
Can an insecure, insecure guy turn into a charismatic and attractive man? Or does it all depend on genetics? A notorious man signs How notorious men behave


Do you want to catch a notorious man in his complexes red-handed? Then you need an aunt!

Do not be surprised. We need the most ordinary aunt of indefinite age, but only she must necessarily have excess weight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, that is generally ideal.

If you spot your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from service. You need to know when your aunt looks especially tired. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter remains small. Adjust the meeting with the man in such a way that the chosen aunt will definitely fall into his field of vision. For example, I was walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs you around the waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate one, sigh sadly. Say something like, oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, loved to drink, smoke, so she was worn out ahead of time. She was courted by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went with the rich. What do you look like now? She has grown old, what can you take from her. She's got fat, and her teeth are bad. Half fell out altogether. Nobody is taking her in marriage now. So you will have to live out your life. With cats.

It will be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats from around the corner. To prevent the cats from running out earlier, you can pre-hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will add tragedy and doom to the scene. Plus, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you can't afford to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see a satisfied smile spread across the face of a notorious man.

Jumping dragonfly ... - draws out a satisfied, notorious man, raising his index finger. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal men, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A man with a complexion will sparkle with eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. He now has a story to tell by word of mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are getting better not from men, but from buns. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, after all, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not treated by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this aunt has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never a beauty at all. Don't tell him that. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the heck do you need such a nasty, notorious little man? So I think about it ...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice at someone else's bad outward appearance or an unsettled personal life. Especially ex-wife or classmates. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indefinite age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, that is generally ideal.

If you spot your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from service. You need to know when your aunt looks especially tired. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter remains small. Adjust the meeting with the man in such a way that the chosen aunt will definitely fall into his field of vision. For example, I was walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs you around the waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate one, sigh sadly. Say something like, oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, loved to drink, smoke, so she was worn out ahead of time. She was courted by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went with the rich. What do you look like now? She has grown old, what can you take from her. She's got fat, and her teeth are bad. Half fell out altogether. Nobody is taking her in marriage now. So you will have to live out your life. With cats.

It will be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats from around the corner. To prevent the cats from running out earlier, you can pre-hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will add tragedy and doom to the scene. Plus, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you can't afford to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see a satisfied smile spread across the face of a notorious man.

Jumping dragonfly ... - draws out a satisfied, notorious man, raising his index finger. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal men, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A man with a complexion will sparkle with eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. He now has a story to tell by word of mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are getting better not from men, but from buns. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, after all, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not treated by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this aunt has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never a beauty at all. Don't tell him that. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the heck do you need such a nasty, notorious little man? So I think about it ...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or an unsettled personal life. Especially ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, you can see it even if you don't have a clownery with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Is it happy about their failures?

Agree that this behavior is a marker showing complexes?

I wonder if you can, by external signs in a person's behavior and actions, determine whether he has a complex in communication or not? Try it. Observe attentively those around you, peers, friends.

It seems to me that you will immediately notice who is susceptible to this ailment and who is not. Or better do this: choose a person you know well, take a closer look and decide whether he is complex when communicating. Remember: this will be especially evident when he is in the spotlight in an unfamiliar environment. Wait for such a situation, and then, without shelving, at the moment when he calms down a little, ask how he felt, being under the gaze. If he says: "Awful!" or something like that, then everything immediately becomes clear. But if he gets off with some vague answer, then convince him to honestly admit whether he suffers from complexes in communication, how much and for how long? Tell him that it will be useful for him to find out too. It seems like an easy diagnosis. If you make a mistake several times, it's not scary. But after a short practice, learn to pinpoint exactly what is carefully hidden from others and what they are afraid to admit even to themselves.

You are wrong if you think that this is a useless activity, good only for fun. It helps, over time, to easily recognize most external signs complexes in communication. For what?

First, to highlight people who do not suffer from complexes, tightness in communication. Observing their naturalness and ease of communication in an unfamiliar environment, you can form your own standard of behavior, which you need to strive for while mastering trainings. By the way, subconsciously you are already doing this. You just like people who behave in a relaxed way, and you try to imitate them.

Secondly, knowing the external signs of a complexion in communication will help you to become aware and fully distinguish yours in order to purposefully control them.

And thirdly, having noticed them with your friends and relatives, you can help them get rid of complexes with the help of auto-training.

Now let's call the external signs themselves. For the sake of fairness, I note that most of them were suggested by the students of the courses. Each of them named their own, and the result was a solid list. All that remained was to systematize and formulate more accurately. Carefully reading the list, be sure to observe one condition: correlate each sign with your behavior in an unfamiliar environment and mark those inherent only to you. It may turn out that in the list you will not find your manifestations of complexes in communication. Then feel free to supplement it, it is by no means all-encompassing.

Have more strong people(usually men), when they get into the spotlight in an unfamiliar environment, something like the following is observed: the whole body is tense and constrained. Legs do not walk, but literally drag, as if "weights are attached" to them. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are tightly clenched into fists. The body is enslaved and constantly strives to freeze in any one position. Everything in the mouth dries up, words are pronounced with difficulty, one might say, they are squeezed out.

Many, both strong and weak, along with the listed ones, may also show the following symptoms: redness, often spots, or pallor. Unnatural movements. They grab the back of a chair with their hands, bent over, lean with both hands on the table, lean on something or lean against a wall, closet, etc. Nervously fiddle with an object, often the button of their jacket, and sometimes the jacket of the interlocutor, tie or belt. May be: excessive bravado, unnatural, a bit like hysterical, laughing, giggling; playing along to the audience, winking at friends - they say, "everything is fine", some kind of constrained welcoming waving, jerky answers to jokes and remarks, often out of place and stupid. Distorted intonations, spasms, the voice becomes deaf, "sits down", it can disappear completely or "give a rooster." Inappropriate facial expressions, instead of friendliness and benevolence - grimaces and grimaces. The gaze is blind, avoids looking into the eyes of interlocutors or listeners, wanders along the walls, ceiling, fixes for a long time on objects that are not related to the conversation. The speech is confused, the thread of reasoning is lost, it is excruciatingly difficult to remember individual words, sometimes whole phrases slip away or they are not uttered at all.

And almost everyone who felt a complexion in an unusual situation, then for a very long time move away from this state, experience, again and again, like a video, scroll through their feelings and actions in their minds. Most often they are ashamed, and shame, of course, is not the best experience. At the same time, the stronger the notoriousness in communication, the more sensitive, vulnerable a person is, the longer he "experiences". And if it does not find opposition, then, as it were, it allows the complexes to penetrate even more strongly into consciousness.

Now compare our examples with the description of external signs of communication complexes, which was cited by the wise Dale Carnegie in his book "How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public." True, all examples are taken from only one area of ​​communication - public speaking. But all the same - very curious! And cognitively:

“Even those who, over time, became the most eloquent representatives of their generation, at the beginning of their careers suffered from unaccountable fear and shyness.

A battle-hardened veteran politician William Jennings Brian admitted that his heart was shaking during his early speeches.

When Mark Twain first came up to the pulpit to give a lecture, he felt as if his company was stuffed with cotton wool, and his pulse was as if he was participating in some kind of cup competition.

General Grant took Vicksburg and led to victory one of the greatest armies in the world by that time, but when he tried to speak to the public, he, in his own words, developed something akin to dynamic ataxia.

"When I first tried to speak in front of an audience," Lloyd George confessed, "I can assure you that I was in a terrible state. This is not an exaggeration, but the purest truth, - my tongue stuck to my throat, and initially I could not utter a word." ...

Disraeli confess that it was easier for him to lead a cavalry charge than to speak for the first time in the House of Commons. His first speech failed miserably. The same thing happened with Sheridan.

With so many famous speakers having a bad start, it is now considered a bad omen in parliament for a young man's first speech to go well.

When Charlie Chaplin spoke on the radio, his speeches were always pre-written. Back in 1912, he traveled all over the country with a vaudeville called An Evening at the Music Hall. Prior to that, he worked in professional theater in England. And yet, when he saw the microphone in a padded room, he had about the same sensation in his stomach as while sailing across the Atlantic in stormy February weather.

Famed film actor and director James Kirkwood experienced the same thing. He starred in theater, but when he left the radio studio after performing in front of an invisible audience, he was wiping the sweat from his forehead. "The Broadway premiere is nothing compared to that," he admitted. "

Agree, the thought involuntarily comes: "Such celebrities, and they were shaking from notoriousness in communication, just like me." But we got over it. And how! Maybe the same will happen to you? It's just that success lurks and waits until you overcome your tightness.

But ... let's not get distracted. Cope with the condition that was set at the beginning of the chapter? Are there any of these signs that only you have? Or is it somehow not very possible to clearly understand them? Then try a little differently: wait for the situation when you find yourself in the center of attention in an unfamiliar environment, and immediately after that, while the sensations have not cooled down, go through the list. Highlight your signs, supplement them, if necessary, and remember. From them, the analysis will go to the reasons, methods of overcoming and auto-training.

5 signs of a hopeless man

Some girls believe that they can "remake" a man for themselves during living together... For the most part, this is a misconception. People do not change, at least not cardinally.

At the initial stage of the relationship, it is already possible to identify the "inappropriate" companion and not try to change him, wasting your time in vain.

Pay attention to the warning signs of a hopeless man, which are described below:

1. A man uses a woman.

For some males, a girl is just a set of essential qualities. In their opinion, a woman should cook, clean, completely obey the man, and so on. When such a young man is looking for a companion, then there is no question of romantic feelings. A man chooses a partner the way he would pick up a car. If a girl does not fulfill some fundamentally important points or tries to protest, then he drops it and finds a new "model".

2. The man loves to drink.

If a young man often prefers stronger drinks, then it is worth thinking about what this will result in in the future? Many girls do not give serious meaning to their companions' addiction to alcohol, and then take them to special clinics when it is too late to change something. Think about it if you want to have such problems?

3. A man humiliates a woman.

If a young man is notorious, then he will be jealous of the success of his girlfriend. He may start to create obstacles or simply “wear down” the nerves with scandals, insults, ultimatums (for example, he may offer to quit because the family is more valuable than a career). A successful and loving man will enjoy the achievements of his companion as his own, support and help her.

4. A man lives off a woman.

If you notice that you pay bills at high intervals, make purchases at home, and so on. And the companion, meanwhile, is in no hurry to correct his financial situation, then most likely there is a gigolo next to you, who is comfortable living at your expense.

5. Man and your future.

We will recommend one psychological trick for you. Think for a minute about what your life will be like in ten years. Remember the habits of your beloved one and imagine that they can get worse. Will you be really happy with him? Answer this question honestly to yourself and then you will understand whether it makes sense to continue the relationship with your man.

10 male complexes and how a woman to deal with them

He has complexes, but for some reason you suffer from them? By itself. But do not despair - there is a way out! The main thing is not to adapt to this situation! You and only you can help your man overcome his fears. So, the main question for today: 10 male complexes and how a woman can fight them. Let's discuss?


How to find out? He looks at you all evening, not hiding his admiration, but is afraid to take the first step. And no matter how mind-blowing you look, it is easier for him to get to know not you, but the one to whom the expression “gray mouse” usually fits.

What do we have to do? Psychologists explain that as soon as a man sees in front of him beautiful woman, then the thought immediately comes to him: "Such a beauty cannot be lonely." Cultivating her in himself, he convinces himself that this woman probably already has a companion. And even if he manages to get to know her and start some kind of relationship, then in the future he will constantly have to fight for her attention, because around her there will be crowds of men "clustered" around her. Do not let his fantasies go too far, take the initiative yourself. “He will certainly appreciate your interest in yourself and will be able to understand that you are the person with whom you can easily communicate like this,” say psychologists.


How to find out? As soon as in bed, he begins to vehemently ask for forgiveness for what he has not done yet, and every 30 seconds asks if he is doing everything right - he either takes too much care of you, or suffers from a bad lover complex. His desire to compete with someone all the time may also indicate problems with self-esteem. Does your companion expect comparisons from you? He wants to know how many lovers you had before him, which of them managed to be the best and why? “Do not be surprised if, after your frank story, he declares that many of your lovers (even if you mentioned only two) have corrupted you too much. That now he cannot fully trust you, which means that he cannot be completely relaxed in your company, ”sexologists warn.

What do we have to do? All you need is to find the right words. Try to tell him that he is the one and only, that you left your previous ones because they did not even "stand next to him." Try to help him relax, but do not get carried away too much. After all, saying that everything was great and lying are not the same thing at all.


How to find out? You spend a lot of time together, and he never even hugged you? Would you like to just walk with him until the morning, holding hands, but he does not take the initiative in any way? You want to snuggle up to his shoulder, but he pulls away immediately? Of course, one could allow some doubt about his sexual orientation, if he did not constantly repeat about his former girlfriends. Or, more precisely, how they all abandoned him mercilessly. He tries to make himself a cynic, wise by experience, he is ready to talk for hours about the doom of all relationships.

What do we have to do? First, it should be noted that this kind of men are rare, because most of them are hunters by nature. They do their best so that the complex “for the life of the deceived” appears as often as possible in women. Secondly, intimophobia - this is the name of this complex - can and should be fought. A waiting tactic is needed here. You should not rush to build a relationship, because he is seriously afraid that as soon as he trusts, you will immediately use it for selfish purposes. If you take the initiative into your own hands, wanting to start a relationship, then it will not be difficult for you to break it off, that is, to leave it. Let him understand that you are waiting for the first step from him. Be as spontaneous and sincere as possible. This is exactly what he does not expect from you. All his usual schemes will collapse - and he himself will change for the better.


How to find out? He always comes home tired, even if he spent all day in the office shifting folders with documents from place to place. Or I'm ready for the hundredth time to listen to your story about the shoes that you tried on in the store opposite, but never utters a word about his personal problems.

What do we have to do? It is extremely important for a man to realize himself at work. But even if he made a mistake in choosing a profession, this does not mean that he is destined to suffer from this complex for the rest of his life. Try to start a conversation about what he liked as a child. After all, children usually love what they do best. If he loved making airplanes, tell him casually about the local model aircraft club. He went everywhere with an old Zenit and filmed everything? Then you should invite him to a photo exhibition and make a present - a new camera. And when, finally, he has at least one hobby, even if it has nothing to do with work, but which will bring him joy, his office affairs will surely go smoothly.


How to find out? Usually a man is either sincerely proud that there is a young mistress in his "arsenal", or he is afraid that his beauty will soon find a younger lover for herself. In the second option, he will wish that as few people as possible were devoted to your relationship. Especially when it comes to going out together with you - what if everyone thinks that you are his granddaughter?

What do we have to do? There is no need to forcibly drag him to where there is a possibility of making him a grandfather. Try to remind him more often that no peer can give you what he gives. After all, you are really much more interesting with him? This is where the emphasis should be placed.


How to find out? You don't have to figure out whether he really has this complex - absolutely everyone has it, including you. You just need to decide how strongly your partner is notorious and what exactly does not allow him to live in peace. The only thing that is one hundred percent sign of an inferiority complex is jealousy.

What do we have to do? If his case is not yet chronic, then the most important thing is not to focus on what caused his self-doubt. For example, it can be short, beer belly, bald head, etc. Talk more about its merits. After all, if you have a complex about the harmony of your legs, then, no matter how much you are told that they are beautiful, for you they will not become slimmer. Therefore, if he is short, praise his intelligence and sense of humor; if he is bald - the ability to play well in shikhmat, etc. In especially advanced cases, a notorious man tries to compensate for his shortcomings by humiliating those who are next to him. If suddenly you began to feel that he is trying to recoup you, then you should think about whether the relationship with him is worth the effort you spent. If so, then you should turn to professionals for help in solving this problem.


How to find out? It would seem that if he always wants to be the best in everything, is that bad? Of course, this is good, only you need to know when to stop in everything. You should pay attention to what exactly is the price given to him permanent permanent leadership. If, for example, he promised to do something to you, but for various reasons failed, then this will literally eat him up from the inside until he finally can fulfill the promise. Even if you know well that you could easily do without it.

What do we have to do? It's important to let your man know that you love him. Love for who he is. And that one small star from the sky will be enough for you. So if, for example, this summer he cannot go on vacation to the Hawaiian Islands with you, try to suggest: "Honey, what if we spend this vacation at your dacha?" He, of course, will be surprised, but mentally he will thank you. And all his further actions will be dictated only by a feeling of gratitude for the fact that you love him. Love not only and not so much for the constant expensive gifts.


How to find out? With his head down, he walks past expensive restaurants, avoids talking about money, calls all more or less wealthy people bandits and says that only a madman will buy a suit for a thousand dollars. Another option is also possible - the opposite: with him, a man only does what he says about how wonderful it would be to live on Rublevka, ride a limousine, and wear clothes from at least Ralph Lauren.

What do we have to do? In both of these cases, your man has a problem setting priorities. Your main task is to tell him as much as possible about not material but spiritual benefits. You will most likely have to give more than one or two examples to try to get him to overestimate his values. Try to go with him to a simple cafe, where it is quiet and cozy and you can calmly talk heart to heart. You can go to an exhibition featuring some fashionable artist who does not charge an entrance fee. Or to a concert of an interesting, but not yet very popular group, which performs in clubs for free. See, he will stop stressing about money as soon as he realizes that everything is expensive - not necessarily good. That you love him, and your love does not depend on the amount of money or gifts he earns. And that his attention is really much more important to you.


How to find out? Such an example: you are from Moscow - he is a provincial, you earn great money - he saves every penny, you graduated from Moscow State University with honors - he was kicked out of mechanical engineering in his first year. It is possible that your man has a completely normal self-esteem. Yes, yes, and all its obvious shortcomings are nothing compared to the advantages. Everything in the world strives for balance. And when you have enough of what he lacks, you have a lot to teach each other in order to enjoy balance in the relationship. And the fact that you are from different "sandboxes" - does not matter. Things are more complicated if your man tirelessly proves foaming at the mouth that life is simple for native Muscovites, that everything is easy for dad's sons, that you can buy a diploma from any university, but you cannot earn a lot of money through honest means. But even all this can be dealt with.

What do we have to do? It is a mistake to tell him directly that his mood and behavior is betraying him. internal problems even when it is. If you belong to different strata of society, just try not to pay attention to the little things that separate you. You need to find common interests, get carried away with any one thing, more often say "we". And then the two of you will be one. And he will finally stop thinking that you are not a couple for each other.


How to find out? In life, absolutely every man goes through two age crises: the first - at the age of thirty, the second - when he is about forty - forty-five. The first is the initial debriefing time, when the man evaluates what he has been able to achieve and what remains to be done. The second is caused by the desire to work on past mistakes: to change jobs, and often the people around him.

What do we have to do? With the first option, either a break in any relationship or an offer to get married looms on your horizon. Crave a second - try to draw in his imagination the rainbow pictures of your family life... The crisis of forty years is more difficult for a man to survive. Here it would be most reasonable to be patient and try to be a good friend to him in the first place.

  • 75% of girls suffer from complexes of their men.
  • 50% try to fight male complexes.
  • 13% think their young people have a bad lover complex.
  • 28% believe that a man is worried, believing that he is not suitable for her.
  • 50% are sure that there are no men without complexes and, in principle, there cannot be. And going against masculine nature is a waste of time and energy.
  • 27% tried to fight the complexes of men, but, unfortunately, they did not achieve the result.
  • 23% of girls say that they still managed to convince their men that their complexes are unfounded.

The most dangerous psychological types of men

Why do some women meet and marry one person, and in the end find themselves face to face with a completely new, hitherto unknown personality, and what seemed funny and original in the past, the actions of a loved one turn into a real nightmare.

Intrapersonal qualities are very important for family life, but, as a rule, choosing a groom, and then a husband, a woman does not pay attention to some of the oddities of her chosen one ...

The interaction of a man and a woman involves not only sexual intimacy, but also relationships in everyday life. Therefore, it is useful to take a closer look at the behavior of a man in everyday life, no matter how cute and mysterious it is. To do this, you can classify the totality of signs of some mental abnormalities, which, in the future, may progress and darken family happiness.

Discarding all conventions, we can single out several psychological types men, and despite the irony, it is safe to use this information when choosing a life partner or even with the most casual acquaintance.


The term "schizoid" should not be perceived extremely negatively, since any personality contains certain features of the schizoid personality type. The schizoid often protrudes his lips when he is dissatisfied with something. He slouches, pokes his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He often drops things, and while sitting at the table, he unsuccessfully tries to reach the objects, not calculating the distance. He burns himself, smoking a cigarette to the ground. He does not differ in neatness, does not follow nails, clothes and hair. Sometimes his gaze frankly wanders or is directed from under his brows, his speech is confused, the tongue twister is replaced by long pauses. He likes to emphasize stress, rhyme words, facial expressions and gestures do not correspond to the content.

Dangling buttons on a shirt and threads on a jacket are not yet a symbol of an "ownerless bachelor", and if he still does not clean his shoes and forgets to button his fly, then this is not at all a sign of depression and multiple sclerosis... By the way, schizoids with mild traits can also seem very cute. The definition of such a personality is difficult due to the charm that the schizoid often produces on others. The stumbling block is that a man in love is capable of unusual deeds, and so many women like it. The eccentric man seems brighter and more original than the cold and pragmatic beech, and funny incidents on a love date are attributed to excitement and shyness.

The "lair" of the schizoid is an untidy room in which complete chaos reigns: from a desk to a sleeping bed. A lot of books. Some have bookmarks, marginal notes, and torn pages. Some things can be found in the most unsuitable places for them. For example, cigarettes in the refrigerator or socks in the bottom drawer of the kitchen table are a reason for sadness rather than smiles ... Putting things in order, rearranging and sorting his things are a reason to run into conflict or cause a sudden outburst of anger and irritation.

The schizoid is indifferent fashion trends clothes, new items modern technology, he is not interested in a career, but he likes classical music, retro style, surreal paintings, psychological literature and topics that are far from everyday problems. Over time, you can discover some kind of schizoid passion for things that are rarely used or have no practical value at all. This is collecting and clothing fetishism, for example, clerical. No one should ever touch ink pen and a beautiful schizoid notebook, drink from his favorite mug, use his decorative knife or lighter as intended.

Among schizoids, there are real thinkers for whom consciousness is much more important than being itself. A talented schizoid can become a profitable groom and husband, but he must be guided because of his impracticality, which, for example, is typical for a creative person, if all ideas "go to the table" and therefore remain unclaimed. A talented schizoid needs a skillful "conductor", and not an eternally disgruntled partner who is used to sorting things out with the help of screams and tears. The schizoid type is especially not suitable for a woman of the hysterical type. She can easily provoke deep depression and turn her man's schizoid temperament into a disease - schizophrenia.


The portrait of an epileptoid is a domineering authoritarian personality who gets annoyed all the time over trifles. Epileptoid hair is carefully styled and does not fall on the eyes. He never leaves a comb, is neat in his clothes, gives banal gifts, loves traditions, is punctual and stingy with compliments. Epileptoid is categorical in his judgments, loves order and consistency in everything. He is interested in politics, social problems of society, achievements of science and technology. Superstition and mysticism are alien to him, he does not believe in predictions and other nonsense. Female love fortune-telling is capable of infuriating the most psychologically stable epileptoid. Emotionality and impressionability annoy him, up to accusations of unforgivable stupidity. Accidental offensive remarks about a partner over time can turn into constant nagging and even threats.

Some women may be struck by the epileptoid's insensitivity to someone else's grief, while at first the callousness of character is not noticeable under the romantic veil of external sympathy. An epileptoid has one or more phobias. He is squeamish, cannot stand dirt, dampness and cold, loves comfort and high-quality food. The cookbook in the most prominent place in the kitchen and the perfect order in the apartment are the most important criteria by which he evaluates his future darling. However, according to a typical family epileptoid, his wife does not know how to cook, she is a slob and dirty, and the children are naughty and annoying.

Epileptoids are compatible with women of the same type, or with those who do not like to take the initiative and find the husband's parental teachings acceptable. An epileptoid, as a rule, is the first to break off relations with a hysterical woman, although it is hard going through failures in his personal life. He is vindictive and vindictive. A demanding epileptoid is able to get along with a woman of the hysterical type, provided that she has a higher intellect and a certain position in society, achieves success in work and is respected by others.

The epileptoid is quite suitable for family life, he not only always tries to improve his financial situation, loves to save money, but also willingly spends his savings on vacation. But the upbringing of children will be in complete rigor, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, which will negatively affect the child's psyche and is fraught with various conflicts, especially in adolescence. The older the epileptoid becomes, the more he is grumpy and greedy, loves to make "stash" and count the money spent by his wife. A woman who adores spending money on new outfits, for whom the words "economy" and "economics" are in no way interconnected in meaning and are mysterious complex terms from textbooks, it is better to refrain from close relations with an epileptoid. In addition, the epileptoid never admits his mistakes and is always confident in his righteousness, even if he has a collar in someone else's lipstick or he spent the night in a sobering-up center. For a woman who does not think sex without variety, and relationships without intimate confidential conversations, the epileptoid will only be useful in the household: for example, hammering a nail.

Tyrant (paranoid)

Unfortunately, not every woman is able to recognize in her beloved a tyrant and despot, as he carefully masks his shortcomings and weaknesses. The tyrant's appearance is irrelevant; a home tyrant can be both a brutal macho man and an inconspicuous quiet bespectacled man. Often, signs of tyranny can appear only after one or two years of marriage. If a woman complains that her husband “seems to have been changed,” then it is possible that this man is a tyrant ...

The addiction to alcoholism and adultery is much easier to identify than the darkest nooks of the soul of a potential sadist. Rudeness and cruelty have a wide variety of grounds - from the inner structure of the family in which the man grew up, psychological trauma, humiliation and many other reasons. Family life turns into hell, scandals and reproaches become commonplace. Assault is not excluded.

Every tyrant is able to charm a woman with his cheerful character, win over him with nobility of deeds and skillful courting. The intimate side of the relationship is also important, because the tyrant is an ardent and passionate lover; everything he does - he does with pleasure, prefers to give a woman sexual pleasure, admire her, fulfill any of her whims. The only alarming thing is that the hidden tyrant periodically gets into such situations and commits such actions, for which he then endlessly apologizes, as if it gives him pleasure.

He is aroused by quarrels and reconciliation, and the refusal of his beloved from intimate contacts as punishment for "indecent behavior" only inflames the tyrant. Once the body is accessed, it becomes angry and irritable again, then history repeats itself. The tyrant takes the initiative of reconciliation, but without discussing the causes and essence of the conflict. If this is not possible, then he goes to some trick, for example, gives expensive gifts or arranges a romantic evening.

Excessive suspicion, megalomania, persecution and other signs of paranoia are types of psychosis that even the most experienced woman in a relationship will not help to get rid of.

In modern society, when the traditions of house building and the patriarchal way of life of the family are slowly but surely receding into the past, a woman should pay more attention to the opinion of a young man about the distribution of family rights and responsibilities, even if it is comic in nature. The tyrant's fantasies are simple and uncomplicated: the wife has direct responsibilities, and the husband has rights, a woman can count on love flirting and understanding only before the wedding, and after that she must focus on housekeeping and raising children.

Outbursts of jealousy, accompanying rage and uncontrollable aggression are a typical sign of a notorious tyrant. A man who opens his hands will never stop, unless he is broken by rheumatism or complete paralysis of the limbs. A woman, a victim of such terror, can stock up on a combat suit if she does not want to spend the rest of her life in bruises. If you do not break a dubious union in terms of happy family prospects in time, then this can become a habit. Often, inflicting pain contributes to the sexual satisfaction of the tyrant, but there are exceptions when such a sado-masochistic relationship suits both partners.

How to distinguish a notorious person at a glance

Without knowing it, we often demonstrate our complexes, weaknesses and fears to the people around us. Moreover, we do this completely unconsciously. What distinguishes a notorious person in a conversation in the first few seconds of communication? Can you figure it out from comments on the net? The answer is yes.

Do you know what complexes are? This is when concentration on some of its details, anxiety about it, outgrows all normal limits. For example, a woman with a size 46 of clothes considers herself so fat that it seems to her that everyone turns after her. A person constantly experiences anxiety about his peculiarity, it seems to him that she is also interesting to the people around him. But, apart from a couple of rare exceptions, this is not the case.

Today, while I was doing business and shopping, I have seen at least several thousand people. But I cannot describe any of them, except those whom I meet all the time. I did not remember their height, nor their weight, nor the color of their eyes, nor the shape of their ears, nor the hump on the nose. I am completely indifferent to other people's priests, ears, triceps, calves and the shape of the eyebrows. It doesn't matter to me how much they get, how much they eat, how old they got married and what kind of education they have. There is too little time in my day to pay attention to such little things. It is exactly the same way for most people. We are interesting only to our spouses, a couple of girlfriends and mom. The rest of the people will forget about us in five seconds. They all don't give a damn about us.

However, there are some people who take a really genuine interest in us. Sometimes these are our future friends or lovers. But more often than not interest strangers aimed at spitting poison at us. Some people reward us with critical comments on a regular basis, and this is where it is worth thinking - why?

Why is this outside woman or this old man so interested in my lips, hands, priests, salary and with whom I spent the night? What do they care about this and how can I influence their quality of life? Obviously, no way! The only explanation for this behavior is complexes. People with complexes constantly compare themselves with others, trying to confirm their normality, which is why we come to their attention. Some part of our image is a detonator that detonates the activation mechanism of the complex. And the complex crawls out with all its destructive power.

Once I worked with a man at the end of his masculine strength, he was about 70 years old. Every day this man was preoccupied with my fucking. He threatened me that they wouldn't fuck me anymore if I eat this bun, I don't start stretching, I won’t do beautiful styling... My sex life and my fuckability interested him so much that I thought inadvertently - is he afraid for his potency? This is how our deepest fears creep out.

This is especially noticeable to me because I can analyze hundreds of thousands of angry comments from all kinds of people. And I followed the pattern. Someone else's appearance is scolded by the ugly. Someone else's salary is discussed by the poor. They shout about female asexuality, fat and old age of a man at the stage of withering libido. Focused on education - dumb. On the number of children - those who have no other achievements ... Fat people swear - those who are losing weight and those who are on diets, as well as those who themselves are inclined to be overweight ... There are no exceptions. The exception is people who were crippled in childhood so much that they almost completely reshaped themselves. However, this exception only confirms the rule. AND smart people noticed this pattern long ago. Therefore, every time you open your mouth to utter another nasty thing, you show nothing but your own insecurities. You stand naked in front of others, to whom all your secret fears become accessible and visible. Believe me, this is very noticeable.

Recently I have already seen speculations on this topic. The girl Sonya possessing perfect figure, with bewilderment asks - why exactly Russian people, unlike foreigners, are so fond of criticizing someone else's appearance or emphasizing their superiority, comparing it to someone else's failure? The answer lies in our upbringing. Unfortunately, our children are often literally disfigured. Have you seen this picture: a girl walks, for example, stooping, and her mother defiantly slaps her on the back. Girl in teenage years became overweight, and her mother, out of good intentions, tells her that they won't marry her with such an ass? The boy is scared to the point of being stupefied, and his father also beats him with a belt for fear? This happens all the time. Not to mention the cases when we are compared to our neighbor Kolya, cousin Vasya or classmate Pasha. It is this behavior of parents that creates the basis for the formation of complexes. Why are complexes dangerous? They make us think for most of our life that it is not important to anyone but ourselves.

Have you noticed how people in Russia love photo selections from American and European stores when they take pictures of freaks walking around? Comparison makes us feel more important, prettier, smarter, better. Because there is no self-confidence in this. And self-confidence leads to success faster than imaginary ideality.

Do you want me to tell you the story of a girl with a very big ass? But what's almond there, her butt is about a meter and a half in girth, she's so huge. Losing weight is unrealistic for a girl - everything else is thin. And you know what? She did not huddle under the bed, but opened Instagram and profitably sold her disability. Access to her insta costs 12 bucks. In the photo in insta, a young man in love hugs her. And here she is ...

Moreover, I worked with a woman who had such an ass not somewhere in America, but in Russia. Do you know what she did? She wore bright outfits long hair, painted her lips with red lipstick and only had time to drive off the men. And she never, never expired poison about someone else's appearance. The lack of complexes allows you to play any drawback as a trump card, make lemonade from lemon. The presence of complexes makes life unbearable and averts others.

Do you know what advice Oksana Robski gave to girls, who repeatedly marries the rich and famous? Do you know how she advised attracting a successful millionaire? We must praise all the girls who are more beautiful than you. Fifochka comes towards, long straight legs. Others will say - ugh, ugly dressed and an old face. And you say - oh, what a girl! Just look at these legs! And you know what? A successful man is more likely to bite. Not at her. On you. The lack of complexes is very attractive.

It is easy to distinguish a notorious person - he clings to the shortcomings of others. And as for me, it is much more effective to radiate confidence. Praise others. Praise whatever you like about the people around you. Focus on the positive, and then the positive will focus on you ...

A notorious man - every woman should know this sign

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indefinite age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, that is generally ideal.

If you spot your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from service. You need to know when your aunt looks especially tired. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter remains small. Adjust the meeting with the man in such a way that the chosen aunt will definitely fall into his field of vision. For example, I was walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs you around the waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate one, sigh sadly. Say something like, oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, loved to drink, smoke, so she was worn out ahead of time.

She was courted by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went with the rich. What do you look like now? She has grown old, what can you take from her. She's got fat, and her teeth are bad. Half fell out altogether. Nobody is taking her in marriage now. So you will have to live out your life. With cats.

It will be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats from around the corner. To prevent the cats from running out earlier, you can pre-hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will add tragedy and doom to the scene. Plus, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you can't afford to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see a satisfied smile spread across the face of a notorious man.

Jumping dragonfly ... - draws out a satisfied, notorious man, raising his index finger. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal men, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A man with a complexion will sparkle with eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. He now has a story to tell by word of mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are getting better not from men, but from buns. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, after all, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not treated by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this aunt has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never a beauty at all. Don't tell him that. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the heck do you need such a nasty, notorious little man? So I think about it ...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or an unsettled personal life. Especially ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, you can see it even if you don't have a clownery with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Is it happy about their failures?

Do you agree that this behavior is a marker showing complexes?

Noticable man signs

Many women try to understand the peculiarity male psychology, because this is the key to knowing the members of the opposite sex. If you want to find mutual understanding with your loved one, then you should understand at least a little the principle of his thinking. If we know enough about women's complexes, then men try to hide their weaknesses. Sometimes this can cause a quarrel, because a woman cannot know absolutely everything about her loved one.

In order not to face such a nuisance, it is better to get as much information as possible in advance and build on it. Who else but psychologists know the most cherished secrets of men and their attitude to their own appearance. We bring to your attention the top of the most common men's complexes. It is what they so carefully hide that becomes obvious, but such knowledge can become a real key to unraveling a loved one. Be sure to pay attention: if your man has signs of such complexes, and if so, try to find a competent approach to solving the problem.

1. Male complex of inappropriateness to a beautiful successful woman. In the process of choosing a life partner, men often face various problems, because sometimes it is so difficult to find that one and only one. When a man on his way meets a self-sufficient person who has realized himself in life and knows exactly what he wants, some problems arise.

A man immediately begins to compare himself with her and ask the question: "Do I meet her level and requirements?" A woman may not even show her exactingness, but the man has already begun to delve into himself and look for flaws. It is much easier to find a discreet, modest lady who will be insanely happy from the manifestation of elementary attention and tenderness. Man's complexes can sometimes ruin his happy personal life, because that same "gray mouse" may not at all cause his heart palpitations. That is why men often choose as their wives very inconspicuous shy women who can provide him with coziness, comfort and tranquility. A woman who knows how to change, looks great and is popular with the stronger sex, rarely becomes desirable for creating a family.

2. Male complex of inability to become the head of the family. Men are terribly afraid of any active manifestations on the part of the spouse, because in society it is customary to condemn the representative of the stronger sex, who fully follows the instructions of his wife. If a woman wants to show character and tries to offer her own rules, then a notorious man will immediately begin to make scandals and prove his superiority. Psychological research showed that men who have achieved excellent career success are calm about the manifestations of the will of their beloved wife. The thing is that he already has a sphere where he is successful, so he simply does not need to realize his ambitions through his family.

3. Male excellent student's complex. Here it is worth saying "many thanks" to his parents, who instilled in him the desire to prove to everyone that he is the first and the best. Of course, at first glance it seems that it is impossible to regard this as a disadvantage, because such a man will be just perfect and his superiority will manifest itself both in the ability to make money and in the desire to be the best father and husband, but not everything is so simple. A man with an excellent student's complex will constantly prioritize areas of life such as family, work, hobbies, parents, etc. If he thinks that in order to achieve a better position he needs to fly to another city for several months, then he will immediately do it. Often such representatives of the stronger sex suffer from depression and are prone to fanatical introspection. If a man does not have the opportunity to achieve leadership, he can simply get drunk or start using drugs.

4. Male inferiority complex. Many men are actually insecure about their appearance, although at first glance it cannot be thought so. Fear of baldness, gaining weight or simply losing attractiveness are real complexes of men that can develop self-doubt and inability to build a happy personal life. Men, just like women, constantly compare themselves with competitors, and realizing that they are not popular among the fair sex, they fall into despair. Men are well aware that most women prefer beautiful, wealthy, young, fit and tall, so the discrepancy to the standard can significantly shake men's pride. Sometimes a man needs to understand that if his nature has not endowed him with an ideal appearance, he should think about charisma, humor, gentleness and other virtues.

5. The masculine complex of an inept lover. It is very important for a man to feel like a winner sexually. If he knows for sure that his woman is completely satisfied with his intimate skills, then self-esteem will automatically rise several times. In the event that he knows that his beloved wants to receive much more from him than he gives her, he will simply stop believing in himself. Often men, women whose women could not give them self-confidence in an intimate sense, go to look for victories on the side.

If a man realizes that he has something to be proud of in the matter of sex, he will be able to tune in more positively in any area of ​​life. That is why every representative of the fair sex should, albeit not show herself in sex to the maximum, but make it clear to her beloved that he has no equal.


How to find out? He looks at you all evening, not hiding his admiration, but is afraid to take the first step. And no matter how mind-blowing you look, it is easier for him to get to know not you, but the one to whom the expression “gray mouse” usually fits.

What do we have to do? Psychologists explain that as soon as a man sees a beautiful woman in front of him, the thought immediately comes to him: "Such a beauty cannot be lonely." Cultivating her in himself, he convinces himself that this woman probably already has a companion. And even if he manages to get to know her and establish some kind of relationship, then later on he will constantly have to fight for her attention, because men will crowd around her in crowds ... Don't let his fantasies go too far, take the initiative yourself. “He will certainly appreciate your interest in yourself and will be able to understand that you are the person with whom you can easily communicate like this,” say psychologists.


How to find out? As soon as in bed, he begins to vehemently ask for forgiveness for what he has not done yet, and every 30 seconds asks if he is doing everything right - he either takes too much care of you, or suffers from a bad lover complex. His desire to compete with someone all the time may also indicate problems with self-esteem. Does your companion expect comparisons from you? He wants to know how many lovers you had before him, which of them managed to be the best and why? “Do not be surprised if, after your frank story, he declares that many of your lovers (even if you mentioned only two) have corrupted you too much. That now he cannot fully trust you, which means that he cannot be completely relaxed in your company, ”sexologists warn.

What do we have to do? All you need is to find the right words. Try to tell him that he is the one and only, that you left your previous ones because they did not even "stand next to him." Try to help him relax, but do not get carried away too much. After all, saying that everything was great and lying are not the same thing at all.


How to find out? You spend a lot of time together, and he never even hugged you? Would you like to just walk with him until the morning, holding hands, but he does not take the initiative in any way? You want to snuggle up to his shoulder, but he pulls away immediately? Of course, one could allow some doubt about his sexual orientation, if he did not constantly repeat about his former girlfriends. Or, more precisely, how they all abandoned him mercilessly. He tries to make himself a cynic, wise by experience, he is ready to talk for hours about the doom of all relationships.

What do we have to do? First, it should be noted that this kind of men are rare, because most of them are hunters by nature. They do their best so that the complex “for the life of the deceived” appears as often as possible in women. Secondly, intimophobia - this is the name of this complex - can and should be fought. A waiting tactic is needed here. You should not rush to build a relationship, because he is seriously afraid that as soon as he trusts, you will immediately use it for selfish purposes. If you take the initiative into your own hands, wanting to start a relationship, then it will not be difficult for you to break it off, that is, to leave it. Let him understand that you are waiting for the first step from him. Be as spontaneous and sincere as possible. This is exactly what he does not expect from you. All his usual schemes will collapse - and he himself will change for the better.


How to find out? He always comes home tired, even if he spent all day in the office shifting folders with documents from place to place. Or I'm ready for the hundredth time to listen to your story about the shoes that you tried on in the store opposite, but never utters a word about his personal problems.

What do we have to do? It is extremely important for a man to realize himself at work. But even if he made a mistake in choosing a profession, this does not mean that he is destined to suffer from this complex for the rest of his life. Try to start a conversation about what he liked as a child. After all, children usually love what they do best. If he loved making airplanes, tell him casually about the local model aircraft club. He went everywhere with an old Zenit and filmed everything? Then you should invite him to a photo exhibition and make a present - a new camera. And when, finally, he has at least one hobby, even if it has nothing to do with work, but which will bring him joy, his office affairs will surely go smoothly.


How to find out? Usually a man is either sincerely proud that there is a young mistress in his "arsenal", or he is afraid that his beauty will soon find a younger lover for herself. In the second option, he will wish that as few people as possible were devoted to your relationship. Especially when it comes to going out together with you - what if everyone thinks that you are his granddaughter?

What do we have to do? There is no need to forcibly drag him to where there is a possibility of making him a grandfather. Try to remind him more often that no peer can give you what he gives. After all, you are really much more interesting with him? This is where the emphasis should be placed.


How to find out? You don't have to figure out whether he really has this complex - absolutely everyone has it, including you. You just need to decide how strongly your partner is notorious and what exactly does not allow him to live in peace. The only thing that is one hundred percent sign of an inferiority complex is jealousy.

What do we have to do? If his case is not yet chronic, then the most important thing is not to focus on what caused his self-doubt. For example, it can be short, beer belly, bald head, etc. Talk more about its merits. After all, if you have a complex about the harmony of your legs, then, no matter how much you are told that they are beautiful, for you they will not become slimmer. Therefore, if he is short, praise his intelligence and sense of humor; if he is bald - the ability to play well in shikhmat, etc. In especially advanced cases, a notorious man tries to compensate for his shortcomings by humiliating those who are next to him. If suddenly you began to feel that he is trying to recoup you, then you should think about whether the relationship with him is worth the effort you spent. If so, then you should turn to professionals for help in solving this problem.


How to find out? It would seem that if he always wants to be the best in everything, is that bad? Of course, this is good, only you need to know when to stop in everything. You should pay attention to what exactly is the price given to him permanent permanent leadership. If, for example, he promised to do something to you, but for various reasons failed, then this will literally eat him up from the inside until he finally can fulfill the promise. Even if you know well that you could easily do without it.

What do we have to do? It's important to let your man know that you love him. Love for who he is. And that one small star from the sky will be enough for you. So if, for example, this summer he cannot go on vacation to the Hawaiian Islands with you, try to suggest: "Honey, what if we spend this vacation at your dacha?" He, of course, will be surprised, but mentally he will thank you. And all his further actions will be dictated only by a feeling of gratitude for the fact that you love him. Love not only and not so much for the constant expensive gifts.


How to find out? With his head down, he walks past expensive restaurants, avoids talking about money, calls all more or less wealthy people bandits and says that only a madman will buy a suit for a thousand dollars. Another option is also possible - the opposite: with him, a man only does what he says about how wonderful it would be to live on Rublevka, ride a limousine, and wear clothes from at least Ralph Lauren.

What do we have to do? In both of these cases, your man has a problem setting priorities. Your main task is to tell him as much as possible about not material but spiritual benefits. You will most likely have to give more than one or two examples to try to get him to overestimate his values. Try to go with him to a simple cafe, where it is quiet and cozy and you can calmly talk heart to heart. You can go to an exhibition featuring some fashionable artist who does not charge an entrance fee. Or to a concert of an interesting, but not yet very popular group, which performs in clubs for free. See, he will stop stressing about money as soon as he realizes that everything is expensive - not necessarily good. That you love him, and your love does not depend on the amount of money or gifts he earns. And that his attention is really much more important to you.


How to find out? Such an example: you are from Moscow - he is a provincial, you earn great money - he saves every penny, you graduated from Moscow State University with honors - he was kicked out of mechanical engineering in his first year. It is possible that your man has a completely normal self-esteem. Yes, yes, and all its obvious shortcomings are nothing compared to the advantages. Everything in the world strives for balance. And when you have enough of what he lacks, you have a lot to teach each other in order to enjoy balance in the relationship. And the fact that you are from different "sandboxes" - does not matter. Things are more complicated if your man tirelessly proves foaming at the mouth that life is simple for native Muscovites, that everything is easy for dad's sons, that you can buy a diploma from any university, but you cannot earn a lot of money through honest means. But even all this can be dealt with.

What do we have to do? It is a mistake to tell him directly that his mood and behavior are betraying his inner problems, even when it is. If you belong to different strata of society, just try not to pay attention to the little things that separate you. You need to find common interests, get carried away with any one thing, more often say "we". And then the two of you will be one. And he will finally stop thinking that you are not a couple for each other.


How to find out? In life, absolutely every man goes through two age crises: the first - at the age of thirty, the second - when he is about forty - forty-five. The first is the initial debriefing time, when the man evaluates what he has been able to achieve and what remains to be done. The second is caused by the desire to work on past mistakes: to change jobs, and often the people around him.

What do we have to do? With the first option, either a break in any relationship or an offer to get married looms on your horizon. Hungry for the second - try to draw in his imagination the rainbow pictures of your family life. The crisis of forty years is more difficult for a man to survive. Here it would be most reasonable to be patient and try to be a good friend to him in the first place.

Final diagnosis.

  • 75% of girls suffer from complexes of their men.
  • 50% try to fight male complexes.
  • 13% think their young people have a bad lover complex.
  • 28% believe that a man is worried, believing that he is not suitable for her.
  • 50% are sure that there are no men without complexes and, in principle, there cannot be. And going against masculine nature is a waste of time and energy.
  • 27% tried to fight the complexes of men, but, unfortunately, they did not achieve the result.
  • 23% of girls say that they still managed to convince their men that their complexes are unfounded.

Men are officially recognized as the strong half of humanity, they are big, domineering and fearless, they protect us, care and protect us. They are not like us, and that is why we love them. The most difficult and dangerous professions go to men. They are rescuers, firefighters, policemen, bodyguards, miners, airplane pilots, and even astronauts. Men are constantly putting their lives in danger, doing, for example, extreme sports: parkour, diving, sky surfing, parachuting, mountaineering and this is just the beginning.

But here's the paradox, behind all this strength and big muscles is a vulnerable and very impressionable nature. According to psychologists, it is more difficult for men to adapt in society, they do not adapt well to environment, think too much about the opinions of others and are practically unable to adequately perceive even themselves. "How so?" - you ask, - "Isn't it a woman's soul that is in constant turmoil?" No, I will answer you, and psychologists will confirm. Men are most susceptible to outside influence, they are very susceptible and suspicious. Believe me, even the most severe and domineering man hides a delicate and vulnerable soul, most likely endowed with a mass of complexes.

Probably, their brain is arranged in such a way that it somehow painfully energetically perceives the information received, which falls like a burden in the subconscious, there it turns into complexes, which become the driving force pushing men to all sorts of accomplishments. Men, constantly balancing on the brink, are by nature doomed to extremes, among them there are a lot of scientists, famous politicians and successful businessmen. But there is also another side. More than 70% of the patients in mental health clinics are also men. So, in contrast to Einstein, Michelangelo and Freud, you can always name Pablo Escobar, Chikatilo and Albert Fish.

Men are very notorious, but just try to tell them about it, most likely they will give you a blank look or, even worse, mistaken for crazy. Few people are capable of sensibly and honestly face their fears, but from this they will not go anywhere. The complexes can be roughly divided into congenital and acquired. The first ones come from childhood. Not in the sense that when a boy is born, he is rewarded with a whole range of psychological problems, no. It's just that in the process of growing up, one way or another, they appear, being born in various situations, they grow and develop, resulting in terrible problems, which, at times, are very difficult to deal with. They are harassed at school for academic performance, short stature or sporting failures, here are the first prerequisites for the development of a number of psychological problems. Here parents should be on the alert, who need to explain to the child that high marks are not bad at all, growth is not the most important thing, and success in sports will only follow. And then, perhaps, these seemingly small failures will never develop into dire problems later. And the acquired ones are complexes that have appeared in the process of formation. The ex-girlfriend constantly reproached her for insolvency, compared with other men, never supported or was even caught in treason, hence the complexes with which, due to great injustice, you will have to fight. But this is fixable. Always support your man, listen and try to understand, do not point out failures and, worst of all, do not compare him with others. In your eyes, he should be the best, most powerful, intelligent, kind, generous, successful and sexy. And even if something from this list is far from the truth, it’s not scary. Builds you to believe, like a man will start to change.

Each problem needs to be known in person, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main male complexes and the rules for dealing with them:

Inferiority complex

The main and most beloved of all. Most of the male population suffers from them to one degree or another. An inferiority complex is expressed in the fear of looking stupid or different from others, less successful, not as smart or wealthy. It seems to a man that he is far from perfect, he is not satisfied with much, but he carefully hides it. Men with an inferiority complex are all around me. Take a closer look, aggression, denial of goodness and justice and ignorance of measure, these are the main signs of a man with such a complex. To hide their inferiority, they spend a lot of money on luxury cars, expensive clothes and other attributes of a "successful" person. If you want to eradicate this complex, explain to your young man that he is better than others. He will pretend that he did not agree, but on the subconscious all the information received will be deposited, gradually doing his job.

Complex "macho"

The complex of a macho, womanizer or Don Juan, whatever you call it, but the meaning does not change. At first glance, he is handsome, smart and charismatic. Only he loves girls too much. Here he has a girlfriend, here is a former lover and here are a couple of acquaintances. You are already tired of asking who is calling and why colleague Masha needs to meet on Saturday at nine in the evening. Sound familiar? For a normal man, one woman is enough, he does not need constant confirmation of his own solvency. The reason most often comes from childhood. Perhaps they did not like him, the girls paid more attention to other guys, so the complex was born. And now you need to get something that you did not receive earlier, without missing a single skirt. Fighting "macho" is difficult, but possible. Try to explain that having a huge number of women around is not at all a sign successful man, it is much better to be proud of a full-fledged family and the only one who will always be there.

The "free artist" complex

It is also called an insolvency complex. When a man could not realize himself in life, neither professionally, nor creatively, nor in family terms, he immediately becomes a rare nihilist, denying everything and everyone. Work is for fools, the institution of the family has long outlived its usefulness, and everything around is a gray mass, unable to sensibly perceive reality. This is a difficult case, often very difficult to "cure". Therefore, before proceeding, think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle.