
If a man hints in correspondence. How do you know if a pen pal likes you? - main features


Social networks are the most accessible way to meet people. It is easy to find a new acquaintance on the World Wide Web, but the most difficult thing is to understand what the guy sitting on the other side of the monitor screen is experiencing. There are many various ways checking a guy for feelings.

Signals that a pen pal likes you

In order to find out if a guy likes you, you need to carefully analyze the messages that he sends. Watch what he writes and how often he replies. If you see that a guy is online and hasn't responded in over an hour, he just doesn't like you.

How to check the feelings of a guy by correspondence? Most effective method find out that he likes you - the questions he asks you. Is he interested in your life, what are your hobbies, what movies do you watch, how was your day. A lot of guys are embarrassed to ask these kinds of questions, but they can be pushed into it. If he is not interested in your life and he insists only on an early meeting, you need to pay attention to this.

The next sign speaks of his intentions to be with you. He can make plans for the future. These may be hints of getting to know your friends and possibly even parents.

If you correspond with a guy for a couple of days, and he constantly writes compliments, sends copied love poems, calls for a meeting, then this cannot be called a sign of sympathy. How to check for a guy's feelings in such cases?

Loyalty check

One small trick can be applied. Ask a friend to meet him and chat a little. Will he say the same words as you? Send a large number of emoticons? Call somewhere? If he likes you, he will not answer her at all or will be reluctant to answer.

You and your girlfriend can sit at different laptops and phones, try to start correspondence at the same time. See if he lies to you or just ignores your friend. If you have been corresponding with the chosen one for more than a day and he is passionate about communication, then he will not begin to get to know his girlfriend. But if a guy suspects something or finds out, then he can get very angry and offended by this.

Another way to check on a guy's feelings is to leave all contacts on social networks and your own phone number. Will he do the same? Will he give away all contacts? Then you can understand how open the guy is in front of you.

Indifference and difficult life situations

Try to be a little cool. Do not write, do not call him a couple of times - this is the next way to check on the feelings of a guy. Try not to appear on social networks for a while. He will immediately begin to worry and will call you. Ask what happened, why it took so long to disappear. You need to be ready for this and find a more truthful excuse.

During difficult situation or illness, tell him about it. It's another one effective way check on the guy's feelings. A person who is not indifferent to you will definitely support you, sympathize, come and help you with everything he can.

What else to do to find out about his feelings?

Here are a few more ways to check a guy for feelings on VK:

  1. Shows initiative. That is, he writes to you. It is not necessary to sit and wait for a message from him, you can write yourself. But if a guy texts you first, it means he cares about you.
  2. Send songs with love meaning. If a line with such subtext slips in a song, then a hint that he likes you. Why not say it directly? There is no answer to this.
  3. When you just woke up and go online, you will immediately see a message from him: "From Good morning!", in the evening he will wish you the best dreams.

Guys are like girls too

Men have many secrets and mysteries no less than women. It's just that the guy won't dare to serious relationship. Therefore, they also check the feelings of the chosen one. How do guys test girls for feelings?

Loyalty Above All

It is important for a man how faithful his companion is to him. He will test his loyalty. It’s enough to simply write an SMS from an unknown number and offer to get to know each other. Or just write from a fake page, flirt, invite somewhere. A woman may perceive this as meaningless communication. So you have to be careful.

Another great way to set a trap is to be late for a date. And while she is waiting for her partner, a friend will come up at this time. He will meet a girl, ask for a phone number. If she gives it, then the man's trust will disappear.

Also, a man can send anonymous bouquets, gifts. If a girl thanks him, the guy will know: he is her only one.

Try to be jealous

In fact, men like to be jealous. They can periodically start talking about ex-girlfriends. He wants to know the reaction of the girl and understand how this topic is unpleasant for her.

Ex-boyfriend: how does he feel?

If a guy and a girl broke up, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten each other. A person will not be able to let go of his soul mate. If you want to know how to check the feelings of an ex-boyfriend, you should immediately note an important point - communication. You need to pay attention to how he wants to contact you. If the ex is bored, he will try to call or write to arrange a meeting.

How often do you see each other? Usually after a breakup former man wants to cut off all contact with you. However, if he offered you friendship, then he will try to return the relationship. Constantly remembers how good it was for you together. Only people more often forget that bad things happened to them, and they only remember good moments. So you need to carefully analyze what he said.

A young man who wants to get his ex back will strive to show that he has become a better person. This will indicate that the girl is not indifferent to him.

The easiest way to find out what he feels for you former man is to talk to him about it. Ask directly if he misses, if he wants something back. If he deviates or is not sincere enough with you, then just end the conversation and let go of the situation.

How does your boyfriend feel?

Despite the fact that you have been dating for quite some time, it is still not clear how much he likes you. There are doubts about the fidelity of your companion, and, finally, the question arises, how to check on the feelings of your boyfriend?

First you need to watch him, what signs of love he shows for you:

  1. The young man often apologizes to you. Even if he is right, he will take all the blame so as not to upset you.
  2. Always arrives on time for your dates. For your sake, I'm ready to cancel a meeting with friends. You always come first with him.
  3. Even if you see flaws in yourself, he will definitely accept them and can bring them into dignity.
  4. A guy who loves you will try to look the way you like. Change the hairstyle, style of clothing, change the perfume. All for you.
  5. The man loves to be around. He will always find at least a minute to see you.

If in Lately he behaves differently than before, you should check him for loyalty a little. The most affordable way to modern world is to create a fake girl page with photos and try to strike up a conversation with him. You will immediately notice if he is interested in communication.

In general, real relationships do not need verification. Do not doubt your man if he really loves you and is ready to go to great lengths for you. So be careful when checking on your boyfriend.

There is nothing easier than finding a new friend on the Internet. But how do you know if a pen pal likes you? In our article we will talk about the most obvious signs of male interest. You will also learn how, if necessary, to check his feelings for you. Still not sure if he's crazy about you? Then read our article, and all doubts will disappear by themselves.

A few signs to look out for:

  1. Correspondence duration. How long does your communication on the Internet last? If you just met, and your correspondence lasts only a few days, you should not analyze your relationship using this item. But if you communicate for three weeks or a month, you are clearly interested in the guy.
  2. Chat activity. How often do you communicate? Every day, every other day, or even once a week? This item may depend on the employment of your partner, but in any case, a man in love, even in absentia, will always find a couple of minutes a day to at least send a smiley. If the correspondence takes place every day, be sure that you are interested in him.
  3. Who takes the initiative to write first. Imagine the situation - you go to social networks, skype or just chat. If he sees you, he immediately writes: “Hello!”, “How are you?” Or is it just a smiley? Or he does not pay any attention to your appearance in the chat. This will be a wake-up call for you that his affection is not so strong.
  4. What questions does he ask? This item will show whether you are interested in him as a person or not. Is he interested in what you do, what you like to eat, read, what films you watch, what you did during the day. Or he just insists on a speedy meeting. Some guys may be embarrassed to ask personal questions, but your conversation can lead them to this. If a person is not interested in your life, you should pay attention to it.
  5. His expressiveness. This item can also show how attached he is to you by correspondence. If he sends a lot of emoticons, and his entire conversation meaningfully furnishes with numerous exclamation marks or dots, this may indicate the presence of light flirting in your correspondence and his interest in you as a desirable girl.
  6. Signs of attention. His comments on your photos, various likes, winks, and how he keeps track of changes on your page and your actions can directly indicate that he undoubtedly likes you.
  7. As he usually ends his correspondence with you. If he does not want to run away, but wants to talk with you longer, this is a good sign. Additionally, he may ask when you will meet again in social network or when you go out to talk. In this case, his affection is evident.

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How to test his feelings

To check how much a guy is in love with you, you can go for one little trick. It is necessary to introduce your girlfriend into correspondence with your chosen one. Let her just as innocently go to his page and try to make an acquaintance. Will he tell her the same blanks that he told you? Will he ask you out on a date like you? Etc.

The top of female professionalism will be to try to strike up a conversation with him at the same time, being at different computers with a friend. Will he lie to you that he is distracted by a phone call or simply ignore his girlfriend. This will be a good test for the guy. If you have been writing to him for more than a day, and he is interested in further contacts, he will not make a new acquaintance with an unknown girl.

But be vigilant and do not forget that if your girlfriend writes to him, she should not be your friend. Otherwise, the guy will guess that he is being tested, and may be offended for a long time or forever.

No suitable girlfriend? No problem. You can register another account for yourself, come up with a first and last name, and steal a couple of photos from another girl.

You do not need to tell him about these pranks in the future if your relationship continues. This is your innocent secret.

To win his favor, do not rush to arrange a first meeting, delay your date as far as possible. Try to solidify his relationship through email and really like him in dialogue. In this case, he will definitely want to meet with you.

To like a pen pal or in life is a process that should not be left to chance. Prepare in advance topics for conversations before you go online, prepare questions that you want to ask him to get to know him better. You must be armed if he suddenly finds himself in a network.

Here are a few more useful tips how to communicate with a young man in the social. networks:

  • Be serious when talking to him. Do not let him think about your frivolity. Try sometimes to discuss serious topics, but do not talk with them. Guys can get tired of too much philosophizing too.
  • Be unpredictable. If your relationship has dragged on for several weeks, do not be afraid at least once to abruptly leave the network in the middle of a conversation, while leaving the intrigue. You can always come up with an innocent explanation for this in the form of a broken Internet or a doorbell. Warm up his interest in you with unnecessary intrigue.
  • Always post only your best photos online. If you want to impress a guy or make a new acquaintance, you should not post photos with your ex-boyfriends or with male friends. A man will be afraid to start a conversation, assuming that you are married or in a relationship. If your photo shows wrinkles, unnecessary gray hair or a fat fold under a swimsuit, edit the photo using graphics programs.
  • Do not post a lot of photos at once, as you will load the guy with a large stream of information. Take a break for a week or two, and then upload your best photo to the network, which will amaze and pleasantly shock him. For the sake of such an occasion, you can make a professional photo shoot with a photographer. The effect of this will be very unexpected and pleasant for you.
  • Do what he does. Learn what kind of music he listens to and what he doesn't like. If he doesn't like some music, don't add it to your favorite playlist. If he doesn't like cats, don't post your photos cuddling with a crowd of kittens.
  • Be kind. Try to be open and smiling in all photos and in your correspondence. Do not write uncivilized words and things. Don't say things that he might not like or offend him. Be nice. Let him feel comfortable in correspondence with you.
  • Take an interest in his life. Ask him questions about his friends, hobbies and activities. Say that you can always help him or give advice. However, don't be pushy. Let him be relaxed when interacting with you.
  • Don't take the initiative. Don't ask him when you'll next chat or when he'll text you. Say goodbye to him simply and easily. If you are interested in him, he will definitely write to you again.

Far from always people are frank and openly express the feelings that they experience. And oddly enough, good emotions are much more difficult to show than bad ones. If a person is dissatisfied with something or someone, then, most likely, no matter how he restrains himself, he will soon voice it in one way or another. And he is able to masterfully hide sympathy long time, and so that no one will guess about his true feelings. This is especially true for guys in love. Sometimes, feeling sympathy for a girl, they demonstrate the exact opposite attitude, trying to mislead her. To understand that a guy likes you, you need to know the main signs that indicate falling in love. "Trying on" them on a man, you can easily bring him to clean water.

If a guy stubbornly refuses to show his feelings and intentions, then you will have to stock up on observation, analytical skills and evaluate his behavior. Even the most cautious conspirators, as a rule, give themselves away very quickly, because, having built a certain strategy of behavior, they simultaneously send unconscious signals, which are worth paying attention to.

Even if a guy carefully hides his feelings, he can still be identified by some signs.

visual signs

Even without talking to a person, by his behavior, gestures and facial expressions, you can try to understand what feelings and emotions he is experiencing. All these are visual signs of sympathy, that is, those that can be seen with the eyes.

  1. Sight. A person who does not have particularly acute feelings for someone who is nearby looks at the interlocutor directly, but calmly, sometimes looking away as they communicate. And someone with strong emotions tends to be unable to maintain adequate eye contact. A guy who likes a girl either literally glares at her, or, conversely, hides them. Which of these options depends on his temperament, self-confidence and the reason why feelings are carefully hidden from their object. For example, if a man is silent about sympathy because, despite his emotions, he does not want to burden himself with relationships, then he will look at the girl without any hesitation. And if the reason for the silence is self-doubt and a feeling that he is not good enough, then you can often see eyes averted to the side.
  2. Pupils. One of the most uncontrollable reactions is the reaction of the pupils. They will definitely give out the slightest excitement experienced by a person. Dilated pupils clearly indicate that the guy is experiencing something.
  3. The guy's attempts to invade the girl's personal space. The desire to be closer pushes him forward, and as a result, without realizing it, he comes almost close.
  4. Thumbs tucked into the belt. A gesture similar in meaning is hands in pockets, and thumbs outside. So guys emphasize their masculinity. Although in fairness it should be noted that even if there are no girls nearby, such gestures can still be used, because you want to feel more courageous both in the company of men, and even alone.
  5. Pose. It is believed that people turn their toes and body towards the person they like. Therefore, if in a large company the body of a man seems to “look” towards the same girl, then, undoubtedly, he likes her.

Video: 5 signs that a guy is sympathetic

An overly frank look that a man throws without hesitation at a woman’s chest and hips certainly speaks of his sympathy, but does not mean at all that there is something more to it than ordinary sexual interest. Therefore, psychologists advise to closely monitor the attitude of a man as a whole, and not to make hasty conclusions.

Verbal signs

The most convenient reason for studying the behavior of a guy for sympathy is a conversation, during which you need to pay attention to some signs.

  1. Nervousness in speech. It manifests itself in shy guys. At the sight of an object of adoration, they get lost, forget that they need to speak, slow down or, conversely, speed up speech.
  2. The timbre of the voice becomes lower than usual. This is an attempt to look more courageous in the eyes of a girl.
  3. Boasting and boasting. In an attempt to arouse admiration, guys are able to talk for hours about their existing and non-existent exploits. As a rule, in addition to this, a modestly lowered look can be observed. Philosophical sayings are also practiced, accompanied by heavy sighs of a person wise by life experience. And, of course, this “prince on a white horse” will argue that if he hasn’t achieved something in life, it’s only because he doesn’t need it, because a person like him is definitely above all this fuss of the material world .
  4. Clumsy attempts to find out information about the girl. Asking her directly about her personal life would be too easy. It happens, of course, and this, but basically this question is asked as if by the way, without obvious interest.
  5. Coarseness. Yes, it happens. It's good that this doesn't happen too often. notorious men(often very young) in an attempt to disguise feelings can fall into the other extreme. And then it is simply difficult for them to stop, they are in a confused state and do not know how to behave.

A man in love always tries to appear cooler than he is.

How different zodiac signs hide their feelings

  • The Aries man will always be somewhere nearby, will always try to touch the object of feelings, violate personal space. This sign loves development, including when it comes to relationships. Therefore, he will not beat around the bush for a long time. Either he decides to speak frankly, or even switches to another girl.
  • Taurus becomes very attentive and courteous. He tries to help in everything, to take care and in general to seem kinder than he is.
  • Gemini wants to immediately demonstrate all their strengths, and sometimes this can be intrusive. She prefers to lure a woman she likes with humor.
  • The Cancer man is perhaps the most secretive of all the signs. It is difficult to understand what he is experiencing. He communicates with the object of sympathy calmly and with restraint, and may even avoid communication altogether until he decides for sure that he needs a relationship with this girl.
  • A lion. That's who loves to demonstrate strength and success even more than Gemini. Leo will immediately tell you in detail how good he is. Likes to impress with gifts.
  • The Virgo guy is in perfect control of himself, so it is unlikely that he will be able to understand what he feels until he himself decides to show it. But in general, his attitude will be emphatically benevolent.
A guy in love always takes care of a girl
  • Libra always tries to give the object of feelings as much time as possible. He talks a lot and jokes. At the same time unobtrusive. As a rule, natural indecision for a long time does not allow him to take any more specific actions.
  • The Scorpio boy loves the girls themselves to fall at his feet, so he often plays with them, moving closer and further away. At first, he aggressively seeks a meeting, but during it he demonstrates coldness or even neglect. Jealous and touchy, including when the girl does not yet belong to him. Therefore, he is often annoyed and cannot always hide it.
  • Sagittarius has no complexes, no desire to think about the prospects for relationships and build far-reaching plans. Therefore, he immediately begins to win the object of sympathy, while absolutely not hiding his intentions. Well, even if he does not talk about feelings for some time, everything is already clear from his meaningful views.
  • Capricorn can hint at feelings for the chosen one for a long time in the hope that she herself will take the first step. This sign is very shy and afraid to show excessive emotionality.
  • Aquarius men, despite the fact that they give the impression of quite gentle people, are firmly moving towards their goal. They do not rush things, but systematically increase the number of meetings and the duration of communication, starting to devote a lot of time to the girl they like.
  • The Pisces guy is very caring, to the point that he begins to control the girl he liked. He is interested in what she does, what she eats, how many hours she sleeps, etc. At the same time, he is very shy, so in the presence of an object of sympathy, at times he may look confused.

Video: psychologist's opinion

How else can he give himself away

The behavior of a guy in love may, among other things, depend on what kind of relationship connects him with the object of sympathy.

If you just communicate or know each other only by correspondence

If communication between a guy and a girl has just begun and has not yet grown into friendship, then a young man in love, of course, will try to get as close as possible to the object of adoration, somehow “hook”, find common interests and common ground. For example, if people communicate by correspondence, then he responds to the message immediately, as if he was specially sitting and waiting for it to come. He asks questions, trying not to end the conversation prematurely, and when the correspondence is still interrupted, the next conversation starts first. Although if a guy has firmly decided not to show his feelings, then he can deliberately delay answering the messages sent to him, pretending that he does not expect them and is generally thinking about something else. This is a favorite technique for girls, but it turns out that the stronger sex uses the same methods.

If he is too shy

Shyness is not a very good quality, especially for a man. If he is like that, then it is not known when he will take the first step and show sympathy. Most likely, this will not happen soon, because he is very afraid of being rejected. Shy guys tend to get very lost in the presence of the girl they like. He will not be able to be witty and charismatic, he will not talk much about himself, extolling his qualities and achievements, and even taking the initiative in communication can be difficult for him. Often looks away and is afraid to touch the girl. Therefore, if she has an interest in this guy, it is better to start taking the initiative first. Just be very careful, because especially shy young people can easily be scared away.

If you don't know him or if he's an unfamiliar guy

If a guy liked a girl, but they have never communicated with her, he will think about what reason to find for dating. In the meantime, he does this, he will probably try to be somewhere nearby all the time. For example, visit places where she often visits, pass by work or a fitness room where a girl visits. He will go to the same store, sign up for the same club, start walking the dog under her windows. And of course, everything will be clear in his eyes. Although he may be looking at the girl so that she does not notice it. In the end, an unfamiliar young man still has to decide and come up, one can only hope that he will not come up with some sophisticated way for a “random” acquaintance.

If a guy carefully hides his feelings, most often his eyes still betray him.

If it's a friend

As you know, it is very difficult to transfer relations from friendship to something more. Psychologists say that if people communicate in a certain way for a while, then it is difficult for them to get out of the role that they have chosen for themselves in a relationship. Other roles in communication with a certain person begin to seem inappropriate to them. Therefore, a friend who wants to become more than just a friend has a particularly hard time. He, as a rule, does not know what approach to find for a girl, and if he makes any hints, then she stubbornly does not want to understand them. So sooner or later he will still have to say everything directly. And until this happens, he will be very caring. Such a person is always ready to help, even sometimes to the detriment of his own interests. And girls sometimes consult with friends about young people they like. Of course, a friend in love will do his best to drive his beloved away from other men.

There are a number of fortune-telling and other rituals on the network that promise to lift the veil of secrecy. Believe them or not - your choice.

If it's an ex boyfriend

With ex-boyfriends, unlike friends, everything is very simple. They, as a rule, do not show any shyness, communicate calmly and allow themselves a lot of things. The whole problem is to talk frankly and offer to reconcile. But they cannot be the first to do this, giving the girl such an opportunity. In any case, if the guy is determined to leave, then he will not provoke ex girlfriend to communication, but, on the contrary, will avoid it in order to quickly normalize the situation and start a new life. If he continues to be nearby, then the gap occurred due to a misunderstanding, but feelings still remain.

Video: how to determine sympathy - first-person story

How men of different ages hide their feelings: a bit of psychology

It seems that with age, people become more reasonable, get rid of complexes and learn to talk about their feelings. But it only seems. Regardless of age, a man can go out of his way to demonstrate indifference, while in fact a woman is not at all indifferent to him. And he has even more reasons for this than a young guy who, as a rule, is driven by either self-doubt or unwillingness to be “driven under the heel” and, as a result, ridiculed by friends.

A man who has reached the age of at least 30 - 40 years old can hide feelings for the following reasons:

  • he considers the girl too frivolous and unsuitable for a relationship;
  • for some reason he decided that she wanted to “sit on his neck” or use it in some other way;
  • he has a wife and a mistress, so the poor man does not have enough time for women;
  • he is generally tired of women and he wants to relax;
  • he understands that it would be necessary to find a more profitable party, because it is time to think not only about feelings, but also about the vital.

In all these (and not only these) cases, he expects all emotions to subside by themselves. But it continues to behave very strangely. Just like a young guy, he will try to appear better and more courageous than he really is. I must say that the older the man, the funnier it looks from the outside. All other verbal and non-verbal signs of sympathy may also be present. Some men, as in their youth, may even begin to be shy when communicating.

But still, one should not forget that an experienced man is much smarter and more cunning than a young man, and therefore is able to deliberately play out signs of ineptly hidden sympathy in order to bring the girl to emotions and make her interested in him. Although now this can be expected from young guys. Some even deliberately learn how to manipulate women, such as in pickup courses.

The reluctance of guys to talk about their feelings is not a big problem, because by studying the external verbal and non-verbal signs of these feelings, you can easily understand everything on your own. In principle, most of the signals sent by men are perceived by a woman at the subconscious level, without focusing on them, but at the same time intuitively feeling that they feel sympathy for her. Problems arise only when she herself is in love. At such a moment, all girls begin to look for confirmation of reciprocity and sometimes wishful thinking. Here you just need to remember the signs by which you can determine whether the guy is experiencing any feelings or not, and try to soberly assess the situation. This will help protect yourself from unnecessary worries and uncertainty.

- Signs of sympathy for a pen pal
- Some useful tips on how to communicate with a young man in the social. networks
- How to find out that a man likes you by correspondence in contact?
- Conclusion

1. Writes first.
If a young man starts a dialogue immediately after you appear on the network, he wants to communicate with you for as long as possible. In such situations, we can say for sure that the young man was waiting for the arrival of the girl.

2. Maintains a conversation.
An interested young man will always be able to keep up the conversation. He will come up with 1000 and 1 question to create a conversation. Leading questions help the young man keep you closer to him, he tries to prevent the passion from leaving the account.

3. Asks personal questions.
A young man in love will not unequivocally answer the questions asked, he will try to tell something about himself and find out more about you. A sign of sympathy is long messages with personal information about yourself.

4. Communicates every day.
If a guy is considering a girl for further relationships, he will unobtrusively write to her daily.

5. Asks for advice.
If a guy asks you for advice or help, in this way he shows trust. In addition to the fact that the young man respects his interlocutor, he also appreciates her opinion.

6. Not in a hurry to say goodbye.
A guy interested in a girl will continue the conversation with any possible ways. If the young man is limited to "Come on!", "Bye!" or “Goodbye!”, he is not interested in you.

7. Shows interest in details.
An interested companion will note minor changes in the appearance of his passion. He will also ask in which city the photo was taken or the video was filmed. Increased curiosity is noticed only in guys in love, everyone else is indifferent to your life.

8. Takes correspondence to a new level.
Sympathy can be judged by the intensity and depth of conversations. If you think the conversations are getting longer and more interesting, the guy is into it. Chat with him for another 10 days and reanalyze.

9. Leaves comments.
A man in love tracks the life of his passion even when she is not online. Keep track of how often the guy likes and comments on photos. The compliments sent by the young men in private messages also speak of sympathy.

10. Responds to status changes.
The social network has a "Update status" function, use it as often as possible. Put deep thoughts of philosophers or clippings from songs. Watch the guy's reaction. If he asks where the phrase comes from, the guy often wanders on your page. The young man wants to be closer.

11. Solves problems.
When a young man is interested in a lady, he will do everything possible to make her life easier. Reach out to the guy with a request or a relatively difficult question. Rate his actions.

12. Jealous and protective.
Let him know that you are going to the cinema today, but do not specify with whom. If you notice that the guy starts to get angry and ask appropriate questions, he is not indifferent.

13. Shows concern.
In cases where the correspondence falls during the period of your illness, monitor the behavior of the guy. Be sure to tell him that you caught the flu or got sick with a sore throat. If a young man begins to show concern, to take an interest in your well-being every day, to ask for a visit with a cake and oranges, he likes you.

14. Expresses himself sincerely.
A guy in love is not shy to seem sentimental to a girl. He spends hours telling funny moments from life, sharing the main events, expressing feelings. The young man is not rude, shows tenderness and attention, provides comprehensive support.

15. Tries to make you laugh.
The young man shows flirting by making fun of you. He constantly wants to make his interlocutor laugh, sends her funny pictures and videos.

16. Expresses himself competently.
Watch how the young man speaks. If at first he made a lot of grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and then corrected himself, the guy wants to be better. He is trying for your sake, because the interlocutor on the other side of the screen is not indifferent to the young man.

17. Worried and bored.
If a young man starts attacking you with messages asking “Where did you go?”, It is quite possible that he got bored and worried. Most often in such situations, men ask for a number just in case.

18. Not imposed.
If a young man is sufficiently educated, he will not impose his society. Good guy waits for time to make sure of your sympathy.

19. Thinks about the future.
If in correspondence you noticed that the guy began to mention your interests, remembered his favorite color and dish, he likes you.

Some useful tips on how to communicate with a young man in the social. networks

1) Be serious when talking to him.
Do not let him think about your frivolity. Try sometimes to discuss serious topics, but do not talk with them.

2) Be unpredictable.
If your relationship has dragged on for several weeks, do not be afraid at least once to abruptly leave the network in the middle of a conversation, while leaving the intrigue. You can always come up with an innocent explanation for this in the form of a broken Internet or a doorbell.

4) Do what he does.
Learn what kind of music he listens to and what he doesn't like.

5) Be kind.
Try to be open and smiling in all photos and in your correspondence. Do not write uncivilized words and things. Don't say things that he might not like or offend him. Be nice. Let him feel comfortable in correspondence with you.

6) Take an interest in his life.
Ask him questions about his friends, hobbies and activities. Say that you can always help him or give advice. However, don't be pushy. Let him be relaxed when interacting with you.

7) Do not show constant initiative.
Don't ask him when you'll next chat or when he'll text you. Say goodbye to him simply and easily. If you are interested in him, he will definitely write to you again.

How to find out that a man likes you by correspondence in contact?

Factors that indicate his liking for you:

  • Every guy will give you unobtrusive compliments.
  • If earlier the guy wrote illiterately, and after some time he began to follow the vocabulary and mistakes, then this is a good sign.
  • No indifferent phrases!
  • A somewhat obsessive interest in your life.
  • Comparing his acquaintances and you, he exalts you.
  • The conversation often uses phrases where he expresses regret about your absence in a certain place.
  • He writes that he is bored.
  • Complaints about other girls (only in the context of modern education).
  • Showing interest in your hobbies.
  • Correspondence starts first.
  • Shows activity on your page.
  • Jokes, trying to be funny.

The letters of a guy who feels sincere sympathy for a girl will be:

  • as literate as possible, without swearing and criminality;
  • contain questions that will help him get to know you better: about your family, work / study, hobbies, favorite music, books, films, etc .;
  • funny, with witty (well, if you're lucky☺) jokes;
  • gush with compliments and comparisons (in your favor, of course) with other girls he knows;
  • with stories young man about himself, which indicates that he wants you to get to know him better;
  • contain questions about how he should act in a given situation - he is already interested in your opinion in correspondence;
  • with unequivocal hints - not vulgar and vulgar, but with a touch of eroticism;
  • include such phrases as: “I look forward to your answer”, “I miss you”, “How I would like to hug you now”, “I can’t wait for our meeting” and the like;

And also pay attention to how the guy ends his letters: a simple “Bye”, “Ciao” ​​or “Well, I have to go” indicates that you are not attractive enough to him.

Quite another matter: “I am so sorry to interrupt our correspondence, but I need to run to work. See you soon" or "Good luck, I'll miss you until I get your next letter."


Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with an acquaintance by correspondence.

Instead of paper letters, electronic letters are now being written, and thanks to the Internet, their possibilities have expanded significantly. And although the messages have become much shorter, the correspondence unites hearts as before.

In real life, flirting is obvious, but on the Internet, it is much more difficult to recognize a guy's intentions. In order to understand whether a guy likes you through Internet correspondence, you need to analyze his way of communicating with you.

In this article, you will find the main signs that will tell you about whether a pen pal feels sympathy for you. If a young man is in love, he tries to help his interlocutor, looks forward to her appearance on the network, always writes first, and also gets in touch every day. If a guy asks for advice, he is interested in your personal opinion, and he asks you a bunch of personal questions, then you can say for sure that he cares about you.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

In the era of online dating and social networks, constantly exchanging messages, people are increasingly asking the question: "How to understand that I am being deceived when communicating on the Internet, in SMS or email?" - writes The Wall Street Journal journalist Elizabeth Bernstein.

Many people feel in their gut that something is wrong in the message, but it can be very difficult to understand where is the truth and where is fiction. Experts say that most of interpersonal communication is built with the participation of body language - gestures, facial expressions - as well as intonations. If we remove these subtle factors, as happens with digital correspondence, we will have far fewer clues to understand what's what.

However, many relationships begin to be established through emails, and quite often they remain the main method of communication, so the ability to determine whether you are lying or not is very important.

The interlocutor can be caught in a lie, because people are often bad deceivers, says Tyler Cohen Woods, head of the cybernetic division of the Science and Technology Directorate of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, author of the book "Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin your life". "Most people prefer to tell the truth," she explains. "So when they lie, the truth still comes out."

You will definitely have hints. To recognize them, Cohen Woods offers a modified version of the method used by law enforcement officers: it is the analysis of testimony, which consists in identifying deception by studying the words of a person.

First of all, you should pay attention to how your interlocutor uses amplifying structures. "He does not necessarily lie - rather, he wants you to believe in his words. The same applies to those cases when the same thing is repeated in different ways."

"They wouldn't repeat it if it wasn't important to them," the expert emphasizes.

"In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the expressions in which the author of the message distances himself from the addressee. In personal communication, we unconsciously distance ourselves by crossing our arms in front of us. In writing, the same effect can be achieved by avoiding personal pronouns and references to ourselves," the article says. .

For example, you send SMS with the following content: "Hi! I had a great time yesterday, and you?" And in response comes the message: "Yesterday was fun."

Pay attention to unanswered questions: you ask about something, and the interlocutor bustles or changes the subject.

"Red flags" are also evasive expressions - "probably", "should be", "maybe". "These words leave a path for retreat," explains Cohen Woods. There are also clarifying clauses: "to be honest," "just don't worry," "it's inconvenient to talk about it." Often they are a sign that the following words confuse the author of the message.

Tyler Cohen Woods advises anyone who makes online acquaintances to take a few simple precautions. First, if something in the correspondence seemed strange, ask the interlocutor how he would react to a conversation on the phone or via Skype. You can also ask to send a photo with the date and time stamped. Second, feel free to ask questions and notice evasive answers, reservations, and inconsistencies.

One "red flag" may be the result of a simple misunderstanding or a sincere delusion, but several at once indicate a serious problem, the expert is convinced.