
Eyebrow tattoo. Hair method of permanent eyebrow makeup Eyebrow tattooing for beginners


Correctly corrected, beautifully defined eyebrows are an important part of the image of any girl. Their correct makeup helps to emphasize the beauty of the eyes, sharpen facial features, make the image deeper and more mysterious.

Some are fortunate enough to naturally have thick, dark, wide eyebrows, which are now very popular. Others are a little less fortunate - those who have light or very sparse eyebrows.

Due to inept plucking or due to deformation of the skin, hairs may grow poorly or not grow at all. In this case, you have to constantly tint them.

Eyebrow tattooing is a salvation for girls who have to tint them every day.

Eyebrow tattooing or permanent makeup is the injection of paint under the top layer of the skin. Unlike a tattoo, which remains for a lifetime, a tattoo has a wear period of one to three years, i.e. it needs to be updated periodically.

Tattooing is done not only on the eyebrows, but also on the lips and eyelids.

Permanent eyebrow makeup is necessary for those women who tint them every day because they don't like the color, width or curve, as well as those who have scars in this area, which prevents hairs from growing.

How to do eyebrow tattooing correctly, this video will tell:

It should be noted right away in which cases tattooing cannot be done:

  • infectious diseases of the blood;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • keloid scars;
  • herpes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • period.

What type of tattoo with or without shading is better, application procedure

How does the procedure for applying permanent makeup work? The procedure is performed by a master who is obliged to use new consumables - needles, gloves, napkins, etc. The work is carried out with a special machine for permanent make-up.

Before this, pain relievers must be applied. Usually, thanks to anesthesia, the client practically does not feel pain, only a slight tingling. Only in some places it can ache.

To date, several application techniques have already been developed., with which you can choose the perfect option for every girl.

Microblading - what is it

Some add another method to the above three - microblading or 6d tattooing. It is made by hand with a special tool, similar to a blade.

The difference from tattooing is that it is not applied so deeply and, accordingly, lasts much less - 6-8 months.

The advantages of this technique are the very realistically drawn eyebrows. The 6d technique itself implies a detailed drawing of each hair, it looks like shading, which go at different angles, in places intertwined with each other - very similar to real eyebrows.

The type of tattoo should be chosen individually for yourself. It is best, of course, to seek advice from a specialist master.

If you want to change the shape and make the eyebrows darker and more expressive, then it is better to choose shots, if you want to slightly emphasize and make the image lighter and more natural, then the hair method.

Care for permanent eyebrow makeup and how long does the crust peel off

Unfortunately, getting out after the procedure for applying the eyebrow permanent will not be beautiful right away. Most likely, you will not like what you see in the mirror immediately after the procedure - the first couple of hours there may be swelling and discharge of the blood.

After all, a newly applied tattoo is, in fact, a wound. In order for it to heal quickly, and at the same time, the tattoo does not lose its color, you need to use special means.

After that, you need to apply a healing ointment with a cotton swab. This should be done several times a day so that the eyebrows do not have time to dry out.

The width and color of the eyebrows should not be judged until they have healed. More often than not, unhealed eyebrows look brighter and wider than they actually are.

In order not to spoil the tattoo done, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. For the first two to three days, do not wet your eyebrows with water.
  2. Do not apply cosmetics to the eyebrow area.
  3. Do not visit the bathhouse and sauna during healing.
  4. Do not touch, do not scratch, do not move your eyebrows too much, sleep carefully.
  5. On day 3-4, a crust will begin to appear. You will need to get used to it, because you will need to walk with it for a week or two. Also, do not touch it, do not remove it yourself.
  6. Regularly use healing ointments, do not let the crust dry out too much.

All you need to know about eyebrow tattooing and where to do it, see this video:


Even after the crust comes off on its own, the healing procedure will continue. You can understand this by touching your eyebrows - they are still very sensitive and may even hurt.

Complete healing occurs in a month.

A month and a half after the first application procedure, a correction is performed. It is required. This is done in order to correct the color, shape, fill in the remaining gaps.

After the correction, the same stage of recovery follows. It should be noted that tattooing with the hair method heals faster and easier, because there is less damaged skin.

How long does the tattoo last and how often does it need to be done

Eyebrow tattooing - how long does it last? Depending on the method of application, your skin type, as well as external circumstances, a permanent tattoo can last from 1 to 3 years. Most often, correction is required after a year and a half.

In fact, completely tattooing is practically not displayed. It simply burns out, gets washed out, loses its primary color. It can turn from brown to pink, from black to gray-blue.

Therefore, having done a tattoo once, you will have to update it periodically. It will be possible to completely remove it only with the help of laser action.

How to prolong the effect of a permanent eyebrow

To prolong the wearing of a tattoo, you need to adhere to some recommendations:

  • Does not stay in the sun or in a solarium for a long time - the color simply fades out.
  • Do not scrub the skin and do strong peels in this area.
  • Nicotine and alcohol also contribute to the rapid fading of the pigment.

But this does not guarantee that the effect of the tattoo will last for a long time.

It mainly depends on the technique, the master himself, the oiliness of your skin, as well as proper care after the procedure.

Can tattoo not take root?

It also happens that the pigment does not hold well, and the tattoo in places or completely disappears. Most often, the reason for this is not the professionalism of the master, namely: the wrongly chosen tattoo technique or the wrong application.

What does the tattoo look like in stages?

Poor quality paint or inadequate care can also be the cause. Everything is purely individual. The fault can be very oily skin, pathological processes in it or other reasons.

The percentage of people whose tattoo does not last is very small, and you should not worry in vain. In any case, a good master will be able to fix his work or offer the client an alternative.

The concept of a permanent make-up procedure has become a part of our life. Even those who have no need for it are well aware of it. Indeed, now well-defined, thick, wide eyebrows are becoming popular - and girls are trying to follow fashion.

So there is a need for a tattoo, because it takes a lot of time to tint with a pencil, shadows or gel every day.

Tattooing is not free from its shortcomings - it heals for a long time, and at this time the eyebrows do not look very attractive, there is always a fear that the master will not understand or do it badly, and live with it all his life.

But this procedure is worth it - and many girls who suffered from rare, light, expressionless eyebrows will agree with this.

Let the discussion, sketching and color selection take an hour - you must be confident in your choice and then the result will please you. The tattoo itself is not scary, bad masters and improper care of the tattoo are scary.

Modern cosmetology does not stand still, but is developing at a rapid pace. It would seem, how can it be applied in cosmetology? It turns out that everything is pretty simple. Tattoos (permanent makeup) are widely used for the so-called permanent makeup: lips, eyes and eyebrows. Today we will focus on eyebrow tattooing, telling you about what it is done for, what types of it are, and how the eyebrow tattooing procedure actually takes place.

What is eyebrow tattoo

To begin with, it is probably necessary to say a few words about eyebrow tattooing. Eyebrow tattooing (permanent makeup) is a method of correcting the shape, contour and color of the eyebrows. That is, if you are not satisfied with the shape of your eyebrows, fuzzy contours, dull color, or for some reason your eyebrows do not grow, then eyebrow tattooing will fix this problem.

Eyebrow tattooing is done in special institutions: medical centers, or in beauty parlors. This procedure is called tattooing because the drawing of the eyebrows is carried out according to the principle of tattooing. Today there are two most common types of eyebrow tattoo: hair tattoo and soft shading. As for the significant differences between tattooing and tattooing, the paint during tattooing is not applied as deeply as when tattooing, and accordingly, it will be easy to get rid of it over time.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

Hair tattoo

Hair tattoo is a type of permanent eyebrow makeup, in which hairs of a certain size and color are drawn in place of the eyebrows.

Soft shading

Soft shading is a type of permanent make-up when special lines are applied in place of the eyebrows, which create the look of tinted eyebrows.

What are the differences between these two procedures? With hair tattoo, the traced lines are made in the form of strokes, making an imitation of eyebrows. Soft feathering, in turn, is the drawing of solid lines. Soft shading is used when you need to add volume to your brows. Hair tattoo is used when you have sparse eyebrows or hairs are completely absent. Both of these methods have a very good effect, making your "new eyebrows" as natural as possible. It is worth noting that soft shading has the best reviews from the girls who performed this procedure.

How long does eyebrow tattoo last? Eyebrow tattooing, if applied correctly and using high-quality materials, will last 3-5 years, which fully justifies the means and the discomfort suffered.

Benefits of eyebrow tattooing

As you may have guessed, the main advantage of eyebrow tattooing is that with its help you can correct the existing eyebrow imperfections. In addition, thanks to tattooing, you will not need to tint your eyebrows for several years, their color will not be washed off even with daily washing.

Where to make eyebrow tattoo

If you decide to make an eyebrow tattoo, then first of all you must determine where you will perform the eyebrow tattoo procedure. In view of the fact that the procedure is very serious, since: firstly, you will be injected with a special paint under the skin, and secondly, this procedure will be carried out near the eyes, it is very important to find a professional whom you can entrust your face to.

First of all, find out from friends who performed this procedure, where they did it, what nuances should be known, the positive and negative aspects of this. Be sure to read reviews about a particular master on the Internet, preferably from different sources, since comments can simply be promotional. When you have collected enough information and found the institution that suits you best, go for a consultation with a doctor. Again, base your choice on reviews, preferably real people, and not on advertising brochures where a doctor sits surrounded by fake diplomas.

Having come to the master, he must fully devote you to the tattoo procedure and examine your face. He will also talk about the tattooing technique and the ink used. Surely the master will have photographs of his works, so take a look at them. Then the master, as a rule, demonstrates the options for the shapes and colors of the eyebrows, then you choose the option that suits you best. Find out how long the procedure will take, what anesthetic will be used, and how many days the so-called adaptation period will pass.

The cabinet in which this cosmetic procedure will take place must be sterile, attachments and other consumables must be disposable and of high quality.

It so happens that for some reason you do not like the master, or does not inspire confidence, no matter how good a master he is, if the feeling of inner anxiety is wary, then it is better to use the services of another master.

And the last thing. Do not try to save money on this procedure, saving is not appropriate here, since questions regarding appearance are not the case when it is worth gaining anything.

How eyebrow tattoo is done

Now let's find out how eyebrow tattooing is done. Before performing the actual tattooing procedure, the doctor should find out if you are allergic to those or other components that may be part of the dye, or the anesthetic. In some cases, a trial tattooing procedure can be performed, when a small area is tattooed and the body's reaction is checked.

So, the eyebrow tattooing procedure itself is as follows. You change and lie down on a special couch. Then the nurse or the master directly removes the remains of cosmetics, degreases and sterilizes the skin. The next step is to outline the contours of your future eyebrows, then you approve this "layout" with the master, and he applies the contour marks to the skin. After that, the skin is disinfected again and anesthetic is applied.

Probably everyone knows what an anesthetic is. An anesthetic is a pain reliever. Due to the fact that eyebrow tattooing is a painful procedure, the use of local anesthetics is simply necessary. For anesthesia, special gels and creams are used, which have a cooling effect. The anesthetic is absorbed for about 10 minutes, after which it manifests its analgesic effect.

Now the master can proceed directly to the tattooing procedure itself, piercing the skin with a needle to a depth of 0.8 to 1.5 mm and injecting a dye into this area.

Natural and mineral substances are used as a dye. You should know that, as such, black paint is not used for eyebrow tattooing, for the simple reason that over time it fades and becomes green, then there will be something similar as in one famous film - "radically black color", only green ... In order to avoid this, dark brown dye is used to dye the eyebrows.

The eyebrow tattooing procedure takes no more than one hour, but here you still need to take into account the complexity and volume of work.

Consequences of eyebrow tattooing

At first, after the procedure, the color of the eyebrows will be too saturated, but after a while it will pass and the color will become quite natural. You should also take into account the fact that the area around the eyebrows may redden a little, this is quite normal and common, since the skin in this area has been repeatedly pierced with a needle. Redness will pass over time, everyone has this period is individual in view of the characteristics of the skin.

After tattooing, a thin crust may form, which in no case should be ripped off. For a calming effect, the master may recommend using a special cream. At first, going outside, it is imperative to apply a protective cream to the tattooed area.

Full "rehabilitation" after tattooing, about a week and a half. During this period, we recommend that you take a short vacation and do not go outside unnecessarily. Despite the protective cream, it is still better not to be exposed to the danger of sun rays, infections, etc.

Disadvantages of eyebrow tattooing procedure

Now let's talk a few words about the disadvantages of this procedure. Firstly, this is a beauty salon and a master, their wrong choice - and the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Secondly, do not expect an overwhelming effect from eyebrow tattooing, this is a corrective procedure, not a reincarnation one. Thirdly, in view of the individual characteristics of the skin, some girls and women may have post-procedural problems, you must also take this into account.

In a word, so that you are satisfied with the tattoo, everything went smoothly, without negative consequences and the beauty lasted for a long time - choose a highly qualified master and a reliable beauty salon.

Do not under any circumstances make a tattoo at home, this is a serious procedure that requires complete sterility. The masters who perform such procedures are not professionals. Have you ever seen a real professional work outside the walls of his office !? - No, because he values ​​his reputation.

How much does eyebrow tattoo cost

It is not so cheap to get an eyebrow tattoo, but you have to pay for the quality and for your beauty. Depending on the volume and complexity of the work, eyebrow tattooing will cost from $ 100 to $ 150.

Permanent eyebrow tattooing with the hair method relieves women from many problems.

The technique of its execution is harmless, it is only important to ensure compliance with non-burdensome requirements and carry out the procedure in the salon, and not at a familiar master at home.

The resulting effect will more than compensate for the invested funds and erase all fears and doubts from memory.

What is he like, which eyebrow tattoo is better than hair tattoo or shading, how much does eyebrow hair tattoo cost, why should it be done, and to whom is it simply contraindicated? All this will be discussed below.

What it is?

Eyebrow tattooing (also called permanent makeup or micropigmentation) is an operation performed in the salon, during which the artist injects paint into the upper part of the skin of the eyebrow arches.

There are 2 methods of applying pigment: shading and hair.


It involves staining the skin directly under the eyebrows, preventing its gaps. The result is a somewhat artificial (unnatural) line.

Hair method

With the hair technique, each hair is drawn (imitated) with small strokes.

Eyebrows created with the hair method do not differ from natural ones!

At the same time, unpainted skin is visible, the eyebrows themselves have a natural look, and it is very difficult for others to notice the difference between natural and painted hairs. This is its advantageous difference from shading.

There are two types of hair tattooing methods: European and Oriental (or Japanese).

  • European view consists in drawing hair of the same length and thickness in parallel in one direction - from root to tip. In this case, all lines are directed upward, and only their ends are slightly rounded down. The result is the effect of beautifully arched eyebrows ("house").
  • Oriental view allows different directions of drawing hair, their intersection, knocking out of the total mass, the proximity of short and long. This is done specifically to get the natural look of the brows.

Advantages of hair tattoo

  1. It gives the eyebrows a beautiful, well-groomed look for a long time, which does not need to be maintained daily.
  2. Creates the effect of thick brows.
  3. "Draws" natural eyebrows if they are absent.
  4. Helps to change the length, lift and curl of the eyebrows.
  5. Corrects asymmetric eyebrows.
  6. Hides scars.
  7. Eliminates constant control of appearance during public water procedures (on the beach, in the pool), in rain and snow, in hot weather. Tattooed eyebrows will not “flow” and will not require immediate correction.
  8. Saves time - no need to apply and wash off makeup.

Eyebrow Shaping Ideas:

  • a house;
  • gull wing;
  • straight;
  • curved;
  • wide;
  • with a break.


  • cardiovascular, acute inflammatory, oncological diseases, diabetes;
  • allergy to dyes;
  • PMS, menstruation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • AIDS, hepatitis;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • taking medications that thin the blood.

Preparing for the procedure

Stages of work

  1. Inspection by the master of the shape and condition of the client's eyebrows, listening to her wishes.
  2. Discussion of the appearance of future eyebrows, taking into account the visual characteristics of the client (shape and features of the face, eye shape, and others).
  3. Thorough drawing of a paper sketch of future eyebrows. Discussion, correction of the shape, location on the face, color. Obtaining the client's consent.
  4. Selection of the desired shade of paint. To make it perfect and match the hair color and natural skin tone of the client, the master sometimes mixes up to 10 different dyes.
  5. Skin cleansing and disinfection.
  6. Designation on the face of a drawing of future eyebrows (with a cosmetic pencil), light punctures at strategic points.
  7. Anesthesia. Waiting for her action.
  8. Directly tattooing - the implementation by the master of micro-punctures with a needle with a dye to a depth of 0.8-1.5 mm so that lines are drawn.
    In this case, the diameter of the needle is selected depending on the thickness of the real eyebrow hairs.

The duration of the entire work is up to one and a half hours, of which a significant part of the time is spent discussing the desired result.

Eyebrow shape according to the shape of the face?

  • If the face is round, then the eyebrows are also rounded. The highest point when extending eyebrows, the photo of which serves as an illustration, is shifted to the temples, avoiding a straight line.
  • On a square face, long eyebrows look organic in a smooth arc.
  • Is your face narrow and elongated? "Pick up" straight horizontal eyebrows.

Care and rules for preserving makeup

The first time after the operation, the eyebrows will not look as impressive as originally intended - due to punctures, a slight swelling and redness of the skin will appear.

Until they pass, you cannot moisten the eyebrows, rub them with a towel, touch them with your hands (scratch, remove crusts, etc.).

The master will tell you the rules of care and the necessary medications.

The effect of the makeup is not immediately visible!

The main common steps are:

  1. On the first day after the operation, remove the ichor with a dry cotton pad or stick, prevent it from drying out on the skin.
  2. When the ichor has finished excreting, apply tetracycline 3% concentration to the eyebrows for several days. Add when dry.
  3. From the fourth day, a crust will begin to appear on the treated surface, then it will peel off, and the eyebrows will change tone to a lighter one. The crust does not need to be removed (otherwise it will come off along with the pigment), it will disappear by itself.
  4. After its disappearance, troxevasin should be applied to the eyebrows every day 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. After a month, if necessary, carry out a correction, if something does not suit you. By this time, it will already be possible to fully appreciate the resulting shape and tone.

Behavior restrictions:

  • During healing, do not use decorative cosmetics, creams, masks, scrubs.
  • For the first three weeks, give up sunbathing and solarium.
  • For the first month, it is advisable not to visit the sauna and bathhouse - through the steamed pores, the pigment comes out faster.
  • Do not sunbathe, do not swim until the redness has passed.

It will not be necessary to spend a lot of time on further eyebrow care, it is enough to pluck the hairs that go beyond the drawn contours, and periodically correct the tattoo: restore the lightened tone, correct the shape (if you no longer like it or your face has lost its previous outlines).

Eyebrow tattooing is a cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of organic dye into the upper layers of the skin. Many women use this correction method not only to emphasize the shape of their eyebrows, but also for other purposes - to mask all kinds of defects on the skin - burns or scars.

Permanent makeup is characterized by certain positive qualities. Thanks to this procedure, you can change the shape and color of your eyebrows, which will give your appearance a well-groomed appearance and reduce the time spent on daily makeup. However, this cosmetological method has certain contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before going to a beauty salon.

The main reasons to give up eyebrow tattooing

Not long ago, eyebrow tattooing was very popular. Having perfect eyebrows for a long time without daily tinting is every girl's dream. But some negative aspects of such a cosmetic procedure pushed this method of eyebrow correction to the background.

There are 5 reasons why you should give up eyebrow tattooing:

  • Tattooing is a rather painful procedure, it is performed without anesthesia. This is a traumatic effect on the body that can have a negative impact on human health. There are specific medical contraindications for tattooing for a specific group of people. For example, permanent makeup is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, allergy sufferers, patients with diabetes mellitus or epilepsy, as well as people suffering from dermatitis or various skin inflammations. Also, before the procedure, you need to check if your blood pressure is normal;
  • Eyebrow tattooing is done for more than one day, so it is important to get to a real professional. An unqualified specialist can make serious mistakes that you will have to correct for a long time. For example, it is wrong to choose the shape or shade of the eyebrows;
  • To remove an unsuccessful or annoying tattoo, several expensive and painful laser procedures are required. During and after removal, it is necessary to follow all the advice of a cosmetologist;
  • If the master chooses the wrong pigment for dyeing, the eyebrows may change their color over time. This is due to the individual characteristics of the human body. And a girl with green or purple eyebrows is not the most pleasant sight;
  • Although tattooing itself does not affect human health, the traumatic consequences after it are quite significant. The skin under the eyebrows is covered with a crust, and at first requires special care. Gradually, the crust falls off, and with it the pieces of the tattoo. Therefore, after regeneration, an uneven eyebrow shape is likely and the need for correction.

Eyebrow tattooing: the main contraindications

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • low blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • various somatic diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • unknown formations on the skin;
  • mental disorders;
  • any diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
  • and the period of breastfeeding;
  • a tendency to allergies.

Before deciding on a procedure, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Don't experiment with your health.

Many women dream of a beautiful face, clear shapes and new looks. Permanent eyebrow makeup can give any woman the expressiveness of her face and the brightness of her image. Now you can correct light and thin eyebrows, enhance the beauty of the face and save time. Eyebrow tattooing changes color and shape due to the introduction of a special coloring pigment into the upper layers of the skin.

The professionalism of a specialist is of great importance in order to exclude low-quality tattooing, of which there are a lot of examples. As a rule, the “craftsman” is to blame for this, taking little money for his work.


Unsuccessful examples scare away, therefore, before deciding on eyebrow tattooing, you should:

Discuss possible shapes and colors with a specialist who will select the ideal option based on the face shape, skin tone, etc. Subject to these conditions, you can maximize the dignity of the client.

How is eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing is a permanent makeup applied once for up to two years.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Consultation - the wishes of the client and the scope of work are taken into account. Various important details are being negotiated. At this stage, the following questions should be clarified:

  1. Skin sketching and customer approval.
  2. Pigment selection.
  3. Pain relief - used in most cases. You don't want to feel pain, and the pain threshold is different for everyone. As a rule, ointments and creams for local anesthesia are used as anesthetics. If the pain threshold is low, then anesthetic injections are allowed. Some will not need anesthesia at all, while others will need a double dose of pain reliever. But, a competent approach to tattooing will definitely not bring pain during the procedure.
  4. The work of the master.

There are several basic tattooing techniques:

During the procedure, special pigments are used that are not similar to those used when applying a conventional tattoo. These pigments differ in that they do not change color, but gradually fade.

Performed by tattooing using a special machine capable of injecting pigment to a depth of not more than 1 mm. Before starting work, the shape desired by the client is necessarily drawn with a cosmetic pencil.

Before directly applying the tattoo, you will need to disinfect the skin with an antiseptic.

It remains to properly carry out skin care.

Eyebrow shape and color

Many craftsmen work according to the generally accepted scheme. But, in most cases, the standards are not suitable and the experience and taste of the master plays an important role. The face can be in shape - heart-shaped, round, oval, square, diamond-shaped, oblong.

Each has its own eyebrow shape. An unsuccessful choice can spoil even recognized beauties; on the Internet you can see a bunch of examples of photos before and after an unsuccessful procedure.

It is best to consult with a professional makeup artist who will be able to choose the ideal option for you, taking into account many parameters - the shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, etc.

The ideal color is recognized as a half tone darker than the hair on the head. It is when these conditions are met that the eyebrows look natural.

  • Blondes should be careful with the choice of shapes and colors so as not to look vulgar. Light brown is perfect for them, but not black or dark brown.
  • Fair-haired girls can safely wear a gray-brown color.
  • Brown-haired women look natural with a dark gray or dark brown tone.
  • Black eyebrows are suitable for dark-skinned brunettes.
  • Redheads can use a choice of chocolate, chestnut, terracotta, or brown.
  • In the presence of gray or ashy hair, a gray tone is added.


The main thing is the safety of the procedure. In order to do this, the instruments used must be sterile and disposable.

It is important to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging of materials, as well as the use of disposable gloves, antiseptics, and indeed the atmosphere in the office. Subject to these factors, infection of the processing site is excluded.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • clarity of eyebrows;
  • perfect appearance regardless of the time of day;
  • no need to paint, which saves time and money;
  • the shape of the eyebrows is stable and not damaged after plucking out excess hairs;
  • the ability to lengthen or correct eyebrows;
  • saturated color;
  • resistance to moisture, which gives confidence in the pool, on the beach, in the gym;
  • the ability to make the shape higher.

The duration of wearing a tattoo also plays an important role. On average, the indicator reaches 5 years. This figure is influenced by many factors.


For the effect to be lasting, eyebrow correction is needed. It is carried out as soon as the healing of the skin after tattooing occurs, and this is after about 3-4 weeks. Only in this case unpainted areas and other shades of the main color are noticeable. Correction allows you to eliminate all the shortcomings.

Re-adjustment will be needed after 1.5-2 years, since during this time the color of the eyebrows fades. Typically, the cost is half of the basic procedure.

If the shooting technique or shading is used, as well as the hair method, then correction is needed to make the main color saturated.

3D method - not only the main tone is corrected, but also the highlights.

If we talk about 6D, then everything is more complicated here, since you need to highlight light and dark pigments. The former quickly lose their saturation, so more correction sessions are required.

The procedure takes much less time than tattooing. Rarely, when a second session is needed, one visit is usually enough. But, if necessary, the correction is repeated after a few weeks.

Eyebrow care after tattooing

The next day after the procedure, crusts appear. It takes a little attention and care.

It is important not to peel off the crusts ahead of time, so as not to form bald spots and thereby not damage the skin. Sores already on the 5th day take the form of hanging scraps. This disgrace lasts for another 3 days.

On these days, it is not recommended to go to the pool, apply cosmetics, or sunbathe. Not necessary, because in the early days they will look very bright. You need to be patient and in a month your eyebrows will have their final color.


  1. With a disturbed sense of taste and measure of the master, you can make eyebrows in the form of a large black comma, which will not give them naturalness in any way.
  2. If the master lacks experience, then it is possible that the hand may tremble and it will take a long time to correct his art.
  3. Often, blacks can change their hue, becoming greenish or bluish. Brown sometimes takes on a pink or brick-red tint.
  4. It is difficult to correct the unfortunate color and shape. This requires additional time and money.

The pigment injected under the skin changes several times. Once injected, it becomes darker due to mixing with lymph and blood. After the crusts have come off, the eyebrows become 2-3 tones lighter.

There is always a risk, because there is no reality with complete confidence in the correspondence of the color indicated on the box by the manufacturer. Even the highest quality black paint for tattooing, when viewed closely, gives off a blue.

Poor quality is often the cause of red eyebrows and purple lips. As a rule, these are pigments that came from Southeast Asia.


An unsuccessful permanent can be obtained if the master is inexperienced. But, and the client sometimes violates the recommendations for the care of the eyebrows after the procedure, which negatively affects the result.

So, the tattoo was not successful due to the fault of the specialist, if:

  • asymmetrical and ugly eyebrows, with a pronounced outline;
  • there is an artificial shape and color;
  • pigment changes after tattooing;
  • poor staining is noticeable and your eyebrows fall out;
  • contraindications are not taken into account.


Not everyone can afford to get a tattoo. It is contraindicated for:

Permanent make-up cost

The price of the procedure varies depending on the region of residence and the chosen application technique. On average, a big city is ready to offer shading from 3,000 rubles, hair technique from 4,000 rubles, and 3D and 6D from 5,000 to 9,000 rubles. In small towns, they will take less for tattooing.

Where to get a tattoo?

The best option is an experienced tattoo artist who works in a specialized tattoo parlor or clinic. An important indicator is the constant flow of customers. This guarantees the skill and experience of the specialist. If you have a choice, then of course it is better to have a tattoo done not by a beautician, but by a tattoo and permanent makeup artist. A beautician does not have as many skills as a tattoo artist.