
The skin ages quickly what to do. Why does premature skin aging occur? Means for prolonging youth


Do you look older than your age? Here are signs that might indicate your face looks older than it should be.

You have age spots

Skin aging will inevitably occur, however, poor lifestyle choices and other factors can make you look older than you really are. For example, sun exposure is not only dangerous, but also leads to skin aging associated with unpleasant brown spots. After thirty years, the cumulative effect of sun exposure begins to manifest itself, which leads to pigmentation. Try to use a serum with whitening ingredients like niacinamide, arbutin, soy, or talk to your dermatologist about special whitening creams.

Your skin is very dry

V adolescence most have to worry about excessive oily skin, but over the years the problem becomes the opposite. The gaps in the protective layer of the skin lead to the loss of valuable moisture and the contact of irritants on the skin. Sun exposure, smoking and stress accelerate this process. To keep your skin healthy and hydrated, choose moisturizing ingredients like fatty acids, coconut oil, ceramides, and dimethicone. Use a mask once a week to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. Then all your other anti-aging measures will be more effective.

Have you noticed the crow's feet?

Fine lines in the corners of your eyes may be the first sign that your skin is starting to age. The dermis is the layer of skin responsible for firmness, firmness and wrinkle-freeness. As a person ages, cell renewal slows down, the outer layer of the skin thickens, and the elastin fibers in the dermis lose their previous structure. To stabilize the condition of collagen that strengthens the skin, use cosmetics with peptides and stem cells to care for the area around the eyes.

You have freckles that are not related to the sun

Surprisingly, the phone may be the cause of skin aging. If you spend a large number of time in front of the screen, the radiation may leave marks on your skin. A certain wave of light leads to the appearance of freckles. Studies show that women living in highly polluted cities are more likely to develop pigmentation. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant creams can help prevent this.

Your skin feels tight

If you use too harsh products for washing, you are making a mistake. The feeling of tightness in the skin is not at all related to elasticity. The skin should be soft, nourished and pliable. If it is tight, it means that you have violated the skin's natural barrier and dried it out. Use cleansers that don't strip your skin of its natural oils, and choose gentle, moisturizing options.

You get wrinkles

If you suddenly start noticing wrinkles that were not on your skin before, think about how you eat. There is very strong evidence that diet determines the rate at which wrinkles appear. Vitamin C helps fight the effects of ultraviolet radiation, lycopene stabilizes DNA in cells, polyphenols repair damaged skin, and zinc and vitamin E act as antioxidants. Foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts contain all the nutrients you need; using them in the diet, you protect the skin from negative effects environment and the appearance of wrinkles.

You look tired

A jaded look can be linked to excessive sugar intake, according to research. Sugar affects the skin for a number of reasons, such as spurring insulin production and causing inflammation. In addition, the glycation process, in which sugar combines with other molecules, causes the proteins in the skin to become stiff and makes the body more susceptible to free radicals. Glycation is a common cause of aging. Collagen and elastin, the fibers that provide the skin with firmness and density, are most often affected by this process.

Your skin has lost its luster

When the rate of cell renewal in your skin slows down, your face loses its luster and you may look older. Use retinol to keep your glow. Retinoids are effective substances that protect the skin from aging. Vitamin A normalizes cell renewal for clear, radiant skin with an even tone.

Your cheeks will sag

If you notice your face is losing former appearance it may be that the fatty layer in your skin is starting to disappear. The layer of fat that is located under the skin supports it and provides firmness to the face. With age, it begins to fade. In such a situation, fillers can be used. Studies have also shown that yoga for the face helps.

Your skin is dry as paper

Even if you are not yet old, premature aging of the skin can make your face look dry and papery. This thinning of the skin can be caused by decreased calcium levels as well as increased pH levels. A disturbed acid-base balance has a destructive effect on collagen. Serums with calcium and peptides and moisturizers with probiotics that restore pH will help prevent this.

You have hardened areas of your skin

Hardened skin appears where it has been excessively dry for too long. This is how the body tries to defend itself and accumulates additional layers of dead cells. The outer layer of the skin becomes more and more dense, and therefore the skin appears rough. In addition, sometimes the appearance of such areas is a symptom of psoriasis.

You have small bumps on your skin

Tiny bumps can be associated with damage caused by UV light or use in the care of tough cosmetics... They are small cysts filled with keratin and form due to the inability of the skin to naturally rid itself of dead cells.

Your lips seem thin

Collagen also determines the volume of your lips. When you lose collagen fibers, your lips become less plump. Using a chapstick with sunscreen to prevent this problem is the best you can do.

You have dark circles and puffiness under your eyes

Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate, it can age quickly due to puffiness and dark circles. Bags under the eyes mean that fluid is trapped in the skin. Try to cut back on salt and alcohol, get better sleep, and use creams with hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and vitamin C.

Your skin is easily damaged

Aging skin is more susceptible to damage, it heals four times slower, and exposure to the sun further slows down the process. On thin and fragile skin, bruises and ruptured blood vessels often appear.

You have melanoma

Skin lesions are not only apparent in appearance, they can be life-threatening. When the skin is exposed to an excessive amount of irritants, its defense mechanisms fail, and cells can degenerate from healthy to cancerous. The best you can do is use sunscreen every day, and also consume antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Every day, our body is undergoing aging processes, including aging skin. But these processes can be significantly slowed down without seeking help from surgeons. In order to make it easier to understand what methods should be used for skin care, it is necessary to understand what happens to it over the course of a person's entire life.

Scientists have known for a long time that the skin begins to age from a certain age of a person, namely, from the moment of puberty, therefore it is from this time that it is necessary to start caring for it. Without proper care, the skin becomes sore, yellowish, and many wrinkles form on it. In addition, it becomes streaked, and bags and bruises appear under the eyes. In the future, the skin loses its sensitivity, since with age, the number of tactile receptors, thanks to which we feel touching objects, decreases significantly.

By the age of 60, the sensitivity of the skin is lost by 1/3. At the same time, the skin constantly dries up, the sebaceous glands work poorly, and protection from environmental factors and from the effects of viruses is lost as a result of a decrease in fatty acids on the skin. The elasticity of the skin is lost due to a sharp decrease in elastic fibers. The cells of the surface layer begin to divide very slowly, blood flow to the skin decreases, and the processes of respiration and metabolism also deteriorate. While the body is aging, it accumulates a huge number of free radicals that negatively affect healthy cells, incl. skin cells. In those places where irritants act for a long time and often, including prolonged compression, exposure to the rays of the sun, etc., the skin changes many times faster.

There are many factors that make the skin age faster. These factors include:

Stress. Due to stress, the protective properties of the skin disappear, its energy and protein reserves decrease;
... Environmentally harmful substances, road salt, dust and synthetic materials alter the chemical composition of the surface of our skin;
... Also, rubber gloves and shoes have an adverse effect on the skin, which do not allow air to pass to the skin and impede its breathing;
... Various climatic conditions, such as frost, strong wind and others, contribute to the drying of the skin and its chapping;
... Of course, tobacco and alcohol contribute to the accelerated aging of the skin, it becomes weak and takes on an earthy hue;
... All diseases are reflected on the skin internal organs as well as the drugs people take to treat them;
... Long lasting influence sun rays causes dry skin, the formation of many free radicals in the body and damage to the structure of cells in all layers of the skin;
... Changes in the bite of the teeth due to their defects or poor-quality dentures and many other reasons cause the formation of wrinkles on the skin of the face;
... An improper diet leads to the fact that the skin is deprived of all its nutrients and quickly shrivels, losing its original appearance.

Diet for skin health

In order for the skin to remain healthy and beautiful longer, it is necessary:

Drink as much liquid as possible during the day;
... Include plant foods in the daily diet to get optimal levels of fiber and carbohydrates;
... Ensure you get the right amount of vitamins per day:
1) Vitamin E (nuts, avocados, etc.) - removes free radicals from the body;
2) Vitamin A (carrots, apricots, etc.) - maintains the elasticity of the skin and promotes the formation of young and elastic cells;
3) Vitamin C (strawberries, cabbage, etc.) - maintains skin elasticity.

A new skin cell appears in the lowest layer of the epidermis and gradually rises to its surface. The life of a cell is no more than 2 weeks, after which it dies. Therefore, in order to see the possible effect of skin rejuvenation, it is necessary that at least 1 month has passed when old cells are replaced by new, young and elastic ones.

Constant hydration is very beneficial for the skin. This stimulates and potentiates its softness and tenderness, so the washing process should be carried out more than once every day. In hot and dry weather, when there is a risk of drying out the skin, it is necessary to use sprays that are prepared from water, tea, chamomile and rose hips.

To achieve a greater effect, it is better to wash your face with infusions of certain herbs, namely:
... Mixed 1: 1 infusions of hops and sage;
... Broths of buckthorn, plantain and yarrow, mixed in equal amounts;
... Mix equal amounts of chamomile, horsetail, sage and lime blossom and leave for 2 tablespoons for 40-60 minutes in a glass of water;
... 4.2 tablespoons of sage (mint, parsley, rose petals) insist 1.5 hours in 2 cups of boiling water, and apply to the skin, after adding a spoonful of sour fruit juice to the infusion.

In order to additionally supply the skin with nutrients, it is necessary to apply special natural masks to it:

For 200 ml of water, take 2 g of mumiyo. Apply napkins soaked in this solution on the skin every other day;
... Parsley juice with sour cream, diluted 1: 1, has an excellent effect. This mask nourishes the skin with vitamins and whitens it perfectly;
... A mask of fresh strawberries, strawberries or cucumbers, applied for 10 minutes, works well on the skin.

If there is no time or opportunity to prepare a mask or decoction, then for skin care there are ready-made masks, gels and other preparations that improve the skin and nourish it. These commercial formulations contain the following components:

Enzymes - help to remove dead skin cells, prevent damage from exposure to sunlight;
... Liposomes - deliver nutrients and nutrients to all layers of the skin;
... Lactic, tartaric, salicylic, acids renew the entire cellular composition of the facial skin;
... Antioxidants - neutralize free radicals in our body.

Increased and increased facial expressions also lead to the formation of wrinkles on the skin of the face, therefore, you should focus on strengthening the facial muscles. This will be helped by special gymnastics, which increases blood flow in the face area, which leads to a rapid renewal of its cells. You can do gymnastics anywhere. The effect will appear after 10 days. These exercises are aimed at a specific muscle group of the face:

The eyes are closed tightly, we count to 3, then we open our eyes completely and again we count to 3;
... This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but it is necessary to support the circular muscle of the eye at its edges;
... Expansion of the wings of the nose during inhalation, exhalation should pass through the mouth;
... Inhale through the mouth with clenched teeth, exhale through the nose;
... The teeth are closed. Exhale through the mouth, simultaneously inflate the cheeks, air passes through the left or right corner of the mouth;
... We draw in our cheeks while inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth;
... We throw our head back, slowly inhale the air with our nose, exhale through the mouth;
... Tilting the head to the left and right during inhalation;
... During inhalation, we make a full turn of the head in one direction, then in the other direction;
... Turning the head in different directions as far as possible;
... Inhale - the maximum extension of the chin forward, exhalation - return the chin back.

The human body stops developing from the age of 25. First, the face is subjected to deformations. Why does the skin begin to age in the first place in this particular area of ​​our body? It is vulnerable to sun, wind and frost, expresses all our emotions and feelings. Of course, age-related changes in the skin of the face cannot be stopped completely, but there is a chance to slow them down, preventing sagging, moisturizing and nourishing the cells.

Depending on the skin type, a woman's face fades in its own way. For those who have a lean figure and dry type of epidermis, aging begins from the corners of the eyes (so-called "crow's feet" appear), then wrinkles appear above the upper lip and in the chin area. Pigmentation often increases with age.

Signs of oily skin aging are a changed facial contour, a deepened nasolabial fold, drooping corners of the lips and upper eyelids. Women with excess subcutaneous fat usually notice flabbiness of the cheeks, an increase in the double chin, and puffiness. The process of leaving reproductive age is characterized by rapid aging. However, by about age 50, skin aging slows down. To prevent premature aging, it is important to develop a careful and systematic approach. Understanding the physiology of withering makes it possible to consciously take care of yourself.

Why is facial skin aging?

1. Blood circulation slows down. The cells need nutrition, but the thinnest vessels are damaged, oxygen and substances important for the epidermis are not supplied in the proper amount. Along with their deficiency, signs of aging also appear.

2. Metabolic processes are slower. The life cycle of a skin cell is already more than the prescribed 20 days, the quality of functions is decreasing. To break through from the depths to the outer layers of the epidermis, new cells need more time and effort, but the old, dead ones remain on the surface for a long time.

3. Aging of the facial skin in women also depends on a decrease in the number of fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. This leads to a decrease in turgor. These fibers lose quality, their regeneration stops, dead particles accumulate in the intercellular space. The elasticity of the skin on the face drops noticeably.

4. After 40 years, a woman approaches the period of menopause. The body produces less estrogen, a hormone responsible for tissue regeneration and skin repair. It becomes noticeably thinner, acquires painful sensitivity, including to ultraviolet light.

5. Reduces the level of hyaluronic acid and sebum production. All this leads to dryness, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles.

6. Systematic unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, bad habits and lack of sleep worsen the regenerative processes of the skin doubly. Signs of aging in women with this lifestyle tend to appear earlier.

Modern beauty technologies make it possible to prevent rapid aging. It is important to choose a method suitable for a woman's specific age and skin condition.

Anti-aging treatments

Gentle and consistent home care can stop facial aging for a while. But hardware cosmetology and the use of professional tools have much more impressive capabilities. Regular visits to the salon will really give a head start to age, rejuvenate and improve your face.

Working with clients, specialists in salons usually set themselves the following tasks:

  • increase the layer of the epidermis by stimulating cells;
  • reduce the stratum corneum of the facial skin through cleansing procedures;
  • stimulate the production of elastane and collagen by fibroblasts;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • improve the contours;
  • reduce the appearance of pigmentation.

1. Injection salon procedures:

  • Botox. Botulinum toxin A injections are a substance that blocks the nerve endings of certain parts of the face, preventing the formation of facial folds, which after a while become deep wrinkles. It is quite difficult to get rid of the latter, since it is almost impossible to avoid reflex contractions when speaking or expressing emotions. Botox allows the skin to become smoother, so a woman's age becomes less noticeable.
  • Mesotherapy. This is an injection procedure. vitamin complex deep under the skin. The beautician can use different combinations of beneficial compounds in the injections. Vitamins provide tissue regeneration, active supply of oxygen to cells, and the restoration of functions lost with age. Thanks to mesotherapy, the complexion improves, skin flabbiness disappears, wrinkles become less noticeable or disappear altogether, aging slows down.
  • Hyaluronic injections or contouring. The cells of the epidermis need moisture, but wilting significantly reduces the amount of moisture in the cells. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that fills the intercellular space, it is designed to retain water, which is so necessary for the skin of the face. The salons use European drugs, which are added to the cost of the correction itself.

2. Hardware.

Aging is slowed down due to smoothing of wrinkles, increased blood flow and increased skin elasticity.

  • Laser resurfacing. Removes a layer of dead skin cells, evening out the complexion, its relief, eliminating superficial wrinkles and reducing folds. The procedure is good for women at any age after 25 years. Usually, a course of laser resurfacing is prescribed, consisting of several sessions.
  • Professional peels. It involves the elimination of the corpuscular layer of the epidermis through the action of fruit acids and scrubbing with natural ingredients. Peeling can be done at home, but only a professional will carefully assess the condition of the skin and act in a complex way, delaying aging. The procedure can be carried out manually or using professional equipment.
  • Massage. Influencing certain points on the face, the cosmetologist achieves strengthening of facial muscles, stimulating blood circulation and activating regenerative processes.

3. Professional masks.

The procedure consists not only in applying a nutrient mixture to the face, but also in a careful preliminary selection of those components that are necessary for a woman's skin, depending on the type, age, condition. Masks nourish and moisturize the epidermis, smoothen wrinkles and add radiance.

4. Plastic surgery.

This radical method for rejuvenation is used by older clients who want to correct the contours and oval of the face. With the help of surgical instruments according to a previously developed scheme, the doctor performs an operation under general anesthesia, which tightens the skin and restores the shape of the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. These expensive procedures have a temporary effect: soon the face begins to "creep", wrinkles return, folds become deep again, and the operation has to be repeated. Facial plastic often changes the shape and expression of the eyes, makes a woman different from herself.

How can you help your skin?

There are several simple rules that are suitable for young girls as a preventive measure, and for those who take care of the skin of the face after 50 years. By not missing these moments on a daily basis, you will significantly delay aging:

  • eat healthy foods;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • spend time outdoors;
  • wash off makeup without using alcohol toners;
  • nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • peel once a week;
  • master facial massage.

By turning these rules into a habit, you can slow down and postpone skin aging.

Modern science is developing rapidly, but it is not yet able to completely stop aging. But with proper skin care, this process can be slowed down a bit. Skin in young age elastic, smooth and tight. Over time, due to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin, it gradually begins to age. Wrinkles appear on the skin, thin lines and age spots. Time leaves its mark on the skin anyway, but there are steps you can take to look younger than your age.

1. Crow's feet

This is commonly referred to as a few thin, horizontal lines at the outer corners of the eyes. They are usually among the earliest indicators of the aging process of the skin. Such "legs" can be slightly outlined after 20-25 years. With age, you can see more of them. Collagen production decreases, and soft skin around the eyes suffers most from this. Crow's feet can also appear from prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent squinting and smoking. For their prevention, it is necessary to apply liquid vitamin E to the eye area with massaging movements. In addition to it, the juice of the pulp of aloe vera helps well. It is best to apply it before bed.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

The delicate, sensitive and thin skin around the eyes is highly vulnerable to various external stimuli: sun, wind, cold, etc. Due to the loss of collagen, it becomes transparent, and blood vessels are more visible.

Because of dark skin under the eyes, the person looks older than his age. The appearance of dark circles is often provoked by the sun's rays, disturbed sleep patterns and unfavorable environmental conditions. In order to avoid this trouble, it is important to get enough sleep, do not look at the screens of various gadgets for a long time and regularly use nourishing creams and almond oil to soften and nourish the skin.

These are fine or deep folds and lines on the skin that appear with age. They often accompany the natural aging of the body. Wrinkles usually appear after 25-30 years of age. They are most commonly found on the neck, face, arms, and forearms. The main reason for this is a decrease in collagen production. In addition, wrinkles become more frequent after prolonged exposure to bright sun, smoking, severe stress, sudden weight loss, and with a genetic predisposition.

To preserve moisture in the skin and the process of cell regeneration, it is useful to massage your face daily with warm olive or coconut oil... A fruit mask helps well: the pulp of a banana, papaya (you can skip it), an equal amount of avocado is mixed and applied to the face for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

4. Dry skin

If well-hydrated skin suddenly becomes dry and rough quickly, then this may also indicate the beginning of its wilting. Over time, it produces less oils that are necessary for its elasticity. This causes dryness of the skin. In addition, the rate of skin cell renewal decreases with age. In addition to aging, dryness is caused by dehydration, excessive exposure to the sun, the use of inappropriate soap, smoking, stress and dry air.

To prevent such a problem, it is useful to apply a little natural olive oil on the face and body half an hour before showering using light massaging movements. Then, in the shower, you need to rinse everything off and, after drying your skin with a towel, apply a moisturizer. Oil in this procedure can be replaced by honey and milk cream. It is advisable to hold them on your face for about five minutes.

5. Swelling around the eyes

Hangover, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, allergies can provoke puffiness under the eyes. If the puffiness persists for a long time, then, most likely, the skin began to age gradually. Under the eyes, the skin is thinner and weakens quickly, which leads to puffiness. To reduce swelling of the skin, you can use tea bags or cucumber slices, which must be placed on the eyelids. Do not rub your eyelids vigorously with your hands. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt and alcohol: they only aggravate the swelling.

Facial pores become more visible with age. It is also due to a decrease in collagen production and a loss of elasticity in the skin. In addition to aging, pore enlargement is influenced by stress, genetic predisposition, prolonged exposure to the sun, poor ecology, and improper skin care. You can visually shrink pores by using ice cubes. They should periodically massage the skin (morning and evening). Helpful for solving this problem and Apple vinegar... It is mixed in equal parts with water and washed on the face before going to bed.

7. Saggy skin

With age skin lose their moisturizing components, which makes them loose and saggy. The amount of elastin and collagen in the skin decreases, due to which the tissues become weak and more quickly damaged. Sagging skin is exacerbated by overexposure to sunlight, smoking, drinking alcohol, weight fluctuations, and poor diet. In this case, a mask of one egg white and natural yogurt (tablespoon) will help. The components are mixed and kept on the face for 20 minutes. It is also important to massage your face regularly with warm olive oil.

8. Pigmentation

It occurs for many reasons, including aging. Excessive production of melanin makes certain areas of the body darker than usual. In addition to aging, pigmentation begins due to hormonal changes, various skin injuries, burns, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, constant stress, and improper skin care. Age spots occur most often on the face, arms and back. You can lighten them a little by regularly rubbing lemon juice into them, after which, after 15 minutes, the remaining juice is washed off. Aloe vera gel is no less effective, and it is advisable to leave it on the skin overnight.

The skin on the neck is very thin and therefore quickly loses its elasticity with age. Deep wrinkles appear on it, and the skin itself sags. This can also happen due to sudden fluctuations in weight, intense exposure to the sun and genetic predisposition. It is helpful to use a décolleté moisturizer daily to prevent neck laxity. It is recommended that you apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) to your neck before going out in the sun.

10. Saggy eyelids

Over time, the edge of the upper eyelid drops slightly due to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity. It can also be due to thyroid dysfunction, fluid retention, sun exposure, and other factors. To avoid sagging eyelids due to skin aging, it is necessary to periodically massage gently around the eyelids to improve blood circulation. This area should be carefully protected from sunlight with dark glasses and sunscreen.

The first signs of aging are noted on the skin of the face. This is not surprising, because it is the face, as a constantly open part of the body, that is constantly exposed to unfavorable external factors. In addition, over time, the process of cell regeneration stops, and they begin to die off.

Unfortunately, this is an inevitable phenomenon, for which no medicine has yet been invented. However, any woman wants to look young and beautiful as long as possible. Such a desire is quite natural and feasible if you know how the aging process takes place and what it depends on.

Scientists note that age-related changes can be divided into two types:

  • biological aging, that is, taking place in accordance with the natural time factor;
  • aging that starts to appear earlier due date.

The first process is normal and predictable. The facial skin loses its elasticity and becomes softer. She can no longer retain enough water, dryness appears, and, as a result, the first wrinkles. As a rule, they appear after 25 years and are almost invisible at first.

After 30 years, the wrinkles deepen, and the so-called "crow's feet" diverge from the corners of the eyes to the temples. They are especially noticeable when smiling. For many, at this age, wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows become noticeable.

The older a person becomes, the more tone muscles lose, the walls of blood vessels also weaken, expand and can no longer maintain blood flow with a force sufficient to supply oxygen to the cells.

These processes result in the following changes:

  • the upper eyelids droop and sometimes even hang over the eyes;
  • wrinkles and swelling appear under the lower ones;
  • the oval of the face "floats", the contours are gradually blurred and become less clear;
  • folds in the nasolabial triangle deepen;
  • wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose become sharper;
  • the corners of the lips, eyes and eyebrows drop noticeably;
  • increased pigmentation and spider veins appear.

Each person has his own age at which aging begins, and usually it is predetermined by a genetic factor, that is, heredity.

Along with this, it is not uncommon for a person to age earlier than expected, and a person begins to look older than he really is. This problem in extremely rare cases is caused by such a congenital disease as progeria or premature aging syndrome. However, this phenomenon begins to develop in very young children from about a year old. Sometimes such patients live up to 20 years.

Most often, other factors influence the early aging process:

1. External, that is, depending on the environment and the person's lifestyle:

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol. These are the most destructive habits that spoil the skin of the face. As a result of poisoning with nicotine or decay products of alcoholic beverages, vasoconstriction occurs. Oxygen is supplied in a small volume, normal blood circulation is disrupted. The upper cells of the epidermis stop receiving the necessary nutrition and begin to die off.
    The next vascular reaction is a sharp expansion and rush of blood to the skin. Over time, from such drops, the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity and blood flow is impaired. Stagnation of blood leads to the formation of a vascular "mesh" or "stars" - rosacea.
  • Improper nutrition. A diet poor in fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs and fiber quickly affects the skin of the face with pallor and loss of freshness. If oily, spicy or smoked food predominates, then an oily sheen, enlarged pores and acne may appear. Lack of vitamins and nutrients rather quickly leads to the fact that the face quickly begins to age.
  • Constant stress, lack of sleep and fresh air also negatively affect the preservation of youth and beauty. And given that the modern rhythm of life often leads to just such a result, women should not neglect caring products suitable for their age. Many of them really help maintain the condition of the facial skin at the proper level.
  • There is also such a subspecies of premature wilting as photoaging. Improper drinking regimen, lack of moisturizing cosmetics and frequent exposure to the sun or tanning beds contribute to dehydration of cells, which is why some signs of natural aging appear early.

2. Internal causes are various diseases associated with the most important organs of the human body:

  • a weakened state of the immune system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute and chronic disorders of the digestive system;
  • hormonal imbalance.

It is not always possible to influence internal reasons, often the disease can proceed secretly, moreover, regardless of the person's lifestyle. But to eliminate external factors that interfere with maintaining youth, any woman can do it.

Types of facial skin aging

All people change individually with age, however, the presence of common features allowed scientists to distinguish several large groups:

  1. "Tired face". This is the very beginning of age-related changes. They are still almost invisible, and the face looks, as the name implies, tired. Usually signs appear after a busy day, in the evening light wrinkles are a little clearer, the corners of the lips drop slightly, in the morning a slight pastiness is possible, which quickly disappears.
    After a good rest, all signs disappear, but the skin already becomes less elastic, as collagen production slows down and moisture loss increases. The smooth lines of the cheekbones and chin, inherent only in very young people, are lost.
  2. Skin aging in a fine wrinkled pattern no longer looks so young, although there are no deep wrinkles yet. However, it becomes much drier, which makes facial features appear sharper, pores enlarge. A net of small wrinkles appears near the eyes and lips, which are visible to the naked eye and hardly smoothed out in a calm state.
    If at the same time the skin is also thin, then it is often appearance spoils the mesh of capillaries on the upper cheekbones or wings of the nose. Moisture is retained less and less, so it is advisable to purchase products with a high degree of moisture, for example, containing hyaluronic acid and also avoid direct sunlight.
  3. The next stage of aging is called coarse-wrinkled or deformational. It usually affects people who have a dense subcutaneous fat layer, often suffering from acne, acne. At the same time, many wrinkles are not formed on the face, but due to the fact that lymph and blood enter the skin weakly and bring little oxygen, its elasticity decreases.
    Muscles, devoid of tone, poorly hold the weight of the fat layer, and the contour of the face diffuses strongly, tending downward under the influence of gravity. A second chin appears, pronounced swelling, the lower and upper eyelids swell, forming bags, and the line of the cheeks from below is a wave.
    In this case, Botox injections, ultrasound and surgical facelift techniques can help. When it comes to cosmetics, it is best to choose the one that promises a lifting effect and contains collagen or algae extract.
    Lymphatic drainage and a massage course also work well. Avoiding alcohol and salty foods is mandatory, normalization of the drinking regimen and the use of herbs that have a mild diuretic effect are desirable.
  4. The mixed type combines the features of the previous three and is inherent in people with large facial features, dry skin and a small layer of subcutaneous fat. Often they tend to be overweight, but monitor their weight, or, on the contrary, have dramatically lost weight and the weight continues to fluctuate with a significant difference.
  5. People who have a thin layer of fat under their skin, as well as have brightly defined cheekbones and facial features inherent in the Mongoloid race, often look better than their peers. They have noticeably expressed small, but deep wrinkles around the eyes, but the rest of the face does not change too much. The folds around the mouth and nose are sharper and the overall contour is smoothed out.

There are a lot of reasons influencing the aging of the skin before the time prescribed by nature. However, almost all of them cause the same problems that negatively affect the result:

  • cells lose their moisture level and the ability to restore it;
  • free radicals actively penetrate the cellular barrier, destroying it;
  • UV protection is weakened and the radiation damages the skin.

Up to 25-30 years of age, the skin is reliably protected by a lipid barrier, consisting of smaller layers, the connecting link between which are linoleic, arachidonic and linolenic acids or, in other words, vitamin F.

At about this age, the synthesis and intake of this vitamin in the body slows down, so the lipid membrane begins to thin out, passing harmful substances, ultraviolet light to the cells and ceasing to retain the necessary moisture. As a result, the skin of the face becomes drier, wrinkles deepen, and the overall tone decreases, forcing the muscles to relax and the skin to sag.

At this age, the lipid layer can still regenerate if it is helped by taking vitamin and mineral complexes, observing healthy image life, getting enough sleep and eating right. In addition, creams and serums containing hyaluronic acid and vitamin F, as well as special procedures - mesotherapy and biorevitalization, carried out using a laser or injections, have proven themselves well.

Particles that carry only one electron in themselves are able to enter into reactions with other, full-fledged particles and take away one electron from them. After that, they stabilize and no longer enter into a reaction, but the elements that have been attacked become free radicals themselves.

It turns out vicious circle, disrupting metabolic processes and the balance of substances inside all cells in turn. The cells naturally break down and skin changes begin. There is even a theory of free radicals, which are called oxygen molecules, which are extremely reactive.
Collagen fibers are particularly affected by these attacks. Their molecules, losing electrons, literally begin to stick to each other, and sticking together, they become thick, harden and cease to fulfill their function of giving the skin elasticity.

Free radicals themselves are formed under the influence of smoking and smoke from cigarettes, dirty air of cities, hard solar radiation and other negative factors. The most dangerous of these is ultraviolet light. Doctors knowingly warn that you should not get carried away by staying in a solarium or lying in the sun for a long time.

The fact is that these particles provoke the growth of molecules, which are called copying factors. Meeting with free radicals, they reach the cell nucleus, where they are incorporated into DNA and contribute to the formation of toxic substances, and also cause inflammatory processes, often leading to the formation of tumors.

The cells of the body have good protection from these aggressors, but, unfortunately, with age, it works less and less. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain it using antioxidants. As the name implies, they interfere with the oxidation of one-electron particles and are even able to restore already damaged molecules.

You can help your skin recover by using antioxidant cosmetics and eating foods rich in antioxidants:

  • green tea;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • coffee;
  • vitamins, especially groups A, C, E, K;
  • trace elements, in particular selenium;
  • complexes of proteins and amino acids.

And so that all substances can reach their destination, it is advisable to regularly undergo facial massage courses, which normalizes blood circulation, oxygen metabolism and will help reduce puffiness.

However, you should not be zealous with taking special antioxidant complexes, otherwise you can get the opposite result.

Of course, the excess of such radiation is very harmful and even dangerous. Skin cells, receiving a high dose of sunlight, lose a large amount of moisture, damage the vascular and capillary walls, which leads to the formation of a "mesh" on the face.

Damaged cells lose the ability to divide properly, which causes the appearance of various mutations in them. Together with them, collagen undergoes changes, whose fibers lose their shape and become simply uneven accumulations.

But the worst thing is the active growth of cells, which are responsible for the formation of pigments, and the hormone melanin. As a result of irradiation, the number of age spots, and sometimes their quality, that is, the wrong cells accumulate, forming malignant tumors. There are almost no benign neoplasms under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

All this causes signs of skin photoaging and epidermal overgrowth. And at the initial stage, it is perfectly amenable to correction with the help of acid peels that stimulate the formation of collagen fibers and increase the elasticity of the facial skin.

Best taken initially preventive measures especially in conditions modern world with a disturbed ozone layer. This means using cosmetics with a high UV index, special sunscreens and less time in the open sun or tanning beds.

In conclusion, we can add that now there are a huge number of cosmetics designed to prolong the youthfulness of the facial skin. To slow down the natural aging process, you should use the same arsenal that cosmetic companies offer.

But besides this, you definitely need to eat right, be on the street a lot, lead an active lifestyle and try not to get nervous once again - you always want to look good, and nature has not provided for a spare face.

What Causes Skin Aging?