
How to clean a bracelet at home. How and what is the best way to clean a watch bracelet, depending on the material? How to clean a leather watch bracelet


It is not so important what brand or design your watch is, where it was made - the very fact of choosing and using a high-precision mechanism in Everyday life speaks of you as a punctual, responsible person. Wristwatches, in order for them to properly perform their functions and, no less important, look presentable, need care: it is better to entrust the case and internal parts to a specialist, and you can handle cleaning the strap or bracelet on your own.

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Leather belt

Wristwatches on a leather strap look respectable and comfortable to wear. But unfortunately, Genuine Leather- the material is quite capricious and not very durable. To maximize the life of the strap, you need to follow a few simple rules: keep away from moisture, air dry, avoid direct contact sun rays and open sources of heat, wear the watch so that there is a finger-sized distance between the strap and the wrist, wipe once a week with a slightly damp cloth.

Such weekly care will benefit appearance watch strap, but will not completely eliminate the possibility of complex contamination. To remove them, there are several effective ways that are easy to use at home.

Method number 1

One of the best is with a paste of baking soda and water (note that this method suitable for straps dark colors). Mix these components in equal proportions, gently apply the resulting mass on the entire surface of the strap and wash it off after 30-60 minutes under running water. Dry the product at room temperature.

Method number 2

If the strap of your watch is light, then you should change the composition. Dip the white of a raw egg into a glass of milk, stir vigorously. Saturate a piece of cloth with the composition and wipe the strap thoroughly. As in the first case, rinse it and dry it.

Method number 3

You can also immerse the leather product in a mild soapy warm solution and gently clean, for example, with a soft toothbrush, then rinse with water, blot paper napkins to remove excess moisture, and air dry naturally. It is better not to use household detergents, as it is impossible to predict their effect on the material.

Method number 4

Some manufacturers advise purchasing a special composition for cleaning the skin from dirt and stains, it works effectively and gently. It is enough to apply the product on a cloth and wipe the strap thoroughly. It is quite expensive, but the effect will exceed all expectations.

Method number 5

A watch strap made of rare exotic materials (for example, ostrich, stingray, snake skin) requires special gentle care. Experts do not advise using detergents or soapy water; for such straps, only gentle cleaning with a cloth or a soft brush in the direction of the scales is suitable.

Men's wrist watch Pierre Ricaud Bracelet P91086.5156Q

Metal bracelet

Metal is much more practical than leather, this is a fact, and therefore it is easier to take care of a watch with a metal bracelet. The main thing, if possible, of course, is to avoid scratches and regularly clean it from dirt and dust at the joints of the links. The choice of method depends on the type of alloy.

Method number 1

It is enough to lower the steel bracelet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, in which you must first dissolve a few drops of any soft detergent. After the time has elapsed, the links are cleaned with a cloth and a soft brush, then washed with water and wiped dry.

Method number 2

Ammonia will also help in cleaning the steel bracelet. To do this, dissolve 2-4 drops of liquid in a glass of warm water and immerse the bracelet in it for 20 minutes, then remove, rinse under running water, wipe with a cloth and dry.

Method number 3

Another effective way, which is also suitable for products from precious metals, - gruel of soda and vinegar. Mix them in equal proportions, gently apply the resulting paste to the links and wipe them with a soft cloth.

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Titanium watch bracelets durable and lightweight. Caring for them is not difficult: you need to rub the product with a rubber eraser, then apply a little toothpaste, clean the dirt between the links and polish the bracelet with a lint-free cloth.

Rubber and fabric straps quite unpretentious - a solution of any detergent is enough to make them look like new. And the original fabric NATO straps can be washed even in washing machine, just put them in a cloth bag so that the bakle does not touch the drum during washing and does not ring.

Such an accessory as a watch does not become obsolete and continues to be one of the most popular jewelry that has a useful option. Usually we do not separate them, however, the movement and strap have different dates services. If the first one can work properly for many years, then belts or bracelets last only 3-4 years. Then you will need to buy a watch bracelet suitable for the mechanism. You can do this in the Correa online store.

In order for the new strap to last longer, you need to periodically clean it from dust and dirt. Many hours of contact with the skin of the hands leaves particles of skin, sweat and other contaminants on the watch. For various materials it is necessary to use different means and methods of cleaning.

Most often, leather (natural and artificial) and metal are used for bracelets.

There are several ways to clean a leather strap. The first is a special tool. They are sold in stores household chemicals or shoe. Home remedies are also suitable for use if there is no time for shopping:

  • Mix 500 ml of water, a couple of drops of shampoo and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia. Wipe the surface with this mixture and wipe dry.
  • Soak a cotton pad or cloth in lemon juice and wipe.
  • Restore the whiteness of a leather bracelet white color a mixture of a glass of milk and one egg white. This liquid is moistened with a cloth or a disk of cotton wool and the product is wiped, returning to it both the purity and brightness of the color.

Sometimes gasoline or alcohol is used for cleaning, but these substances are not safe. Especially for eco-leather. Therefore, if you are not sure that you have a natural material in front of you, it is better to refuse such funds.

Regular glycerin will help restore the skin to its former shine. You just need to wipe the belt with a sponge or cloth dipped in liquid. Softness, smoothness and radiance are guaranteed.

Cleaning metal bracelets at home is also possible. If it can be detached, then the following solutions are used for cleaning:

  • Shampoo water. Dipped in liquid for 30 minutes, then with an old toothbrush or cotton swabs clean links. Then rinse under running water and wipe dry.
  • Roll up the aluminum foil bowl. Put a bracelet in it, cover with soda and pour hot water. After 20 minutes, wash and wipe dry.

If you have a watch made of silver or you can use toothpaste without abrasive particles for cleaning. It is necessary to leave it for 30 minutes, gently walk over the surface with a soft toothbrush and remove. Polish with a soft cloth, preferably natural wool. To return the shine to a gold bracelet, ordinary powder from a women's cosmetic bag will help. It is applied to a soft material and the surface is polished. Also suitable for children's talcum powder.

The least capricious in matters of cleaning belts made of plastic, silicone and rubber. You can simply wash them with soap and water and they are like new again. Fabric models are perfectly cleaned with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

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A well-chosen wrist watch looks stylish. But lovers of this accessory should know how to clean a metal watch bracelet or a strap made of another material. After all, even with careful wear, particles of skin remain on it, sweat is absorbed, and other impurities are possible. At home, it is enough just to put them in order. But the mechanism is better to entrust the master.

Cleaning a metal bracelet

How to clean your watch depends on the material. If the strap is leather, then not all procedures available for a product made of leather are suitable for it. of stainless steel. And with a gold bracelet, you must be especially careful.

If possible, the strap should be separated from the watch. Then it will be more convenient to operate, because the risk of water and detergent getting into the mechanism will disappear. To clean a metal product, warm water is recommended, in which dish detergent or the most regular shampoo. Use it like this:

  • pour into a shallow container;
  • immerse the watch strap in it and leave for half an hour;
  • then they take it out and wipe it with a polishing cloth or just a soft, lint-free one;
  • fold and unfold several times to get to hard-to-reach corners, it is there that dead skin particles and dirt tend to accumulate;
  • a toothpick can clean the most difficult places;

Before use, you need to completely dry the bracelet with a soft cloth or just in the air.

If the watch has lost its shine, then it can be returned in this way: shape the aluminum foil into a bowl, put a bracelet in it, then pour baking soda and add hot water. Leave for half an hour, then take it out and wipe it off so that there are no streaks left. The same effect is obtained by mixing water and ammonia.

Can cook special paste to wipe the watch: combine baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions. The same tool is useful if the question arose of how to clean a titanium watch bracelet or a piece of precious metal.

How to fix a leather strap?

Leather straps are popular. Caring for them will not be difficult if you do it regularly.

As with a metal bracelet, a soapy solution will do. To enhance the effect, you can add a little ammonia. This mixture should be applied to a cotton pad and used to clean the accessory. Then it should be washed off - for this it is convenient to use wet wipes- and dry with a towel. After that, it is recommended to lubricate the product a small amount olive oil. This measure will help soften the skin and protect it.

To clean leather bracelet hours white, you can use egg and milk. To do this, stir the protein in a glass of drink, after which the strap is treated with a cotton swab. In this way, two goals are achieved: impurities are removed and the original radiant appearance is restored.

A bracelet made of fabric must also be maintained in order. It is easy to take care of it: you need to wash it in water, to which soap or any other detergent is added, and clean especially soiled places with a toothbrush.

What to do with a bracelet made of gold, titanium or ceramic?

Gold watches need the same care as other products made from this metal. It is quite soft, so that with excessive zeal it can be scratched. Therefore, it is necessary to act carefully, but with caution. It is convenient to use a toothbrush, the bristles of which will penetrate even into hard-to-reach places of the watch. Only choose the best baby, very soft. It should be moistened with water, then walk along the entire bracelet, pressing not too hard.

Gold watches can be polished with ordinary cosmetic powder applied to a soft cloth.

If it was not possible to clean a gold watch, a bracelet with ordinary water, then toothpaste is allowed. The foam on the brush may soon darken. This should not cause concern: dirt comes off in this way, quality products cannot be damaged in this way. toothpaste must be completely removed after the procedure is completed: if the watch has metal parts, they will begin to rust.

When the bracelet is so heavily soiled that the usual means did not help, you can try using a lubricant, such as WD-40. A drop of the substance should be applied to the soiled place of the bracelet or watch, wait a couple of minutes and wipe with a soft cloth. Residues should be washed off well.

Titanium watches are lightweight and look stylish. No wonder they are popular. You can clean them in the same way as gold ones. Titanium is a soft material, so the watch can be scratched during wear. Minor damage is easy to clean up yourself. You should take an ordinary school eraser and draw it several times along the strap in one direction. The view will improve immediately.

If the question arose of how to clean a ceramic bracelet on a watch, then it is very simple to do it. The material is resistant, not subject to corrosion and other damage. It is enough to wipe the bracelet with a soapy cloth so that it takes its original form.

Watches add style to any look. If you take care of them properly, they will last. for a long time.

New jewelry is always eye-catching, but over time it tends to get dirty and lose its appeal. Rings, bracelets and chains are most polluted, as they are in maximum contact with the body and other household items. There are methods of caring for gold items that can restore shine to jewelry.

Why do you need care and cleaning of gold?

As you know, gold is a soft metal, and items made of pure gold are not found on sale. Accordingly, in order to give it density, an alloy is created from a part of gold and silver, copper or other metals. Together with the density, such products have the property of aging over time and losing their purchased appearance. To avoid dullness and, possibly, the appearance of oxide, jewelry should be constantly looked after.

Causes of pollution:

  • constant contact with the skin (sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands, leads to contamination of the chain or bracelet);
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • dust and smog of the external environment.

To eliminate contamination, you should constantly clean jewelry and it is not necessary to resort to the help of a jeweler, such a manipulation can be done at home.

What can not be cleaned at home?

The resistance of gold as such to various chemically active substances does not apply to inserts in jewelry: precious and semiprecious stones, enamel, mother-of-pearl, other metals. Therefore, it is better to give combined products for professional cleaning - this way the risk of damage to the thing is significantly reduced. In addition, if the surface is dull not from dirt, but from scratches or scuffs, it is better to think not about how to clean the gold bracelet at home, but take the product to a jewelry workshop for polishing.


  1. Avoid using any cleaning products containing abrasives (pure powders, creams and gels with abrasive particles);
  2. The cleaning composition should not contain bleaches, because otherwise the product will fade;
  3. Do not use hard brushes to remove dirt and metal objects. Of course, they will clean the jewelry, but at the same time they will leave a gift in the form of scratches on it. It is best to give preference to pieces of flannel, soft toothbrushes, cotton pads and sticks;
  4. When choosing a method for cleaning gold jewelry, it is necessary to take into account the quality of gold (sample), the presence of stone inserts and their properties. Not all compositions are universal, and those that perfectly clean one piece of jewelry can permanently ruin another.


Lovers of gold chains and bracelets sometimes wear them all the time, without taking off bath procedures or sleeping for a while. And they do it in vain. In addition to the fatty deposits and dirt that accumulate on them from daily contact with the skin, the chemical effect of shampoos, gels and other cosmetics is added. As a result, the decoration fades and looks untidy.


Black deposits and greens appear on the rings due to the oxidation of copper, which is part of the precious alloy. Soap solution, kefir, lemon acid. The ring is immersed in the selected liquid for 25-30 minutes, washed and dried. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved. It is recommended to remove very strong contamination with a piece of flannel soaked in ammonia solution.


Gold jewelry with eye-catching inlays of precious stones they look amazingly beautiful. But this beauty is rather capricious and requires a special attitude towards itself. The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of hardness of the stone. So, how to clean gold with stones at home?

What solution can be used to clean yellow jewelry: use ammonia, vodka and Fairy

There are several ways to clean yellow gold earrings and chains. You can start with the simplest.

  • Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. any dishwashing detergent, preferably Fairy.
  • Put a rag in the pan, on top - a decoration that has darkened.
  • Pour in the prepared solution.
  • Put the pan on the fire, boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse the cleaned gold items with water and wipe dry.

This method is suitable for removing surface contaminants. More complex cases require a serious approach. It is more correct to clean gold products with diamonds, zirconium or cubic zirconia using ammonia.

  • In a glass of boiling water, add dishwashing detergent or laundry detergent (1 tsp) and 25% ammonia (1 tsp).
  • Stir, leave the gold in the solution for 1-2 hours.
  • Rinse the cleaned jewelry with water and dry with a flannel cloth.

Such a mixture well cleans old gold from blackness and impurities resulting from the oxidation of metal additives in the alloy.

How to clean rings or earrings with foil, boiling and baking soda

Chains or rings that have lost their luster can be restored to their former beauty using baking soda and foil.

  • Dissolve baking soda in hot water (1-1.5 tablespoons of baking soda per 1 cup of water).
  • Lay a sheet of foil on the bottom of the selected dish, put a chain, earrings or a ring, pour a soda solution.
  • Leave jewelry on overnight. In the morning (after 8-12 hours of exposure), your favorite jewelry will be like new.

Instead of foil, you can use dishwashing liquid in this recipe.

  • Prepare a solution of 1 cup boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. soda and 0.5 tsp dishwashing detergent.
  • Put a rag on the bottom of the pan, on top of the gold item.
  • Pour in the prepared solution.
  • Put on low heat for 15-20 minutes or just leave to cool slowly.
  • Remove items, rinse and dry.

Special pastes

Such cleaning is called mechanical. Apply special pastes, which basically contain petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or soapy water, and as additives they use substances containing small abrasive particles. These can be powders of corundum, tripoli, white magnesia, lead carbonate. If you could not find a special paste for sale, it is better to order a professional cleaning.

Mechanical cleaning is used when it was not possible to dissolve sulfide formations with ammonia. Sulfides form a black coating on the surface of gold items, which does not leave either in soapy water or in an ammonia solution. Many people in this case use soda or powder to wash sinks. This should not be done, as such funds are aggressive to gold. They contain large abrasive particles that can scratch the product and deprive it of shine forever. In addition, they remove the top layer of gold and reduce the weight of the product. Therefore, use a special paste. Apply it on soft tissue and wipe the product moving in one direction. Upon completion of cleaning, remove the remaining paste with a dry cloth, rinse and dry the jewelry.

Ammonia is an effective cleaner for red and yellow gold

You will need:

Operating procedure:

  • Pour warm water into a glass container, add powder and ammonia, mix.
  • Leave jewelry for 2 hours in the solution, rinse and dry.

In fact, a solution of ammonia (ammonia) is usually used as a breath stimulant in fainting. But personally, I use it to clean gold jewelry from darkening, dirt and various deposits formed during wearing ... In a glass of water (I pour warm water) I add (by eye, but about 3 teaspoons, not half a glass) ammonia (it the same - a solution of ammonia 10%) and a little washing powder (or shavings of household soap). I put everything that needs cleaning there and keep it like that for 2 hours ... Next, I take out the jewelry from the solution and rinse it under running (cold) water, at the same time I clean it with a brush.

All! The cleaning is finished and the jewelry shines like new.

How to remove dirt from gold with chalk and soap

Perfectly cleans gold with a unique paste that you can cook with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • soap - 10 g;
  • chalk - 10 g;
  • warm water - 50 ml;
  • grater;
  • vaseline - 10 ml;
  • ethanol.


  • Rub the soap on a coarse grater.
  • Chalk grind into powder and mix with soap.
  • Add petroleum jelly and warm water to the soap and chalk mixture.
  • The resulting composition is abrasive, so carefully process the jewelry with it.
  • Wipe the gold with a cloth soaked in ethyl alcohol or vodka.

If you need to quickly achieve a presentable appearance of jewelry, treat it with table vinegar, rub it with lipstick or toothpaste. After that, be sure to rinse in water and dry with a soft cloth.

ultrasonic bath

A more expensive cleaning agent is an apparatus in the form of a bath. The principle of operation is based on ultrasonic waves, with which you can easily clean jewelry and gold coins, even in hard-to-reach places.

  • Put the products into the device.
  • Add water.
  • Turn on the device.

The main advantage of this treatment is the removal of all types of contaminants without mechanical damage. A significant drawback of the device is a danger to jewelry with natural stones and enamel, as ultrasound can destroy them. Durable stones - diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire - can usually be refined in this way.

Despite the fact that gold itself is not prone to oxidation and, accordingly, a change in color and texture, jewelry made from it can darken and become coated over time - this is due to the presence of various additives in the metal. In addition, jewelry worn on the body gets dirty simply during operation. To return them to a brilliant appearance in every sense, it is necessary to periodically clean the surface. How and with what to clean a gold bracelet or earrings will be discussed in this article.

How to clean a gold bracelet at home

What can not be cleaned at home?

The resistance of gold as such to various chemically active substances does not apply to inserts in jewelry: precious and semi-precious stones, enamel, mother-of-pearl, and other metals. Therefore, it is better to give combined products for professional cleaning - this way the risk of damage to the thing is significantly reduced. In addition, if the surface has faded not from dirt, but from scratches or scuffs, it’s better to think not about how to clean a gold bracelet at home, but take the product to a jewelry workshop for polishing.

How to clean a gold bracelet?

In addition to water, the following substances are used to clean the surface:

liquid ammonia;

· hydrogen peroxide;

household detergents and cleaning agents (washing powder, liquid or solid soap, dishwashing and cleaning agents - be careful with abrasives and substances that include chlorine);

salt and sugar.

As auxiliary means, a soft cloth (natural wool or flannel), an old toothbrush with the softest possible bristles, a container with a non-oxidizing surface - enameled metal, glass, ceramics, food grade plastic are used.

Depending on the detergent recipe, it can be used cold or hot; in some formulations, the products are boiled. The most active compounds, including ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, are not subject to heating.

Most popular recipes mixtures to solve the question of how to clean a gold bracelet.