
Summary of educational activities "Communication" on the topic "My native city" (middle group). Summary of the lesson “My city Open lesson my city


Municipal budgetary preschool"Kindergarten No. 2 "Squirrel", Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan

Integration educational areas: Cognition, communication, artistic creativity, physical education, health, safety, socialization.
Program content: educational task: Introduce the symbols of the city, teach children to recognize from illustrations and be able to talk about the sights of their native city, clarify children's knowledge about their native city, about their native land.
Developing task: to develop curiosity, to cultivate love and interest in the history of their native city, to arouse in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of their native land.
Educational task: to cultivate a caring and benevolent attitude towards the native city. To expand the horizons of children, the desire to learn about it as much as possible new and interesting.

Vocabulary work: activate generalizing words in speech: sights of the city, multinational, “radiant horse”. The ability to speak "loudly - quietly", to develop the power of the voice; expand vocabulary: wooden, glass, stone, brick; enter a description of the city into the passive dictionary: beautiful, bright, native.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of the native city, reproductions of paintings and albums, city tours (to the park, along the city streets, to the square, to the post office, to the printing house, to the city palace of culture, to the monuments of the city, to the school of arts, to the station, to the elevator ). Conversation with each child about the street on which he lives. Memorization by children of poems in Tatar and Russian about their native city. Children drawing drawings on the theme "My city".
Demonstration material: illustrations, postcards, pointer, photographs, ball. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "My city". Coat of arms of the city of Nurlat.
Equipment: Tape recorder, audio recording of songs in the Tatar language “Nurlat hymns”, “Nurlatym, ai Nurlat” music by R. Miftakhov, lyrics by F. Mukhammetov.
Course of the event: music is played quietly throughout the lesson.
Educator: In what city do we live? (Nurlat city)
You stand on the top
You are the sun, the wind is glad
In a wheat necklace
Our beloved Nurlat
Grow and we love
Proud of you, Nurlat,
We live and work hard
Here every friend and brother.
You keep up with the times
Not easy, not easy way
Let's give a good name
We should grow up a little.
Educator: What is homeland? (Answers of children).
Educator: Yes, children, the homeland is the place where a person was born, where his home is. We all love our homeland, and if, having become adults, we leave it, we still remember our small homeland all our lives, remember its beauty.
It is not for nothing that the proverbs say: “On a strange side I am glad of my little funnel”, “On a foreign side, and spring is not red”
Guess the riddle:
There are two rows of houses
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row
- And square eyes
They look at each other. (the street)
Educator: - What are they? (wide, long, beautiful, light)

I live in a big city
I love him very much.
The streets are wide
All houses are tall.
Educator: - What are the houses in our city?
(child reads a poem)
Houses are different:
Green and red
High and low
Far and near.
Panel, brick
- Seems to be normal.
preschool, medical,
Trade, educational,
Theaters and residential,

Such beautiful

Useful, beautiful, -

Houses are different.

Educator: Let's play a game: "What is in the house?" (the teacher gives the children a ball in a circle, and the children, passing it, call it to each other: windows, walls, ceiling, floor, doors, etc.)

Well done!

The teacher shows the children geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Game: "What can be of this form?"

The triangle is the roof.

Square - floor, ceiling, window, door, carpet, balcony.

Circle - window, table, peephole, roof.

Rectangle - door, window, pipe.

Well done!

Educator: - Guys, you said that the houses in our city are different.

How do we call a brick house - brick,

from stone - stone, from glass - glass,

from wood - wooden.

Well done!

Where do houses usually stand? (along the street). That's right, in our city there are many different streets and each street has its own name. Do you know what street you live on? (Children: School, Chkalova, Soviet, Gimatdinova, etc.)

Educator: - Well done, the name of each street has its own story, we will talk about this a little later.

Two rivers Kondurcha and Cheremshan flow not far from our city. Look at these photos, it's beautiful there. These are the favorite places of the Nurlats. There is where to throw a fishing rod, enjoy fishing. Relax with the whole family in the hot summer.

The river divides the bank into two parts: left and right.

What needs to be done to connect the two banks? (to build a bridge)

"From metal - a giant,

He did a good deed -

Lie down across the river.

According to him, forgetting about the miracle,

People are crossing the river

Game: "Children in pairs depict bridges, after which the children hold hands - it turns out a bridge of friendship."

Educator: - Our city is very beautiful at night. What is installed on the streets so that it is light at night? (lanterns)

(children depict lanterns to the music)

What time of day does the lantern like? (night, evening)

What is the use of it? (lights up the street, brings joy)

There are beautiful fountains in our city. (Show photos)

What are fountains for? (decorate, refresh)

There are not cypresses here, but aspens

And there are trees - a slender row

Heart touched by native nature

Pleases their green outfit.

Educator: - Children, what sights of our city do you know? (children's answers: Sports Palace; Central Square; Museum of Local Lore; Singing fountain; Walk of Fame, etc.).

In the center of our city stands the monument "Nurly at", made of bronze, it was installed in the city of Nurlat in 2004. The erection of this symbolic monument, whose name is translated from Tatar language means "radiant horse", was timed to coincide with the celebration of the City Day. The author of this monument is a well-known sculptor in Tatarstan Kadim Jami. (photo show)

The city has a park, the Palace of Culture, and many different places where people relax. More and more new houses are appearing in Nurlat, the city is getting prettier, people are planting trees, flowers, taking care of them.

Our city is multinational, people of different nationalities live here. Each nation has its own culture, language, fairy tales, national costumes, but all people love their city. Listen to a poem about the friendship of peoples (child reads)

We live in harmony as one family

And May happiness rages in my soul.

For our joy, bloom like a garden in spring,

Our Nurlat, dear land to the heart!

Educator: - Also, our city is famous for the first sugar factory in Tatarstan and one of the largest oil fields in the republic.

Oh, motherland, the land of oblivion!

I love you with all my heart

Your beauty dear

I will keep my whole life in my heart.

List of used literature
1. Chap. ed. Lappo G.M. Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994.
2. People's Encyclopedia cities and regions of Russia "My City". Nurlat.
3. Collection of poems about Nurlat "Our land". 1989
4. I. Sandler. "Nurlat (1930-2000)" "Friendship", No. 77, 2000, July 15.
5. "Native land, forever beloved" (on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the formation of the district). Druzhba, No. 88, 2000, August 11.
6. R. Gilmutdinov "Nurlat - a city of new buildings." Druzhba, No. 89, 2000, August 12.
7. I. Sandler "Reading archival pages" (from the history of the Nurlat region). Druzhba, No. 94, 2000, August 25.

Abstract of the lesson in middle group on the theme "My city", conducted by the teacher Agoshkova V.F.
Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with their small homeland, its sights, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose, professions and place of work of their parents. Expand children's ideas about their hometown, consolidate children's knowledge of their address, kindergarten address, Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
. To bring to the understanding that the people who built the city tried very hard and did their job well.
-Learn how to apply big house, transfer the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop connected speech creative thinking and memory. attention, imagination, creativity, consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights. Learn to form adjectives from nouns glass - glass....), understand and use generalizing words.)
- To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.
Methods and techniques:
Visual: showing, examining, staging.
Verbal: explanation, questions, consideration, conversation, comparison, artistic word.
Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", D / I game "We are builders" D / I "Different houses", physical minute "Bus", "Walk"
Individual work: memorizing the poem "Our city".
Material: photo stand "My favorite city", cardboard for application, details of the house for the application "What a wonderful house", glue, napkin, pictures and photos of the city, parents of the group, equipment for the game "We are builders", models of houses, road crossing, traffic lights.
Preliminary work: a tour of their streets, looking at the photo album "My home, my family", making family tree, conversations about the city of Valuyki,
Lesson progress:
- Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. And we will stretch our hands to the sun, which always warms us, and shake the hand of a neighbor. It's warm good hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:
Morning is coming
The sun is rising.
We are going to,
Let's go on a good journey.
Educator: I am very pleased that you are good friends. It is interesting to go hiking and playing with such children, but today we are going on a trip around our native city together. Educator: Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? (Valuiki).
Where is our city? (On the banks of the Valui River)). Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities in the world. And we will talk about our city, about the most beloved, about the most beautiful. Am I right in saying that our city is the most beautiful? (children's answers)
Guys, today we will travel. I will give you a riddle, and you guess where we will go on an excursion.
Now guess what kind of transport we will be using. (Riddle about the bus)
We are asking everyone to get on the bus.
We will look at our city.
We got on the bus together
And looked out the window
Our driver stepped on the gas
And the bus ran.
- Guys, let's repeat the address of our kindergarten. (26 Parkhomenko Street) Next to our kindergarten there is a large building of school No. 4. Graduates of our kindergarten study in it. Look guys Dunno is standing, for some reason he looks very sad. Let's find out what happened to him.
-What happened, buddy?
- I left school and don't know how to get to the house.
-What address do you live at? We'll take you.
-Do not know.
This is bad. Our guys know their address. Please tell me your address. (Children say their addresses.). Well, it doesn’t matter, sit down with us. Maybe along the way you will recognize your home.
Our bus is going fast
He brought us to the factory.
- Guys, look at this huge enterprise, the Prioskolie plant, mothers work here: Slava Kashuba, Polina Makushchenko, Karina Pavlenko and Evelina Rudophilova. They produce a lot of meat products for the residents of our city. Look how many buildings of this plant you see, let's count. (Review of the plant and photos of parents)
The driver is already driving, where will we take the guys next?
The driver drove us so quickly, and brought us to another plant. This plant is called Lobaz, look how big it is. mothers work at this plant: Kristina Pakhomova and Pasha Podobedov. This plant produces food for our beloved animals (Seeing the plant and photos of the parents). We are a little tired and now we will rest.
And now we drive through long beautiful streets with our own names and stop at a large beautiful building, and what kind of building you will learn from an interesting riddle. (Riddle about the train)
Trains from different cities arrive on this platform and bring guests of our city here. Parents work on the railway: Sasha Dudkina, Albina Kiryanova. Near the station there is a beautiful square for guests who visited our city, on it you see a monument to the military commander Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin. And not far from the monument to a Russian soldier, an eternal flame burns on a mass grave. We will get off the bus and walk through these beautiful places of our city. And again the driver will quickly take us and bring us to new, beautiful places.
pay attention to beautiful houses and the buildings that we see from the bus window. They are made from various materials They different sizes and forms, they all protect their residents from cold, rain and wind, uninvited guests.
Let's define the names of houses built of bricks (brick, wood, clay, glass). Is it possible to make houses out of paper, straw? Why not? Didactic game "Different houses"
Up and down jerking hands, as if we were waving flags
Stretching our shoulders
Hands move to meet
Hands to the side. Smile.
Right, left bow.
In the beautiful stores "Diamant", "Zarya", "Magnet" mothers of our children work: Masha Lobenko, Albina Kiryanova, Andrey Koltyapin. They offer useful, high-quality, beautiful goods: clothes, shoes, food. The customers are grateful for this. Which store would you like to visit? (toy store) There are a lot of such shops in our city "Hippo", "Button", "Lily of the valley", etc.
The next stop guys, the center of our city, where all residents have a rest, spend their free time, celebrate holidays. Near the square there is a recreation park, which delights its guests with fountains in the summer, and children's playgrounds for games and recreation are organized for children. We will get off the bus and walk along the paths of the autumn park.
Physical education:
We walk around the city, we observe nature
Looked up at the sun
And the rays warmed us.
The birds are sitting in their nests
Birds fly across the sky
And they jump over the bumps and no one cries.
. Guys, not having time to drive off from the park, we stopped. Why? At what color of the traffic light did the driver stop and what are the pedestrians doing at this time? Our tour comes to an end
. Now we will move with you to the most desirable place for children, the children's recreation and entertainment park "Divnograd". We are met by the world of fairy-tale heroes. Look, two piglets are sad near the house, let's find out why they are so sad?
Our houses were destroyed by an evil wolf, and winter is coming soon. We will not have time to build new houses
-Let's help the piglets build strong houses out of brick and stone. Do not forget what parts they consist of. To do this, we will play the game “We are builders” and build a house from parts in order to make it strong, reliable (foundation - foundation, walls - foundation, walls, roof - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors - foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors, tree and flowers near the house).
And now the guys will build houses for our piglets, and for those who do not have their own home. (Application).
-What good fellows you are! They all have beautiful new homes. (the guys give houses to piglets and make up a new street from the houses.
Guys, let's figure it out. interesting names our street. (Fabulous, Forest, Happy, Our)
- The piglets thank you for the new homes. . And we return to our house - Kindergarten. Did you like our city? Guys, let's remember what we saw on the tour and read poems about our city.
There is a town on a small river
He is not cuter in the world.
Here, every native corner is everywhere,
Favorite on the whole planet.
For many years you have lived in my city,
The sun rises early on you.
Belgorod our land,
Be always strong as before!
Valuiki, always be beautiful,
Big, beautiful, new, different!

Program content:
To instill in preschoolers love and respect for their native city, its inhabitants; the desire to preserve the beauty of the native city and increase it. Cultivate cultural behavior habits, consolidate safety rules traffic as a passenger of a vehicle, the rules of conduct in in public places.
To enrich children's ideas about the city in which they live, about the sights, about the interaction of man and nature through the implementation of different educational areas.
To develop cognitive interest, the desire to get acquainted with your native city: look for answers to questions, make guesses and assumptions.

My friends, I know that you are very fond of solving riddles. But today I want to offer you a word game called a crossword puzzle. Having solved it, we will find out the answer to the question: what is the name of the place where we were born and live.
1. Center of the Yakovlevsky district (Builder)
2. The bird depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (Eagle)
3. The building we live in? (House)
4. What is the name of people living in Russia? (Russians)
5. the central street of our city (Lenin)
6. The building in which students receive knowledge (School)

So, the place where we were born and live, we go to kindergarten, where our mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, friends live, is called - RO-DI-NA.

What do we call motherland?
The house where you and I grow up.
And birches along the road
which we're walking on
What do we call motherland?
The land where we live with you!

Every person has a homeland. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us.
- What is the name of the city in which we were born and live? (Builder)
- Why is it called that? (because at first builders came here and started building houses in the cornfield in order to live with their families, then they started building a factory and a mine).
- Do you love your city Builder - your Motherland?
Today I invite you for a walk around our beloved city to once again admire its streets and sights.
Before you go out, you need to dress for the weather

I'm going for a walk
I dress very quickly
I put on boots
How to put on shoes - I check
I stomp my feet
I stomp on the floor!
I put on a hat and cover my ears.
I quickly zip up my jacket
I will look at myself.
Enough to stand already
It's time for us to go for a walk!

Where do you think we can take a tour? (answers)
- A tour bus is waiting for you. But before we take seats on the bus, I will distribute tickets to each of you - the ticket number corresponds to the seat number on the bus.
- Take your seats on the bus, and while you are seated, I will remind you that it is forbidden to get up from your seats while the bus is in motion, and even more so to move around the cabin.
We got on the bus together and looked out the window,
Our driver pressed the gas and the bus ran!
Our first stop is TEMPLE. Let's get off the bus and get closer to the building.
2. The construction of the temple lasted 5 years, people invested a lot of work to make it one of the most beautiful buildings in our city.
Why do you think we need temples? (answers) (to, praying to ask God for health to yourself and your loved ones, so that there is no war, so that people live in peace, to celebrate joyful and sad events)

Is the temple building different from other buildings in our city? How?
The walls of the temple have windows that look like narrow cracks, and there are very few of them. They are not intended to be looked into, but to allow light to enter the temple. Therefore, they are located high. The doors in the temple are massive. The temple is crowned with a dome. What do they look like? (answers) They are like the flame of a burning candle.
Didactic game "Good-Bad"(according to the TRIZ system)
Tell me, is a candle good or bad? (answers). Why it is good? It is good that it illuminates, warms, soothes, is good for vision, different figures can be made from melted wax. And I say that a candle is bad. Why? You can get burned, a fire can happen, it smokes, smokes.
(Recorded bell sounds)
You hear the music floats over the city,
Joyful, solemn, beautiful.
Bell ringing, what a force!
Pure sound that takes the soul!
Why is the bell tolling? The voice of the bells calls the Orthodox citizens to the church for morning and evening services, announces great holidays.
Our walk continues, take your seats on the bus
Our tour continues
The bus is approaching the forest.
Stopped the bus here
Stop "MARSHALKOVO". Forest.

3. Dynamic pause "Walk in the woods"
Let's go for a walk in the forest
Let's have fun walking (marching)
We will walk along the path
Friend after friend goose (snake)
And walking along the road, we raise our legs higher.
To have fun walking, never get tired!
How beautiful in the spring forest! So I want to say hello to everyone!
Finger gymnastics"Hello!"

Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello free breeze!
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same region
I welcome you all!

4. There is a zoo in our Marshalkovo park. But what kind of inhabitants are there, we will find out by playing the game "Cut pictures" (children collect pictures depicting a roe deer, deer, wild boar, peacock, squirrel)
At the zoo, a sign hangs over the cages, which says “It is forbidden to feed the animals.” Why do you think? /children's answers/
- Imagine that you will be given sweets, cookies, fresh bread, bananas and much more all day long. What will happen to you by the end of the day / children's answers / true, stomachs and teeth will ache. And animals in the wild don't eat all day either. In addition, many people do not know what this or that animal can eat, and people throw anything into the cages. Animals from this are very sick and can even die.
- What else should not be done at the zoo? / children's answers / That's right, come close to the cages and even more so stick your hands in there. After all, the cage is the house of the animal and it will protect this house. And, of course, you can not make noise in the zoo! There are always a lot of people in the zoo, and the animals are used to the silence in the forest. Therefore, when coming to our city zoo with moms and dads, remember these rules and try not to break them! (They return from the forest like a snake to the music and take their seats on the bus)
The bus picks up speed
Rides, rides faster
To the left, then to the right
And he shouts: “Hurry! Hurry!”
Very soon we will arrive
It's time for us to get together.
Stop the bus
Come out, kids!

6. And now, guys, we are coming to the most sacred place in our city - to the Veterans Park.
The Russian people will never forget those who gave their lives to liberate our Motherland from the German invaders. In gratitude and in memory of the dead, a monument was erected to the soldiers who, not sparing their lives in that terrible war, gave us a blue, peaceful sky.
Grateful residents of our city lay fresh flowers at the monument to the defending soldiers, at the graves of unknown heroes and honor the memory of all those who died in this war with a moment of silence.
(music plays)
Sacred places of all battles.
Where the warriors went to the feat,
Country Victory Day spring
They brought from the battles.
We come to the square with flowers,
The immortal soldier is standing there.
AND Eternal flame- our memory -
Always illuminates granite.

7. A special pride of our city is the central square with lawns, fountains and many beautiful flowers.
Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.

Flowers growing in our city give people good mood, admiration and everyone admires this beauty.

Beauty is like a miracle
Beauty lives everywhere
Close to us, far away
In every little flower

Today we will plant flowers that you will plant in the spring on the flower beds of the kindergarten, and they will delight not only you, but also all the guests of your garden.
(labor activity)

8. Well, what kind of house is this -
You will hear music in it!
Singing, dancing, games, laughter -
Fun for everyone!

This is the Zvezdny Palace of Culture, which has become a true decoration of the city. It has become a real leisure center - everyone can find something to their liking in art groups, studios, theaters and circles. Do any of you attend circles at the Palace of Culture? (answers) And now you and I are given the opportunity to feel like real artists.

Orchestra performance
We will make you happy now
Orchestra musicians
They will try for you.
(Music Orchestra)

On this, our walk came to an end, let's take a seat on the bus and go to our favorite kindergarten.
9. Did you enjoy today's trip? Let's remember the places we've been, shall we? What would you tell your friend about our walk? Where else would you like to visit?
Do you love your city? I invite each of you now to say Nice words and give our city a Bouquet good wishes! (answers).

My favorite city
My native city
You are green in summer
Colored in autumn.
Clean, white
You stand in the winter
And in the spring you are gentle ...
I'm proud of you!

Lesson topic: Hello! This is me and this is my city

Program content: Remind children of elementary rules of conduct, ethics of communication and greetings. Develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults. Encourage children to be friendly when communicating in kindergarten and at home, use “polite words” in their speech. To clarify the knowledge of preschoolers about the name of their native city, its main attractions. To acquaint with the history of the emergence of the city of Voronezh as a watch fortress during the reign of Peter I. To cultivate a culture of behavior, love and a sense of pride for the small Motherland.

Material: Dunno doll, photos with views of Voronezh. Photos of children near the houses where they live. Model "Watch fortress Voronezh".

Lesson progress

The teacher informs the children that a very good friend. He visited the children very often last year. The children taught him a lot. Although this friend often answered many questions with “I don’t know!”.

Have you guessed who is coming to visit us? (children's answers are discussed)

There is a knock on the door and the Dunno doll enters the room. Dunno is very happy to meet the children, he smiles and greets (at the same time he deliberately confuses the names of the children). The teacher scolds Dunno and invites the children to introduce themselves to Dunno: give their name and address of residence.

Held didactic game"What's your name and where do you live?"

Children give their first name, last name and address. Find a photo

with the image of this street and spread on a magnetic board. If the street repeats, then the child points to it.

Dunno, my name is Oleg Kuleshov. I live on Domostroiteley Street, house 25, apartment 51.

Dunno, my name is Masha Ivanova, I also live on Domostroiteley Street, house 17, apartment 2.

Dunno, my name is Egor Tarasov, I live on Marshak Street, house 5, apartment 40, etc.

Dunno is surprised that children know their address, their first and last name so well.

All these photos are placed on a magnetic board. The teacher once again names the photographs on display: Domostroiteley, Marshak, Pirogov Street, circus, children's library, etc. He circles all these photos with a colored marker and invites the children to name everything that they have posted in one word.

How can all this: streets, houses, shops, circus, etc., be called in one word? What have we posted with the help of photos? (town)

What is the name of the city where we live? (Voronezh)

Dunno admires the city and asks the question: “What beautiful city. Has he always been like this?"

The teacher invites the children and Dunno to sit on chairs and find out how the city of Voronezh appeared.

The teacher lays out the layout of the "Patrol Fortress" on the carpet and accompanies the actions with a story:

It was a long time ago, when there were dense, impenetrable forests on our land, like this (the forest is exposed).

There were many birds and animals in the dense forests (a bear, a wolf, a fox, a squirrel, an elk, a crow, an owl, a hedgehog, a hare are exhibited).

Did you recognize them? (children name birds and animals)

A large deep-water river flowed near the forest. There were a lot of fish in this river (spreads the river). The most suitable place for settlement.

But for some reason, people are nowhere to be seen. Why do you think? (children's answers are discussed)

There really were people in this area, but they went far into the dense forests, since our land was very often attacked by enemies. And they were called Tatars. The Tatars will come running, devastate our lands and run away again. At that time, our Russia was ruled by Tsar Peter I. The Tsar found out about this and wrote a decree:

"In order to stop the ferocity of the Tatar hordes,

Save Holy Russia from enemies

The king ordered to cut a fortress on the hill

And call it Voronezh"

A Zhigulin

So, on the bank of a deep-water river, next to a dense forest, a fortress grew up (a fence, a watchtower, several houses, cannons, etc. are put up). It was surrounded by a high crenellated fence. Sometimes it is called a stockade, why do you think? (high stakes were set close (or often) to each other). A deep ditch was dug along the walls and filled with water. A bridge was built at the gate, which was attached to the fence with chains. Why do you think? (so that in times of trouble you can pick it up). A high tower with a bell was built behind a high fence. A man stood there day and night. Which one of you guessed what he was doing? (the answers of the children are discussed and summed up to the fact that he observed the enemies and reported in time about their approach). Otherwise, you can say that he guarded. In addition to the watchtower, houses were built behind the fence. Archers, gunners, watchmen lived in these houses. What do you think they were doing? (Children's answers are discussed). And how can you call the fortress, which all the time stood on patrol, on guard and defended the outskirts of our Motherland? (sentinel or watchdog).

How did the defenders of the fortress repel the attacks if the enemy attacked?

The didactic game “How will we protect our fortress?”

(Children in the course of the story of the educator expose objects on the layout).

If the watchman sees danger, he starts ringing the bell. Streltsy and gunners take their place at the cannons and near the windows in the fortress. The collars quickly bolt the gates and raise the bridge so that the enemy does not get into the fortress.

The teacher invites the children to listen to excerpts from the poem "Voronezh Fortress" by Viktor Budakov.

And the Horde saw a steep fortress -

Belt of walls, yes gates, yes towers.

And the Hordes besieged their horses,

Not hoarding Slavic arable land.

Yes, they are cunning, and strong, and flying,

But this fortress on a steeper side threatens an obstacle -

The bell has rung! Khan shook his head.

"Not a good fortress Voronezh!"

And the Horde, dusty, turned back,

In the wild, they disappeared without a trace.

This fortress, like any other, has its own emblem, or otherwise it is called a coat of arms. The coat of arms can tell us a lot. Let's look at the coat of arms of our fortress.

What is shown on it? (cannon, a raven sits on a cannon)

Why is there a cannon on the coat of arms? (to repel the blows of enemies)

Why is there a raven on the coat of arms? (children's answers are discussed)

What color is this bird? (to black) Can you see a raven in the dark?

The raven is a bird that flies high and sees far.

What qualities of this bird will be useful for the defenders of our fortress? (vigilance, observation, invisibility, speed)

What did the coat of arms of our fortress tell us? (children's answers are discussed)

Many years have passed and now our city is not at all a guard fortress. Therefore, the coat of arms of our city is different.

Children with a teacher examine the coat of arms of the modern city of Voronezh.

What is missing from this coat of arms? (guns, crow)

Why do you think? (no danger, people live peacefully)

What is depicted on the new coat of arms? (mountain, jug. And water flows from the jug).

If the earth is watered all the time, then what can be said about such a land? (it is fertile, rich in water, etc.).

Without water, there is no life on the planet. Water is a source of kindness, beauty and joy for all who live on our earth. Every year our city becomes more beautiful, it develops and changes. The coat of arms of our city will also change.

Dunno thanks everyone who helped him find out how the city of Voronezh appeared on earth. Says goodbye to the children and promises to visit again.

Mushtaeva Marina
Abstract of the lesson in the middle group "My hometown"

1. Clarify children's ideas about hometown, introduce them to some of its attractions;

2. Cause in children a sense of admiration for beauty hometown; develop thinking, speech;

3. Cultivate love for hometown, the desire to keep cleanliness, order in their city

Material: sightseeing illustrations cities, poster, audio cassette, ball.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys, do any of you know the name of town in which we live? (children's answers). We live in a wonderful city called Kemerovo...

caregiver: today I propose to go on a journey through our city, for this you need to sit comfortably put your hands on your knees and close your eyes. (noise recording sounds cities., and then tell what you heard, what characteristic sounds?

Children Caregiver: Guys, look at this magic tree with riddles.

1. Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people

You know her, of course. (car)

2. There is a big and kind house.

There are a lot of kids in it.

There are songs, jokes, laughter.

Pleasure for everyone. (Kindergarten)

3. The house is walking down the street,

We are lucky to work, (bus).

4. Houses stand in two rows,

Ten, forty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Everyone is looking at each other (the street)

What are the names of the people who live in Kemerovo?

We are called Kemerovo residents, because we also live here. There are many kindergartens in Kemerovo. Guys, what is the name of the kindergarten you go to?

Who among you will remember the name of the street where our kindergarten is located?

Shakhterov Avenue - the street was named after the miners of our region.

Our big city very cozy and beautiful. In a lot of buildings, houses and streets.

Now let's play a game "Name the street you live on". stand at the chairs, call their street and pass the ball further.

caregiver: Well done. All Kemerovo residents (both adults and children) love theirs very much town. Each of us has a favorite place here. But there is in our city ​​places, where not only Kemerovo residents like to come, but also guests from other cities. Such places cities are called attractions. How do you understand the word "sight"? (beautiful, famous, memorable places).

Guys, do you like walking around Kemerovo?

Tell us where have you been in our city

Monument to Mikhailo Volkov

The monument to Mikhailo Volkov, the discoverer of Kuznetsk coal, is located on the square of the same name in Kemerovo. In 1721, the explorer Volkov, 7 versts from the Verkhotomsk prison, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present the city of Kemerovo, discovered "Burned Mountain" twenty meters high. This discovery gave impetus to the industrial development of the Kuznetsk coal basin.

Memorial "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass"

Monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" sculptor Ernst Neizvestny was opened on August 28, 2003 on Miners' Day, on Krasnaya Gorka. Miners for hard and dangerous work.

Victory Park,

named in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the park has monuments to G.K. Zhukov and home front workers, as well as a lot of military equipment and guns: T-55 tank, BTR-60 armored personnel carrier, BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle, etc.

Cathedral of the Sign the city of Kemerovo.

caregiver: this is another attraction of Kemerovo. Guys, do you recognize this place? This is a cathedral. It is at the center of our cities and decorates it a lot. Built from 1990 to 1996. Consecrated in 1991. Znamensky Cathedral immediately after its construction took an extremely important place in cityscape, becoming its most beautiful attraction.

Guys, what do you think the cathedral looks like? I think it looks like a fairytale palace. The temple is very bright, elegant and festive. Look at the roof of the temple. It is not the same as in an ordinary house. In an ordinary house - a roof, and a temple - a dome. Let's repeat this word - dome. And every temple has a belfry. Let's repeat this word - the bell tower. Before the service, bells ring and call the people to the temple.

Listen (Audio recording of bells ringing)

Kemerovo children's Railway "Road of childhood" was created on the initiative of the Governor of the Kemerovo region A. G. Tuleev and opened in the fall of 2007.


We kick top, top

We clap hands, clap

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment

We shoulders chick, chick

One here, two here

(turns of the body to the right and to the left)

turn around you

Once sat down, two got up

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

Like a roly-poly steel

And then they jumped

(running in circles)

Like my bouncy ball

One, two, one, two

(breathing exercise)

Here the game is over.

Guys, look at this poster. Now I will read you advice "How to love your town» .

To in city it was clean and nice need to:

1) break tree branches;

2) tear flowers, trample flower beds;

3) break benches, sandboxes;

4) paint buildings and houses;

5) to scatter garbage wherever they want.

caregiver: Guys, did you like these tips? Let's come up with you helpful tips. "In order to town was clean and nice needed.”(do not break trees, do not trample flower beds, do not litter, do not draw on the walls of houses and buildings, clean up garbage, follow the rules of behavior in nature).

caregiver: guys, you came up with a very good advice. I hope you do them too.

caregiver: Guys, did you like walking around Kemerovo? What attractions cities did we meet today? (with Temple and Memorial) .

Go around a hundred roads

Circle the planet

Our town,

And there is nothing more expensive.

Here in such a wonderful the city we live in.

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