
Women's call. Law on conscription of girls in the army. Term of contract and conditions of service of women


Modern ladies can not only do Good photo for Instagram, “bung” sushi no worse than a chef from Japan and match the manicure to the color of the dress, but they are also quite capable of protecting themselves and others ...

Therefore, the question of How can a girl join the army?, even among the most “backward segments of the population” does not cause bewilderment, rather, the caustic “Aha, sing, swallow, sing to us about the army. Yes, after a week of walking in berets, you will howl!

Read about how to find your place under the sun in the Russian army and shame the skeptics.

5 Reasons to Know How a Girl Gets into the Army Even If Khaki Doesn't Suit Her

Many people “dry” their heads over how to get into the army, because there are many advantages in this, including for a girl:

    Well-paid, permanent job, where there is practically no delay in salary.

    Yes, yes, these are not dubious "offices" a la "Horns and Hooves" by Ilf and Petrov. And not a startup that is based solely on enthusiasm.

    But, unfortunately, such enthusiasm - “not an aunt, she won’t slip a pie”, that is, she won’t feed.

  1. “Yes, before I received a large, bright apartment in the city center from the Ministry of Defense, I spent 23 years wandering around the garrisons. But I was doing what I love and I'm not sure that I could earn a living as an average manager or supply manager in a seedy company, ”

    - says retired colonel Yevgeny.

  2. Free treatment of occupational and chronic diseases.

    Hmm, try at least once to get with some kind of "sore" in medical institution and you will understand that at least for this it is worth joining the army.

    A good retirement after the army.

    Of course, you can hardly afford a vacation in the Canary Islands, but a week on the Black Sea, a bottle of Valocordin and a chocolate bar for your grandchildren is enough.

    Social benefits, for example, free travel on public transport or rest in a sanatorium.

    Oh, those evening walks along the alleys around the holiday home! The author of the article knows a couple of wonderful stories that began in the physiotherapy room and ended in the registry office.

This is a failure! 3 situations when it makes no sense to think about how a girl can get into the army

    you are under 18 or over 40 years old.

    As they say, nothing personal. No one is going to give you a wrinkle cream or a remedy for juvenile acne, but physical condition comes first;

    your education is below average.

    We think that you are also against being protected by people for whom everything is one tank, howitzer, scooter;

    a girl cannot get into the army if she is not clean before the law, like snow on alpine meadows - no criminal cases, convictions, convictions (even canceled).

    But the family status and the presence of children do not affect the ability to serve in the army. So if you are sure that your husband will not have a heart attack from your appearance in military uniform, and three children are quite capable of warming up soup for themselves, if you are late in the service - go for it!

"Hello, the sky in the clouds, hello, youth in boots ...": or a step-by-step plan for how a girl gets into the army

The only way for a girl to rightfully show off in a military uniform is to sign a contract to serve in the Russian army. We will tell you how to go from the "tucked up" life of a housewife to "armed and very dangerous."

Step number 1. We collect pieces of paper

The basic package of documents to get a girl into the army is as follows:

Document's name

Application (to be completed on the spot)
The passport
Photos 3x4 and 9x12
Copy of birth certificate
Handwritten autobiography
Copies of documents confirming the education received
Characteristics from the place of previous work or study
Copy of marriage certificate, birth of children (if any)

All pages of copies must be certified with your signature and the inscription "Copy is correct."

Step number 2. Let's go "surrender"

A package of documents, if a young woman wants to join the army, should be taken either to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence (the address can be “googled” without any problems) or directly to the military unit that you want to make happy with your presence.

If there are suitable vacancies, your documents will be accepted.

Don't want to register? Filled with a nightingale, how long have you been dreaming of getting into the army, how dear are all these drills and forced marches to you, and barley porridge is generally your favorite dish.

Here is how Larisa describes her first impressions of military service:

“In civilian life, with my master's degree, I worked as an ordinary PC operator. It just so happened. And since all the men in the family are military men, the idea of ​​serving in the army arose by itself. I waited 7 months for a suitable vacancy in the military unit. Yes, of course, I don’t launch rockets into the sky and don’t march on the parade ground, I’m just a businessman, but if in my previous job the general sloppiness and carelessness made me sad, then here I don’t get enough of discipline, order and the environment of real men.

Step number 3. We pass the test for professional suitability

To get into the army under a contract, the girl, after accepting the application, will be offered to go through:

    Thorough medical examination.

    Here it is necessary to prove that your eyesight is aquiline, your posture is better than that of a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater and no bacilli can overcome your excellent immunity;

    Psychological testing.

    Specialists will study the type of girl's temperament, the ability to act in stressful situations, communication skills, intellectual level, etc. Eh, your mother told you not to stare at the "zomboyaschik", but to read the classics!

    Physical training. In order for a girl to get into the army, she will have to pass three standards:

    • for speed (shuttle run 10 times 10 m each);
    • endurance (1 km must be run in a maximum of 5 and a half minutes);
    • for strength (press at least 22 times in 1 minute).

    The guidelines are given for women over 25 years of age. For younger candidates for the army, they should be even better.

    And blame yourself if in high school you skipped physical education classes with enviable persistence, and then you mastered only a sport called "Running in heels through the mall."

    Have you managed to “fill up” physical training? There is no need to "bury" the dream of seeing yourself in uniform, because within a month you have the right to ask for a retake. You will need to retake all three standards, even if you did not cope with one of them.

Step number 4. We hope and wait

Even if you are 100% sure that you were a “cute” at an interview with a psychologist, and at the 100-meter test you showed a result worthy of a Kenyan runner, do not rush to buy green socks to match the color of your military uniform - about whether you managed to get into the army under a contract , you will be notified in 10-30 calendar days.

Step number 5. We reread the contract seven times, sign it once

Don't be in a hurry to sign a contact for military service if you are lucky enough to successfully pass an aptitude test.

A girl should read every letter and comma before entering the army, because:

  • the contract is for 3-5 years, and this, you see, is a sickly "piece" of your precious life;
  • a mandatory condition for the conclusion of the first contract is a trial period (3 months).

    You must clearly understand why you can be "crossed over" from the army during this crucial period.

How a girl can get into the army "over the hill": 4 theses about the military service of women in other countries

If a girl fails to get into the army in her homeland, there is an opportunity to try her “camouflage” happiness abroad by obtaining a new citizenship:

    In Israel, all young women between the ages of 18 and 24 are required to serve 21 months in the army on an equal footing with men.

    Oh, it's time, it's time to find the address of Aunt Sonya from sunny Tel Aviv and establish close family ties.

    For Chinese girls military service is prestigious and obligatory, but a careful selection is carried out.

    So if you intentionally (or not) fail the competition, then other candidates to defend the Celestial Empire will only thank you!

    In North Korea, girls are happy to join the army to guarantee themselves a more or less secure life.

    But an important factor is external beauty and grooming. In addition, this is the only army in the world where women serve in heels.

    In most countries of Europe and the USA, girls can enter the army under a contract and bear "all the hardships and hardships of military service" at the "full rate".

    Small concessions are given only when passing sports standards.

See in the video:

rules for passing physical standards for girls when entering the army

Not "Soldier Jane" alone: ​​5 best films about how a girl gets into the army and does not escape from there on the second day

More than one young lady wondered, “How can a girl get into the army?” after watching these movies:

The question is How can a girl join the army?, we will decide if you are serious about this goal. One has only to make sure that the service is your "love at first sight", stock up on a little patience - and soon you will have on your shoulders not a fashionable sheepskin coat, but a military pea coat.

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The current generation of girls has a very active lifestyle and great self-confidence. The desire for equality has contributed to the fact that the fair sex is increasingly heading high positions. Today you can meet a politician, analyst or economist, and girls often work in such positions. By the way, this state of affairs has not caused great surprise for anyone for a long time.

It is interesting to note that even in the purely masculine cause of defending the homeland, women often appear in leading positions.

If you look at the situation from the other side, during the war, no one divided military personnel into men / women.

According to statistics, there are up to 10% of women in the army ranks. If we translate this percentage into a quantitative characteristic - more than 60,000 people. Mostly ladies serve in the ground forces or the Air Force of the Russian Federation. A certain number are also in the troops of strategic importance.

Based on the above information, we can already conclude that girls are being taken into the army. For this, only the desire and observance of certain conditions, which we will consider in this article, are enough.

The procedure for hiring a girl for service is practically no different from the same procedure for men. But women are entitled to improved social guarantees and financial compensation. All this is reflected in the relevant legislation.

What documents are needed to get a job

If you are a girl and want to connect your life with the army, then you need to draw up an application of the form established by the commissariat and collect a package of documents. To do this, use the following list:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. An application that is filled out according to the established standard.
  3. Brief personal biography.
  4. Copy work book, previously certified by a notary.
  5. A document on the availability of education - higher or secondary special.
  6. Copies of documentation confirming marital status, the presence of children, and so on. All copies are notarized.

The same military registration and enlistment office is engaged in the selection of girls. The medical commission issues a conclusion on the suitability of the candidate for service and sends her to the military unit.

Here the signing of the agreement (contract) is already taking place.

Usually, the process of approval of a candidate is carried out at the request of the chief commanders of the units and the wishes of the district headquarters.

If a woman has children or is in an officially registered marriage, in this case, you can still apply for service.

If there is a criminal record, in such a situation it is not worth hoping that it will be possible to enlist in the army. Such a norm is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A girl has the right to start military service if she is already 20 years old. The contract is concluded if the commission has not identified any contraindications. Service is possible up to 40 years.

Duration of the contract and conditions of service

To determine the duration of the contract, the age of the woman and the position in which she wants to work should be taken into account. Typically, such an agreement is concluded for a period of three to ten years.

The first entry into the ranks of the army involves working in the simplest positions:

  1. Sailors.
  2. Sergeants.

In this case, the term of the contract does not exceed three years.

Officers and ensigns serve 5 years. The same duration is established for cadets of military schools.

In order for a girl to enter the army, a vacancy must be opened in the military unit, which is intended for female employees. Traditionally, contract girls are in the rear or medical support. Women are often on combat duty and participate in field exercises.

The duties and rights of an employee who occupies military positions "in civilian life" are no different. Every girl in uniform can take advantage of paid leave, as well as take maternity leave.

Female military personnel who have two children under 14 or a disabled child under 16 can take leave at any time. All this must first be agreed with the management.

Privileges and housing for women in the service

In the first five years of service, the girl is provided with service housing. After this period of service, you can get real estate on a general basis. If this is not possible, then monetary compensation is paid.

Ladies in uniform are entitled to free travel during business trips, transfer to another part to a place of rest or treatment.

After leaving the service, you can travel free of charge on urban and suburban transport, as well as on local trains.

early termination

Such a procedure is possible both for objective reasons and at will.

Dismissal before the end of the contract is possible if:

  1. Personnel changes are being made.
  2. State reorganization.
  3. Dishonest performance of military duties.
  4. In connection with the relocation of the spouse.

All these norms are enshrined in the relevant law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service." Leaving the army of one's own free will is carried out upon the recognition of a woman unfit to carry military service. Such a conclusion is issued by the VVK.

In addition, dismissal is possible due to the fact that there is a person in the family who needs continuous care.

Summing up, we note that girls are taken into the army, and you will not have problems with entering the service if you have the desire and perseverance. The only difference is that the girl will be in the army on the basis of a contract.

Service in the army for a girl involves good conditions to provide housing and all kinds of benefits.

In order to start this process, you just need to contact the military registration and enlistment office, take a sample application, collect a package of documents and pass a medical examination. Further, the process will depend on the conclusion of the medical commission. We wish you success!

Serving in the army for girls in Russia seems almost impossible, but in fact there are no special obstacles for those who meet all the requirements and have a desire to serve. The number of girls in the Russian army is impressive, today there are more than 50 thousand of them.

Who will be taken into the army

The service is carried out only on a voluntary basis, on the basis of a contract. The draft of girls in the army Russian Federation is optional.

The list of positions for female contractors is established by the Ministry of Defense. As a rule, these are positions in headquarters related to the economic, medical or information support of the army. The full list can be found in the commissariat, the work opportunities are quite diverse, but there are practically no combat ones. Ranks range from privates to majors and lieutenant colonels.

There is no division into the female and male army in Russia: the fair sex serve next to the men, although accommodation within the same unit, of course, is organized separately.

Age range: from 18 to 40 years. Education - secondary and this is a minimum, and some positions require special professional education, up to higher. The level of physical fitness is also important, you will need to pass special tests.

Do they take married people? The legislation does not provide for any special rules for women with children or married women. If the candidate herself believes that she can successfully combine both, she can safely apply.

A woman who has a criminal record (whether canceled or not) cannot go to serve, she will immediately be refused. This also applies to those in respect of which only a criminal case has been initiated.

Terms and features of the service

How long do the representatives of the fair half serve in the Russian army? Both the features of the vacancy and the age are taken into account, the average term is up to 10 years. The minimum and term of service under the first contract for women in the army is 3 years. If the candidate has reason to apply not for a lower position, but for an officer, or is a cadet of a military university, then in this case the period is 5 years.

Find out: How to refuse military service and go to work in the theater

From the point of view of social security, contract service in the army for women is not much different from work in civil organizations. There is an annual paid vacation, women with children can take vacation at a convenient time, having agreed it with the head, you can leave the decree, receiving all the due payments.

Paper cases or what documents need to be collected

Contract service for girls begins with the execution and submission of documents. They are submitted to the military commissariat, it is there that it is best to clarify the exact list necessary documents. The decision is made by the commission, which considers the candidate. Approximate package of documents:

  1. Application (the form is issued at the commissariat).
  2. Questionnaire in the prescribed form (Appendix 3 to the Instructions for the selection of citizens for military service).
  3. The passport.
  4. Autobiography - written by hand.
  5. Copies of documents on work experience and education.
  6. Copies of documents on marital status and birth certificates of children.
  7. Photo of given dimensions.
  8. Characteristics (from places of work or study).

Is it possible to get into the army without having a specific profession? Yes, and this way is even easier. Girls who have just graduated from school can apply to a military university, their further path is clear and carried out under the guidance.

All the rest, before submitting documents to the commissariat, go through a preliminary conversation with an instructor who will explain not only the necessary steps to be taken at the initial stage, but will also be able to help understand their motives, because it is possible that the desire to enter the military service is dictated by random reasons, and The girl will change her mind. It will also help you roughly assess what position you can apply for. The instructor will issue samples of all necessary documents for filling out and referral to the primary medical examination.

Such a medical examination is carried out on their own, turning to the clinic at their place of residence. You will also need to get a certificate of no criminal record, it is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the easiest way is to go to the website of the State Service. The next step is the passage of the commission in the military registration and enlistment office. Based on its results, a decision will be made on the suitability of the candidate for service. If this stage passes, a personal file is opened for the candidate.

Find out: How the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are organized

Features of medical and psychological checks

According to reviews, this is the most difficult part for a girl on her way to the Russian army. To serve in the army, even as an economist, you need good training, excellent health, and suitable psychological qualities.

Is it possible to serve in a military unit with minor health problems? There are no differences from men. The army service is available to girls who, according to the results of the commission, have received category “A” (fully fit), or category “B”.

If everything is clear from categories “A”, then category “B” (validity with minor restrictions) requires clarification. The assignment of this category limits only the types of troops that a woman can get into, otherwise the service will be available in full. Diseases for which this category is assigned are mild and do not interfere with the performance of their duties. Slightly reduced visual acuity (100% corrected vision), mild allergies or chronic diseases, residual effects after operations or injuries.

Three standards should be passed: endurance, strength, speed.

  • How can a girl pass the standard for strength? You need to have a good press. Men can take this test at their own discretion, choosing either pull-ups or floor presses. The girls have no choice, the required minimum standard for the press is 22 times per minute.
  • Speed ​​is tested by shuttle running, you will need to run back and forth ten times 10 meters in 38 seconds.
  • Running 1 km must be run in 5 minutes. 30 sec. (endurance test). It is believed that this is the most difficult standard.

Please note: rates vary by age. The figures above are mandatory for women under the age of 30. If the candidate is older, then the requirements for her are more stringent: press 26 times, shuttle run - 36 seconds, endurance test - 4 minutes. 35 sec.

Is it possible for an army for girls in Russia, how can a representative of the fair sex get into this structure, and what criteria must be met for this? Such questions arise in many women and girls who are imbued with the idea of ​​​​getting into the army and trying to arrange their lives that way.

There are enough reasons why women want to join the army: the desire to find a real man there, to join a powerful structure in which, when serving on a contract, they pay quite well and provide various benefits and assistance, to work next to their husband or boyfriend, if he is army servants, etc.

Girls have the opportunity to get into the army, but for this to happen, it is necessary to meet certain criteria and collect a certain package of documents. Other problems may also arise on the way to this goal: health requirements, psychological readiness to serve, etc. Let us consider all these issues in more detail.

How to get into the women's army in Russia - requirements for candidates

There are no serious obstacles on the way to contract service for girls. The most important thing in this matter is the presence of an appropriate desire and a normal state of health.

Service is possible exclusively on a voluntary basis, therefore, in the women's army of the Russian Federation there is not a single person who would be there forcibly or by conscription.

The list of available positions for women contractors is established by the Ministry of Defense of the country and usually they are all related to economic issues, medicine, work at headquarters and information support for army structures.

Only women between the ages of 18 and 40 are allowed to serve. Depending on the position for which people are recruited, they must meet a certain level of physical fitness, successfully pass a number of specialized tests.

In some cases, candidates for the position must have a certain education, for example, medical.

The following girls will not be accepted into the army:

  • not meeting health requirements;
  • who do not have the education necessary to fill a vacant position;
  • failed the proposed tests;
  • also, citizens who have problems with the law are not taken into the army.

How to go to serve under a contract for a girl - procedure

There are two main ways in which a girl can get into army structures:

  • go after school to study at a military university for a military specialty;
  • enter the service during the next draft, simply by contacting the nearest military registration and enlistment office.

With the first case, everything is clear, consider the procedure for the second option.

In order for a woman to be successfully drafted into the army, it is first necessary to have a conversation with an instructor at the selection point. Depending on the education, inclinations and wishes of the girl, she will be offered some options for contract service.

When all this is agreed, they will have to undergo a special professional-psychological selection and, if successful, join the ranks of the Russian army.

List of documents for a girl to become a soldier

A girl who wants to go to serve will need to provide a certain set of documentation to the commissariat, which usually includes:

  • passport confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • declaration of desire to serve the Motherland;
  • a short, self-written biography;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a notary;
  • a document confirming the presence of secondary specialized or higher education;
  • copies of documents certified by a notary regarding marital status, the presence of children and similar issues.

Having these papers, you can safely go to the recruiting office and give them for consideration.

Checking the readiness of women for military service

Before a girl is sent to a military unit, she must confirm her readiness to serve in the army.

The requirements for it relate mainly to three parameters: physical and mental health, a normal level of physical fitness.

In the strictness of the selection of candidates for military service for men and women, almost the same rules apply:

  1. First you need to go through a medical commission, which shows the state of health of a person, reveals his illnesses and deviations that may prevent him from getting a job.
  2. Next, various physical tests are passed, passing standards, on which it is worth showing your level of training.
  3. Also a mandatory component is the clarification of the status mental health each applicant for service. To do this, he or she is offered special tests, on paper or on a computer, where you need to answer various tricky questions.

If all these stages are completed successfully and a result satisfying the commission is obtained, it will not be difficult for a girl to get a contract.

Standards for girls in the army under the contract

The army has developed special standards that must be successfully passed in order to obtain the right to serve the Motherland. The call at some stage necessarily includes the delivery of such standards.

Women and girls aspiring to the army will have to pass the following:

  • push-ups from the floor - the norm for girls is 10-12 times;
  • speed exercises: running 60 meters should be done in about 13 seconds, 100 meters in 20, shuttle running 10 times 10 meters in 38-39 seconds;
  • endurance exercise: running a distance of one kilometer - it is advisable to keep within 5-6 minutes.

This is the whole list, for men it is usually somewhat extended.

girls military service law

The law does not say anything about military service for women, and so far no changes are planned in this regard. A woman can give time to military service on a contract solely of her own free will, if she meets the requirements set for her in the military registration and enlistment office.

Summing up what has been said, we note that the service for girls in the Russian army is a completely real task. About 40-50 thousand girls and women are constantly in the ranks of the country's military forces, therefore, if any representative of the fair sex decides to join them, then no one will interfere with this. The main thing is to have normal health and a desire to serve the Motherland.

A woman in military uniform is no longer surprising. Both among young people and among the fair sex, there are those who with great enthusiasm go to serve for the good of the Fatherland. Women strive for equality and along with more and more masculine traits. When discussing how a girl can get into the army, it is worth noting that in countries such as North Korea and Israel, beauties are considered liable for military service and can serve, but not on a mandatory basis.

Can girls serve in the military?

Of course, no one forbids this. Moreover, a survey was recently conducted, as a result of which it was found out why the weaker sex is so attracted to service in the armed forces. So, first of all, it is stability - permanent work according to the laws of the Labor Code, as well as regularly paid wage. In addition, it is useful to note such a reason as social security. After all, military personnel have a full social package. This includes free treatment and the provision of their own housing.

How can a girl get into the army under a contract?

First of all, it is worth noting that by concluding a contract, you can serve in any branch of the armed forces. True, in this case there are exceptions in the form of certain specialties and titles. You will not be allowed to enter the army on a contract if the job you choose will be directly related to classified data.

What girls can do is work in the field of clerks, administrative staff of the headquarters, or, for example, a service related to the duties of an instructor.

A girl can go to serve in the army only after she fulfills a number of requirements. So, for starters, you go through a professional psychological selection. These are tests that demonstrate your worldview, behavior, and even habits.

Despite the fact that the branch of military service you have chosen does not imply that you have transcendent physical strength, you will have to pass some standards: for strength, speed and endurance. So, this is a press for 1 minute (at least 22 times), and a shuttle run (a distance of 10 times 10 meters, which is given no more than 38 seconds), and a run for 1 km (the norm is 5 minutes 30 seconds).

It should be noted that if you intend to become a contract soldier, take physical training seriously, because their military personnel pass quarterly. By the way, there is a considerable bonus for this.