
Class hour on self-knowledge "good". Class hour: "I am a personality" - Scenarios - Education block - Information and entertainment portal Working with the concept


Classroom hour.
Topic: "Kindness begins from childhood"
Teacher: Marksteder O.G.
Formation of students' value orientation, the ability to formulate moral judgments.
development of the ability to distinguish between bad and good.
education of interest in the subject.

Class hour
Posters: / Sun with rays and an inscription /, portrait of S.A. Nazarbayeva
Kindness is a person's striving to give happiness to all people, to all of humanity.
Marking the beginning of the lesson.
A piece of music sounds. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".
Teacher. Metaphor “Everything is in your hands”.
This story took place a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around him hometown... But there was a man in the city who was jealous of its fame. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage could not answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught the butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter. "
And so it all happened. The envious person caught the butterfly, put it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked that: “What kind of butterfly do I have in my hands, oh wisest one: alive or dead? And then the sage, who really was, a very intelligent person said: "Everything is in your hands."
Display on the poster: "Good deeds paint a person."
Teacher. Guys, today we're going to talk about kindness. Let's stand in a circle, smile at each other, say good words each other. Today we will remember the good, kind words with the letter "D".
Students. Kind, dear, kind-hearted, friendly, sincere, benevolent, virtuous, good-natured, kind-hearted, respectable, worthy.
Teacher. We will talk about respectful and caring attitude towards others, about a very important and necessary quality for a person - about kindness. How do you understand this word?
Students. Kindness manifests itself in actions.
Teacher. Give examples of people being kindly treated.
Statements of children.
Students. People greet each other, help in trouble, express sympathy, congratulate on the holiday, give flowers, help the elderly, help animals.
Teacher. What kind things have you done?
Students. He helped to carry the weight, went to fetch bread for a neighbor, helped a little friend cross the road, removed the trash, protected him from the dog, repaired the desk, took care of flowers.
Teacher: You must remember that everything good that people do for you must be answered with kindness, show attention, sensitivity to adults and peers, the younger ones, as well as be kind to animals.
Group work. Now let's play. The game is called “Collect Proverbs and Sayings”. Explain the meaning.
Good deeds color a person
Hurry to do good
There is no good name without good deeds
Life is given for good deeds
The evil one does not believe that there are good people
Modesty to everyone's face
Modesty beautifies a person
Good is good and they pay

Teacher: Now the guys will tell us again what is “good” and what is “bad”.
Children's performance:
1. If you shared with a friend
You are your candy-
You did well
Everyone will say it.
2. You learned someone else's secret
And smashed it right now
It's bad, it's not worse
It is even despicable!
3. If you filed in front of everyone
Girl's coat,
You are a cultured person
World boy!
4. If you are like a wild beast,
You start to fight right away
You are not worthy, believe me
To be called a man!
5. If you have warmed the cat,
You feed the birds in the cold
It's just beauty
This is the only way to do it!
6. You blackened a dog's eye,
Threw the cat into a puddle.
Be sure forty times
You are worse dogs.
7. Respect the people around you,
Seniors, juniors too.
And then you, my friend,
They will call it good.

Teacher. Listen to the fable ..
The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell directly onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.
The wolf said:
- Okay, I'm pushing you, only you tell me why you squirrels are so funny. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you all play and jump up there.
The squirrel said:
- Let me go to the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.
The wolf let it go, and the squirrel went to the tree and from there said:
- That's why you are bored That you are angry. Your heart burns with anger. And we are cheerful because we are good and do no harm to anyone.
Teacher. Which of the heroes of the tale evokes your sympathy, and who does not?
Statements of children.
Teacher. What is the didactic meaning of the tale? What does the fairy tale teach?
Statements of children.
Conclusion. Do not do evil, be kind.
Teacher: Now let's play.
Game "Don't be mistaken, please"
I will ask you to complete the task, but you need to do them only when I say the “magic word”.
Stand up please!
Hands up!
Please clap your hands!
Jump, please.
Hands forward.
Please add lines with magic words:
Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word ... / thank you /.
The old tree stump will turn green when he hears ... / good afternoon /.
If we can’t eat anymore, we will tell our mother ... / thank you /.
The boy, polite and developed, says when meeting ... / hello /.
When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... / forgive me, please /.
Here is a portrait of S.A. Nazarbayeva - the founder of the subject of self-knowledge
Let's take a close look at the portrait of S.A. Nazarbayeva. How much kindness in the look. What do you think, what other positive qualities does Sarah Alpysovna have? (The children name the qualities, and one of the students writes them down on the chalkboard.)
Further, the teacher asks to lower their heads and close their eyes, and he himself erases the words from the board.
Teacher: Raise your heads. Look at the desk. There is nothing on it. But where did the best qualities go? IN YOUR HEARTS !!!
Teacher. Hurry to do good!
Children are invited to make a “bouquet of good deeds”.
(Flowers cut out of colored paper are laid out on the tables, the basis for the bouquet (from green paper - on the board).
Everyone should choose one flower at a time, write on it a good deed that the child can do for his family, loved ones, others, and then attach his flower to the base of the bouquet.
- I am sure that you will always do good deeds, do good deeds.
- Remember that without good deeds there is no good name, life is given for good deeds. (These words are on the board.)
In memory of our meeting today, I give a small heart - a symbol of a piece of my heart.
IV. Reflection. The song “If you are kind” sounds.
Children are invited to stand in a circle and talk about what feelings they had in class today, what they remember and why.

An hour of communication "The Way to Oneself" is held in the 9th grade at the stage of implementation of the program "Professional self-determination of middle-level schoolchildren as a means of developing social competence"

Many ninth-graders do not know what they want, cannot adequately assess themselves. The proposed class hour is an hour of communication on topics of psychology and morality (self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-realization).

Its purpose: development of the idea of ​​high school students about self-knowledge and self-development.

Tasks hours of communication :

Develop in each student an understanding of the purpose of self-esteem

Improve knowledge of self-esteem levels (overestimated, underestimated, objective)

· Promote the development of self-characterization skills.

The material of the hour of communication was selected taking into account age characteristics students, skills and modes of activity that they already possess.

During the hour of communication, various methods were used: interactive conversation, problem and game situations, since they allow the most complete solution of the assigned tasks.

The use of information and communication technologies (presentation, multimedia projector) is due to the desire to present information in the most figurative way and create additional motivation for expressing one's opinion.

Expected results: at the end of the class hour, each student must draw up a self-description (based on the questionnaire), where he will indicate the key points of the self-determination process (satisfaction with his appearance, his hobbies, abilities, work responsibilities, his positive and negative qualities).



Class hour "The way to yourself: How to learn to evaluate yourself?"

Explanatory note to the hour of communication "Path to yourself"

An hour of communication "The Way to Oneself" is held in the 9th grade at the stage of the program implementation"Professional self-determination of middle-level schoolchildren as a means of developing social competence"

Many ninth-graders do not know what they want, cannot adequately assess themselves. The proposed class hour is an hour of communication on topics of psychology and morality (self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-realization).

Its purpose: development of the idea of ​​high school students about self-knowledge and self-development.

Tasks of the hour of communication:

  1. Develop in each student an understanding of the purpose of self-esteem

The material of the hour of communication was selected taking into account the age characteristics of the students, the skills and methods of activity that they already possess.

During the hour of communication, various methods were used: interactive conversation, problem and game situations, since they allow the most complete solution of the assigned tasks.

The use of information and communication technologies (presentation, multimedia projector) is due to the desire to present information in the most figurative way and create additional motivation for expressing one's opinion.

Expected results: at the end of the class hour, each student must draw up a self-description (based on the questionnaire), where he will indicate the key points of the self-determination process (satisfaction with his appearance, his hobbies, abilities, work responsibilities, his positive and negative qualities).

Target : development of children's ideas about self-knowledge and self-development.


  1. Develop students' understanding of the purpose of self-esteem
  2. Improve knowledge of self-esteem levels (overestimated, underestimated, objective)
  3. Promote the development of self-characterization skills.

Form of conducting: communication hour.

Preparatory work: preparation of presentation, handouts for group work.

Equipment : a multimedia projector, blank sheets of paper (to determine the level of self-esteem), a questionnaire for compiling a self-assessment for each student, a magnetic board

  1. Motivational stage.

1. Taoist parable (Slide 1 ) (homeroom teacher reads aloud)

Once a man came to a Taoist monk and complained that, no matter how he tried, he could not understand the wisdom of the world. And, therefore, he doubts the wisdom of God. This confuses him very much. The monk agreed to help this man, but on one condition: he would fulfill his requirements.

His first requirement was this: to sit by the bank and listen to the river singing.

And so the man did. But in the evening, when the monk asked him if he understood the wisdom of the world, he shook his head.

Then the monk ordered the man to look into the fire.

This is God's dance, ”he said.

But in the morning the man said again that he did not understand the wisdom of the world. The monk thought about it. And on the third day he said:

Then look within yourself , all your doubts lurk there.

And, seeing in his soul the reflection of the whole universe, man understood the wisdom of God. And doubts receded, and peace filled his soul.

  1. Opening the topic, goal setting.Class teacher: What do you think this parable is about? How does it relate to our hour of communication? What are we going to talk about today? (Students' answers: How to evaluate yourself, The path to yourself, self-esteem) (Slide 2. The path to yourself)
  1. The main stage.
  1. Interactive conversation on the topic "Why do you need self-esteem?"

(Slide 3. Quote by I.V. Goethe) Classroom teacher... The great German poet I.V. Goethe stated: “ Smart man not one who knows a lot, but who knows himself. " Can you consider yourself smart people? (Students express their opinion)

Class teacher: What can you learn about yourself? (Slide 4. What can you learn about yourself?)

Sample answers from students:

Your physical capabilities, state of health.

Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).

Your character, temperament, will.

Your tastes, habits.

Your strengths and weaknesses.

(Slide 5. Why Self-Esteem?) Classroom teacher.You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. And what will it give? Why do you need proper self-esteem at all? (students express their opinion)

Understand the vocation, choose a profession.

Avoid mistakes and disappointments.

Behave correctly with others.

Do not take on impossible tasks.

Correctly determine the goal in life.

2. Work in groups on the topic "Determining the level of self-esteem" (Slide 6. Determination of the level of self-esteem)

Classroom teacher.But how can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? On the chalkboard, I compiled a table of signs of people with different self-esteem. But someone confused the signs. How to put words in columns correctly? I propose to discuss this issue in groups. It is necessary to collect 4 signs of people with different self-esteem. The first group - with overestimated, the second - with underestimated and the third - with objective self-esteem. You should write the selected signs on a piece of paper. We will attach the correct answers to the table. An additional condition is to justify your choice.

(Students answer, justify their choice, attach the correct answers with magnets to the board in the corresponding columns of the table.)

Notes on the sheets:

Overpriced: arrogance, overconfidence, insolence, hot temper.

Decreased: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

Classroom teacher... What advice can you give to a person with high self-esteem? (Sample answers from students: Be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.)

What advice can you give to someone with low self-esteem? (Go in for sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say "no", etc.)

What advice can you give someone with objective self-esteem? (Do not lose confidence in yourself, continue to work on your shortcomings, do not brag about your merits, etc.)

3. Development of self-assessment rules.(Question to the class): Do you think it is easier to rate someone or rate yourself? (Students express their opinion) Are there such “Rules of Self-Assessment”? Let's try to find them. What do you think, what do these proverbs say and what self-assessment rules can be distinguished according to them :(Slide 7. Self-assessment rules)

  1. Be skillful not in speech, but in deed. (Approximate student answer: Judge yourself by deeds)
  2. And a wise man needs advice. (Be condescending to others, but strict with yourself)
  3. Any advice to reason is good. (The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; the one who correctly marks my right actions is my friend; the one who flatters me is my enemy. Xun Tzu)

4. Problem situation"How to evaluate yourself?"(Slide 8)

Classroom teacher. From the outside, it is easy to determine what a person's self-esteem is, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Listen to the story about the problems of one ninth-grader Natasha (reads). Grandma and mom think that Natasha is the smartest and beautiful girl at school. But all the teachers constantly find fault with her and give threes, as well as her friends, Svetka and Galka, whom Natasha considers much more stupid than herself. Sveta and Galka, however, do not think so, and even told Natasha that she thought too highly of herself. The same was said by Natasha's former friend Sergei, with whom she had a fight. Natasha now does not talk to them all. Natasha believes that everyone is just jealous of her. But when she becomes a famous model all over the world, then she will prove to all of them that they are not suitable for her!

Unfortunately, the heroine of the story is not familiar with the rules that we have identified with you. Did Natasha assess herself correctly? What mistakes did she make in evaluating herself? (students' statements)

5. Drawing up a self-characterization(Slide 9. We make a self-characteristic)

Classroom teacher. After the end of the 9th grade, the school gives the graduates characteristics. These characteristics are compiled by the class teacher. But I decided to turn to your help and asked you to make self-characteristics. To do this, I ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire (Text of the questionnaire in Appendix 1)

6. Game "Mask, I know you!"

Classroom teacher.With the permission of some of the guys, I'm going to read their creations to you now. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

(The teacher reads 3-4 characteristics, the students guess their authors.) Do you think the authors were objective about themselves? Or maybe someone embellished or underestimated themselves?

  1. Reflection (Slide 10)

Classroom teacher. What did today's classroom hour give you? Did you manage to learn something new about yourself and others? (students' statements)

Annex 1.


My appearance: I am happy (not happy) with my appearance. I (not) try to look

Best of all I do ___________________________________________________________________


Most of all I am interested in _____________________________________________________________________________


My work responsibilities in the family _____________________________________________________________________________

I consider the most valuable qualities in myself _____________________________________


I think the most disgusting qualities in myself are _____________________________________________________________________________

Signs of people with different self-esteem Inflated Underestimated Objective Poise Overconfidence Sensitivity Sensitivity Self-confidence Self-esteem Insolence Passiveness Hot temper Suggestibility

Self-Esteem Rules Be skillful not with speeches, but with deeds. And a wise man needs advice. Any advice to reason is good.

We make a self-characteristic My appearance: I am satisfied (not satisfied) with my appearance. I (not) try to look __________________________________________________ I am best at __________________________________________________ Most of all I am interested in __________________________________________________ My work responsibilities in the family __________________________________________________ The most valuable qualities in myself I think are __________________________________________________ I think the most disgusting qualities in myself are _________________________________________________

What matters is not who you are believed to be, but who you really are. Publius Cyrus

Class hour on the topic "The way to yourself (self-knowledge, self-esteem)

Classroom hours for high school students

The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; the one who correctly marks my faithful deeds is my friend; the one who flatters me is my enemy.

Xun Tzu

What matters is not who you are believed to be, but who you really are.

Publius Cyrus

Traditionally senior adolescence consider the age of self-determination. Self-determination is inextricably linked with understanding oneself, one's capabilities and aspirations. Meanwhile, many ninth-graders do not know what they want, cannot clearly formulate their goals and principles, do not have a moral ideal, and cannot adequately assess themselves. The proposed class hour is an hour of communication on topics of psychology and morality (self-knowledge, self-esteem, ideals, goals, principles). A variety of methods were used in the script: interactive conversation, problem situation, questioning (self-characterization), group work, game situations. At the end of the class hour, each student must make a self-report (on the questionnaire).

Goals: to expand the idea of ​​children about self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination; to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as purposefulness, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself; contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem; encourage children to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, self-improvement.

Form of carrying out: hour of communication.

Preparatory work: 1-2 days before the school hour, secretly from the rest of the children, help 2-3 students to compose self-characteristics on the questionnaire. Ask permission to read these questionnaires during class time.

Equipment: you can make photocopies of the self-characterization questionnaire (from additional materials to the script).


Write a topic, epigraphs;

For group work, draw a Self-Assessment chart on the chalkboard. The signs in the columns are indicated incorrectly. The correct answers are in the text of the script;

Write on the board:

How to evaluate yourself correctly?

1. Judge yourself by your deeds.

2. Compare yourself to those who are better than you.

3. The one who criticizes you is your friend.

- One criticizes - think about it.

- Criticize two - analyze your behavior.

- Criticize three - remake yourself.

4. Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

Classroom plan

III. Work in groups on the topic "Determining the level of self-esteem."

V. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals.

2. Principles.

3. Ideals.

Vi. Drawing up a self-characteristic (answers to the questionnaire).

VIII. Final word.

IX. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour

I. Introductory word "Do we know ourselves?"

Classroom teacher. Soon you will finish 9 grades and you will have to choose your further path: tenth grade, work and evening school, college, college, technical school. Someone will make this choice consciously and independently. And yet someone himself does not know what he wants. Ninth graders know many formulas, theorems, rules, laws, can solve difficult problems and evaluate literary characters, but not everyone can answer simple questions: who am I? what am i? what do I want to be? what do others think of me? Today we will learn how to answer these questions.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic "Why do you need self-esteem?"

Classroom teacher. The great German poet I.V. Goethe argued: "An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but who knows himself." Can you consider yourself smart people? (Children answer.)

What can you learn about yourself?

Examples of children's answers:

Your physical capabilities, state of health.

Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).

Your character, temperament, will.

Your tastes, habits.

Your strengths and weaknesses.

Classroom teacher. You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. And what will it give? Why do you need proper self-esteem at all?

Examples of children's answers:

Find out the vocation, choose a profession.

Avoid mistakes and disappointments.

Behave correctly with others.

Do not take on impossible tasks.

Correctly determine the goal in life.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, a person who objectively evaluates his abilities and capabilities will be able to unmistakably choose his vocation, determine the goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, mistakes. And if troubles arise, he will look for the reason not in others, but in himself.

III. Group work on the topic "Determining the level of self-esteem"

Classroom teacher. But how can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? On the chalkboard, I compiled a table of signs of people with different self-esteem. But someone confused the signs. How to place words in columns correctly? I propose to discuss this issue in groups (in rows, you can unite in 2 pairs). It is necessary to collect 4 signs of people with different self-esteem. The first group - with overestimated, the second - with underestimated and the third - with objective self-esteem. You should write the selected signs on a piece of paper. We will attach the correct answers to the table. An additional condition is to justify your choice.

(Children work for 3-5 minutes.)

Time is up, we are listening to the opinions of the groups.

(Children raise their hands, answer, justify their choice. Correct answers are attached with tape in the appropriate columns of the table.)

Notes on sheets

Overpriced: arrogance, overconfidence, insolence, hot temper.

Decreased: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

Classroom teacher. What advice can you give to a person with high self-esteem? (Be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.)

What advice can you give to someone with low self-esteem? (Go in for sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say "no", etc.)

What advice can you give someone with objective self-esteem? (Do not lose confidence in yourself, continue to work on your shortcomings, do not brag about your merits, etc.)

IV. Problematic situation "How to evaluate yourself?"

Classroom teacher. From the outside, it is easy to determine what a person's self-esteem is, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Listen to the story about the problems of one ninth-grader Natasha (reads). My grandmother and mother think that Natasha is the smartest and most beautiful girl in school. But all the teachers constantly find fault with her and give threes, like her friends Svetka and Galka, whom Natasha considers much more stupid than herself. Sveta and Galka, however, do not think so, and even told Natasha that she thought too highly of herself. The same was said by Natasha's former friend Sergei, with whom she had a fight. Natasha now does not talk to them all. Natasha believes that everyone is just jealous of her. But when she becomes a famous model all over the world, then she will prove to all of them that they are not suitable for her!

Unfortunately, the heroine of the story is not familiar with the rules written on the board - "How to evaluate yourself?" (is reading). Did Natasha assess herself correctly? What mistakes did she make in evaluating herself?

Examples of children's answers:

I judged myself according to the opinion of my mother and grandmother.

She attributed her learning failures to nagging teachers.

I did not compare myself with the stronger, but with the weaker ones.

She was demanding towards others, towards herself - condescending.

She did not listen to criticism, three people told her the same thing, but she did not draw conclusions.

She had a fight with friends who talked about her shortcomings.

I set myself unrealistic goals.

V. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals


Classroom teacher. Many people cannot define their goals, principles, ideals. It seems to me that they just have a poor idea of ​​what it is. Let's understand these concepts. Life goals - what are they? (This is a dream. What a person strives for.)

Why set goals? (To strive for something, to have a meaning in life.)

How many goals can a person have?

What are the goals in life? (There may be short-term, long-term goals.)

Sample answers:

Wealth, fame, power.

Become a master of your craft so that everyone respects you.

Just be a good person, love people.

Create good family, build a house, plant a tree, raise children.

Live for yourself: study, develop, travel.

Benefit people, live for people.

Find your love.

Live for pleasure, enjoyment.

Make a scientific discovery, find a cure for an incurable disease.

Live for God. Do not sin, fight your passions.

Classroom teacher. Scientists say that a life goal gives a person strength, he begins to do something to achieve this goal, and in the end his dreams come true. But life goals are different. Some give strength for life, while others only for a short period. What goals do you think could be the goals of a lifetime? (Children answer.)

They say that achieving a goal is not at all difficult: you just need to take at least one step towards this goal every day. Otherwise, this goal will remain a dream.


Classroom teacher. But even the most beautiful goal can be rejected by a person if it is necessary to compromise principles. Life principles are beliefs, outlook on things, life rules. What are the principles? First of all, these are 10 Christian commandments. Let's remember them. (Children raise their hands, answer.)

There are people who are guided by other principles, for example: "Man is a wolf to man" (the law of the jungle), "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask" (prison law), "Take everything from life!", "After us - even a flood ! " etc. What other principles do you know? (Statements of the children.)

Why are principles needed? Can a person change his principles during his life? Are there people without principles? [Children provide answers.)

There are many examples in history when people deliberately went to death for principles, if the price of life was betrayal - faith. Homeland or friends, because to change your principles meant to lose yourself as a person, to lose self-respect. Can you give examples? (Statements of the children.)


Classroom teacher. The ideal is the perfect embodiment of something that is the highest goal of activity, aspirations. I will read the qualities of ideal people. Imagine that you need to line them up in descending order. What qualities would you put first?

The ideal of a man: attractiveness, loyalty, masculinity, skill, delicacy, understanding.

The ideal of a woman: charm, loyalty, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, understanding.

The ideal of a citizen: collectivism, patriotism, national honor and dignity, conscience, courage, responsibility.

The ideal of the employee: professional competence, high efficiency, organization and efficiency, business cooperation and self-discipline, exactingness towards oneself and others, work culture and frugality, the need for self-education, self-improvement.

Vi. Drawing up a self-characterization

Classroom teacher. After the end of the 9th grade, the school gives the graduates characteristics. These characteristics are compiled by the class teacher. But I decided to turn to your help and asked you to make self-characteristics. To do this, I ask you to answer the questionnaire.

(The teacher reads the questions of the questionnaire (from additional materials to the script), explains their meaning, the children give answers.)

Anyone who wants to can keep the questionnaire. Hope it helps you with your self-esteem.

(Those who wish to hand over the questionnaire.)

Vii. Game "Mask, I know you!"

Classroom teacher. With the permission of some of the guys, I'm going to read their creations to you now. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

(The teacher reads 3-4 characteristics, the children guess their authors.) Do you think the authors were objective about themselves? Or maybe someone embellished or underestimated themselves? (Children speak up.)

These characteristics will help me a lot in the end school year... I will try to be objective too.

VIII. Final word

Classroom teacher. As you know, all people are unique, but many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out it's not easy at all. And even to make an objective description at the end of the 9th grade, few succeed. The process of knowing oneself is different for everyone, individual, unique. It will last a lifetime. The cognition of oneself begins with the cognition of other people, and the cognition of the world, and the cognition of the meaning of life.

IX. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What did today's classroom hour give you? Did you manage to learn something new about yourself and others?

Additional material

Self-characteristic questionnaire

1. Your appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance?)

2. Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What are you striving for in life?)

3. Abilities and interests. (What interests you the most, what do you do best, what books do you read?)

4. Attitude towards work. (What kind of work do you enjoy and what do you reluctantly do? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?)

5. Moral and volitional qualities. (What human qualities do you consider to be the most valuable; what are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite character? Who and what would you like to emulate?


A.I. Kochetov Organization of self-education of schoolchildren. Minsk, 1990.

Class hour on the topic: "Know thyself."

Goals: to acquaint children with some methods of self-knowledge, to give children an idea of ​​how to find the main features in themselves, to determine their personal characteristics; develop in children the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and others; contribute to the formation of faith in oneself, in the opportunity to become better; encourage adolescents to self-knowledge, self-education.

Equipment... Each student has album sheets, notebook sheets.

School hour plan.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Interactive conversation "Do you need to know yourself?"
  3. Determination of children's knowledge about themselves:

Discussion "What person can be called unique?"

Creation of self-portraits;

Group play “Who am I? What am I? "

4. Mini - lecture "What is self-esteem?"

5. Self-assessment test.

6. Summing up.

Class hour.

  1. Introduction.

The words "Know thyself" belong to the greatest philosopher of antiquity, Socrates, who lived many centuries ago. Even then, a person thought: who he is, what is his character, what he loves, what he does not like, what are his goals in life, how other people relate to him? This process is called self-knowledge.

  1. Interactive conversation "Do you need to know yourself?"

What do you think, in our time, a person should strive to know himself?

Which is better: overestimate or underestimate yourself?

As you understand the words "self-observation", "introspection", "self-examination".

Do you think you know yourself?

It is necessary to know yourself! After all, if a person knows his strengths and weaknesses, he can develop his talents, correct his shortcomings. It will be easier for him to communicate with the people around him, because, having determined his personality, he will be able to see the personality of another person. He will feel successful, happy.

How do you know yourself? There are such techniques for this: self-observation, introspection, self-testing, self-esteem.

Today we will be learning self-knowledge. We will conduct self-observation, introspection, self-testing and self-assessment.

  1. Determination of children's knowledge about themselves.

Discussion "What person can be called unique?"

Quiet music turns on. Children divided into groups discuss the answers.

This is a bright, talented, outstanding person.

Different from other people.

This is an unusual, strange person, an eccentric.

This is any person, even the most ordinary one. He even differs from other people by his fingerprints.

Creation of self-portraits.

Every person in the world is unique, inimitable. The word "unique" means "one", "unique". I want each of you to think about your uniqueness. To do this, I suggest you draw your portrait on an album sheet.

You have got unique self-portraits. And now we will sign self-portraits. To do this, let's play the game "Who am I?", "What am I?"

Group play "Who am I?" "What am I?"

Write on the left in a column ten times the letter "I", and next to each letter we write the answer to the question "Who am I?", "What am I?" It can be a judgment about yourself, about your appearance, character, inner world, about your hobbies, experiences, about what you respect yourself for.

Quiet music turns on. Children work 3-5 minutes. Then in groups they talk about themselves.

  1. Mini - lecture “What is self-esteem?

Knowing yourself is not enough, you need to have correct self-esteem. Self-esteem is an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone can properly assess themselves. Self-esteem can be overestimated, underestimated and correct. People with low self-esteem consider themselves stupid, weak, ugly. These people are very touchy, uncommunicative, insecure.

People with high self-esteem, on the contrary, consider themselves the most intelligent, beautiful, talented. They are very sociable, self-confident, but they often take on work that they cannot afford and do not bring it to the end.

And only people with correct self-esteem know their strengths and weaknesses, are not afraid of criticism, are not afraid of communication, they will confidently take on a task that they can do, bring it to the end and earn the respect of others.

True self-esteem helps a person maintain his dignity and live in harmony with everyone and with himself.

  1. Self-assessment test.

Today we are learning to evaluate ourselves. Let's pass the test with you and find out what self-esteem each of you has. Everyone has a piece of paper on their desk. Draw 8 circles in one row on it. It is better to arrange the leaf wide. Quickly write the letter "I" in

any circle. Now you can find out what your self-esteem is. The closer you are to the left, the lower your self-esteem. The closer to the right edge, the higher your self-esteem. Those who put the letter "I" in the middle have correct self-esteem.

The result you received does not have to be shared with everyone. This result should give you food for thought, for further observations of yourself. After all, only by knowing our weaknesses, we can correct them and become stronger. How successful your life will be depends on it.

  1. Summarizing.

Let's sum up our class hour:

Was the topic of self-knowledge interesting?

What have you learned about different options self-esteem?

How can correct self-esteem help a person in life?

What new have you learned about yourself?

Are you considering continuing to observe yourself?

Did you enjoy the class hour?

Conclusion: learned that so far some do not have as much self-esteem as you want. You need to evaluate yourself correctly, so that people respect you, in order to be confident in yourself. You need to study yourself in order to correctly assess your strength.

Topic: What is "I". Do I know myself?

Target: help students learn about their inner world.

Preparatory stage. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Who am I? What am I? Why am I like this?

At first glance, guys, these are very simple questions, but for most of you, you must agree, it is difficult to find answers to them. Meanwhile, the answers to these questions determine your attitude towards yourself, towards other people and towards life in general.

The purpose of our lesson is to form an idea of ​​yourself, your inner world. This knowledge will help you gain confidence, realize your abilities and achieve your goals in life.

The desire to know your inner world is deeply rooted in the distant past.

Look at the desk. Here are some sayings from ancient thinkers:

Look into yourself more often.


There is no more fruitful pursuit than knowing yourself.

R. Descartes

All people tend to know themselves and think.


Know yourself and you will know the world!


Identify words from these statements that most likely reflect the essence of the topic of our lesson.

Know; know yourself, look into yourself, etc.

Game "Phone"

Game plot.

Imagine that you are at home. Suddenly the phone rings, you pick up the receiver, and a voice is heard at the other end of the carriage:

Hello, the editor of the children's TV show "Why Much" is talking to you. I invite you to cooperate. I wanted to know a little about you.

You need to tell the editor about yourself. To make it easier for you to do this, I suggest using a kind of "guide".


2. Full name of the parents.

3. My friends.

4. My hobbies.

5. It makes me happy.

6. It upsets me.

7. Most of all I like in people.

8. Most of all I like myself.

9. I dream.

Students take turns talking about themselves.

Was it interesting for you to communicate? What did everyone tell you about themselves?

Conclusion. Everyone has a certain amount of knowledge about themselves, and you have now demonstrated that. I agree that you learned more about each other than you did before. Each person needs to know himself, which means to assess his capabilities and abilities, to be aware of his actions, to be responsible for his actions.

Only man has an idea of ​​himself. The system of ideas about oneself is called the "I" image.

"I" is also compared to a light source, a searchlight lamp, the beam from which can illuminate the space of our inner world.

The image of "I" is multifaceted. Psychologists say that in each of us there are many "I".

Let's listen to V. Lunin's poem "Seven I".

Role reading of a poem.

Lives in me seven I -

The whole family.

When one says yes

The second says, "No."

The third one gives advice,

The fourth one is asleep,

The fifth flies counts

The sixth of the seventh expects,

Whom should I listen to?

And seven I live in me -

The whole family.

When one says:

"Let's go on foot"

The second says:

"Let's ride a horse."

The third says:

"Let's go by car"


"By bike"

"On a sleigh"

"Not today, but one of these days",

And the seventh tells a fairy tale.

Whom should I listen to?

I live in me too -

The whole family.

When one cries

The second one laughs,

The third - does not want to know about anything,

The fourth asks the question after the question,

The fifth pokes his nose into everything,

The sixth is waiting for the seventh again

And the seventh tells a fairy tale.

Whom should I listen to?

Can you answer the question "Whom should I listen to?"

Communicate with everyone, then you will find out everything about yourself.

Conclusion. A person presents himself differently in different circumstances and situations. Different "I" live inside of us.

Monologue of Alice in Wonderland

“I just don't know who I am now. No, I, of course, roughly know who I was in the morning when I got up, but since then I have been this and that, in a word, somehow not like that ...

I gave myself excellent advice (although I did not always obey them). Sometimes I scolded myself that I could hardly refrain from crying. And once, I remember, I even tried to rip my ears out for cheating by playing croquet with myself. I love to be different people at once, for fun. "

What about you guys? Has it ever happened to you that at home, with your family, you can be alone, but at school different, in the company of friends - completely different?

Students try to answer the question posed.

Magic Mail game

Purpose: to compare the self-image with the opinion of classmates.

The teacher pulls out letters addressed to the students from a huge envelope. By their content, students guess to whom this or that letter was written.

Conclusion. Mainly the opinion of others (classmates and class teacher) coincided with the assessment of the authors of the letters themselves.

Hand drawn letter to alien

Purpose: to convey information about yourself in pictures.

Mini conclusions.

1. Self-knowledge is a necessity. We must understand ourselves. First of all, we ourselves need it.

2. If we become attentive to ourselves, it will be reflected in the people around.

3. Mutual understanding, communication, cooperation with friends, other people in society is not a burden for you, but a joy.