
How to identify minerals. Determination of minerals by external signs How to determine a mineral by appearance


Determination of minerals, simple diagnostic methods without instruments

The described evaluation methods do not always allow for an accurate determination of the mineral. Reliable determination requires quantitative chemical analysis and X-ray crystallography, and this requires a specialized laboratory. Hobbyists and collectors are always able to succeed in practical determinations, using visual, physical, optical and morphological qualities and applying some elementary chemical methods.

We will have to confine ourselves to simple methods, making determinations by the method of successive elimination and not using the complex tools of a professional.

To begin with, we take a fairly fresh sample of the mineral and, if necessary, separating it from a larger piece. We examine it as closely as possible, first with the naked eye, and then with a magnifying glass, noting any recognizable properties. It is necessary to accurately record all established observations - in this case we will succeed even if the result is not clear enough and we have to repeat the definition of some properties. We focus our attention on the external form and appearance of the mineral, its state of aggregation (if it is polycrystalline), on the presence of twins, on symmetry elements. Then follows the study of the color of the mineral, checking the color of the line, since the mineral may appear uncolored purely externally.

Indications of brilliance in many cases can be questionable, so possible alternatives should be noted in the records. The same applies to transparency.

We determine the hardness using the simplified methods described above, and only then we check it with greater accuracy and identify it on the hardness scale. Then we reduce the gap between the hardness values ​​and check it within the limits available to us according to the diagnostic map.

Our further observations relate to the presence of cleavage in the mineral and (if it is found) to the study of the nature of the cleavage surface.

Then we check the fragility, the size of the fragments, flexibility and elasticity. Weighing on the hand, we estimate the specific gravity. We expose a piece of the mineral to the action of water and a solution of hydrochloric acid. Finally, we note the accompanying minerals (paragenesis), which in many cases facilitates identification.

Well-formed crystals are found within the rock mass. Phosgenite on the left. Right: green annabergite crystals formed in a geode

Left: well-formed garnet crystals embedded in rock mass. Right: schorl black tourmaline and orthoclase


It is likely that at the end of all our actions there may be doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis. How to get out of them? Let's try to show the output with a few examples.

Aggregates of granular magnetite are very similar to the same formations of chromite. But the color of the line in magnetite is black, and in chromite it is brown. In addition, magnetite has a magnetic effect on the compass needle, while chromite does not.

When the outlines of the crystals are not too clear, dense pyrite with an iridescent tint is difficult to distinguish from chalcopyrite. They have the same line color. But then it can be established that pyrite is harder (6) than chalcopyrite (4.5).

Black sphalerite and black cassiterite have the same semi-metallic luster. But they can be distinguished by hardness. For sphalerite it is 3.3, for cassiterite it is 6.5. In addition, sphalerite often occurs together with other sulfides, and quartz and mica are present in association with cassiterite.

Fluorite, amethyst and apatite differ in the shape of the crystal. But their granular aggregates can have an almost identical purple color, and the shape in this case is difficult to distinguish. Amethyst among these minerals is the hardest - it is not scratched by the blade of a penknife and, moreover, does not have cleavage. Fluorite has perfect cleavage and is recognized by its luminescence during heating. Apatite is harder than fluorite and has imperfect cleavage.

Augite, hornblende and tourmaline often form more or less elongated prisms that are very similar. Tourmaline is recognized by the absence of cleavage and the presence of typical banding on the prism faces. In addition, it is more common in acidic rocks.

In contrast, augite and hornblende form in the base rocks. They differ in the nature of cleavage. Augite has two good cleavages almost at right angles, while hornblende has perfect cleavage at 125o.

Feldspars, calcite, barite, and gypsum are often whitish in color and are similar in their perfect cleavage. Gypsum is easily excluded, as it is scratched by a fingernail, and feldspars, which are scratched by a knife. Barite and calcite have the same hardness, but they can be distinguished as barite is much harder. In addition, under the influence of a solution of hydrochloric acid, calcite boils with a hiss.

Topaz is 2 times heavier than a similar piece of quartz.

Minerals are determined by the following properties: the color of the mineral and the color of its line on a porcelain plate, brilliance, transparency, hardness, cleavage, separation, fracture, magnetism and specific gravity.

Color of minerals. The color of minerals is extremely diverse and depends on the absorption of certain rays of the spectrum and the reflection of unabsorbed rays. Some minerals are characterized by a permanent color, so magnetite is always black, and malachite is green. Other minerals have different colors, for example, quartz is white, yellowish, smoky, pink, purple, black, sometimes colorless and transparent. Feldspar in granite is pink, sometimes meat-red or gray, etc. The colors of minerals are determined in practice by comparing them with well-known, more or less firmly established colors, for example, they say: golden yellow, tin-white, lemon- yellow, indigo blue, bottle green, straw yellow, etc. Some transparent minerals have the property of changing color in the same crystal, depending on the angle at which they are viewed or depending on the nature of the illumination.

Dash color. The true color of minerals is well defined in the powder of a crushed sample. To obtain a powder and determine its color, a mineral is drawn with an acute angle on a white unglazed porcelain plate or, even more simply, on a fresh broken porcelain dish. The color of the line does not always match the color of the mineral. So, for multi-colored fluorites, the color of the line of samples of almost black, red and colorless fluorite turns out to be equally colorless. Quartz does not give a line, magnetite gives a black line, multi-colored feldspars - white or colorless, like dark green olivine. The color of the mineral must be observed on fresh surfaces, since the tested mineral may be covered with deposits of other minerals and, due to weathering, may change color on the surface. In addition, minerals can be covered with "tarnish", i.e., an iridescent film that changes their true color, which we see in the Labrador.

Shine. Most minerals have the ability to reflect light on their surfaces, which explains their brilliance, which serves as an important diagnostic feature for all minerals. Luster must be studied on fresh fractures, as well as color. The following types of mineral luster are distinguished:

shine metallic- strong, reminiscent of the luster of a polished metal surface. Minerals with a metallic sheen are usually opaque and heavier than others. These include: gold, pyrite (sulfur pyrite), chalcopyrite (copper pyrite), arsenopyrite (arsenic pyrite), galena (lead sheen), magnetite (magnetic iron ore), pyrolusite, molybdenite, pyrrhotite, bismuth, antimonite (antimony sheen) and others

Metallic or semi-metallic luster resembles the luster of metals that has faded from time to time. Typical for graphite, anthracite, rutile, cuprite, hematite, etc.

The luster is non-metallic.diamond glitter- due to the reflection of light from the inner surfaces of the mineral and is characteristic of transparent or translucent minerals with a high refractive index. Example: diamond, sphalerite (zinc blende), cinnabar crystals, cerussite (white lead ore), etc.. The latter sometimes has a glassy luster, depending on the angle of incidence of the light.

glass shine resembles the brilliance of glass, but is less pronounced than in minerals with diamond brilliance. Many transparent minerals possess it. Example: quartz on rock crystal faces, calcite, gypsum, olivine (the latter also has a greasy sheen), orthoclase, fluorite, garnet, corundum, etc. . Oily sheen resembles a surface greased or oiled, as it were. It is characteristic of soft minerals. Example: talc, serpentine, eleolite, nepheline. The latter has a greasy luster in the fracture, and on the planes of the crystals it is glassy, ​​like quartz, and sulfur, with a greasy luster in the fracture, has a diamond luster on the edges. Pearly shine with a dull iridescent iridescent color, similar to the luster of mother-of-pearl, is observed on the cleavage planes and is due to the reflection of light from the mineral cleavage planes. Example: mica, calcite, labrador. Silky shine- shimmering - due to the fine-fiber structure of the mineral. Example: fibrous gypsum (selenite), asbestos. Malachite has a vitreous luster, sometimes up to diamond, some fibrous varieties have a silky luster. Wax- low oily sheen to matte. Example: chalcedony.

For dull or dull minerals like bauxite, characterized by the complete absence of any brilliance. Also devoid of shine: chalk, various ochres, sooty pyrolusite. Kaolinite in a continuous mass - matte, but its individual scales and plates are characterized by a pearly sheen.

At first, until the geologist's “geological eye” is still full, it is difficult for him to catch subtle shades in the color of individual minerals. Different shades of colors, as well as gloss, are easier to catch by comparing samples. So, for example, the straw-yellow color of pyrite in the immediate vicinity of copper pyrite contrasts markedly with its brass-yellow color.

Transparency. Transparency - the property to transmit light - is determined by thin fragments of minerals or in plates. According to the degree of transparency, minerals are divided into the following groups: transparent ( rock crystal, rock salt, gypsum, Icelandic spar, topaz, etc.), translucent ( chalcedony, opal, beryl, sphalerite, cinnabar, etc.), translucent in the mass ( jade, rhodonite, etc.), translucent at the edges ( feldspars, etc..), opaque ( graphite, magnetite, pyrite, etc..). Except for the last category, all minerals are transparent in thin sections, i.e., when examined under a microscope in transmitted light, plates about 0.02 mm thick. Ore minerals are overwhelmingly opaque.

Hardness. Hardness is understood as the degree of resistance of a mineral to scratching, grinding, drilling, pressure, etc. The hardness of minerals is quite diverse for different minerals and more or less constant for the same ones, moreover, it is easily and quickly determined. To assess the hardness adopted Mohs scale , which includes a list of ten minerals, of which each subsequent one scratches all the previous ones.

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For the determination of minerals, there are many methods that require special instruments and laboratories (chemical, crystallographic, X-ray analysis). However, the simplest is known - macroscopic a method for determining minerals based on the study of their external features: crystal morphology, the simplest properties of mechanical (hardness, fracture, cleavage, etc.), optical (color, luster, transparency), etc.

When macroscopically determining minerals, the following rules must be followed:

    the determination of any characteristic is always carried out on the most recent split surface;

    the sample must be slightly moved so that the light falls on it at different angles;

    always compare the characteristics of the test sample with the corresponding characteristics of already known samples;

    adhere to the following definition sequence: hardness → gloss → cleavage → fracture → color in a piece → line → other properties;

    immediately after determining each characteristic, write it down in a notebook;

    always first determine all the indicated properties, and only then start searching for the corresponding sample in the literature (determinant of minerals).

Hardness is the most important property in the determination of minerals. The hardness of a mineral is its ability to withstand external mechanical stress. The hardness of minerals depends on the features of their internal structure, as well as on the chemical composition. For example, graphite and diamond, although they consist of the same element (carbon), have completely different hardnesses, since their crystal lattices are not the same. On the other hand, limonite samples can also differ dramatically in hardness due to the different content of water molecules - the more water molecules, the lower the hardness. In this regard, it is important to remember that, firstly, hydrated compounds are always softer than anhydrous ones (like bauxite and corundum), and secondly, that there are a significant number of minerals whose hardness is variable. The easiest way to determine hardness is to scratch one mineral with another. To assess the relative hardness, the Mohs scale was adopted, represented by ten reference minerals, the hardness of which is constant. In the Mohs scale, each subsequent mineral scratches all the previous ones (the higher the number of the mineral, the harder it is).

Talc - 1.

Calcite - 3.

Fluorite - 4.

Apatite - 5.

Orthoclase - 6.

Quartz - 7.

Topaz - 8.

Corundum - 9.

Diamond - 10.

In nature, no minerals are known that are between corundum and diamond in hardness. Therefore, diamond is not required for practical determination of hardness. To determine the hardness of the mineral under study, a smooth area is selected on its surface and, pressing strongly, a sharp corner of the mineral from the Mohs scale is drawn along it. If a scratch remains on the mineral under study, then its hardness will be less than that of the Mohs scale mineral; if there is no scratch, then the hardness of the studied mineral is greater than the reference. The test is carried out until the tested mineral is in the interval between two minerals from the hardness scale, i.e. its hardness will not be defined as intermediate between them or as equal to one of them. To determine the hardness, some common objects are often used. So, the hardness of a soft pencil is I; nails - 2; glasses 5–5.5; steel needle and steel knife 6–7.

Shine of a mineral depends on its ability to refract and reflect rays and on the nature of the reflective surface itself. There are minerals with metallic and non-metallic luster. Metallic luster is inherent in minerals that reflect light like steel. Many sulfides, iron oxides, and native metals have this brilliance. Shine semi-metallic(metallic) somewhat dimmer, it is characteristic of graphite. Glass luster is characteristic of the cleavage planes of many transparent minerals (calcite, gypsum, feldspars, quartz crystal faces). Fatty shine (a fracture of quartz, nepheline) resembles the shine that appears on a surface lubricated with oil. Pearl brilliance is inherent in minerals, the surface of which glistens like the inner (mother-of-pearl) surface of the shell (mica, talc). Silky shine resembles the shine of silk fabric, characteristic of minerals with a fibrous structure (selenite, asbestos). Wax some cryptocrystalline and amorphous aggregates (chalcedony, flint) have a luster similar to that of a candle surface. Matte luster essentially means the absence of luster - while the surface reflects light evenly dimly, like writing chalk. A matte sheen is inherent in earthy varieties with a finely porous surface (kaolin, bauxite). Simultaneously with the detection of gloss, it is convenient to determine the cleavage and fracture of the mineral.

Cleavage - the ability of minerals to split along planes. The cleavage planes coincide with those planes of the crystal lattice in which the adhesion forces between atoms are minimal. To detect cleavage, the mineral should be turned towards the light so that some part of its surface reflects the light into the eyes. If cleavage is present in the sample under study, then on a shiny surface one can see a lot of light-reflecting plates layered on top of each other and forming a kind of staircase. All these shiny plates (cleavage planes) lie parallel, and are separated by the thinnest dark lines. In many minerals, cleavage is expressed in several directions, mutually intersecting. For example, micas (muscovite, biotite) have cleavage in only one direction. Halite and sylvin have three directions perpendicular to each other (cube cleavage). Sphalerite has six directions of cleavage planes. There are several types of cleavage: very perfect, perfect, medium and imperfect. very perfect cleavage is manifested in the fact that the mineral is very easily (with a fingernail, a knife blade) split in a certain direction into thin parallel plates with a smooth shiny surface (mica, talc, chlorite). Perfect cleavage is expressed in the fact that the mineral, when lightly hit with a hammer, splits along even parallel planes (calcite, feldspar). Medium cleavage is detected with a strong impact, while the cleavage planes may differ with some difficulty. imperfect cleavage is found with difficulty (apatite, beryl). These are practically minerals without cleavage. In the absence of sufficient skill, cleavage planes can sometimes be confused with crystal faces. Keep in mind the following:

    on cleavage planes, minerals usually shine more strongly than on crystal faces and any other fracture surfaces;

    in the cleavage plane of the mineral, one should always find several plates parallel to each other, sequentially layered on top of each other (such as steps).

    Simultaneously with the determination of cleavage (and gloss), it is possible to identify a fracture of the mineral.

    kink . When splitting various minerals, one can notice that the resulting surface is different. Depending on the nature of this surface, fractures are of the following types:

    granular - the surface is formed by many intergrown grains, spheres; characteristic of oolitic aggregates;

    earthy - characterized by a rough matte surface (kaolinite);

    conchoidal - has the appearance of a concave, concentrically wavy surface (flint);

    splintery - the surface is formed by equally oriented needles (hornblende);

    stepped - a surface in the form of steps separating the cleavage planes (feldspars, halite, galena);

    uneven - randomly fractured shiny surface of solid minerals, devoid of cleavage (nepheline).

Color minerals is an important diagnostic feature. Minerals have a different color: white, gray, yellow, red, green, blue, black. They may also be colorless. In practice, the color of minerals is determined by eye by comparison with well-known objects: milky white, apple green, straw yellow, and so on. The color of minerals depends on their chemical composition and impurities. Some minerals (Labrador) change color depending on the lighting conditions, acquiring a beautiful iridescent color. This property of minerals is called iridescence . Sometimes, in addition to the main color, a thin surface layer of the mineral has an additional color, while its surface shimmers in blue, red, pinkish-violet (chalcopyrite, bornite). This phenomenon is called discoloration . The tint is explained by the interference of light in thin films formed on the surface of the mineral as a result of various reactions. There is also a significant amount of minerals that do not have a permanent color (quartz, halite, nepheline, etc.), and, accordingly, color cannot be a diagnostic feature for them. In such cases, as well as when other external features of various minerals coincide, it turns out to be useful to determine the feature.

trait is the color of the mineral powder. Many minerals in a crushed or powdered state have a different color than in a piece. So, pyrite in a piece is straw-yellow in color, and in powder it is almost black. To determine the trait, a piece of the mineral is passed several times over an unglazed porcelain plate (provided that the hardness of the mineral is less than the hardness of porcelain). If the mineral is too hard, then a powder is obtained by grinding it with an even harder mineral. As a rule, if using porcelain it is not possible to determine the color of the powder, then they write that the mineral does not have a trait.

Other properties combine other, often strictly individual features of minerals. However, other properties often play a critical role in diagnosis, especially in related minerals (eg halite and sylvine). Specific weight depends on the chemical composition and structure of the mineral. All minerals can be divided by specific gravity into three groups: lungs with a specific gravity of less than 2.5 (amber, gypsum, halite); medium - with a specific gravity of 2.5-5 (apatite, corundum, sphalerite); heavy - with a specific gravity of more than 5 (cinnabar, galena, gold). The specific gravity of minerals in the field is determined approximately - by weighing on the hand (only one mineral should be present in the sample). Transparency - release minerals opaque, i.e. not transmitting light rays even in very thin plates (native metals, many sulfides, iron oxides); translucent only in a thin plate (along a thin edge, like feldspars, flint, many carbonates); translucent that transmit light like frosted glass (gypsum, chalcedony); transparent, transmitting light like ordinary glass (rock crystal, Icelandic spar). Some minerals have special properties that are unique to them. For example, the ability of carbonate minerals to enter into reaction with hydrochloric acid ("to boil"). A number of minerals are characterized magnetism (magnetite, pyrrhotite) - they deflect the magnetic needle. Important for field diagnostics solubility minerals in water or acids and alkalis. Halite and sylvin are readily soluble in water. These same minerals have taste - salty in halite, bitter-salty in sylvin. Natural alum has a sour, astringent taste. Sometimes minerals are smell . So, arsenopyrite and native arsenic smell like garlic when struck; pyrite, marcasite - emit the smell of sulfur dioxide; phosphorite when rubbed - the smell of burnt bone. Some minerals greasy to the touch (talc), others - light get dirty arms (graphite, pyrolusite). Double refraction has Icelandic spar. Fluorescence characteristic of fluorite. hygroscopicity possess kaolin, sylvin, carnallite. radioactivity differ minerals containing uranium, thorium.

To determine minerals, determinants and tables are used, which are compiled on the basis of a study of their physical properties. Having determined the hardness, it is necessary to establish the luster of the mineral, then the color of the line, cleavage and other external signs. Further, taking into account the hardness and brilliance of the mineral, we find in the table the description that most of all corresponds to all the physical properties of the sample under study. In the table, minerals are grouped by hardness (soft, medium hard, hard) and luster (metallic and non-metallic).

There are so many minerals - perhaps part of the reason why they are so interesting to collect. On this page you will find a description of experiments that can be carried out without special equipment and thus significantly narrow the search area, as well as a description of the most common minerals that can be compared with the results of the experiments. You can even go to the description section right now - maybe you will immediately, without any experience, be able to find the answer to your question. For example, in this section you will learn how to distinguish real gold from other shiny yellow minerals, read about bands of brilliant colored layers in the rock, or learn to identify what kind of strange mineral that flakes into plates when rubbed.


Part 1

Conducting experiments

    First, let's understand the difference between minerals and ordinary stones. A mineral is a natural combination of chemical elements that forms a certain structure. And, despite the fact that you can find the same mineral in different shapes and colors, it will still show the same properties when tested. In contrast, stones can be composed of a combination of minerals and do not have a crystal lattice. It is not always easy to distinguish them, however, if the experiment gives different results from different sides of the object, then the object is most likely a stone.

    • You can try to determine what kind of stone it is, or at least determine which of the three types of rock it belongs to.
  1. Learn to navigate the classification of minerals. Thousands of minerals have found a place on our planet, but many of them are rare or lie too deep underground. Sometimes a couple of experiments are enough, and you are left in no doubt that this is one of the common minerals from the list in the next section. If your mineral does not fit any of the above descriptions, try consulting your region's mineral classifier. If you have done a lot of experiments, but have not been able to reduce the number of options to two or three, look on the Internet. Look at the photos of each mineral that looks like yours and look for all the possible tips on how to distinguish these minerals.

    • It is better to include at least one test that requires exposure to the mineral, such as a hardness test or a stroke test. Experiences that involve only viewing and describing may turn out to be biased, since different people describe the same minerals in different ways.
  2. Study the shape and surface of the mineral. The set of forms of each mineral and the characteristic features of a group of minerals is called the "general form". To describe these characteristics, geologists have a variety of technical terms, but usually a general description is sufficient. For example, is your mineral bumpy, rough, or smooth? What is it: a mixture of rectangular crystals, or is your specimen bristling with sharp crystal peaks?

    Take a closer look at how your mineral shines. Luster refers to the way a mineral reflects light, and although this is not a scientific test, it may be useful to describe. Most minerals have a "glassy" ("glossy") or metallic sheen. However, you can also describe gloss as "thick", "pearl" (whitish sheen), "matte" (dull, like unglazed ceramic), or any other definition you feel is accurate. .

    Pay attention to the color of the mineral. Most people do not see any difficulty in this, but, meanwhile, this experience may be useless. Small foreign inclusions can cause a change in color, which is why you can find the same mineral in different colors. However, if the mineral has an unusual color, say purple, this can narrow your search considerably.

    • When describing minerals, avoid fancy color names like "salmon" or "puce". Try to get by with just red, black and green.
  3. Experiment with a stroke. This is a useful and easy test, as long as you have a piece of white unglazed porcelain. The reverse side of the tiles from the bathroom or kitchen is perfect; maybe you can buy something suitable at the repair supply store. Having become the owner of the coveted piece of porcelain, just rub the mineral on the tile and see what color stroke it leaves. Often the color of the stroke will differ from the base color of the mineral.

    • Glaze gives porcelain and other types of ceramics a glassy (glossy) sheen.
    • Be aware that some minerals do not leave a streak, especially hard minerals (as they are harder than a streak plate).
  4. Assess the hardness of the material. To quickly determine the hardness of a material, geologists use the Mohs hardness scale, named after its creator. If the result fits the hardness factor "4", but does not reach "5", then the coefficient of your mineral is between "4" and "5", you can stop the experiment. Try scratching your mineral using the common items listed below (or the minerals from the hardness test kit); start at the bottom and, if the test is positive, move up the scale to the top:

    • 1 -- Easy to scratch with fingernail, feel oily and soft (corresponds to stearite notch)
    • 2 -- Can be scratched with a fingernail (gypsum)
    • 3 -- Can be easily cut with a knife or nail, scratched with a coin (calcite, calcareous)
    • 4 -- Easy to scratch with a knife (fluorspar)
    • 5 -- Difficult to scratch with a knife, can be scratched with a piece of glass (apatite)
    • 6-- Can be scratched with a file, he, with effort, can scratch glass (orthoclase)
    • 7-- Can scratch file steel, easily scratches glass (quartz)
    • 8 -- Scratches quartz (topaz)
    • 9 -- Scratches almost anything, cuts glass (corundum)
    • 10 -- Scratches or cuts almost anything (diamond)
  5. Break the mineral and study what pieces it breaks into. Due to the fact that each mineral has a certain structure, then it must break up into parts in a certain way. If you observe more flat surfaces in faults of the same rock, then we are dealing with cleave. If there are no flat surfaces, but continuous chaotic bends and bulges are observed, then a fracture is present in the mineral.

    • The cleavage is described in more detail by the number of planes produced by the fracture (usually one to four); also takes into account the concept perfect(smooth) or imperfect(rough) surface.
    • Breaks are of several types. They are described as splintery ( fibrous), sharp and serrated ( hooked), bowl-shaped ( shelly, cochlear) or none of the above ( uneven).
  6. If you still have not identified your mineral, you can conduct additional experiments. There are many other tests available to geologists for classifying minerals. However, many are simply not useful for identifying the most common species, many requiring special equipment or hazardous materials. Here is a summary of a few experiences that may be necessary:

    If the mineral comes off in layers during friction, it is probably mica. This mineral is easy to identify, because if you scratch it with a fingernail or even just a finger, it delaminates into thin plates. Potassium” (or white) mica pale brown or colorless, while magnesian” (or black) mica is dark brown or black, with gray-brown streaks.

    Now let's understand the difference between gold and "cat" gold. Pyrite, also known as "cat" gold, also looks like a shiny yellow metal, but a couple of experiments are enough to make the difference obvious. Pyrite has a hardness factor of up to and sometimes exceeds 6, while gold is much softer, ranging between 2 and 3. It leaves a greenish-black streak and can crumble under sufficient pressure.