
“Repair only causes inconvenience”: why are new curbs being changed in Krasnoyarsk. All over the city, almost new curbs are being replaced with new ones - why? double curb why


Good roads have been known for a long time, since the time of the Roman Empire. In those days, paving stones were used as a road surface. However, besides her, the Romans are known as the creators of the curb stone.

Good roads have been around for a long time

A well-known document called "12 tables", which has been known since 450 BC, was the developed and accepted technical conditions for the operation of roads. So the road in those days was multi-lane. One lane was reserved for pedestrians, the second for riders, the third for carts with one harness, and in addition to them, the main roadway was built from two lanes. The roads that led to Rome were up to 10 meters wide, and the main streets of the capital of the Roman Empire were up to 14 meters wide. Even then, they thought about how to feel safe on the streets and pedestrians and those who travel by transport. The curb stone, which rose 45 centimeters from the level of the road, helped in this. Gutters and ditches were arranged along it, along which water during rains did not erode it.

Nothing lasts forever, including empires. After the great Roman reign came to an end and the empire sank into oblivion, the curbstone also disappeared from view. In the Middle Ages, the road was hardly different from what can now be seen in the outback of our country. Yes, and from transport in medieval cities there were mainly carriages presented in completely small quantities. The roads were paved with cobblestones, which, combined with the dirt, gave the cities a dull look, and for pedestrians, boardwalks became the only salvation. Everything changed when traffic increased markedly at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It was then that the good old curb stone appeared from the depths of centuries.

Initially, such borders were made by firing and looked like long bricks delimiting the sidewalk and the roadway. Already at that time, the curb not only served as a delimiter of the road, but also prevented the erosion of roadsides and extended the life of the road surface.

border coming

Times have changed and traffic has only increased. The moment came when the hooves and wheels of carriages replaced the wheels of cars. By this time, reinforced concrete curbs have already come into use, which are made of sand concrete by vibrocasting and vibrocompression.

Today, curbs are used not only on roads loaded with cars, but also in park areas as part of landscape gardening, as well as in landscape design. Thanks to them, the desired division into functional zones can be achieved. In addition to the decorative function of the border, as in ancient times, it strengthens paved roads. It increases the service life of roads and does not allow tiles to spread in different directions during precipitation and thaw, preventing the expansion of gaps in which water accumulates.

Road and garden border

Now the reinforced concrete curb is divided into two types - road and garden curb.

The road curb is used where it is necessary to decorate streets and sidewalks, as well as platforms and areas for pedestrians. Initially, it is the curb that is installed, and only then the road surface is laid. So the marking of the site is initially achieved. When creating a border, it is taken into account that during its service the highest loads of both mechanical and climatic nature fall on it. The use of heavy sand concrete allows, in combination with vibrocompression methods, to create a product with high frost resistance and wear resistance.

The most typical concrete curb, which can often be found on the streets, is 1 meter long. If the length of the curb increases, it is additionally reinforced with steel wire, creating a frame. If the curb is installed on highways and other roads with high traffic flow, it is installed on a concrete base using a cement-sand mixture.

The garden border has a shorter length, smoother lines, and is generally decorative. appearance. It is used with great success in landscape design in order to strengthen the soil and plantings, beautifully decorate paths, lawns and flower beds. This type of border is produced both with the help of vibrocasting and with the help of vibrocompression.

For a garden border, trenches are prepared in advance before laying, sand mixed with crushed stone is laid in them to ensure high-quality drainage. When installing the curb, it is laid out above the soil in level. This helps prevent soil erosion and its entry into the paths.

There are no difficulties in acquiring a curb stone. It is enough to know that thanks to modern production technologies, the border can last more than a dozen years. When buying, make sure that along with the goods there is a document confirming its quality. This document must contain the address of the manufacturer and the designation of the product.

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All over the city, almost new curbs are being replaced with new ones - why?

To exchange almost new for new - such a strange logic for 90 million rubles is now used by the Department of Municipal Economy throughout Krasnoyarsk. And we're talking about borders. The townspeople are outraged by such a replacement, but summer residents, on the contrary, are happy. Polina Colt today discovered a whole cemetery of abandoned curbs and tried to figure out whether they deserve such a fate.

Yury could not drive past the brand new concrete curbs dumped on the side of the Northern Highway. The discarded good is taken away for the construction of a dacha, he says - it will go to the foundation.
Roman discovered these heaps of discarded asphalt and concrete curb the day before. Today by noon they have become smaller.
Roman Krastelev, Krasnoyarsk citizen:
- Well, we are seeing that the summer resident saw an enterprising one, but then the administration apparently needs to post an announcement so that summer residents can calmly drive up and pick it up, if we support gardening in this way.

The fact that this curb stone could still serve the townspeople is confirmed by the expert, in his opinion, the road fence served one or two seasons.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, Executive Director of the Reinforced Concrete Products Plant:
- If we saw the normal marking of this block today, then we could determine when this block was made, by whom it was made, today those remarks that have developed on this block. They can, under the conditions of our Siberian winter, in conditions of a drop and transition from warm to cold temperatures, they can come to such a state in a year.

All over Krasnoyarsk, citizens complain that a good curb is simply replaced with a new one, breaking everything around. In the Campus, for the sake of updating the curb, a good footpath was broken.

A vivid example of how in our city a good me is just a new one. This border was before, that's what it was replaced with, the difference is only in color. Yes, if anyone is interested, there is still a lot of good material in the bushes on Leningradskaya.
The Department of Road Infrastructure and Improvement says that the city is undergoing a large-scale replacement of curbs, not only because they are old.
Alexander Gorlenko, Deputy Head of MKU "UDIB":
- What does a good path mean, it is completely unsuitable for the movement of people with limited mobility. Will someone take this into account? We are asked this, we must take this into account. And how are we going to do this if we need to ensure the movement of groups with limited mobility without changing the side stone.

Somewhere, parking pockets are narrowed, or the road is widened, bringing it to the requirements of GOST, but according to these requirements, only a new curb can be used. In total, 90 million rubles will be spent on 41 objects during the season. UDIB asks the townspeople to suffer inconvenience. Where curbs are being changed, new asphalt will also appear this year.

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On st. The workers broke the trade unions and sawed almost new curbs. And then they piled them up. This happens in almost every district of Krasnoyarsk, the townspeople themselves noticed this:

“There were normal curbs in the Zheleznodorozhny district. Now there are no special changes, the repair only causes inconvenience.

“There were curbs before that, of quite good quality.”

“The second year they are already changing, probably, it’s necessary just like that. In some places they are, however, scary, in some places it would be possible not to touch them.

If the curbs are still broken, then they can no longer be used. All because of the remnants of concrete. But this happens only with the usual fence.

Antique and granite curbs were also removed on Red Square. However, the workers in the mayor's office assure that they will still remain here, they are only brought into line in order to start repairing the roadway later.

The mayor's office explained to Novosti TVK that in all areas where curbs are being changed, the road will be repaired later.

The road and landscaping department decides which curbs need to be replaced and which do not. That is, they carry out the so-called troubleshooting. After that, an estimate is made for the contractor. And he, according to experts,

“UDIB and the department of agriculture do not mark geographically where this stone is. The contractor comes in, completely changes, lays, and then says: but the curb stone was not enough, because it was not in the estimate.

Thus, it turns out that the contractor did not carry out exactly the same troubleshooting, ”the coordinator of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia for Krasnoyarsk Territory Egor Frolov.

However, the department of urban economy is sure that this cannot be. Allegedly, contractors are only changing old curbs.

“Nobody changes new curbstones. And those curbstones that meet safety requirements and outwardly look decent, they are left, ”explained Anatoly Kukartsev, deputy head of the municipal department.

Apparently, they are intact, but last year's curbs did not suit the officials. And on budget resources decided to upgrade them.

Recall that in 2018 more than 1.5 billion rubles will be spent on the repair of 53 facilities.

Again, do not drive through Moscow, do not pass. On outgoing highways and avenues, repair work is underway to replace the old curb stone with a new, white and beautiful one. And since the curbs are being changed, it means that the replacement of the road surface is ahead. In general, the snow had not completely melted, as city services had already begun to actively repair the city.

1. Why change old curbs to new ones? Of course, to cut the fat, Moscow budget! - any Internet specialist will tell you this.

But there are also side reasons that are not so obvious:
- many curbs are falling apart or have already fallen apart, their service life has come to an end. On many streets of the central part of the city, the side stone, despite the harsh operating conditions, has survived post-war years and its service life has already reached 60 - 70 years;
- sometimes you have to change the geometry of the streets in connection with a change in the transport scheme, which means moving curbs;
- preservation and improvement of the architectural appearance of the city streets, as well as reconstruction under the My Street project and the creation of a barrier-free environment.

2. Dismantling of old curbs. I asked why it is impossible to carry out work at night so as not to interfere with traffic (in this case, public transport):
- Whatever one may say, any such repair is an inconvenience. During the day we prevent the transport from passing, at night we do not let the locals sleep. Even when all the work is over, there will be dissatisfied people who have not been asked for their opinion on how best to repair the roads.

3. In five minutes, I learned the technology of stone installation. The asphalt is cut off, a recess is dug under the curb, a base is prepared from the concrete mixture with crushed stone, on which the stone is installed and leveled.

4. After the entire site is ready, branded concrete is poured around the curb on both sides.

5. According to hard workers, the service life of granite side stone many times longer than a concrete side, which needs to be changed every 5-7 years. All the stones are coming different size by lenght. On straight sections, this is not noticeable at all and does not matter (only if, God forbid, they are not painted yellow-green!), And in places of radii and devices for lowering pedestrian crossings, where filing is required, stones are selected individually.

6. No special tricky technique is used. An ordinary loader and two good fellows.

8. Nano-log for tamping and fine alignment of the block)

9. An example of the implementation of the radius. Each stone is sawn individually by hand. In such areas, including defective blocks with flaws at the corners, they are still cut off and adjusted to the radius.

12. Lowering for a pedestrian crossing. Looks neat. It is worth noting that our builders have learned to cut stones quite well, and such terrible jambs that were encountered on the first reconstructed streets in the center are no longer found.

13. American analogue, though concrete, not granite curb and lowering.

14. Americans pour the tray part of concrete. Yes, and the curbs themselves, such a feeling, are poured right on the spot, and not brought from the factory.

15. Concrete curbs are less durable than granite, but they can be painted in any color.

17. Concrete "sticky" - a temporary measure until the asphalt is replaced.

18. American counterparts again. They haunt me, they are too cute and round. But concrete.

20. What do you like best? You have the floor, tell me the whole truth about curbs!

Again, do not drive through Moscow, do not pass. On outgoing highways and avenues, repair work is underway to replace the old curb stone with a new, white and beautiful one. And since the curbs are being changed, it means that the replacement of the road surface is ahead. In general, the snow had not completely melted, as city services had already begun to actively repair the city.

1. Why change old curbs to new ones? Of course, to cut the fat, Moscow budget! - any Internet specialist will tell you this.

But there are also side reasons that are not so obvious:
- many curbs are falling apart or have already fallen apart, their service life has come to an end. In many streets of the central part of the city, the side stone, despite the harsh operating conditions, has been preserved since the post-war years and its service life has already reached 60 - 70 years;
- sometimes you have to change the geometry of the streets in connection with a change in the transport scheme, which means moving curbs;
— preservation and improvement of the architectural appearance of the city streets, as well as reconstruction under the My Street project and the creation of a barrier-free environment.

2. Dismantling of old curbs. I asked why it is impossible to carry out work at night so as not to interfere with traffic (in this case, public transport):
- Whatever one may say, any such repair is an inconvenience. During the day we prevent the transport from passing, at night we do not let the locals sleep. Even when all the work is over, there will be dissatisfied people who have not been asked for their opinion on how best to repair the roads.

3. In five minutes, I learned the technology of stone installation. The asphalt is cut off, a recess is dug under the curb, a base is prepared from the concrete mixture with crushed stone, on which the stone is installed and leveled.

4. After the entire site is ready, branded concrete is poured around the curb on both sides.

5. According to hard workers, the service life of a granite side stone is many times longer than a concrete side, which needs to be changed every 5-7 years. All stones come in different sizes in length. On straight sections, this is not noticeable at all and does not matter (only if, God forbid, they are not painted yellow-green!), And in places of radii and devices for lowering pedestrian crossings, where filing is required, stones are selected individually.

6. No special tricky technique is used. An ordinary loader and two good fellows.

8. Nano-log for tamping and fine alignment of the block)

9. An example of the implementation of the radius. Each stone is sawn individually by hand. In such areas, including defective blocks with flaws at the corners, they are still cut off and adjusted to the radius.

12. Lowering for a pedestrian crossing. Looks neat. It is worth noting that our builders have learned to cut stones quite well, and such terrible jambs that were encountered on the first reconstructed streets in the center are no longer found.

13. American analogue, though concrete, not granite curb and lowering.

14. Americans pour the tray part of concrete. Yes, and the curbs themselves, such a feeling, are poured right on the spot, and not brought from the factory.

15. Concrete curbs are less durable than granite, but they can be painted in any color.

17. Concrete "sticky" - a temporary measure until the asphalt is replaced.

18. American counterparts again. They haunt me, they are too cute and round. But concrete.

20. What do you like best? You have the floor, tell me the whole truth about curbs!

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