
The role of the skin in thermoregulation. hardening. First aid for heat and sunstroke Topic: Excretory system. Leather


In the lesson, we will learn about the role of the skin in thermoregulation. Consider how the human body copes with temperature changes environment without changing the temperature inside the body. Let's get acquainted with the first aid for heat stroke.

It depends on the te-pe-ra-tu-ry, humidity and the movement of the air-du-ha. In-sto-yan-stvo of the-pe-ra-tu-ry obes-pe-chi-va-et-sya due to the re-gu-la-tion of heat-lo-from-da-chi.

Ter-mo-re-gu-la-tion- this is the ability of the or-ga-niz-ma to support the one-hundred-yan-th-pe-ra-tu-ru of the body in conditions-vi-yah from me-nya- yu-schey-Xia external environment. It provides-pe-chi-va-et in a hundred-yan-th-pe-ra-tu-ru from 36.5 to 36.9 degrees-du-owls, this is important for the function-qi-o-ni -ro-va-niya of proteins and other or-ga-no-che-substances.

A person can re-re-but-sit small co-le-ba-niya by the-pe-ra-tu-ry inside his body. Rising up to 43 and pas-de-ing up to 25 degrees-du-owls can turn out to be deadly.

Ter-mo-re-gu-la-tion implement-la-et-xia at the expense of from-me-not-niya pro-sve-ta kro-ve-nos-nyh co-su-dov and somehow-from-de-le-niya.

When the ambient temperature is high, it pro-is-ho-dit ras-shi-re-nie kro-ve-nasal vessels, more blood passes through them, the skin is heated va-et-sya, warm-lo-from-yes-cha to the environment increase-li-chi-va-et-sya (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Heat transfer process at high temperature ()

With ho-lo-da-nii co-su-dy of the skin, re-flek-tor-but narrowing-sya, the blood-current in the skin decreases-sha-et-sya, and in-te-rya heat decreases (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Heat transfer process at low temperature ()

Due to me-not-the blood-in-the-ka in the skin changes its color. With strong emotions, for example, fear, small co-su-dy of the skin per-re-kry-va-yut-sya and the skin turns pale. When a person is angry, the blood flow to the skin increases, and the person turns red (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Skin color change ()

When the temp-pe-ra-tu-ra of the body is lower than the temp-pe-ra-tu-ra of the environment, in the heat, the expansion of co-su-dov does not increase from -chu heat. For something-from-de-le-ni-e helps to avoid overheating. Sweat evaporates, while absorbing a large amount of heat from the top of the skin and the body temperature does not rise even in the hottest whatever.

The processes of me-not-niya pro-light-ta kro-ve-nos-nyh co-su-dov and somehow-from-de-le-niya occur under control central nervous system (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Scheme of increasing body temperature ()

Tem-pe-ra-tu-ra of the body is on-you-sha-et-xia when a person falls ill. When an infection enters the body with protective substances, it forms and pi-ro-gene-nye substances (warm-lo-birth-da-yu-schi). The nervous system reacts to them, which leads to an increase in temperature. An increase in temperature during illness - normal reaction organism.

Elevated temperature accelerates chi-mi-che-sky processes, increases-li-chi-va-et metabolism in tissues, increases activity leu-ko-qi-tov, pe-che-ni, gi-po-fi-za (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Increased activity of leukocytes ()

Highly you-so-kuyu the-pe-ra-tu-ru doctors co-ve-to-ut-reduce fever-ro-by-no-zh-th-ing means, because its long-term effect gives a load on the heart (teaching-scha-et- the pulse is weakening, the whole body is weakening, the work of certain enzymes is deteriorating).

At pe-re-gre-va-nii in the sun (especially ben-but in the at-mo-sphere, saturated with steam of water), with physical work in the shower nyh, badly pro-vet-ri-va-e-myh in-me-sche-no-yah or in bad air-breathing clothes-de from-da-cha or-ga- low heat for labor Violation of the balance between ob-ra-zo-va-ni-em and from-yes-whose heat can cause heatstroke. Signs of heat stroke: headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, tinnitus, weakness, increased heart rate, "flies" in front of the eyes, possible loss of consciousness.

First aid for heat stroke:

In a fear-dav-she-go-re-not-sti (if he lost consciousness) or take him to a cool place (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Coolness ()

Undress him or unfasten clothes (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Unfasten clothes ()

On the head-lo-woo, live moistened with cold water in a lo-ten-tse or ice, raise your legs with the help of va-li-ka from clothes. If the patient has not lost consciousness, give you cold water to drink (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Help with heat stroke ()

In a stra-da-she-go, wrap a wet-swarm with a pro-stay and fan it, create a movement of the air-du-ha and intensify the use of pa-re-nie (Fig. . ten).

Rice. 10. Help with heat stroke ()

You call an ambulance (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Ambulance ()


  1. Kolesov D.V. etc. Biology. Man. Textbook for grade 8. - 3rd ed. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 336 p.
  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Rodionova E.I. etc. Biology. 8th grade. (Know thyself). - M.: 2009. - 304 p.
  3. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Textbook Biology. 8th grade. - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: 2008. - 272 p.
  4. Sonin N.I., Sapin M.R. Biology. Man. Textbook for grade 8. - M.: 2012. - 288 p.
  5. Rokhlov V.S., Trofimov S.B. Biology. Man and his health. 8th grade. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: 2007. - 287 p.
  6. Pasechnik V.V. etc. Biology. 8th grade. - M.: 2010. - 255 p.
  7. Lyubimova Z.V., Marinova K.V. Biology. Man and his health. 8th grade. - M.: 2012. - 255 p.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. What is thermoregulation?
  2. What is thermoregulation?
  3. Describe the symptoms of heat stroke.
  4. What is the first aid for heat stroke?

Secondary school No. 1

Moore County

Biology, grade 8

Theme: Leather


"Thermoregulation of the body"


biology teacher

secondary school №1

Ivanova O.V.

Subject: Thermoregulation of the body.

Tasks: generalize knowledge about the protection of mammals from overheating and cooling, introduce the conditions for maintaining a constant temperature of the human body, methods of thermoregulation, its reflex mechanisms, achieve the assimilation of knowledge about the symptoms of overheating; to reveal the essence of the hardening of the body, its forms, the physiological mechanisms of the hardening effect, the meaning and conditions of hardening.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Activation of cognitive activity.

Exercise: Among the chaos of letters in a rectangle, find the names of five animals, write them out in a row. Among the discharged animals, exclude one superfluous one, explain on the basis of what sign it was excluded(slide 2).

  1. Learning new material.
  1. Poikilothermic and homeothermic animals(conversation, work with the diagram, slide 3).

Heat is a form of energy that is very important for living organisms. All living organisms need a continuous supply of heat to prevent their degradation and death. Body temperature is an indicator of the amount of heat and the main factor that determines the rate of chemical reactions of metabolism.

All animals receive heat from two sources - directly from the external environment and from nutrients that are broken down in cells.

  1. The concept of human body temperature(slide 4).

When talking about body temperature, they usually mean the temperature of the internal regions of the body, i.e., tissues lying deeper than 2.5 cm below the surface of the skin. In humans, two temperature zones are distinguished: superficial (shell) and internal (core). The surface temperature of the skin is not the same in different areas. The lowest temperature is in the skin of the hands and feet (28.5 about C), and the highest - in the neck. Inside the liver, where oxidative processes are intense, the temperature reaches 39 about S.

  1. Formulation of the problem:Theoretical calculations have shown that for 1 hour of active football, the body temperature of an athlete could increase by 11.5 degrees. In practice, this does not happen. Why?(slide 6).
  2. Definition entry:Balancing the processes of formation and release of heat in the body is called thermoregulation (slide 7).
  3. Circuit Analysis "Types of thermoregulation in the human body"(slide 8).
  4. Problem situation (slide 10):

In 1646, in Italy, in the luxurious castle of the Duke of Milan, L. Moreau, a festive procession took place, led by the “golden boy”, personifying the “golden age”. The boy's body was completely covered with gold paint. The fun of distinguished guests was fatal for the boy. He was soon forgotten and spent the whole night on the stone floor of the castle. The boy died in the morning. Why did this happen?

(Students put forward hypotheses: the cause of the boy’s death is a violation of skin respiration; impaired sweating and poisoning with decay products; hypothermia)

Solution:experience with "varnished" men who suffered from hypothermia(student post).

Conclusion: skin plays important role in the body's thermoregulation.

Circuit Analysis "The mechanism of regulation of blood flow through the skin"(slide 11).

  1. The meaning of sweating(slide 12).
  2. Problem question:Try to explain the doctor's experience
    Ch. Blegden, conducted in England more than 200 years ago:
    Together with several friends and a dog, he spent 45 minutes in a dry cell at a temperature of +126 ° C without health consequences. At the same time, a piece of meat taken into the chamber turned out to be boiled, and cold water, the evaporation of which was prevented by a layer of oil, heated up to a boil.
    (slide 13).
  3. Circuit Analysis "Mechanism of reflex regulation of body temperature"(slide 14).

Consolidation of the studied material– solution of biological problems(slide 15-17).

  1. First aid for violations of thermoregulation(independent work with the textbook, filling in the table (slide 18).
  2. Problem question:Why is it enough for one person to catch a cold by stepping on a cold floor, while another can swim in an ice-hole in winter and feel great; one calmly works on the field under the rays of the scorching sun, the other is exhausted from the heat if it starts to bake?
  3. Hardening of the body:means, principles, mechanism of influence on the body(student messages, slides 20-22).
  1. Summing up the lesson.
  2. Homework: § 41.


  1. Demyankov E. N. Biology. Man's world. 8 cells: tasks, Additional materials. – M.: Humanitarian. ed. center VLADOS, 2004.
  2. Zverev I. D . Reading book on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene: A guide for students in grade 9. avg. school – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
  3. Kolesov D.V. Biology. Man: Tutorial for 8 cells. educational institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2002.
  4. Pepelyaeva O. V., Suntsova I. V.Lesson developments for the training kits “Biology. Man”, 8 (9) class. – M.: VAKO, 2005.
  5. Khripkova A. G., Kolesov D. V.Hygiene and health of the student. – M.:
    Enlightenment, 1988.


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Heat is a form of energy that is very important for living organisms. All animals receive heat from two sources - directly from the external environment and from nutrients that are broken down in cells. poikilothermic animals activity depends on ambient temperature homoiothermic animals exist due to internal heat sources

Which of these groups does the person belong to? Why?

Human body temperature Below 25 ° C 36 - 37 ° C Above 43 ° C Normal Death of the organism Death of the organism

Theoretical calculations have shown that for 1 hour of active football, the body temperature of an athlete could increase by 11.5 degrees. In practice, this does not happen. Why?

Balancing the processes of formation and release of heat in the body is called thermoregulation.

Analyze and explain the diagram Eating Muscle work Cold shivering Heat generation (chemical thermoregulation) Heat emission (physical thermoregulation) from the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract Heat transfer - the transfer of heat between bodies when they come into contact

During the day, a person emits so much heat that it would be enough to bring 33 liters of ice water to a boil!

In 1646, in Italy, in the luxurious castle of the Duke of Milan, L. Moreau, a festive procession took place, led by the “golden boy”, personifying the “golden age”. The boy's body was completely covered with gold paint. The fun of distinguished guests was fatal for the boy. He was soon forgotten and spent the whole night on the stone floor of the castle. The boy died in the morning. Why did this happen?

The loss of heat through the skin by radiation, convection and heat transfer depends on the amount of blood flowing through the skin: Ambient temperature is low high skin blood vessels constrict skin blood vessels dilate heat transfer decreases heat transfer increases

Heat transfer by evaporation For the evaporation of 1 g of water, 2.45 kJ of heat is expended. Heat transfer by evaporation occurs continuously in the form of perspiration imperceptible to us. Sweat is a watery liquid containing 0.1-0.4% sodium chloride, sodium lactate and urea. In humans, sweating begins when the body temperature rises above 36 ° C. Under normal conditions, about 900 ml of sweat is released per day. With very strong heat and a sufficient supply of water and salts, this value can increase to 12 liters!

Try to explain Dr. C. Blegden's experience in England over 200 years ago: Together with several friends and a dog, he spent 45 minutes in a dry chamber at a temperature of +126 ° C without health consequences. At the same time, a piece of meat taken into the chamber turned out to be boiled, and cold water, the evaporation of which was prevented by a layer of oil, heated up to a boil.

Mechanism of reflex regulation of body temperature Cerebral cortex Thermal receptors of the skin (about 30 thousand) Cold receptors of the skin (about 250 thousand) Anterior region of the hypothalamus (heat transfer center) Posterior region of the hypothalamus (center of heat production) Sweating Skin arterioles expand Intensity of oxidative processes decreases Intensity of oxidative processes increases Hair rises (“goosebumps”) Skin arterioles constrict shivering High Increases Increases Ambient temperature Body temperature Blood temperature Low Decreases Decreases inhibition inhibition Feedback Feedback

Answer the questions: Why does it get stuffy in a room where there are a lot of people? Why does the skin turn red in the cold, and then turn pale and even turn blue? The effect of alcohol on the body causes vasodilation. Which person, sober or drunk, will freeze faster in the cold?

A person in a temperate climate wears clothing appropriate to the weather. However, the inhabitants of Central Asia wear warm wadded robes during the hottest days. Give an explanation for this phenomenon. In most countries, they drink soft drinks in the heat, but in Asian countries it is customary to drink hot tea even in the hottest hours of the day. How can you explain these national traditions?

If you place a person in a pool with a temperature of +50 ° C - +60 ° C, then he can get dangerous burns. Why, then, in the air +50 ° C - +60 ° C, a person endures heat and does not get burns?

First aid for violations of thermoregulation Violations of thermoregulation Signs First aid techniques Heatstroke Sunstroke Frostbite

Why is it enough for one person to catch a cold by stepping on a cold floor, while another can swim in an ice-hole in winter and feel great; one calmly works on the field under the rays of the scorching sun, the other is exhausted from the heat if it starts to bake?

Hardening is a training of the body to increase its resistance to adverse external conditions.

Means of hardening: Water procedures. Air baths. Sunbathing.

Hardening principles. Strict regularity of classes. Gradual increase in physical and cold loads in complexity, over time. The correct dosage of loads, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

Let's try to figure out how a constant temperature of 36.6 C is maintained in the human body?

And yet the body temperature does not change. Why do you think? And, here, I wonder why our body temperature remains constant? Some processes take place in the human body.

Now we will try to explain the mechanism of generation and release of heat. Let's work with the diagram.

Task number 1. Analyze and explain the diagram.

Diagram conversation. There is a table in front of you. When you eat hot food, your body becomes warm. And when?

To do this, I suggest you complete the table.

Task number 2. Fill in the table "Regulation of heat transfer by blood vessels." Valeological pause (music)

Task number 3 . BUT Also, what conditions favor heat regulation? Properly selected clothes for the seasons of the year, depending on the ambient temperature and quality.

Let's do a simple experiment: take glass rods, dip them in water and touch them to the skin of your hand, what did you feel?

Task №4 Problem situation from everyday life.

On a sunny summer day, Masha played with her friends on the beach for a long time. When she returned home, she had a fever, felt a headache and was very thirsty. Grandmother thought that her granddaughter had caught a cold, gave her tea, wrapped her in a blanket. But Masha did not get better. The doctor who arrived on call for some reason scolded the grandmother for her actions. Why do you think?

What happened to the girl? (got sunstroke)

What was wrong with grandma? (wrong first aid)

What measures should be taken in case of heat and sunstroke?

Conclusion: The increase in body temperature depends on the ambient temperature, and we must know the rules for first aid for heat and sunstroke.

And now, guys, let's work in groups and solve biological problems. 1 group: The effect of alcohol on the body causes vasodilation. Which person, sober or drunk, will freeze faster in the cold? Warm blood warms the skin. Thermal receptors produce a feeling of warmth. The vessels of the deep layers of the skin are enlarged and the person loses the last heat. Expansion or constriction of blood vessels creates a feeling of warmth. The release of excess heat occurs in the vessels of the skin, which can accommodate 30% of the entire blood of the body.

2 group:

The development of a feverish state is often accompanied by trembling and a feeling of coldness (chills). Explain these symptoms based on the idea of ​​the thermoregulation mechanism (water evaporates, the body cools down). Chills are muscle contractions. When the muscles contract, the blood vessels constrict, the temperature builds up. It is the body's defense to fight infection.

Conclusion: Thus, thermoregulation occurs due to the vessels of the skin, sweat glands, and the nervous system.

And now we solve the test individually, consisting of 6 questions. Evaluation criteria: 6 points - "5",

5 points - "4", 4 - 3 points - "3", 1-0 points - "2".

Let's take a look at the issue with you:

Task number 6. Why do some people, being outside at low temperatures, quickly freeze and catch a cold, and others long time are in the cold and do not get sick?

Yes, indeed, hardening is one of the ways to strengthen and maintain health. .

What is the motto of hardening? Motto: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

Optional comment on homework.

Page 168-170 textbook, answer questions 1-4 orally

- Draw up a memo "Tempering rules of 5 points"

Biology and Economics Teacher


Named after M.A. Pogodin

Polyarny city

Kotelnikova Ya.A.

Subject: " The role of the skin in the body's thermoregulation Damage skin»

The wordsLebedev-Kumach V.

temper yourself

If you want to be healthy

try hard

Forget about the doctors

Pour cold water

If you want to be healthy!

It's more useful for us

sun, air and water

From diseases

Help us always

From all diseases it is more useful for us

Sun air and water!

temper yourself

If you want to be healthy


Forget about the doctors

Pour cold water

If you want to be healthy!

Lesson type: learning new material (according to didactic purpose), combined (according to the methods of organizing activities).

The purpose of the lesson:

educational- to concretize knowledge about the structure of the skin;

- to form knowledge about the skin as an organ of heat transfer;

Thermoregulation with increasing and decreasing temperatures

developing- continue to develop the ability to work independently with a textbook, drawings in workbook to the textbook “Biology. Man." author N.I. Sonin and use their data to draw up charts, tables and answer questions;

- develop the ability to establish a relationship between non-compliance with hygiene rules and the development of skin diseases;

To develop the ability to establish the relationship between hardening and human health;

- to develop the ability to establish the relationship between physical work and thermoregulation of the body;

Develop skills to provide first aid for overheating, frostbite and skin burns.

General Skills: work with a textbook and additional literature, analyze and compare information, summarize and establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw up tables.

Special skills: solve biological problems, work with computer drawings and diagrams related to the structure of the human body.

Lesson objectives:

    To get acquainted with the role of the skin as a heat transfer organ.

    Explain the conditions for maintaining a constant body temperature.

    Uncover the secrets of thermoregulation.

    To get acquainted with the reasons for the increase in body temperature in diseases.

    To reveal the relationship between hardening and human health.

    Learn to provide first aid for overheating, frostbite and skin burns.

Preliminary preparation of the teacher:

to develop a presentation on the topic "The structure of the skin."

Develop a presentation on the topic “The role of the skin in the thermoregulation of the body. Damage to the skin";

Create task cards for group work

Select biological tasks on this topic.

Preliminary preparation of students:

Find additional literature on the topic under study.

During the classes

Stage 1 - Organizational - absent in the class are noted, the topic of the previous lesson is recalled, goals are set for this lesson, the distribution of students into groups.

Hello, who is missing from the class. It is not for nothing that today our lesson begins with a song performed by Leonid Utyosov, because today we will talk about health in the lesson. Today we will need to find out what role the skin plays in the thermoregulation of the body and what kind of damage to the skin. But at the beginning of the lesson, we will recall the material of the previous one.


Stage 2 - Control of knowledge on the topic of the last lesson:

And so, who can recall the topic of our last lesson? (Skin structure) Today, at the beginning of the lesson, we will recall the material of the past, which in turn will allow us to move on to the study of new material. And without the necessary level of knowledge on the material studied, it will be difficult to study new theme.

Testing students' knowledge of the structure of the skin and nails. To perform this work, the student sits at the teacher's table, where a computer with a multimedia system is located. A previously prepared slide with the structure of the skin is already displayed on the screen. The student only needs to choose one of several answers. At that moment, when one student works with the test, another (more capable) student named by the teacher talks about the structure and functions of the skin. A little later after checking homework, in the oral form of the first student, the second analyzes his answer (test), and only at this moment the test is displayed on the screen using a multimedia system.

Questions for written work on the first desk - cards with test tasks are issued. For this work, two students are called, the time for their work is negotiated - while the oral test is in progress, no more.

Question for the first student:

Tell us what layers the skin consists of and about their functions in our body. When responding, skin layers must be signed using a computer program.

Question for the second student:

Tell us about the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and about the structure of the hair and nails. When answering, the structure of the nail must be signed using a computer program.

    After checking the homework, the teacher evaluates the students.


Knowledge update Teacher “In our last lesson, we studied the structure and functions of the skin. And today in the lesson we need to find out what role the skin plays in the thermoregulation of the body. And is it really necessary for our body?

Stage 3 - Problem Statement - At the end of the lesson, I want to hear the answer to the question: “What role does the skin play in the health of the body.

Stage 4 - Studying new material - studying in groups the role of the skin in the process of thermoregulation, familiarizing the class with the results of the group's work.

To study new material, you are divided into groups, each of the groups faces certain tasks that are written on your cards. To solve your problems, you can use the textbook and books lying on your tables. We'll start talking in 10 minutes.

Questions for the first group:

    If all organs emit heat, then why hasn't a person burned out yet?

    Why overheating of the body can occur and what first aid should be given to a person MESSAGE.

    Why is hardening so useful for the human body? What hardening methods do you know.

Questions of the second group:

    How is a constant body temperature achieved?




    Why freezing and frostbite of the body can occur and what first aid should be given to a person - MESSAGE.

    Why is hardening so useful for the human body? What hardening methods do you know

Questions of the third group:

    Why does the body temperature rise in diseases and why should it be lowered?

    As a result, solar, thermal and chemical burns can occur in humans and what first aid should be providedMESSAGE.

3. Why is hardening so useful for the human body? What hardening methods do you know.

The material is shown through the multimedia system - receptors of the skin, the processes taking place in the skin with an increase and decrease in temperature are shown, schemes are shown about hardening, frostbite ..., ALL MATERIAL IS SHOWN AT THE TIME OF THE CHILDREN'S PERFORMANCE.

Topics for children's messages (the topics were given in the previous lesson):

    Solar, thermal, chemical burns and first aid.

    General freezing of the human body, frostbite and first aid.

    Overheating of the body and first aid(Degrees of overheating of the body . Slight overheating of the body First aid for mild overheating of the body. Heat and sunstroke First aid for heat and sunstroke).

    hardening .

For a more complete understanding of the role of the skin in our body, let's analyze the laboratory work that you did at home for two weeks and do one work in class.


Stage 5 - Consolidation and primary testing of knowledge - a test on the topic.

And so we solved all the necessary tasks by studying a new topic. But now, to consolidate the material, we will perform verbally laboratory works using the multimedia system. As you complete your work, you can earn grades.

The test is displayed using the multimedia system on the screen. A student is called to test, but to attract the attention of the whole class, the teacher reads the test questions aloud. And this, in turn, allows children to systematize knowledge on the material covered and perhaps even better remember it. Since at this moment both visual and auditory memory are turned on in children. The test is taken from the disk 1C: School. Biology, 8th class. Man. When solving the test, if the student makes a mistake, then he does not proceed to the next question, and this, in turn, allows you to once again draw the children's attention to the material being studied.


Stage 6 - Summing up.

Estimates are given and commented on by all children speaking at the lesson. With good preparation of children for the lesson and the correct distribution of time, the teacher will be able to grade more than 60% of the class in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, for verification, children's workbooks with completed laboratory work are also collected.

And so today at the lesson we studied the topic: "The role of the skin in the body's thermoregulation. Damage to the skin."

And I would like to hear the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: “What role does the skin play in the thermoregulation of the body (in the health of the body)?” ...

The skin is the thermoregulatory organ of our body. And thermoregulation itself is carried out due to a change in the lumen of blood vessels and sweating. And if we carry out the processes of hardening our body correctly, we will get sick less and live longer.

Stage 8 - Homework.

    For the next lesson, I ask you to learn the material from pp. 178-179.

    Orally answer the questions p.180.

    In the next lesson we will talk about skin care. Hygiene of clothes and shoes. As well as skin diseases. All of you who are interested can prepare reports on skin diseases. I ask you to pay special attention to ringworm and scabies.

Lesson summary :
Today we got acquainted with the role of the skin in the thermoregulation of the body. You, I hope, have concluded that external beauty does not guarantee health. Health is the most important thing. And remember that in healthy body healthy mind . Thank you, you all did a great job today and deserved a high score.

Skin layers Structure

2) the inner layer of the fabric;

    The stratum corneum is the least developed

    Hair roots are surrounded by:

IV. Write the correct word.

V. The dermis of the skin originates from:

VI. Skin performs protective function because it contains:

VII. The dermis is made up of cells:

D) capable of division;

Test for the lesson "Skin as an organ of thermoregulation"

I. The stratum corneum is the least developed

A) feet B) centuries; B) palms D) knees.

    Hair roots are surrounded by:

A) adipose tissue B) epidermis;

B) capillaries; D) a special bag.

    Specify the correspondence between the layers of the skin and their structure.

Skin layers Structure

1) the outer layer A) is represented by bundles of connective

(cuticle) tissue fibers and fatty

cells of the loose connective tissue

2) the inner layer of the fabric;

The skin itself (dermis) B) is represented by connective tissue and elastic fibers, smooth muscle tissue;

3) subcutaneous fat B) is represented by stratified epithelial cells;

D) represented by cells of a single-layer epithelium;

IV. Write the correct word.

The skin itself is made up of _____________ tissue rich in intertwining elastic fibers.

V. The skin performs a protective function, as it contains:

A) receptors; B) pigment melanin; B) sebaceous glands D) epidermis;

VI. The dermis is made up of cells:

A) orgovevshie and constantly sloughing off;

B) forming a pigment on which the color of the skin depends;

D) capable of division;

VII. The dermis of the skin originates from:

A) ectodermal; B) endodermal;

B) mesodermal; D) mixed;

This video lesson is devoted to the topic "The role of the skin in thermoregulation." The human body produces heat all the time. At the lesson, the teacher will tell you what is the role of the skin in thermoregulation. you consider a lot interesting facts associated with the human body. For example, you will learn what allows us to maintain a constant temperature of our body even in the hottest weather.


Subject: Excretory system. Leather

Lesson 54

Shevyakhova Yulia Olegovna

biology teacher of the highest category, laureate of the PNPO award, TsO No. 1445

Three-quarters of the heat generated by the body is lost through the skin.

Human beings generate heat all the time. In a day, a person emits so much heat that it is enough to bring 33 liters of ice water to a boil.

Like all warm-blooded organisms, in humans, the amount of heat in the body is the same in both winter and summer. External conditions change, but body temperature remains constant. So in different time there is a different heat transfer. Heat transfer depends on air temperature, humidity and movement.

The constancy of the temperature of our body is ensured by the regulation of heat transfer.

Thermoregulation is the body's ability to maintain a constant body temperature in a changing environment.

Thermoregulation provides a constant temperature within the range of 36.5 to 36.9 degrees, which is very important for the functioning of proteins and other organic substances.

A person can tolerate only slight fluctuations in temperature inside his body. Its rise to 43 and fall to 25 degrees are usually fatal.

Thermoregulation is carried out due to two important processes: changes in the lumen of blood vessels and sweating.

At high ambient temperatures, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, therefore, more blood passes through them, the skin heats up, and heat transfer to the environment increases.

When it gets cold, the vessels of the skin narrow reflexively, blood flow in the skin decreases, and heat loss decreases.

A change in blood flow in the skin leads to a change in its color. With strong emotions, such as fear, the small vessels of the skin overlap and the skin turns pale. When a person is angry, the blood flow to the skin increases and the person turns red.

In extreme heat, when the body temperature is below the ambient temperature, the expansion of blood vessels can no longer enhance heat transfer. In this case, the danger of overheating is eliminated by sweating. Evaporating, sweat absorbs from the surface of the skin a large number of heat. That is why the human body temperature does not rise even in the hottest weather.

Of course, all the processes that we talked about occur under the influence of the nervous system.

But sometimes our body temperature rises. This happens when we get sick. The fact is that when an infection enters our body, along with protective substances, pyrogenic (heat-producing) substances are also formed. The reaction of the nervous system to these substances leads to an increase in temperature and is an indicator of a favorable course of the disease, this is a reflection of the body's active fight against infection, its natural reaction.

An increase in temperature accelerates chemical processes, increases metabolism in tissues, increases the activity of leukocytes, liver, and pituitary gland. This is how the body's defenses are mobilized.

But still, doctors advise to reduce a very high temperature by using antipyretics. The fact is that persistent high temperature creates a great load on the heart. The patient's pulse quickens, the whole body weakens, the work of some enzymes may worsen. The patient usually cannot endure such a condition for a long time.

When overheating in the sun in calm weather, especially in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor, during physical work in stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms or in poorly breathable clothing, the release of heat by the body is difficult.

An imbalance between the production and release of heat can cause heat stroke. There is a headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, tinnitus, weakness, pulse quickens, "flies" flash before the eyes. The person is paler and may lose consciousness.

The victim must be moved to a cool place, undress him or unbutton his clothes; put a towel moistened with cold water or ice on your head, lift your legs with a roller of clothes. If the patient has not lost consciousness, he is given cool water to drink.

To reduce body temperature, the victim is wrapped in a wet sheet and fanned to create air movement and increase evaporation.

And, of course, immediately need to call an ambulance!