
Modeling a children's jacket from the basic base summer jacket for a girl with their own hands video lesson. Modeling a children's jacket from the base base summer jacket for a girl with your own hands video lesson How to sew a school jacket for a girl

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Summer is rapidly coming to an end, and with it the school holidays. On September 1, boys and girls will sit down at their desks again, meet with their classmates and teachers. And in order for them to be comfortable at school, they need a comfortable school uniform. We have already published for a boy, and now, by your numerous requests, we offer a jacket pattern for a girl.

This jacket for girls with reliefs, pockets with rounded flaps and two-seam sleeves is a real find for the first cool days of September! And with the help of our step-by-step instructions, you can sew such a jacket yourself.

Taking measurements

Fig.1. Measurements for a girl

Height - 128 cm

------------- 1/2 volume

Bust - 64 cm 32 cm

Waist - 54 cm 27 cm

Hip circumference - 66 cm 33 cm

Neck girth - 28 cm 14 cm

Shoulder length - 10 cm

Arm length - 40 cm

Back length to waist (DTS) - 28 cm

Front length to waist (accident) - 30 cm

Back Width (WB)

Chest Width (WH)

The length of the jacket on the back is about 43 cm.

The increase in freedom of fitting to the half-girth of the chest is 3 cm. Distribute the increase as follows: to the back - 0.7 cm, to the armhole - 1 cm, to the front - 1.3 cm.

See fig. one.

Construction of a jacket pattern

Fig.2. Building a jacket pattern for a girl

We start building a jacket pattern by building a grid. Mesh width AB = 35 cm (half circumference of the chest according to the measurements + 3 cm (increase in freedom of fitting for all sizes)). Mesh length AC = 43 cm - the length of the jacket to measure.

Armhole depth. AG \u003d (armhole depth by measure + 1 cm). Draw a horizontal line from point G to the right. Designate the point of intersection with the BC G1.

Waistline. AT \u003d Length of the back to the waist (DTS) + 0.5 cm (increase for the shoulders) - point T. Draw TT1 parallel to AB. From point A, set aside to the right 1/2 of the width of the back by measurement (SHS) + 0.7 cm - point P. From point B, set aside to the left 1/2 of the width of the chest by measurement (SHG) + 1.3 cm - point P1. From the obtained points, lower the perpendiculars to the GG1 line - points G2 and G3 are obtained.

Auxiliary points of the armhole back and front. Divide PG2 and P1G3 into 4 equal parts.

Patterns of children's clothing
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Building a back pattern

Back neckline. From point A, set aside 5.5 cm to the right (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck according to the measure + 0.5 cm: 14/3 + 0.5 \u003d 5.5 cm) and up 1.5 cm. Connect points A and 1.5 concave line.

Shoulder drop. from point P lay down 1.5 cm. Connect points 1.5 (neck) and 1.5 descent of the shoulder with a straight line, continue the line. Set aside 11 cm (shoulder length to measure + 1 cm for all sizes: 10 + 1 = 11 cm). The shoulder of the back of the jacket sits down when sewing.

Back armhole line. From the corner with the apex at point G2, draw a bisector 2 cm long. From point G2, set aside 2 cm to the right and 1 cm up. Draw the armhole line of the back from the extreme point of the shoulder, the middle point of the division of PG2, point 2 (angle bisector), to point 1.

Back line. From point 1 (lower point of the back armhole) draw a vertical line to the CD line, point T2 is obtained along the waist, the intersection with GG1 is point G4, the intersection with the DC line is point H.

Calculation of darts at the waist. The general solution of the darts at the waist: Half chest - Half waist = 32 cm - 27 cm = 5 cm. Distribute the darts - from the point T2 to the left, set aside 2 cm - into the side tuck of the back, 1 cm - to the right - the side tuck of the front. Connect points G4, 2 and H.

The center line of the back of the jacket. If necessary, you can fit the jacket along the line of the middle of the back. In this case, the tuck is built from the T point with a depth of about 1-1.5 cm and smoothly reduced to the G point. However, so that the jacket does not turn out to be narrow at the hips, the hips should be checked after the pattern is built.

Building a front pattern

Front neckline. From point B to the left, set aside 5.5 cm (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck by measurement + 0.5 cm: 14/3 + 0.5 = 5.5 cm) and down 6.5 cm (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck by measurement + 1.5 cm: 14/3+1.5=6.5 cm). Connect points 5.5 and 6.5 with a concave line.

Front shelf lift. Through point 5.5, draw a vertical dotted line up and down - to the waist line - point T3. From point T3 set aside up the length of the front to the waist according to the measure (accident) + 0.5 cm, point B1 is obtained.

Front shoulder descent. Set aside 2 cm from the point P1. Draw a segment V1P1 equal to the length of the shoulder according to the measurement.

Front armhole line. From the corner with the apex at point G3, draw a bisector 2 cm long. Draw the line of the armhole in front from the extreme point of the shoulder, the lower division point P1G3, point 2 (angle bisector), to point 1, touching the segment G3G4.

Shelf relief line. From the midpoint of division P1G3, draw a smooth relief line to the DC line. Mark the point of intersection with the waistline as T4.

Waist darts in front. Set aside 1 cm from point T4 to the left and right, smoothly connect to the relief line. The top of the tuck is 5 cm below the armhole line.

Addition on board. From point C, set aside 3 cm to the right and 1.5 cm down, draw a vertical line of approach to the fastener. Draw a bead line as shown in the pattern drawing.

Pocket flap and pick. Mark the pocket entry point and pocket flap configuration as shown in the pattern drawing. Mark the line of the selection and reshoot the selection separately on tracing paper. The configuration of the flap of the pocket and the lapel of the jacket can be modified, depending on your preferences.

Fig.3. Construction of a collar and sleeve pattern for a jacket

A two-seam sleeve pattern and a collar pattern for a jacket are built in the same way as. One-piece collar stand with a detachable edge of the collar.

Pattern details - back, side, front, collar, collar and both parts of the sleeve are taken separately and cut out with allowances for the seams - 1.5 cm, allowances for the bottom of the jacket and sleeves - 3 cm. The shelf, side, sleeve allowances, collar, external the details of the flaps of the pockets and both selections of the jacket are completely duplicated with thermal fabric.

The master class was prepared by Tatyana Kisil especially for the "Casket" website.

In this master class used for a girl (on order for individual measurements).

We lay out the pattern on the fabric with a width of 1.40m. folded into two.

Cut out, making seam allowances of 1-1.5 cm.

We carry out similar actions with the lining fabric.

All the details of the pattern and lining, I overlaid, the threads in the overlock are thin knitted.

Duplicate the details with non-woven fabric: the selection, the facing of the bottom of the back, the facing of the neck of the back, the central part of the shelf, the upper collar.

Sew darts on the back, iron to the center. Sew relief seams on the back, stitch the middle seam on the back. Iron out.


Stitch the middle seam on the bottom of the back, iron.

Stitch the side seams of the lower back and front.

Perform embossed seams on the shelf. Iron out.

Stitch the side seams of the front and back. Iron out.

Sew the belt to the top and bottom of the piece. Stitch shoulder seams. Iron out.

Fold the top and bottom collars facing inward, stitch strictly from markup to markup. Make notches, cut off the allowance in the corners. Turn out, iron.

Stitch and iron the shoulder sections of the facing of the neck of the back and selection. Sew to the selections of the facing of the bottom of the back. Iron the seams.

Fold the front edge facing inward and stitch along the bead and bottom. The line must begin from the marking of the collar stitching. Make notches, cut corners, turn inside out, iron.

Stitch the collar, placing it between the product and the facing.

Sew the elbow seam of each sleeve. Iron out. Stitch the front seams of the sleeves. Stitch the sleeves into the armhole, fitting the eyelet. Attach shoulder pads if necessary.

On the lining, perform the same operations. On the center back, sew 1.5 cm along the middle of the back (for freedom of movement), leave one section unsewn in the side seam.

Fold the lining face to face with the product. Stitch along the cuts. Turn out, sew up the open area.

Overcast the buttonhole, sew on the button.

The result of the work!

A cropped jacket with small sleeves is a great option school uniform. This jacket harmoniously combines a strict silhouette and soft lines.

Download a pattern of a cropped jacket for a girlis free you can follow the following links:

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**You can offer your payment option in the website feedback

Patterns are given without seam allowances.

The composition of the set of patterns:

A stylish model of a cropped jacket for a girl with short sleeves will be a great alternative to a school uniform. The strict fitted silhouette of this model will be perfectly combined with trousers or a skirt. Soft embossed lines, a rounded hem, a neat strict collar and an original small sleeve make this jacket feminine and elegant.

Cutting from the main fabric:
. the central part of the back - 2 parts;
. the central part of the front - 2 children;
. front barrel - 2 children;
. barrel back - 2 children;
. selection - 2 children;
. sleeve - 2 children;

Non-woven details:
. collar - 2 children. with a fold;
. facing the neck of the back - 1 child. with a fold
. selection - 2 children.
. facing the bottom of the back - 2 children.
When cutting parts, it is necessary to leave allowances for seams and cuts - 1.5 cm, for hemming sleeves - 4 cm. And you also need to make notches on the parts for proper alignment.

Stages of work:
1. Iron the non-woven fabric to the details of the collar, the selection, the facing of the neck of the back and the facing of the bottom of the back.
2. Fold the details of the central part of the back with the right sides inward and sew the middle seam.
3. Stitch the tucks on the shoulder sections of the back and iron them to the middle of the part.
4. Fold the barrel front with the right side to the front side of the central part of the front and make relief seams, aligning the notches.
5. Iron the sections to the middle of the shelf part and process on the overlock.
6. Run relief seams on the back of the shelf by folding the side of the back and the central part of the back with the front sides inward. Iron the seams on the back and process on an overlock.
7. Make notches to match the sleeves at a distance of 0.2 cm to the seam.
8. Stitch side and shoulder seams. Process the sections into an iron on the central part of the back.
9. Gather the sleeves along the collar to the desired size. Iron the bottom of the sleeves inwards by 4 cm, and sew or fasten by hand as desired.
10. Sew the sleeves into the armholes, starting from the shoulder seam, matching the center of the sleeve with the shoulder seam.
11. Fold the two parts of the collar with the right sides inward and stitch. Trim seam allowances along outer edges and turn right side out. Iron the outer edge and, if desired, lay a finishing line.
12. Taking together the open sections of the collar, sweep it in and sew it into the neckline, aligning the notches with the shoulder seams, starting from the mid-front line.
13. Attach the hem with the right side to the front side of the front and stitch along the outer edge and neck. Trim the seams close to the seam, turn right side out and iron the outer edge.
14. Stitch the facing of the neck of the back to the bands and to the cut of the neck of the back from above the seam of the collar.
15. Attach the facing of the bottom of the back to the lower edge of the back part with the front sides inward and stitch. Cut the seams close to the seam and turn the facing to the wrong side of the jacket.
16. Stitch the edges of the facing to the cuts of the headbands and fix the facing by hand on the relief seams.
17. Run three welt loops on the details of the shelf and sew on the buttons to match the fabric of the jacket.

The long-awaited September has come, and with it the time for school classes. This is a special period for parents and children, and we are all preparing for it in advance. Today we want to offer you a great solution - a pattern of a jacket for a boy that you can sew yourself for your child. And you can build a pattern yourself according to our instructions, and by buying even expensive fabric, you will save a lot, since high-quality jackets are very expensive.

Jacket for a boy - details

Fig.1. Jacket for a boy - front and back

Construction of a jacket pattern

  1. Height - 146 cm
  2. Jacket length - 55 cm
  3. Back length to waist - 32 cm
  4. Front length to waist - 33.5 cm
  5. Shoulder length - 11 cm
  6. Half neck - 16.5 cm
  7. Half bust - 38 cm
  8. Sleeve length - 52 cm
  9. Half waist - 32 cm
  10. Semi-circumference of the hips - 34 cm
  11. Back width - 14 cm
  12. Armhole depth - 16 cm

Building a pattern grid

Fig.2. Pattern of a jacket for a boy

Draw a rectangle ABCD.

Jacket length. The length of the jacket for the boy is determined by the model, based on the wishes of the customer. It is measured along the back from the seventh cervical vertebra to the desired length. AD= BC= 55 cm.

Jacket width. AB = DC = 38 + 3 = 41 cm

IMPORTANT! The value of the increase in freedom of fit may vary depending on the silhouette of the jacket: adjacent, semi-adjacent or loose - from 3 to 8 cm.

Armhole depth. Set aside 17.5 cm from point A down - point G (armhole depth by measure + 1.5 cm). The depth of the armhole can be measured or calculated using the formula: 1/3 of the bust + 5 cm (38/3 + 5 = 17.7 cm). If the measured value differs from the calculated value, take the average between them. From point G, draw a horizontal segment GG1 to the intersection with the line BC.

Waistline. From point A, lay down 32.5 cm (the length of the back to the waist according to the measure + 0.5 cm) - point T. From point T, draw a horizontal segment TT1 to the intersection with the line BC - point T1. The increase in the length of the back to the waist is given taking into account the shoulder pads (the waistline in this case will rise slightly).

Back width. Set aside 15 cm from the point G to the right (the width of the back according to the measure + an increase in the freedom of fitting 1 cm), put the point G2. Draw a straight line from point G2 up to AB - point P.

Armhole width. Set aside 10.5 cm from point G2 to the right - point G3 (1/4 of the half-girth of the chest by measurement + 1 cm for all sizes): 38/4 + 1 \u003d 10.5 cm. Draw a straight line upwards from point G3, the point of intersection with line AB - point P1.

Barrel of a jacket. Set aside 2 cm from point G2 to the right - point G4. From point G4, lower the perpendicular to the DC line - point H. Put point T2 on the waist line.

Auxiliary armhole lines. PG2 and P1G3 divided into 4 equal parts.

Patterns of children's clothing
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Pattern of a jacket for a boy - building a back

Neckline. Set aside 6 cm from point A to the right (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck according to the measure + 0.5 cm for all sizes): 16.5 / 3 + 0.5 \u003d 6 cm. Set aside 1.5 cm from point 6 upwards, connect the point 1.5 with point A as a concave line.

Back shoulder line. Set aside 1.5 cm from point P down. From point 1.5 (neck) through point 1.5 (shoulder descent), draw a shoulder 12 cm long (shoulder length according to measurements + 1 cm for all sizes). The shoulder of the backrest is seated when sewing.

Back armhole line. Draw the bisector of the angle G2 with a length of 2 cm. From the point G4, set aside 1 cm. Draw the armhole line through points 12, through the midpoint of the division of PG2, through point 2 to point 1.

Back seam line. Set aside 2 cm from point T2 to the left, connect with points G4, 1 and H.

Center back line. Set aside 1.5 cm from the T point to the right and draw a new line for the middle seam of the back.

Neckline. Set aside 6.5 cm from point B to the left (1/3 of the half-girth of the neck by measure + 1 cm for all sizes): 16.5 / 3 + 1 = 6.5 cm. Set aside 6.5 cm from point B down (1/ 3 half-circumferences of the neck according to the measurements + 1 cm for all sizes): 16.5 / 3 + 1 = 6.5 cm. Connect points 6.5 and 6.5 with a concave line.

Front length to waist. Through point 6.5 (front neck), draw a perpendicular up and down to the waist line - point T3. From point T3, lay up the length of the front to the waist according to the measure + 0.5 cm - point B1.

Front shoulder line. From point P1, lay down 2 cm, draw a line of the shoulder from point B1 through point 2 11 cm long (shoulder length by measure).

Front armhole line. Draw an angle bisector 2 cm long from point G3. Draw an armhole line through points 11, the lower division point P1G3, point 2, touching the GG1 line to point 1 (back armhole).

Front barrel line. Set aside 1 cm from point T2 to the right, connect with points G4 and H. From point 2 (the bisector of angle G3), lower the perpendicular to the DC line. From point T4 (intersection with the waist line), set aside 1 cm to the left and right. Draw the right tuck through points 1-1, not reaching 6-7 cm to the CD line.

PATCH CONTROL: To prevent the jacket from being too narrow at the waist and hips, control of the darts is necessary. Measure or calculate the resulting half circumference of the waist and hips: 41 (width of the mesh) -6.5 (total depth of the darts) = 34.5 cm. The half circumference of the waist is 32 cm, therefore, we do not change the depth of the tucks. If the value according to the drawing is less than the measured value with an increase, the depth of the darts should be reduced. In a similar way, control the girth of the hips. With certain figures, the middle back seam can be left straight.

The bottom line of the front of the jacket. From point C, lay down 1.5 cm.

Entry to the clasp (side of the jacket). From point 6.5 (neck) and from point C set aside 3 cm to the right. Draw a vertical line. Check out the lapel of the lapel and the board according to the pattern.

Jacket pockets. Mark the pocket openings and flap configuration of the bottom pocket and top pocket leaf as shown in the pattern drawing. The shape of the lower pocket flap is determined by the model and the preferences of the customer.

Fig.3. Details of the cut of the jacket for the boy

Separately, remove the details of the jacket from the pattern. Reflect the leaf along the long side and cut out with a fold. In addition, build a jacket slot (according to the model of a jacket with two slots on the back) 4 cm wide and equal to 1/3 of the length of the product. Reshoot the selection separately.

Next, we move on to building a two-seam sleeve to the jacket. Read the construction of the collar pattern in the next newsletter!

Modeling a children's jacket from the basic base Do-it-yourself summer jacket for a girl Video lesson Here is Carolina's dress, our channel has all the videos *,

On this disk there is a photo of my granddaughters, the pattern looks like this, I would like to remind you that without a cutting system, 10 measurements ***

In order to build the jacket pattern, we will use the finished Carolina base pattern. This pattern is for a dress, but on its base we can easily model a jacket pattern. To do this, we will transfer the shelf, back and sleeve from the main pattern from the basic pattern to tracing paper and remove it, since we will no longer need it.

After that, we begin modeling the jacket pattern. To do this, we fold the pattern of the details of the shelf and back along the shoulder line and determine the neckline so that it is not very close to the neck, since we will have a jacket with a collar and a small lapel.

About how to make a lapel from a finished pattern, determine the width of a half-skid, build a collar of the required size, various videos were shot about all this earlier, which you can review if you wish, or, which is quite likely, you will have enough information on these issues from this material on the video about all these moments and nuances.

So let's get started. Remove at least 1.0 cm from the neckline

Remove at least 1.0 cm from the neckline

We cut off everything superfluous along the neckline from the pattern, along the center line of the front we retreat 2 cm to the width of the half-skid and draw another line parallel to the line of the center of the front (we sign all the lines!) Remember the theme of the half-skid and the width of the fasteners for various products? If not, reconsider!

All the best, we were with you: Pakshte Irina Mikhailovna, Karolinochka and Yastrebov Alexey!