
"The history of cosmetics. Beauty secrets". Presentation on the topic "decorative cosmetics" History of decorative cosmetics presentation


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CHILDREN'S COSMETICS PERFORMED BY STUDENT 4 "A" CLASS MKOU SOSH №3 p. Astrakhanka of the Khanka Municipal District of the Primorsky Territory MIRONENKO ANASTASIA

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Cosmetics for children is a broad concept that includes various care products intended for children from birth to adolescence, and special decorative cosmetics.

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Children's cosmetics for girls and boys are: - aesthetic children's cosmetics (cleans, moisturizes, etc.); - medical cosmetics for children (relieves redness and itching, eliminates peeling); - hygienic baby cosmetics: bath foam, shower gels, soaps, shampoos and hair balms, toothpaste, cream (for hands and face), etc.; - decorative cosmetics for children: nail polish, shadows, lipstick and lip gloss, hair polish and gel, glitter body gel, etc.

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Many mothers who have daughters are thinking about whether it is worth allowing them to use decorative cosmetics? And if it is, then at what age? How safe are such cosmetics for the health of children's skin?

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Children's cosmetics are developed taking into account the peculiarities child's body and is intended for special care and hygiene of the child. And you need to use it from the first years of a child's life until adolescence. It is not recommended for girls under 3 years old to use decorative cosmetics, since small children skin not yet fully formed. Also, don't use makeup every day. Decorative cosmetics for girls should be applied on special occasions - at parties or performances.

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Modern decorative cosmetics for girls do not contain preservatives, animal and plant hormones. Manufacturers use natural hypoallergenic ingredients for such cosmetics: plant extracts, wax, oils.

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Decorative cosmetics for girls teaches from childhood to take care of themselves, develops a sense of style, helps to follow fashion. Decorative cosmetics for children are not at all resistant. Even nail polish is a safe paint that can be washed off with warm water and soap. And, of course, great attention is always paid to packaging. It should be not only bright, but also safe. For example, perfume bottles are usually made of plastic.

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What is included in the standard set of cosmetics? Shampoo Shower Gel Various Creams Hygienic Lipstick Lip Gloss Powder Blush Shadows Mascara

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Little girls begin to take an interest in cosmetics consciously at the age of 3-5. However, so that the girl does not go about painted like a clown, it is necessary to immediately explain to her that measure is needed in everything. Teach her to use lipstick, shadows, paint her nails - fortunately, children's cosmetics can be washed off easily and allows you to carry out any experiments without unnecessary discomfort!

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The price of baby cosmetics ranges from cheap (within 20 rubles per tube of cream) to expensive (up to 500 rubles per jar baby cream). The price category of a product is not always a reflection of quality and this must be taken into account. Often, the price is influenced only by the popularity of the image used on the packaging (cosmetics depicting the heroines of the Winx School Fairies girls animated series, or Buttons from the Daddy's Daughters TV series, which are sold 20-30% more expensive than a similar one, is a vivid example).

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cosmetic firms different ways strive to draw attention to the cosmetics of their company, for example, they hold contests for the best drawing or rhyme. Fashionable shades of eyeshadows, lipsticks, nail polishes literally dazzle on store shelves. Princess, Little Fairy, Bratz, Barbie, Disney, W.I.T.C.H. and many other brands are fighting for the right to be the first to be in a cosmetic bag young fashionistas... Manufacturers try to distinguish themselves not only by a variety of shades, but also pay great attention to packaging design - after all, what could be more pleasant for a girl than receiving a beautiful heart-shaped box with shiny contents as a gift?

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What you need to know when choosing baby cosmetics? In order to minimize the risk of unsuccessful purchase of cosmetics for children, when choosing it, parents should adhere to a few simple rules: Rule 1: Buy baby cosmetics, focusing on the age of the child for whom it is intended. Rule 2: For children with problem skin, prone to irritation, allergies, as well as for children suffering from atopic dermatitis and eczema, choose special children's cosmetics (for example, the STOPDIATES series from Our Mom or children's cosmetics Mustela) Rule 3: pay attention to the composition of children's cosmetics. Children's cosmetics should not contain dyes, preservatives, intricate chemical compounds Rule 4: Before buying, be sure to test drugs Rule 5: Pay attention to the expiration date of children's cosmetics Rule 6: Buy baby cosmetics in specially designated places. Rule 7. Carefully read the annotations and labels, find information in print publications, on the Internet and ask your doctor questions. This will help protect you and your child from many troubles.

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What ingredients should NOT be in children's cosmetics 1. Synthetic fragrances Synthetic fragrances often cause allergic reactions in children. Flavors such as coconut, banana, melon, apple are usually synthetic. 2. Lauryl sulfate Lauryl (laureth) is the most dangerous ingredient in hair and skin care products for both adults and children. Medical studies have shown that lauryl penetrates into internal organs, causes eye irritation, scalp flaking, skin rashes and other allergic reactions. 3. Synthetic dyes These are labeled FD&C or D&C followed by color and number. These dyes are carcinogens and possible sources of lead that cause blood damage syndromes, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and liver, and carcinogenic substances can lead to the formation of cancer.

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The history of cosmetics. Beauty secrets

Be smart if you can, be kind if you want, but always be beautiful .

Aphorisms about beauty

There are no ugly women, there are women who do not want to be beautiful . (French post sheep)

Grace is to the body what common sense is to the mind.

Taking care of beauty, one must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no clothes and cosmetics will help.

What a science - looking great! What a weapon - beauty! And how elegant is modesty!

Bad taste has limits, only good taste is endless.

Age for a woman not the most important: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible for the rest of your days.

Coco Chanel

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To make your lips beautiful, say only kind words.

To make your eyes beautiful, look only for the good in people.

To make your hair beautiful, let the baby play with the strands every day.

The history of cosmetics

Ancient Egypt is considered the birthplace of cosmetics. In this country, the art of decorating the face and body has reached its highest development. The love of the Egyptians for cosmetics was so great that even the sacred animals in temples (cobras, crocodiles, cats, bulls) were painted circles around the eyes with phosphorescent paints, and the eyes were vividly outlined on the statues, filling the iris with transparent quartzite and in place of the pupil, inserting a shiny drop of crystal ... As a result, the eye began to have a unique hypnotic effect.

Many of the secrets of cosmetics were known only to the priests and the elect and were kept in strict confidence. For Egyptians, caring for their appearance was a matter of paramount importance. They dyed their hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, nails, lips, powdered and blushed, dressed up beautifully and brightly, did their hair, etc.

It was considered a shame if a woman did not take care of herself and walked around the house or appeared in public without makeup, disheveled, dressed randomly, etc. The most attention in makeup was paid to the eyes - the "mirror of the soul", they were painted with a thick black liquid. The paint made the eyes speak and expressive. In addition, cosmetics also had preventive properties, for example, eyelid paint prevented inflammation of the eyelids from the blinding sun and dry wind, healed the skin, scared away insects with its smell, and protected from diseases.

Ancient Egypt - vessels with ointments, incense, oils were found in tombs. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra wrote the first reference book on cosmetics (recipes for making powder, whitewash, blush, lipstick). Ancient Greece - Greek women whitened their faces, eyed them down, used blush, powder, fragrant oils, and remedies to eliminate breath odor.

Ancient Rome - cosmetics were combined with general hygiene. They used blush, powder, creams, incense. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the decline of hygiene and cosmetics came Ancient Judea - dull eyes, eyebrows and stained nails with red paint

Cosmetics reached a high level of development among the peoples of the Near and Middle East. They invented perfume, eau de toilette, hair dyes.

In the Far East - in Korea, China, Japan, cosmetics were given special aesthetic value. The most skillful were Japanese geisha who looked like delicate flowers. Their complexions were charmingly soft, their makeup exquisite. There was a high taste and complete harmony with the hairstyle, jewelry, costume ... As a rule, geisha sat for hours in front of jars of white and blush, running a puff over their delicate skin.

In the Middle Ages, a hit in fashion trend cosmetics became pale skin, which was a sign of wealth, and a blush popular with women of easy virtue... Basically, cosmetics contained natural ingredients, herbs, berries, water, but often the pharmacists involved in the development of the next cosmetic product added mercury and nitric acid. During the Renaissance, the use of bleaching agents in cosmetics was dangerous to human health and life. As you know, arsenic was included in the composition of the whitening powder. Now it is clear why the saying “Beauty requires sacrifice” appeared, because these things are life-threatening.

In the era of the Middle Ages, difficult times came for decorative cosmetics. Painted lips and drawn eyes were equated by the Holy Inquisition with a manifestation of witchcraft. And much later, in England, a country known to be conservative, in 1779 a law was passed stating that "... any woman of any age, be it a girl, married or a widow, if with the help of perfume, lipstick, blush ... will seduce the subject of His Majesty, will be judged for witchcraft, and the marriage will be invalid. "

What cosmetics did women use? Ancient Rus?

In Ancient Russia, they used paints "from the garden": for blush they took a slice of beet, for lips - fruits of raspberries or cherries, for eyebrows and eyes - a piece of coal and a bloom of soot. It must be said that our country women of fashion achieved almost virtuoso skill in using these simple means. "With sponges ala, scarlet eyebrows ..."

Quiz "From the history of the creation of cosmetics"

The things that surround us have a place, names and history .. .

1. The history of the creation of this cosmetic make-up product goes back several millennia. In ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, women used chalk, white lead, etc.

Performs the following functions: improves skin color, hides minor imperfections (freckles, irregularities, etc.), protects the skin from temperature changes, wind, rain.

The first "..." Pan-Cake was created in 1936 by Max Factor.

What is the name of this decorative cosmetics used by modern women of fashion?

The oldest weapon: lipstick - from antiquity to the present day

Today it is the most common cosmetic product. In ancient Rome, poisonous pigments (red lead, cinnabar, etc.) were added to this cosmetic product, but this did not frighten women who were ready to do anything for the sake of beauty. It was first used in Mesopotamia about 5000 years ago. She was also known in Ancient egypt... There it was made from red pigment, beeswax and animal fat. The Holy Inquisition had the right to arrest women who used lipstick for sacrilege, since it was believed that these women distort the image of the Virgin Mary

"A woman without cosmetics is like food without salt" Roman philosopher Plato

3. In Ancient Greece Mulberries, crushed strawberries or beetroot juice were used as this cosmetic. In the Victorian era, when makeup was associated with low morals, this cosmetic product was not used. The ladies simply pinched their cheeks (and bit their lips) to make them blush.

Blush for blush?

The history of blush, along with other decorative cosmetics, has more than one millennium. But, if earlier blush was used exclusively to give a healthy blush, then modern colors and tones are able to radically optically correct the shape of the face.

Luxurious eyelashes... Any means for the cherished goal!

Mascara has come a long way in history. The women of Ancient Rome tinted their eyelashes with a mixture of water and crushed lead. And Egyptians and Greek women burned special sticks on clay plates and sprinkled their eyelashes with this charcoal. Antimony was used in the East. In 1917, the American company Maybelline released a mascara consisting of black coal and petroleum jelly, and the novelty immediately captured the hearts of women. A little later, the company: Max Factor released dry mascara. Many people still remember it as compact, in boxes with a brush, before applying the mascara had to be softened by adding a drop of water. In the late 30s, waterproof mascara appeared, and in the 50s, liquid mascara was developed in its modern form.

Shampoo king

The invention of shampoo is associated with the name of the Englishman Casey Herbert. But Hans Schwarzkopf is rightfully called the "king of shampoo". Once a customer came to the pharmacist. Frau talked about small bags of hair wash that she recently bought in England. “It's so convenient! - the woman admired, - It would be great if you had something like that, I could use it all the time! " Chemist Schwarzkopf created his first shampoo powder and began to sell it in sachets with a trademark he invented, which is known to everyone today - a silhouette of a black head (Schwarzkopf literally translated from German means "black head").

Folk wisdom

1. Worthless person

1. in the beauty of character.

2. Beauty will get accustomed,

2. but kindness is forever.

3.Face beauty -

3. is empty without reason.

4. Beauty until the evening,

4. ailments are not treated.

5. beauty

6. Outside is beauty,

5. and the mind is useful.

6. slanting eyes won't fix

7. Beauty is crazy -

7. and beauty is not needed.

8. Beautiful face,

8. what a wallet without money.

9. Blush

9. but the temper only likes the devil.

10. Antimony

10. and inside is emptiness.

Decorative cosmetics

For facial skin: powder; tone cream; blush.

For eyes : mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, eye shadow.

For lips: decorative and caring lipstick colorless; lip gloss is designed to create the effect of wet lips; lip pencil.

For hair: Hair dye; hair mousse; hair wax; gel; Polish for hair.

For nails: Varnish, various stickers and glitters.

Makeup styles

Makeup styles

Vanguard -


Classic -

Sports -

all colours


bright contrasting



The history of decorative cosmetics The ancient Egyptian images of pharaohs with their eyes down for a modern person speak of "coquetry" and look like the pharaoh's desire to "please" his subjects. As if the pharaoh were not the ruler of vast lands, but modern model posing in front of cameras. In fact, eyeliner was a necessary attribute of survival and protection from evil forces.

Inhabitants of Ancient Rome The inhabitants of Ancient Rome were well versed in the art of makeup. They used kohl (charcoal) as an eyeliner, fucus (focus) mostly red for cheeks and lips, wax as a hair remover, barley flour and oil to remove acne, and pumice stone to whiten teeth. They also dyed their hair black or blonde, depending on the fashion trends.

Ancient Greeks What we are now used to seeing in the form of cosmetics, that is, as a means to improve appearance, appeared relatively recently, a little more than one and a half thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks are lovers and connoisseurs of fragrances and cosmetics, it was they who revived the ancient Egyptian traditions of painting the face, but not as something vital, but exclusively for aesthetic purposes.

History of decorative cosmetics foundation creams white, painted their lips, brushed their teeth, chewed gum and dyed their hair golden. Following them, other peoples began to decorate the appearance. Now we call this process "makeup" or "applying decorative cosmetics"

Europe in the Medieval Period In Europe in the Medieval Period, it was fashionable to have pale faces. Wealthy people, who did not need to work outdoors and sunburn their faces, emphasized their well-being precisely by having a pale complexion.

The history of decorative cosmetics Spanish prostitutes, on the other hand, painted their faces pink, thereby emphasizing their difference from the pale-faced women of high society. In the 13th century, women belonging to the royal family used lipstick Pink colour to demonstrate their belonging to the highest authority.

Cosmetics in Russia Raspberry, cherry and beet juice were used as blush and lipstick. The eyes and eyebrows were soot. The face was bleached with wheat flour. Onion husks were used to dye their hair golden. To become blonde, they used a mixture of saffron and chamomile. Russian women took care of the skin of the face very reverently. Used milk, sour cream, honey, egg yolk, animal fat, as well as cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets.

Book "Ointment" Skin care recipes have been carefully described. So, in the XII century, the granddaughter of Monomakh Zoya (Eupraxia) wrote the book "Mazi", the Treatise of Eupraxia-Zoya is kept in the library of Lorenzo Medici in Florence. Microfilm obtained in 1955 by Professor B.D.Petrov, translated and is in the Russian State Library, where information was collected not only about treatment various diseases

"Moskovskie vedomosti" In the then well-known supplement to the magazine "Moskovskie vedomosti" (published since 1756) "Economic Store", published in Russia since 1780, various recommendations for the care of appearance and the use of herbal cosmetics were constantly printed.

Diseases Caused by Cosmetics An allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system reacts with a substance that normally does not cause such reactions in other people. Allergy symptoms are: itching, skin swelling, rash. Simple allergic reactions can be avoided by stopping the use of cosmetics that cause negative effects.

Blackheads and blackheads (comedones) Blackheads occur when the hair follicles or sebaceous glands of the skin are blocked by a fatty mixture of sebum (natural sebum) and keratin (a coarse fibrous protein that covers the skin, hair, and nails). This mixture hardens and turns into cork, which turns black on contact with air.

Standards natural cosmetics On September 1, 2009, the European Communities, with the participation of BDIH (Germany), BIOFORUM (Belgium), COSMEBIO & ECOCERT (France), ICEA (Italy) and SOIL ASSOCIATION (UK), adopted the COSMOS-standard for natural cosmetics and organic cosmetics.

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"Cosmetics and natural beauty"
The work was carried out by: Pupil 8 in the class of MBOU Secondary School with UIOP No. 5 Kotelnich Pyatina Daria Supervisor: Teacher of the second category OO Semenova

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Purpose: to study the effect of cosmetics on the natural beauty of girls and women
Tasks: Conduct a survey; Study the composition of cosmetics; Find natural beauty recipes. Hypothesis: Only natural beauty is beautiful. A. Rakhmatov

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Dermatologically tested. Good cosmetics are expensive. Night face cream should be applied before bed. If you apply the cream on your face before going outside, it will protect your skin from hypothermia.
about the benefits of cosmetics
about the dangers of cosmetics
And the eternal battle, we only dream of peace! Cosmetics containing alcohol are harmful to the skin. Lipstick will discolor lips.

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Interesting facts from the history of the development of cosmetics
V ancient China it was fashionable to blacken the teeth, apply red paint on the cheeks and powder very much. In Europe in the 16th century, the Senate issued a decree that it was a trick for a woman to get married if she hid her imperfections with makeup. The woman was tried for witchcraft, and the marriage was dissolved. In medieval Europe, the use of cosmetics was discouraged, care of female beauty was considered a vicious occupation. In France, each family had their own recipes for cosmetics, they were kept secret and inherited.

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The history of the emergence of cosmetics in Russia
"Portrait of an Unknown Peasant Woman in a Russian Costume"
"Portrait of a peasant woman of Torzhkovskaya Khristinya"

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Application form
What are cosmetics? Do you use cosmetics? At what age do you use decorative cosmetics? Which company cosmetics you prefer? What cosmetics of this company do you use?

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Results of the survey
Questionnaire No. 1
Questionnaire No. 2

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Questionnaire No. 3
Questionnaire No. 4
Questionnaire No. 5

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14-19 years old mascara and lip gloss
20-45 years of cream and mask
46-60 years old eyeshadow and lipstick

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Work progress 1. Prepare curd cream (mix the following components sour cream, cottage cheese, an art. Spoon of honey) 2. Apply cream bought in a store on the right side of the apple 3. Curd cream on the left side of the apple 4. Observe the experiment during the day ...
The purpose of the experiment: to study the effect of decorative and medical cosmetics on the object of research and the beauty of girls and women. Objectives: 1. Visually show the effect of cosmetics on natural beauty. 2. Compare the effect of natural and store-bought cosmetics on an apple.
Control experiment "Influence of decorative and medicinal cosmetics on the research object"

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Lip gloss Hazardous substances: propylene glycol, ethylene, parabens, industrial oil. Mascara Main composition: castor oil, panthenol, keratin, melanin, lanolin. The above listed components do not have a negative effect on the eyelashes, moreover, their use prevents eyelash fragility.
Age group 14 - 19 years old

Hair dye. Diluted aqueous solutions of readily soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used as a hair dye. The oxidizing effect of the latter is so great that it destroys hair pigments. But with high concentration and prolonged exposure, the hair itself can begin to collapse. Great care must be taken.

Nail polish Nail polish is a solution of nitrocellulose in organic solvents. Nitrocellulose is obtained by nitration of cellulose (cotton or wood) with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids. Acetic acid amyl ester, acetone, various alcohols, and mixtures thereof are used as solvents. In addition to the dye, plasticizers are added, which prevent the degreasing of nails and prevent their brittleness.

Powder Cosmetic powders are multicomponent mixtures. They include talc Mg3 (OH) 2, or 3MgO 4SiO2 * H2O, kaolin AL4 (OH) 8, or 2AL2O3 4SiO2 4H2O, zinc stearates Zn (C17H35COO) 2 and magnesium Mg (C17H35COO) 2 premium grade rice starch, zinc oxide and titanium (ZnO and TiO2), as well as organic and inorganic pigments, in particular Fe2O3. Talc gives the powder a free flowing and gliding effect. Kaolin and oxides mask skin imperfections. Starch makes the skin velvety, and thanks to zinc and magnesium stearates, the powder adheres well to the skin and makes it smooth.

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