteller, because his homeland resembles a magical kingdom in which there is a place for good sorcerers, elves, and beautiful princesses. Especially if you arrive on New Year's Eve and celebrate your favorite winter holiday along with thousands of other lucky people who chose a Scandinavian destination at the end of December for a vacation or vacation.

Let's take a look at the map

On the globe, Denmark is easy to find in the North, but, despite the apparent proximity to the Arctic, the kingdom lies in a fairly temperate maritime climate zone. The proximity of the Baltic and North Seas determines the weather in most of the kingdom:

  • Winter in Denmark is usually mild and quite warm, but a large number of rainfall does not allow us to call New Year's weather particularly comfortable.
  • Sufficiently strong winds from the sea are another not very pleasant component of the Danish winter weather. A warm windbreaker, a scarf and a hat must be present in the suitcase of a tourist who decides to fly to Denmark in winter.
  • The average air temperature in January is at , or - about 0°C, but during the day the mercury column can rise up to +5°C, and at night it can drop to -7°C.

There are almost no sunny days in Denmark in winter, but before the Christmas holidays, New Year's illumination will more than provide you with a good mood, which the Danes use to decorate streets, squares, houses and office buildings.

How is New Year's Eve celebrated in Denmark?

There are several symbols of Christmas and New Year holidays in Andersen's homeland, but the very first one, which appears earlier than others, is Christmas beer. It begins to be brewed in early November, and on the first Friday in November, Christmas markets open throughout the kingdom.
the 1st of December entrance doors Danish houses are beginning to be decorated with Christmas wreaths, and in the evenings candles are lit on the windowsills, symbolizing star of bethlehem.
New Year's Copenhagen smells of roasted nuts, hot mulled wine and gingerbread cookies. After tasting them, head to the Amalienborg palace complex. Every day at noon at the residence of the Danish monarchs, a solemn ceremony of changing the guard of honor takes place. You can meet the guards at 11.30 at Rosenborg Castle and march along with them to the gates of the palace.
The main celebrations in Denmark take place at Christmas, but also in new Year's Eve Danes do not miss the opportunity to meet friends, sit at the festive table and walk along the elegant streets.
On the evening of December 31, the Queen traditionally congratulates the Danes and the New Year's Eve dinner usually begins after her television performance at 18.00.
Fish, rice pudding, mashed potatoes with sauerkraut and sweets are always present in the Christmas and New Year menu of the inhabitants of the kingdom. handmade. An almond nut is baked in the pudding and the one who got the coveted piece with a surprise becomes the king of the table. The main drink on New Year's Eve is champagne, and an appetizer for it is a traditional pie with the complex name kransekage in the shape of a cone.
After dinner, the Danes put the old and unnecessary dishes, which they collect all year round, into a bag and go to visit friends. The dishes are noisily beating on the threshold, but the owners not only do not get angry, but also welcome the old tradition. The Danes have a sign that luck in the coming year directly depends on the number of fragments.
The most beautiful illumination is on the capital's Nyhavn embankment. It is here that it is best to take places on New Year's Eve in order to watch the festive fireworks at exactly midnight.

Great fun for little guests

If you come to celebrate the New Year in Denmark with your children, go to Tivoli Park. Starting from the first days of December, a festive fair is noisy here, musicians perform, and everyone who wants to skate, which can be rented at the Tivoli skating rink. The attractions of the park boast a rich history. Some carousels are more than one and a half hundred years old and on New Year's Eve they look like they have descended from the pages of Andersen's fairy tales.
In Denmark good New Year spirit kids are provided with two Santa Clauses at once. They are called Ulemanden and Ulenisse and not a single young tourist will refuse to take a photo with them. You are guaranteed to meet frost brothers in the aquarium of the Danish capital, located a few kilometers north of Copenhagen at Jacob Fortlingsvej, 1 Kastrup. There Ulemanden and Yulenisse amuse the audience, give gifts, participate in the performance of clowns and illusionists. In the cafe of the Charlottenlund park, where the oceanarium was built, you can arrange a festive New Year's dinner by booking a table with a sea view.
You can take a memorable photo on New Year's Eve in Denmark on the embankment near the Little Mermaid, and in the Deer Park you will like the royal deer willingly posing for photo hunters.

Useful information for travelers

The capitals and Denmark are connected both by direct flights and connecting flights:

  • The cheapest way to get from Copenhagen is to buy a ticket on board Air Baltic. If you book early, you can meet the 200 euros. The docking will be at, and the flight time without taking it into account will be 3.5 hours. Flights are operated from Sheremetyevo.
  • Aeroflot also fly directly from the same Moscow airport to Copenhagen. You have to spend 2.5 hours on the way, and pay 300 euros for a round-trip ticket.
  • Inexpensive Options with a transfer in their own capital, the Finns often offer. The cost of the flight - - Copenhagen will be 250 euros if you take care of tickets in advance.

Significantly save on air travel helps electronic subscription on the websites of the air carriers you are interested in. It can be issued directly to your email inbox, and you will be the first to know about all the news, special offers and discounts.

  • Upon arrival in Copenhagen, contact the visitor center located near the entrance to the Tivoli amusement park at Vesterbrogade, 4A. The center is called The Wonderful Copenhagen and its employees will be happy to tell you about all the New Year's events planned for holidays in the Danish capital.

The Tourist Information Center offers discount coupons for attractions and excursions. Do not neglect the opportunity to save money, because the Danish capital is one of the most expensive cities in the Old World!

404 means the file is not found. If you have already uploaded the file then the name may be misspelled or it is in a different folder.

Other Possible Causes

You may get a 404 error for images because you have Hot Link Protection turned on and the domain is not on the list of authorized domains.

If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue.

It is also possible that you have inadvertently deleted your document root or the your account may need to be recreated. Either way, please contact your web host immediately.

Are you using WordPress? See the Section on 404 errors after clicking a link in WordPress.

How to find the correct spelling and folder

Missing or Broken Files

When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request.

In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/

notice that the CaSe e sample and E xample are not the same locations.

For addon domains, the file must be in public_html/ and the names are case-sensitive.

Broken Image

When you have a missing image on your site you may a box on your page with see with a red X where the image is missing. right click on the X and choose Properties. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found.

This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab.

In this example the image file must be in public_html/cgi-sys/images/

notice that the CaSe is important in this example. On platforms that enforce case sensitivity PNG and png are not the same locations.

404 Errors After Clicking WordPress Links

When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered.

When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.

Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress, click Settings > Permalinks(Note the current setting. If you are using a custom structure, copy or save the custom structure somewhere.)
  3. Select Default.
  4. Click Save settings.
  5. Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Put the custom structure back if you had one.
  6. Click Save settings.

This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly.

Option 2: Modify the .htaccess File

Add the following snippet of code to the top of your .htaccess file:

# BEGIN WordPress

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-f
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# End WordPress

If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

How to modify your .htaccess file

The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a .htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the .htaccess so those scripts can function.

It is possible that you may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point, for various reasons.This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a .htaccess File

  • Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP
  • Use an FTP program's Edit Mode
  • Use SSH and a text editor
  • Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit a .htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit .htaccess files in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. In the Files section, click on the file manager icon.
  3. Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.
  4. Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)" is checked.
  5. Click go. The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.
  6. Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the .htaccess File

  1. right click on the .htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the .htaccess file and then click on the code editor icon at the top of the page.
  2. A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.
  3. Edit the file as needed.
  4. Click Save Changes in the upper right hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.
  5. Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.
  6. Once completed, you can click close to close the File Manager window.

New Year is a holiday celebrated all over the world. Every family celebrates this day in a special way. Each house has developed its own New Year traditions over many years or even centuries. And what can we say about the traditions of entire nations. We know little about what features of the celebration exist in distant countries, and sometimes this information is unreliable. Still, interest prevails. What is New Year's Eve in Sri Lanka? What New Year's traditions exist in Turkey?! This article will help to slightly open the curtain on the world of customs of various exotic and not so exotic countries.

Turkish New Year Traditions

Turkey is a Muslim country, so the celebration of the New Year here has its own characteristics. Religion does not approve of either the Christmas tree, or candles, or Santa Claus, but this does not prevent many Turks from celebrating this European holiday. They call it Yilbashi, and Noel Baba brings gifts. The New Year's table in Turkey should burst with treats. Only here it is customary for them to serve not salads, snacks and various pickles, but pastries and sweets. And the most unusual, probably, is the performance at the table of a festive song-wishes, the melody of which terribly resembles the famous song “Happy Birthday”. This New Year in the country is quite quiet and calm, but the second New Year (Navruz Bayram) - spring - is more popular and is accompanied by a lot of traditions.

New Year Traditions in Kuwait

Kuwait is a distant country, whose traditions are not known to every layman. The New Year is celebrated here magnificently and in company: on this day it is customary to visit with the whole family. At the same time, men wear the brightest and most elegant clothes, and women - black and modest. Gender features continue with them during the feast: men and women eat separately in different rooms. In addition, filling holiday table theirs is different. The stronger sex on New Year's Eve pleases itself with hearty national dishes, and the weaker sex tastes a variety of sweets. The traditional celebratory drink is "kahwa" - local coffee, which is brewed right during the feast.

For everyone on this day, the “right hand” rule applies - all actions must be performed only with the right hand so that the coming year is happy. At the table, it is undesirable to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, especially when he is eating. It is believed that breaking this rule will bring trouble to a person.

New Year traditions of Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani New Year has nothing to do with the holiday known to us. This celebration is celebrated in the spring and lasts 10 days - the first 3 days are male, and the remaining 7 are female. Nowruz (the name of the holiday) is accompanied by a feast, during which seven dishes are placed on the table, the names of which have the initial letter "C". Doors and gates must be left open so that guests can see that they are very welcome in the house. Traditionally, the eldest son of the family helps the guests wash their hands with flower water. Another custom is that the arrival of the New Year must be marked by a self-suspended egg, which is prudently placed on a mirror surface.

Indonesian New Year Traditions

Indonesia is another place rich not only in its unique culture, but also in the number of New Years celebrated. In total, three such holidays can be named: Nyepi, Hari Natal and Imlek. It was the result of a combination of Chinese, Indian and European traditions.

Enchanting performances take place during Imlek: New Year's costumed dances in huge masks, processions with torches and fire-eaters. Everyone gives handmade cards with different wishes. This is a very noisy and spectacular holiday.

But Niepi is a holiday of silence and silence. Indonesians believe that the New Year can only appear in complete silence. In this regard, for a whole day in the cities, life stops, where nothing but silence is heard. This holiday is a real challenge to true talkers.

Hari Natal is considered closer to the classical holiday. But it's pretty debatable. After all, Indonesians decorate for the holiday nothing more than a palm tree. They themselves dress in bright (sometimes ridiculous) costumes and participate in folk festivals. And the tradition of “getting gifts” is very reminiscent of the Ukrainian fair entertainment associated with climbing a six-meter pole, where gifts are placed in advance.

New Year's Traditions of Chile

Chile is a place where representatives of different nationalities are gathered in one territory. As a result, there was a mixture of cultures and traditions. They are distinguished by their originality, and sometimes eccentricity. So in one New Year's Eve you can become a witness of a variety of customs. Here, a few minutes before the clock strikes, it is customary to pierce the ears of six-year-old girls and put on their first earrings. This symbolizes the beginning of a new (adult) stage in the life of a future woman.

Another tradition is also quite symbolic. Burning a straw scarecrow is, in fact, the disposal of all old problems and the purification of the spirit before the New Year.

And a completely inexplicable tradition has taken root in the town of Talco: to celebrate the holiday at the cemetery. All residents gather there to start celebrations with the spirits of their ancestors and receive their patronage and protection next year.

Mexican New Year Traditions

Mexico is a land of contradictions. It is considered at the same time the most unsafe place, and one of the most fun and suitable for relaxation. New Year in Mexico is exotic, which will delight you with its sparkling and energy. Piñata, arbolito, Magi pretzel and sorcerer kings are traditional attributes of this event.

A piñata is a bright vessel filled with goodies, which is hung at an accessible height. Children and adults are enthusiastically engaged in breaking this trifle, stuffing their pockets with their prey.

Arbolito, the Mexican equivalent of spruce or pine, is not cheap. The tree is given an elegant look with the help of balls, angels and other decorations.

Magi pretzel - a traditional dish New Year's table in Mexico, which is decorated with nuts and white icing. A figurine of Jesus is baked inside it. The one who gets it is appointed the king of the evening.

The sorcerer kings are the Mexican answer to our Santa Claus, they are all busy with one thing - to give joy to children.

Korean New Year Traditions

Korea has two New Year holidays: the calendar New Year and the Lunar New Year. Moreover, the first one is nothing special and, in general, can go unnoticed. But a large number of Korean traditions are associated with the second. This New Year in the country is celebrated in February, it is called Seollal. This day is filled with traditions that appeared many, many years ago, but are revered even now.

Sollal begins with offerings to the deceased ancestors of four generations of the family. To do this, they set the table, light the incense burners and perform traditional bows.

Sebe is a custom that is rightfully considered the most family. It consists in bowing to all family members: from the oldest to the youngest (and in that order). After the bow, a gift is given in the form of sweets or a cash offering.

The festive table is a separate topic for conversation. Korea pays great value arrangement of dishes on the table. Treats are placed "according to Feng Shui": depending on the direction of the world and the color of the food. So red food is placed on the eastern side of the table, and white dishes on the western side.

Canadian New Year Traditions

Canada is a country of immigrants, and therefore it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to name a single traditional New Year's dish. But still, in many Canadian families it is customary to cook a completely unusual dish for the New Year - pea soup. It is boiled very satisfying, adding lard and sage for flavor.

And after tasting this dish, many Canadians take part in the "bathing of the polar bear." And if you mistakenly decided that they are, in fact, bathing a bear, then you will have to disappoint: the inhabitants of the country themselves change into bathing suits and take ice baths.

New Year traditions in Denmark

The people of Denmark celebrate New Year and Christmas with double zeal. Therefore, their kids receive gifts from two Santa Clauses at once: Ulemanden and Yulinisse. The Danes adhere to such customs as:

  • Give children toys made of wood or plush in order to protect them from all evil.
  • Wear a red cap to be lucky.
  • For health and long life, eat carrots on the eve of the holiday.
  • Cut out more paper red hearts to let love into your life in the new year.
  • Make and install a straw goat in the yard to protect the house.
  • Bake a "Christmas boar" to bring good luck.
  • Break old dishes on the doorstep of friends and neighbors so that they are lucky in the coming year.

By the way, many Danes are not averse to playing festive evening in a game of convolutions. Its rules are simple. All guests stock up on inexpensive small gifts wrapped in bundles, which are piled in the center of the table and begin to roll the dice. Those lucky ones who get the number "six" can choose any package. The game continues until the end of the allotted time. If the gifts have already been sorted out, and the supply of time has not yet been exhausted, then the gifts can be taken from those who have already won. True, the convolutions cannot be unfolded until the very end, which maintains a certain intrigue.

Greenland New Year Traditions

Greenland is an island in the north, which is said to be the home of Santa Claus of some countries and elves who help to make gifts. But in fact, this is a place where seals and deer live, as well as rather unusual traditions.

So, in Greenland you can get an extremely original thing- an ice figurine of an animal or a person. And although such a gift seems short-lived, thanks to the local climate, it can last for several months.

But the most unimaginable for an ordinary ordinary person will probably be some traditional dishes:

  • Kiviak (rotten seal meat stuffed with seagulls);
  • The liver of seals and gulls that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • Hakarl (rotten Greenland shark meat);
  • Mattak (a thin layer of whale blubber).

The Greenlanders have only one New Year, but they celebrate it twice - at 20:00 and at midnight.

New Year traditions in Australia

Australians can be called lucky, as they celebrate the New Year the very first on the planet. In addition, their holiday takes place in the summer in the rays of the scorching sun near the metrosideros - the Australian equivalent of the Christmas tree. This tree is installed in their homes and yards, dressing up, however, is not accepted.

On January 1, almost all residents go to the beach for a traditional New Year's picnic, as they all sleep soundly on a festive night. On the same day, the surfing festival begins, which opens with Santa riding a board in a light bathing suit and a red cap with a flowing white beard.