
New New Year's scenarios for children. Scenario of a New Year's holiday for older children "A fabulous journey on the New Year's Eve" material on the topic. New Year's scenes for older children


New Year's party script

"The Adventures of the Snowman Mailer!"

Target: Creation in children festive mood, positive emotional uplift and the formation of a festive culture.


Expanding children's ideas about traditions new year holiday, about its organization;

- Demonstration by children of their talents and achievements;

Disclosure creativity children;

Improvement of the monologue, dialogical speech of children, its intonational expressiveness;

Creation of an emotionally positive mood among those present;

Organization of interaction between children and adults;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism;

Show parents how they grew up and what their children have learned in six months.



Scenario move

Children sit on high chairs in the hall.

In the middle of the hall there is a Christmas tree entangled in cobwebs, the lights are off.

Solemn music sounds, the presenter enters the hall.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful holiday - the holiday of the New Year tree.

For a whole year, the beauty of the forests gathered to us for the holiday.

She quietly dressed up in the hall, and now her outfit is ready.

(turns to the tree, walks around it)

Look guys,

Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair.

Dressed up all day

And rested at night

Her frost wrapped in a snow

And the tree fell asleep.

What should we do, how to wake up the Christmas tree? Who will help us?

Children's answers.

Leading: Let's write a letter to Santa Claus so that he will come to us as soon as possible and help wake up the Christmas tree.

Guys, we need to draw Santa Claus on the envelope so that the letter reaches him. Will you help me.

Game "Santa Claus"

Children from parts collect Santa Claus.

Leading: Well done guys, while you were playing, I wrote a letter, listen.The facilitator reads the letter:

Dear Santa Claus! We are looking forward to your visit. Come quickly and help us wake up the Christmas tree. Guys.

(puts the letter in the envelope).

Leading: Guys, do I know who you can trust to deliver a letter to Santa Claus?

Snowball on a snowball and a carrot instead of a nose

he is not afraid of frost. Knows, small and largethat's for sure ……… (snowman)

Snowman, snowman is the best mailer.

That's right, let's make a snowman.

Music game "Snowman"

To the music, the presenter pronounces the text of the game and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

We rake the snow with our hands, sculpt, sculpt a large lump.

And once again we rake in, sculpt, sculpt a second lump.

We sculpt, we sculpt the third lump, you will be a snowman

Eye, eye, nose - carrot.

The mouth is a large bucket upstairs.

A snowman enters to the music.


Oh, how many children and girls and boys there are!

Hello my friends! I came to your aid.


Hello Snowman, you will be a children's mailer.

You will take the letter in winter forest you will go.

Find Grandfather Frost, and hand him the letter.

(gives the letter to the Snowman).

The light in the hall turns off, the Snowman walks around the Christmas tree to the accompaniment of mysterious music, looks around, fearfully backs away and collides with a fox.

Fox: Snowman, what are you doing alone in the forest?

Snowman: Here (shows an envelope)the guys wrote a letter to Santa Claus. And I,(looks around, whimpers)seems lost.

Fox: Let me take the letter.

Snowman: No, this is the most precious thing to me.

Fox: And I know that Santa Claus has a big bag.

Snowman: with gifts?

Fox: Well, what are you tastier: with a chicken, with a duck(licks his lips).

Fox: Goes beyond this letter(turns away from the snowman, rubs his paws)

Santa Claus will give me a big bag with anything I want.

(thinks out loud) How can I steal a letter from a snowman ... .. But I came up with it.

Guys, you want to play with me.

Children's answer.

Fox: Snowman, and you, that you will stand like that, will not play with us?

Snowman: And I want, I will too.

Fox plays with children (The game is played to music).

The game "WE BREAK"

It's frosty outside -

Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ...

(Three noses)

We don't need to beat our thumbs

Everyone quickly took up their ears! ...

(We grab the ears)

Twisted, twisted,

So the ears flew off! ...

(We twist the ears)

Who did not fly away,

(We wave our hands)

They shook their head! ...

(Shake our head)

They knocked on the knees! ...

(Knock on your knees)

They patted on the shoulders! ...

(Clap on the shoulders)

And now they have drowned! ...

(We stomp)

We all dance without fail

Best dance ...


During the game, the snowman releases a letter, the fox picks it up and runs away.

Snowman: (looks around, fusses)

Guys, you haven't seen the letter(examines the guys from all sides).

Guard the letter the fox-deceiver stole, what to do(cried).

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters and sings a song.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello parents.

On the New Year no one should be sad. Guys, who offended the snowman, why is he crying?

Children's answers.

Snowman: The cunning fox deceived me and stole the letter that the guys told Santa Claus to hand over.

Snow Maiden: Do not be upset, snowman, Santa Claus is a real wizard, he will definitely figure it out himself.

Guys, let's make the snowman happy, for him ... .. (dance dance, sing a song, show a fairy tale depending on what the children have prepared).

Solemn music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall, followed by a fox.

Father Frost:

Hello guys! Boys and girls!

Guys, I was in a hurry to see you.

I didn’t want health or strength,

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way,

But, it seems, he came to visit on time.

Fox: Santa Claus, I brought you to the guys, I gave you the letter. Give me your bag.

Father Frost: Wait fox, take your time. I love that everything is in order.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, the guys have been waiting for you.

They sent a snowman to you with a letter.

Father Frost:

Yes, I received the letter, but the fox brought it to me. Where is the snowman?

It turns out, embarrassed, a snowman.

Snowman: (stuttering, says)Santa Claus, the guys fashioned me, they sent you for help with a letter, and the fox outwitted me. Don't give her the bag, she didn't deserve it.

Father Frost: Oh, you are not good, ah, you are a deceiver.

Fox: And I did this because I really, really wanted a chicken, a duck. What guys(addresses the guys)when you really, really want something - you are not cunning?

Children's answers.

Fox: What, really do not be cunning, then I will no longer. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, guys, forgive me.

Snow Maiden: Forgive her guys.

Guys answer.

Snow Maiden:

Dear grandfather, hurry up

Wake up the Christmas tree for children!

Father Frost : (walks around the tree)

For the magic to happen, I guys need your help. Children's answers.

Then repeat after me:

I will melt snowflakes(We stamp our feet 3 times)

I will remove the cobweb. (Clap our hands 3 times)

Well, Christmas tree, smile!(turn around)

(closed their eyes with their palms)

Wake up from this dream soon!

(a fox with a snowman removes the cobweb from the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, and the lights on our Christmas tree are off.

Father Frost: Let's guys say the spell together:

One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree.(the presenter on the tree lights the lights)

Snow Maiden:

Herringbone is a beauty,

The guys really like it.

Again you are our guest.

The lights are running, sparkling

On your thick branches.

Father Frost :

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear kids! The holiday is joyful, cheerful

It's time to start!

Snow Maiden:

We have been waiting for this day for a long time

We haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing along, sound under the tree

New Year's round dance.

The guys stand in a circle. The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

After the song, the guys stay in a circle.

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you cold in winter?

Children: no.

Snow Maiden:

Frost does not matter to us! The cold is not terrible either.

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of the frost?

Beware, beware

Well show your hands(children show hands)

Take it behind your back,(children put their hands behind their backs)

Whoever I touch, I will freeze those joking.

Game "Freeze".


Kind Grandfather Frost! And also play the game "Snowballs" with the guys.

Snowball game

Children throw paper snowballs.

Father Frost:

They greet the New Year with a song

They greet the New Year with a dance

And who knows the poems about the holiday?

Let him read them now.

Children read poems near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys.

Father Frost: And now it's time for all of us to dance together again.

Dancing block: Santa Claus walked through the forest; Icy palms.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys sang, danced, it was time to read poems and give gifts.

Father Frost: You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please the guys with gifts. Snowman and fox, help me guys give gifts.

All the heroes give out gifts to cheerful music.

Father Frost :

We gave you gifts, and we give you the order,

Snow Maiden:

So that you are all healthy, prettier every day!

Snowman: To have in your life

Fox: And fun and laughter.

All heroes:

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all! Everyone! Everyone!

Father Frost: Don't forget about us, wait for us in a year!

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for us to hit the road.

All heroes: Goodbye kids!

Leading: We wish you all a good journey from the bottom of our hearts!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. I want to wish everyone Happiness, joy, good luck, never lose heart!

You can talk about the New Year a lot and for a long time. But, whoever and whatever may say, first of all, the New Year is a holiday of childhood. It is enough for us, adults, to remember with what eager impatience we were waiting for it. With what tremulous excitement they climbed under the tree in the morning, because they could not survive until midnight. And how we rejoiced at the candy gifts and various varieties that the caring Santa Claus gave us!

The main task of adults

And today, having become adult uncles and aunts, it is very important not to waste that feeling of festive expectation that accompanies children throughout the preparation for. And, of course, do not deceive the expectations of your children.

Gifts placed under the tree are wonderful. But it is worth recalling that the New Year is a fabulous holiday. And therefore, at this time, a variety of miracles can occur. And in order for these miracles to really happen, you should carefully prepare for their appearance. Specialists can help with this. Children's New Year's Scenarios.

How to entertain children for the New Year

No one would argue that the most important guest on children's party is Santa Claus. Without it, the gifts are not so interesting, and the holiday itself may seem boring. In the family circle, it is worth considering who exactly will be this "highlight of the program". Or you can call the artists - Santa Claus and Snegurochka - and develop a script around their visit.

It is clear that long time these artists will not be able to be in the house. But today there are very different scenarios for children's new year holidays... And in these scenarios there are a lot of contests, charades or jokes with which you can fill the time before the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And after the most basic representatives of the New Year's program leave, it will be possible to slowly seat the children in their places.

Scenarios can be written independently, or you can find a ready-made version. Of course, not every person can come up with an interesting dynamic children's script... But, as practice has shown, our mothers sometimes show simply miracles of creativity, creating out of the blue the most real masterpieces of the entertainment industry. And all this is done only so that their only and most unique child in the world rejoices from the heart and receives a lot of positive emotions from the New Year celebration.

In the event that there are no creative ideas, they can be borrowed from professional leading children's matinees and holidays. In any case, a holiday organized from the heart will definitely turn out bright, colorful and very interesting.

We offer a variant of a children's New Year's holiday with Santa Claus and Snegurochka, the program includes riddles, active contests, songs and dance entertainment.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very funny, it is easy to organize and carry out in any group, especially since the musical accompaniment is attached (thanks to the author!)

New Year's holiday script

Snegurochka enters the hall to the soundtrack, examines beautiful tree, bright room and draws attention to children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy holiday, my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am?

Children (in chorus): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And since I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone celebrates the New Year

They lead a round dance together,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and a miracle.

Well, it will be so today!

Children's New Year's noisemaker "So as not to freeze ..."

Let's plunge into a New Year's fairy tale,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we do not freeze in the evil frost -

We hold on to the nose with our handles! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no trouble with the doctors -

Rubbing frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

We clap so that the handles do not freeze! (claps his hands)

Now let's warm our legs and drown (shows)

And we'll tickle our neighbor a little (The Snow Maiden gently tickles several guys)

And, of course, let's laugh together! (ha ha ha)

And now, since you are warmed up, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, together: "Santa Claus!"

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus!

(to download - click the file)

Under the song "Well, of course, Santa Claus" comes Santa Claus himself. He greets everyone, examines the tree, pours snow, throws a streamer, slams a firecracker, etc. (Then the program Snegurochka and Santa Claus lead together)

Father Frost: I'm glad to see my grandchildren again

After all, this is not the first time we celebrate the New Year,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

Nice, simple word "hello"!

Guys, where is Snegurochka my fidget? Here she was, go !?

(The Snow Maiden is hiding behind Santa Claus and says now on the left, now on the right: "I am here").

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischievous girl, has she been naughty? Enough!

All the guys are waiting for gifts, congratulations in the hall!

Although, probably, the girls and the boys here

The same as you, mischievous and mischievous?

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, is that how the holiday begins? The guys haven't seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you tell them from the doorway that they, most likely, behave somehow differently ..

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, well, I'll ask them themselves. The kids are lovely, you must be awful little rascals?

(to download - click the file)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, everyone knows that you are a good wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I'll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and performing all kinds of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so hard - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. Only the guys need to be more attentive. I will pronounce magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, after the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magic movements. And so you turn into an animal or a bird. Clear?

Active game "Transformation # 1 - Zoo"

(the smallest children are chosen. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements after DM and Snegurka to the tune of the song "about a grasshopper")

(to download - click the file)

Here in a snowy winter, in the thicket of the forest Thicket of the forest, a gray ...Wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf sneaking

In Australia, distant, on a low hill, so jumping on a low hill ... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo jumps

Under the gray foam, under the blue water Under the blue water, so it floats ... Dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch And flies from the lantern to the branch ...Sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from a lantern to a branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow flies

Dancing by the den and not sparing his feet And not sparing his feet so stomps ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and not sparing your legs

Imagine, imagine - this is how a bear stomps

Father Frost: Now we can make some magic more complicated.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation # 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and Snegurka, play musical instruments - trumpet, violin and drum).

(to download - click the file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to complete all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they start teasing - "I imagined my tail between my legs"?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, i.e. submit anything you want. Listen to my story and imagine. Only first we need to choose our assistants - 7 people. and additionally 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult viewers are selected to play the roles: Bee, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Cat Leopold and snowflakes. All characters wear hats-masks and each goes to his own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey, a balloon ).

Children's New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "Imagine"

Once upon a time there was a Snow Maiden. And she went to meet the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes whirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzz. - This is probably someone fly - thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, it is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in its paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: "Treat your friends, Snow Maiden." And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden hears someone waddling and groaning: "Wow, wow, wow." And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh approached the Snow Maiden and said: "Treat me with a honey, Snow Maiden." As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare was running, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouting: "Well, hare, wait a minute!" A hare with a wolf ran up, they also want honey. And then the knock of the wheels - that-that. A blue car rolls around, and on it ... Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile, and they say: "And leave us some honey too." Then there was a noise and din, everyone shouted: "Me, me, me." The Snow Maiden was at a loss that she almost dropped a barrel of honey from her hands. It's good that at this time a kind cat in slippers and a bow on his neck came up and said: "Guys, let's live together!" And then they shared the medka equally for everyone. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands for joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, you are noble imaginers, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys go out) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to go back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually sink lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants are selected for the dance competition or everyone who wishes, as well as assistants from among the adults who will hold the sash. The originality of the dance is evaluated).

Father Frost: And what a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately evident that they were preparing for the New Year. Did you decorate the tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up with? I'll check it out now. I will offer different decorations, and you turn on your imagination, but be careful, tell me in response, if this decorates the Christmas tree, then "yes", and if not decorate, then "no"

How to decorate a Christmas tree, we all know for sure

And what is possible and what is not - we will immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and dryers? (Not)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skating, skiing and play? (Not)

Colorful garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Santa Claus will sing a song about a Christmas tree, only I need your help. You need to sing in the chorus the following words: "Like it, like the Christmas tree - a beauty!" Let's rehearse.

(everyone is singing at a given tempo)

The song "Fir-tree is a beauty"

(recorded a version with vocals of Santa Claus and a chorus play with the children)

Song lyrics

In the center of the hall, a beauty simply grew up miraculously

Well, tell me, guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

I like it, I like the Christmas tree - beauty - 2 times

There are so many motley tinsel on the branches of her furry

Bell carved, multi-colored balls - 2 times

Chorus .

In a warm room, the snow does not melt, it happens in the New Year

And the guys lead a round dance in the hall near the Christmas tree - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - the team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden's team of 10 people. in each and two adults in each team for safety net.

Chakhno Olga
Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the pupils of the mini-center

New Year 2018 in mini-center"Sun".

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

Leading: Get together people,

on the threshold of the New Year!

Come into the hall guys

And look at the tree!

Leading: Guys, look what an elegant beautiful Christmas tree we have.

How many toys, lanterns, garlands, tinsel on it,

balls, all sparkle, shine.

Guys, why is the tree all shining and glittering today?

Children: Because New Year holiday!

(Children and the presenter walk around the tree, admire it, examine the toys.)

Leading: Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

Leading: Hello, our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

We will stand together at the tree

In a merry round dance.

Song: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Leading: Oh guys, what am I hearing?

It seems they are coming here!

Well, let's clap more fun -

Let them find us soon!

(Magic music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, how many kids

And girls and boys.

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Oh, what a tree you have,

How many balls on the tree!

Both fluffy and slim -

Do you like her? (children's answer)

Leading: Miracle is our Christmas tree!

Long-awaited guest.

The most beloved, the most desired.

And I would even become more elegant,

If suddenly everything shone

With different lights -

Green and red!

Snow Maiden: Oh, so I can do that!

Whisper a little with by her:

"Christmas tree, quickly light up,

Smile with lights! "

Let's clap together, one, two, three!

Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn!

(clap - the tree is lit, the lights in the hall are off)

Leading: Indeed, miracles,

Ay, yes, a tree, beauty!

Snow Maiden: The holiday continues

The fairy tale begins!

snowman: (because of the tree) I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Where is it? (goes behind the tree)

snowman: (in front of the tree) I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Where is "here?

snowman: (because of the tree) I'm here!

Snow Maiden: Where is it? Oh, what is this? Oh, how is it?

(according to the prompts of the children, she guesses who is joking with her)

Snow Maiden: Do you hear how you are there ... "I'm here!" I was bringing the Snowman a new carrot for his nose, but apparently I can't find it! I'll give the carrot to the bunny!

snowman: (runs out) Wait, Snow Maiden!

I'm here! That is, I am here.

I am a Snowman and not small and not great!

I really like to play

Songs to sing and dance

Snow Maiden: So let's not get bored,

Let's sing and dance!

Dance of little ducks.

snowman: Everything is white in winter - white!

A lot of snow covered

I prepared lumps

Snow - white snowballs

Well, try it guys

Hit me just once!

Come together, all get up

And play with me.


Leading: One, two, three, four, five.

We're done playing!

snowman: Something got very hot

I would not melt by night

Children blow harder.

To make it colder! (children are blowing)

Leading: What's with you Snowman?

You look very pale

You are not sick?

snowman: Oh guys, I'm melting again

I melt, I melt, I perish

Melting, melting, help!

Wave your hands! (children waving)

Leading: Snegurochka, you need to bring some water,

give the Snowman a drink.

(Snow Maiden serves a mug with confetti)

snowman: (drinks) Cool water is good!

I will heat some water, but I will shower the children (sprinkles children)

Leading: You scared us again!

snowman: (mischievously) I was just kidding you!

Snow Maiden: Well done, snowman!

Amused and amused.

That's what I am for you

I give a carrot. (gives the carrot to the snowman)

snowman: We played merrily, sang songs, danced.

Soon, soon the New Year, and Santa Claus is still not coming.

Snow Maiden: Let's all call Santa Claus together.

Let's say magic words, parents to us will help:

“Once - let's clap our hands together!

Two - we'll stamp everything with our feet!

Three - we'll all scream together!

Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!"

(children and parents call Santa Claus)

Leading: Grandfather Frost does not hear. Far, apparently, went.

Father Frost: (from behind the door) I hear, I hear, I'm in a hurry!

I'm coming to you quickly!

(Santa Claus enters the hall)

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the guests!

Congratulations to all the children!

I was with you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again!

Have grown up, have become big,

Did you recognize me?

Together with you even now

I'm ready to start dancing!

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Join the round dance!

(Round dance "Little Christmas tree ...")

snowman: Santa Claus, so you got caught.

We will not let you out of the circle. Come play with us.

The game "Freeze"

Snow Maiden: Come on, Santa Claus dance faster,

and the guys will all clap more fun.

(Santa Claus is dancing).

Leading: Grandfather Frost you walked a long way

Sit by our tree, rest a little.

And we will tell you poems at the Christmas tree dressed up for you!

(Children recite poetry)

Leading: Guys, did Santa Claus play with us? (children - Yes)

Did you sing songs? - (children - Yes)

Did you laugh at the children? - (children - Yes)

What did grandfather forget? - (children's answer)

Father Frost: All will delight friends,

I remember about gifts.

Yes, that's just a long time

I walked through the forest

Yes, I lost my gifts.

Snowman help me out

Let the gifts be found!

(The snowman goes behind the Christmas tree and finds a bag with gifts)

Father Frost: Snowman, you are great!

Snowman, you are brave!

Helped us today.

We met merrily New Year's holiday!

Get in your places, I will give out gifts to everyone!

(all heroes give out gifts).

Father Frost: It's time, friends!

You need to say goodbye.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

May the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids.

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and snowman: (together)

Goodbye kids!

In a year we will come again

And we will bring fun! (leave)

Leading: V New year we wish you success!

More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

Leading: Thank you all for your attention,

We say to you “Goodbye!

Together: Until next time! "

Children leave the hall to the music

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Jokers and buffoons.
Have fun honest ...

The script for the New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 1004 human

Hello adults, hello boy! I'm a kind winter fairy! That is my name, Winter Fairy! And what's your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
- And who comes to the children on New Year's, you know?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him ...

Scenario of a New Year's party for the preparatory group of a kindergarten

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 4639 Human

A winter's tale is all of miracles.
Adventures await you, mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks
Baba Yaga is a bone leg ...
It seems that if you touch the trees
Immediately the wizards will all respond ...
What will happen with us - no one ...

New Year's journey to the land of little fairies. Scenario New Year's party for children from 2 to 5

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 3026 Human

At the time appointed for the holiday, the doors of the hall are closed, the music stops, the fairy presenter enters the hall.

Fairy - presenter:
I'm early this morning
I drove here in a carriage,
I see a bright light in the windows
I hear ringing - children's laughter,
And although I was in a hurry,

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for children

02.11.2018 | We looked at the script 4029 Human

New Year! New Year!
In the sky - a star round dance!
On this New Year's holiday
The tree calls everyone to itself!

The holiday is approaching.
The guests are gathering.

Who walks through the woods
And invites everyone to the holiday?

Three handsome men, three Parsley,
Three funny ...

New Year's adventures of Plush Puppy and other toys.

02.12.2017 | We looked at the script 1336 Human

Oh, you little winter-soul!
How good you are!
Soft and white everywhere
Rivers are clear glass!
Forest and field, all around
Dressed in white fluff!
The air is fresh and frost
Slightly pinching nose.
Well, ...

Snowman-Mailer and Baba Yaga. Children's play program

02.12.2017 | We looked at the script 1945 Human


Baba Yaga walks across the stage, complaining to the audience.


Bored grandmother Yaga
On a lame leg to walk.
No dance, no frolic
She's wearing one boot!

And there would be two of them -
She barely made fun of herself.
By oneself...

New Year is just around the corner. A winter's tale for a puppet theater

13.12.2014 | We looked at the script 1268 Human

Father Frost:
For a hundred years I have lived in a dense forest, and a huge house has become boring.
I would like to invite guests to my place for the New Year and anniversary.
I'm making a snowman now, I will revive it with magic power
And I will give a task: to find friends, to bring them to the holiday.
I will roll a ball out of the snow, another ... ...