
Sunscreen and beach gadgets. We make a simple solar collector with our own hands, step by step instructions Protect your nose from the sun homemade


How to protect your nose from the sun. How to protect your skin from the sun

Moderate exposure to sunlight is good for a healthy body. Light tan is great cosmetic product which suits most women. In addition, the sun's rays increase metabolism, improve the supply of oxygen to the skin, have a positive effect on the circulatory and immune systems, promote the production of vitamin D by the body, and relieve depression. However, too much sun can cause significant damage. Therefore, protection of the skin from the sun is essential.

Nanoparticles are so small that they can penetrate the skin and cause problems in the body. The potential hazards of nanoparticles are still controversial and are not yet considered a health hazard. In any case, use a nanoparticle cream to prevent contact with eyes or mouth or small cuts on the skin.

How to choose sunscreen

Or choose creams that don't contain nanoparticles. How do you know that the cream contains nanoparticles? The content of nanoparticles must be in the composition, joining "nano" - you will find, for example, "Titanium dioxide" in the description of the substances used. If you choose a cream, choose one with mineral filters and no nanoparticles. But always check the composition, because some manufacturers combine chemical and mineral filters.

The solar spectrum includes various electromagnetic rays. Some are perceived by us as light, others as heat. We cannot see or feel ultraviolet radiation. Two types of ultraviolet rays reach the earth. Long-wavelength rays of type A (UVA) penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, damaging the structure of cells and can cause neoplasms. They pose the greatest danger to the skin. Short-wavelength rays of type B (UVB) cause sunburn (pigmentation) and, in extreme cases, skin burns. Sunburn is a way of protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. It indicates that the skin is damaged. So a strong tan is not a sign of health, but rather the opposite.

I have some advice for mineral filter products without nanoparticles. Personally, I have a proven 100% pure brand and Lavera, and it suits me. You can find a large selection of natural creams with mineral filters in bio bio. If you suffer from acne, proper skin protection is essential. The sun can irritate the skin and dry it out to cause acne. Skin acne is susceptible to the formation of age spots, which can develop from scabs to pimples, so make sure you don't forget good sun protection.

When choosing cosmetics, take a look at products with mineral filters and choose tanning cosmetics that are suitable for acne skin. Some oils can decompose in heat and thus irritate the skin and contribute to acne and other skin problems.

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation increases in summer, as we approach the equator and rise to altitude, so special precautions must be taken in the southern regions and in the mountains. UV rays reflect off water, sand, snow and concrete and can cause damage even when skiing in winter. The damage that ultraviolet radiation causes to the skin accumulates, so it is necessary to remember about sun protection not only when sunbathing on the beach, but also when going to work or walking in the park. The skin is especially vulnerable when, after many months of being closed, it is placed under direct Sun rays.

At the same time, it is better to have shorter sunbaths with breaks than one long one. If you don't like it, you can apply Coconut oil on the skin before applying it to the skin. Take plenty of water while sunbathing. For healthy and safe sunbathing, add foods rich in antioxidants and carotenoids - fresh leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, peaches, berries, melons. As well as high-quality superfoods - chlorella, cocoa beans, aloe vera, acai berries, hemp seeds.

  • Suitable oils are coconut, sesame, jojoba, argan, rice shoots, baobab, hazelnut.
  • And shea butter.
  • Unsuitable oils - juice, evening primrose, peanut, hemp, evening primrose, grape seed.
  • Also without sunglasses and preferably with bare shoulders.
  • Unless it's necessary, don't expose yourself to strong sun around noon.
  • For creams with mineral filters, be sure to leave a white film.
Do you use natural sunscreen?

Excessive exposure to the sun is detrimental to the skin. It prematurely ages (in people who have been sunbathing for a long time in their youth by the age of 35-40, the skin acquires signs of aging), it becomes rough, flabby and wrinkled, and skin cancer may develop in the future. The risk of developing skin cancer doubles if a person has had two or more severe sunburns at a young age.

Since most people want to relax by the water in summer, we want to remind you how to sunbathe properly.

  • Remember that the most beautiful and useful tan is light, golden.
  • Increase your time in the sun gradually. In the early days, sunbathe early in the morning or in the shade.
  • During the period of the most intense radiation - from 12 to 15 hours - it is necessary to exclude solar procedures. Please note that this is only suitable for Russian conditions. In the US, for example, experts recommend avoiding sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • It's easy to get sunburned in windy weather as the wind chills your skin and you may miss the moment when it's time for you to get out of the sun.
  • You can not sunbathe with wet skin, because water droplets act as lenses that enhance the effect of solar radiation.
  • It is better to sunbathe not lying down, but moving: in this case, the tan will lie more evenly.
    After the beach, take a shower and lubricate your skin with a moisturizer, milk or after-sun cream.
  • If you are burned, lubricate the burnt places with sour milk, cologne, vodka, potato juice or chamomile infusion.

The best sun protection for your skin is special sunscreens. They should protect the skin from both type A and type B UV rays, that is, be broad-spectrum (most creams provide protection only from type B rays). Their active ingredients reflect and/or absorb ultraviolet radiation before they penetrate the skin. In addition, a good sunscreen should also be moisturizing and contain antioxidants.
Each sunscreen has its own protection factor, which is indicated by the letters SPF and a number, for example, SPF-15. The numbers show how many times longer you can stay in the sun compared to the time you can safely spend in the sun without protection. This time depends on two factors - the intensity of solar radiation in a particular place and skin type. So, people from above sensitive skin(often red-haired, with freckles, their skin never tans, but burns) can stay in the bright sun for 5-10 minutes without danger to themselves, blondes with pale, sensitive skin - 10-20 minutes, dark blond and brown-haired women with normal skin- 20 - 30 minutes, with brown and dark hair and swarthy skin - 40 minutes. Accordingly, if you burn in 20 minutes, then a product with an SPF-8 protection degree will allow you to stay in the sun for 160 minutes. However, this figure applies only to type B ultraviolet rays, and these agents are able to counteract type A rays to a much lesser extent. So none of these products can provide 100% protection from the sun and its effectiveness lasts only for a limited period of time. Therefore, never use these products to extend your time in the sun.

Both waters are $30. for 100 ml. A bikini with a filter is not a good idea. While there is no scientific evidence, and the basis for the aforementioned agreed H2O to be protected by sunburn, it is neither the first nor the last to seduce consumers who crave health and kill.

Are only Americans naive? She's not American, but she thinks it's worth spending a few dollars to secure a few inches of square leather that covers two pieces of material above and below the waist. Shaggy, but serious business. In the United States, it is the most common cancer - diagnosed 3.5 million times a year - by five Americans. In Poland, 3,000 diagnoses are heard every year. individuals.

When buying sunscreen, pay attention to the expiration date and remember that if it is kept in a warm place, its protective properties will be quickly lost. Some cosmetic products currently being produced - foundations, powders, lipsticks - already have SPF filters in their composition, but they are designed for short-term sun exposure (for example, when you walk down the street). However, if you expect to be out in the sun longer, you need to apply sunscreen.

The invisible ultraviolet part of sunlight brings a lot of energy. And they will certainly accelerate aging and wrinkles. The harmful part of the sunlight can be easily shed. You do not need to spend a lot of money and money - cream, high filter sunglasses and a flat hat.

This accelerates macular degeneration, develops glaucoma and increases the risk of cancer. You can eat not only on the beach. Ultraviolet, which penetrates deep into the skin, also penetrates through thin clothing. Those who fly a lot in the summer should lubricate under their clothes or buy clothes made from special dense woven materials. It's also possible to experiment with titanium dioxide impregnations and cloths to provide some extra protection - it's like rubbing your shirt with suntan lotion.

Faces make a splash on Asian beaches. The bikini equivalent on the head protects the skin from burning. The sun is getting hotter every day. The season of walks, hikes and beaches has begun. Unfortunately, in gentle, sunny weather, children's skin is at risk. The skin of a child is extremely delicate. Since they have not yet been developed, the defense mechanisms are very sensitive to sunburn.

How the sun's rays damage the skin

  1. Tan. Some fair-skinned girls go to the solarium specifically to make their skin bronze or copper. However, this is not always possible in natural conditions. The structure of the skin of most girls is such that after being under the sun they do not turn into dark mulattos, but turn red like crayfish. The spectacle is not pleasant, agree. And dark-skinned girls don’t want to aggravate their problem at all, so they don’t want additional tanning and also hide their faces from the sun in every possible way.
  2. Wrinkles. Everyone knows that exposure to ultraviolet radiation adversely affects the epidermis, causing it premature aging. Therefore, it is very important to protect your skin from direct sunlight. In addition, if you do not wear sunglasses, you constantly wrinkle, accelerating the formation of "crow's feet" - wrinkles around the eyes.
  3. Freckles. Many argue that freckles are young, beautiful and girlish. But only not those who lead a fierce struggle with these freckles. Girls dream of a clean, plain face without any inclusions, so they protect their faces from the sun and the appearance of freckles.
  4. Dark spots. Some of the fair sex suffer from such a problem as dark spots. Often the trigger for their occurrence is direct sunlight. The same goes for an allergic reaction. Some people are allergic to the sun. After exposure to the sun, their skin becomes covered with red spots.
  5. Oncology. If you constantly sunbathe, it increases your chance of getting skin cancer. This is especially true for fair-haired and blue-eyed people. Therefore, protection from the sun is, first of all, a vital necessity.

If for you these are strong enough arguments in favor of the fact that it is imperative to protect your skin from the sun, then it's time to move on to the methods of this protection.

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to burn. Because babies have an immature thermoregulatory mechanism, they are much faster. It is because of the possibility of burns and the risk of stroke in the third year of life that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Of course, it's not going out of the house on hot and sunny days, but take a few precautions.

  • Remember that the sun is strongest at 11°-16°° and is not hard to hit.
  • Avoid going out during those hours.
  • The child needs to be in the shade, so attach an umbrella to the cart.
  • Never forget a hat, hat or scarf.
  • Have a light, airy dress.
  • Apply 2-3 hours to apply the cream again.
For children under the age of 3, creams with very high sun filters and even blockers have been developed.


This is one of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways protect your face from the sun. In summer, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat before leaving the house. It will not only protect you from UV, but also help you look stylish and fashionable. Wide brim hats are incredibly popular this season. If you prefer a sporty style of clothing, then a cap will suit you, which will protect you from the scorching sun and complement your look.

If your child doesn't like lube, you can buy a cream with a dye like blue. It will be fun for him and you will be sure that the child will be properly protected. Creams with mineral and chemical filters are currently on the market.

Mineral - creates a physical barrier that reflects the sun, containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Even though the cream is not really visible, it covers the skin with a protective layer. Chemical - penetrate the layers of the epidermis, absorb the energy of sunlight and turn it into harmless heat. The molecules are very small and invisible to the eye. . In infants and allergies, chemical filters should not be used because they may be allergic. However, it is desirable to use odorless and non-conservative mineral creams.


Despite the fact that the glasses do not completely cover our face, they can partially be called a means of protecting the skin from the sun. The thing is that glasses cover the most vulnerable part of the face - the eyes. And this means that the constant wearing of glasses will protect the face from additional facial wrinkles. In addition, glasses prevent fading of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Prevention of burns and sunburn

Let's remember that factors don't add up. These are two completely different cosmetics. Water does not protect our children from the sun. When swimming in an outdoor pool or at the beach, use waterproof cosmetics with a suitable filter. Lubricate also those parts of the body that are under clothing, as the material passes part of the sunlight. Cosmetics should be applied liberally, and during application you should not forget to carefully lubricate the ear, neck, mouth and legs of the baby. These fragile areas are often prone to sunburn.

Sunscreen is an integral part of the cosmetic bag of every self-respecting girl and woman. It should be used not only at the beach or at a picnic. It is very important to use such a cream every day, applying it to exposed areas of the skin - face, neck, hands. Use sunscreen instead of makeup base as a base coat.

The filter cream should be applied every 2-3 hours because bathing, toweling, sweat and sun rays weaken the function of cosmetics. Photo by William Casey All rights reserved. Sun exposure improves general well-being, antidepressant. However, prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to sunburn, erythema, epidermal exfoliation, telangiectasia and hyperpigmentation, accelerated skin aging, and even dermatome development.

A dangerous effect of sunbathing is an increased risk of skin cancer, mainly melanoma. To avoid the negative effects of solar radiation, you need to know the basics of effective photoprotection. Below are the most important ones. When staying in the sun, you should be aware of the proper protection of your head and eyes from excessive radiation by wearing appropriate clothing, while all skin should be protected by properly fitted filters.

When choosing a similar cream, you should pay attention to some of its ingredients. The SPF icon means a barrier that can protect the skin from one or another sun exposure. Blonde people with blue eyes should use a sunscreen with a maximum SPF of at least 50. Brown hair with an average complexion can use a sunscreen with an SPF of 20 or 15. However, keep in mind that the presence of this icon indicates that the cream can protect you from sunburn but not from ultraviolet light. To prevent the possible development of skin cancer, you need to choose products with a UVA icon.

Special cosmetics

Some rulers decorative cosmetics include special SPF filters that are quite capable of protecting the face from the sun. Special creams protect the skin, and pencils and mascara save eyebrows and eyelashes from burning out. This is very convenient - you do not have to constantly remember about additional skin protection. You just put on makeup every day and know for sure that your face is protected.

Natural masks to protect the skin from the sun

Some proven remedies can not only rehabilitate your skin after a sunburn, but also prevent this burn.

  1. Raspberry seed oil has a natural SPF filter. It is quite expensive and rare, however, very effective. It is applied to the face before going outside in order to protect the skin from the sun. The SPF of this oil is about 40 units.
  2. Wheat germ oil has an SPF of 10-20. It not only protects the skin from the sun, but also perfectly moisturizes the epidermis.
  3. Another natural remedy that has a natural level of protection is hazelnut oil. However, it should first be applied to a small area of ​​the body, as it is quite allergenic.
  4. Shea butter and coconut oil also protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, but not as intensely. The SPF level they have is only about 6-8 units. However, for some this is enough.
    I would like to note that all these oils are used in cosmetology, and not only for sun protection. They perfectly moisturize, nourish and tighten the skin.

A woman after 30 looks the way she deserves it. If she has made it a habit to constantly, day after day, take care of her skin, every year it will be more and more noticeable. Learn from an early age to monitor the condition of the face and neck in order to prolong the youthfulness of the skin for a longer period.

Don't save

A big mistake is to save sunscreen, making do with a subtle minimum (especially if the product is expensive). However, its excess also does not guarantee happiness. For reliable protection, you will need a very specific amount of funds ─ a ball the size of a five-ruble coin. Apply it 20 before sun exposure so that the chemical filter in its composition has time to “turn on” and the cream begins to act.

Look for the correct letters

Ignorance of the designations on the packaging does not exempt from responsibility. In any case, choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that promises protection from UVB and UVA rays (the appropriate abbreviations should be indicated on the packaging). Every season pleases us with new cosmetic novelties. For example, a couple of years ago there were new products that can be applied directly to wet skin, and this summer there were many new products with a matting effect.

Keep a stick in your purse

Today, the need for sun creams is as obvious as a red burnt nose on the face when it is neglected. simple rule. It is he who needs special attention. The skin in this capricious area tends to be oily, so the effect of the sunscreen fades rather quickly. Sticks traditionally work well in high-risk areas. They are convenient to use without attracting too much attention (and easy to keep at hand).

Protect yourself always

Cloudy days in the summer are no reason to do without a day cream with SPF. Moreover, it is in such weather that the rays of spectrum A are especially dangerous, causing serious diseases and contributing to skin aging.

Consult your doctor

Medicines for high pressure, hormonal birth control pills and antibiotics increase the sensitivity of tissues to the sun and increase the risk of burning and sunburn. If you are traveling to hot places but continue to take medication, be sure to choose products with the highest possible SPF (at least at least 30).

Soothe your skin

Sometimes in the sun the face is covered with red spots. This is not so much a burn as micro-inflammation - a specific reaction to ultraviolet light - which is quite easy to remove. It is enough to take a capsule with evening primrose oil, pierce it and apply the contents to clean skin at night. Thanks to the high content of essential gamma-linolenic acid, which restores the water barrier and reduces redness, there will be no trace of annoying problems in the morning.


Cool down on time

If you feel like you're on the edge heat stroke, think about soft drinks: ice-cold Diet Coke can be a good cooling factor. Let's reassure adherents of a healthy lifestyle: it is not necessary to drink it. It is enough to put a jar on the back of your neck and wait until it warms up. It is the neck that sets the tone for blood flow, so it is in this area that it is important to lower the temperature in the first place.

Use thermal water

Irrigate thermal water not only on the face, but also on the body: it will make the most powerful thermoregulator work - your skin. It works as follows: part of the liquid is absorbed instantly and lowers the temperature of the blood in the moistened area. The mineral fountain is best directed at the pulse areas: the neck, the inside of the knees, the back of the wrists.

Treat burns the right way

If you still burned out, the skin urgently needs help. First of all, cool the burned area: take a cool shower or apply a wet cold compress (avoid ice, as it can only increase skin damage). Then the burn site can be treated with a regenerating and healing agent that accelerates the process of skin regeneration and restores its protective barrier, soothes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Such products usually contain panthenol and thermal water. Do not use ointments and powders, as the temperature of the burnt tissues decreases much more slowly under them. Also, you can not lubricate the burn with cologne or alcohol - this can cause a painful shock.

Forget about peeling

Shortly after the skin has calmed down, the peeling phase will begin. Trying to help her with a peel is the worst thing you can do in this situation. You have to be patient, no matter how unaesthetic appearance, and let things take their course: let the scales flake off naturally, while you yourself concentrate on keeping the skin well hydrated with products containing ceramides.


Discipline split ends

A mixture of salt and bleach is what makes the hair look like straw. To mask damage, take a styling cream or waxy hair pomade and apply to the ends of the strands. This - in every sense of the word - will smooth the situation. And after a “hot vacation”, arrange a spa ritual for your head and take a serious restorative course ─ now in the salons you can find treatment programs for any budget.

Maintain Color

Strands playing with sun glare are still one of the fashionable hair trends, but faded faded and lifeless strands are “movie tone”. So don't forget about tinted shampoos. The purple color neutralizes unwanted warm tones, while the gold pigment removes the unpleasant green reflection that often manifests itself after interaction with the mineral salts of the pool water.

Use protective spray

When going to the beach or the pool, spray your hair with a spray with UV filters: then they will not absorb salt and chlorinated water like a sponge. After returning to the hotel or apartment, rinse your hair well and apply cosmetic oil for hair ─ it will restore their vitality.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

Energy resources. Free solar energy will be able to provide warm water for household needs at least 6-7 months a year. And in the remaining months - also help the heating system.

But most importantly, a simple solar collector (unlike, for example, from) can be made independently. To do this, you will need materials and tools that can be bought at most hardware stores. In some cases, even what is found in an ordinary garage will be enough.

The solar heater assembly technology presented below was used in the project "Turn on the sun - live comfortably". It was developed specifically for the project by a German company Solar Partner Sued, which is professionally engaged in the sale, installation and service of solar collectors and photovoltaic systems.

The main idea is that everything should turn out cheap and cheerful. For the manufacture of the collector, fairly simple and common materials are used, but its efficiency is quite acceptable. It is lower than that of factory models, but the difference in price fully compensates for this shortcoming.

The sun's rays pass through the glass and heat up the collector, while the glazing prevents heat from escaping. The glass also impedes the movement of air in the absorber; without it, the collector would quickly lose heat due to wind, rain, snow or low outside temperatures.

The frame should be treated with an antiseptic and paint for outdoor use.

Through holes are made in the housing for supplying cold and removing heated liquid from the collector.

The absorber itself is painted with a heat-resistant coating. Conventional black paints at high temperatures begin to peel off or evaporate, which leads to darkening of the glass. The paint must be completely dry before you set the glass cover (to prevent condensation).

A heater is laid under the absorber. The most commonly used mineral wool. The main thing is that it can withstand fairly high temperatures during the summer (sometimes over 200 degrees).

From below, the frame is covered with OSB boards, plywood, boards, etc. The main requirement for this stage is to make sure that the bottom of the collector is reliably protected from moisture getting inside.

To fix the glass in the frame, grooves are made, or strips are attached to the inside of the frame. When calculating the dimensions of the frame, it should be taken into account that when the weather (temperature, humidity) changes during the year, its configuration will change slightly. Therefore, a few millimeters of margin are left on each side of the frame.

A rubber window seal (D- or E-shaped) is attached to the groove or bar. Glass is placed on it, on which a sealant is applied in the same way. From above, all this is fixed with galvanized tin. Thus, the glass is securely fixed in the frame, the seal protects the absorber from cold and moisture, and the glass will not be damaged when the wooden frame "breathes".

The joints between the sheets of glass are insulated with sealant or silicone.

To organize solar heating at home, you need a storage tank. The water heated by the collector is stored here, so you should take care of its thermal insulation.

As a tank you can use:

  • non-working electric boilers
  • various gas cylinders
  • barrels for food use

The main thing to remember is that pressure will be created in a sealed tank depending on the pressure of the plumbing system to which it will be connected. Not every container is able to withstand a pressure of several atmospheres.

Holes are made in the tank for the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger, the inlet of cold water, and the intake of heated water.

The tank houses a spiral heat exchanger. For it, copper, stainless steel or plastic are used. The water heated through the heat exchanger will rise up, so it should be placed at the bottom of the tank.

The collector is connected to the tank using pipes (for example, metal-plastic or plastic) drawn from the collector to the tank through the heat exchanger and back to the collector. Here it is very important to prevent heat leakage: the path from the tank to the consumer must be as short as possible, and the pipes must be very well insulated.

The expansion tank is a very important element of the system. It is an open reservoir located at the highest point of the fluid circulation circuit. For the expansion tank, you can use both metal and plastic containers. With its help, the pressure in the manifold is controlled (due to the fact that the liquid expands from heating, pipes can crack). To reduce heat loss, the tank must also be insulated. If air is present in the system, it can also exit through the tank. Through the expansion tank, the collector is also filled with liquid.

Then one old idea "with a beard" was remembered. Not my idea, but one time; many, many years ago, I used it. It will not be a secret for anyone that in the summer the convex parts of our body and face quickly sunbathe and burn. At the same time, the nose, as the most "outstanding", the first one "grabs" the sun's rays and then turns red, flakes and itches a lot. There is different ways spout protection; these are leaves from trees, and pieces of napkins, and ointment creams ... I suggest using a corner from a used shampoo bottle.
There is also beauty here - bottles different colors- flight of your imagination!!!

A small master class, and - voila!

Cut out from the side like this:

At the very beginning I use stationery knife, later - ordinary scissors.
Then we adjust the result to the size of the nose and the width of the bridge of the nose on the frame of the glasses. We cut off the corners so that it does not prick when worn.
Our nose is protected!

And one more thing: remember New Year's mask- Glasses with a nose and mustache. So - you can make this with your own hands!

V summer version I suggest you cut lower part so that the nose breathes and does not sweat.

There is one moment - how to fix it on the frame, so that it does not press or prick the bridge of the nose.
I think that the most convenient would be to use a piece of tape. It is transparent and sticks well to plastic.

I made an incision in the plastic, but I realized that it was prickly and uncomfortable - I would glue it with tape.

"Creating" a visor for the nose, I was visited by an idea, one more, maybe it will seem stupid to someone, but!

Imagine a carnival where a mask is an indispensable attribute.

In Venice, at carnivals, masks are sometimes very original.

In the conceived model of the mask, where such a nose can come in handy, with the help of your imagination, jewelry, rhinestones, feathers, I'm sure you will get a unique mask!

I think a forgotten idea might come in handy. But even if not, it will bring back memories to someone ...