
Hair lightening at home: the safest methods. How to lighten hair quickly at home Safely lightening hair at home


Hair bleaching at home is a painstaking and difficult procedure. But if you strictly adhere to its rules and subtleties, your strands will acquire the desired shade and quickly restore a healthy appearance.

Bleaching can injure the hair, especially if done without special knowledge at home. In place of the washed out pigment, voids remain, due to which the strands become porous. They thin, break, lose moisture and shine.

It is possible to discolor the hair and not get unwanted “bonuses” if you understand the technology of the procedure, carry it out correctly and provide the strands with proper follow-up care.

How to bleach hair effectively at home

Discoloration, in contrast to lightening, destroys the natural pigment and does not give a new shade. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to use a tint balm.

Generally, the result of discoloration depends on many factors... These are the condition and structure of your hair, the quality and intensity of the preparation, its exposure time and the ambient temperature.

So, when performing the procedure, you need to take into account the nuances:

  • Natural pigment dissolves when exposed to hydrogen peroxide. If the strands are very thin or porous, the level of peroxide in the brightening composition should be minimal, if dense and tough - it can be up to 12%.
  • The more intense the drug (from 3% to 12%) and the longer time its impact (from 30 to 50 minutes), the more pronounced the effect of discoloration, but the more the keratin bonds are destroyed.
    It is strongly discouraged to rely only on the percentage of oxidizer. Without considering other factors, you can just burn the strands.
  • The bleaching process occurs sequentially, so you can trace at what stage it is in this moment... The color gradually changes from red to light yellow.
  • The hair is exposed to the oxidizing agent until the moment the neutralizing composition is applied. And with deep discoloration - and for several days after the procedure (the composition continues its effect at deeper levels).
  • After a perm, curls fade no sooner than a week later, since they may not withstand intense stress.
  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before bleaching. So the aggressiveness of the drug is reduced. Do not use styling products at this time either.

Technique for performing the procedure

Skin and clothing protection

Before starting work, lubricate the skin on the border with the hair with a Vaseline-based cream. Protect hands with gloves. Throw a towel over your shoulders that you do not mind.

Allocation of work areas

Divide the hair into four parts with two perpendicular partings.

Application of the composition

Standing 1–2 cm away from the roots, apply two-thirds of the blonde mixture, starting from the parietal zone. When the desired degree of lightening is almost achieved, paint over the roots, apply the composition along the hairline and loosen the hair with your hands.

This is necessary so that the heat is evenly distributed and, accordingly, the discoloration is also uniform. Work carefully, but quickly, so as not to miscalculate the time limit.

Color control

After a 20-30 minute reaction at short intervals, monitor the result. If it suits you, wash off the mixture.

Washing off the dye

Use a little warm water to massage your hair into a lather. To remove the composition from the skin, pay special attention to the roots. Now rinse the strands well with shampoo and use a neutralizing balm.

Mask application

The mask after discoloration can be purchased or homemade. The simplest and most effective is kefir: slightly heat the kefir, apply it to the strands and soak the mask under a warming cap for 15 minutes.

Purchased bleach products

Among professional products for bleaching hair, dye (only for natural strands) and powder (affects both natural pigment and already dyed strands) are widely used.


Lightens by 2-3 tones, but only the natural color. On natural strands, it performs two functions at once - bleaching and toning.

It is also convenient because the package contains everything you need for the procedure: a developer, a brightening cream, gloves, a caring balm and detailed instructions to use. You don't need to measure and calculate anything.

The disadvantage of dye for bleaching hair is that it cannot cope with artificial pigment (special blocking preparations are used for previously dyed strands).

In addition, the percentage of the oxidizing agent is rarely indicated on the package, and often it is the maximum 12%. Therefore, you can often hear that the paint burns through the strands.


Allows you to lighten 4 tones or more. This is a purple or blue powder that must be diluted with an oxidizing agent.

The oxidant is bought separately and its amount must be calculated very accurately. Usually, the instructions indicate the proportions. If not, combine the powder with oxygen in a 1: 2 ratio.

The mixture is applied immediately after stirring. The exposure time is up to 45 minutes. Wash it off as soon as the desired result is achieved. After that, use a special balm, preferably the same line as the powder. Tint your hair.

Discoloration with powder powder at home can be carried out no more than once a month.

Folk remedies recipes

Popular home remedies for bleaching strands include hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, and hydroperite.

Hydrogen peroxide

Use a 3% solution. Especially if you are performing the procedure for the first time and do not know how your head of hair might react.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • Wash your hair and let it dry naturally (it should remain slightly damp).
  • Protect your hands, scalp, and clothing.
  • Highlight the strand you plan to desaturate.
  • Soak a cotton swab (paint brush, toothbrush) in the solution and go over the strand.
  • Wrap the strand in foil and pin with a clip.
  • Repeat for the rest of the hair.
  • Cover your hair with a towel.
  • Check the result after 30-40 minutes.
  • Rinse your strands with warm water and apply conditioner or mask.

Lemon juice

Another method for bleaching hair folk remedies- using natural lemon juice. Lemon acid brightens the pigment and adds extra shine. And exposure to UV rays accelerates the lightening process.

How to discolor hair with lemon juice:

  • Prepare a solution or mixture (for normal hair, 1 cup of juice to 0.25 cups of warm water, for dry hair, use the same amount of conditioner instead of water). Let the clarifier brew for a quarter of an hour. You can also add 1-2 tbsp. olive oil.
  • Apply the solution to the strands with a sprayer, and a thicker mixture with conditioner with a coloring brush.
  • Go sunbathing for an hour and a half.
  • After this time, re-process the hair and keep it for another 30 minutes under the sun.
  • Wash your hair as usual. Be sure to use conditioner this and all subsequent washings.
  • The strands will continue to lighten for 2-4 weeks.
  • Do not go to the bathhouse or swimming pool immediately after clarification (chlorinated water can give unforeseen results).


With its help, not only the hair is discolored, but also unwanted hair on the body. Hydroperite acts very aggressively on the hair structure and can completely destroy it.

You need to be very careful with him so as not to get burned. Hydroperite is not recommended for use on the face. The product is sold in pill form in pharmacies. The constituent substances are urea and hydrogen peroxide.

To bleach hair with hydroperite:

  • comb them;
  • protect the skin around with fat cream, put on gloves;
  • mash 2 tablets of 15% hydroperite, pour in 2 ml of ammonia and 1 tsp. your shampoo;
  • mix thoroughly and apply the composition;
  • wait for it to dry (usually 5 minutes is enough) and rinse;
  • treat the skin around with a nourishing cream.

If the strands are tough and dense, the procedure can be repeated several times, but be careful not to spoil the hair.

The disadvantage of the remedy is that sometimes it gives yellowness. You can remove it by toning it in ash color. In order not to harm the hair, using hydroperit at home, it is recommended to lighten only some strands or ends.

Partial discoloration

If you need to bleach regrown hair roots:

  • Apply the brightening compound only to this part, starting from the parietal zone.
  • Keep it until the desired level of lightening is obtained (keep in mind that if the strands are porous, the bleaching process will continue even at the moment the composition is washed off).
  • Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.
  • If the color difference persists, reapply the brightening paint on dark areas.

Eliminate the unwanted effect after bleaching

Unwanted yellowness occurs for a number of reasons.: cheap lightening agent, improper procedure or use of tap water containing heavy impurities to wash away.

If the yellowness on the hair does appear, there are several ways to overcome it:

  • Tinted shampoos
    They temporarily muffle the cheap, unnatural color. Some shampoos can be used every day, some can be used once a week. But they do not cover the reddishness.
  • Ammonia-free paints
    The shade number must be chosen one tone lighter than your color and always with the presence of a neutralizing ash mixton.

Bleached hair care

Even if the bleaching is done in a gentle way, it presupposes a subsequent nourishing treatment.

To restore hair at home, use special professional tools that, unlike mass-market cosmetics, are aimed at treatment, and not temporary elimination of symptoms:

  • Choose a mild shampoo that gently cleanses hair and scalp and preserves color.
  • Twice a week, apply a commercially available regenerating mask containing almond oil, silk proteins, liquid keratins or homemade masks containing natural honey, kefir or cinnamon.
  • Do not use pure oils for maintenance, as they will wash out the color.
  • Protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Comb the strands gently, if possible, refrain from using a hair dryer, at least at the level of the hot air supply.

Hair discolored at home suffer minimally, and quickly recover from those girls who approach the procedure with all responsibility, and after that they provide the necessary restorative care to the hair.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and painstaking work, find a suitable bleaching method and experiment.

And to save yourself from possible troubles, just start these experiments with a small strand, which is easy to hide under the bulk of the hair.

Homemade Hair Bleaching Videos

If you decide to lighten your hair at home, we recommend watching our videos with useful tips... The first video offers masks for light lightening, which will also help improve the condition of the hair. In the second video, recommendations on how to lighten correctly, how to choose a shade, how to avoid yellowness and many other useful tips.

Depositphotos / gugelleonid

Image is something that every woman values. Nature has created a woman perfect and unique, but given fashion trends, the standards of beauty change every year. We are trying to change or maintain our beauty different ways, one of which is hair dyeing. Unfortunately, most of the coloring compositions of the beauty industry have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair and the result cannot always be predicted. But it is not always necessary to radically change the color of the hair, you can lighten by only 2-3 tones and at the same time preserve the structure of the curls.

The biggest problem for those who want to make a safe lightening of hair is the threat of dryness and brittleness of the strands after dyeing. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of the composition, because the health of the hair is at stake, and as you know, the strength of a woman lies in her curls.

The procedure for lightening hair is easy to carry out at home, and the means for this will be presented in our article. Do not expect that your curls will succumb to in one procedure. natural paint, this process will take a little longer, but in addition to the desired result, you can heal your hair.

How to bleach hair properly at home

Every year, professional hair cosmetics are becoming more and more affordable, including products intended for lightening hair. The chemical composition of these shampoos leaves much to be desired, so the question of how to bleach hair at home without damaging it is becoming more and more relevant. As it turned out, glycerin can help not only moisturize the skin of the face and hands, but also become an effective assistant in lightening hair by 2 tones.

You can prepare a mask with glycerin in this way:

  1. Make an infusion of chamomile: pour 200 ml of boiling water over the inflorescences of chamomile and leave for 2 hours.
  2. After waiting the necessary time, let the herbal infusion cool and strain it, squeezing the cake well.
  3. Add 60 g of glycerin (it is easy to find in any pharmacy) and mix well.
  4. Apply the tinting compound to the strands and wrap them in foil.
  5. Wash off with water 40 degrees.

This mask can also be used to lighten hair ends at home. The only thing worth changing is the application procedure - it is necessary to distribute only to the ends of the curls. One procedure will allow you to change the color by no more than 1 tone. To enhance the effect, do it again after a week.

How to bleach dark hair with chamomile at home

Chamomile is one of the most simple methods, used to lighten not only light brown, but also blond hair... Not only that, all methods are easy to use and the components are easy to find. Applying chamomile infusion, the strands take on a golden hue of wheat.

To prepare the infusion, it is enough to do the following steps:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water into 2 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences.
  2. Simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Allow time to cool, then filter.

This recipe involves using the infusion as a brightening conditioner, i.e. after washing with shampoo, the strands are rinsed with the prepared conditioner. This method does not require rinsing. You can use it every time you wash your hair.

Chamomile works well with other ingredients that enhance the lightening effect of hair and help it recover:

  • Fortifying composition with nettle. Nettle is a weed that heals hair very well, not only when applied externally, but also when used internally. Salads are made from it, having previously doused with boiling water to remove its "burning" features. Together with chamomile, they represent a wonderful tandem, and serve as a hair clarifier at home. We take 1 tbsp. chamomiles and nettles and pour 1 liter of water. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. If you make a water bath, then you need to simmer for 30 minutes. Dilute the prepared essence with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio and rinse dry hair. Let the strands dry naturally. Then rinse with a concentrated one-component chamomile infusion.
  • A recipe for owners of red hair. The peculiarity of red strands is the thick structure of the hair shaft, they are difficult to dye, but their health is difficult to harm. Therefore, for girls with this type of curls, an improved recipe for alcohol is suitable. For preparation you will need: 120 g of chamomile, hydrogen peroxide 50 ml, 10 drops essential oil lemon and 0.5 liters of brandy. Pour the inflorescences with cognac, cover and leave for 14 days. At the end of the period, strain the tincture and mix with peroxide and lemon oil. It is necessary to spray the resulting composition with an aerosol. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes.
  • A multi-component recipe for lightening hair at home: apple cider vinegar 450 ml, chamomile flowers 30 g, lemon 3 pcs., Chopped rhubarb root 40 g, calendula flowers 30 g, alcohol 60 ml, honey 60 ml. Add rhubarb to vinegar and simmer for 15 minutes. Then squeeze fresh from two lemons and add to the resulting broth along with rhubarb root. Continue simmering for another 5 minutes. Then wait for the mixture to cool, then strain. Mix with remaining ingredients. This infusion is diluted in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. It is applied before each head wash and kept for 30 minutes.
  • Brightening paint with crocus: chamomile 2 tablespoons, lavender essential oil 4 drops, a pinch of crocus, 200 ml of water, lemon 1 pc. Pour boiling water over crocus and chamomile and cover with a lid for infusion for half an hour. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and mixed with essential oil and lemon juice. The natural clarifier is applied to the curls and washed off after half an hour with warm water.
  • Tea infusion for bleaching hair ends: water 300 ml, rhubarb 300 g, chamomile 60 g, green tea with lavender 1 pinch. Mix all the ingredients and pour boiling water over. Insist for at least 1 hour. Strain the resulting composition and apply warm to the hair. Leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

How to lighten hair with lemon at home

Each girl will have a unique shade of curls, the same simply does not exist. Hair lightening began in the ancient East. Black-haired beauties lightened their strands with lemon in several tones, which helped their hair achieve the desired look, while nourishing it with vitamins. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in this citrus fruit, brightens even dark strands very well.

But in its pure form, lemon juice cannot be used, concentrated acid can harm the hair structure, therefore, using a product with the addition of yellow citrus fresh juice, it must be diluted (for 1 liter of water, ½ lemon juice is enough). It is worth remembering that the fruit has properties to dry, therefore it is better to add 1 tbsp of oil to the clarifier. (burdock, olive, etc.).

Sweet clarifier

Honey lightening is a technique that has a long history. It is among the most useful and safe folk ways.

The procedure begins with rinsing the head with nettle infusion, to which ¼ tsp is added. baking soda. After rinsing, apply a honey mask (50 ml honey and ½ lemon juice) to wet strands and leave to act for 6 hours. The procedure can be repeated every 3 days. It should be borne in mind that it will be possible to achieve lightening by 2-3 tones only after 10-12 procedures. In addition to improving the tone of the hair, the components of the "sweet" mask help the curls to improve their health, find a natural gloss and strengthen the root system.

Clarification with onions

An onion mask will help you not only lighten, but also strengthen your hair. Onion has long established itself as good remedy against hair loss. The main disadvantage of using this method is an unpleasant specific odor that persists for a long time.

You can prepare the composition in this way: squeeze the juice from two onions. Dilute with the same amount of water as you get juice. Add here: 1 tsp each. apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice. Mix with 4 drops of rosewood essential oil to muffle onion scent. Apply the onion mixture to the strands and wait 1 hour. Wash hair with sulfate-free shampoo. This method can be used every other day or before each head wash.

It is worth remembering that you should not add grated onions to the mask. It will be quite difficult to wash it out of the curls, and the result will be the same as from the juice.

Clarification with kefir

A fermented milk product like kefir is safe remedy for discoloration of curls. It affects the growth rate. Helps to restore the structure of the hair follicle, and also makes the hair silky and soft. Kefir can be used as a stand-alone clarifier or in combination with other ingredients.

It is necessary to apply kefir only on dry curls, then wrap the head with foil and warm it with a towel. Hold the milk mask for two to three hours.

No less effective is this composition: kefir 50 ml, cognac 2 tbsp, 1 yolk, lemon fresh 100 ml, natural hair balm 1 tsp. Mix all the ingredients with a whisk and apply to the strands. Warm your head and go to bed. The duration of the mask should be 7-8 hours. In the morning, rinse off only with warm water, without using any hair care products. To see the result, one application is enough - the curls become lighter by 1-2 tones, and also more obedient.

Factors to consider when lightening hair

Whichever method of lightening is chosen, it is worth knowing some rules:

  • dark hair is difficult to lighten at home;
  • the rigid structure of the hair requires a longer exposure to the lightening mixture;
  • frequent lightening leads to overdrying of the curls.

Whichever method of hair lightening is chosen, it is necessary to take into account the structure and type of the hair shaft. Damaged hair needs additional care and restoration, so you should not choose products aimed only at toning. It is better to opt for complex formulations that help to strengthen the curls and lighten them.

The beautiful half of humanity is very fond of experimenting - and refreshing the image is a nice thing. But most often, hair suffers from dyeing and lightening, so we will discuss safe lightening of hair at home, so that there is as little harm as possible, and so that the result is not shocking. 🙂

Obviously, it is much easier for fair-haired beauties to lighten up than for dark-haired ones, and it takes a lot of time to achieve the desired shade for the latter, as well as patience.

safe hair lightening

This procedure is not cheap, even if you are going to lighten up at home. So it is morally and financially worth preparing in advance. 🙂 With a brief preliminary preparation finished, let's move on to preparing the hair for dyeing. There are a few things to understand. important rules before staining. Firstly, you cannot wash your hair at least three days before the procedure, so that the hair has time to be covered with a thin fatty film that protects the hair from global damage.

Human hair is covered with scales of the stratum corneum - cuticles... This layer maintains its density thanks to special substances, lipids, and thus retains the melanin pigment inside the structure, which determines the color of the hair.

The essence of hair bleaching is to blur this pigment, but this cannot be done without breaking the integrity of the top layer.

Any clarification assumes destruction of lipids and damage to the hair structure, and the more significant the color change, the more careful the subsequent care should be.

If you nevertheless decided on an independent experiment, be sure to consider several important nuances:

  • lighten dark and coarse hair without the use of aggressive agents practically impossible;
  • red hair hardly loses pigment and, when lightened, acquire unexpected shades up to greenish;
  • there is no pigment in gray hair, so you can only change their color artificial filler;
  • do not lighten hair immediately after a perm or other aggressive action;
  • be careful if the hair is initially damaged, splits, too dry and brittle;
  • don't forget about toning after staining to get rid of lifeless color and yellowness; also remember that bleached hair can be dyed without your desire, for example, when exposed to reagents in the pool or as a result of using herbal masks;
  • select the most minimum dosage of drugs: it is better to repeat the procedure after a while than to treat the consequences of an unsuccessful session.

Homemade recipes for lightening hair can be chemical and natural - depending on the active substances used. Let's figure out the pros and cons of each option.

Hair lightening chemicals

Consider the most popular and effective chemical agents for lightening hair at home.

Hydrogen peroxide

Impact: in the process of oxidation, the structure of the hair surface is destroyed, and the oxygen released as a result of the chemical reaction destroys the pigment.

Advantages of using the drug:

  • this is the fastest and most effective method lightening hair: the result is noticeable immediately, does not require a course of procedures and long-term exposure;
  • the drug is inexpensive and available commercially.


  • incorrect dosage can lead to incurable consequences, hair burns, with frequent use, it is possible to destroy the hair follicle and baldness;
  • there is a risk of uneven lightening for dark hair, the appearance of a red or yellow tint;
  • general deterioration in the condition of the hair.

Application methods. For light lightening, apply 2% peroxide with a spray over the hair balm, let it sit for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly and treat with the balm again.

For a deeper impact take 40 ml of concentrated peroxide (from 8% to 12%, depending on the stiffness and thickness of the hair), mix in equal parts with neutral liquid soap, apply to the hair like a regular dye composition.

To avoid burns leave hair exposed and do not use the product for more than 15 minutes.

Use for lightening hair as little as possible, once every 3-5 weeks. Do not wash your hair immediately before use, exclude hairdryer and hair straightener for a week before painting. After the procedure, actively use nourishing and moisturizing products leaving.


Impact: Glycerin is an excellent solvent, therefore it can dissolve artificial pigment (if fresh). To lighten the natural color, it is used as an effect enhancer, moisturizes the hair, smoothes the cuticle and thereby retains the lightening agent inside.

Pros of using:

  • has a moisturizing effect, heals damaged hair.


  • it is impossible to predict the final shade of the hair;
  • in case of violation of the dosage, it can have the opposite effect, dry out the scalp and thin hair.

Application methods. Mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of vinegar, add the yolk of 1 egg, gently grind with a fork until smooth, soak on the hair for 30 minutes. Conduct sessions Once a week until the desired effect is achieved;

Brew 100 g of pharmacy chamomile with 300 ml of water, insist for an hour, pour in 50 ml of glycerin, mix thoroughly. Soak the composition on the hair for 30 minutes under a film, rinse with a neutral shampoo. Use no more than 1 time per week.

Important: With frequent intensive use, the effectiveness of glycerin decreases.

Natural ways to lighten hair

Important: only natural pigment can be washed out with natural products, it is pointless to use such recipes for removing artificial colors.

Dry chamomile flowers

Result: hair takes on a light golden hue

Pros of application:

  • does no harm to hair;
  • suitable for frequent use.


  • on the dark hair the effect is practically not noticeable;
  • lightening occurs during a long course of procedures, the changes are not obvious.

Application methods. 2 tbsp. Spoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 2 cups of cold water, heat, not boiling, and keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Filter the broth and cool, use as a hair conditioner after each wash. Do not wash off.

1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of chamomile with 1 teaspoon of loose green tea, brew 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Mix the broth with 250 g of chopped fresh rhubarb, wait 30 minutes, filter and apply to hair. After an hour, wash off with a neutral shampoo.

Roots and stems of various plants: mullein, nettle, rhubarb, ginger

Pros of application:

  • herbal ingredients are safe for hair;
  • have an additional nutritional effect.


  • unpredictable final shade;
  • the risk of uneven staining.

Application methods. Brew 30 g of dried mullein flowers with half a glass of hot water, filter, use as a conditioner.

Cook 100 g of chopped fresh rhubarb for 20 minutes, let it brew for 4-5 hours. Apply to clean, damp hair, cover with a foil, hold for at least 5 minutes, constantly checking the resulting shade.

Pour 200 g of dried rhubarb with 2 glasses of white wine, evaporate the alcohol over high heat, cool. Apply to clean hair, keep for about 40 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Carry out procedures every 3-4 days in two weeks.

Peel 200 g of fresh ginger, grind in a coffee grinder, simmer 15-20 minutes... Apply the resulting broth after each shampooing until the desired result is obtained.


Impact e: lemon enhances the effect of ultraviolet radiation, hair fade under the sun's rays.

Pros of application:

  • quick results;
  • natural looking hair, even with uneven coloring;
  • natural color and healthy shine.


  • under the harmful effects of UV rays, hair aging is accelerated;
  • hair dries up, becomes brittle;
  • no effect on dark hair;
  • there is a risk of dandruff;
  • discomfort during the procedure (direct sunlight).

Mode of application. Combine the juice of 1 fresh lemon with warm water in proportions 1: 2, spray the hair with a spray.

Go out into the sun and let the drug take effect within 1-2 hours.

Carry out a course during periods of solar activity, 5-7 procedures within a week and a half.

Lemon is a very strong allergen., it is necessary to check the skin reactions in advance. If your hair is initially brittle and dry, add hair conditioner or vegetable oil to the formula.


Impact: acidic environment destroys the pigment, while milk fats smooth the scales and maintain the effect.

Pros of application:

  • is a very strong agent, capable of washing out even artificial pigment to a small extent;
  • removes yellowness;
  • safe for hair;
  • improves the general condition of the hair, makes it soft and light.


  • the procedure takes a long time;
  • the composition has a strong odor that is difficult to wash off.

Mode of application.
Gently mix 1/2 cup of kefir with 1 egg yolk, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka and not a large number of neutral liquid soap to a viscous consistency.

Apply the mixture to your hair, cover with plastic wrap, wrap with a towel and leave for a few hours or all night long.

Wash off without the use of shampoo... To achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to conduct a course of 3-4 procedures with a frequency of two times a week. For these purposes, choose high-fat kefir and not the freshest, so the lightening process will be faster, and hair nutrition will be more active.

All of these recipes, on the one hand, are a quick and cheap way to lighten hair at home. However, none of them cannot be called unequivocally effective and safe.

Therefore, if your goal is not just a light shade and golden shine, but a radical change in your appearance, then take your time and money and contact a specialist to the hairdressing salon.

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Every fashionista periodically wishes to make changes in her appearance. Moreover, it is very important that this is without harm to health. You can cut or change the color of your hair. It is not that difficult to update the shade of curls. You do not need to contact professionals, because you can buy paint and update your hair color. If desired, you can lighten the strands. You just need to follow the instructions attached to the cosmetics.

Updating dark curls is much more convenient. If you want to get chestnut strands a few tones lighter, then you should not experiment with appearance at home. Hair lightening should be done by a specialist in this case. When the lightening has passed, you need to use a balm for dyed curls as moisturizing.

Checking # 1 | Hair lightening mask

Brightening procedure

Lightening is a procedure by which you can get a color that is several tones lighter than your own. As a result, the destruction of the pigment is carried out. Lightening colored hair for a large number of tones is called blonding.

In order not to completely lighten the pigment, it is necessary to lighten on uncolored hair. Previously, to get dark curls, blonde substances were used.

Safe hair lightening (remover mask)

Dye selection

To change the color without harming the curls, you need to choose the appropriate dye. With the natural color of light brown strands, you can purchase a lightening paint. If you need to change dark strands, then it is better to purchase a blonde paint.

Professional means for renewing the appearance without harm to health are considered the best. They contain a small amount of oxidizing agent, and the result is an excellent effect. At the same time, the curls are not injured.

You can choose household oxidants, only they are more aggressive due to the high content of the oxidizing agent. The best professional products are from the manufacturers Londa, Schwarzkopf, Estel. All such cosmetics are used by masters in salons. In most cases there are no instructions for use, as it is assumed that professionals are trained in the principles of working with cosmetics. To the best household drugs includes brands such as Wella and Loreal. For work you will need:

  • a set with which hair lightening is performed;
  • gloves;
  • container for paint;
  • brush.

Fundamental rules

To change hair color without harm to health, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure. This will help to make the lightening without mistakes and negative consequences.

  • Lightening is best done on dirty, dry curls, since they are not affected by the negative factors of the oxidizing agent. The paint is first applied to the roots. In order not to harm your hands, you must use gloves. In a plastic container, the clarifier is mixed with the cream. For convenience, you can use a brush.
  • For application you need to use a brush. The composition should be applied to the roots, and then to the entire surface of the hair. You need to work quickly as the paint dries quickly. Safety precautions must be observed, since the composition burns the skin.
  • When the hair color changes, it is not necessary to cover them with polyethylene, and also to be near the heating device, because because of this, the oxidizing agent acts even stronger, and this negatively affects the structure of the curls.
  • The timing should be strictly observed, as overexposure can burn hair.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse your head with warm water. You can use shampoo and balm for this.

How to lighten hair 2-3 tones? | HOW to LIGHTEN your hair NATURALLY

How to care?

When the color is changed without harm to health, it is necessary to adhere to basic care rules. Since the procedures still make the strands brittle, you need to use special means... With their help, the strands will be elastic and shiny. You can adhere to the following rules:

  1. To get the desired color without harm to health, you must use shampoos and balms designed for colored curls. It is preferable to choose professional products. They contain nutrients and substances that bring protective functions to cosmetics.
  2. The procedures should be performed every week. Now there is an opportunity to purchase ready-made cosmetics in stores or follow folk recipes.
  3. Do not use a hair dryer and iron often. Procedures with such tools should be performed only in extreme cases, since the curls with them become inelastic.

Elimination of yellowness

Since the problem of yellowness often arises during lightening, it is necessary to get rid of it immediately. For this, professional shampoos designed for blondes are used. Tonics are also available. They should be used when shampooing until the desired result is obtained.

From natural remedies there is linden honey. The product is distributed on the strands and remains so for half a day, after which it is washed off. To eliminate yellowness, you can use a decoction of onion peels.

Ksyusha Tumanova. How to remove yellowness?

Need it fast?

Follow the procedure for a short time need in the salon, only brunettes are not recommended to do this. It must be remembered that light natural curls are better lightened. A rapid change colors from dark to light can be frustrating.

Hair lightening at home: my method!

Root clarification process

Roots can be updated using the same tools that were used earlier. To make the action gentle, you can use 1 spoon of powder and 2 tablespoons of oxide. The components are mixed and then applied to the scalp.

The composition is applied to the brush that comes with the kit. Hair must be divided into 2 strands, after which paint is applied on the surface of the curls near the roots. If an intense tone has been applied, it is best to wrap your hair in foil for about an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse your hair using shampoo.

With a long head of hair, staining should be carried out from the middle, and with a short one - near the roots. If you want to update the natural shade of your hair or transform it into a dark one, then you need to decide whether to use gentle cosmetics. After all, there is the possibility of using honey and cinnamon, as well as chamomile and lemon. In this case, there will be practically no negative consequences for the hair.

In order not to harm your health and lighten your hair, you must adhere to the rules of the procedure:

  1. Chemicals should be handled very carefully to prevent the curls from drying out.
  2. Use protective equipment for the face and hands.
  3. For bleached hair, you don't need to use chlorinated water.
  4. If the strands have recently been exposed perm, it is better to postpone the clarification procedure, since in this case their condition may worsen. It is even better to refuse the procedure for a long time, so as not to cause serious harm.

No matter how safe paint is, it still brings at least the slightest harm to health. Therefore, you should not carry out the procedures very often, it is best to perform them after a month. Remember that healthy hair naturally falls out and then new hair grows back. This process takes place throughout life. If the curls are bleached, then you can notice the torn pieces of strands during combing, washing. Their fragility also occurs, and not only at the roots. Since this is intense, the haircut can quickly lose its former appearance.

LIGHTENING hair at home || Folk remedy