
How to do wrinkle massage at home. Incredible effect of rejuvenating facial massage. Video tutorials Basic execution technique


Time cannot be stopped. Every day inexorably brings a person closer to old age.

But growing up and aging can be beautiful. Medicine and cosmetology have come a long way in the last two decades.

Today, women are offered a highly effective and completely safe method rejuvenation – modeling facial massage.

The main effect of the modeling massage is to tighten the skin and create clearer and more pronounced facial contours.

The purpose of the procedure is to create a beautiful relief, which is achieved by relieving muscle hypertonicity and stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. As a result, a person gets high cheekbones, a smooth jawline, no wrinkles and flabbiness.

All layers of the dermis are enriched with oxygen, the metabolism is accelerated, and the skin's ability to regenerate increases. Due to the active influence on the lymphatic and circulatory system, the skin acquires the ability to resist the aging process.

In other words, wrinkles do not appear for a long time after undergoing a course of modeling massage.

Manipulations with the fingertips, which the massage therapist performs, activate various biochemical processes in all layers of the epidermis.

They affect the microcirculation of nutrients, blood circulation. Puffiness and black circles under the eyes will no longer bother you, the overhanging upper eyelid will disappear, the look will “open”.

Eyebrows are well raised. Facial expression will become more attractive.


Masseurs offer clients the five most popular modeling massage techniques:

In Yekaterinburg, a session of Spanish massage in a beauty salon costs from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles. The cost depends on the services that are included in the session.

The treatment at the maximum price includes a massage and the application of a rejuvenating cosmetic mask.

For a modeling massage in a beauty salon in the capital, you will have to pay from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

The effectiveness of the technique has been proven by thousands positive feedback online. Both women and representatives of the stronger sex speak well of technology.

With the help of massage it is difficult to achieve rejuvenation for 15 years, but you can definitely tighten the contour of the face and add attractiveness to yourself.


If you are interested in safe facial rejuvenation and restoration of its contour, pay attention to the modeling massage technique.

When using it as a self-massage, be sure to ensure that the specialist confirms the correctness of its execution. When the hand is “full”, you can do the procedure at home.

Read in the article:

Italy is famous not only for delicious local cuisine, which has become popular in many countries, but also for a special facial massage, as a result of which rejuvenation can be achieved.

Italian facial massage: features, benefits and effects

Italian facial massage is a unique technique that can improve the condition of any type of skin. Most often it is used for rejuvenation, but it can be performed already after 25 years, when the first wrinkles appear.

The effect on the skin in this case occurs with the help of pressure with the entire weight of the head in the palm of your hand, so that the benefits of Italian facial massage can be felt in just a few sessions, because it affects as follows:

  • Increases tone;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Removes toxins and slags;
  • Gets rid of excess fluid.

Italian facial massage: pros and cons

Listing the advantages of Italian massage for facial rejuvenation, the most important of them should be highlighted:

  • It is very useful for the whole organism, besides, it eliminates fatigue well;
  • It is performed very easily thanks to a simplified scheme of Italian facial massage, but only professionals own the full technique;
  • The technique has a minimum of contraindications, which means that the vast majority of people can use it;
  • In terms of effectiveness, it can be compared with more expensive and unsafe procedures such as mesotherapy or facelift, as it helps to model the face and has lymphatic drainage properties.

The main disadvantage of Italian plastic facial massage is that it can only be performed to the fullest by masters, because. this requires the experience and knowledge gained in specialized courses.

In addition to these characteristics, it is important to know how often you can do an Italian facial massage. Cosmetologists and masseurs advise to carry it out daily for 1-2 months, however, the frequency of visiting procedures in the salon will be somewhat different - 1 time in 7 days.

Italian rejuvenating facial massage: technique, indications, contraindications

The main information that every woman should be familiar with before the first session is indications and contraindications for Italian facial massage. It depends on them whether it will be possible to achieve the desired result, since in the presence of certain diseases you can only worsen your health.

What problems should you perform Italian lymphatic drainage facial massage to quickly eliminate them:

  • Deep and mimic wrinkles;
  • Flabbiness;
  • Double chin;
  • Sagging oval of the face;
  • Excessive oily secretions;
  • Unhealthy skin color.

For all its positive qualities, Italian modeling facial massage can be harmful if done in the presence of the following diseases and problems:

  • Couperose;
  • Hypotension;
  • Mesotherapy performed less than six months ago;
  • Skin infections.

Italian facial massage: how to do it right at home

The procedures should be performed, taking into account all the features of the Italian facial massage technique:

  • First, squeeze out a little cream, then warm it up in the palms of your hands and apply to the skin. If it remains on hand, we are in no hurry to remove it, because it will be absorbed into the skin during the session;
  • We sit down, with our feet firmly resting on the floor;
  • We put our elbows on our knees and put our face in our palms, we sit like this for 20 seconds. At this time, we completely relax, making sure that the entire weight of the head is supported by the hands - this contributes to the speedy removal of toxins;
  • With the lower part of the palm, lightly press on the temples, then on the ears;
  • We support only the forehead with our palms, transferring the entire weight of the head to them, then we move to the temples and crown: this is necessary to eliminate wrinkles in the frontal region;
  • Again on lower part palms rest on the face, making sure that the eyes are affected: this helps to get rid of swelling and bags under them;
  • To improve the oval of the face: leave the nose between the palms, hold the cheeks, after 15 seconds we return to the temples and ears;
  • We bring the wrists together and put the chin in the palms, resting the lower jaw on them. Leaving the wrists together, we move across the face: to the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds, eyelids, cheekbones, forehead. We perform this exercise 10 times to remove the double chin;
  • We press the palms on the cheeks, heading from the area near the nose towards the ears. We press immediately on the back of the head and forehead.

It is worth noting that each of the movements must be performed at least 5 times, and the mood during the session should only be positive.

Italian facial massage: reviews, videos, results

As you can see from the execution technique, the procedures are not particularly difficult, but they give amazing results of the Italian rejuvenating facial massage:

  • A clearer contour, no wrinkles;
  • Beautiful complexion;
  • Getting rid of the second chin.

Italian facial massage for wrinkles: reviews

Natalia, 48 years old:

“It's great that I found such an easy way to become younger! Now I praise Italian massage to everyone, because he personally helped me remove wrinkles in 2 months.

Olga, 53 years old:

“I can’t say that massaging according to the Italian technique is somehow better than mesotherapy, but the effect is obvious: in 2 months, wrinkles were slightly smoothed out, my complexion improved, and now I look a little younger”

Oksana, 55 years old:

“I do this massage every day, but so far I don’t see much effect. It relieves fatigue really well, but rejuvenation remains in question for me.

Italian lifting and drainage massage

Face lifting massage

Facial rejuvenation may seem like something out of a sci-fi novel, but the skin care system, including the Italian Facial Lifting and Drainage Massage, draws on the wisdom of ancient and well-known techniques, combined with many modern approaches, thanks to which the procedures carried out with the face are truly holistic - that is, holistic - in nature.

This unique method does not require any equipment, no surgery or special medications. All you need is a little free time and the hands of a specialist.

Lifting-drainage massage methodfaces is a system that is largely based on the knowledge of ancient healers. The procedure includes massage and pressure on certain areas of the body to improve lymph circulation. It may take some time to completely cleanse the lymph. Until this happens, excess fluid under the skin and toxins in the body can show up on the face as puffy, greyish, and sagging skin. Facial massage improves lymphatic drainage and cleanses blood vessels of ballast substances that have not been removed from the body in a natural way. Massage is a sure way to activate the circulatory system.
Under the hands of a specialist, you will feel the difference after the first procedure. Both a single and subsequent application of massage can cause significant changes for the better, relieving tension and tissue fatigue, which is usually the main cause of wrinkles and sagging skin. The more you practice the Italian lifting-drainage massage, the sooner you will see results, in some cases absolutely amazing. You will see for yourself how rejuvenated your skin is: it will become taut in appearance and softer and more elastic to the touch.

Wrinkles, including mimic ones, will become invisible, and you will look younger and fresher. Your skin will become softer, its tone and complexion will improve, bags, flabbiness and puffiness will disappear, and it will again become elastic, as in youth.
All these are external improvements, visible to the eye. But there are also internal ones that you will feel: as the tension leaves the muscles of the face and the tissues covering them, they will become more mobile, you will feel calmer and more relaxed, and your mood will rise significantly. Often, headaches and other ailments associated with the tension of mimic muscles also disappear at the same time. As the normal movement of energy flows is restored, a feeling of peace and tranquility will come to you, you will be filled with joy and self-confidence.

It helps to solve cosmetic problems in the face, neck, arms up to the elbow and décolleté.

Italian massage eliminates imperfections various types skin.

At oily skin: stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the secretion of sebum, stimulating blood circulation, improves complexion.

For couperose skin: restores elasticity, makes the network of capillaries less noticeable, trains blood vessels, reducing the manifestation of rosacea.

For dry mature skin: it eliminates the effects of deformation and mixed types of aging, lifts the chest and décolleté, removes the “double chin”, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes nasolabial folds and crow’s feet, making your look more open and young.

Often the “tired” face and the first wrinkles are not deep changes in the dermis, but these changes are associated with muscle deformation and a decrease in their tone, which led to some noticeable changes in the skin of the face. For such clients, a clinical massage technique has been developed that allows you to get a visible result of rejuvenation of the skin of the face and decollete for a long period.

The main direction of technology is to bring muscle tone to their natural state by improving blood circulation, normalizing muscle nutrition, and increasing elasticity.

Good health depends on the basic systems of the body, primarily the lymphatic system, which, like the bloodstream, permeates all tissues of the body. Toxins, viruses, cell decay products are discharged into the lymph (white liquid).

Unfortunately, the lymphatic system is very vulnerable. As a person ages, due to various diseases, malnutrition, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and stress, the lymph flow slows down. As a result of the poor performance of the cleaning system, toxins accumulate in the tissues. Consequences - bruises and bags under the eyes, poor complexion, swelling, cellulite.

One of the most effective means assistance - lymphatic drainage massage. It releases the lymphatic ducts and blood vessels, which allows the transport of toxins to the place of disposal, harmonizes, returns the overall balance of the work of all organs. Lymphatic drainage massage eliminates stagnation in tissues and promotes the elimination of toxins. It leads to an improvement in the supply of tissues with nutrients, oxygen, which normalizes metabolism.

The effect of the procedure:

  • Improvement skin tone of the face, neck and décolleté
  • mimic wrinkles, rejuvenation of flabby, wrinkled skin
  • tired appearance face ("grayness" on the face)
  • general fatigue of the whole body
  • increase skin elasticity
  • edema reduction
  • improvement of microcirculation
  • stress relief
  • lifting effect
  • shaping the oval of the face, removes the double chin
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands

Technique and effect:

Massage is performed with slow rhythmic movements that have a relaxing effect on the skeletal muscles, acting on the décolleté, cervical-collar zone, forearms, shoulders, spine.

Each element is often repeated for each muscle of the face, which "trains" them and allows you to get the effect for many months. Due to the repetitions of massage elements, the muscle is leveled, "remembers its original natural state." You will see the external effect of the massage immediately, this is a reduction in mimic wrinkles, long-term lifting, smoothing of the skin of the face, improvement of the facial contour.

The aesthetic effect is combined with the improvement of the psycho-emotional and physical condition. As a result of lymphatic drainage, toxins and slags are removed. Improves blood and lymph circulation in tissues.

The uniqueness of the technique is that the effect of massage takes place in 4 directions:

  • myo-structural (impact on the muscle frame)
  • bio-vascular (impact on the circulatory system, improved nutrition of the muscles of the face, cervical and thoracic regions)
  • neuro-sedative (work on the circulatory system, improving the nutrition of the muscles of the face, cervical and thoracic)
  • craniosocral (influence on the mobility of the bones of the skull)

Massage duration 60 minutes.

Recommended: To slow down the aging process, bags, flabbiness and swelling of the skin will disappear. After 35 years, massage should be carried out 3 times a week, 8-15 sessions, then support 1-2 times a month.
a course of 10 procedures - from 25 to 28 years old - 1 time per year, from 28 to 50 years old - 2 times a year + supporting massage 1 time per month,

from 50 years old - you can do it every week.

If this is an express beauty massage, it is performed 1-2 days before the event.

Persistent result from the 5th-6th massage. Possible krepatura on the 2nd day.

Effect Duration

Once in the hands of an experienced massage specialist, you will see the result already at the end of the first session. And the more facial drainage massage procedures you undergo, the more pronounced this effect will be, sometimes simply amazing. At the same time, positive changes will last long enough and, by regularly performing Italian facial massage, you can greatly delay the manifestations of old age, remaining young and beautiful for a long time.

Pay attention to cases where never do facial massage:
. if the integrity of the skin is violated (with dermatitis, allergies, herpes, etc.);
. in any acute conditions of the body as a whole and elevated temperature;
. if there are pustules on the skin;
. with individual intolerance beauty massage,
. with widespread telangiectasias (dilated vessels in the form of a fine red mesh)

Updated 25 Jul 2012. Created 29 Oct 2010

Italian facial massage- a unique technique that will allow you to rejuvenate your face very quickly. Fits even business women After all, it only takes a few minutes! Start this procedure every morning, and you will notice how the skin will tone up, wrinkles will disappear, and the oval of the face will become clearer.

Before doing a light massage, apply a moisturizer to your face. We will act on the skin with pats, pinches and pressure. Patting is done with the fingers and palms, pinching with the thumb and forefinger, and pressing with the index and middle fingers.

Facial massage for wrinkles

start pat your facefrom the chin to the scalp. Make light pats with the pads of your fingers, then intensify the effect on the skin, using the phalanges of the fingers and palms.

Facial massage at home- of course, a life-saving procedure for everyone who does not have the opportunity to regularly visit beauty salons: cheap and effective way look younger!

The second stage of the massage not only enhances blood circulation in the area of ​​mimic wrinkles, but also provides lymph outflow. Perform horizontal tweezing along the lines indicated in the image No. 16. For 2 minutes, make light tingling along the lines of mimic wrinkles shown in the image No. 17 and No. 18.

For 1 minute, perform strong tweaks from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones along the lines shown in Figure No. 19.

The third stage of massage- point pressure along the lines of the cheekbones and around the eyes. You should start with short pressures and gradually move on to stronger stimulation - pressures for 3 seconds. Focus on the lines shown in Figure No. 20, the total duration of the third stage of the massage is 2 minutes.

The final stage of the massage! Walk through the beauty points shown in Figure No. 21. Stimulate them with light pressure for 1 minute.

Then, for a minute, press on the tonic points shown in Figure No. 22.

Finish the rejuvenating massage with light taps with your fingertips along the massage lines shown in Figure No. 23.

The notorious Coco Chanel once noticed that at the age of 20 a woman has a face that nature gave her, and at 30 she has the same face that she makes herself. Indeed, beauty is a great work. If you do not take care of your appearance, then already in the fourth decade of life you can turn into an old woman with a blurry oval, a double chin, deep wrinkles, and flabby dry skin.

Although age-related changes are inevitable, they can be delayed and smoothed out. The main means of preventing aging is modeling facial massage - a simple and safe procedure, some techniques of which are within the reach of even an amateur.

Ushakov's well-known dictionary defines modeling as the processing of a surface, the creation of a new image, texture. Such an interpretation perfectly reveals the essence of modeling massage.

Its techniques manage to influence deep-lying muscles, and at the same time:

  • Improve blood circulation in tissues.
  • Activate the movement of lymph.
  • Establish metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Remove excess fluid, decay products, toxins and toxins.
  • Increase the flow of nutrients and oxygen.
  • Eliminate spasms and tension.
  • Strengthen muscle fibers, give them flexibility and elasticity.
  • Stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

As a result of these changes in the internal structures, the patient's face is transformed before our eyes:

  • The oval takes on clear contours.
  • The second chin disappears.
  • Sagging areas are pulled up.
  • The lowered corners of the mouth and hanging eyelids rise.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Dark circles under the eyes disappear.
  • The skin becomes smooth, elastic, with a healthy tone.

Although a full course of massage includes at least 10 sessions, a visible lasting result appears after the first of them. This was proved in practice by the author of the French modeling technique, Pascal Coche. Having worked only one half of the patient's face, he immediately compared her condition with the other, unaffected part. Even the most convinced skeptics recognized the fact that there were visible changes and were convinced of the effectiveness of the procedure.

But you should not wait for the appearance of deep wrinkles: as a prophylactic, the procedure is suitable even for girls from the age of 25.

Thematic material:


Modeling facial massage techniques are equated with plastic surgery in terms of impact and effectiveness. It is important to remember that such a deep and intensive study of the structures of the body is not harmless and can significantly harm health when:

Popular modeling massages

Human aging is inevitable - this program is inherent in us by nature. But, noticing the first wrinkles or drooping corners of the mouth, do not panic or become depressed. You can still fix it: just choose the most suitable face modeling technique for you.


With age, the nutrition of our muscles is disrupted: they become weaker, decrease in volume, partially atrophy, shift down, deforming the oval, causing wrinkles, a second chin, and swelling. To prevent this from happening, the face, like the rest of the body, needs to be trained. The Jim technique, created by the Italian Association of Plastic Surgeons, is exactly the gymnastics that will strengthen the muscles of the face, improve their tone, and prevent the development of degenerative processes.

In response to exposure, muscle fibers begin to contract and relax with a certain frequency. Such training launches the body's reserve resources aimed at rejuvenation. For a better effect, they also affect the muscles of the neck, collar zone, and décolleté.

The massage is a little painful, but leaves no marks on the body. The lifting effect is noticeable after the fifth session, but only a full course of 10-12 procedures will help to consolidate the result.


This rather simple technique helps to fight sagging skin on the face, wrinkles, puffiness, and a second chin. The goal of the massage therapist is to speed up the lymphatic flow, in a special way pressing on the areas of the face. It is important that the patient's head is tilted at the same time - the additional pressure created simplifies the process of removing toxins and stagnant fluid, removing swelling and inflammation.

The technique is so simple that it is often carried out independently at home. For this:

  • Cleanse the skin from impurities.
  • They sit on a chair, bending their legs and placing their elbows on their knees.
  • Tilt your head to your palms.
  • In this position, the areas of the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and chin are alternately pressed through.
  • They finish with a simultaneous force effect on the forehead and back of the head.

The technique is good because it eliminates any possibility of stretching or damaging the skin. At the same time, gentle pressure straightens the fibers, relieves tension from them, and muscle memory fixes this state, returning the structures to their normal form, laid down by nature.


This technique combines the possibilities of cosmetic, lymphatic drainage and therapeutic massage. It is based on techniques that achieve complete relaxation of the facial muscles responsible for skin relief and the formation of wrinkles.

The session begins with diagnostic palpation. Centimeter by centimeter, the masseur probes the structures, revealing problem areas: spasms, painful areas, swelling. After a thorough analysis, an individual action plan is drawn up:

Many manual modeling techniques also involve the use of interoral massage techniques, when the muscles of the face are worked out from the inside through the mouth. This is a rather painful procedure, but it is worth a little patience in order to get a new, young, perfect face.

Photo: massage results before and after


The author of this well-known technique, a doctor from Spain, Enrique Garcia Castells, managed to bring together Eastern and European massage techniques. The object of influence are those deep muscles that lose their tone the fastest. To work them out, there are about a hundred techniques that are performed by movements of the fingertips, knuckles, palm and even the wrist. Only a trained specialist who has been trained will be able to correctly carry out the procedure.

Spanish modeling includes:

Since the Spanish procedure has partly Eastern roots, we are talking not only about a facelift, but also about changes in the energy component of the human body, which determines its performance, health, well-being and emotions.

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Before the session

Before you start the massage, you need to do a little preparatory work:

Also important mental attitude for the procedure: complete relaxation, the absence of negative thoughts, a comfortable environment will enhance the rejuvenating effect.

Basic execution technique

During the session, techniques borrowed from the classical technique are used, but they are performed somewhat differently.

Any study of the face should be carried out strictly along the massage lines - the places of the least stretching of the skin.

A facial modeling session usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes. The first three procedures are carried out daily, then - with a break of 2-3 days. The course is repeated every six months.

Scheme of massage lines on the face

Is it possible to do facial modeling yourself

The implementation of this technique is best left to a specialist. But if you have already decided to do self-massage, then for a start you should choose the easiest technique, get acquainted with its techniques and the mechanism of their influence. We hope the next step by step description procedures will be useful to you:

Performing such simple manipulations in the morning and evening, you will not only re-model the oval of the face and improve the condition of the skin, while rejuvenating by 10 years, but will also have a reflex effect on the work of many internal organs significantly improved well-being.


If age-related changes are already noticeable, there is no way to contact a specialist, and you do not dare to perform a complex manual correction of the oval on your own - do not despair, you can always get out of the situation by purchasing one of the modeling face massagers:

You need to buy these massagers only in specialized salons, after consulting with your doctor, reading reviews and checking for a Certificate of Conformity. This is the only way to protect yourself from purchasing low-quality goods that can cause irreparable harm to health.

Now in your arsenal there is a real means of combating old age. Uncomplicated tricks, which are already more than three thousand years old, guarded the beauty of the divine Cleopatra, the royal Catherine the Great, the mysterious Marilyn Monroe. They will help and modern women who want to be proud of their reflection in the mirror and maintain their individuality until old age.

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