
Finger gymnastics: a system of games and exercises for children. Finger games card file for preschool children (3-4 years old) Finger gymnastics: games with clothespins


What is finger gymnastics for?

Let's summarize how much useful things we do by playing finger games. Finger gymnastics:

1. Develops speech.

Exercising and rhythmically moving his fingers, the baby activates the speech centers of the brain.

2. Develops the baby's ability to imitate us adults teaches to listen to our speech and understand it, increases speech activitycrumbs, and justcreates a favorable emotional atmosphere.

3. Teaches the child concentrate attention and distribute it correctly.

This is a very, very important skill! And we, educators, need to help the baby to shape it. By the way, a child will be able to learn to arbitrarily control his attention only by the age of 6-7 years. And his school success will largely depend on this skill.

4. When the baby starts to speak and is able to accompany the exercise from finger gymnastics with verses, this will do itspeech is clearer, more rhythmic, brighter... This way he canincrease control over your movements.

5.In finger games ah you need to memorize a lot: the position of the fingers, and the sequence of movements, and just poetry. Here's a great fun exercise for!

6. Is it possible with the help of finger gamesdevelop fantasy and imagination? Certainly! After all, you can “tell” whole stories with your hands! First, the teacher will show an example, and only then the child can compose his own "finger stories".

7. Finally, after all these exerciseshands and fingers will become strong, mobile, flexible... And this will help in the future inmastering writing skills!

How much and how often do you need to do finger gymnastics?

Any exercise is only effective if you do it regularly. So finger games will bring an effect with daily exercises (!) For 5 minutes.

By the way, what do you think -do i need to constantly change gamesto keep them interested?

Or is it enough to play your favorites?

You've most likely noticed that babies like to repeat the same movement, procedure, or action.

This is a learning mechanism. The child will repeat it over and over in order to gain a foothold in the skill. And the more difficult the skill, the longer the repetition will take. This is a little later, at an older age, it will be required to constantly diversify the games.

Why do I come back to the topic of finger games over and over again, why so many of them? Maybe then a few favorite ones are enough?

The fact is that finger games can be divided into several types:

1. Exercises for the hands.

Examples of such games are games from the “10 Simplest Finger Games That Will Entertain Your Child in Traffic or in Line”.

Such games are quite simple and do not require subtle differentiated movements. Therefore, they are suitable for the little ones, you can start with them. In addition, gymnastics with these games:

Teaches kids to repeat after us adults. That is, it develops imitative ability. It is this ability that is the basis for successful subsequent training in all skills;

Teaches you to strain and relax your muscles;

Develops the ability to maintain the position of the fingers for a while;

Teaches you to switch from one movement to another.

2. Finger exercises are conventionally static.

These games improve the skills acquired earlier at a higher level. More complex ones require more precise movements. By the way, it is precisely using these exercises (after mastering them) that you can compose your most wonderful and incredible stories and stories.

3. Finger exercises are dynamic.

Develop precise coordination of movements;

Learn to bend and unbend the fingers;

They teach to oppose the thumb to the rest.

And I hope that the information received will help you to regulate the "difficulty" of games for the child, as well as find "favorite" games of different types.

Topic: "Migratory birds"

Migratory birds

Tili-teli, tili-teli -

Birds have come from the south!

They cross their thumbs, wave their palms.

A little bird flew to us -

A gray feather.

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry: who is faster?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin -

Bend the fingers on both hands alternately, starting with

left little finger.

Everyone returned, flew in,

Again, they cross their thumbs and wave their hands.

Resounding songs sang!

Make a beak with the index and thumb -

"The birds are singing."

Bread2 2 Topic: "Bread"


We kneaded flour into dough,

And from the dough we blinded:

They clap with their palms, "mold".

Pies and buns

Butter cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls -

We will bake everything in the oven.

Alternately unbend the fingers, starting

from the little finger.

Both palms are turned up.

Very tasty!

3 Topic: "Fish"

Underwater world

Look around quickly!

Make a palm at the forehead with a "visor".

What do you see, dear friend?

Place the fingers on the rings at the eyes.

The water is clear here.

The seahorse is swimming here.

Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid.

And this? This is a ball fish.

But, spreading eight legs,

The guests are greeted by an octopus.

4 Topic: "Fruit"

Fruit palm

This finger is an orange

He is certainly not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot

Growing high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Asks: "Well, eat it!"

This finger is a pineapple

Alternately unbend the fingers from the fist,

starting with the big one.

Fruit for you and for us.

Show with palms around and at themselves.

5 Topic: "Vegetables"


At the little girl Zinochka

Vegetables in a basket:

Children make their palms "basket».

Here is a pot-bellied zucchini

I put it on a side

Peppers and carrots

I laid it down deftly

Tomato and cucumber.

Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.

Our Zina is great!

Show the thumb.

6 Topic: "My city"

House and gate

There is a house in the clearing

To depict the "house" with two hands, the roof of the house - the fingers of the left and right hands touch each other.

Well, the way to the house is closed.

Right and left hands are turned with palms towards themselves,

middle fingers with Touch each other, thumbs up ("gate").

We open the gate

The palms are turned parallel to each other.

We invite you to this house.

7 Topic: "Garden vegetable garden"

Salt the cabbage

We chop the cabbage

Sharp movements with straight brusheshands up and down.

We are three carrots,

The fingers are clenched into fists, the movements of the fists toward and away from oneself.

We salt the cabbage

Finger movement imitatingsprinkle with a pinch of salt.

We are harvesting cabbage.

Intense squeezing of the fingers

into fists.

Extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.

8 Topic: "Winter"

Winter fun

What do we love to do in winter?

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skate on ice,

Ride down the mountain on a sled.

Christmas toys

The holiday is coming

The tree is dressing up.

Po Raise their hands up "to the top of the tree" and, lowering them down, spread

To the sides.

We hung up the toys:

Beads, balls, crackers.

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.

And here the lanterns are hanging

They delight the guys with brilliance.

They twist their palms in the air - "flashlights".

Topic: "Food"


Performing actions in accordance with the content of the poems

The mouse found a grain

And carried it to the mill. I ground flour there,

I baked pies for everyone:

Mouse - with cabbage,

Mouse - with potatoes, Mouse - with carrots, Mouse - with cloudberries. For a big fat man

All four pies:

With cabbage, with potatoes,

With carrots, cloudberries.

Topic: Wintering Birds "

Birds in winter

Come fly, birds!

("Calling" movements of the fingers of both hands)

I will give sala to the titmouse.

("Cutting movements" of one palm on the other)

I'll make some crumbs

(Fingers pinch - "crumb" bread)

11 Topic: "Mushrooms"

For mushrooms
(nursery rhyme)

One, two, three, four, five,
We're going to look for mushrooms!
This finger went to the forest,
This finger has found a mushroom.
I began to clean this finger.
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat.
(bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger)

12 Topic: "Autumn"



Children make smooth brushes

forward movements - to the chest.



The fingers on the hand are alternately bent.






Shake hands.

13 Topic: "Houseplants"


Look at the window rather:

Here we have geraniums in bloom.

And here is a handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia -

We remember all the names!

Open the palm.

We will loosen the flowers, water them,

Wiggle fingers down.

Let them grow up day after day!

О Both palms are connected with a "bud", raised above the head and

open with a "flower".

14 Topic: "Fairy Tales"

Fairy tales

Fairy Tales Fairy Tales

We will call fairy tales:

Stretch your arms forward, playing with your fingers.

This tale is "Teremok".

This tale is "Kolobok".

This tale is "Turnip":

About the granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather.

Alternately touch the rest with the thumb, starting with the index.

"The wolf and the seven Young goats" -

Everyone is happy with these fairy tales!

Show the thumb.

15 Dishes theme


Girl Irinka was putting things in order.

Show the thumb.

Girl Irinka said to the doll:

“Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

The oil should be in the oil can,

The bread should be in the bread box,

What about salt? Well, of course, in a salt shaker! "

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest

16 Topic: "Clothes"



I wash it cleanly, properly

Shirt, blouse and T-shirt,

Sweater and trousers -

Make movements with cams that simulate washing.


The right hand alternately shake the fingers of the left hand.

(Repeat with the other hand.)

My hands are tired!

Shake both hands.

17 Topic: "Family"

This finger

Children are invited to bend the fingers of their left hand into a fist, then, listening to the nursery rhyme, take turns to unbend them starting with thumb.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is I

That's my whole family.

18 Topic: "Furniture"


Chair, table, sofa, bed,

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

The fingers of both hands are alternately clamped into the cams.

I named a lot of furniture -

Ten fingers pinched!

Raise the clenched cams up.

19 Topic: "Guarding the Motherland"

Our army

Aty-bats, aty-bats!

Soldiers are coming to the parade!

Here are the tankers,

Then the gunners

And then the infantry -

Company by company!

Alternately "step" with the index and middle fingers

right and left hand.

20 Topic: "Eighth of March»

Our mothers

There are many mothers in this world

Children love all of them!

They spread their arms to the sides, then clasp tightly

Himself by the shoulders.

Journalist and engineer,

Cook, policeman,

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder -

Bend the fingers alternately, starting with the little finger, first on one,

then on the other hand.

Different mothers are needed

Squeeze both palms into a "lock".

Moms are important!

They spread their hands, raise them with their palms up. - "flashlights".

21 Topic: "Transport»


We will bend our fingers -

Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

We will call transport:

Car and helicopter

Tram, subway and plane.

Alternately unclench the fingers, starting with the little finger.

We clenched five fingers into a fist,

Five types of transport were named.

They clench their fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

22 Theme: "Flowers"


Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem

Our scarlet flowers

Open the petals.

The breeze breathes a little

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

Cover the petals

They fall asleep quietly

They shake their heads.

23 Topic: "Insects"


Together, fingers count

We call insects:

(clenching and unclenching fingers)

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

It is a beetle with a green belly.

(Alternately bend our fingers into a fist)

Who is this ringing here?

(rotate with little finger)

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!


(we hide our hands behind our back)

24 Topic: "Forest"

Into the forest for berries

One, two, three, four, five

(the fingers of both hands "greet" - touch each other: first connect the thumbs, then the index e, etc.),

We are going to the forest for a walk

(the index and middle fingers of both hands "walk" on the table).

For blueberries for raspberries

(with the index finger of your right hand, bend the fingers on the left, starting with the thumb),

For lingonberries and viburnum.

We will find strawberries

And we will take it to the brother

(the index and middle fingers of both hands "walk" on the table)

25 Topic: "Toys"


Antoshka has toys:

Here is a funny frog.

Here is an iron car.

It's a ball. It's made of rubber.

Multi-colored matryoshka

And with a fluffy cat tail.

Alternately bend the fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

26 Topic: "Wild Animals"

Wild animals

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel,

This is a fox, this is a wolf,

Bend the fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

And this is in a hurry, waddles awake

Brown, furry, funny bear cub.

Rotate with your thumb.

2 7 Topic: "Pets"


The cow is happy with her


The sheep is happy with its


The cat is happy with its


Who is the pig happy with?


The goat is happy with her


And I'm happy with my guys!

Show alternately fingers, first on one, then on the other hand, starting with the thumbsOh, a mosquito is flying here!


(we hide our hands behind our back)

28 Topic: "Summer"


(fingers are curled, one for each count)

Is that why I love summer?

Summer is warmed by the sun.

Two - grass grows in the forest.

Three - daisies - look!

And four is a forest

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

Five - we swam again.

Six - it's time to eat mushrooms.

Seven - I'll eat raspberries.

Eight - we'll mow the hay.

Nine - grandma is coming

He brings us strawberries.

Ten - everyone is dressed in foliage.

That's what I love summer for!)

29 Topic: "Professions»


There are many noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of your right hand with your thumb.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder ...

(Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.)

I don't name everyone right away,

(Open and close the jaws.)

I suggest you continue.

(Stretch your arms out in front, palms up.)

30 Topic: "Kindergarten»

One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers -
Strong, friendly,
All so necessary.
(raise the right (left) hand up, spread the fingers wide; alternately bend them into a fist, starting with the thumb)
Hush, hush, hush
Do not make noise!
Don't wake up our kids!
The birds will chirp
Will fingers get up
(swing the cam up and down along the rhythm of the poetic lines, and on the word "stand up" - open the cam, spreading your fingers wide apart)

31 31

Theme: "Spring"


All year round

All year round, all year round!

They clench the fingers of the right hand into a fist and rotate


Spring comes after winter

And after the spring

Summer is hurrying to us.

And who we don't ask -

Autumn is coming after summer.

And in the fall itself

Winter is coming again, hurrying.

Alternately connect the thumb with the rest

(for every season). Repeat with the other hand

32 Topic: "Miracles of Santa Claus"

New Year

New Year is coming!

clap our hands

Children lead a round dance.

the hands are interlocked with the fingers, the arms are extended, the hands are inward and outward

Balls hang on the tree

alternately connect the fingers on two hands, forming a ball

Flashlights are on.


Here the ice floes sparkle

clench and unclench fists in turn

Snowflakes are spinning.

easy and smooth movement of brushes

Santa Claus is coming to visit,

fingers walking on the knees or on the floor

He brings gifts to everyone.

three palms together

Let's bend our fingers:

slap on the knees or on the floor, one hand with a palm, the other with a fist, and then change

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b, 7, 8, 9, 1O.

massage each finger in turn


One, two, three, four, five (bend our fingers)
We went for a walk in the yard
(with index and middle fingers we "walk" on the table)
The snow woman was blinded (we roll the "lump" with the handles)
We fed the birds with crumbs ("feed the birds")
Then we rode down the hill
(we move the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And also lay in the snow
(we put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
Everyone came home in the snow (we shake off our palms)
We ate soup ("eat soup"),
went to bed (palms under the cheek).


Here is a beehive (showing fists)
Bees live here.
So they showed up from the house,
(bend fingers alternately)
One, two, three, four, five!
Z-z-z-z-z-z ..... "(tickling the child)

Small fish

The fish lives in the lake
The fish swims in the lake
(palms are connected and make smooth movements)
Suddenly hit with his tail
(separate palms and hit the knees)
And we will hear - splash, splash!
(put your palms together at the base and clap like that)


Simulate the movements of a shoemaker hammering in nails: the fingers of one hand are holding nails, the other is holding a hammer.

Master, master,
Help -
Hammer it hard
Nails -
We will go today
Visit us!


One, two, three, four, (bend your fingers)
You and I made a snowball
(sculpt, changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth.
(show a circle, stroke palms together)
Once - toss, ("toss", look up)
Two - we'll catch. ("catch", squat)
Three - drop (get up, "drop")
And ... let's break it! (stomp)


In the morning, the sun rises higher, higher, (hands high up).
At night, the sun will set lower, lower. (hands down).
The sun lives well, well,
(we make flashlights with pens)
And we have fun with the sun
(clap our hands)


One two three four five -
(alternately unclench the fingers from the cam)
Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five -
(we clamp our fingers into a fist)
They hid in the house again!


We kneaded the dough (squeeze the hands)
We sculpted a cake (our palms sculpt)
Slap, slap,
Slap, slap
We're making a big pie! (spread our hands)


I will cook porridge with a doll: (stir the porridge)
Pour milk into a bowl (pour milk)
I'll put the cereal there (pour the cereal)
And put it on the stove. (Put it on the stove)
The porridge will be good! (clap)
Eat, doll, slowly. (threaten with your finger)


One, two, three, four, five,
The worms went for a walk (the handles are on the table, palms down, we bend and unbend our fingers)
Suddenly, a crow runs out (fingers "run" on the table)
Croaks: "Here's lunch."
(forefinger and thumb "croak".)
Lo and behold (we spread with handles),
but there are no worms (we squeeze our fingers into fists).


We shared an orange
(left hand in a fist, right grasping it)
There are many of us - and he is one
This slice is for a hedgehog
(with the right hand, alternately unclench the fingers on the left hand)
This slice is for the siskin
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf - the peel!
(shake both brushes)


The guests came running to Katya,
(we run our fingers on the table or on the floor)
All shook hands with each other.
Hello Zhora,
(we connect the thumb and forefingers)
Hello Jeanne, (large and medium)
Glad Seryozha, (large and unnamed)
Rad Snezhana (big and pinky)
Would you like a pie? (put palms together)
Maybe a biscuit (show 2 open palms)
Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)
Here are the pills for your track
(with a finger poking into an open palm)
Take a little
(we bend our palms into fists several times)
Everybody shook off the crumbs quickly
And they clapped their hands!


Lived - were in a house (clench and unclench fists)
Little gnomes:
Toki, Biki, Leakey, Chiki, Mickey.
(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)
One, two, three, four, five (unbend fingers)
The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)
Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the big one)
Tiki - handkerchiefs
Leakey are panties
Cheeky - socks
Mickey was smart
Everybody wore some water.


Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.
Hammers are knocking, building a house for bunnies -
Here with such a roof, (palms above your head)
Here with such walls, (palms near the cheeks)
Here with such windows, (palms in front of the face)
Here with such a door, (one palm in front of the face)
And with such a lock! (handles linked)

Small house

I walk in the yard (clapping hands on my knees alternately with each hand)
I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping)
I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching alternately with your fingertips, fold the ladder, starting with the thumbs)
And I'll knock on the window.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)


Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?
(the kid rolls the hedgehog with his palms)
Squirrel needs to sew a vest
(the baby rolls the hedgehog on the tummy)
Fix the trousers for the naughty hare (we roll on the legs)
The hedgehog snorted - move away and do not cry, do not ask
(roll on the floor)
If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me !!!
(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)

There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (twisted hands)
Knocked (knock with the base of the palms)
And - they opened it! (hands open)

We chop cabbage, chop (chop with palms)
We are cabbage three, three (fists rub each other)
We salt the cabbage, salt (salt with a pinch)
We crumple and crumple cabbage (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)
We put it in a jar and taste it.


A fly flies around the ear, lzhzh (we run our finger around the ear)
Wasps fly around the nose, ssss (we run our finger around the nose)
A mosquito flies, on the forehead - op (we touch our forehead with our finger)
And we clap it (palm to forehead)
And to the ear, zzzz (we clamp the cam, bring it to the ear)
Let's release the mosquito? Let's let go!
(we bring the fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

Cat (perform actions within the meaning)

The cat washes his paw
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


I walked alone along the path (show one finger)
My two legs walked with me, (shows two fingers)
Suddenly there are three mice to meet, (showing three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (Claps his cheeks with his palms and, as it were, shakes his head with his palms)
He has four legs, (showing four fingers)
On the paws - sharp scratches, (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
You need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run away along the surface)


A turtle walked across the field (walk with your fingers)
And all trembled with fear (hands in fists, fists tremble)
Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite!
(thumb and forefinger "bite")
I'm not afraid of anyone! (negation with index finger)


The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass
(clap hands on the knees)
And behind her, the guys are yellow chickens (let's go with our fingers)
Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (shaking a finger)
Row with your paws (we rake with handles),
Look for grains (pecking grains with our fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, earthworm
(showing with pens what a fat beetle)
We drank a full trough of water
(showing how we draw water and drink).


Palms up
Hands down
And now them on the side
And squeezed into a fist.


(hands go down from top to bottom, palms turn, depicting falling leaves)
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik
(shuffle palm on palm)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik. (we shuffle our feet)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik.
(index fingers shuffle together).


Bunnies came to the meadow,
Bear cubs, badgers,
Froglets and raccoon.
To the green to the meadow
Come and you, my friend! (bend your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme, when listing animals, bend fingers on both hands alternately, wave your palms on the last line)

My family

This finger is a grandfather (we unclench our fingers alternately from the cam, starting with the thumb)
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family! (rotate with an unclenched palm)


Dressed up the legs (alternately stroking with one hand with the other)
New boots.
You step, legs, (step your fingers on the table)
Straight along the path.
You step - stomp, (tap your fingers)
Do not splash in puddles, (shake your finger)
Don't go into the mud
Don't tear your boots.

White-sided magpie.

Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge,
I fed the children.
(an adult slightly tickles the child's palm)
I gave this,
(bends the little finger of the child)
I gave it,
(bends the ring finger)
I gave it,
(bends the middle finger)
I gave it,

but this did not give:
(wiggles thumb)
you didn’t carry firewood, didn’t heat the stove,
We won't give you porridge!
(tickles the child slightly)


This finger wants to sleep.
(an adult unfolds the left handle with his palm towards himself, bends the little finger on his left hand with his right handle)
This finger went to bed.
(bends the ring finger)
This finger took a nap.
(bends the middle finger)
This one immediately fell asleep.
(bends his index finger)
This one is fast asleep
and quietly sniffs.
(bends his thumb)
The red sun will rise
a clear morning will come
The birds will chirp
fingers will get up!

Repeat the same with the right hand.

Fingers in the forest.

One, two, three, four, five,
fingers went out for a walk.
(an adult holds a child's fist in front of him)
This finger went to the forest,
(unbends little finger)
I found this finger a mushroom,
(unbends ring finger)
this one cut,
(unbends middle finger)
this one ate,
(extends index finger)
well, this one just looked!
(unbends his thumb and tickles his palm)

Who has arrived?

Who has arrived?
(child puts palms and fingers of both hands together, claps the tips of his thumbs four times)
We are, we are, we are!
(now the tips of the thumbs are pressed together and motionless, and the tips of the other fingers quickly and simultaneously clap three times)
Mom, mom, is that you?

Yes Yes Yes!
(claps the tips of his index fingers)
Dad, dad, is that you?
(claps with her thumbs)
Yes Yes Yes!
(claps with her middle fingertips)
Brother, brother, is that you?
Oh, little sister, is that you?
(claps with her thumbs)
Yes Yes Yes!
(claps his ring fingers)
Grandpa, is that you?
Grandma, is that you?
(claps with her thumbs)
Yes Yes Yes!
(claps the tips of her little fingers)
We are all together, yes, yes, yes!
(claps his hands)

My family.

(When pronouncing the words, one can unbend the fingers one by one, or, on the contrary, bend them, starting with the big one. At the end, twist the fist.
This finger is GRANDFATHER.

This finger is GRANDMA.

This finger is DADDY.

This finger is MOMMA.

This finger is I.
(bends / unbends / little finger)
That's my whole family!
(lifts the left handle and straightens all fingers)

Our Masha cooked porridge
I cooked porridge, fed the kids.
(on the first two lines, draw circular lines on the baby's palm)
To this I gave, to this I gave,
To this I gave, to this I gave,
(bend your fingers on the next 2 lines while pronouncing the appropriate words)
But she didn’t give this one.
He was naughty a lot,
He broke his plate.
(with the words of the last line, take the little finger with the fingers of the other hand and shake it slightly)


(based on a folk song)
A squirrel is sitting on a cart
Sells his nuts;
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the clubfoot bear,
Zainke mustache.
(alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the thumb)

For mushrooms.

One, two, three, four, five,
We're going to look for mushrooms!
This finger went to the forest,
This finger has found a mushroom.
I began to clean this finger.
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat.
(bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger)


One, two, three, four, five,
Get out your fingers for a walk!
One, two, three, four, five,
They hid in the house again.
(alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the little finger, then bend them in the same order)

Thumb boy.

(Fingers clenched into a fist)
- Finger boy,
Where have you been?
(the thumb unbends)
- I went to the forest with this brother,
(the index is unbent)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
(middle unbend)
I ate porridge with this brother,
(unbending nameless)
I sang songs with this brother.
(the little finger unbends)

Poem for memorizing the names of fingers.

Finger Thick and Big
I went into the garden for plums.
(bends / unbends / thumb)
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way.
(bends / unbends / index finger)
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He removes plums from a branch.
(bends / unbends / middle finger)
The nameless eats
(bends / unbends / ring finger)
And Little Finger-Lord
Planting bones in the ground.
(bends / unbends / little finger)

Autumn leaves.

One, two, three, four, five,
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
We will collect the leaves.
(clench and unclench the cams)
Birch leaves, rowan leaves,
(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)
Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,
We will collect the oak leaves.

I have toys.

I have toys:
A locomotive and two horses,
Silver plane
Three rockets, an all-terrain vehicle
Hoisting crane.
(bend fingers alternately)


(Squeeze your fingers into a fist, then bend them one at a time. On the last line, sharply raise your hands up with spread fingers - the bees flew away)
Here is a small hive where the bees hid,
Nobody will see them.
Here they appeared from the hive.
One, two, three, four, five!


(Hands are clenched into fists, thumbs inside. Then show thumbs and hide them back.)
Here is my turtle, it lives in a shell.
She loves her home very much.
When she is hungry, she sticks her head out.
When he wants to sleep, he hides it back.

We drew.

(Gently raise your hands in front of you, shake your hands.)
We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
Shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again.


(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fists. Squeeze and unclench the fists.)
We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt-salt the cabbage,
We are three or three cabbage,
We press, we press cabbage.

Five fingers.

(Rhythmically clench and unclench the fists. On account - alternately bend the fingers on both hands.)
I have five fingers on my hand
Five grippers, five grippers.
To plan and to saw
To take and to give.
It is not difficult to count them:
One, two, three, four, five!

We met.

(On each line, connect the fingers of the right and left hands alternately, starting with the little finger. On the last line, show the horns, stretching out the index fingers and little fingers.)
Two kittens met: "Meumyau!"
Two puppies: "Avav!"
Two foals: Igogo! ",
Two tiger cubs: "Rrr!"
Two bulls: "Muu!"
Look at the horns.


(On the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. On the words "I will raise the sails" - raise your straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish.)
I will press two palms
And sail on the sea.
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
I will raise the sails
I will float in the blue sea.
And along the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.


(Imitate the movements of the fish with your hands in accordance with the text.)
Fish frolic fun
In clean, lukewarm water.
They will shrink, unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Winter walk.

(We bend our fingers one by one)
One, two, three, four, five
("We go" on the table with the index and middle fingers)
We came to the yard for a walk.
("Sculpt" a lump with two palms)
They sculpted the Snow Baba,
(Crumbling motion with all fingers)
The birds were fed with crumbs,
(We move the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
And also lay in the snow.
(We shake off our palms)
Everyone came home in the snow.
(Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)
We ate the soup and went to bed.


(Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
A spider walked on a branch
And the kids followed him.
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking motion - rain.)
Rain from the sky suddenly poured
(Slap palms on the table / knees.)
I washed the spiders to the ground.
(The palms are pressed against each other with their sides, the fingers are spread out, we swing our hands - the sun is shining.)
The sun began to warm
(We make the movements the same as at the very beginning.)
The spider is crawling again
("Spiders" crawl over the head.)
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.


(Alternating clapping and banging of fists against each other.)
One two three four,
(One palm slides over the other in a circle.)
We washed the dishes:
(Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
And a big cook.
(One palm slides over the other.)
We washed the dishes
(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)
We only broke the cup,
The ladle fell apart too,
The kettle's nose was knocked back.
We broke the spoon a little.
(Banging fists against each other, clapping your hands.)
This is how we helped mom.


(Clasp your left palm with your right palm and swing to the rhythm of the poem.)
Girls and boys are friends in our group.
(Grasp your left palm with your right and swing to the rhythm of the poem.)
You and I will make friends Little fingers.
(Connect the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb. Then connect, starting with the little finger.)
One two three four five.
Five, four, three, two, one.

We cook porridge.
(Draw circles on your palm with your finger. The name can be replaced with the name of your child)
Nastya cooked porridge,
She fed the children.
(We bend our fingers one by one, starting with the little finger)
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
(Jerking your thumb)
But she didn’t give it to him.
(We unbend our fingers one at a time. Here you can come up with your own reasons why the last finger did not receive porridge)
He did not mow hay,
I didn't milk the cow,
I didn't knead the dough,
And he didn't light the stove.

Hide and seek.

(Rhythmically bend and unbend fingers. Complication: alternate flexion of the finger on both hands)
Fingers played hide and seek,
And the heads were removed.
Like this, like this,
And the heads were removed.

The cuckoo was walking.

(We walk across the table on straightened index and middle fingers, while the rest of the fingers are tucked in.)
A cuckoo walked past the market
(The palms are connected by a "bucket" - a basket.)
She had a basket
(We hit the table / knees with our closed palms, separate the hands.)
And the basket on the floor - bang!
(We spread our arms to the sides, wiggling our fingers - flying flies. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


(One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers are spread out (Christmas tree) On the other hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The "beehive" is pressed against the "Christmas tree".)
Small house on the tree
Home for bees, where are the bees?
(We look into the "hive".)
I need to knock on the house,
(We clench our fists, knock them against each other.)
One, two, three, four, five.
I knock, knock on the tree
Where, where are these bees?
(We bang our fists together, alternating our hands.)
They suddenly began to fly out:
(We spread our hands, spread our fingers and wiggle them, the bees fly.)
One, two, three, four, five!


(Children join palms, spread fingers.)
Two huge jellyfish
Belly stuck to the belly.
(Then they tear off the palms from each other, arching the fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed against the fingers of the right.)
Let us bend the tentacles stronger-
This is how we can bend!

New sneakers.

(Bend the fingers on both hands, one at a time, starting with the thumbs.)
Like our cat
Boots on my feet.
Like our pig
Boots on my feet.
And the dog has on its paws
Blue sneakers.
And the goat is small
Shoes boots.
And son Vovka
New sneakers.
("Walk" on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands.)
Like this, like this,
New sneakers.


(Alternate clapping and banging of fists against each other.)
Alyonushka is nimble,
Alyonushka is fast:
(Alternate bending of the fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb. On both hands.)
The sundress has finished,
I tied a sock
I washed my handkerchief
I stroked the belt
Dress put on
(Spread your palms to the sides.)
And she sang a song.
(Clap with palms, hit with fists against each other - 2 times.)
Ripe everywhere
In the hunt she cares!

WITH Good morning!.

(Stroke your eyes with your index fingers. Make "binoculars" out of your fingers to look through it)
Good morning, eyes! You woke up?
(Stroke the ears with your palms. Place your palms over the "Cheburashka" ears)
Good morning, ears! You woke up?
(Stroke one or the other handles. Claps)
Good morning, pens! You woke up?
(Stroking your knees. Trample your feet)
Good morning, legs! You woke up?
(Put your hands up, look at the sun / look up)
Good morning sun! I woke up! (woke up)


(Extend the index and middle fingers of the right hand, straighten and connect the rest. On the second line - raise the palm of the left hand vertically upward, spread the fingers wide apart, on the third line - raise the palm of the right hand vertically upward, fingers wide apart. On the last line - the index and Extend the middle fingers of the left hand, straighten and connect the rest.)
The bunny is jumping scythe
Under a tall pine tree.
Under another pine tree
Another bunny gallops.


(Russian game. The palms are closed in front of the chest, the fingers of the left hand are tightly pressed to the fingers of the right hand.)
(The little fingers tap each other four times.)
- Mom mom!
(Index fingers tap each other three times.)
- What, what, what?
(Little fingers clap.)
- The guests are coming!
(Index fingers tap.)
- So what?
(The middle and ring fingers cross twice with the same fingers of the other hand, going around them from the right, then from the left.)
- Hello, hello!
(Guests kiss; middle and ring fingers tap the same fingers on the other hand.)
- Smack, smack, smack!


(Wave your hands.)
Flew to us yesterday
Striped bee
(For each name of an insect, bend one finger.)
And behind her is a bumblebee
And a cheerful moth
Two beetles and a dragonfly
Like flashlights eyes.
(Wave your palms and drop your palms on the table.)
Buzzed, flew,
They fell down from fatigue.


We shared an orange
(Left hand in a fist, right grasping it)
There are many of us - and he is one
(With the right hand, alternately unclench the fingers on the left hand, starting with the little finger)
This slice is for a hedgehog
This slice is for the siskin
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf - the peel!
(Shake both brushes)


(We unclench the fingers from the cam one by one)
One two three four five-
Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five-
(We squeeze our fingers into a cam)
They hid in the house again!


(Middle and forefinger move)
Two centipedes
We ran along the path.
(Palms opposite each other)
(Hands intertwined)
(Hands unclenched)
We parted forcibly -
(Hands waving goodbye)
And - we said goodbye!


(Alternately throw our hands up)
Sunshine, sunshine
(We swing the torso with hands clasped above the head)
Golden bottom!
(2 jumps on two legs)
Burn, burn clearly
So as not to go out!
(Running in place)
A stream ran in the garden,
(Flap your arms like wings)
A hundred rooks flew in,
(squat slowly)
And the drifts are melting, melting,
(We spread the palms to the sides in the shape of a flower)
And the flowers grow!


(Claps, then right, then left hand on top.)
At Malanya's at the old woman's
(Fold your arms in a corner, show the hut.)
We lived in a small hut
(Show seven fingers.)
Seven sons
(Contour eyebrows with your fingers.)
All without eyebrows
(Bring your spread palms to your ears.)
With these ears,
(Show a long nose with two fingers spread out.)
With these noses
(Draw a long "hussar" mustache with your fingers.)
With such a mustache,
(Draw a large circle around the head.)
With a head like this
(Show a big thick beard with your hands.)
With such a beard!
(Bring the "cup" to your mouth with one hand, the "spoon" with the other.)
They didn't drink, they didn't eat,
(Keeping your hands close to your eyes, pat your fingers like eyelashes.)
Everyone looked at Malanya,
(Children show hidden actions.)
And everyone did it like this ...


The cat washes his paw
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


(We squeeze the hands)
We kneaded the dough
(Hands "sculpt")
We made a cake
Slap, slap,
Slap, slap
(spread our hands)
We're making a big pie!


(The palms are connected and make smooth movements)
The fish lives in the lake
The fish swims in the lake
(Disconnect the palms and hit the knees)
Suddenly hit with his tail
(Put the palms together at the base and clap like that)
And we will hear - splash, splash!


(The palms move parallel to each other)
We chop cabbage, chop
(Cams rub each other)
We are three carrots, three
("Salt" with a pinch)
We salt the cabbage, salt
(We squeeze and unclench our fingers)
We press cabbage, we press,
We put it in a jar and taste it.


(Smooth movement of the right hand to the side-up)
My birch, birch.
(The same, but with the left hand)
My curly birch.
(raise your arms up, inhale)
You are standing, birch,
(Put your hands down, exhale)
In the middle of the valley
(raise hands, inhale)
On you, birch,
(Put your hands down, exhale)
The leaves are green
(Raise hands, inhale)
Under you, birch,
(Put your hands down, exhale)
Silky grass,
(Raise hands, inhale)
Around you, birch,
(Put your hands down, exhale for a long time)
Maidens are red
Weave wreaths, weave ...


(The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
Five little fish were playing in the river
(Hands are pressed together. We turn them from side to side.)
A large log lay in the sand,
(The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We carry out a "diving" movement with them.)
And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!"
(We swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
The second said: "It's deep here."
(The palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is asleep.)
And the third said: "I want to sleep!"
(We quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
The fourth began to freeze a little.
(The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
And the fifth shouted: "Here is a crocodile!
(Quick, undulating movements with closed palms - float away.)
Swim from here so you don't swallow! "

« friendship»

Fingers are doing exercises

(Four rhythmic hand claps.)

To get tired less.

(We clench and unclench our fists.)

And then they are in the albums

(We shake our hands in the air.)

They will paint again.

(Clap our hands.)

« Cheerful gnome»

Once upon a time there was a merry dwarf

(Children raise their hands above their heads, imitating a cap.)

With round ears.

(They describe large circles around the ears.)

He's on a sugar mountain

(Elbows on table, arms straight, palms folded to form a triangle.)

Slept under the gate.

(The fingers represent the gate.)

Suddenly out of nowhere

The giant has appeared.

(Hands are raised high above the head.)

He wanted to eat the mountain,

(Movement as if we were eating with our hands.)

Just choked!

(We gasp for air and puff out our cheeks.)

Well, what about the cheerful gnome?

So he sleeps deeply!

(Children represent a sleeping gnome.)

« Mouse and elephant»

The game takes place at the table. Children perform hand movements in accordance with the text.

The elephant is huge as a rock.

But what about the mouse? Oh, small!

(Put your hands down, fold your fingers with a pinch.)

If I were from an elephant,

(Raise your hands up, spreading your fingers.)

She would eat the cat!

(Clap your hands.)

« Weather»

Cold. Winter. My fingers

They scold cold days together.

(Bring your folded fingers to your mouth and warm them with your breath.)

The toddler finger complains:

"Oh oh oh!

What a cold! "

(Fingers are clenched into a fist. Bend and unbend the little finger on both hands.)

The index finger whispers softly:


What if it snows? "

(The fingers are clenched into a fist. Bend and unbend the index finger on both hands.)

The middle finger grumbles:

"Oh oh oh!

I'm deaf from the wind! "

(Bend and unbend the middle finger on both hands.)

The big big toe exclaims:


It's a pity I'm not wearing boots!

Give me a casing! "

(bend and unbend the thumb on both hands.)

« On the meadow»

Bunnies came to the meadow,

Bear cubs, badgers,

(Bending the fingers into a fist in the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.)

Froglets and raccoon.

To the green to the meadow

Come and you, my friend!

(Bend your fingers alternately on both hands.)

On a visit to the big finger

Came straight to the house

Index and middle,

Nameless and last

(We connect the fingers of both hands under the text of the nursery rhyme, knock on each other.)

The little finger itself, babies

I knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers are friends

(Cams bang on each other.)

They cannot live without each other.

(Rhythmic clenching of the cams.)

« big washing»

I will help mom

(Three fists against each other.)

I will wash the linen myself:

I wash my socks with soap,

(Slide your fist over your palm.)

Fists rub hard

(Three fists against each other.)

I will rinse my socks dexterously

(Move the brushes to the right and left.)

And I'll hang it on a rope.

(Raise your hands up. Bend the brushes.)

« Finger boy» (explanation of the rules of conduct at the table)

Finger boy

Where have you been?

(Children bend their first finger.)

With this brother -

I went to the forest

(Children bend their second finger.)

With this brother -

I cooked cabbage soup,

(Children bend their third finger.)

With this brother -

(Children bend the fourth finger.)

With this brother

I sang songs!

Sang, sang and fell asleep.

(All fingers are clenched into a fist.)

« Flowers»

Our scarlet flowers

(Put your palms together with a boat in front of you - "prayer pose".)

Dissolve the petals

(In turn, starting with the thumb, spread the fingers apart. Leave the wrists connected.)

The breeze breathes a little

(Blow on your hands - "flowers".)

The petals are swaying.

(Move your fingers back and forth.)

Our scarlet flowers

(Take turns to fold your fingers, connecting your palms with a boat - a "prayer" pose.)

Cover the petals

(Shake your palms left and right.)

They shake their heads

They fall asleep quietly.

(Place your head on folded palms.)

« friendship»

Friends in our group

Girls and boys.

(The fingers are connected rhythmically to form a "lock".)

You and I will make friends with little fingers.

(Rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name on both hands.)

One, two, three, four, five,

(Alternate touching of the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(Hands down, shake your brushes.)

« Wizard»

If I get the scissors,

(Draw scissors with your fingers.)

Then I will become a wizard:

(Put your hands up.)

Cut out of paper

Birds, cars, towers, flags,

(Draw a bird, a tower, a flag with your hands.)

I will paint them, dry them,

I will show all my acquaintances.

(Spread your arms out to the sides.)

« Caterpillar»

This strange house with no windows

People call it "cocoon"

Twisting this house on a branch,

The caterpillar slumbers in it.

Sleeps without waking up all winter.

But winter rushed by -

March, April, drops, spring ...

Wake up sleepyhead - sleepyhead!

Under the bright spring sun

The caterpillar is not up to sleep -

She became a butterfly!

The palms and fingers are the most important parts of a child's body. With the help of the limbs, the baby holds various subjects, learns to count, plays. Finger movements and finger gymnastics develop fine motor skills of the hands. Developmental gymnastics plays an important role in the development of children's fingers.

Finger Exercise Benefits

Babies who have well-developed fine motor skills of the hands quickly master various skills in Everyday life: they hold a spoon correctly, draw with crayons, pencils, and then learn to hold a pen and write correctly. They easily manage to button their own clothes or tie the laces on their shoes. Playing with their fingers at the age of two to three years, children actively develop their speech, quick reaction to what is happening and creative thinking train memory. During such games, you can read small rhymes, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, listen to your favorite music, which in the early stages of development forms a sense of rhythm and ear for music in children. All these skills and habits will come in handy for your baby in the future. Since all the older members of the family can take part in the games, this will bring the baby closer to his family and help to establish close contact. Children become contented, cheerful and calm.

It develops not only fine motor skills of the limbs, but also stimulates the brain activity in children. It is very important to carry out finger activities with babies, from birth to 3 years old. During this period, the child learns to think, and then talk. Initially, adults themselves massage the baby's hands and fingers, rubbing and stroking them, thereby sending the necessary impulses to the speech centers of the brain. There is an opinion that the more a child's hand is developed, the easier it will be for him to master the curriculum. primary grades at school.

How to start finger gymnastics classes?

It is necessary to start finger gymnastics gradually, first using one hand of the baby, and then the other. You need to warm up your palms baby's lungs massage movements, then clap your hands with him, and only then proceed to the basic exercises. Repeat poems, tongue twisters, counting rhymes several times, slowly connecting the child to the game. You can use books with vivid illustrations of animals, toys, etc., attracting the child's attention, showing pictures and asking simple questions along the way. This process should be accompanied by characteristic sounds and movements. It is necessary to conduct classes with the baby regularly, every day, giving this from 10 to 20 minutes 2 to 3 times. As the child grows up, exercises should become more complicated, supplemented and modified.

Play exercises

Warm up

With both of the baby's hands, squeeze and unclench the fingers at the same time. It is advisable to do this to the rhythms of the musical accompaniment.


Starting with the thumb, bend all the fingers of the hand one by one, listing family members. When a cam is formed, cover it with the palm of your other hand.


Convict a funny nursery rhyme by drawing circles on a child's palm with your finger. Then we bend each finger in turn. At the end of the exercise, take the little finger with the fingers of the other hand and slowly swing it to the sides.


Relax the fingers of both hands. Bring them to your face and slowly shake them, depicting a fan with your palms.


First, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, and then synchronously with both hands. Close and straighten all fingers on your hands, lift up. Then we slightly bend the fingers and smoothly lower them down.

Little brothers

We take the baby's palms into our own hands and alternately bend the fingers in this order: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb. In the process, we lightly stroke and massage children's fingers.


The kid jumps slightly, hiding both arms behind his back. Then he shows with his finger where the bunny has a nose, ears, paws - shows his palms. And skipping spins around its axis.

Hen on a walk

On the surface of the table, with two fingers - the middle and forefinger, we make movements in the form of steps. Then, with all the fingers of your hands, perform pinching manipulations, like a chicken pinching grass. All fingers of the hands run along the surface. Make rhythmic claps of your hands, threatening finger movements. After that, with two fingers of the hand, the child makes movements as if collecting grains.

Pure water

The child makes movements with his hands, as if washing his face, stroking his cheeks, rubbing his ears. Then, with a little effort, he rubs with his palms.

Cat paws

Put the clenched palms into fists on the table in front of you. Straighten your fingers and scratch the surface with scratching movements. Repeat the exercise several times in a row.


Straighten your palm and press your fingers to it, as if a hedgehog removes needles, then sharply straighten your fingers - he showed the needles.


Cross the baby's arms in the wrist area, straightening and relaxing the fingers. Raise and lower your arms, waving your fingers like wings. We collect the fingers of one hand into a pinch and slightly wiggle them, we sort them out - we feed the birds. We drum on the table with the fingers of both hands - the birds peck at the grain. We cross our arms again at the wrist and wave with straightened fingers - the birds fly away. We repeat the exercises several times.


This game is recommended to be played with a group of children. Sit them around the table. Have all the children place their pens on the table. Show kids how to drum with their fingers on a flat surface. First, let them tap with straightened index fingers, and then with all fingers of both hands at the same time. Offer to knock on the table, competing who is louder. Then you can diversify this game with additional movements, changing their volume and rhythm.


Put your hands in front of you on the table, connecting your fingers in a lock. Knock on the table with the lock. Make circular motions in front of you without opening your fingers. Twist the hands in the same position, pull the lock first to the right and then to the left. Open your fingers.

Doing finger gymnastics with a child aged 2 to 3 years, adults instill useful skills in him, broaden his horizons, and stimulate brain activity. In addition, daily close communication with the baby will bring many pleasant minutes, calm and amuse the child. Each adult member of the family can come up with new movements, songs, rhymes and counting rhymes for classes.

Finger gymnastics: how to determine the level of development fine motor skills for a child, finger exercises in pictures and poetry, Maria Montessori exercises, shadow finger theater.

Finger gymnastics for children preschool age.

Finger gymnastics very useful for children of any age. Primary school teachers constantly point out that for many children, the greatest problem in learning is not the inability to read or the lack of knowledge of the basics of arithmetic, namely, the unpreparedness of the hand for writing. What are the reasons for the graphic unpreparedness for learning to write? There are two such reasons:

  1. Insufficient development of small muscles of the hand and nervous regulation of fine motor skills ("physiological unpreparedness" for learning to write).
  2. Inadequacy of the skill of performing graphic movements ("psychological unpreparedness" for learning to write).

Both of these difficulties can be prevented by engaging in finger gymnastics with children from the age of 3 and doing special exercises, as well as as actively as possible to involve the baby in making crafts (drawing, applique, artistic work, modeling), in household work (embroidery with a thick needle, knitting and weaving for girls, making crafts from wood and natural materials, bars, packs for boys).

How to determine the level of development of fine motor skills of hands in children: diagnosis. Three simple tests.

This does not require any complex manuals or items. And it will take very little time. I want to talk about three simple tests to diagnose the level of fine motor development that can be done with older preschool children both at home and in kindergarten, and in children's center(the authors of the tests - NV Nizhegorodtseva, VD Shadrikov. Psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for school - Vlados, 2001).

Test 1.

The child is sitting at the table. Take big leaf paper and ask the child to put his hands so that both palms with divorced fingers fit on the sheet of paper. Trace the palms on the paper with a pencil. Take a look at what you have done together. And ask the child to put their palms on the paper again so that all the lines match.

Explain the assignment. Invite your toddler to play with their fingers. Say: “I will show you the fingers on your hand, and you will only lift the finger that I show. You don’t need to lift your other fingers. ” Try it - ask the kid to raise his finger: "Lift this one." Make sure he understands the assignment correctly.

Now we start the test. Start with your right hand: “Pick up this finger. And now this one. " The sequence of movements: 5-1-2-4-3 (where 1 is the thumb and 5 is the little finger). Then, in the same sequence, do the task on the left hand. Then repeat on the right. And again on the left. Thus, each hand will complete the task twice!

And now the main thing is what to watch out for when performing this task. When the baby tries to lift one finger, others will involuntarily rise. He doesn't want it, but he does it! These extra movements are called synkinesis. Such unnecessary movements occur when the movements of the fingers are not sufficiently differentiated, and therefore muscles that are unnecessary for this are turned on.

When you see synkinesis, then draw each of them with an arrow on paper, drawing a line from the desired finger to the "unnecessary, extra" for this movement.

As a result, on paper, by the end of the task you will have the outlines of the palms and drawn lines of unnecessary movements. One extra movement is one arrow.

How to find out the test results:

1) We calculate the average number of arrows for each hand, i.e. the average amount of unnecessary movements. For example, we have 6 arrows drawn on our right palm, and we carried out the task twice. Therefore, 6: 2 = 3. That is, the average number of extra finger movements on the right hand is 3.

Similarly, we count the extra movements with the fingers on the left hand - for example, we have drawn 8 arrows. 8: 2 = 4. The average number of unnecessary movements is 4.

2) Add up the resulting numbers. 3 (on the right hand) + 4 (on the left hand) = 7.

What these results tell us:

  • What is the child's leading hand. The leading hand is the hand where the differentiation of finger movements is better developed, and where there are fewer unnecessary finger movements. In our example, this is the right hand.
  • What is the level of development of fine movements and their differentiation in a child. Approximate age norms(total average number of extra movements): at 6 years old - 9, at 7 years old - 6, at 8 years old - 5, at 9 years old - 3. For our example: we got the number 7. For a six-year-old child, this is a good result. But if the child was already 7 years old, then the result is too low, i.e. in this child, the movements of the fingers are insufficiently developed.

Now it is probably clear why children who learn to play the piano and other musical instruments are often much more developed than their peers? After all, they exercise constantly and in fact constantly do finger gymnastics 🙂 and thus develop not only their own musical ability, but also fine motor skills, and sensorimotor coordination, and thinking!

Test 2.

Draw an even circle 3-3.5 cm in diameter on a piece of paper with a pencil by hand. Show your pattern to your child. Ask your child to draw the same circle with one hand movement (i.e., without taking off).

If the baby has poorly developed fine motor skills, then he cannot complete the task. Typical mistakes:

  • Draws an oval.
  • Draws a circle, but much smaller than the sample. This is an indicator of hand stiffness.
  • Draws with a detachment of the hand, moving it.

Test 3.

Observing the drawing and painting of the coloring pages. Coloring pictures is considered to be a very good finger exercise. But this is not always the case. For coloring to develop fine motor skills, the child must act correctly. pay attention to typical mistakes, which indicate an insufficient level of development of fine motor skills and that the baby needs a special finger gymnastics and finger exercises.

Typical mistakes in coloring:

  • The child constantly turns a sheet of paper or a book when coloring a picture.
  • The child cannot change the direction of the lines.
  • The child's movements are constrained, the hand is fixed and often squeezed.
  • The hand and fingers are too sluggish or too tense.

Finger gymnastics - a description of the exercises.

Finger gymnastics can be carried out both without objects and with small objects.

Finger gymnastics: games with clothespins.

Clothespin games develop the strength of the hands, correlating movements. Learning to use clothespins when playing games is not very easy for a child. Therefore, you need to go in small steps in a specific sequence.

  • First, attach the clothespins to the edge of the toy bucket or box and teach your toddler to remove them by pressing the end of the clothespin with two fingers at the same time. Ask to “help mom put together the clothespins” and praise your baby for helping. Remember that detaching clothespins is always easier than attaching them. Therefore, it is necessary to start with just such finger gymnastics exercises.
  • Then show your baby how the clothespins open their mouth. Tell her to press hard on the clothespin to open her mouth. You can call the clothespins "crocodiles" and show how our crocodiles strongly open their mouths.
  • If the baby is already able to press the clothespin with the necessary force and open and close it, then show other exercises with clothespins and include them in finger gymnastics.

Exercise options with clothespins for the development of fingers:

  • Attach clothespins to the yellow cardboard circle. The sun will turn out.
  • Attach the needles to the gray semicircle. Get thorns for a hedgehog.
  • Attach clothespins to a narrow, long triangle. You will get the branches of a tree.
  • Attach the doll clothes to the string with clothespins after washing them.
  • Attach four clothespins to the boy's silhouette (the clothespins will be his arms and legs)
  • Sort clothespins by color, attaching them at the top to the walls of buckets or boxes different colors(yellow clothespins to yellow box, red to red)
  • Build a "fence" of clothespins, attaching them to a bucket or to a cardboard strip. You can give the task to alternate clothespins in the fence in a certain sequence so that it turns out beautiful and bright.
  • Two white clothespins can be "ears" at the silhouette of a bunny (we give the baby a silhouette of a bunny without ears, and he attaches the clothespins - ears with his fingers). Blue clothespins can become raindrops at a cloud (attached at the bottom of a cloud), yellow clothespins can become a fin and a tail of a goldfish (attached to a silhouette of a fish) or a tail of a bird (attached to a silhouette of a bird without a tail). If you attach clothespins to a circle, you get a flower. And if you attach it to a red circle with black dots - an image of a ladybug, then her legs are obtained from clothespins.

Exercise for fingers "Outside - inside"

When the baby gets used to the simplest finger gymnastics exercises with clothespins, you can give a more difficult task, which requires quick wits and orientation in space.

Stick on clothespins images of different insects (birds, animals) - depending on the topic of the lesson. Ask your toddler to attach clothespins to the edge of a plastic glass or bucket so that all of our characters (for example, insects) are outside the bucket. Attach a clothespin yourself and say: “The sun came out, wanted butterflies, beetles, ladybugs bask in the sun. Make all the insects sit outside the bucket. " In this case, you must not twist the glass! And you can't move around the glass yourself. Not all kids quickly figure out how this can be done.

Then, after a few days, give a similar task to make sure that all the insects sit inside the bucket (for example, hide from the bird).

Finger exercises: dialogues

More complex finger gymnastics exercises with clothespins are dialogues in which you need to simultaneously speak and act with a clothespin. With the help of clothespins, you can portray different characters who are talking to each other, and open the clothespins 'mouth' to the rhythm of the dialogue.

You can stick circles with a character image on clothespins for such games, but this is not at all necessary. I recommend using reusable pictures that are easy to change. I fix them with UNU patafix plastic (sold in stationery and hardware stores, hobby centers). This is very convenient: you can always attach the desired picture made of cardboard for one game, and then, after the game, remove it on the same clothespin.

For such finger gymnastics exercises are used verses with dialogues and short stories with dialogues.

Clothespin games and literacy training.

Children 5-7 years old can use clothespins to compose thematic series of words. In tasks of this type, finger gymnastics is combined with the solution of a number of other problems. For example, compose a series of words on the topic "transport". One clothespin is one word. Clothespins are attached one after the other by the tip to one another. The task is to make as long a series of words as possible. You can make rows of words starting with one sound (who has a longer track?) Or words from a certain number of syllables.

Using colored clothespins, you can also come up with words with a given syllable. For example, the first clothespin white- this is the syllable "by". If the kid came up with a word that begins with the syllable "by", then he makes up a syllabic scheme of such a word with the help of clothespins. For example, if you attach the following clothespin to a white clothespin "by" at its end - the syllable "walked", you get a chain of two clothespins and the word "went". If you attach two more clothespins to the white clothespin "po", you get a word of three syllables "dishes" (po + su + yes). The task is to make as many such chains as possible

You can also play games with sounds using clothespins. Then a picture is attached to the clothespin. For example, forty. What sound does the word "magpie" start with? That's right, from the sound with (solid consonant sound). And this our forty - a clothespin will "grab" the cards on which are depicted objects starting with the sound "s" (cheese, lettuce, sun, drying) and take them to their "nest". And the child chooses the right ones from all the pictures - with a given sound. Accordingly, "fox" will take pictures with a soft sound "l", and a wolf with a hard consonant sound c.

Exercises for the fingers of Maria Montessori.

Maria Montessori's games and exercises are now very popular, although they are more than a century old. Much attention in the Montessori system is paid motor development kids and specifically the development of fine motor skills. These finger exercises- in fact, the history of finger gymnastics is where it all began. Maria Montessori's system includes both exercises with special toys and objects, and everyday activities in everyday life - such as cleaning shoes, washing tables, watering flowers, cleaning metal objects(open a bottle with a cleaning agent, pour into a cup, close the bottle, clean the object with cotton wool, rub it to a shine with a polishing cloth).

Here I want to talk about several exercises for the development of fine motor skills from the Maria Montessori system.

1) Frames with clasps. A wooden frame is made, which is covered with a fabric of two halves. You need to match these halves and fasten the clasp. A part of the fastener is sewn to each half. Types of fasteners on frames:

a) large buttons,
b) small buttons,
c) buttons,
d) bows,
e) lace that fits into the holes,
f) a lace that is wound on a hook,
g) hooks and loops,
h) strap fasteners,
i) Velcro fasteners.

2) Probing board (texture: large - small).

A box is taken with 10 boards of size 10 by 9 cm, pasted over with emery rough paper of various five types of texture from coarse-grained to fine-grained (five pairs of the same type of paper). The child's eyes are covered with a bandage. He is looking for a pair by touch. For the first games, you need to take 2-3 pairs of boards, in the future, increase their number.

You can also arrange five planks in a row from the coarsest grain to the finest grain.

3) A drawer with pieces of tissue.

Material: In the box there are pairs of pieces of fabric of different texture (silk, wool, cotton, artificial fiber; smooth and rough; hard and soft; thick and thin; strong, dense and loose. The task is to choose the same piece of fabric (find a pair).

How the exercise is performed: Mode of action - feeling with thumb and forefinger. The exercise is performed with closed eyes.

After the exercise: The kid examines the exercises and the fabrics around him - the textiles in the room, the fabrics of his clothes - what they are (smooth or rough, thick or thin).

4) Embroidery on cardboard ... You will need thick cardboard sheets on which the outlines of the items for embroidery are drawn. Use dots on the cardboard to mark the places where the needle should be punctured. You also need woolen thread and a thick carpet needle.

First, an adult helps the baby to make a knot, insert a thread into a needle, and make the first stitches. It is better to take the first steps hand in hand, then when the child is comfortable, you can release his hand. The exercise is difficult for children, but very useful.

Never throw away such embroidery of babies, appreciate them, find a use for them at home (use as bookmarks, coasters, postcards), because they are not very easy for a child!

5) Box with seeds. The large compartment of the box contains seeds of various plants (pumpkin, sunflower, nasturtium, watermelon, melon, and others). Pictures of these plants are attached in small compartments. The child sorts the seeds into the desired small compartments of the box. In this exercise, the baby not only exercises in sorting and develops fine motor skills, but also gets to know the plants - what are they called, how they differ from each other, what seeds they have.

6) Exercise with water.

  • Pouring from the teapot into a cup.
  • Pouring water into a bottle with a narrow neck using a funnel.
  • Watering flowers from a watering can
  • Rubbing the flower leaves with a sponge dampened with water (for example, ficus leaves).
  • Washing the table with soap, sponge and brush (dirty places are wiped with a brush)
  • Squeezing the sponge after washing the table or wiping the leaves of plants.
  • Beating the foam with a whisk (pour a little liquid soap, and it is whipped into a fluffy lather).
  • Washing doll linen and doll clothes, wringing and hanging to dry on a string with clothespins.

These exercises involve a clear sequence of actions and step by step instructions an adult. They are not carried out in isolation, but are part of the entire system of child development. Their main principle is “help me do it myself”.

Stages of finger gymnastics exercises:

Stage 1. First, finger gymnastics exercises are performed with the baby, which help to learn the names of the fingers, teach them to navigate in space - right, left, up, down. These are exercises without words, without dialogues. But this does not mean that the adult is silent during their conduct and only shows the necessary actions. On the contrary, he names the figure (“let's make an elephant”), all the fingers and their location (for example, “show your index finger, put it on the table”, “where is your right hand? Raise the middle finger of your right hand up. Well done!” ). During games and exercises, we use short rhymes and nursery rhymes about the object or animal that we are depicting.

Stage 2. After that, you can use more complex for children, but also more interesting for them finger gymnastics games with dialogues, fairy tales with dialogues, depicting objects and characters with the help of hands. You can compose such tales yourself with your children. Below I will talk about some finger exercises and figures for such games and fairy tales.

Finger gymnastics exercises. You will find pictures for them below:

  • Bunny. The index and middle fingers are straight up (these are "ears"), the rest are clenched into a fist.
  • The bunny plays the drum: the starting position is the same. We take out the drum - we straighten the thumb, it is parallel to the table. With the ring finger and little finger (these are "paws"), the bunny beats on the drum (on the pad of the thumb). The main thing is that exactly the right toes - "paws", knock, and the "ears" at this time continued to stick up. This is difficult enough. But children always laugh when I say to them: “Oh, and someone's hare's ears began to drum! No, drumming with paws, bunny. Take care of your ears, they will still be useful to you! "
  • Goat. The index and little fingers are straightened (horns), the ring finger and middle finger are bent. The thumb rests on them.
  • The goat is running. The palm is parallel to the table. The index finger and little finger are straightened and parallel to the table (the horns "look" forward). The middle, thumb and ring fingers are on the table (these are the legs). The goat walks, stepping first with its front legs, then with its hind legs (their role is played by one thumb). It is important that the goat's horns do not touch the ground while walking. The exercise is very funny and the kids love it. It is not easy for them. But the guys always laugh a lot when one of them has "the horns running on the ground" and quickly correct the mistake.
  • Little man. The index and middle fingers "walk" on the table.
  • Baby elephant. The palm is parallel to the table. The middle finger is a trunk, it "looks forward" and is parallel to the table. The little finger and thumb are pressed to the palm of the hand (with the thumb resting on the little finger). The index and ring fingers "walk" on the table.
  • Glasses. Fold the thumb and forefinger of each hand into rings. All other fingers are straight and facing up. Bring glasses to your eyes and look into them.
  • Start the engine. Clasp all fingers except the thumb into the lock. At the signal of an adult "Motor!" thumbs start spinning around each other (start the engine). At the same time, the baby says some kind of sound (for example, zhzhzhzhzhzh or rrrrrr). The motor spins for as long as the sound lasts. The task is to "drive" as long as possible, i.e. speak sound. The exercise develops not only fine motor skills, but also speech breathing and allows you to automate the pronunciation of the desired sound.

Here are approximate figures that can be depicted using fingers in dialogues and fairy tales.

Finger gymnastics - finger riddles.

Play finger riddles with the children. You show the figure with your fingers, and they guess what kind of object it is and repeat your movement. First, you show the figures, and then the children. You can come up with your own figures. The figures should be understandable and recognizable by children.

Here are some more finger shapes for these puzzle games.

Finger gymnastics is a shadow finger theater.

Very useful for the development of fine motor skills and shadow finger theater. The figure at the beginning of the article and below shows figure diagrams that can be used to show fairy tales in such a theater.

Finger Exercises - Some Helpful Ideas

from the winners of the contest of our Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!"

Tatiana Smirnova.

1. Game "Spiral" for the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

The game "Spiral" is a competitive game - whose butterfly gets to the flower first. “It doesn’t crawl and doesn’t run - it is circling over the flower. After the coil there is a coil - so I sat on a flower! " Tatiana took the idea of ​​this game from the book "Speech therapy ball games" by T.A. Vorobieva and O.I. Krupenchuk.

The game is made of chintz with padding polyester. Spiral - out woolen thread crochet. The flower and the butterfly are made of oilcloth and decorated with buttons and beads. You can roll the ball in a spiral with different fingers.

2. Benefit - a track with removable letters.

Rolling the ball, the child reads words in one direction or the other. Examples of words: Cossack flood, madam, lump, order, stomp, income.

Maria Tragaryuk. Vegetable garden.

Sculpting is an activity that develops fingers very well. This is what Maria and her daughter made of self-hardening plastic. The layout is a vegetable garden for games.

Olga Makhaneva. Finger play bucket with clothespins and mosaics.

You can get acquainted with other works and ideas of the Workshop participants in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" (group photo albums).

If you need this article, it is interesting and useful, I will be very grateful if you share your opinion in the comments. And I also invite you to tell us about your experience in the comments. How do you develop the fine motor skills of children? Did you do this on purpose? What kind of games and exercises do you like and love your baby most of all?

Finger gymnastics for children 1.5-3 years old (exercises)

Bura Olga Alexandrovna, teacher-psychologist.
Place of work: MADOU kindergarten number 18, the city of Chelyabinsk.
Material description: I offer you finger gymnastics for children 1.5-3 years old. This material will be useful for both educational psychologists and educators. early groups development or parents. This material is aimed not only at the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, memory, attention, but also as a great way to distract and amuse a child, because at the heart of every game is a nursery rhyme or a poem. And if there are many children in the family, finger gymnastics often becomes the favorite game of seniors with younger ones.

At the age of 1.5-2 years, all the movements in finger games for the child are done by you, and he is a passive participant in the game. For finger games, you need to "catch" the moment when the child is not too excited, but not too relaxed. For playing with fingers and top body, you need to put the child on your knees to yourself, pressing the child's back to your belly.
At the first games, the child, if he has no experience, can fight back and try to leave. It is not necessary to hold by force, eliminate, if possible, the reason for the refusal (it is inconvenient to sit, wants to go to the toilet, etc.) or change the game. Wait for a moment when the baby is more relaxed, for example, after feeding or bathing. The best thing is to set aside a certain time every day for finger games, as a result of which such games will become the same routine for the child as bathing or brushing teeth.
Getting started, you should remember the following principles of conducting classes:
- Before playing with your child, rub and stroke their hands a little to create the necessary emotional mood.
- After choosing two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones. You can leave your favorite games in your repertoire and return to them at the request of the kid.
- With numerous games, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, children pronounce it entirely, correlating words with movement. Encourage children to sing along, “don't notice” if they do something wrong at first, encourage success.
- Up to 2.5 years old, a child can not yet reproduce the movements himself without numerous trainings.
- If the child insists on the same game, give in to him. Children tend to repeat the same action to reinforce it.
Preparation games.
If the child has not been regularly engaged in finger games since birth, often the child is not allowed to play finger games at first. This is understandable, since the child's arm muscles are underdeveloped, and when exposed to the active points of the palm, the child experiences unusual sensations, from which he tries to evade. Therefore, the first games are focused on learning to lightly stroke, rub and knead the brush. Approach these exercises as fun game... Do not use to calm down a child in hysterics - then a stable aversion to finger games can gain a foothold.
Fingers wake up
Fingers got up in the morning - little boys,
They were delighted to each other, They began to say hello.
Hello finger, hello finger….
(alternate contact of the child's thumb with the tips of the other fingers of the same hand)
Mice hid
(We take the child's fist in our fist, as if hugging the child's fist tightly from above. On the first 2 lines we gently turn the child’s fist clockwise. To the words “walk” - let go of the child’s hand, help him spread his fingers and move them. again ", quickly collect the child's hand again in our fist-mink)
Come out mice for a walk!
The cats got scared and hid again.
(The exercise can be performed on either side of the palm - inside or on the back, if the child is not yet giving his palm)
(for each stressed syllable of the first phrase, we touch and swing our fingers from the thumb to the little finger and back).
There are reeds on the river, ruffs splashed there
An older circle, (draw a large circle clockwise on the hand
circle is younger, draw a small circle clockwise on the hand
the circle is all kids. (we put - tickle with a dot in the middle)
Primary games:
Primary games are focused on simple touching of fingers, stroking adult fingers and hands, simple circular movements inside the palm clockwise and counterclockwise. Thus, we activate the points associated with the speech areas of the brain. Everything is done by the mother, controlling the hands of the child.
Gradually, we complicate the games a little, not just touching and operating with the child's fingers, but quickly massaging the finger from the base of the finger to the pad.
(analogue to the well-known magpie-crow)
(on the first two lines, draw circular lines on the baby's palm)
Our Masha cooked porridge
I cooked porridge, fed the kids.
(bend your fingers on the next 2 lines while pronouncing the appropriate words)
To this I gave, to this I gave,
To this I gave, to this I gave,
But she didn’t give this one.
He was naughty a lot,
He broke his plate.
(with the words of the last line, take the little finger with the fingers of the other hand and shake it slightly)
(based on a folk song)
(we stroke our hand, spreading our fist)
A squirrel is sitting on a cart
Sells his nuts;
(alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the thumb)
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the clubfoot bear,
Zainke mustache.
Fruits vegetables
Like our Zinka
Vegetables in the basket:
Here is a pot-bellied zucchini
I put it on a side
Peppers and carrots
I laid it down deftly
Tomato and cucumber,
Our Zina is great.

Like our Zina
Fruit is in the basket:
Apple, pear,
So that the guys eat
Peaches and plums
How beautiful they are!
Look at the runet
There is nothing tastier than our fruits!
Our Antoshka washes the dishes:
Washes the fork, cup, spoon,
I washed the saucer and glass
And he closed the tap tighter (here mom catches and squeezes the child's handle with her hand)
Antoshka has toys:
Here is a funny frog
Here is an iron car.
This is a ball made of rubber.
Multi-colored matryoshka
And with a fluffy cat tail.
We will bend our fingers, we will call our fingers:
Car and helicopter, tram, metro and plane.
We clenched five fingers into a fist,
Five types of transport were named.
Let's count
(fingers of both hands are clenched and unclenched alternately)
One two three four five,
I will consider transport:
Bus, boat and moped,
Motorcycle, bike,
Car and plane
Ship, train, helicopter.
Wild animals
(from the little finger to the thumb)
This is a bunny, this is a squirrel,
This is a fox, this is a wolf,
And this is in a hurry, waddles awake
Brown, furry, funny bear cub.
The cow is happy with her calves,
The lamb is happy with its lambs,
The cat is happy with her kittens,
Who is the pig happy with? Piglets!
The goat is happy with its kids,
And I am so happy with my guys!
(by analogy, make your own finger-fingering games, fixing lexical topic that you are passing - dishes, furniture, transport, etc. For example:
Hello kitty!
Hello kid,
Hello puppy!
Hello duck!
Hello, funny funny pig!
Who lives in our forest?
here is a chanterelle, here, here
Here is a bunny, here, here ... .. here is a bear ... ..
We will bend our fingers, we will call the flowers: This is a rose, this is a poppy, this is a carnation ... .. and so on.
Another option: Here is a goat - with kids, here is a mouse - with mice, etc.
For mushrooms
One two three four five,
We're going to look for mushrooms!
(bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger)
This finger went to the forest,
This finger has found a mushroom.
I began to clean this finger.
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat.
Masha began to call the guests:
And Ivan come, and Stepan come,
And Matvey come, and Sergey come,
And Nikita - well, please.
Rotation of the hands towards you. Alternate finger massage on both hands.
Who has arrived?
Who has arrived? We are, we are, we are.
Clap with your fingertips.
Mom, mom, is that you? Yes Yes Yes.
Clap with the tips of your thumbs and forefingers.
Dad, dad, is that you? Yes Yes Yes.
Big and middle fingers.
Brother, brother, is that you? Yes Yes Yes.
Thumbs and ring fingers.
Oh, little sister, is that you? Yes Yes Yes.
Thumbs and little fingers.
This finger is a grandfather (big),
This finger is a grandmother (index),
This finger is daddy (middle)
This finger is mommy (nameless),
This finger is me (little finger).
That's my whole family. (Clap).
In girls and boys
There are five fingers on the hand:
A big finger is a guy with a soul,
Index finger - gentleman powerful,
The middle finger is also not the last.
The ring finger - the proud walks with the ring,
The fifth - the little finger, brought you a present.
Advanced games:
The rain is dripping, the rain is dripping.
Cap-cap-cap. Drip-drip-drip.
The fingers of both hands tap the table.
Christmas tree
The holiday is approaching, the tree is dressing up:
The balls are hanging (exercise is flashlights, hands are spinning in the air)
The stars are burning
And the cracker is bom (clap your hands)
Confetti all around!

Use whole body games at the same time as finger games.
The examples of games below are related to the techniques of body therapy, their effect is similar to massage, but a big plus is that there is a combination of physical impact and expansion of vocabulary.
Please note that full body games cannot be performed immediately after a meal!

(educational game, good for learning the names of body parts, and also as a mini-massage. Better if the child lies on his back or stomach).

Painted animals
The giraffe has spots, specks are everywhere. We clap our palms all over the body.
On the forehead, nose, ears, neck, belly, knees and socks. With the index fingers, we touch the corresponding parts of the body, we call any parts of the body from top to bottom.
Elephants have folds, folds are everywhere.
We pinch, as if collecting folds.
Kittens have fur, fur is everywhere.
We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, stomachs, knees and socks.
With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.
And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.
We draw the edges of the palm along the body (draw stripes)
On the forehead, nose, ears, etc.
and further, as long as there is a fantasy: a fish has scales, a tiger has stripes, a dog has a chicken's fur - feathers, etc.)
(As a rule, children quickly memorize this games, begin to do it themselves. We sit on a rug or pillow (on our knees). ...
The mouse crawled for the first time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: “Bom!”, The hand slaps lightly on the top of the head.
The mouse rolled over.
Hands "roll" down the body.
The mouse climbed a second time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom, bom!" Two claps.
The mouse rolled over.
The mouse climbed for the third time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom, bom, bom!" Three claps.
The mouse rolled over.
(wake-up game, activation)
Firefighters ran (run across the belly from the bottom up to the face)
and the buttons were pressed Pi-Pi! (press twice on the tip of the nose)
Meow meow
(relaxation game, to relieve arousal. The child lies on his tummy, you stroke his back)
The cat will come slowly and pet the baby.
-MEOW MEOW! - the cat will say, - our baby is good!
Small house
Wall, wall (touch your cheeks),
Ceiling (touch your forehead)
Two steps (step your fingers over your lips)
Dzin - call! (push the nose)
A spider runs and runs, runs along the wall (with a spider hand, mom runs over objects, calling them)
Runs along…. And to (name of the child, the child is tickled)
It is important in this game for the child to follow the movements of the hand with his eyes.

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3. Lazarenko Olga Ivanovna. Articulatory finger gymnastics. Complex of exercises. Year: 2014
4. Larisa Ivanova. Finger games for children 1.5-3 years old (cards). Year: 2012.
5. Nischeva NV. Card index of outdoor games, exercises, physical exercises, finger gymnastics. Year: 2014
6. Nishcheva Natalia Valentinovna. Fun finger gymnastics. FSES. Year: 2015
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