
Education of safe behavior skills in children. Modern approaches to the formation of safe behavior skills in children. verbal method. Discussing and reviewing with children the most typical and dangerous situations. Cultivate accuracy by explaining that


Preschool age is the most important period when a personality is formed and a solid foundation for life experience and a healthy lifestyle is laid. The baby, by its physiological characteristics, cannot independently determine the entire measure of danger. Therefore, an adult is entrusted with the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be reasonably helped to avoid injury, because it is impossible to lead them by the hand all the time, to keep them near you. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of riding a bicycle correctly, to explain how to behave in the yard, on the street. It is necessary to form in children the skills of behavior in situations fraught with injury, to form their ideas about the most typical, frequently occurring situations.

Particular attention should be paid to the children of the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren who will soon have to cross the road on their own, perform the duties of a pedestrian and a passenger, and also face potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world. In the process of mastering the educational area "Safety", preschoolers gain skills in handling dangerous objects used in everyday life, learn to use the acquired knowledge in practice and apply it when they encounter dangerous life situations.

Work on teaching the basics of life safety should be carried out systematically. In order for it to bring results, one lesson or conversation with children is not enough. And one more important requirement: children do not have enough theoretical knowledge, they must apply it in practice.
Considering that preschoolers spend most of their time outside the home, the main role in teaching preschoolers the basics of safe life belongs to the teachers of preschool educational institutions.
When working with children on the formation of the foundations of life safety, one should take into account, first of all, the age-related psychophysiological and intellectual characteristics of children. Try to arouse in preschoolers a desire to comply with safety rules, avoiding moralization, through knowledge, not prohibitions.
Ensure the activity of each child in the development of knowledge and skills safe behavior in the environment.
Try to instill that danger can be avoided if you behave correctly, while not provoking a feeling of timidity and fear in him, using imitation modeling of threatening situations and training practical action with potentially dangerous items.

The formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers is enough topical issue modern society. The main goal is to educate preschoolers in a responsible attitude to personal and public safety and to develop in them the experience of safe life. At senior preschool age, the following areas of work should be:

1. Prevention of child road traffic injuries.
2. Fire safety.
3. Safety at home.
4. Safety in nature.
The subject-developing environment should include: a safety corner, didactic games, board games, illustrated material, educational literature for children in the book corner, visual information for parents.
In the work on the education of safe behavior skills in children preschool age several teaching methods must be used.
1. Visual teaching method. It is effective for reinforcing ideas about safety rules and the consequences of their violation.
2. Game method. Board - printed games, didactic games, role-playing games, outdoor games.
3. Verbal method. Discussing and reviewing with children the most typical and dangerous situations. To cultivate accuracy, explaining that order in the group and at home is not only for cleanliness, but also for safety.
Examine household items that are sources of potential danger to children. To prevent dangerous situations, get acquainted with the main group of fire hazardous objects.
4. Active method. The physical preparation of a child is one of the main factors influencing a person's behavior in a dangerous situation. All this is done in physical education classes, in outdoor games, on walks, in various gymnastics.
The implementation of the educational area "Safety" can be carried out in different forms works:
educational activities, carried out during regime moments; individual work with children, game exercises, explanation, reminder, display, role-playing games, conversations, observations on a walk, creating problem situations;
educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various kinds children's activities: conversations, explanation, storytelling, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, didactic games, role-playing games, productive activities, creative tasks, thematic leisure activities, situational learning, exercises;
independent activities of children: productive activities, board games, didactic games, looking at illustrations, self-service;
interaction with children's families: creative tasks, conversation, consultations, open viewings, joint games, thematic leisure activities, visual and educational work.

hThe key to success in shaping safe behavior among preschoolers in the outside world can be the use of innovative methods that are diverse in content and form. You can use the following activities in your work: conducting KVN, quizzes, fun activities, literary quizzes, solving crosswords, crossword puzzles, chainwords, rebuses, riddles, shifters, memorizing counting rhymes, tongue twisters, poems from the "safety in rhymes" series.

In the work it is necessary to use works of fiction that children can read on their own. It is easier for preschoolers to remember vital situations if they are rhymed. For example, S. Marshak's poem "The Ball"

For development logical thinking in children and consolidating knowledge on life safety, you can use crossword puzzles, scan hordes, chainwords in your work. In this case, a situation arises of easy gaming communication on serious topics. If children have difficulty answering a particular question, there is always the opportunity for a game hint, for example: "Guys, the words to be guessed start with a letter ...".

When working with children on life safety, it is also necessary to make puzzles, which are a combination of drawings, letters, and other images. Children are happy to guess the words that are encrypted in puzzles.
Intellectual games, crosswords, riddles, rebuses, contribute to the development of ingenuity, fantasy, erudition, the ability to reason and draw conclusions in children of older preschool age.

Consultation for parents "Formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers"

PURPOSE. Stimulate the desire of parents to work together to create conditions for the formation of conscious safe behavior of preschoolers in emergency situations.

1. Promote PB rules.

2. Remind about right action in the event of a fire.

3. To form a conscious responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others.

4 To intensify the participation of parents in the practical training of children in the rules of safe behavior in emergency situations;

5. Increase the competence of parents in matters of organization and provision of child safety in everyday life.

The event begins with testing.

TEST “Do you know how to protect your life and health? »

(Parents are encouraged to self-assess the results of the test)

So, everyone will draw conclusions for himself, and now we will try to shorten our path to a safe lifestyle.

As adults, we are constantly worried about young children. After all, a child, once in various life situations, can be confused.

Therefore, we need to ensure the safety and health of our children.

What should adults do for this? (Answers from parents)

Behavioral safety on the street, behavioral safety at home, behavioral safety with people are all components of a common safety culture. And if we constantly pull the child and tell him that here he can get hit by a car, get burned there, get hurt here, nothing good will come of it. We will raise a frightened creature with a lot of complexes.

And if there are too many prohibitions, the child will not be able to fully comply with them and will inevitably violate them.

So, in order for adults to be calm and children to be safe, you need to:

First, to give children the necessary amount of knowledge about the generally accepted norms of safe behavior.

Secondly, to teach adequately, consciously act in a given situation, to help preschoolers master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the forest, in transport, etc.

Thirdly, to develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers.

The task of adults is to prepare the child for a meeting with various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Already from preschool age it is necessary to teach the child correct behavior in an emergency. An effective way to show the consequences of wrong behavior.

In this we are well helped by fairy tales, which you know a lot: author's and Russian folk tales. But now we need to remember the fairy tales, where the violation of the life safety standard led to sad consequences.

Let us dwell in more detail on FIRE SAFETY.

Remember that a fire is easier to prevent than to put out...

Name the main causes of fire:

Careless handling of fire

From stove heating

Violation of the rules for the use of electrical appliances

Faulty wiring or improper operation of the electrical network:

Fires from household gas appliances

We will bend the prank of children

Leaving children unattended


* Synonyms of the word Fire is ...

(Flame, spark.)

* Can humor be a fire hazard?

(Yes, when he's sparkling.)

* The most sporting fire is this. Which?

(The Olympic flame is a symbol Olympic Games.)

* Most New Year's views fire is...

(Sparklers, Christmas tree candles.)

* Is the conflagration a very large fire or a place where there was a fire?

(This is where the fire was.)

* A fire-breathing dragon from Russian fairy tales is ...


What wood are matches made from?

* What does the old Russian proverb mean: "From the fire to the frying pan"?

(From a bad situation to get into an even worse one. A frying pan is the same as a flame.)

* What old Russian holiday was accompanied by jumping over fire?

(Ivana Kupala.)

* Why are the exits from the premises open outside in children's institutions?

(For faster evacuation of children in case of fire.)

If adults are already attracted by various forms of work on the problem, then children, based on the characteristics of their perception and understanding of information, this is simply necessary.

Therefore, in kindergarten to solve problems on the subject of fire safety, we offer the following:

Familiarization with the rules fire safety in specially organized classes

Familiarization with fire safety rules through works of fiction

Use of periodical publications

Research activities(experiments, practical exercises, simulation of situations)

Game activity(didactic, story, amateur games)

Organization of thematic competitions of crafts and children's drawings

Joint creative activity of children and parents

Meetings with interesting people of the profession "firefighter"

Excursions to the museum and the fire station

Dramatization games, entertainment, leisure.

In conclusion, I would like to say: do not neglect the safety rules! Start learning them with your kids. Tune in to the joint work of the kindergarten and the family. Show children only positive examples. May every day be safe!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 9 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan
Developed by: Firsova Anastasia Nikolaevna Teacher of the middle group

1. Methodological foundations of the system of work
2. Concept
Areas of work
Graduate Model
Expected Result

Download abstract

3. Algorithm of actions for the implementation of the work system
4. Technology of work on the assimilation of the content of the work system
5. Interaction model
6. The content of work with pupils 3-4 years old
Stage 2: implementation
Stage 3: analytical
7. The content of work with pupils 4-5 years old
Stage 1: preparatory - diagnostic
Stage 2: implementation
Stage 3: analytical
8. The content of work with pupils aged 5-6
Stage 1: preparatory - diagnostic
Stage 2: implementation
Stage 3: analytical
9. The content of work with pupils aged 6-7
Stage 1: preparatory - diagnostic
Stage 2: implementation
Stage 3: analytical
10. Literature


In accordance with the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool age, a separate educational area"Safety". One of the most important tasks of this area is to transfer knowledge to children about safety rules. traffic as a pedestrian and a vehicle passenger.
Thus, before teachers preschool education The task is to develop safe behavior skills in children from the age of three. The kindergarten works according to the program "From Birth to School", in which the issue of teaching pupils safe behavior on the road is covered starting from senior preschool age. In addition, the program offers a system of classes based on the partial program of N. N. Avdeeva, R. B. Sterkina “Safety”. While, in the Federal state requirements, the forms of work are: games, design, educational situation.
As a result, it became necessary to organize systematic and deep work in this direction with pupils, starting from a younger age, with the inclusion effective means, forms and methods of work.
For this purpose, a system of work "Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children through familiarization with the rules of the road" was developed.
Methodological bases.
Preschool children have little regard for the real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they still do not know how to properly control their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out into the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to go out on the road on a children's bike or start a fun game here. Therefore, it is very important to help the child understand in what situations he clearly endangers himself and how to act in order to ensure his safety in the road traffic environment. This can be achieved under the condition of a well-planned and consistent interaction of the educator with pupils in the course of the educational process, aimed at the formation of stable knowledge and skills of the rules of conduct on the road. This educational process is quite complex and lengthy, requiring special exercises and the application of a number of didactic methods and techniques.
Security is a state in which there is no danger, there is protection from danger.
Knowledge is a set of information learned by a child that is necessary for safe movement on the road.
Skill - the ability to perform certain actions automatically in the process of traffic, by repeated repetition.

The organization of work on the formation of safe behavior skills in children is based on the following principles.

Principles for the implementation of the system of work

1. The principle of interaction Children - the road environment. The younger the child, the easier it is to form social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. Plastic nervous system allows the child to successfully solve many educational problems.

2. The principle of interconnection. Causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences: traffic accident. Preschoolers should be aware of the consequences that may lie in wait for them in the road environment. However, one should not overly focus their attention only on this, because instilling fear of the street and the road can cause a backlash (the temptation to take risks by crossing the road or uncertainty, helplessness and the usual situation on the road will seem dangerous to the child).
3. The principle of age safety. From early childhood, one should constantly explain to children the essence of phenomena in the road environment, the danger of moving objects. It is necessary to form, develop and improve the perception of a dangerous road environment, to show specific safe actions to get out of a dangerous situation.
4. The principle of social security. Preschoolers should understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is controlled by the State traffic inspectorate.
5. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and education. This principle is realized when children realize the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, a positive example of adults is needed, therefore, it is necessary to educate the parents of children.


Work on the education of safe behavior on the road will not have results if it takes place in the form of one-time actions. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly with a focus on a clearly defined goal.

Purpose: Pupil, with formed skills of safe behavior on the road.

1. To form the knowledge of pupils about the street, the road, the intersection and the elementary rules of the pedestrian.
2. To form in pupils the skills and abilities to navigate in a traffic situation and notice dangerous situations.
3. Develop attention, skills of orientation in space.
4. To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road.
5. Involve the parents of pupils in the interaction in this direction.

Direction of work

With pupils
- With parents (legal representatives).

Model pupil 3-4 years.

1. Knows the meaning of words: street, road, roadway.
2. Knows the operation of a pedestrian traffic light, traffic signals.
3. Distinguishes between types of land transport (passenger, cargo), knows the structure of the car, what cars are for ..
4. Oriented in the surrounding space (road, sidewalk).
5. Knows the elementary rules of a pedestrian (walk on the roadway calmly, hand in hand with an adult. Move only on a green traffic light).

Model pupil 4-5 years old.

1. Knows the meaning of words: road, carriageway, sidewalk, intersection.
2.Knows the work of a pedestrian traffic light (red, green signals) and their meaning.
3. Knows the meaning of the road sign: "Pedestrian crossing" "Pedestrian path".
4. Familiar with different types of transport (passenger, cargo), with their features.
5. Knows the elementary rules of a pedestrian (walk at a calm pace, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing).
6. Oriented in the surrounding space (house, road, sidewalk, playground).
7. Understands possible danger when a pedestrian violates the rules of behavior on the road.

Model pupil 5-6 years.
1.Knows the main parts of the street (roadways and sidewalks).
2. Knows the meaning of the road signs "Crossroads", "two-way traffic", "Bus stop".
3.Knows the operation of traffic lights (three-color (red, green, yellow) - for cars, and two-color for pedestrians), their meaning.
4. Knows the traffic (separation of the carriageway by the center line, two-way traffic).
5. Knows the rules for pedestrians (walk on the sidewalk, on the right side, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, do not run out onto the roadway).
6. Knows the rules for passengers (wait for transport at a special stop, behave calmly in transport, do not push).
7. Oriented in terms of "movement to the left", "movement to the right".
8. Observes the elementary rules of a pedestrian without reminders, notices the mistakes of other pedestrians when crossing the road.

Graduate Model

1. Knows the meaning of the words: "neighborhood", "city", "roadway", his address, dangerous areas near the house.
2. Knows the meaning of road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Pedestrian path", "Bicycle path", "Bicycle traffic is prohibited."
3. Knows how to navigate by traffic lights (traffic signals and their meaning)
4. Knows the types of transport (water, air, underground).
5. Knows the light and sound signals of machines, their purpose (warning signal, light signal when turning).
6. Knows the rules of cycling and roller skating (it is allowed to ride on special areas and paths).
7. Knows the rules for pedestrians (cross the road at a green traffic light, do not play on the carriageway, look left, then right, then left when crossing).
8. Avoids road traps and understands their danger (do not stop when crossing the road, do not run out of the entrance, etc.).
9. Knows the rules for passengers (do not lean out of windows, do not make noise, give way to elders).
10. Oriented in the direction of traffic (left, right, two-way), in the surrounding space (sidewalk, playground, road, microdistrict).
11. Realizes the danger of violating the rules of behavior on the road, notices the mistakes of other pedestrians, can make a remark to a friend.

Expected Result

1. A system of work has been developed “Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children through familiarization with the rules of the road
2. The technology of assimilation of the content of the system is determined.
3. A developing environment has been created and methodological tools have been selected.
4. Parents are active participants in the educational process in this area.
5. Pupils have formed skills of safe behavior on the road.

Technology for mastering the content of the work system
"Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children through familiarization with the rules of the road."

The work involves stages from simple material to complex, depending on the age of the pupils. At each stage, four main blocks of work are identified: "Road", "Signs", "Transport", "Pedestrian - Passenger".
Junior group:
In the "Road" block - children learn to understand the meaning of the words: street, road, roadway.
According to the “Signs” block, children form ideas about the purpose of a pedestrian traffic light, the operation of a pedestrian traffic light.
In the "Transport" block, knowledge about the types of transport is formed.
On the block "Pedestrian-passenger" - children learn about the rules of behavior on the street, the road.

Middle group:
In the "Road" block - children learn to understand the meaning of words: street, road, sidewalk, intersection, traffic light.
According to the “Signs” block, children form an idea of ​​the meaning of road signs, the operation of a pedestrian traffic light.
In the “Transport” block, knowledge about the types of transport (freight, passenger) is formed.
In the Pedestrian-Passenger block, children learn about the elementary rules of a pedestrian.

Senior group:
On the block "Road" - children get an idea of ​​the parts of the road.
In the “Signs” block, they get acquainted with new road signs, consolidate knowledge about the operation of a traffic light.
On the block "Transport" - children will learn about the division of the road into two parts, two-way traffic.
In the Pedestrian-Passenger block, children learn the rules of behavior on the road and in transport.

Preparatory group:
On the block "Road" - children get acquainted with the microdistrict, remember their address, dangerous areas near the house.
According to the “Signs” block, they recognize new road signs “Bicycle path”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop place”.
In the "Transport" block, they consolidate knowledge about the types of transport (air, water, underground), learn the rules of cycling and roller skating.
In the Pedestrian-Passenger block, children learn to assess the traffic situation and avoid dangerous situations on the road.

Model of interaction between participants in the educational process.

creative activity
leisure, entertainment

reading fiction
watching educational programs
production of attributes
participation in leisure

Purpose: to determine the level of formed skills of safe behavior on the road and knowledge about transport (diagnostic tools in the application)

Task number 1.
Purpose: to determine the pupils' understanding of the concepts: street, road, carriageway.
— What is a street, a road?
What is the street for?
- Where do cars go?
Where should pedestrians walk?

Task number 2.
Purpose: to reveal children's knowledge about modes of transport.
- What are the cars?
What vehicles are called trucks?
- Where do cars go?

Task number 3.
Purpose: to determine the pupils' understanding of the concept of "traffic light".
- What is a traffic light?
What color of traffic light is forbidden to go?
What is a traffic light for?

Task number 4.
Contents: Reading the story "Martha and Chile go to the park"
What rules did the characters break?

Characteristics of answers.
1. Has full knowledge.
Gives correct answers to most questions. Distinguishes elements of roads (street, road, carriageway.). Defines dangerous places on road; explains them, can prove them. Make up a short story about the traffic situation.
2. Possesses knowledge partially.
Makes mistakes when answering questions. Sometimes shows uncertainty. The help of a teacher is required.
3. Does not own knowledge.
Difficulty answering questions or giving the wrong answer. Everything needs the help of a teacher.

Stage 2 - implementation (October-April)
Purpose: To include in the educational process a system of work on the formation of safe behavior skills in children through familiarization with the rules of the road.

Stage 3 - "Analytical" (May)
Purpose: To determine the level of formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.

Purpose: To determine the level of formed skills of safe behavior on the road and knowledge about transport.

Task number 1.
Purpose: to determine the pupils' understanding of the concepts: "carriageway", "road", "sidewalk", "crossing".
Content: Conversation with illustrations.

What is the purpose of the roadway?
What do you call people walking on the sidewalk?
Where can people cross the road?
- How to find out where the pedestrian crossing is?

Task number 2.
Purpose: to reveal the knowledge of children about modes of transport.
Contents: Examination of illustrations with different modes of transport.

- What are the cars?
- What kind of trucks are called trucks?
- Where do cars go?

Task number 3.
Purpose: to determine the pupils' understanding of the concept of "Traffic light"
Content: Invite pupils to listen to A. Severny's verse "Traffic Light"

- What is the poem about?
What traffic light is allowed to cross the road?
What is a traffic light for?

Task number 4.
Purpose: to determine the ability to drive in various traffic situations.
Content: Suggest a traffic situation on the layout (cross the road).

Formation of skills of safe behavior of preschoolers by modeling game situations.

The period of preschool childhood in children is characterized by an increase motor activity and an increase in the physical abilities of the child, which, combined with increased curiosity, the desire for independence, often lead to traumatic situations.


Effective way learning safe behavior skills is a simulation method.


The method contains in its structure a triad of components that determine valuable pedagogical properties:game, imitation and analysis of a specific situation .


The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that it is a link between the content of knowledge about safety rules and the organization of activities for their application. It is important to take into account the special conditions of implementationmodeling method game situations:

    the use of a layout of the situation or a specially designed subject-play environment in a group room;

    preliminary acting out of situations by the educator (showing puppet shows) with the gradual involvement of children;

    the introduction of activity motivation that is significant for preschoolers;

    "appearance" of obstacles or special conditions in the process of gaming activities;

    maintaining an adequate emotional background.

By learning to act in simulated game situations that closely reproduce the real environment, preschoolers will feel much more confident in real conditions. The essence of the game situation is that children are placed in conditions close to reality. In order to prevent children's fears, "information neurosis" due to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about dangerous situations, each lesson should be ended positively. At the same time, training should not be turned into fun game- Children should take this activity seriously.


The main content is built according to specially developed directions from Beregin's book "Dangers at Home", "Dangerous Road", "How to Become Not a Victim", "Games Can Be Dangerous", "Safety in Nature". In accordance with these directions, we have proposed a long-term plan with the theme of game situations, which allows us to form a wide range of knowledge and skills in children.

We hold game classes in the second half of the day as part of the activities of interest. For example, situations such as “School of traffic lights”, “Roller-skating and bicycles”, “Crossroads”, “Journey out of town”, “How pedestrians and drivers divided the street”, “In the yard” allow children to form the skill of competent behavior on the road, develop ideas about the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of dangerous situations. Explaining the rules of the road, we tell the children what the sidewalk, roadway, intersection are for, what types of transport can be seen on the streets of the city, how to cross the road, introduce them to the pedestrian route (zebra crossing, traffic light, "safety island") .


Game situations "In the park", "Poisonous plants", "A dog is a man's friend", "Picking mushrooms and berries", "Edible - inedible" help to introduce children to the beautiful and unique world of nature, children learn responsible and careful attitude to nature ( do not destroy anthills, feed birds in winter, do not touch bird nests). Preschoolers get acquainted with representatives of the regional flora and fauna, while we explain that we should not forget about the dangers associated with some plants or arising from contact with animals.

Most children believe that people with an unpleasant appearance or untidy clothes are dangerous. Some children think that the danger is primarily men ("uncle with a beard"), and young, well-dressed, pretty women, girls or boys cannot do harm in the same way as any person with an open, friendly smile. The situations “Stranger rings the door”, “Stranger in the group”, “Stranger calls on the phone”, “Lost in the city”, “Protect yourself” teach children how to act in a similar situation.We have considered and discussed possible situations of violent behavior on the part of an unfamiliar adult, for example, grabbing a hand, dragging him into a car, pushing him into a stairwell or some building. It is necessary to explain to children how to behave in such situations: shout loudly, calling for help and attract the attention of others: “Help, help, stranger!”


It is possible to use fairy tales with animals: "Three little pigs", "Cat, rooster and fox". We explain to children that dangers can lie in wait for them not only on the street, but also at home. It is advisable to play a variety of situations: the child is at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child at home with adults.


During special game situations, we tell children that household items can also be sources of danger.We draw the attention of preschoolers to the fact that open windows and balconies are of particular danger indoors. The selected games allow us to teach children the correct behavior in extreme situations in everyday life, for example, during a fire, smoke, and to familiarize children with the algorithm of actions. These are games such as "Fire Alarm", "All chairs have disappeared from the group", "We are rescuers", "How to call firefighters, ambulance, the police?OLearning to use the phone to call firefighters, ambulances, police requires work to prevent false calls. It should be noted that playing with the phone differs significantly from the real situation: in a real telephone conversation, the child does not see a communication partner, and the timbre of the voice in the handset is unusual. Therefore, the ability to use a real phone can arise and gain a foothold in the process of a special game, which can be entrusted to parents, explaining to them what problems a child may have. It is necessary to explain to children that health is one of the main values ​​of life, the key to life success and attractiveness. It is necessary to develop personal hygiene skills in children. Talking about the structure and work of the body, we draw the attention of children to its complexity and fragility, and also explain the need to take care of your body and care for it. Emphasis should be placed on the emotional well-being of preschoolers.This is facilitated by the following situations “How the human body is arranged”, “Beauty and health”, “Clothes and health”, “Attitude towards the patient”, “Actions when coughing, sneezing”, “Are you all right”, “What are you upset about? ".

As additional material we include in the work the use of literary works: poems, riddles, proverbs, they can be used at different stages of the disclosure of the problem in accordance with certain pedagogical tasks.

The proposed long-term plan organically fits into the pedagogical process organized in a preschool institution.

In general, all the implemented directions for familiarizing children with the rules of safe behavior are subordinated to the fact that the child learns to effectively interact and communicate with the outside world. After developing safe behavior through simulation of play situations, the skill of most children in the group improved. It can be said that there have been significant changes in the level of formation of safe behavior skills in terms of such indicators as interaction with people, indoor behavior, health, psycho-emotional stability, and behavior on the street and in transport. In the course of the work carried out, we determined the necessary conditions that ensure the formation of safe behavior skills: the selection of material accessible to children, the systematic nature of the planned activities, visual and didactic equipment, the use game forms work with children, cooperation with parents. It should be noted that the modeling of game situations is an important stage in the development of knowledge and skills of safe behavior by preschoolers. Communication of children in game situations, "pronunciation" of the rules of behavior, imitation of actions with potentially dangerous objects make it possible to form the experience of safety in children. Modeling and playing situations make clear the meaning of the prohibitions and ways of doing safe behavior. The main thing is not the assimilation by the child of values ​​​​complex enough for his age, but a general understanding of the value of life and health and the relationship between lifestyle and human health. It is impossible to equip a child with ready-made recipes for all occasions. Living by a child in a simulated situation allows him to learn how to independently search for a quick and effective solution way out of a difficult situation.

SLIDE 10A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others to improve.Charles Dickens

Create yourself, as there are no children without imagination, so there is no teacher without creative impulses


Perspective work plan with children 6-7 years old on the topic "Safety"

"School of Traffic Light Sciences"

"Roller-skating and biking"

"In the park"

"Poisonous Plants"

1. show the cause of traffic accidents due to the fault of pedestrians.

2. to form the ability to properly weigh yourself on the road and in nature.

3. cultivate respect for the natural world.



    "Journey out of town"

    "A dog is a man's best friend"

    "Stranger in the Band"

1. learn to correlate your actions with the color of the traffic light.

2. to develop ideas about the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of dangerous situations.

3. cultivate a culture of behavior.


    "How to Call the Police"

    "How to Call the Fire Department"

    "How to call an ambulance"

    "Fire alarm"

1. Learn with children the algorithm of actions when calling special services.

2. to form the skill of communicating on the phone.

3. help draw conclusions about the consequences of mishandling dangerous items.


    "Stranger Rings the Doorbell"

    "Stranger on the Phone"

    "Smoke in the Room"

    "Lost in Kindergarten"

1. teach children to act in a dangerous situation.

2. develop the skill of dialing emergency numbers.

3. educate the desire to help a neighbor


    "Protect yourself - 1."


    "How the human body works"

    “All the chairs have disappeared from the group”

1. develop the skill of safe behavior of children in emergency situations.

2. introduce children to healthy lifestyle life.

3. educate children's ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.


    "Human beauty and health"

    "Clothing and health"

    "Attitude towards the patient"

    “Bad teacher. What to do?"

1. form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

2. to develop the skill of action in extreme situations.

3. awaken in children a sense of compassion, the desire to help a sick person.


    "Protect Yourself - 2"

    "Find by description"

    "Brushing Teeth"


1. fix the rules of conduct in contact with strangers.

2. develop the skill of careful and respectful behavior.

3. analyze specific situations.


    "How Pedestrians and Drivers Divided the Street."

    "In the courtyard"

    "We are lifeguards"

    "Nurse - Nurse"

1. learn to cross the street, provide first aid.

2. to form a sense of duty.

3. educate children about the need to follow the rules of safe behavior.


    "In public transport"

    "Collecting mushrooms and berries"

    "Edible - inedible"

    "Lost in the City"

1. fix the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport and nature.

2. to form in children an attitude towards health as a value.

3. cultivate attention, caution.

Modern approaches to the formation of safe behavior skills in children. Partial programs, technologies for educating safe behavior in preschool children. Analysis of the conditions for educating safe behavior in children of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 57".

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Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children ( senior group)



V modern world no one is insured either from social upheavals or from natural disasters - hurricanes, floods, fires. Adults are especially worried about children. During emergencies the child is characterized by a passive-defensive reaction: out of fear, he hides in a secluded corner, instead of leaving a dangerous place or calling for help. Fires often arise because of children's pranks: because of their childish curiosity, kids play with matches, electrical appliances, and flammable materials. It's terrible when children die in a fire.

The following figures are also impressive: the number of accidents involving children under 14 in Russia is 10 times more than in England, and 30 times more than in Italy. According to statistics, every tenth victim of an accident is a child. Most often this is due to non-compliance with the rules of the road: it is difficult for a child to understand what the traffic flow is, what is the reaction speed of the driver, what is the stopping distance. Children suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger that the car represents.

Therefore, it is advisable to start studying the rules of conduct and safety measures in various life situations in kindergarten. Training must be carried out from junior group in order from simple to complex.

The purpose of the work: the creation of a long-term work plan for the formation of safe behavior skills in children of the senior group of kindergarten.

1. to consider the content of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova (2005) in the aspect of the formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children;

2. analyze modern teaching aids on the formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children;

3. evaluate the conditions for the formation of safe behavior skills in children in the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 57";

4. to develop a system for the formation of safe behavior skills in children of the older group.

Methodical methods:

1. literature analysis;

2. generalization of available information;

3. diagnosis of children at the end of the school year in middle group;

4. drawing up a work plan in the senior group.



The main goals of the updated program are the creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, comprehensive development mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

The program is composed by age groups. It covers 4 age periods of physical and mental development of children: early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second groups early age), junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups), average age- from 4 to 5 years old (middle group), senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years old (senior and preparatory group).

Acquaintance of children with the rules of safe behavior, according to the program, should begin from the second younger group. At this age, the task is: “Improve the ability to navigate indoors and on the site of the kindergarten. Learn to distinguish between the carriageway, sidewalk, understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights.

In the middle group, the program provides for the following task: “Improve the ability to freely navigate in the room and on the site of the kindergarten. Strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road.

In the older group, the program becomes more complicated and the task is set: “Improve the ability to freely navigate in the premises and on the site of the kindergarten. Together with parents, teach them to follow the rules of the road, to cross the street in the indicated places in accordance with the light signals of the traffic lights. Teach children to observe safety precautions: do not play with fire, do not use electrical appliances in the absence of adults, do not touch sharp, piercing and cutting objects without permission. Teach children, if necessary, to independently dial the telephone numbers of the fire service, police and ambulance (01, 02, 03). By the end of the year, with properly organized work of the educator, children can: distinguish and name types of transport; know your home address; know some rules of the road: the street is crossed in special places, you can only cross the road when the traffic light is green.

The objectives of the program in the aspect of educating safe behavior in children of the group preparatory to school: “To enrich the understanding of the types of transport: land, underground, air, water. Learn to freely navigate in the kindergarten and on the site, use the plan of the kindergarten premises, site, nearby streets. Continue to learn to follow the rules of the road and safety. To improve children's knowledge of road signs and their purpose. By the end of the year, children can: distinguish and name the types of transport (ground, underground, air, water); know your date of birth, your patronymic, home address and telephone number; names and patronymics of parents; kindergarten address.

The library "Programs of Education and Education in Kindergarten" published a manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions, methodologists for preschool education, as well as parents: "Three traffic lights: Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road. To work with children 3 - 7 years old.

The author of the manual, Tamara Filippovna Saulina, also believes that it is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of the road, to form their skills of correct behavior on the road from an early age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

"When introducing children to the rules of the road, the culture of behavior on the street, it should be remembered that this work is closely related to the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality traits as attention, responsibility for one's behavior, confidence in one's actions."

Further, the author indicates what equipment should be in the kindergarten area. For walks of children of each age group you should allocate your permanent place - a group site. The road around the kindergarten building should be used as a “carriageway”, markings are applied on it - a dividing strip, and when leaving the kindergarten building, a pedestrian crossing markings - “zebra” are applied to the group area. During the walk, children can practice following the rules of the road: walk along the sidewalk, cross to their site at a pedestrian crossing, ride a bicycle, pedal car scooter on the right side of the "road with a dividing strip".

For the development of role-playing games, it is advisable to install layouts on the site different types transport, screen layouts of the urban landscape (houses with windows, which can be painted with the help of children).

All marking, installation of road signs and other road paraphernalia is carried out directly by the traffic police inspector or with his participation; Parents and schoolchildren - YID inspectors - actively help.

When teaching the rules of the road, children should not be overloaded with unnecessary information; the state of health and mood of the children must be taken into account. Training should be carried out in accordance with the implementation of program requirements in the complex of the entire educational process:

· In labor education classes, children learn to make attributes for games (wands, cars, hats, flags).

· In classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the environment, children get an idea of ​​​​the various modes of transport through looking at pictures, watching filmstrips, reading stories, learning poems, talking, observing on excursions.

· In the classroom for the development of elementary mathematical concepts, the teacher gives the concept of "left, right side", involves children in drawing up a plan of the site, the road.

· In the design classes, children are taught to create various models (buildings, bridges, planes, cars, houses, streets) from both floor and desktop building materials; learn to plan the process of erecting buildings united by a common theme.

・In the classroom visual activity children are taught to draw, sculpt, depict various types of transport in applications from nature; observe the shape, size, structure and ratio of parts.

· In physical education classes, children are taught to ride a bicycle in a straight line, in a circle, snake, brake; continue to develop coordination of movements and orientation in space.

· At music lessons, children take part in holidays, theatrical performances, entertainment on the topic: "Road alphabet".

In kindergarten, the child must master the knowledge and skills:

1. Traffic light rules: red light - no road, yellow - warning, green - the path is open. Even with a green traffic light, before starting the crossing, you should make sure that it is safe.

2. Pedestrian crossing - "zebra". Where it does not exist, you need to look to the left, then to the right and, making sure that there is no danger, cross.

3. Road signs: warning, prohibition, prescriptive, special order signs, service signs, priority signs, information signs, vehicle identification signs.

Children use the acquired knowledge in the game as the main activity. The teacher allocates a place in the group for the game, where visual material on this topic is concentrated.

The example of parents is one of the main factors for the successful education of children in safe behavior on the road. One wrong action of the parents in front of the child or together with him can cross out all verbal warnings. Only in the commonwealth of the kindergarten and the family it is possible to develop in children the necessary skills of a culture of behavior on the street. For these purposes are widely used:

information on stands for parents, in folders-sliders;

Parent meetings, conversations with the participation of a psychologist, traffic police inspector and other interested parties;

· workshops where parents are introduced to the scope of knowledge and skills offered for children;

· « open days» for parents with viewing classes on traffic literacy;

· Joint holidays and entertainment (“Dad, Mom, I am a walking family”);

Issue of a wall newspaper for parents.

In parallel with the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" in 2005, methodological recommendations "Child and the world”, author O.V. Dybin, containing directions and methods of work on the implementation of program tasks at all stages of preschool childhood. When working with children of the senior group on teaching the rules of safe behavior, according to Olga Vitalievna Dybina, the teacher teaches children to follow the rules of the street (cross the street in the indicated places in accordance with the traffic lights), introduces them to different signs - simple (gestures, sound , arrows) and universal (traffic signs); organizes a tour: “What signs are on the streets, what they tell about” and talks about the rules of behavior and safety on the street: “Pedestrian rules”, “Biking”, “Dangers on ice”, “Walking on the sidewalk”, “Games in the yard ”(it is necessary to discuss with the children possible dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard at home, riding a bicycle in the city).

It is necessary to teach children the elementary basics of life safety, introduce them to the telephone number "03", teach them how to call an ambulance. Talk about who you can turn to for help if your child is lost on the street. Children must know the police number - "02". Explain how dangerous it is to play with fire, what a big disaster it can turn into; teach how to behave in case of fire, call "01". Tell about firefighters, their difficult profession, courage, their actions in a fire.

You can do a series of "My Friends" activities to show children that all objects are useful, but with some of them - piercing, cutting, hot, etc. - should be handled very carefully.

Thus, the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova involves the formation of skills for the safe behavior of children in the following areas:

1. The behavior of the child on the street (orientation, knowledge of the rules of the road).

2. Dangerous situations at home (careful handling of fire, sharp, piercing and cutting objects).


Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home, so the main task of adults is to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility. In this regard, the traditional forms of education adopted in preschool educational institutions can only be used partially, and more attention should be paid to the organization of various types of activities aimed at acquiring children a certain behavioral skill and experience. Everything that children are taught, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

The program "Fundamentals of safety for preschool children", developed by the team of authors (N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina) on the basis of the draft state standards for preschool education, is recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education Russian Federation for use with preschoolers. Based on the best Russian traditions in the upbringing and education of preschool children, the compilers of the program considered it necessary to include new content in it, which reflects the general changes in our social life. In accordance with modern psychological and pedagogical guidelines, it gives examples of possible classes and the use of methodological techniques that contribute to a more effective assimilation of the relevant material by children.

The main sections of the program:

1. The child and other people.

Situations of violent behavior by a stranger.

· Child and other children, including teenagers.

· If a "stranger" comes into the house.

2. Child and nature.

Everything in nature is interconnected.

· Respect for wildlife.

· Deterioration of the ecological situation.

· Poisonous plants.

contact with animals.

· Environmental restoration.

3. The child is at home.

Direct prohibitions and the ability to properly handle certain objects.

· An open window, a balcony as a source of danger.

emergency situations in everyday life. (When you need to dial "01, 02, 03").

4. Child's health.

Health is the main value of human life.

We study our body.

· Disease prevention.

· Personal hygiene habits.

· Taking care of the health of others.

Let's talk about diseases.

Doctors are our friends.

· About the role of medicines and vitamins.

5. Emotional well-being of the child.

· Mental health.

· Childhood fears.

· Conflicts and quarrels between children.

6. Child on the street.

· The arrangement of the carriageway.

· "Zebra", traffic lights and other road signs for pedestrians.

· Road signs for drivers and pedestrians.

Rules for cycling.

· On the work of traffic police.

· Rules of conduct in transport.

· If the child is lost.

This program does not impose restrictions on the choice of material, equipment, methodological techniques. It is important, taking into account the experience of children, to select and use them adequately for age characteristics and developmental goals. It should be borne in mind that it is advisable to combine some topics if using materials from another section will help explain to children what the consequences of right or wrong behavior can be. Due to its special significance for the life and health of the child, the program requires compliance with the following principles:

1. The principle of completeness. The content of the program must be implemented in all sections. If any section is left out of consideration, then children are not protected from certain sources of danger presented in it.

2. The principle of consistency. The work should be carried out in the system, the entire academic year with a flexible distribution of the content of the program during the day. It is advisable to conduct specially organized classes in the morning. As for the game, theatrical and other types of unregulated activities for children, these forms of work can be carried out both before lunch and in the afternoon. A factor such as the composition of the group should be taken into account: in the summer or during quarantine, when there are few children, the main content should not be given, you can only consolidate the material covered.

3. The principle of seasonality. Local conditions should be used whenever possible, as a significant part of the program is to introduce children to nature (for example, the section on edible and non-edible mushrooms and berries). If in winter period can be limited didactic aids, then in the summer it is necessary to organize an excursion to the forest, park in order to get as close as possible to natural conditions and consolidate the relevant material.

4. The principle of accounting for urban and rural areas. Urban and rural preschoolers have different experiences of interacting with environment. Urban children have problems in rural areas (how to navigate in the forest, how to behave with pets). And vice versa, rural children are not prepared for the correct behavior on the street, in public transport, with unfamiliar adults. It is possible to compensate for their ignorance of the rules of behavior in unusual conditions only in the process of purposeful pedagogical work of a preschool institution.

5. The principle of age targeting. When working with children different ages the content of the training is built sequentially: some sections are selected to work with children of primary preschool age, others - for middle, third - for older preschoolers. The second way - the same content of the program is used by sections for work in different age groups. In both cases, methods appropriate to the age characteristics of the children should be used.

6. The principle of integration. This program can be used as a standalone program or as a component comprehensive program. At the same time, its content is organically woven into the content of the main comprehensive program. First of all, this concerns classes in visual, theatrical activities, familiarization with the outside world, environmental and physical education, as well as unregulated activities and certain regime moments. The choice of the most suitable model depends on the general organization of the pedagogical process of a preschool institution.

7. The principle of coordination of the activities of teachers. Thematic plans of educators and specialists (psychologist, physical education instructor) should be coordinated in such a way as to avoid repetition and consistently deploy certain schemes.

8. The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in a preschool and family. The main sections of the program should become the property of parents, who can be active participants in the pedagogical process, since the effectiveness of the program depends on the positive example of adults.

The program “Fundamentals of safety for preschool children” (N.N. Avdeeva, N.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina) corresponds to the methodological manual “How to ensure the safety of preschool children” (K.Yu. Belaya, V.N. Zimonina, L .V. Kutsakova and others). The authors - methodologists of the preschool education laboratory of the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers - offer lesson notes, recordings of games and targeted walks, conversations, theatrical performances, with the help of which parents and educators will calmly, without moralizing and edification, lead the child into a world that is fraught with so much surprises.

The sections of the manual correspond to the sections of the R.B. Sterkina, but the topics are somewhat different:

1. The child is at home.

· In the world of dangerous objects.

· Electrical appliances.

· Safety.

· Fire is a judge of people's carelessness.

· Service "02".

· "Ambulance".

2. Child and nature.

· Medicinal plants.

· Poisonous plants.

· Edible and non-edible mushrooms.

· Insects.

The cat and the dog are our neighbors.

3. Health and emotional well-being of the child.

· So that we don't get sick.

· Vitamin family.

Health Day.

Teaching children the rules of behavior on the water.

· Trip to the sea.

4. A child on the streets of the city.

· We get to know the street.

Know and follow the rules of the road.

Why are road signs necessary?

· Familiarity with transport.

· Target walks: Pedestrian. Transition. Crossroads. Supervision of the work of the traffic police officer.

5. Child in communication with people.

· About the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions.

Dangerous situations of contact with strangers.

· Situations of violent behavior of strangers.

· If a stranger comes to the house.

· Greatest friend.

In this manual, only lesson plans are proposed, and poems, riddles, sayings, which are contained here in in large numbers. In the manual, the educator will meet with the heading "Key words". This means that it is these words that should become the core of a conversation with children and gradually enter the active vocabulary of the child.

A very interesting manual is offered by T.A. Shorygin: "Conversations about the rules of fire safety." It presents classes that are built in an accessible form in the form of stories-conversations. Each lesson is accompanied by poems, riddles, tests, author's fairy tales and stories that help to better assimilate the proposed material. Children learn about the inadmissibility of pranks with fire, about behavior in case of fire in an apartment, on a landing, in a forest. The material of the manual is intended for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren and can be used in collective and individual forms of education.

T.A. Shorygina offers her perspective lesson plan on fire safety rules:

Topic of the lesson

Topic of the lesson


Fire - friend or foe?

Beware of electrical appliances!

The fireman is a hero, he fights with fire.

The kitchen is not a place to play!

Fire in the apartment.

combustible substances.

Why is smoke dangerous?

Forest fire.

May the Christmas tree bring us joy!

Repetition of the past.

Children's pranks with fire.

Do you know fire safety rules?

The program of Irina Eduardovna Kulikovskaya "Worldview" is built in the logic of the natural development of the child, the formation of his worldview, the result of which is the whole picture peace. I.E. Kulikovskaya writes: “The proposed program is called World Vision, because in order to realize the meaning of the world in your life, you must first see, i.e. to feel, to discern, to discover, and only then to understand the meaning and value of this world. The first impression of what one sees in early childhood always leaves an indelible mark on the mind. From these impressions-experiences, the child begins to move towards understanding himself as an integral part of world and national culture. This becomes possible thanks to the ability of the educator to connect the real and the artistic, represented in the richest heritage of art by symbols, signs and images.

Features of the content of the program is that it includes a natural-philosophical and universal-symbolic picture, which corresponds to the way the child perceives and thinks. The World Vision program meets the requirements of the State Standards for Preschool Education in terms of criteria for the development of natural science ideas. “The subprogram “Elements of the World” (for children of 5 years of age) contains knowledge about such elements of the world as Fire, Water, Air and Earth, which are the first historical categories - integral formations - primary elements. Purpose: the formation of a picture of the natural world in the mind of a child of 5 years of age, the development of his ability to know the universal interconnections and interdependencies of the World through the elements-primary elements.

Thematic block

September October

Element of Fire.

The value of fire in human life.

Image of Fire.

Rules for dealing with fire.

November December

Element of Water.

The value of water in human life.

Image of Water.

Water handling rules.

January March

Earth Element.

The value of land in human life.

Earth image.

Rules of life on earth.

April May

Air Element.

The relationship of the elements of the universe.

The value of air in human life.

Air image.

Rules for the preservation of the elements of air.

In the content of the program, the main position is occupied by children's awareness of the value and images of the elements of the universe through the understanding of fairy tales (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, myths, legends) as special codes of culture, in a folded form containing people's ideas about the integrity of the universe, realized in the unity of the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Folklore creates in the child an image of a behavioral strategy built on the basis of rules that carry the value of each action. Their meaning and significance is a way of regulating relations and achieving the desired result. Only knowledge of the rules of interaction with the elements will allow the child to safely organize a harmonious space around him (it is dangerous to play with fire, you can only drink specially purified water, you can swim near the shore, with adults, etc.).

To assist teachers in organizing work on teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the road, S.N. Cherepanova offers a manual "rules of the road for preschoolers."

This manual reveals the system of organizing work in different age groups, starting with the first youngest; offered advanced planning work in various forms of organizing children's activities: in the classroom, through observations and targeted walks, conversations and examination of illustrative material, didactic games, game exercises and situations, role-playing games, reading fiction, motor activity. It is also planned to work with parents on this issue. The rules of the road are set out in the manual based on the official publication (M.: PITER, 2008) and include the numbering of road signs indicated in the Rules: 1.1, 3.9, 5.19, etc. In accordance with them, work should be carried out to familiarize children with road signs.

The book presents demonstrative material (traffic situations) developed by A.D. Dobrushin.

To identify the level of assimilation of knowledge about the rules of the road by children and the ability to apply them in practice, an approximate content of indicators and a methodology for their identification have been developed. Indicators and levels of assessment of children's knowledge for each indicator are determined.

The author of the manual suggests that the educator not to single out separate classes for teaching children the rules of safety on the street in the long-term planning, but to distribute the training into classes. Classes offered in the senior group:

Designing ("Transport", "Street");

on familiarization with others ("Our City");

· on acquaintance with fiction (reading B. Zhitkov's story "What I saw": chapters about streets, traffic lights);

drawing (“Pedestrians are walking along the street”, “Traffic signs”, “My favorite street”);

in mathematics (“Where will you go and what will you find?”;

on the development of speech (compilation of stories based on the painting "City Street", "The Incident on the Bus");

By application (“Pedestrians are walking along the street”, “Street”).

In addition to classes and other forms of work with children (didactic games and exercises, game situations, conversations, outdoor games, observations and targeted walks) S.N. Cherepanova proposes holding "minutes".

“Minutes” is a short-term traffic safety lesson (1 - 2 minutes), which is conducted by educators of senior groups of preschool institutions before the children go home.

The purpose of the "minute" is to arouse the attention and interest of children by considering a problematic issue. Different opinions related to the disclosure of the patterns of the street are allowed.

It turns out not so much "what" happens as "why". The author offers more than 30 questions for parsing with children. The “minute” should be held weekly and familiarize parents with their content through various forms visual propaganda.

safe behavior preschool education



Implementing the requirements of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 57" a place was allocated for teaching children the rules of the road - the road around the building on the territory of the kindergarten. The road is considered as a “carriageway”, it is marked with a dividing strip, and at the exit from the kindergarten building, a pedestrian crossing is marked with a “zebra”. Here, children practice observing the rules of the road: they learn to walk on the sidewalk, to cross to their site only at a pedestrian crossing. On the median road, children ride bicycles, observing the left and right sides of the traffic.

Children of each age group have their own permanent place for walking, that is, a group site. The stationary equipment of the sites meets the safety requirements.

In the senior group, for the organization of teaching children the rules of the road, special conditions have been created for building a subject-developing environment, which is represented by the following components:

1. Visual and didactic aids:

constructor wooden, metal;

· traffic lights;

street crossing algorithm;

children's pedal transport (bicycles), strollers;

plot pictures: roadway (with cars), sidewalk (with pedestrians);

· 10x15 cm cards depicting different situations on the road: ball games on the road, people crossing a pedestrian crossing, people crossing an underpass.

2. Attributes for role-playing games:

wands, whistles, caps of traffic police inspectors;

cap for the driver, steering wheels;

transport toys: bus, cars and trucks, fire truck, ambulance, police car;

flags for crossing the street;

a road on the floor with a crossroads, a zebra and a safety island;

· layout on the table: road with small cars, crossroads, road signs, houses.

3. Road signs, chest and portable:

· "Crosswalk";

· "Underground pass";

“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”;

· "Bus stop";

"Caution - children";

· “Point of medical aid”;

· "Food point";

"Two-way traffic";

"Move to the right (left)".

4. Didactic games:

“Spread the signs according to the form”;

· "Labyrinth" ("Go and collect");

"Collect the sign";

"Find a pair of signs";

"Stop moving the car."

To work on teaching children the rules of safe behavior in other sections of the program, the teacher will use the following materials:

1. tabletop theater from the "Safety" album - a model of an apartment with an opening balcony, a window, a model of a telephone, a TV, front door. Figures - mother, girl, boy, criminals;

2. a poster depicting places where hazardous items are stored;

3. illustrations from the album "Safety No. 1", topic: "If a stranger comes into the house";

4. chairs, table, telephone;

5. pictures depicting dangerous objects;

6. visual agitation for parents;

7. fiction: poems, riddles, fairy tales, stories that help children learn the rules of safe behavior better.

8. Didactic games: “If the baby got hurt”, “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Find the differences”, “Change the picture”, “Let's help nature”, “True - wrong”, “ABC of good behavior”.

Kindergarten teachers carefully monitor the safety of children in the group: nets are inserted into the windows so that children cannot fall out of the window; lockers in the dressing room and toilet rooms, furniture in the toy corner are attached to the walls so that children do not drop them on themselves; children are under constant adult supervision.


To teach children of the senior group the rules of safe behavior, the teacher needs to develop a long-term work plan at the beginning of the school year. According to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova and T.S. Komarova teaching children the rules of safe behavior should be carried out in the classroom to familiarize themselves with the outside world. It is advisable to schedule such classes on Friday of the third week of each month. Before each lesson, preliminary work is planned, after the lesson - consolidation of the material in other forms of activity.

To connect the classes with each other, the fairy-tale character Petrushka is introduced. The choice of character is determined by the name of the senior group of the kindergarten - "Petrushki": children associate themselves with a fairy-tale hero who does not know the rules of safe behavior and learn with him.

In the middle group, at the end of the school year, a diagnosis of the level of ZUN of children was carried out according to the rules of the road according to the method of S.N. Cherepanova. The results showed that out of 20 children, the majority have an average and low level of knowledge and skills, the number of children with a high level is 15% (3 children). It follows from this that when planning work on teaching children the rules of safe behavior, the teacher should allocate more classes to this section.

Classes on teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the road should alternate with classes in other sections:

Program section


child and other people. (Dangerous strangers.)

Child on the street. (Rules of the road.)

Child at home. (Stitching and cutting objects in everyday life.)

Child at home. (Service "02".)

Child on the street. (Rules of conduct in public transport.)

Child at home. (Fire.)

Child health. (Health and illness. Ambulance.)

Child on the street. (Road signs.)

child and nature. (Medicinal plants.)

In the summer, when most children are on vacation, it is advisable to repeat the material covered during the school year in the form of an entertainment lesson “School of Pedestrian Sciences”, KVN games “What? Where? Where?”, competition “Best Pedestrian”.

It is especially important to develop skills and habits such as conscious attitude to their own and other people's actions, that is, the child's understanding of what is right or wrong. Also of great importance is the formation of a habit in a preschooler to restrain his impulses and desires (for example, to run when it is dangerous, etc.).

When educating preschoolers, the teacher uses methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, encouragement. At this age, children are especially susceptible to suggestion. They need to be taught that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten on their own. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be educated constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in albums for drawing, tracing, shading, designing, making applications, etc. on road topics, in classes for developing speech using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe traffic situations.

The principle of visibility is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they themselves must see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes is aimed not so much at teaching preschoolers directly to the rules of the road (by the way, the teacher himself should know them well), but at forming and developing their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following regularity: the more useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street are formed in a preschooler, the easier it will be for him to gain knowledge on road topics in general. educational institution.

In general, the plan for conducting didactic classes with preschoolers should provide for the development of their cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment.

The main ones are:

ability to notice dangerous places, approaching transport in time;

ability to distinguish the size of transport;

the ability to determine the distance to the approaching transport;

knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

· Understanding of traffic patterns; the fact that he cannot stop instantly when he sees a pedestrian (child) on his way;

Understanding the potential dangers of transport; the fact that there can be accidents on the roads with death and injury of people;

The ability to express one's thoughts coherently.

An important place in planning is occupied by work with parents. It takes the following forms:

· Parent-teacher meeting"Child safety on the streets".

· Consultation "Safety on streets and roads".

· Registration of the general exhibition "ABC of safety".

· Production of folder-slider "Child and adult on the street".

Description of didactic and outdoor games that parents can play with their children.

· Individual work with parents of children with a high degree of excitability.


At the beginning of the work, the goal was set - to create a long-term work plan for the formation of safe behavior skills in children of the senior group of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 57". The work was carried out in accordance with the tasks set, on which the following conclusions can be drawn:

2. Modern teaching aids allow the educator to plan lessons that are interesting in content, which will help children learn new material more effectively.

3. The conditions created in the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 57" make it possible to productively conduct classes with children on teaching safety rules.

4. As a result of literature research and taking into account the diagnosis of children, a long-term work plan for the formation of safe behavior skills has been drawn up.

The resulting work plan will be used when working with children of the senior group during the school year, following which it is necessary to diagnose the knowledge and skills of children according to the rules of safe behavior. The diagnostic data will reveal the positive and negative aspects of the work plan and show what adjustments need to be made when drawing up the work plan in the group preparatory to school.

This work may be of interest to teachers of all types of preschool educational institutions and students of pedagogical educational institutions.


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4. Borovleva A. Fire safety//Preschool education. 2007. No. 4. p. 114.

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