
Chrysoprase stone - properties and important features. Green quartz: properties of a jewelry stone Why chrysoprase changes color

Pathologies of the uterus

Dense emerald or apple-herbaceous green chrysoprase- the most valuable stone from the family.

Descriptions of the mineral chrysoprase are found in ancient sources (for example, Pliny). The name of the stone is Greek, and was clearly invented by gardeners. It can be translated as “golden green onion” (χρυσός - golden, πράσον - green leek).

The reader who is familiar with the publications in our encyclopedia already knows about the closest geological “relatives” of chrysoprase. For those who visited our site for the first time, let us remind you of these minerals of the chalcedony group.

There are several classifications. Our country has adopted the structure proposed in the last century by the remarkable expert on minerals, Academician A. Fersman. Its simple and understandable systematization does not require complex laboratory research for mineral identification. She categorizes translucent chalcedony stones based on a clearly visible, visually rich color palette.

  • Actually – yellowish, blue, gray with a waxy sheen.
  • – red-orange, often has high transparency.
  • – dark green, with characteristic specks of red.
  • Carnelian– several shades of red.
  • Sarder– brown, chestnut, chocolate.
  • Plasma(synonym chrysoprase) – light green mineral, more dark shade defined as onion green.
  • – milky blue, blue.
  • Flint– yellowish, brown, dark brown, often the color of coffee with milk. It is characterized by numerous inclusions of quartz, ferruginous conglomerates, clayey substances; the mineral also contains other components.

All of the listed varieties of chalcedony belong to ornamental and decorative stones.

But mineral classifiers classify chrysoprase as precious stones Group IV. True, in the jewelry market its weight is measured not in carats, but in grams and even kilograms.

All shades of green

Chrysoprase veins run through the rocks, accompanying deposits of cobalt and nickel ores.

It is the nickel ions that give it its beautiful green color. The color intensity directly depends on the concentration of water-nickel inclusions. They are located in the structure of the stone in the form of microscopic bubbles filled with complex solutions in the form of a gel. These gel droplets are visible only at tens of thousands of times magnification in electron microscopes. Together they refract light rays, reflecting the green part of the spectrum.

In the structure of one vein, the color of a translucent mineral can smoothly change from white to deep, subtly flowing through all shades of green.

Pure, uniform green chrysoprase with high levels of transparency is a rare unique item, highly valued by both jewelers and collectors. In most finds, impurities of opal, talc, and serpentine reduce the jewelry quality and decorative properties of chrysoprase. The stone loses its green color intensity and transparency. This chrysoprase is used for inexpensive crafts. In industry, the mineral is used as an abrasive material for grinding and fine polishing of products.

Where is chrysoprase mined?

We find mention of the first chrysoprase deposit in Europe in Polish chronicles (17th century). Later, the mineral was discovered in Germany, and its deposits are known in Russia (Ural). But the ancient mines have almost exhausted their precious resource.

Raw chrysoprase

In Europe, local legislation does not allow expanding old mines - many of them are now located on the territory of nature reserves or mountain resorts. However, the mines do generate some income. Now they have become tourist sites with paid visits.

In some countries, you can purchase a short-term license to search for gems. This kind of “weekend” entertainment is popular, for example, in the USA. The license is inexpensive and valid for two days. Everything that the lucky person finds becomes his property, and the authenticity of the stones is confirmed by an expert certificate.

Chrysoprase deposits are abundant in Kazakhstan, the USA (California, Arizona), and Brazil. All of them are associated with industrial mining of nickel ore.

The highest quality chrysoprase stone, which has high jewelry properties, is mined in Australia.

Magic properties

Magicians attribute chrysoprase to the blue element of Air. This is a stone of transformation and transformation; it gives the owner unexpected twists of fate.

In the Persian descriptions of the deeds of Iskander the Two-horned (as the great conqueror Alexander the Great is called in the East), a legend is recorded about the chrysolite amulet that the commander wore on the belt of his military vestment. Magicians claim that chrysolite protects from dangers, diverts the enemy’s weapons, concentrates attention on the chosen goal, preventing doubts and hesitations in achieving it.

It was probably a magical gem - a stone with a carved image of the winged Nike, the goddess of victory.

Chrysoprase gemma

Several rare chrysolite gems - works of ancient Greek and Roman stone cutters - have survived to this day.

The ancient tradition of decorating armor and weapons with magical chrysoprase amulets lasted more than two thousand years.

Dagger with chrysoprase decoration

Excellent examples of military and ceremonial weapons can be found in the collection of the Armory Chamber (Moscow, Kremlin), in the Knights' Hall of the Hermitage (St. Petersburg), in the rich collections of the Dresden Armory, and the British Museum (London).

Chrysoprase and the Zodiac

Horoscopes of the Western school of astrology identify chrysoprase with the embodiment of the influences of the powerful planets - Uranus and Jupiter. Astrologers' calculations clearly indicate who the green mineral is suitable for. This is, first of all, a zodiac sign. With the acquisition of a stone, he will find the patronage of ancestors, perhaps even unknown to him.

Amulet with chrysoprase

But if Aquarius is lazy and amorphous, the stone cannot change his fate. For such an owner, the amulet is likely to interfere. It is simply incompatible with the measured and orderly lifestyle of the owner, who prefers to “go with the flow” and is content with what he has.

But chrysoprase also dislikes excessive pretentiousness or theatrical exaltation. By the way, chrysoprase does not like to display the properties of a stone in a gold frame that screams about wealth. Its comfortable metal partner is modest dull silver with niello.

You should not count on the support of magical chrysoprase and. But this is not a problem, because the heavenly Zodiac has its own auspicious stones-amulets.

In addition, it is not forbidden to test yourself for compatibility with chrysoprase. If you are an enthusiastic, purposeful person, the stone may well treat its active owner favorably, regardless of the Zodiac.


Experts on the connections between heavenly bodies and earthly minerals recommend chrysoprase entrepreneurs entering new markets, researchers, leading scientific research. The amulet will be very useful military, especially for officers creating new strategies to combat a smart and powerful enemy.

Ring with chrysoprase

Lithoastrologers believe that chrysoprase is very useful young people. These sensitive stones can even be suitable for schoolchildren. Like good mentors, amulets capture abilities not yet realized by the owner himself, delicately help to understand life priorities, and determine one’s place in society.

Connoisseurs of the magical properties of minerals warn that the chrysoprase amulet should not contain any dark or cloudy inclusions; choose a stone of a uniform green color for the amulet.

The properties of chrysoprase are capricious. Amulets and jewelry may fade noticeably in the sun. Along with its color, chrysoprase also loses its magical properties. But the color of the mineral can be easily restored: you need to place it in a humid “tropical” environment. For example, wrap it in a woolen cloth moistened with well water and place it in a warm place for a day.

Medicinal properties

Green chrysoprase is good for the success of new endeavors and in medicine. In the East, folk healers often decorate bookshelves with small Buddha figurines carved from chrysoprase. They say that chrysoprase exhibits the properties of the stone especially effectively in figurines of the mystical Green Dragon.

Chinese doctors use chrysoprase plates to treat skin diseases.

To cure nervous diseases, lithotherapists use chrysoprase pyramids, placing them on the patient’s body in a certain order.

Successful restoration of vision that has lost its sharpness is carried out using stone prisms and hemispheres.

Sometimes for manipulations aimed at restoring functions internal organs, special figures in the form of green frogs, snails, and stars are carved from chrysoprase. At the same time, the properties of chrysoprase are supported and enhanced by elements made from other semi-precious crystals (transparent rock crystal, rose quartz).

Synthetic "chrysoprase"

We have already noted that green chrysoprase is a rather rare gem. Therefore, the insatiable jewelry market is filled mainly with fakes of this gem. It’s also good if the green color is artificially given to chalcedony or. Such a fake is not easy to recognize. The strangely low price for a rare gem, as well as its large size, can be alarming. Large chrysoprases are occasionally found in Australia, but all of them have long held pride of place in museum collections.

But more often, scammers use glass or polymers.

A rough glass fake, colored with green oxide of copper, chromium or nickel salts, can be recognized by air bubbles, clots of dye and other inclusions clearly visible inside.

It is more difficult to recognize a doublet without a magnifying glass or microscope - glass glued to a thin section of a real mineral. But you can simply scratch the glass and the fake will be revealed. But how will the seller react to the experiment?

In short, deception cannot be avoided in the jewelry market if the purchase is made without consulting an expert gemologist.



Not long ago, a new, high-tech fake appeared on the jewelry market. A “stone” of rich green color is offered either as chrysoprase or chrysoberyl.

In fact, this is a new polymer - catsite. It seems that its unknown creators were inspired by modern fiber optic technologies. After all, catsite is a compressed alloy of the finest silicate fibers placed on a colored matrix. The fibers are so thin that, according to experts, in one synthetic pebble their total length is several kilometers!

Thanks to this nanostructure, catsite has the “” property, which is reflected in its name.

An artificial gem is inexpensive if the catsite is offered without deception, under its “polymer” name. In this case, it is worth purchasing for your home collection of amazing technological achievements of the 21st century.

How much does it cost and where to buy chrysoprase

The recommendation on where to buy real chrysoprase, which contains the magical properties inherent in the stone, is very simple: you should buy jewelry and amulets in reputable stores that value their reputation as serious experts and honest sellers, and there are many of them in the country. For example, contact the store "". Here they will tell you how much a real stone costs. Prices vary significantly. Friendly consultants will help you choose an affordable piece of jewelry, a collectible, a craft or an amulet.

People have long used the chrysoprase stone as a talisman of good luck and happiness. Its magical properties have been known since ancient times. What is remarkable about this mysterious mineral and how does it differ from other precious ones?

Description, physical properties

According to the classification, chrysoprase gemstone is classified as semi-precious or ornamental. Scientifically speaking, this is a variety of chalcedony and quartz.

The chemical composition is silicon dioxide with a certain proportion of nickel, and the physical properties have a latent crystalline form.

The main difference from other types of chalcedony and quartz is its granular crystal structure, which cannot be seen with the naked eye without amplifying devices.

The name of the mineral comes from the Greek words for gold and leek: “golden onion” or “green gold.”

Previously, the stone was called chrysoprase.

The group of green chalcedony, to which it belongs, includes translucent minerals with shades from green to blue to dark emerald green. The more transparent and darker the green color, the more expensive the specimen, the higher its jewelry quality.

Why does green chrysoprase “fade” over time? This question arose and haunted specialists for a long time. It has been observed that the mineral turns whitish or “grey” if it is in a dry climate. But as soon as it is placed in a humid environment, it again acquires a rich green color. Modern scientists have established the cause of this phenomenon. It turns out that nickel compounds lose water molecules in a dehydrated environment, and when contact with water occurs, the nickel molecules again combine with water molecules, that is, they attract oxygen and hydrogen atoms (do you still remember the formula of water - H20?).

Place of Birth

Chrysoprase is a fairly common stone, but its quality and color depend on its place of origin.

The most expensive types of green mineral, which have jewelry value, are mined in Kazakhstan (Karaganda region), as well as in the south of the United States of America, Australia, Brazil and Ukraine.

In Australia, very large specimens of rich green color are mined. They have high jewelry value.

The green minerals mined in Africa are also a type of quartz, but their color is due not to nickel impurities, but to chromium. The name was given to them by the area where mining is carried out - mtorolite. It looks brighter and more massive than peridot, so it is quite easy to distinguish it. The only problem is the use of mtorolite to counterfeit chrysoprase as a more expensive mineral.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

In addition, the green mineral is credited with the ability to bring good luck and success. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that if you carry a pebble with you, a person will avoid punishment (this was true for all kinds of thieves and swindlers), and respectable citizens kept chrysoprase talismans as amulets for themselves and their homes from evil spells and villains of all stripes.

It is interesting that lithotherapists of our time reasonably recommend wearing jewelry with chrysoprase to everyone who needs a positive mood. And modern magicians insist on the mineral’s ability to protect against the evil eye and repel the negative influence of someone. This is due green having such an impact on the human psyche.

The main magical feature inherent in the green mineral is that it helps only good and sincere people(well, as noted above, to repentant criminals of the Middle Ages who wanted to avoid punishment with its help).

If a person is evil, a deceiver, or has an excessively risky character, then the green mineral will not help him, and perhaps, on the contrary, will harm him.

Talismans and amulets

Alexander the Great believed in the magical properties of the green stone and therefore constantly wore a plate of it on his belt, believing that this would help him reveal the plans of his enemies and be successful. The great commander, of all the precious stones known at that time, preferred chrysoprase as his talisman. It is known how successful the military campaigns of Alexander the Great were, but one can only guess what the role of chrysoprase was in this. Legend has it that before his death, Alexander, after swimming, put on a belt that did not have a chrysoprase plate on it, because it was lost, and he simply did not notice it.

Green is the color of health

If we consider the medicinal properties of chrysoprase, then after green color therapy in the form of calming the nerves, the most obvious property is the treatment of the eyes. Again, this could not be done without the influence of green, the contemplation of which has such a beneficial effect on us.

Using the stone you can cure some eye diseases and improve your vision. It also has a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands.

In addition to improving your mental state, using it can help you get rid of insomnia, stress and depression, reduce the impact of magnetic storms, and normalize blood pressure.

Lithotherapists “prescribe” a stone for colds– for these purposes, you should use infusions of water, where a pebble was previously placed for several hours. This same infusion helps very well with sexual problems, because... aligns the sexual background of a person.

When using chrysoprase for medicinal purposes, precautions should be taken: you should not constantly use tinctures, and also wear the stone, you must observe moderation in everything, it is better to use its properties in the form of courses of 10-14 days and only on the recommendations of specialists. A side effect that has been recorded by lithotherapists with the constant use of chrysoprase is the formation of gallstones and other negative consequences.

Another property of chrysoprase is to maintain energy in a person, for example, when it is difficult for him when parting with loved ones, and there is no strength left to work, you can learn from the video.

Chrysoprase or peridot?

People often confuse stones due to their similarity in name and color. However, these are completely different minerals both in appearance and in structure, not to mention their healing and magical properties. If the first one is more durable and has a matte sheen, then the second one is transparent or translucent and rather fragile. can be confused with if it is a sufficiently dark shade and skillfully cut, which is why it is called the “Brazilian emerald”.

Chrysoprase Chrysolite

Specimens that are transparent and rich green can easily be confused even with emerald.

Chrysoprase according to magical and medicinal properties differs from this in that it “loves” contact with the human body, sharing energy with it through contact. It is better not to forget to constantly wear jewelry with chrysoprase, otherwise the stone may become “offended” - fade or darken.

Gemstones are all beautiful, each in their own way, and it’s difficult to name a favorite among them. It's not even possible. But there are stones that I especially like. Here everyone has their own taste and preferences. However, among my favorite stones I will also highlight chrysoprase - a stone of a magnificent green color, like the first greenery of spring, but with a tint of deeper green, often emerald and bluish. I think such a stone will not leave indifferent any person who prefers nature to the “urban jungle”. And for city dwellers, on the contrary, it will bring into life a feeling of nature and spring mood that is dear to people.

Chrysoprase- is semi-precious and ornamental stone, a variety of quartz and chalcedony (a cryptocrystalline form of silicon dioxide) containing a small amount of nickel

Chrysoprase is the most valuable variety of translucent quartz - chalcedony. He - the closest relative of the familiar agate and carnelian.

This is a relatively rare mineral. Therefore, especially beautiful jewelry designs are framed in expensive metals, often accompanied by diamonds.

  • color depends on the amount of nickel and chromium impurities
  • translucent, opaque mineral
  • gloss: glassy, ​​greasy, matte
  • hardness: 6-7 on the Mohs scale.

The price of chrysoprase, like diamonds and many other stones, increases exponentially depending on the size of the stone.

Color is usually apple green, with stones ranging from dark green to bluish green. Dark varieties of chrysoprase are also called prase(but the term praseme is also used to describe greenish quartz, so it is more of a color characteristic in relation to a stone of that color, rather than a specific indicator of the type of mineral).

These chrysoprase specimens can probably be classified as the second grade.

Chrysoprase is a cryptocrystalline aggregate, meaning that it is composed of crystals so small that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. This distinguishes it from rock crystal, amethyst, citrine and other varieties of crystalline quartz, which are usually clear and composed of easily distinguishable hexagonal crystals. Types of cryptocrystalline silica are also agate, carnelian and onyx . Unlike many other opaque varieties of quartz, chrysoprase is valued not for its design or pattern, but for its color.

The word “chrysoprase” from ancient Greek means “gold” + “leek” - golden onion.

Unlike emerald, which owes its color to the presence of chromium, the color of chrysoprase is determined by the presence of nickel in the form of very, very small inclusions.

These inclusions are reported to be various silicates such as carolite or pimaelite (not the NiO mineral bunsenite as previously thought).

Like all forms of chalcedony, chrysoprase has a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale and a conchoidal fracture pattern like flint.

Chrysoprase is considered a “lucky” stone. Alexander the Great wore this stone in his belt during battles. It protects the owner from the evil eye, envy and slander. The Prussian king Frederick the Great constantly wore a ring with chrysoprase and even decorated his crown with it. Surprisingly, although this stone was not very expensive, royalty favored it and wore it, which we see various examples of in history. Perhaps it is impossible to remain indifferent to its beauty, or perhaps it was valued for its special properties.

Types of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase jewelry

Jewelry chrysoprase is polished; the most common form that is given to it is a cabochon.

The most expensive are tall oval cabochons made from top-grade chrysoprase. Chrysoprase takes polish beautifully and easily, but it is very difficult to bring it to a mirror finish.

Processing used: stone carving, cabochons, engraving, polishing, sometimes cutting.

Similar minerals: jade, variscite, nephrite. Chrysoprase is easily confused with jadeite.

Like many stones (or rather, all of them), chrysoprase helps only people of honor and valor. This is a stone of beginnings and new things, a stone of people who love adventure, inventors and innovators, including those who arrange their lives and the lives of their family in a new way (not in the way that is customary for the majority). It is believed that the stone becomes cloudy when there is danger threatening its owner. Today it is used as a shield against negative energy.

Fakes and imitations of chrysoprase

Ring with imitation chrysoprase.

In jewelry there are imitations of chrysoprase - beautiful, but not a natural stone. So check when purchasing. Beads made from this stone are quite expensive (the price varies by thousands of rubles), so if you see something inexpensive, it’s an imitation.

This stone is rare and beautiful, and many imitations have appeared, made from less valuable varieties of chalcedony by coloring them with chromium or nickel salts. It is very difficult to distinguish such an imitation from real natural chrysoprase with the naked eye; only a professional can. In general, experts use sophisticated optical analysis methods, a Chelsea filter and a spectroscope for this purpose.


In stores there is jewelry with imitation of chrysoprase (they have it written like that), I asked about other jewelry (where it is not said that it is imitation) - they answered that the stone is natural (in some versions it may be tinted somewhere), a variety of quartz and chalcedony. So if it doesn’t say “imitation”, it’s definitely natural chrysoprase.

January 23, 2013, 12:10

In fact, it turns out that chalcedony is a whole group of different stones, which are varieties of translucent quartz. The name "chalcedony", according to one version, comes from the name of the area in Asia Minor - Chalcedon. In the old days, the stone was even often called “kalkidon”. Of course, not all chalcedony is processed by jewelers, but only those stones that have beautiful colour or an unusual drawing. Currently, more than a hundred varieties of this mineral are known. So let's look at the most famous of them... Agate– chalcedony with concentric stripes different color; can combine concentric and horizontal banding, like Uruguayan agates. Onyx– parallel-banded chalcedony. The stripes are straight or smoothly curved; unlike agate, onyx does not have concentrically zonal banding. Sapphirine-bright blue chalcedony. Carnelian (carnelian, sarder, sardonyx)– chalcedony of reddish shades. Chrysoprase– chalcedony from emerald green to apple green. Heliotrope– dark green chalcedony with bright red spots. Mirikit– gray chalcedony with red spots. Stefanik– white or light gray chalcedony with red dots. Mockastein– chalcedony with inclusions of iron or manganese oxides in the form of dendrites. Mosswort– chalcedony with inclusions of green chlorite or actinolite. Engidros– chalcedony nodules with internal cavities containing water. This post is dedicated to several varieties of chalcedony - sapphirine, enhydros and chrysoprase Sapphirine (blue agate) - chalcedony, colored blue or light milky blue. Translucent samples of rich color are valuable jewelry raw materials. Relatively rare. The color is due to the peculiar dispersion of light.

Brooch with sapphirine and diamonds, author Ekaterina Kostrigina Until now, it is not a well-defined mineral. Some scientists call it blue spinel, others call it kyanite (disthene) with tiny inclusions of foreign minerals, and finally, others consider it an independent species. Found in Greenland. Inserts from this mineral are very rare. A bouquet of fifteen stone flowers in an onyx vase. The flowers are made of blue agate, sapphirine (blue chalcedony) and sodalite, the leaves are made of green aventurine. Seals, snuff boxes, necklaces, bracelets, and brooches were made from sapphirine. They decorated toiletries, screens, and vases. Nowadays it is used in stone cutting for beads and cabochons. In Ulaanbaatar (the capital of Mongolia) in the Wedding Palace there is a semi-precious mosaic panel, created by the artist Munkhtogtokh. In the center of the mosaic is an image of the legendary flower of the East - the lotus, symbolizing the ancient commandment: “Let your soul be as pure as the petals of a lotus, rooted in the silt, but pure to the bottom mud.” The lotus petals are made of blue sapphire - pure and delicate, like a young girl entering the ceremonial hall of the Wedding Palace.
Our Lady of the Incarnation. Sapphirine. In ancient times, it was believed that this stone would help the owner win a lawsuit. Cameo Medusa Gorgon. Sapphirine, V century. BC. Hermitage Its gentle radiation improves vision, strengthens bones, spleen, bladder. The stone helps get rid of outbursts of anger and melancholy. Cameo "Dancer" sapphire, size 24x20.5mm Author Svyatoslav Nikitenko Heron (intaglio). Sapphirine 2.00 x 1.40 cm Sapphirine absorbs and dispels negative, bad energy, therefore it is a good protector against the energies of the outside world. Thirty minutes of irradiation of sapphirine with ultraviolet light increases its cleaning properties. This stone is not contraindicated for any zodiac sign. Very good for Sagittarius and Aquarius. _________________________________ Engidros (from Greek “rich in water”) - translucent nodules of chalcedony, quartz and lutecine, containing residual water.
In rare cases, the internal relic cavity is partially filled with an aqueous solution; released during weathering and turning into placers, such almonds are rounded and polished from the outside like ordinary pebbles. Often the liquid is visible. Most often, such formations are found in the world's largest agate-bearing province of Brazil and Uruguay, as well as in the USA and Italy. Water agates are highly prized by collectors and can be safely used in jewelry. In ancient times, oracles used enhydros to predict the future, and also predicted weather changes, crashes, and earthquakes. Unfortunately, their methods are irretrievably lost. Currently, enhydros is of particular value among gemologists and collectors, and its prices are quite high. _________________________________ Chrysoprase - fine-crystalline silica, consisting of a mixture of chalcedony, quartz, sometimes moganite and tridymite are present. The color of the stone is usually apple green, but can vary to dark green and bluish green. Unlike many other opaque varieties of quartz, chrysoprase is valued not for its design or pattern, but for its color. The name of this stone comes from the Greek words “chrysos” (gold) and “prazos” (leek) - golden onion. In bright sun or careless heating, the color may fade. To restore it, you should temporarily place the stone in a damp environment - wrap it in a wet cloth or soil, wetting it periodically. Like all forms of chalcedony, chrysoprase has a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale and a conchoidal fracture like flint.
Despite the fact that chrysoprase was never considered a first-class gemstone, many historical figures favored it. The best deposits of chrysoprase are found in Queensland, Western Australia, Germany, Poland, Kazakhstan, Arizona, California and Brazil. Australian chrysoprase is often called Australian imperial jade. Australian chrysoprase Chrysoprase has been known to man since time immemorial. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans highly valued it for its beauty, which increased significantly after proper processing, and for the miraculous properties attributed to it. Many great warriors of antiquity decorated their armor with chrysoprase, believing that it brought good luck. According to legend, after Alexander the Great lost the chrysoprase that adorned his linothorax in battle, he was unable to win a single battle. Chrysoprase was also held in high regard by thieves. It was argued that by putting chrysoprase in the mouth, a thief could act with complete impunity because no one would see him.
Ring with the monogram of Catherine II. Gold, diamonds, chrysoprase, enamel; embossing, polishing. Russia, 1770-1780s. Gold tiara with chrysoprase (circa 1835) Commercial development of chrysoprase began only in 1740. Chrysoprase is easily confused with jadeite. In the territory of modern Poland during the Middle Ages, most of the jewelry stones were mined, which were used to make jewelry and decorate the palaces of European rulers, including the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, who constantly wore a ring with chrysoprase and even decorated his crown with it. His magnificent Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam contains many objects decorated with chrysoprase. In the 14th century, chrysoprase began to gradually lose its position. During the reign of Queen Anne in England, chrysoprase was again at the top, it was the queen's favorite stone. He remained in quite advantageous positions during the reign of Queen Victoria. Since chrysoprase remained a rare jewelry stone for quite a long time, many imitations appeared, made from less valuable varieties of chalcedony, by coloring them with chromium or nickel salts. It is very difficult to distinguish imitation from real chrysoprase with the naked eye. Experts use sophisticated optical analysis techniques, a Chelsea filter and a spectroscope for this purpose. However... The structure of artificially colored stones is almost ideal, and the presence of at least one small speck significantly increases the likelihood that chrysoprase is natural. Very often, ordinary hadcedony, dyed with nickel salts or synthetic dyes, is found in products under the guise of chrysoprase. Painted stones from unpainted ones can be easily distinguished by cobweb-like formations of dye inside the stone, uneven coloring, and a color that is too bright for natural color. Classification of chrysoprase 1. Chrysoprase is emerald green, uniform. Top grade. Such chrysoprase are high-quality jewelry raw materials. They have a uniform, bright, intense color. As a rule, they shine through very well through thick stones up to 5 cm in plates and pieces. The structure of the stone may contain tiny scattered impurities of alumina (iron hydroxides).
2. Chrysoprase apple green, uniform. First grade. Here the chrysoprase is already visible after no more than 2 cm. The stone may contain whitish and non-transparent areas. The structure is still homogeneous, without a pattern.
3. Chrysoprase is pale-colored, spotted. The second grade is ornamental. This chrysoprase is usually bluish-green or yellow-green in color with a heterogeneous structure. The color of the stone may contain milky white spots, and the structure of the stone itself may alternate between translucent and opaque areas. Possible inclusions of manganese oxides, so-called dendrites. Yellow or brown inclusions of limonite may be present on the periphery of the stone.
Jewelry chrysoprase is polished, mainly cabochon. The tall oval cabochons of their premium chrysoprase stones look especially impressive and are expensive. Chrysoprase takes polish beautifully and easily, but it is extremely difficult to bring it to a “mirror”. Cameos with chrysoprase and carnelian Green chrysoprase was considered the best talisman for business people - merchants, bankers and everyone who had to deal with large sums of money on a daily basis. Owners of chrysoprase set in gold could, according to astrologers, not be afraid of dishonest contractors, the dangers of trade travel and material damage. Like most others decorative stones chrysoprase was also a healing mineral - it helped with nervous diseases, it was recommended for eye diseases - its beautiful green color was supposed to comfort pain in the eyes.
Chrysoprase has been known since ancient times as a stone that wards off envy, slander, the “evil” eye, removing damage, preventing damage and other nasty things.
A talisman of innovation, people following an unconventional path, striving for discovery. Chrysoprase is a stone of inventors and innovators. It is favorable for any new beginning and attracting friends. This stone brings many benefits to young children. The child comes into contact with the stone almost instantly
Antique snuff box, circa 1755
Gold brooch of a female dragonfly, Rene Lalique. (Circa 1897 - 1898) One of Lalique's most famous things. The body and head are apple green chrysoprase, the wings are enamel and moonstones surrounded by diamonds. Panagia (breast decoration) of Patriarch Joseph II with a cameo on the chrysoprase "Assumption" of the Byzantine work of the 12th century, framed in gold with emeralds, sapphires, rubies, pearls, enamel. Russia, 1671, master Mikhail Yakovlev.
Elizabeth Taylor presented a Van Cleef & Arpels Daisy necklace (1993) when she received the Humanitarian Award (for her work in the fight against AIDS). After this evening, Elizabeth Taylor decided that this was her good luck necklace and bought it. Lea Michele prefers diamond earrings with chrysoprase from Irene Neuwirth.
Naomi Watts wearing chrysoprase earrings Emma Stone wearing chrysoprase earrings Rosario Dawson wearing Susie Fox earrings with chrysoprase Julia Louis-Dreyfus earrings with chrysoprase "Tall" jewelry with chrysoprase
Piaget, Green delice ring (white gold, pink sapphire, chrysoprase) Van Cleef & Arpels, Palais de la Chance jewelry collection. The Endless Light Necklace is made of white gold with chrysoprase, mandarin garnet, lapis lazuli, sapphires, diamonds, tourmalines, onyx, turquoise, emeralds and one cabochon-cut black opal of 23.64 carats. Van Cleef & Arpels, Le Bal du Palais d’Hiver collection, Kokochnik brooch. Chrysoprase, white cultured pearls, turquoise, aquamarine, emeralds and diamonds.
Gevorgian, ring "Leaf", diamonds, chrysoprase 26.45 carats
Dior, "Bal d"Autrefois" ring. White gold, diamonds, emeralds, chrysoprase, green tourmaline, tsavorites Van Cleef & Arpels, ring, Paris 1969 Carved chrysoprase and coral, diamonds, emeralds Van Cleef & Arpels brooch"Real" jewelry Sapphirine on rubber, 3500 rub. Ring with sapphirine, about 5 thousand rubles. Bracelet self made, chrysoprase, 3600 rub. Author Tatyana Tokareva Suspension, about 10 thousand rubles. Ring with chrysoprase, about 6 thousand rubles.

It has long been known that natural stones carry energy and can protect a person from many troubles. Therefore, when purchasing jewelry, you should give preference to jewelry with natural stones. But, certain stones bring good luck to each zodiac sign. Today we will talk about such a mineral as chrysoprase. Let's consider who is suitable for jewelry with chrysoprase, and what properties the semi-precious chrysoprase stone has.

General characteristics of the stone

Chrysoprase is a fairly common mineral. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for a variety of crafts. If we consider the origin of the mineral, it is a type of quartz. Poland and Australia can boast of the largest deposits of chrysoprase. There are small deposits in almost all countries.

As for the color palette, chrysoprase plays with all shades of green. This color of quartz is explained by the fact that it contains nickel. At the same time, it is almost impossible to confuse chrysoprase with emerald, which is also colored green. And this is explained by the fact that the greenness of emerald is due to the presence of chromium in the composition of the mineral. Therefore, even in the photo, products made from chrysoprase and emerald are different.

The price of any stone is determined by its characteristics. It cannot be said that chrysoprase stones have high values. If we consider the hardness on the Mohs scale, then it does not exceed 6 units. The density of green chrysoprase is 2.5 g per cubic meter. meter. The mineral has a pleasant shine. It is worth noting that the shine cannot be described as glossy. The stone seems to be covered with a thin film of wax.

The structure of the mineral is granular. But graininess can only be seen using a microscope. Nature has drawn some kind of pattern on each mineral. But it is simply impossible to find two stones with the same pattern. Maybe it is precisely because of this feature of the mineral that it is so popular among the fair sex. It is worth noting the fact that chrysoprase can make men’s jewelry look exquisite. But in this case, it is important to choose the right cut and size of the stone.

Varieties of chrysoprase

Conventionally, there are 3 types of mineral. The classification is based on the color of the stone. The first group includes nuggets colored emerald green. The second group includes apple-green stones. Well, the third group consists of spotted nuggets.

All varieties of chrysoprase look equally good. But if we talk about the price of chrysoprase, then stones from the first group are most valuable.

Chrysoprase looks equally good in silver and gold. Depending on the chosen material, chrysoprase jewelry can be suitable for everyday wear and for special events.

Chrysoprase and magic

Many claim that chrysoprase is a stone with magical properties. And these allegations are not unfounded. Of course, science cannot confirm this fact. But there are often cases when a ring with chrysoprase brought good luck to people trying their hand at something completely new to them. Let's consider what magical properties are attributed to the chrysoprase stone.

  • Protection from the evil eye. Also, many believe that chrysoprase can protect its owner from various slander and false gossip.
  • Business assistance. Even in the distant past, it was believed that this stone attracted wealth. Therefore, chrysoprase can be used to decorate office space, which is intended for making transactions.
  • Help in love. Many magicians advise people who have problems in their personal lives to wear jewelry with chrysoprase. It cannot be said that the effect of this mineral is similar to the effect of a love potion. But chrysoprase will definitely contribute to harmony in the house.
  • Protective properties. A chrysoprase pendant or bracelet can even save a person's life. This property was attributed to the stone in the Middle Ages. But people whose fate was being decided in court did not decorate their hands with a signet with a green chrysoprase stone or other decoration, but put quartz in their mouths. They really believed that this amulet could protect them from the most severe punishment, which was the death penalty.
  • Some even believe that chrysoprase can help thieves. But, in this case, you do not need to wear earrings with chrysoprase or any other jewelry. As in the previous case, the stone should be taken into the mouth. It is worth noting that the stone, in general, does not serve evil. Many believe that he is able to resist the evil thoughts of a person.
  • Protection from evil spirits. To protect yourself from evil spirits, it is better to use silver-cut chrysoprase. Silver, unlike any other material, will double the effect. If one of the people is trying to harm you, then a pendant with chrysoprase, for example, will not only protect you from all the bad wishes of the enemy, but will also turn them against him.
  • Help with communication. If you have to speak in front of a large audience, be sure to wear jewelry with a green stone. Men, due to the fact that rings with multi-colored stones are not always suitable decoration for them, can instead jewelry take the rosary. The stone will help convince people and make you a more eloquent speaker.

If we talk about who chrysoprase is suitable for, then first of all it is worth noting people who strive to invent something. It is to them that he gives the most of his energy. It is also worth purchasing a ring with chrysoprase, earrings or any other decoration for people of certain zodiac signs. But we'll talk about this a little later.

But you shouldn’t assume that a semi-precious stone will do everything for you. Magic helps people only when they themselves make considerable efforts to achieve the goal. And jewelry with a green stone on your finger, ears or neck will simply increase your chances of success.

Chrysoprase and health

No matter what variety of chrysoprase you take, it will not cure any disease. But the energy of the stone will help speed up the healing process for some ailments if you use the mineral correctly.

Colds or infectious diseases, for example, can be treated using water procedures. And the water is pre-charged with the energy of green stone. To do this, simply place the quartz in a container of water for a while.

Everyone knows about the beneficial effects of green on the eyes. Respectively, green stone can be used to prevent eye diseases. It is enough to stop looking at the waxy green mineral for some time at the end of the working day. This will instantly relieve eye fatigue. This advice is especially useful for people working near a computer.

The green mineral has a positive effect on the human body during magnetic storms and sudden changes in weather. The stone also has a positive effect on cardiovascular system. And pink quartz will enhance its effect.

A stone can calm nervous system and even prevent depression. Therefore, people whose work involves stress should always have it at hand.

Chrysoprase and horoscope

We figured out what kind of chrysoprase stone is and what properties it has. Now let's talk about which zodiac signs it suits best.

If we consider all the signs of the zodiac, then chrysoprase is most suitable for Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces. Although, this stone will also bring good luck to people of other zodiac signs. In general, this quartz is unusually friendly. But, there are zodiac signs that should treat this mineral with some caution. These are Leo, Aries, Scorpio and Libra.

It gives something different to each zodiac sign. We will not consider its meaning for the entire zodiac circle. Let us only note that chrysoprase is good for an Aquarius woman if she does not have such character traits as selfishness and pride. Representatives of this sign need to wear jewelry in order to achieve internal harmony and not succumb to external pressure. Astrologers recommend that Aquarius athletes acquire this amulet, for whom it will help win many awards.

Chrysoprase is suitable for a Capricorn man. He will give him determination and courage. But, it is important to choose the right cut of the stone. If the cut is poorly chosen, the talisman can turn into a center of negative energy.

Chrysoprase is necessary for Pisces women, to whom it gives self-confidence. At the same time, you can wear a brooch with a stone or studs every day. The energy of quartz will not destroy human energy or try to rebuild it. The stone will give exactly as much energy as its owner needs. To achieve this goal, it is better to wear chrysoprase on your left hand if we are talking about a ring or bracelet.

Quartz will make Taurus more successful, although its influence on this zodiac sign is somewhat weakened. Astrologers also recommend this stone to those Taurus who are afraid of everything new. Also, the talisman is not bad for twins trying to open their own business. It will not only bring success in new endeavors, but will also protect the owner from evil eyes and tongues. And virgins can even improve their health with a chrysoprase talisman. The stone has the same effect on a Sagittarius man. Chrysoprase will help solve love problems for Cancer men and women.

Determining the quality of the stone

To distinguish a fake from an original, you should pay attention to the pricing policy of the jewelry. Since this type of quartz belongs to semiprecious stones, jewelry with chrysoprase cannot have a low price policy. So, for example, beads in rubles cost at least 2 thousand. And on the tag jewelry there must be a description of the semi-precious quartz, including its characteristics. The price of the stone varies somewhat depending on where the green mineral is mined. So, for example, Australian stone is more expensive than Polish stone. But the price difference is small.

The second point that is worth paying attention to is the size of the product. In nature you can find chrysoprase crystals of medium size. Therefore, in a large pendant or massive bracelet, where large beads are used, as a rule, quartz is not real.

Natural raw materials have various inclusions that are visible under a magnifying glass (bubbles, dark areas). Also, natural raw materials are never evenly colored.