
Asian beauty: how women from Korea and China make up. What does Chinese makeup mean? Chinese girls do makeup


Many admire the ability of Chinese women to create makeup and stay in public. Girls with a European appearance try to copy the image of Chinese young ladies, but this is not fully successful. Racial differences do not allow European women to become full-fledged Chinese women for a while. But, given some of the nuances, then, despite the different shape of the eyes, residents of the European part can create a spectacular and attractive Chinese make-up.

Chinese makeup secrets

The first thing you should pay attention to in Chinese makeup is skin color. In many Eastern countries Light colors are considered the most fashionable and aristocratic. Basically, white or beige products are used to correct skin tone. By correcting the skin tone, it is necessary not only to completely eliminate pimples, redness, pigments, but also to noticeably lighten the skin.

It is also interesting that among the Chinese, who are naturally endowed with narrow eyes, beautiful and attractive are considered wide open big eyes. Chinese women make a lot of effort to visually open and lengthen the natural natural shape of the eye. Black eyeliner or eyeliner helps them with this.

For special occasions, black eyeliner can be replaced with brown, blue or purple. It is important to know that when creating Chinese makeup, you need to line your eyes with a thick, even line, the shadows should be distributed very clearly and accurately.

Lips, according to fashionable Chinese trends, should be small and narrow. In lip makeup, the emphasis is on their central part, everything else is masked by tonal means. Modern Chinese women paint their lips with shades close to natural, but brighter and more noticeable colors are also acceptable in Chinese makeup.

Chinese makeup rules

For correction dark skin you have to choose foundation a couple of shades lighter than the natural shade. The eyeliner should give it a slant characteristic of the Chinese, for this it must be brought out of the edge of the eyelid and slightly lifted up. The eyeliner of the upper eyelid is done with thick lines.

Eyebrows, in Chinese make-up, thin and drawn. So, starting to even out skin tone, first of all, with the help of a corrector, you need to hide existing defects and dark circles under the eyes. To do this, a corrective pencil is applied in a thin layer to the skin area, and then carefully distributed with fingertips. After that, with the help of a sponge, the entire face is covered with a white or light beige foundation. At the end, a thin layer of powder is applied to the face.

Eyebrows should be wide at the beginning and extremely thin and pointed towards the end. Required condition: eyebrows must be drawn absolutely identical. First you need to remove unwanted hairs with tweezers, and then draw a line of eyebrows with a black pencil, observing the above condition.

Cherry blush will help to breathe liveliness and naturalness into makeup. Blush must be typed on the brush, blow on it to remove excess funds, after which a round mark must be left in the center of each cheek.

For everyday makeup Chinese women are limited to summing up the upper eyelid with a black pencil. For an evening make-up, you can replace the black eyeliner with a colored one or apply sparkles on top of it.

Eyelashes must be covered with black or purple mascara.

Lips can be painted with natural translucent shades or rich cherry color. To begin with, the lips are covered with a tonal agent, after which the desired shape is drawn with a pencil (it should be close to the heart), and then it is painted over with gloss or lipstick.

Video "Miracles of Chinese makeup"

Asian women are not big fans of natural beauty. From the point of view of Asian women, their own standard appearance is nowhere near as attractive as that of women from Europe. Parents of girls from Korea and China persuade their daughters to get blepharoplasty, as soon as they are 12 years old, so that with the help of a surgeon their eyes will become larger.

International Society for Aesthetic Surgery in South Korea reported that approximately 52,000 eye reshaping surgeries were performed in 2009. Over the years, the number of such operations has only increased.

porcelain skin

In China, you will not find a girl who would voluntarily go to the solarium or apply self-tanner. Because in the view of Asian women, only snow-white skin can be beautiful. The fashion for skin whitening came to China, India and Japan in ancient times. Then bright skin associated with wealth and opportunity. Blacks were ordinary peasants who worked under sunbeams.


By 2018, the market for skin whitening products is approximately $19.8 billion. Whitening creams, laser and special preparations are used.

Beauty specialist Andrew McDougal says that white skin in Asia is not just a trend, but almost a fetish. “Everyone is fighting for white skin,” he says. “Every skin product should have a whitening effect, people try to keep a low profile.”

False nose

In the struggle for the perfect face shape - V-shaped, which the Chinese call the "melon grain shape", some use the so-called "false makeup". To model the shape of the nose and chin in the video above, the girls used a special wax, which is first melted like clay, and then the nose is given the desired shape.

As you can see in the video, this makeup is easily removed. It is very sensitive to high temperatures and requires constant updating.

Round lenses

The video clearly shows that each girl takes out lenses from her eyes that made her irises huge. Fashion for big eyes is also an attempt to make your appearance more “European”. Remember the anime characters - they all have huge eyes half a face.

Chinese women use special cosmetic round lenses, which are called "meitong" in China. These are very large lenses that make eyes the size of saucers. Bright, unnatural colors are usually used. A pair of such lenses costs from $5 to $100, and, accordingly, their quality is also different. Doctors warn that poor quality lenses can damage the eye and even leave the girl blind.

Eyes: eyelid crease

Monoveco is considered ugly among Asian women, they like European eyes much more, with a crease on the upper eyelid. In order to achieve it, many different means are used - from sticker strips to operations, which mothers often present to their daughters as a gift.

Cindy, a Korean-American, says: "My mother used to tell me when I was little, 'You need to have surgery to change the shape of your eyes to make them look bigger.' That is, this was constantly repeated to me by a person who actually had to tell me how beautiful I am.

Gloria, a Chinese-American, confirms: “The Chinese, like many Asians, don't like mono-eyelids. I have rather round eyes, so I often heard people say: “I wish I had eyes like yours!” But there is also a downside to the coin. My mother told me that my eyes are not big enough. I once used tape to make my eyes look bigger, and then I said to myself: “Hey, that's your face, that's how you look.” I think it's all to do with the idea of ​​white supremacy."

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Another make-up detail that makes the eyes appear visually larger is emphasized by wide eyebrows and false eyelashes.

Japanese makeup artist Jerji Tanzhi says: “The emphasis is on the eyebrows, Asian women do not always have them well expressed, so the girls try to make them stand out more on the face. In Japanese tradition, eyebrows play very important role: for example, if a geisha couldn’t get the shape of her eyebrows perfect, she would take off all her makeup and start over.”

Lips: gradient color

Perhaps the most “innocent” Asian beauty trend is gradient lips. Such makeup, when the color is concentrated towards the middle of the lips, and shaded along the edges. This makes the appearance of the girls more "doll", and the lips are visually thinner.

Chinese women are famous for their demeanor and impeccable appearance, which has always caused western girls a slight envy and a desire to learn the secrets of beauty. In particular, European ladies tried to find out how Chinese makeup is created. Today, when many of the secrets have been revealed, any young lady who wants to can master Chinese-style makeup if she masters the technique and acts step by step according to the scheme below.

Chinese makeup features

The wonders of Chinese makeup allow you to make a charming doll even from girls with the most mediocre appearance. In many ways, the merit of this effect belongs to competent work with tonal means. With the help of a light-colored concealer cream and light powder, Chinese women manage to achieve flawless skin. That is why, when answering the question - how to make Chinese makeup, first of all, it is worth recommending that you learn how to cover up wrinkles, rashes and redness on the skin in such a way that there are no noticeable traces of using cosmetics.

  • Chinese make-up does not allow the presence of moles and age spots on the skin of the face.
  • It is interesting that large eyes are especially respected by the beautiful representatives of the east, and they are trying in every possible way to give them the look characteristic of western residents. Chinese eye makeup makes extensive use of eyeliner and false eyelashes to create the effect of wide-open eyes.
  • The makeup of Chinese women excludes any emphasis on the lips. Ideally, they should look natural.

Make-up application scheme in Chinese


The considered type of make-up must be done step by step, starting with work on smoothing the skin. Tonal means should be selected in such a way that they are one or two shades lighter than the natural skin color.

Eyes and eyebrows

  • The second stage of the Chinese make-up is drawing arrows on the upper and lower eyelids. The contour line may deviate one to two millimeters from the natural lash line.
  • The upper eyelid is summed up with a thick line.
  • It is worth noting that for daily makeup, Chinese women do not use eyeliner on the lower eyelid, limiting themselves to the arrow on the upper eyelid and applying mascara to the eyelashes. For special occasions and going out, eyeliners and mascaras of various colors, such as blue or purple, can be used in the make-up of Chinese women.
  • Chinese women do not like wide and thick eyebrows, preferring thin arches. Owners of light eyebrows can draw a hairline with a dark pencil. The shape of the Chinese-style eyebrows has a wider base and a thread-like tip, in addition, the line must be very clear, and the protruding hairs must be removed with tweezers.


Chinese women love lips of saturated tones, but can often be limited to using a colorless gloss. Traditional Chinese makeup involves cosmetic correction of the shape of the mouth, in order to give it a more elegant shape.


To add life to the face, shadows or cherry-colored blush help. For their application, it is worth using Chinese makeup brushes, leaving a thin, light mark on the skin.

Video: Chinese makeup technique

The ability of Eastern women to apply makeup delights and amazes at the same time - clear, thin lines, expressive look. Every European girl wants to know the secrets of such makeup.

Features of Chinese makeup

The makeup of a Chinese woman before and after impresses with its possibilities. She can change beyond recognition with the help of cosmetics.

The main feature of Chinese makeup is skin color. When applying foundation, beige and white tones are used. This not only allows you to whiten the skin, but also hide its flaws such as acne, spider veins, age spots.

Chinese makeup

The next feature is giving the eyes a wider section than is given by nature. In China, large, wide eyes are considered the standard of beauty.

Another focus is on the lips. By using cosmetics they are shaped like a heart or a butterfly. In modern China, women use both natural and bright shades of lipstick.

Makeup instructions

Many people want to know how Chinese women do makeup. To create Chinese-style makeup, you need to follow some rules.

Important! Not every girl will be able to repeat the makeup of Chinese women, due to racial differences.


Before applying the base, a moisturizer is applied to the face. After that, a primer, selected according to the type of skin, is applied to the skin with a thin layer. It will make the skin smoother, and the next layer will lie better.

The base is applied in the same way as the foundation - from the center to the edges. It is important to distribute the primer well, achieving an even and thin application.

The tonal foundation should be chosen 1-2 tones lighter than the natural skin tone. It should be applied carefully so that the effect of a clay mask is not created. After applying the foundation, the skin should be even, radiant. No flaws are allowed.

Important! When applying the foundation, pay attention to the area around the eyes and lips. Skin tone should be even throughout.

Tone and powder

Chinese makeup uses foundation and powder in beige and white. This allows you to hide any flaws.


There are two types of eyebrow shaping: natural and thin line.

The second option is performed with evening make-up. In this case, more often the eyebrows are plucked to a thin thread. You can disguise it with tonal means.

If a girl wants to keep the natural shape of the eyebrows, then the first thing to do is to shape them. There should be no extra hairs. After that, the eyebrow contour is applied with a pencil.

Important! The contour should be the same on both eyebrows. Not the slightest difference is allowed.

The outline can be drawn using the techniqueZ:

  • A straight line is drawn along the upper line of the eyebrow.
  • Draw the middle line of the letter Z diagonally downwards. It should occupy 1/3 of the first line.
  • A line equal to the first is drawn along the bottom edge.
  • A vertical line is drawn at the bridge of the nose from the top of the eyebrow. It determines the thickness of the eyebrow.
  • Carefully all the planned lines are connected to each other.
  • The resulting contour is painted over.

Eye makeup

In the make-up of Chinese women, the emphasis is on the eyes

In the make-up of Chinese women, the emphasis is on the eyes. Chinese women strive by all means to increase the size of their eyes. To do this, they actively use black eyeliner. AT daytime makeup Chinese women are limited to eyeliner of the upper eyelid. In this case, the shadows are often not used, and the mascara is applied in one layer.

When creating an evening make-up, both eyelids are brought up and the arrow is pulled out of the eye. On the upper eyelid, the arrow is made much thicker. This technique also increases the slit of the eyes.

Shadows in Chinese makeup are selected according to skin tone and outfit. The most commonly used colors are blue, green and red. Residents of the Celestial Empire successfully combine matte and mother-of-pearl shadows.

Important! Choose shadows that are combined with each other.

To create an evening Chinese makeup, you need to follow the step-by-step steps:

  1. After application foundation the base color of the shadows is applied to the upper eyelid. It is necessary to fill them all the space to the eyebrows.
  2. In the middle of the moving eyelid, apply the second color of the selected palette.
  3. The third, brightest color is applied to the outer corner of the eye.
  4. The applied shadows are well shaded so that there are no borders between them.
  5. An arrow is drawn from the outer corner with a pencil. To do this, take a black, brown or blue pencil.
  6. Liquid eyeliner should be applied in a thick line on the upper eyelid along the lash line. The paint is applied as close as possible to the eyelashes, painting over the distance between them. Behind the outer corner, the arrow is continued with a thin line over the pencil.
  7. The lower eyelid is brought up.
  8. Stain the mucosa on the lower eyelid. From the inner corner to the middle, a black pencil is used, then a white one.
  9. Mascara is applied in several layers.

Important! False eyelashes are popular in China. They further increase the slit of the eyes.


There is less emphasis on the lips in this makeup than on the eyes. It is preferable to choose light colors with glitter and a transparent mother-of-pearl gel. If the makeup does not focus on the eyes, then you can use a brighter lipstick.

Less emphasis is placed on the lips in this makeup.

With the help of lipstick, the shape of the lips is adjusted. Most often, the outline of a bow or heart is drawn. The main focus of the Chinese women is on the middle of the lips.

Chinese makeup options

For a Russian girl

The desire of girls to look as good as possible did not bypass Russian charmers. However, when creating Chinese makeup, Russian girls should take into account the peculiarities of the Slavic appearance.

If in the Chinese make-up all means are used to increase the size of the eyes, then the Slavic appearance does not need this. From Chinese makeup, you can apply methods to even out skin tone and focus on the eyes. To do this, it will be enough to bring the eyes with a thin line and make up the eyelashes with mascara. The use of arrows will help create the effect of an expressive and mysterious look of an oriental woman. Do not increase the size of the arrows - just draw a small thin line.

On a note. False eyelashes are also not needed by a Russian girl, since the eyelashes of the Slavic peoples are thick. Thick eyebrows should also be corrected. Chinese makeup does not allow messy eyebrows. It must be neat and clear.

Chinese makeup can completely change the appearance. After applying this make-up, any girl will be much more beautiful.

Picture 1 Before and after transformation

For Chinese girls

The makeup of a Chinese girl is divided into two types: everyday and evening. For daytime makeup, girls even out the tone of the face with a base, foundation and powder. The peculiarity of this makeup is the minimal use of cosmetics. The eyes are drawn with arrows, but, unlike evening makeup, they are drawn only on the upper eyelid.

On a note. Lips in daytime make-up are painted softly. Mostly pink tones or a colorless gel are used.

Evening makeup has more pronounced features and colors. It can be used as a make-up for a masquerade or performances. Many dances are performed by dancers in national clothes and with make-up. It puts a lot of emphasis on the eyes. The arrows are made thicker, both on the upper eyelid and on the lower one. The colors of the shadows are selected brighter and more saturated. False eyelashes are actively used in evening make-up. They increase the size of the eyes and allow you to achieve the effect of a wide-open look.

The makeup of a Chinese girl is divided into two types, everyday and evening.

Lips in evening make-up are painted with bright red lipstick. As in everyday Chinese makeup, foundation is applied first. After that, the contour of the lips is drawn. In traditional makeup, lips are drawn smaller, mostly in the middle of the lips.

Interesting. In modern evening makeup, lips should be more pronounced, so Chinese women often use mother-of-pearl lipstick.

In Chinese makeup, an even tone of the face plays an important role. It is necessary to carefully distribute each layer of the base. It is better to do this with a special brush.

Powder should also be applied with a wide brush. It sets the layers of foundation. Don't skimp on blush. Choose cherry and pink shades of blush.

When doing Chinese makeup, it is worth remembering the difference in phenotypes. Do not repeat all the steps of creating a make-up. By using the cosmetics and makeup techniques of the Middle Kingdom, you can improve your makeup skills.

It is much easier to deal with the make-up of a European woman, but in order to beautifully shape a face with a yellowish skin color and narrow eyes, with eyelids hanging over them and thin, short eyelashes, you need to know how Chinese makeup is performed. no less attractive than the classic European, but you need to be able to present it in a favorable light, and in this case, also in color. And in no case should you try to remake your features into universal ones, but, on the contrary, you need to highlight your special beauty, correcting what is not too beautiful. In terms of Asian appearance, in general, we can safely say that there are no ugly people in this business, but only those who do not own the skill of make-up. If you compare the girl before and after the make-up artist, the difference will be enormous, and sometimes it’s even impossible to find out the original version!

The main secret of transformation is the eyes

The make-up of Chinese women is akin to Japanese, and, as a rule, when it comes to Asian make-up, a whitened face with huge cartoonish eyes immediately appears. But in reality, the eyes of girls from China and Japan do not differ large sizes, but this people presents their ideal of a woman to the world through anime characters. They are on the move various means, if only the eyes become larger, so we are really talking about a special kind of makeup that radically changes natural data. On the way to beauty, a woman is capable of a lot, and therefore, if she does not find a conservative way to look the way she wants, she takes more drastic measures, and even agrees to plastic surgery. But such sacrifices are absolutely useless, because the secrets of modern makeup do incredible things, and a Chinese woman without much difficulty turns not just into a European, but into a famous and brilliant person.

In order not only to make up, but also to enlarge the eyes, in Chinese makeup one cannot do without a standard set of cosmetics - eyeliner and soft contour pencil, shadows and mascara. In addition, additional elements will be required, and, above all, these are false eyelashes, and it will also be useful to try contact lenses of different colors. The main trump card in the design of the Chinese type of eyes is the arrows that extend beyond the natural contour of the eyes, and thus visually increase their shape. Lenses also have a considerable merit, with a diameter slightly larger than the own iris of the eye, and if you use unusual colors, then the eyes also acquire a mystical charm.

The basis of eye makeup is, of course, shadows, and in this case, cold and warm options are equally good. Multicolor will also look good if the shades are correctly selected and in harmony with each other, with makeup in general and with the type of appearance of the girl. As an option - green, dark gray, cream, beige, coffee and pearl, but individually you can decide only during practical action i.e. through trial and error. With extreme caution, you should experiment with red and pink shades, which will easily make the Chinese face tired and swollen. It is also worth giving preference to matte shadows, and mother-of-pearl is more suitable for evening or holiday makeup, if applied to the inside of the eyes, which will also make them more open.

The basis of eye makeup is, of course, shadows, and in this case, cold and warm options are equally good.

The makeup of Chinese and European women differs in that the arrow in the first is stained higher than usual, lifting and opening the eye. AT recent times Asian girls have adopted another eye design technique - they lift their eyelids with a special glue, temporarily creating an artificial crease. This method gives the eyes a thoughtful and languid look, and not only increases their size, but, most importantly, it allows those who stubbornly wish to have European-type eyes on their faces to avoid surgical intervention.

The charming identity of a Chinese woman

But it is absolutely not necessary to change something in yourself radically in order to look beautiful and be liked by others. The makeup of Chinese women does not at all provide for an unconditional change in the shape of the eyes, because they are both a visiting card and a highlight of this nationality. Therefore, even the eyelid hanging over the eye does not spoil the original beauty of an oriental woman, if cosmetics are used correctly and color accents are correctly placed. And yellowish skin, and a slanting cutout of the eyes, and pronounced cheekbones - all this easily becomes a virtue with the correct movement of a cosmetic brush. And talking about the beauty of Chinese lips is completely unnecessary - they don’t need special makeup, it’s enough good care and some color highlighting.

When choosing a product that is suitable for the shade, you need to ensure that it is one or two shades lighter than your own skin tone.

Touching more deeply on the problematic aspects of Chinese makeup, it is worth talking about evening out the tone on the skin of the face, for which tonal means are used. The yellowish skin tone is corrected with a cream that has a beige tan, golden and caramel color. But, when choosing a suitable shade, you need to make sure that it is one or two shades lighter than your own skin tone. And, of course, makeup without blush will not look complete, and in this case, those that have a plum, peach or bronze tint are suitable. After processing the cheekbones, chin, forehead and nose with blush, the face will noticeably freshen up and shine with new colors.