
Trouser pattern for girls. Building a Trouser Pattern for Girls Here's What a Friend Told Me


It's good that children's fashion does not change as quickly as adult fashion. This is especially true for pants. The pattern of trousers for boys and girls looks almost the same, the accessories can be distinguished only by the color scheme and the location of the fastener, and only when they are completely sewn. The choice of fabric also has a gradation: boys are sewn from jeans, woolen and suit fabrics, while girls like lighter ones - silk, satin, velvet, dense fabrics with a pattern of cheerful colors.

Pants today are at the peak of popularity not only among the adult generation, but also very loved by children. Girls feel more natural in them, because they allow them to move freely, run, jump on a trampoline, ride a bike, down a hill, swing on a swing, without thinking about the fact that something, somewhere will twitch or the wind will suddenly blow . In a word, beauty. In this regard, we offer to sew stylish pants for my daughter.

The algorithm for constructing a pattern of trousers for a girl

First you need to take the following measurements:

  • Semi-waist - X cm (34).
  • Semi-circumference of the hips - Y cm (38).
  • The length of the trousers along the side line is L cm (80).
  • Knee height - H1 cm (44.5).
  • Seat height - H2 cm (21).
  • Leg width at the bottom line - In cm (32).

With letters we have indicated the measurements that you must make, and in brackets we indicated the parameters corresponding to size 36, it suits a girl of 12 years old with an average build. And you can take your measurements and sew trousers for a child, for example, 5 years old, using the same principle.

  • When building a pattern with your own hands, carefully look and rely on the proposed drawings. Starting from the upper left corner, stepping back a small distance, put a point (A).
  • Further down from it we set aside a segment with a length equal to the length of the trousers along the side line (L-80), set a point (H).

Building the front half

  • From point A to the right, draw a segment AT equal to half Y plus 1 cm for the allowance (38/2+1=20).
  • From the already familiar point A, we lay down the height of the seat (H2-21), we get the point W. We draw a line parallel to the segment AT from it. Draw a line from the point T down, we get the intersection at the point Ш1, from which to the right we set aside the 10th part from Y (38/10 + 0.5 for allowance = 4.3) - Ш1Ш2. Depending on the degree of fit, the allowance can be reduced to zero or increased to 1.5 cm.
  • From point Ш2 we draw a perpendicular down to the level of the estimated length of the product, draw a horizontal line and get the bottom of the trousers with points HH1.

  • We return to point A, put down the height of the knee (H1-44.5), set point K. draw a horizontal line to the intersection - K1.
  • We outline the waist line, the tuck is not provided here. From the point T, set aside half of the X (34/2 + 1 cm for the allowance) and set the point T1.
  • We find the middle on the segment ШШ2, draw a line up to the intersection and down - these are the future arrows.
  • The true width of the trousers along the bottom line is obtained as follows: from the point H2, the fourth part of the measure B is laid in both directions (32/4-1 = 7).
  • Carefully connect the step seam with a slightly concave line (W2 with H4).
  • Draw a convex-concave line at the side seam, connecting T1, W and H3.

Building the back half

  • It is built based on the layout of the front half. We postpone the width of the trousers and the length of the trousers in the same way as the previous construction. You will get a rectangle ABCD.
  • We draw a step line - ASh3 = 21. From point Ш3 we draw a segment Ш3Ш5 equal to a quarter of half the width of the trousers (24.3 / 4 \u003d 6) - Ш3Ш4.
  • Similarly to the front half, the K2K3 knee line is laid.
  • The construction of the waist line is different. Draw a line from point B to the right. We split it in half. From the dividing point we set aside 3 cm upwards - point Z. From it to the right to the intersection we draw a line \u003d (34/2 \u003d 17) and set T, to the left of point Z we set aside 5 cm. Total waist line TT1 was 22 cm.
  • Sciatic line: divide the segment Ш3Ш5 in half and draw a line 0.5 cm down from the obtained point. Further up and to the right 4 cm from the point Ш3. We form a line through W5-minus 1 cm / W3 minus 4 cm / T1.
  • The width of the trousers along the bottom line is laid off similarly to the front half С1С2 = С1С3 = 9.
  • We lay the side seam TC3 and the step seam SH5S2 with a dotted line.
  • Unlike the front, there is a tuck on the back half. Divide the waistline in half. We set aside from the obtained point to the right and to the left 1.5 cm each. At a right angle down, we draw a tuck 7 cm long. We connect the resulting triangle.

Trouser pattern for girls

The construction of the basic pattern is over. Now it remains to test it in practice. Try to sew pants from simple cotton fabric, if everything works out and the thing sits on the figure, then in the future it will be possible to cut trousers from more expensive material.

How to sew pants for a girl without a pattern

Not all novice seamstresses can quickly learn the art of cutting. Do not be upset, and there is a way out of this situation - sew trousers with an elastic band, and instead of a pattern, use any pants that are suitable in size in your daughter's wardrobe. This option is perfect for a child who is 2 years old, 3 years old or a little more or less. You can walk in them on the street, play in the sandbox, walk at home, if a good-quality fabric is used when sewing, then it’s not a shame to visit. Sew beautiful things for yourself and your children to be the envy of others.

Video on the topic of the article

Pants of various shapes and styles for our kids can be modeled on the basis of one pattern - the pattern-base of the trousers.
To build a drawing of a pattern-base of children's trousers, we need four measurements:
St = 24.3 cm
Sat = 28.8 cm
dB = 57.4 cm
W = 16 cm (finished)

And two additions:

pt=1.5 cm
Pb = 4 cm

I took the increase for a medium degree of fit in a loose fit for skirts and trousers.

Building a pattern-base of children's trousers

front half

We start building from point T.

1. Down from the point T vertically, we lower a line equal to the value of the measurement Db (trouser length) and set the point H. TN \u003d Db \u003d 57.4 cm. Draw a horizontal line through the point H to the right and left.

2. From the point T down, we set aside the height of the seat according to the formula 1/2 Sat + 2 cm, we get the point Y. TY = 1/2Sb + 2 cm = 1/2 × 28.8 + 2 = 16.4 cm. Or set aside the height seats to measure Sun. Through the point I also draw a horizontal line in different directions.

3. Find the line of the hips. Up from the point I set aside the segment YaB = 1/3 of the segment TY. YaB \u003d 1/3 × 16.4 \u003d 5.5 cm. We draw a horizontal line through the resulting point.

4. Divide the BN segment in half and put the point K. The horizontal drawn through the point K will be the line of the knees.

5. Find the width of the front half of the trousers along the step line. From the point I to the right horizontally, lay off the segment R2 = 0.2 × (Sb + Pb) = 0.2 × (28.8 + 4) = 6.6 cm.

And from the point R2 to the right horizontally, the segment R2R3 \u003d 0.1 × (Sb + Pb) \u003d 0.1 × (28.8 + 4) \u003d 3.3 cm.

Now from the point I to the left we put off the segment RJ1 = RJ2 + R2R3 = 6.6 + 3.3 = 9.9 cm.

6. To determine the width of the front half of the trousers along the hip line, set aside the segment BB1 to the left horizontally. BB1 \u003d YYA1 \u003d 9.9 cm. And set aside the segment BB2 to the right horizontally. BB2 = RJ2 = 6.6 cm.

7. The width of the front half of the trousers along the bottom line is the segment H1H2.

From the point H to the right and to the left, we set aside the segments HH1 and HH2.

HH1 \u003d HH2 \u003d 1 / 2Shn - 0.5 cm \u003d 16 ÷ 2 - 0.5 \u003d 7.5 cm.

Connect point H1 with point R1 and point H2 with point R3 with straight lines. And at their intersection with the knee line, we put points K1 and K2.

And we also connect point R2 with point B2, continuing the line to the intersection with the horizontal from point T. We put point T2 at the intersection.

If the trousers are on an elastic band, then we leave the width along the waistline as it is, T1T2. If we are planning a classic cut of trousers, then from the point T2 to the left we set aside the segment T2T3, equal to 0.5 (St + Fri) + a solution of a tuck or fold. The tuck solution is 1.5 - 2.5 cm, and the folds are 3 - 5 cm (according to your desire or according to the model). Dart length = 5-9 cm.

T2T3 \u003d 0.5 (St + Fri) + 2 cm \u003d 14.9 cm.

We connect point T3 with point B1 with a smooth convex line.

From the point T to the right and to the left, set aside half the solution of the tuck, and down the length of the tuck. If we don’t have a tuck on our trousers, but a fold, then we set aside the entire value of the fold from the T point to the left.

9. Finding an auxiliary point from. Draw the bisector of the angle from the point R2. Segment R2 from\u003d 1.5 - 2.5 cm (the larger the size, the larger this value).

Let's make a beautiful bow line, through points T2, B2, from, R3.

The front half of the trousers is ready, let's start building the back half.

Back half

We continue the construction of the back half in the same drawing.

10. Set aside from point H1 to the left and from point H2 to the right 1 cm each. We get points H3 and H4. The width of the back half of the trousers along the bottom line H3H4.

11. Set aside from point K1 to the left and from point K2 to the right 1 cm each. We get points K3 and K4. The width of the back half of the trousers along the knee line is the distance K3K4.

12. From the point R2 to the right horizontally, lay off the segment R2R4, equal to the segment RH2. R2R4 \u003d RH2 \u003d 0.2 × (Sb + Pb) \u003d 0.2 × (28.8 + 4) \u003d 6.6 cm.

We connect the points H4, K4, R4 with straight lines.

13. As well as when building trousers for an adult figure, we make the step seam of the back half shorter than the step seam of the front half by 1 cm. During wet heat treatment, these seams are leveled, since we delay the step cut of the back half. We measure the distance H2R3 and measure the same distance from the point H4 minus 1 cm. We get the point R41.

We divide the K4Ya41 segment in half and restore the perpendicular of 0.5 - 1 cm to create a concavity along the crotch seam. Let's put a point in this place And.

14. Divide the segment TT2 in half and put the point T4. Let's connect the point R2 with the point T4 and continue this segment a little up. From the point T4 upwards, we set aside the segment T4T41 \u003d 0.05 × Sb \u003d 0.05 × 28.8 \u003d 1.4 cm.

And let's draw the bisector of the angle T4Y2Y41. Bisector H2 d= 1 - 1.5 cm.

Let's decorate the middle seam of the back half through the points T41, T4, d, I41 in a smooth concave line.

If we plan to sew trousers with an elastic band, then the width of the back half of the trousers along the waist line is the T41T5 segment. If our trousers are of a more strict form, then the width of the back half of the trousers along the waistline is the T41T51 segment. We calculate it according to the formula 0.5 (St + Fri) + tuck solution. Tuck solution 1.5 - 2 cm.

T41T51 \u003d 0.5 (St + Pt) + tuck solution \u003d 0.5 × (24.3 + 2) + 2 \u003d 15.2 cm.

Connect the points H3, K3 and T5 with straight lines. At the intersection with the line of the hips, put the point B11.

Connect point B11 with point T51 with a smooth curve. Side seam of the back half of the trousers N3K3B11T51.

Measure the length of the side seam of the front and back halves of the trousers. We level the length of the back half of the trousers along the length of the front half and correct, if necessary, the position of the waistline.

16. The center of the tuck on the back half of the trousers is located at the point in. Dot in is the center of the segment T41T51. That is, T51V = VT41. We draw the axial line of the tuck perpendicular to the line T41T51. Dart solution 1.5 - 2 cm. Dart length 8 -12 cm.

Everything, the drawing is built. You can reshoot each half on a new sheet of paper and cut trousers on fabric. Good luck to everyone in building patterns and sewing trousers!

Leave your comments, remarks or questions.

© Olga Marizina

Download pattern of stretch trousers for a girlis free Please refer to the following links for the correct size:

Patterns are given without seam allowances.


From main fabric:

  • Front half - 2 parts
  • Back half - 2 parts
  • Slope - 1 piece
  • Belt - 1 piece
  • Belt loop - 4 parts
  • side front - 2 parts

From lining fabric:

  • pocket burlap - 2 parts

Working process:

  1. Before starting work, decant the fabric, cut out all the details, observing the direction of the shared thread, and duplicate the belt and slope with an adhesive strip.
  2. Fold the pocket burlap face to face with the front half of the trousers and stitch the openings into the pockets. Trim seam allowances to a width of 0.5 cm, make notches close to the stitching. Turn the burlap to the wrong side. Iron the entrance to the pocket, stitch at a distance of 0.5 cm. Prick the front halves onto cutting barrels, cover the entrance to the pocket. Stitch the pocket burlap with the barrel front along the bottom edge of the pocket burlap. Repeat for the other half of the trousers.
  3. Stitch side seams.
  4. Fold the front halves face to face, under the cut mark, stitch the front middle seam not reaching 2 cm to the crotch line.
  5. One-piece facings of the zip fastener are ironed on the wrong side. Sew the zipper under the edge of the zipper allowance (left side) to the edge. Sew loose zipper tape on the right half to the one-piece facing. Fold the backing along the middle right side out and overcast along the long and short sections. Sew a one-piece facing of the zip fastener on the slope on the left half of the trousers. Topstitch the right edge of the cut, grabbing the facing.
  6. Stitch crotch seams. Iron the seam allowances. Put both halves of trousers into each other face to face. Stitch the middle seam to the top edge. Iron the middle seam allowances until rounded.
  7. Overstitch the loops along the longitudinal and one short side. Sew the belt with the upper cut of the trousers, folding them face to face, while leaving an allowance for the fastener on the left edge of the belt. When sewing, insert the loose ends of the belt loops between the belt and trousers.
  8. Iron the seam allowance for attaching the belt to the belt. Fold the belt with the front side inward at half the width, stitch the front ends.
  9. Turn the belt right side out and stitch right into the stitching seam. Sew the turned ends of the loops on the belt.
  10. Iron the hem of the trousers inward and topstitch.
  11. Sew a loop on the right side of the belt, sew a button on the left side.

Models of classic trousers of the children's segment are universal. The designs of products intended for boys and girls are identical and differ only in the location of the zipper and the color of the fabric.

Pants for children from 3 to 16 years old are sewn according to the same patterns, taking into account the increase in size. Even 6 months of age is considered the lower limit. On the basis of the main construction, trouser models are sometimes made specifically for preschoolers.

Features of children's trouser models

The standard pattern of children's trousers is suitable for sewing the bottom of a school suit, as well as models for everyday wear. Croy means modeling.

When making changes to the design, you should remember some features of children's trousers.

  • A thing can be straight, wide or narrowed.
  • The width of the model should be adjusted with a belt at the waist or drawstrings from the inside.
  • The elastic waistband should not hurt the waist or be too loose.
  • The trousers have pockets.
  • Low fit styles are not recommended due to the possibility of hypothermia - the lower back is closed.
  • At the bottom of the legs are supplied with cuffs that prevent cold air from getting inside.

Required parameters

According to this construction, a pattern of trousers for girls is also performed. The parameters do not exceed the standard size 42. Pants for girls imply a more complex cut.

Required measurements

  • Product length with the beginning at the waist. The length is marked on the side.
  • Product length to the middle of the knee.
  • Waist circumference at the narrowest point. The result is divided by 2.
  • Hip circumference horizontally at the most protruding places of the buttocks. The result is divided in half.
  • Seat height. It is determined from the side, from the level of the waist to the seat of the chair.
  • Bottom leg width. It can be arbitrary or corresponding to the finished garment.

Building a model for girls from 3 to 16 years old

A certain difficulty in creating this simple pattern is the construction of the front trouser fabric.

Front panel

  1. On paper, at the top, on the left, an angle of 90 degrees is drawn.
  2. Down, from the top of the corner, lower the straight line - the length of the product.
  3. From the received point to the right, draw a line of any length.
  4. From the original point down, set aside the size of the seat height - this is the step line. Draw a horizontal line to the right of the obtained point.
  5. From the beginning of the drawing, set aside the measurement of half the circumference of the hips.
  6. From the first mark, measure the value of the length of the product to the knee. From the resulting point, draw a horizontal line to the right.
  7. From the top of the right angle, retreat 2 cm to the right side.
  8. Calculate the width of the front of the model at the waist. To do this, add 3 cm to half the value of the half-circumference of the waist. Set aside the resulting value to the right of the initial construction mark. Draw a perpendicular down until it crosses the step line.
  9. From the received mark, lay up the cutting line of the front panel. To do this, divide the value of half the circumference of the hips by 10. Put the same value to the right. Connect the points with an arc.
  10. Divide the distance from the lower point of the seat height to the edge of the arc by 2 and put another mark. Up and down from this point, draw perpendiculars up to the intersection with the contours of the waist and the bottom of the product. The resulting marks will become the ends of the line along which the trousers will be ironed.
  11. Divide the bottom width of the model between the front and back panels. The back should be big.
  12. Set aside half the width of the front part to the right and left sides from the point on the bottom line.
  13. Draw 0.5-1 cm upwards from the middle mark on the bottom line. Connect the resulting point with a convex arc with the other two surrounding it along the bottom of the model.
  14. From the very first point of the drawing down, measure 17 or 15 cm. From the value up, make an arc to the second mark on the waist line.
  15. The width of the product at the knees should not be less than the circumference of the knee, to which 2 cm was added to allow for a free fit.
  16. Draw straight or slightly curved lines for the step and side cuts.
  17. Mark two darts at the waistline. To do this, measure 1.5 cm from the center point on the belt line to the right. Extend the middle of the resulting segment down by 5-7 cm. Connect the points obtained with straight lines. The distance from the center of the resulting tuck to the edge of the arc on the waistline is divided in half - here will be the center of the second tuck. Arrange it in the same way as the first one.

Additional builds

  1. Outline the pocket. From the center of the arc at the level of the waist along the line of the side cut, set aside from 10 to 16 cm (depending on the size of the item). To the right of the same point - 4 cm. The straight line connecting the obtained points will become a pocket slot.
  2. From the point of the beginning of the seat line on the waist line and from the beginning of the arc to the right, 3-4 cm are measured. New points are combined by segments (if the trousers imply an elastic belt, the clasp is not needed).

Back panel

The construction of the back of the trousers can be performed on the same sheet on which the front was drawn.

Working process

  1. The main marks and contours of the construction of the front trouser part are copied.
  2. The initial vertical line, waist lines, hips, stepping line, contours of the knee level and the bottom of the product are drawn.
  3. From the starting point to the right side, set aside the value of the half-girth of the hips, divided by 2. Another 6 cm are added.
  4. From the resulting point down, lower the perpendicular to the very bottom.
  5. The upper segment is divided by 2. A straight line is drawn down from the received label. From there, there is a segment 3 cm up.
  6. From the extreme mark on the belt line, set aside half the value of the semicircle of the waist. A segment is drawn that will connect to the extreme point of the 3-centimeter perpendicular. Continue the resulting straight line to the intersection with the level of the waist on the left.
  7. Extend the sloping line 5 cm to the left. Get the waist level of the back panel.
  8. Divide the straight line into three equal parts. From the points obtained, lower 8-12-centimeter segments down. Set aside 1 cm on the right and left sides. You will get two tucks.
  9. On the step line of the back panel from the leftmost mark to the left, set aside a value equal to half the segment from the extreme point to the next construction perpendicular. Add 1 cm to the result.
  10. From the mark at which the previous constructions began, set aside the value of the half-girth of the hips, divided by 10, to the right.
  11. From the obtained point mark up the same value.
  12. Combine the extreme mark of the step line with a concave arc with the top of the perpendicular. Draw a straight line to the edge of the inclined line. Get the outline of the trousers.
  13. Make the lower width of the legs of the back half wider than the same value for the front by about 2 cm.
  14. Set aside half of the value obtained to the left and right sides of the central mark of the bottom line of the back panel.
  15. Extend the central line down by 0.5-1 cm and connect the points obtained with a concave arc.
  16. Draw in straight (or slightly concave lines) side and step cuts.

Product processing

  1. Cut out the pieces (2 front and back pieces and 4 pocket pieces, 2 of which are cut from the lining), leaving 1 cm allowances on each side. At the bottom, it is recommended to leave 5-6 cm “for growth”.
  2. Finish the edges of all parts, including pocket ones.
  3. Place the burlap for the pockets over the face of the front pant pieces and sew along the entry line.
  4. Fold the burlap inside out and sew with a machine seam.
  5. Put the second pocket piece on the burlap, aligning the pieces along the pocket entry line. Go through machine stitch.
  6. Close the darts of the back halves of the product.
  7. Lay the depth of the darts of the front halves towards the pockets. Sew them.
  8. Fold the front and back panels face down. Sew on the sides.
  9. Connect step cuts.
  10. Insert one leg inside the other with the right sides. Lay the middle seams.
  11. Sew a fastener to the facings. Attach one side of the zipper to the fold. Start sewing the second, not bringing it a few centimeters to the fold.
  12. Mark the contours of the codpiece on the material and sew it with a finishing line.
  13. Cut out a belt from a strip of material about 9 cm wide. The length of the belt is equal to the length of the trouser top with the addition of 5 cm.
  14. Sew waist ends.
  15. From a strip of fabric about 2.5 cm wide, folded in half with the right side and overcast, make 6 pieces of 5 cm each. They will hold the belt. Attach them in the waist part, at the darts, along the seams from the sides. Sew a belt on top. Bend the top of all strip holders under the belt.
  16. Attach a button fastener or a button with a processed loop to the belt.

The basic pattern of a children's trouser model can be modeled by changing the configuration, length, width of the product, as well as the shape of the belt, pockets and cuffs.

If you outline the side and step sections with straight lines, abandon the tucks at the waist, expand the product and provide additional centimeters of fabric for elastic, you will get pajama pants.

Using the basic trouser cut, you can sew children's shorts, cropped wide or tight trousers, as well as overalls for boys and girls.

Pants for boys are made of suit fabric (if the model should become part of a school costume), denim or camouflage, and woolen fabrics. Do not forget that wool often shrinks after washing, so it should be washed and ironed before cutting.

Velvet, satin, silk, light stretch materials (assuming a lining) are options for girly models.

The proposed construction was carried out according to the unified methodology of TSNIISHP.

Initial data

To build a drawing of the base of trousers for girls, you need to know the measurements of the figure and the addition to the main measurements:

C t- half waist;

C b- semicircumference of the hips;

D Sat- the distance from the waist line to the floor on the side;

D n- leg length along the inner surface;

VC- height of the knee point;

D b- length trousers;

Sh n- the width of the trousers along the bottom line;

W to- the width of the trousers at the level of the knees.

Also, in the calculations, allowances for a free fit to the half-circumferences of the waist and hips are used. P t And P b.

How to take measurements, what increase to choose - see.

Classification of children by age

The toddler age group includes children aged 0 to 3 years.

Preschool age group - children aged 3 to 7 years.

The junior school age group includes girls aged 7 to 11 and boys aged 7 to 12.

The senior school age group includes girls aged 11 to 14.5 and boys aged 12 to 15.5.

Drawing base grid construction

The construction of a drawing of the construction of trousers begins with the construction of a base grid (see the figure on the left).

A vertical is lowered from point T, on which the position of points I, B, K, N is marked.

The position of the seat height line depends on the length of the segment TJ, which is, cm:

D Sat - D n) + 3 cm;

D Sat - D n) + 1 cm;

D Sat - D n) - 2 cm;

D Sat - D n) - 3 cm;

D Sat - D n) - 4 cm;

The position of the line of the hips is determined by the segment YAB, which is laid vertically upwards from the point I:

The position of the bottom line depends on the length of the trousers:

TN = D b+ y p,
where y p \u003d 1 ... 1.5 cm is the wear of the fabric during the technological processing of the product. Smaller values ​​are used with shorter trousers, b about Lshie - with longer ones.

The position of the knee line of the TC is determined as the difference in measurements, cm:

for toddler girls: ( D Sat - VC) + 1.5 cm;

for preschool girls: ( D Sat - VC) + 2.5 cm;

for girls of primary school group: ( D Sat - VC) + 3.5 cm;

for girls of the senior school group: ( D Sat - VC) + 4 cm;

for teenage girls: ( D Sat - VC) + 4.5 cm;

Through the points T, B, I, K, H, horizontal lines are drawn, on which segments are laid that determine the main widths And ny details of trousers.

From the point H to the right and to the left lay segments:

HH 1 \u003d HH 2 \u003d 0.5 * ( Sh n - 2);

HH 3 \u003d HH 4 \u003d 0.5 * ( Sh n + 2).

The segments H 1 H 2 and H 3 H 4 determine the width of the front and back halves of the trousers along the bottom line, and the back half of the trousers is 4 cm wider than the front half.

From point K to the right lay segments:

QC 1 \u003d QC 2 \u003d 0.5 * ( W to - 2);

KK 3 \u003d KK 4 \u003d 0.5 * ( W to + 2).

Segments K 1 K 2 and K 3 K 4 determine the width of the front and back halves of the trousers at the level of the knees.

Connect the points H 1 and K 1, H 2 and K 2, H 3 and K 3, H 4 and K 4 with straight lines.

The position of the middle front line determines the segment BB 1:

BB 1 = 0.15* C b + 0,25*(P b+ 0.5) + 1 cm.

A vertical is drawn through point B 1, crossing the horizontal lines drawn through the points I and T. The intersections of the lines are marked with points I 1 and T 1.

Up vertically from the point T 1 lay the segment T 1 T 2:

T 1 T 2 \u003d 0.7 cm.

Point T 2 is the upper end of the middle front line.

To determine the width of the front half at the level of the waist, horizontally from the point T 1 lay the segment T 1 T 3:

T 1 T 3 \u003d 0.5 * C t+ B + 0.5 cm,
where B \u003d 1 ... 2 cm is the size of the solution of the front tuck.

Up from the point T 3 vertically lay the segment T 3 T 4:

T 3 T 4 \u003d 1.0 cm for girls of nursery, preschool and primary school groups;

T 3 T 4 \u003d 1.2 cm for girls of the senior school group;

T 3 T 4 \u003d 1.7 cm for girls of the teenage group.

Point T 4 is the top of the side line of the front half of the trousers. Points T 2 and T 4 are connected by a straight line. Line T 2 T 4 - the waist line of the front half of the trousers. Its intersection with the vertical drawn from the point T is denoted by T 0 .

To determine the step width of the front half of the trousers, calculate the length of the segment B 1 B 2, which is laid horizontally to the left of point B 1:

B 1 B 2 \u003d 0.3 * (0.4 * C b - 1,5).

Connect points B 2 and K 2, at the intersection with the horizontal YA 1 put a point I 2.

The position of the side line of the front half of the trousers on the hip line is found by calculating the length of the segment BB 3, which is laid horizontally to the right of point B:

BB 3 \u003d BB 1 + B 1 B 2.

Connect the points T 4 and B 3, B 3 and K 1. The intersection of the line B 3 K 1 with a horizontal line drawn from the point I is designated as I 3.

The position of point B 4 is determined by the segment BB 4, which is laid horizontally to the left of point B:

BB 4 \u003d 0.5 * ((1.4 * C b + P b- 1) - B 2 B 3) + 0.5 cm.

Point B 4 is connected to point K 4 . The intersection of the line B 4 K 4 with the horizontal YA 2 is designated as I 4.

The position of point B 5, which determines the width of the step of the back half of the trousers, depends on the length of the segment B 4 B 5, which is calculated and set aside to the right of point B 4 horizontally:

B 4 B 5 \u003d 0.7 * (0.4 * C b- 1.5 cm).

Through point B 5 draw a vertical up to the intersection with the horizontal at point T 5 and down to the intersection with the horizontal at point I 5 .

The position of the side line of the back half of the trousers is determined by the length of the segment BB 6, which is laid to the right horizontally from point B:

BB 6 \u003d 0.5 * ((1.4 * C b + P b- 1) - B 2 B 3) - 0.5 cm.

Connect points B 6 and K 3. The point of intersection of the resulting line with the horizontal YYA 3 is designated as I 6 .

Determine the direction of the midline of the back half of the trousers. It depends on the length of the segment T 5 T 6:

for girls of nursery and preschool groups - 2 cm;

for girls of the primary school group - 3 cm;

for girls of the senior school group - 3.5 cm;

for girls of the teenage group - 4.5 cm.

Connect points B 5 and T 6 . The resulting straight line determines the direction of the midline of the back half of the trousers.

The position of the sideline on the horizontal T determines the segment T 6 T 7:

T 6 T 7 \u003d 0.5 * C t+ H + 1 cm,
where B \u003d 2 ... 3.5 cm is the size of the rear tuck solution.

Point T 7 is connected to point B 6 .

Building a drawing of the base of trousers

(To view an enlarged drawing in a separate window, click on the drawing with the mouse).

Draw the bottom lines of the front and back halves. The bottom line of the back half is straight H 3 H 4. The rise of the middle of the bottom of the front half HH 5 \u003d 0.5 cm. The point H 5 is connected by a smooth curve to the points H 1 and H 2. Line H 1 H 5 H 2 - the bottom line of the front half of the trousers.

Make out the step lines of the front and back halves of the trousers. To do this, sections K 2 I 2 and K 4 I 4 are carried out with smooth curves, turning into straight lines K 2 H 2 and K 4 H 4, respectively. Line H 2 K 2 I 2 is the step line of the front half of the trousers. The length of the step line of the back half of the trousers is made equal to the length of the line H 2 K 2 I 2:

H 4 K 4 I 4 \u003d N 2 K 2 I 2,
where H 4 K 4 I 4 - the step line of the back half of the trousers.

Build the middle lines of the front and back halves of the trousers. To do this, determine the position of the auxiliary points lying on the bisectors of the angles B 1 I 1 I 2 and B 5 I 5 I 4:

I 1 I 7 \u003d 1.8 ... 2.5 cm;

I 5 I 8 \u003d 2.5 ... 3 cm;

Connect the points I 2, I 7, B 1 and I 4, I 8, B 5 with smooth curves. Line I 2 I 7 B 1 T 2 - the middle line of the front half of the trousers. Curve I 4 I 8 B 5 continues along the inclined B 5 T 6 .

Draw the side lines of the front and back halves of the trousers. Through the points H 1, K 1, I 3, B 3, T 4, a straight line is drawn in the section from the point H 1 to the point K 1, passing further into a smooth curve. Line T 4 B 3 K 1 H 1 - side line of the front half.

The lateral line of the back half is drawn through the points H 3, K 3, B 6, T 7. On the section H 3 K 3 this line is straight. Then it turns into a smooth curve. Equalize the length of the side line of the back half with the length of the side line of the front half. The top point of the lateral line of the back half is designated T 8 . Line T 8 B 6 K 3 H 3 - side line of the back half:

T 8 B 6 K 3 H 3 \u003d T 4 B 3 K 1 H 1.

To determine the position of the upper point of the midline of the rear half on an inclined B 5 T 6 from point K, a notch with a radius equal to CT 8 is made. The resulting point is designated as T 9:

CT 9 = CT 8.

Connect the points T 8 and T 9. This is the waist line of the back half of the trousers. Line I 4 I 8 B 5 T 9 - the middle line of the back half.

On the waist line of the front half, a front tuck is placed. The middle of the tuck coincides with the vertical T 0 T. On both sides of the T 0 point, half the solution of the front tuck is laid. The size of the solution of the front tuck is 1 ... 2 cm, the length is 3.5 ... 6 cm. The sides of the tuck are drawn in straight lines.

The back tuck is placed in the middle of the waist line of the back half. The middle line of the tuck is perpendicular to the waist line. Rear tuck opening - 2 ... 3.5 cm, length - 5.5 ... 8 cm.