
Plans in the 2nd junior group for FGOS. Complex thematic planning in the second junior group, taking into account the tasks of the exemplary educational program "Rainbow" edited by E.V. Solovyova. GCD. Musical activity


The effectiveness of interaction with children in the framework of the educational process depends not only on the content, but also on the level of organization. The latter is determined by the planning framework. Therefore, the teacher needs to clearly navigate the varieties of plans, the peculiarities of drawing up, in order to harmoniously fill each stage of their development with useful and important materials, and also be able to build their work according to the scheme. Consider the methodological subtleties of writing a calendar-thematic plan for the second younger group (kids 3-4 years old).

Why Planning in Kindergarten

The work program structuring the activities of preschool educational institution(Preschool educational institution), is implemented in portions, which is determined by the work plan, in which the content of the educational process is distributed by hours (days, weeks). The level of detail of the plan is embodied in its various forms:

  • a long-term plan is drawn up in order to get a general idea of ​​the number of hours allocated for acquaintance with topics and their development within the framework of different areas of education (cognitive, play, etc.);
  • the calendar plan is designed to group topics by the hours per week allocated for each type of activity of preschoolers;
  • the calendar-thematic plan, in comparison with the previous one, is more detailed, since in it the types of interaction within the framework of the topics are prescribed for all types of activities (for acquaintance with the outside world, for physical education, etc.);
  • the block plan groups the topics of different educational areas and describes the types of activities in their study (for example, the group of topics "I am a human" includes the topics "Parts of the body", "Idea of ​​oneself", etc.);
  • a comprehensive thematic plan is written to indicate the essence of each type of activity in the study of a particular topic;
  • a daily plan is necessary for a detailed description of the types of activities, their goals with the progress of implementation in the context of a specific topic at all levels of mastering the material - acquaintance with new information, its practical comprehension.

Any type of planning is aimed at organizing work with children in all types of activities

The essence of the calendar-thematic plan

Most detailed instructions to conduct classes is a plan drawn up for every day, but to create it, the teacher needs to carefully familiarize himself with the types of work, their goals when studying one topic, that is, analyze the calendar-thematic plan.

It is interesting. Drawing up a plan and following it in work is the responsibility of the teacher. And control of the practical implementation of the prescribed scheme remains with the senior educator, methodologist and director of the preschool educational institution.

Table: mission of the calendar-thematic plan

Target componentsWhat specific educational issues does it help to solve?
  • Create conditions for the practical implementation of the educational program, according to which the preschool educational institution coordinates its work;
  • improve the level of professional skill of the educator, for whom drawing up a plan is a way of modeling different types of work with pupils;
  • find the optimal combination of methods and techniques for teaching and educational interaction with kids;
  • determine elements of the subject-development environment suitable for the study of a specific topic
  • Find a suitable way to integrate educational areas based on the play area that is most acceptable for children 3-4 years old;
  • choose the optimal combination of techniques in different types of interaction with children based on their personal characteristics (for example, in groups where there are a lot of too slow children, physical education in the classroom should not be done too calm, it is better to give preference to exercises for training running, jumping);
  • change the number of ways to interact with children, depending on the level of their general development;
  • transform the plan through the use of different teaching aids (for example, when getting acquainted with the topic "Mushrooms", kids not only see pictures, but also illustrate fairy-tale stories on the topic with figures on a flannel, that is, on a board covered with flannel or other plain white cloth)

The calendar-thematic plan helps to choose methods of interaction with children, based on their personal characteristics

What are scheduling objects

Since the purpose of the calendar-thematic plan is to regulate the sequence of acquaintance with the topics on different types directly educational activities, then the objects of this type of planning will be classes on:

  • the formation a holistic picture the world;
  • development of speech;
  • acquaintance with the surrounding world;
  • fine arts (drawing, sculpting applications);
  • physical education;
  • music;
  • reading fiction.

Methodological techniques required for the calendar-thematic plan

In the plan, a specific combination of techniques is selected for each topic, allowing an adult to effectively interact with children in all types of activities. Therefore, the teacher varies the techniques of four blocks:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical;
  • game.

Let us dwell on specific examples of their implementation.

When drawing up a plan, the teacher takes into account both speech and visual, and practical, and play ways of interacting with pupils

Block of verbal techniques

The word of adults, perceived by children 3-4 years old by ear, is essential for their speech development. It helps children to replenish their vocabulary, transferring it from passive to active through attempts to build their own monologue statements, and also to get ideas about word combinations in phrases and sentences (and not only simple ones, like last year, but also complex ones). All this makes the group of speech techniques an indispensable element accompanying any (!) Type of interaction of children.


In children 3-4 years old personal experience in any area, there is too little to do without an explanation from an adult on how to solve a particular problem: learn to jump rope, hold a pencil or play football. In addition, the explanation also fulfills a disciplining function: children learn to listen first, to think, and only then to act.

In the second younger group explanations should be made at a level that children can understand (familiar words, sentences with a simple syntactic structure, etc.). If we are talking about explaining instructions, for example, the rules of the game, then the teacher needs to remind them of their essence every time before starting the play activity and, if possible, use the same set of words and sentences.

Explanations are accompanied by other types of techniques, including visual ones, when, for example, the teacher explains to the kids what is shown in the picture


This speech technique for children 3-4 years old may seem irrelevant, but this is not entirely true. Everyone who has come across the study foreign language, knows that its assimilation occurs faster and better if the student is "in the environment", that is, he learns speech in easy communication, which in 90% of cases is carried out in a dialogical form. Considering this condition in the context of children of the second junior group, who are actively assimilating the vocabulary of their native language and its grammar, we conclude: if the kids are included in the conversation, dialogue, then the development of the skill of correct speech will go faster.

In my practice, I begin to introduce the method of conversation gradually, first inviting the children to answer the questions with one or two words and eventually leading them to compose answers from 1-2 sentences. For example, when we start studying the topic "Vegetables" at the beginning school year, actualization of existing knowledge, that is, the introductory stage of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world, I conduct in the form of a conversation on the following questions:

  • "What color is the cucumber?"
  • "What does a tomato look like?"
  • "What does watermelon taste like?"

Planning the week: "Tales" in the second junior group No. 2

Creating conditions for the implementation of the theme of the week.Book Corner: Examining illustrations in books,

Decoration of a thematic exhibition. Laying out in the book corner of the r.s.s.

Center for board-printed games: games of the child's choice (puzzles, mosaics), (loto, fourth extra, classification, generalization, etc.).

Children's Creativity Center: enrichment of coloring books with the image of the heroes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, templates, stencils, coloring pages on the subject, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment with illustrations, pictures according to r.s.s.

Drawing, modeling at the request of the child.

Listening to music (from cartoons by R.N.s.).

Center for theatrical games: equipping with hats. Playing out small plots of familiar fairy tales.

Final event: table theater "Kolobok"

Interaction with parents: Joint creativity of children and parents "Through the pages of favorite fairy tales." Purpose: to involve parents in joint visual activities with children at home.

(Production of an illustrated book), consultation "The role of a fairy tale in the life of preschool children."

Monday 6.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Duty in a natural corner: watering plants, loosening the earth as needed (Tanya, Vanya)

Read RNS"Geese - Swans" Purpose: we learn to listen carefully, empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale, answer questions.

Ball game"Animals and their Cubs"

Purpose: consolidation in the speech of children of the name of cubs of animals, consolidation of word formation skills, development of dexterity, attention, memory.

Examining illustrations to friends fairy tales

C: instill a love for folk art, recognize, name fairy tale

Educating k / g skills behave culturally at the table (eat neatly and independently, chew food thoroughly, use a spoon, hold it in your right hand, do not crumble, wipe your mouth with a napkin in a timely manner, without a reminder), leave the table, quietly push in a chair, thank adults; Morning exercises

Cognitive- "Travel to the land of fairy tales" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children of the content and heroes of Russian folk tales "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Observation behind the carriageway

Objectives: - to consolidate knowledge about the carriageway of the road - highway; celebrate a wide variety of cars, their names; to form an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

N / a: "Burners" Purpose: to teach to abide by the rules of the game, to act on a signal from the teacher.

"Obstacle track" Objectives: to teach to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.

Labor orders Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path.

Purpose: to teach to achieve the task by common efforts,

Ind. Slave.- D / and "Compare" C: learn to find branches different lengths, thickness. (Milena, Sonya., Aliana)

Development of the main Movements-"Over a bump" - to learn to land on bent legs (Daniel, Katya D, Aliana)

2 walk

Outdoor games "Snow carousel". Purpose: to exercise in orientation on the ground.

"Catchers with the ball". Objective: to develop coordination of movements

Create conditions for board-printed games with fairy-tale characters.

"Guess the fairy tale"

"What a fairy tale this is"

"Cubes with fairy tales". Purpose: Development of memory, attentiveness, fine motor skills of hands.

Reading Russian folk fairy tales"The cat, the rooster and the thrush": develop interest in folk art, listen carefully fairy tale.

Tuesday 7.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Conversation“What are we being taught fairy tales? ": Instill in children the positive qualities of character - kindness, attentiveness, courage, courage.

Toys out of the box

Objectives: to involve in the game situation; to please children with an interesting storyline; to awaken the physical activity of children in a free dance.

Finger game "Our children are friends ..."

Our children are friends

Girls and boys.

We will make friends

Little fingers.

Purpose: Ask your child to remember and tell what hands are for. “In order to do all this, fingers must be agile, fast, skillful.

Nursery rhymes, jokes:"Petushki", "What are you doing, hare?" "Spank in single file". Objectives: To continue to acquaint with nursery rhymes and jokes. To clarify the knowledge of children about nursery rhymes. Teach children to convey expressively the movements of the characters.

Game-dramatization: "Masha is having lunch."

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to eat accurately, to improve the skills of food culture.

teach children to be polite, to form respectful attitude to each other; create situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others

1. Development of speech -

Retelling the fairy tale "The Turnip" Purpose: to teach children together with adults to retell the fairy tale "The Turnip", to teach the correct meaning to name the quality of objects, to fix the names of baby animals in the active dictionary, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Mug work"I, you, we" (according to the planning) - "Pinocchio visiting children" compendium

Observation -behind the sun Objectives: to continue acquaintance with natural phenomena; give an idea of ​​the signs of winter. Reading a nursery rhyme and performing appropriate movements

“Legs have walked - top, top, top!

Straight along the track - top, top, top!

Well, more fun - top, top, top!

This is how we can - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - top, top, top!

These are our legs. Purpose: To cultivate the ability to follow the development of an action; create conditions for memorizing nursery rhymes.

Work- Preparation of bird feed together with the educator.

Objectives: to teach children with the help of adults to feed the birds, develop fine motor skills, cultivate desire participate in bird care

N / a-"Who will run to the flag faster?" Purpose: to teach to perform actions strictly at the signal of the teacher

P / and:"Sparrows and the car" - development of movement activity

Development of the main Movements- Throwing cones into the distance - Sonya, Tanya, Maxim, Daniel

Ind. Work- D / and "Guess the fairytale hero from the line"

(Yarik B., Andrey)

2 walk

n / a "To the sleigh." Purpose: to exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate in space. Knock the Ball. Purpose: to teach throwing the ball while running, to complete tasks on command.

Consideration of illustrations for S. Marshak's fairy tale "Teremok". Purpose: To teach children to consider illustrations, conduct a conversation, answer questions, develop dialogical speech.

Ind. Slave with Fedya Sh. D / and "Pyramid" Purpose: To continue teaching how to assemble a pyramid of 4-5 rings of the same color, successively decreasing in size; develop more subtle differentiation in the selection of items in decreasing order.

C / r. "Kindergarten"

Purpose :: expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor actions of employees kindergarten.

Ind. Slave. D / and "Find a pair" (mittens, boots, gloves) - to develop attention, consolidate knowledge about the color, shape and size of objects

Wednesday 8.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Viewing the book exhibition in the book corner.

D / and "Guess a fairy tale by illustration"

Staging of A. Prokofiev's poem "As on a hill, on a mountain." As on a hill, on a mountain, On a wide, in the yard, Who is on a sled, Who is skiing, Who is higher, Who is lower. Some are quieter, Some are running, Some are on the ice, And some are on the snow. Down the hill - wow, On the hill, wow! Boom! Take your breath away! Objectives: to involve children in staging, to give an emotionally positive charge; teach to retell the plot.

Education k / g skills To teach to leave the table only after the end of the meal, to thank adults.

FEMP- "Visiting a fairy tale" Objectives:
Continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification).
Form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size. The ability to identify and explain the signs of similarity and difference between objects, to combine them into groups according to a common feature.
To consolidate the concepts of one and many.
Form the skill of complete answers to questions.

Physical education-Target: improvement of the main types of movements through plot physical training, the formation of the need for active motor activity in children.

Tasks: fix in game form skills in performing cyclic exercises (running, walking, jumping, crawling in a group under a rope, crawling on all fours, stepping over; to induce a positive emotional mood in children.

Observation- behind the trees

Objectives: to form knowledge about the life of plants in winter; foster respect for nature.

N / a- "Hares and the wolf." Objectives: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps

and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

N / a- "The snow is spinning"

Purpose: To learn to correlate your own actions with actions game participants... Develop auditory attention, motor activity. Raise the desire to play outdoor games.

Ind. Work- consolidation of concepts - equally, equally, as much as with Alina, Andrey

Work- Snow removal from benches and tables on the site.

Purpose: To teach to use tools for their intended purpose.

Development main \ movement.- exercise in running along a narrow path, between the lines with acceleration and deceleration of the pace. (Sonya, Yarik M. katya P)

2 walk

"Run to the flag" - teach to perform actions strictly at the signal of the teacher. To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Exercise by running and walking.

D / And "Assemble a fairy tale" Purpose: to teach how to assemble a whole from several parts

Coloring on the theme "Fairy tales".

Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales of different artists.

Staging game. "Three Bears". involve children in staging the plot; teach to listen to the text carefully, following the actions of the teacher; teach you to perform actions yourself.

D / and "Arrange the heroes in fairy tales" (Turnip, Kolobok)

Purpose: Development of thinking abilities. The ability to distinguish between characters belonging to a particular fairy tale.

Thursday 9.02

1 half day


2 half day

Conversation: Books must be protected "

Examining illustrations in books.

Purpose: to continue teaching children to look at their favorite books and illustrations, to teach them to rejoice at meeting with a book, familiar heroes; to consolidate the ability to convey their impressions to peers.

Help to understand the purpose of nursery rhymes, jokes, pestushki

"People really need sleep" To develop children's interest in their health; teach to take care of yourself; to consolidate the knowledge that sleep is necessary for a person, to memorize the rules of behavior before going to bed; develop the ability to draw the simplest conclusions. GAME "PUT THE BEAR TO SLEEP"

Purpose: to acquaint the child with object-game actions with a bear, the functional purpose of the bed, form imitative actions

Physical education

To induce in children a positive emotional response to sports exercises, instill a love for physical culture;

Foster the desire to practice physical exercise;

Improve the sense of rhythm, musicality;

To be able to imitate the spoken heroes, to form a motor culture.

Iso -"Gingerbread man on the window" Purpose: to teach children to create an expressive image of a gingerbread man using the applique technique: glue the finished shape and draw details with pencils. Show window design options - draw curtains, on shutters - decorative elements. Develop a sense of form in the composition.

Observation behind the properties of snow

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the properties of snow (cold, white, crunchy). Labor activity

Shoveling snow from the track.

Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades correctly.

Outdoor games

"Counter dashes".

Purpose: to develop accuracy, dexterity, endurance.

P / and "Geese-geese" Purpose: to consolidate the words, to teach to play by the rules.

Work Clearing snow from paths. Purpose: To expand children's ideas about winter natural phenomena; to teach children to carry out the simplest work assignments; teach correctly, use the shoulder blades.

Development Main motion.- jumping up from a place ”to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

2 walk.P / and "Cat and Mouse" Purpose: to teach well-coordinated actions at the signal of the teacher, to exercise in running.

Building material games: building a magic castle (boys)

Viewing illustrations to the books of L. Tolstoy "Three Bears", "The Wolf and the Kids" Purpose: To teach children carefully, without distraction, to examine illustrations for fairy tales, to recognize and name the characters of fairy tales.

Plot- role-playing game: "To the toy store" to form the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Develop interest in different types games. To foster a desire to unite for playing in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathy. "

Learn to roll plasticine sticks - Zakhar, Fedya. Vania

Friday 03.02

1 half day


2 half day

Labor in the corner of nature: inspection of the land, a conversation about how to find out what a flower wants to drink, help in watering flowers (Lisa, Sonya)

Reading fiction... "Goby-black flank, white hooves" Purpose: To teach to listen carefully, to answer questions about what you read.

Di Guess what's in hand

Purpose: Find out the named subject using one of the analyzers.

The game"Who is shouting how?"

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​pets, to teach children to imitate their voices; teach to retell the plot of a familiar fairy tale

Musical (according to the plan of music. Guides.)

Modeling (application) -"Bowls for three bears". Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Teach to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. To reinforce the concepts of “big”, “smaller”, “small”, “more”, “less”.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers, memory, vocabulary

To cultivate aesthetic feelings, neatness, a friendly attitude towards others.

Observation-How are passers-by dressed?

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Ind. Slave.with Nikita, Vanya, Katya P.-

D / game "Long - short"

Purpose: development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of magnitude.

N / a -"Living labyrinth".

Objectives: to teach to form double rows, to make a wide circle; to train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

N / a - "Little white bunny is sitting" Purpose. Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Work- Snow removal in buckets. Objectives: to teach how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain level, to bring the work started to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate diligence.

Development Main Movement - practice jumping on two legs with forward movement at a distance of 2-3 meters.

2 walk

P / and "Cat and Mouse" Purpose : teach well-coordinated actions at the signal of the teacher, exercise in running.

Ind. Working with children (on an individual route - PMPK folders)

Assignments related to household labor Arrange toys. Objectives: To reinforce children's knowledge of the order in which toys are stored. To bring up accuracy, independence, respect for toys and objects, the desire to work


Purpose: to teach children to play around a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture

TOPIC: "Golden Autumn"

TIME: 28.09 - 23.10 2014

FINAL EVENT: Holiday "Autumn". Exhibition of handicrafts "Autumn is fruitful"

PURPOSE: Expand children's ideas about the season of autumn, autumn phenomena, vegetables, fruits. Introduce the rules safe behavior Outdoors. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice beauty autumn nature observing the weather. Develop the creative and constructive abilities of children. Form elementary mathematical representations.




Integration educational areas

Team work adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security

Monday, 09/28



Morning exercises. Welcome each child in a friendly manner. Consideration of the group. What is in our group? Conversation about toys. Where do they stand? (instill the skill and desire to take and put toys to a certain place) Organize d / i. "Call me" - to exercise children in the ability to communicate, remember each other's names.

Learn to build a pyramid by size (with big ring to small and vice versa). Offer to assemble a pyramid

Situational conversation "This is us." Conversation with children about who they came to kindergarten with. What is their mood. Learn to answer questions.

Independent activities of children in activity centers. Work in the center of creativity: making homemade books. Experimenting with x / material (When making illustrations for homemade books).Environmentalist / game: "Guess what's in hand" Goal : recognize the subject using one of the analyzers.

Conversation "On the need to develop fine motor skills."


Cognitive development (introduction to social prices.) Topic: Memorizing A. Pleshcheev's poem "Autumn has come".

Etc. soda: to help children remember A. Pleshcheev's poem "Autumn has come". Develop memory, attention, aesthetic perception of poetry and music. Zatulina G.Ya.

Second junior group", P. 41

F. r.

Physical Education


Equipment: tambourine, steering wheels according to the number of children.


Observing flowering plants in the autumn flower bed (marigolds, asters, petunias, etc.)

P / i. "Fox and hares" - to develop running speed, orientation.

Practice a brisk run - Run to Me game

Situational conversation "What are flowers for?"

Reinforce the dressing and undressing sequence

Self-guided walking activities. Collection of dry leaves from the site. Subject - role-playing game with dolls at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading the nursery rhyme "Okay, okay ...", examining illustrations for the work, repeating the nursery rhyme with the teacher.


Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Playing on onomatopoeia "Okay, okay ..." - to develop the ability to listen to the artist. text, to form a sense of rhythm.Finger game: "Monkeys" Purpose:

Game "Clasps" - to develop fine motor skills

Situational conversation about the rules of conduct in the group. Teach children to behave beautifully, help each other, treat each other with care.

Work in the center of books, selection of books by genre: fairy tales, poems, stories - to teach how to handle books with care.

Organize a sensory game "Games with colored balls and cubes" (red and blue) - to teach children to distinguish the color and shape of the ball and the cube and understand their names.


Organize p / and "Birds in nests" - to teach children to act quickly at the signal of the teacher, to help each other. Children play on their own with sand.

Tuesday, 09/29



Morning exercises. Conversation with children about who they came to kindergarten with. Together with the children, consider illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok" - to teach children to express their emotions from what they hear. Organize a speech development game "What happens in the fall?" - to consolidate the concept of autumn phenomena, to activate the dictionary on the topic.

Improve the skills of buttoning large buttons, develop hand motor skills

Situational conversation while washing - teaching children to find their own towel, the teacher's explanation of why everyone should dry with their own towel.

Joint work - with the boys to put the cars in the garage, to consolidate the concepts of big, small; to educate the accuracy of the ability to clean toys.Mat / game: "Raspberry for cubs" Purpose: To form an idea of ​​equality in children based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words "as much, as much, equally" in speech.

Consultation "How to make friends with mathematics for a preschooler".

H.-e. R.

F. r.

Physical Education. Tasks: 1. To consolidate the ability to move your arms correctly while walking.

2. In general developmental exercises, teach children to raise their hands straight ahead, to keep them tense.

3. Exercise the ability to crawl on palms and knees using cross-coordination.

4. To teach you to run on your toes, lightly, springing your legs at the knees.

5. To acquaint with the content and rules of the game "Cars". Develop the ability to act on a signal while driving.

Equipment: tambourine, steering wheels according to the number of children.


Bird watching while feeding. To instill a desire to take care of birds, to form knowledge about the habits of birds, to foster a love of nature. Organize p / and "Sparrows and a cat" - to learn to run without touching each other.

Play games with dolls "A doll wants to eat" - to acquaint children with kitchen and tableware, to teach how to find the necessary items.

Learn to run away quickly, find your place

Conversation with children about birds. Prepare food for children before walking. Observe which birds flew to the feeder. Riddle “Chick - chirp, jump to the grains. Peck - don't be shy! Who is this? " (Sparrow)

Labor is feeding the birds. Encourage independent fulfillment of elementary assignments, foster a desire to look after birds. Independent active activity of children on the site.

Work before bed

Consideration soft toys- cockerel, definition and name of body parts. Reading a Russian folk nursery rhyme about a cockerel.


Wellness exercises after sleep. In the group, play d / and "What's gone?" - to clarify the ideas of children about objects, to teach to memorize familiar objects. To teach to put toys in place after games.

Psycho-gymnastics: "What kind of vegetable, fruit do children eat" Purpose : to depict with facial expressions emotional condition as instructed by an adult (sour lemon, sweet apple).

Exercise in fastening and unbuttoning, the development of fine motor skills of the hands with

Situational conversation about the rules of conduct at home, in a group, at a party. Organize a s / r game "Visiting Grandma" - to teach children to behave correctly in public places.

Independent activities of children in activity centers.Theatrical Corner:table theater "Wild Animals".

Music corner:pipes, drum, tambourine.


Observing the weather. What's the weather outside? Is there a sun? Are clouds floating across the sky? Is it raining? Children play on their own with sand. P / and "Hit the target" - to improve the ability to act with different objects.

Wednesday, 30.09


Morning exercises. Invite the children to ride toys in the car: a bunny, a dog. Feed them delicious fruit - foster a caring attitude towards toys. At the end of the game, teach children to put toys in place. Game for the development of the vocal apparatus and onomatopoeia: "Steam locomotive" - ​​to learn to pronounce the sound "y" clearly.

Improve the skills of fastening small buttons, develop hand motor skills

Moose / game: "Autumn Leaves" muses. N Veresokina - Teach children to convey characteristic movements in accordance with the text of the song (walk one after another; stomp their feet; rotate with the brushes, showing the leaves with one or the other side; calmly whirl; bow; crouch down, hide behind the leaves).

Independent games for children in the art center. Ask the children to draw the wind, develop the ability to determine the ability to determine the state of the weather. Mathematical game “Stringing rings on a rod (5 rings of the same size) - to consolidate the ability to take a ring with your fingertips, clasping it from above.

Consultation "Crisis of a 3-year-old child".


Cognitive development of FEMP Lesson number 3

H. - e. R.

Artistically - aesthetic development... Music

According to the plan of the music director


Examination of the flower bed. Continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to their color, foster a love of nature. Organize p / and "Birds in their nests" - to learn to run scattered and walk without bumping into each other.

P / and "Birds in their nests" - to teach to act quickly at the signal of the teacher, to help each other

On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where chamomiles and marigolds grow. To acquaint children with plants, tell about them.

Labor - digging marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature. Foster a desire to participate in plant care.

Independent games for children on the site.

Work before bed

Reading Russian folk nursery rhyme "Bunny, bunny, dance!" without visual accompaniment, Conversation on the content: about whom the nursery rhyme, what the bunny is doing; for whom the rabbit dances; how a rabbit dances; what a zayinka.


Gymnastics after sleep, Walking on massage mats. Repeat with the children the nursery rhyme "Water, water ..." - to exercise the children to actively help the teacher, listening to the familiar nursery rhyme. D / and "Who came, who left?" - to teach to distinguish and name birds, to encourage to imitate the voices of birds. Finger game "Magpie - Belobok" - to develop fine motor skills of the hands: alternately bend the fingers, bend and unbend the fists of the right and left hands.

Watering indoor plants - to educate the basic skills of hard work

Situational conversation with children about clothes - to teach how to properly button up.

S / r game "Family" - to teach children to play together, to help each other. Free activity of children in the center of the fine arts, give paper, pencils and offer to draw paths for children.Logic game: "Laying out pictures" Purpose: development of logical thinking of children, consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes.


In rainy weather, observe from the veranda. Read the poem "Rain" by Z. Alexandrova. Invite the children to listen to the rain beating on the roof of the veranda. Organize p / and "Walk along the bridge" - exercise children in walking in a limited area - develop balance.

Thursday, 1.10



Morning exercises. Offer children a desktop builder. Give an opportunity to experiment with different shapes. Make sure that there is an end result (house, table, chair). Play in word game"Fly" - to exercise children in a clear pronunciation and walk in a limited area. sounds w-w-w, s-s-s, s-s-s. Organize p / and "On the path" - to teach children to jump on the spot.

Improve constructive skills - build a table and chair for the matryoshka

Tatar / uen : Didacticuen"Tusle yafraklar" - Balalarnyң igtibaryn, ziһengә alulararyn үsterү; tabigatneңmaturlygyn alarga өyrәtү; uңai mөnәsәbәt tәrbialәү.

Labor is to water indoor plants with children, remove dried leaves. Independent activities of children in activity centers. Ecological game"Autumn" - to learn to highlight objects in the picture, name them, develop attention, memory, listening skills.

Ask parents to prepare land for planting a vegetable garden on the window in winter

Conversation with parents "Hygienic requirements for children's clothing and footwear."

H.-e. R.

Topic 11. “Multicolored carpet of leaves”.

Etc. sod: Develop aesthetic perception, form imagery. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip it into the paint with all the nap, remove the extra drop on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying a brush nap to paper.

Material: autumn leaves of trees, paper, yellow and red gouache, jars of water, brushes.Second junior group", P. 52

F. r.

Physical Education.


Watching the clouds. To acquaint with various natural phenomena, to show the diversity of the state of water in nature. Organize p / and "Sun and Rain". "From bump to bump" - to teach to act quickly at the signal of the teacher.

Improve jumping skills, teach jumping on two legs - p / and "From bump to bump"

Talk to children about clouds. Tell that clouds are made of water droplets. Invite each child to choose the cloud they like and observe where it floats, moves quickly or slowly.

Labor: collecting fallen leaves on the site - to teach to maintain order on the site. Children play on their own with sand.Experimentswith leaves and grass: what happens to them in the absence of heat.

Detachable material: buckets(for collecting leaves).

Sports Equipment:ball.

Work before bed

Consideration of the illustration for the nursery rhyme "Like our cat", a conversation on it: who did you recognize; how the cat speaks; what kind of coat the cat has; what mustache the cat has; what are the eyes of the cat; what teeth the cat has. Reading nursery rhymes.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. Psycho-gymnastics "Remember your pose" - the development of motor memory.

OBZH game: "Etiquette-school of graceful manners"

Target: teach children the rules of behavior at the table; tell what dishes and products are eaten with cutlery; learn to handle cutlery.

Play the game "Fly", practice the clear pronunciation of sounds w-w-w, z-z-z, s-s-s

Situational conversation about the benefits of indoor plants, What flowers do we have? What are they? What colour? Are there many flowers? - to consolidate the names of indoor plants, to teach them to treat them carefully.

To offer the attention of children the book "Big and Small" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about animals, to teach the names of animals and their babies.

Organize board games. Give children constructors - to develop fine motor skills of hands. Independent games for children.


In rainy weather, observe from the veranda. Read the poem by Z. Aleksandrova "Rain". Offer to listen to the rain beating on the roof. Organize p / and "Walk along the bridge" - to exercise children in walking on a limited surface, to develop a sense of balance.

Friday, 2.10



Morning exercises. Add a box with rattles to the group, invite the children to open the box with the words “Box, box, open up, we want to play”, give everyone rattles, give everyone the opportunity to play rattles. Organize p / and "Train" - to teach children to act on a signal, repeat the words after the teacher.

To educate basic work skills - offer to water indoor plants

Situational conversation about water - to teach how to properly wash hands, wash your face.

Sensory game: "Fruit picking" Purpose: develop an eye in children when choosing objects of a certain size from a sample.

In a natural corner with children, determine which land, let them touch it with a finger. Watering flowers - to acquaint children with the rules of caring for plants. Organize a game to familiarize with the environment "What grows on the site" - to stimulate children's interest in natural objects: to acquaint with trees, grass, flowers.

Consultation "Parenting younger age independence in self-service ".

R. p.

Speech development... Development of speech. Topic: Reading poems about autumn. Didactic exercise "What comes out of it."

Etc. sod: Introduce children to poetry, develop poetic ear. Exercise in the formation of words by analogy. V.V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten. Second junior group ", p. 41

H. - e. R.

Artistic - aesthetic development Application

Topic 13 " Large and small apples on a plate "

Etc. sod: Teach children to glue round objects. To consolidate ideas about the difference in size of objects. Reinforce the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on the brush and apply it to the entire surface of the mold).

Material. The apples are big and small. Circles - plates cut out of white paper (diameter 15-18 cm), paper circles of the same color (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloth, napkins. Komarova T. S. " Visual activity in kindergarten.Second junior group", P. 54


Observation of the state of the weather - to learn to determine the season by characteristic signs. Invite the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Organize p / and "Sparrows and the car", "Take care of the object" - to teach children to act and navigate on a signal.

Learn to act and navigate in space on a signal, develop dexterity: p / and "Sparrows and the car"

Situational conversation with children about sand. Explain to children that dry sand crumbles, and if you water it, it becomes wet and you can sculpt pies from it. Invite children to mold doll pies.

Labor: pour water over the sand to play with. Children play on their own with sand. To involve children in sweeping paths with a broom - to teach how to use a broom correctly, to bring what has been started to the end.

Work before bed

Reading Russian folk tale"Ryaba Chicken" arr. K. Ushinsky, accompaniment of reading with a screening of a table theater.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. Development exercises auditory attention“Guess what sounds” - to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds a, y; learn to pronounce loudly. D / and "What's gone?" - to clarify the ideas of children about objects.Speech development game: "My small homeland" Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general motor skills and motor imitation, enrichment of the vocabulary.

Agility development - jumping on two legs

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in a group - to teach to behave correctly in public places.

Independent games of children with building materials. S / r game "Visiting grandmother" to teach children to take good care of their elders. Labor: cleaning up toys after games is to cultivate diligence.


Observing the weather. What changes have occurred on the street in the evening? P / and "Sparrows and the car" - to teach to act on a signal. Independent games for children on the site.

Monday, 5.10



Admission of children to the group. Talking to parents about the child's health at home. Morning exercises. Water the flowers and wipe off the leaves to instill a respect for plants. Offer didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

Improve the skills of buttoning large buttons

A situational conversation about the benefits of water, how it should be used and protected. Explain to the children how water benefits us.

Ask the girls to put things in order in the corner of the dress - to educate diligence. Free games for children in the activity corners.Environmentalist / game: "Find what I will show" Purpose: find an item by its similarity.

Conversation "On joint observation of autumn nature and weather with children."


Cognitive development (introduction to social prices.) Topic: " Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly ... ".

Etc. soda: To give children basic ideas about the autumn changes in nature. Form the ability to determine the weather by outward signs and consistently, according to the season, dress for a walk. Learn to highlight the trunk, branches and leaves of trees.OA Solomennikova "Classes on the formation of elementary ecological concepts" p.8


Physical Education.

Objectives: Exercise in maintaining balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support: develop the ability to land on bent legs in jumping.

Equipment: Boards 2 pieces, a tambourine, balls for all children.


Bird watching. Continue to teach children to distinguish the main parts of the bird's body and name them (beak, tail, head, legs), continue to foster respect for birds. Organize p / and "Sparrows and a car" - to learn to jump gently, bending your knees.

Learn to run without touching each other, dodge the driver, quickly run away, find your place

Situational conversation about birds. In autumn, the birds flock into flocks, sit on wires and bushes and chirp loudly. It is they who feel the onset of cold weather. Invite the children to feed the birds with crumbs.

Labor: feeding birds - to encourage independent fulfillment of elementary labor assignments, to foster a desire to look after birds.

Work before bed

Reading the tale "Turnip", conversation on the content.

Before going to bed, consolidate the ability to neatly fold clothes on a highchair.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. To continue teaching children how to put on tights and slippers correctly. Continue learning to roll up your sleeves before washing your hands, wipe them dry after washing. P \ and "Cat and Mice" Games in the doll corner: wake up the doll, wash, dress, feed.Finger game: "Squirrel" Purpose: teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.

Exercise jumping on two legs - develop dexterity

Dressing up games - invite girls to dress up as they wish. Give the boys building materials and offer to build a garage for the car - to improve their constructive skills. Clean up after games.

Exercise a subgroup of children in drawing up a picture from two parts - develop ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Sensory game "Acquaintance with small and large toys" - to teach children to distinguish the size of objects.


Bird watching. See if they still have food in their feeders. Play p / and "Hit the target" - develop an eye. Independent games for children on the site.

Tuesday, 6.10


Admission of children to the group. Continue teaching to say hello to adults and peers when entering a group. Morning exercises In the building corner, invite the children to build a "fence", to beat the building. Lotto "Pets" Remind children to thank after meals.Mat / game: "Treat the bunnies" Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​equality based on comparing two groups of objects, to activate the words "as much, as much, equally, equally" in speech

Development of fine motor skills - the game "Lacing"

Invite children to sort small toys - cubes, constructors - into separate boxes - to instill neatness. Children play independently in activity centers. Game for the development of speech "Autumn Leaves" - to expand the vocabulary on the topic "Autumn"

Consultation "Hardening of children 3-4 years old".


Artistic and aesthetic development Music


Physical Education


Observation of the carriageway. To give children an idea of ​​the carriageway - the highway, about the rules of behavior on the road. Organize p / and "Birds and a car" - to give initial knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road.

Teaching children to jump on two legs - the game "From bump to bump" -

Go to the carriageway and observe the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is next to the road.

Labor: raking dry leaves in a certain place - teaching how to use a children's rake correctly, collecting leaves in bags. Independent games of children on the site with portable toys.

Work before bed

Reading the tale of the Wolf and the kids. " Talk with children about the benefits of naps, whether children like to sleep during the day, whether they sleep at home during the day on weekends.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. P \ and "Carousel" - to form the ability of children to run in a circle quickly, then slowly. Games in the building corner. Build a room with doll furniture.

Psycho-gymnastics: "Shaltay-baltai" Purpose: teach to relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest.

Development of fine motor skills - buttoning and unbuttoning -

To give children board games (dominoes, loto, etc.) - to teach how to play together, helping each other.

After the games, involve children in cleaning Lego - to develop the ability to work in a large team. Playing with dolls "Mashenka woke up" - to fix the name of the furniture - bed.


Watching the clouds. How do they swim (slow or fast)? Organize p / and "From bump to bump" - to teach children to jump from place to place on two legs. Independent games for children on the site.

Wednesday 7.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Д \ and Lotto "Vegetables" - repeat the name of vegetables. Consider the illustrations "Bunnies on the Grass" with the children.

Finger game "Flag" - to teach children to press the index, middle, ring and little fingers to each other.

Д / и "Dress up a doll" - to teach to distinguish and name items of clothing

Talking with children about the culture of behavior during meals - to educate children in the correct manner of behavior during meals.Moose / game:

"Quiet and Loud Calls"

muses. E. Tilicheevo To develop dynamic hearing, the ability to distinguish between quiet and loud sound.

Collect dishes in the play corner. To involve children in washing dishes, to show and explain, to consolidate the generalizing concept of "dishes", to educate accuracy and diligence. Independent active activity of children in activity centers.

Consultation "Good Habits".


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson number 4

big small.

Р / М: vegetables (according to the number of children), plasticine, modeling boards, napkins I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group ", p. 15

H.- er.

According to the music director's plan.


Observation of the autumn forest, Expand the understanding of the forest, teach to admire the beauty of native nature. P / And "Birds in their nests" - to teach to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other.

To teach to act quickly at the signal of the teacher, to help each other - p / and "Find your house" -

Walk with children in the forest. Admire the colorful forest, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify what color is typical for autumn trees.

Labor: cleaning garbage and dry leaves at the site - to teach to maintain cleanliness and order at the site. Independent games of children with portable toys.

Work before bed

Reading the nursery rhyme "There is a horned goat."

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. To organize d / and "Who came and who left" - to teach children to distinguish and name birds, encourage imitation of the voices of birds and memorize onomatopoeia. Mathematical game "Stringing rings on a rod" (rings of the same size) - learn to take the ring with your thumb and forefinger, grasping it from the side.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands - work out the ability to roll a lump of plasticine between the palms

Chat with children about fruit. What kind of fruit do they know? (sour and sweet, large and small) - to develop memory, thinking.

Independent games for children in play corners. S / r game "Let's give the doll tea" - to foster friendliness, to teach to play together.Logic game: "Design according to the scheme" Purpose: development of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age.


Observation of leaf fall. Explain to children what leaf fall is. Children play on their own with sand.

Thursday, 8.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D / and "Roll the ball down the hill" (fix the colors). Д / и "Soft inserts" - to teach children to select "windows" corresponding to the shape of the figure. Teach children to be polite.

Play the game "Help the mouse to hide" - to learn to name the colors, to consolidate the knowledge of red, blue, yellow, green colors

Situational conversation about leaf fall, about autumn. Learn to answer simple questions: what kind of autumn is ours?Tatar / uen: Kyrly-byyule uen"Gөmbәlәr biue" - Tүgәrәkkә basarga, kүmәk uinarga, khәrәkәtlәrne dөres ittep bashkaryrga өyrәtү.

To involve inactive girls in the game with dolls - to offer to take care of the dolls - to foster a caring attitude. Children play independently in activity centers. Ecological game "Find what I will name" - to learn to find an object by word - name.

Consultation "How to Raise a Child's Love for the Book".


Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing Topic 12. "Colored balls".

Etc. sod: Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion, without lifting the felt-tip pen from the paper; hold the felt-tip pen correctly; use felt-tip pens in the drawing process different colors... To draw the attention of children to the beauty of colorful images.

Material: a ball of thread, colored markers, album sheets.Komarova T. S. “Visual activity in kindergarten.Second junior group", P. 53


Physical Education.

Objectives: Exercise in jumping with landing on bent legs; in vigorous repulsion of the ball when rolling to each other.

Equipment: Tambourine, 4 hoops, big ball, handlebars for all children.


Observation of leaf fall. To learn to identify the signs of autumn, to develop observation skills - to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to take care of nature. Organize p / and "Sparrows and a cat" - to teach to act quickly at the signal of the teacher.

Play the p / and "Walk silently" - learn to walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movement -

Situational conversation about leaf fall. Draw the attention of children to fallen leaves. Ask if all trees have the same leaves. Compare by color, shape.

Labor: collecting beautiful multi-colored leaves for classes - to encourage self-fulfillment of elementary assignments. Children play on their own with sand.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale by D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha!" How does a gosling speak? Etc.

Reinforce the skill of carefully removing clothes on the chair.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail. Psycho-gymnastics "Owl" - the development of self-control.

Traffic rules game: "Red, yellow, green" Purpose: consolidate the ability to distinguish between red and green colors, develop observation and color perception.

Reading a fairy tale; "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Instruct girls to "feed their daughter" - to bring up a caring attitude towards toys.

To organize a s / r game "Hospital" - to teach children to play together, together. Independent games of children with building materials.

Consider with the children illustrations for the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken". P / and "Planes for landing", games in the touch corner

Exercise a subgroup of children in drawing up a picture from two parts - develop ingenuity, resourcefulness. After the games, put the toys back in place.


To continue observing the fall of leaves - to teach to enjoy the beauty of nature. Organize p / and "Find your home" - to learn to navigate by a signal.

Friday, 9.10


Admission of children to the group. Talking to parents about the child's health at home. Morning exercises Examining pictures from the series "Pets" with children, ecological game "Who is gone." Remind them to wash their hands before eating and as soon as they become dirty; remember the sequence of washing hands

Game "Assemble the picture" (of 4 cubes) - to learn to see the details and connect them into details -

Situational conversation about whether the children know their home address.

Clean up the dishes in the buffet, develop the ability to clean up toys, teach to work in a team. Independent activities of children in activity centers.Sensory game: "Putting the turret" Goal: teach children to assemble a tower, focusing on the sample and arrange the rings in decreasing order.

Conversation "About the events held in the kindergarten."

R. R.

Topic: "Ryaba Chicken". Retelling of a Russian folk tale

Etc. sod: Lead children to independent retelling of a familiar fairy tale; learn to reproduce the text, develop expressive intonation; foster interest in Russian folk tales. Zatulina G.Ya.

"Abstract complex lessons on the development of speech.Second junior group", P. 15

H.- er.

Artistic and aesthetic development LEPKA

Topic: « Bread Straws "

Etc. sod: Exercise in molding sticks by rolling plasticine with straight palms. Learn carefully, work with plasticine; put the sculpted products on the board. To develop in children a desire to sculpt, to rejoice at what has been created.

Material: plasticine, modeling boards. Komarova T. S. “Visual activity in kindergarten.Second junior group", P. 48


Watching the rain. To acquaint with a natural phenomenon - rain. P \ and "The sun and rain". D \ and "Where did the leaves hide?"

Exercise in different directions - learn to act on a signal -

In rainy weather, invite the children to watch from the window how the raindrops fall on the ground, how they knock on the glass. Listen to the sound of the rain together.

Labor: the teacher takes out a container in advance for accumulating rainwater - watering plants in a group with rainwater. The goal is to foster a desire to participate in the care of indoor plants.

Work before bed

Teach children to dress and fasten sandals correctly.

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale Cinderella "


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. D / and " Wonderful pouch"- to contribute to the formation of the ability to examine objects. The game for acquaintance with the environment "Acquaintance and examination of indoor plants" - to teach children to care for the plants, to water them correctly.Speech development game: "Paired pictures" Purpose: train children in comparing the objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting the same images; to bring up attention, concentration, to form speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Development of fine motor skills - exercise with fasteners -

Situational conversation about our village, why it is called that. What is interesting in the village? Where do you like to walk with your parents?

P / and "Roll the ball" - arouse interest in actions with the ball, teach how to push the ball with two hands, give it the right direction. Examination of illustrations of a rooster, hen, chickens. P / and "The chicken went out for a walk" - to teach to perform actions in accordance with the text. Games in the touch corner.


Observing the weather. Has the weather changed? Organize p / and "Sun and Rain", "Fox in the chicken coop" - teach jumping on two legs with a forward movement of 2-3 meters.

Monday, 12.10



Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D / and "Arrange objects in groups": to consolidate the ability to group objects by color. During meals, remind you of the need to eat carefully, chew food well, hold the mug by the handle, teach to use a napkin. Sensory game "Getting to know big and small toys" - to learn to distinguish between the magnitude.

Practice collecting the pyramid, fixing the names of the colors

A situational conversation about the name of our kindergarten, where it is located.

Ecologist / game: "Autumn" Purpose: teach children to highlight objects in the picture, name them.

P / and "What's around" - to teach to name familiar objects, to develop the spoken language of children. C / r game "Toy store" - to teach game actions, polite address to each other.

Vegetable handicraft competition: "Miracles from the garden".


Cognitive development (introduction to social prices.)

Lesson "Wonderful little basket"

Software content. Continue teach children to distinguish in appearance and taste and name vegetables (cucumber, tomato, carrot, turnip). Expand understanding of the cultivation of vegetable crops. Arouse the desire to participate in the dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Turnip". Zatulina G.Ya.

“Summaries of complex lessons on the development of speech.Second junior group", P. 13


Physical Education.



Observing the cat. P \ and "Cat and Mice" - the development of coordination of movements, dexterity. Labor assignments: collect the twigs. Ball games, sand, outdoor material

Practice walking in pairs

Observe the cats that the owners walk. Describe the appearance of the animal and its behavior. During the walk, ask the children who the cat lives in and how they take care of it.

Independent activities of children with portable material. P / and "Dance and spin, turn out to be the most dexterous" - to develop balance, dexterity.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken", conversation on the content: what kind of chicken was it, big or small? Who was sitting in a puddle? Etc.

Strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. Consider the painting "Tanya Feeding Pigeons". Teach children to perceive the image in the picture, answer the teacher's questions about its content, repeat individual words and phrases.Finger game: "Hedgehog" Purpose: teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.

Placing fungi in the holes of the table in two colors - develop fine motor skills of the fingers -

A conversation about a grandmother: who has a grandmother? Do children love their grandmothers? Why do they love them?

C / r game "It's time for toys to sleep" - to keep order in the playroom. To improve the independence of children in subject-play activities. P \ and "Cat and Mice" Games in the corner of dressing


Continue observing the cat. P / and "From bump to bump" - jumping forward.

Tuesday, 13.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger game "Goat" - to develop hand coordination, fine motor skills. Games in the puppet corner: guests have come, we need to give everyone some tea. P / and "Hit the target" - to develop accuracy. When dressing for a walk, remind about the sequence of dressing, about the need to put slippers in the closet

Practice drawing a picture from two parts - develop quick wits, resourcefulness -

Situational conversation about the family. Who lives with them? What are the names of mom, dad, older brothers or sisters.Mat / game: "Bugs on leaves" Purpose: to form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects on the basis of comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets.

Wipe the dust with the children, water the flowers - foster respect for indoor plants. Speech development game "Let's pick fruits in the garden" - fix the names of fruits, teach to select fruits in a certain order.

Consultation “Let's talk about puzzles for kids”.


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Physical Education

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running, stopping at a signal; in crawling. Develop dexterity in a game task with a ball.

Equipment: Small balls for all children, tambourine, cord, 8 pins.


Observing the sky, the clouds. To acquaint with various natural phenomena, to give an idea of ​​the various states of water. See what the clouds are like. P / and "Through the brook" - to teach to jump over an obstacle.

Game "Catch the ball" - learn how to catch the ball with two hands

Situational conversation about clouds. Invite the children to observe the clouds, tell them that clouds are made up of water droplets.

Labor errands: Collect pebbles at the site. Outdoor games

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears" by L. Tolstoy. Conversation: did you like the fairy tale? Who left home for the forest? What happened to the girl in the forest? Who lived in the forest house? What were the names of the bears? Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tale.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail. P / and "Train" - to exercise children to go forward in small groups, start and end the movement at the signal of the teacher. Finger gymnastics"Okay" - to develop small movements of the hands. Games with board games: mosaic, cubes.Psycho-gymnastics: "Old mushroom" Purpose: performing movements: stand, legs apart, knees slightly bent.

Game "Name an object" - to develop speech, learn to pronounce words

Situational conversation about the family - how many people are in the family, what are the names of family members.

S / r game "Mashenka's Recovering" - arouse sympathy for the sick doll, include children in the discussion of the problem and search for specific ways of providing help.


Continue sky observation. Has it changed in the evening? Independent games of children with portable material. P / And "The sun and the rain" - to teach to act quickly on a signal.

Wednesday, 14.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D / and "Learn by sound" - to develop auditory attention and phrasal speech. D / and "Assignment" - to continue to learn to understand the meaning of the words "up", "down". P / and "Birds". Remind to roll up sleeves when washing hands

Exercise with fasteners, exercise in unbuttoning, develop fine motor skills

A situational conversation about who is preparing food at home, what is being prepared and how tasty it is.Moose / game:

Gөmbәlәr biue "tatar halyk kөe

Perform the simplest dance moves in accordance with the lyrics.

Together with the children, consider books, magazines - to teach them to carefully handle books, not to tear or wrinkle the leaves. Independent activities of children in activity centers. Finger game "Shoemaker" - to teach children to imitate movements.

Invite parents to participate in the competition of joint works "My favorite village"

Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza and ARVI.


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson number 3

Etc. sod: continue to form the ability to compose a group of objects from separate objects and select one object from it, learn to answer the question "how much?"

And to define the aggregate with the words one, many, not one. Introduce the circle; to teach to examine its shape by a tactile-motor way.

D / M: doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin of water.

R / M:: circles of the same size and color, ducks. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group ", p. 14


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Consideration autumn tree- to give an idea of ​​the main parts of the tree, their height and thickness. P / and "Mother hen and chickens" - to develop attention, dexterity, speed. D / and "Find such a sheet" - for attentiveness. Exercise in throwing at a horizontal target, crawling under the line.

Exercise bouncing on two legs with forward movement, develop dexterity

Take the children to the tree, remember its main parts. Give children a visual representation that trees come in different thicknesses and heights. Draw the children's attention to the color of the leaves on the tree.

Labor assignments: sweep the sand from the side of the sandbox. To loosen the ground between the peonies, to explain why this is being done - to foster a desire to participate in caring for the plants. Children's independent games on the sand.

Work before bed

Teach children to fold things beautifully on a highchair.

Reading an excerpt from the tale "Puss in Boots"


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail. P / and "The chicken went out for a walk." Mathematical game "Arrange in boxes" - to teach children to distinguish geometric shapes, name them, group by color, size. Games in the doll corner: wake up the doll, wash it, dress it and feed it.Playing on logical thinking: "Find a place for the fungus" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Exercise in folding a picture of two parts - develop quick-wittedness, resourcefulness

To organize a s / r game "Cooking to eat" - to foster diligence, interest in the work of a cook, to teach to use the dishes for their intended purpose.

Together with the children, carefully arrange the toys in their places, arrange the constructors, cubes in their boxes. Mathematical game "Collecting a tower from rings of different sizes" - to teach children to distinguish the sizes of the rings and arrange them in a certain, gradually decreasing order.


Talk with children about the trees that grow on the territory of the kindergarten. What changes are taking place in plant life? P / and "Birds in their nests" - to teach to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other.

Thursday, 15.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics "Magpie-crow" - to develop motor skills. The game "Where are our hands?" - to teach to act in accordance with the text. Ecological game "Find and name vegetables in the picture" - to develop visual perception.

Exercise in the ratio of objects in size - develop visual perception

A situational conversation about who prepares us for food in kindergarten. Is it tasty to cook porridge, bake pies?Tatar / uen :: Үstereshle uen"Serle yanchyk" - Yashelchәlәr belәn tanyshtyruny dәvam itү. Issemnәren address әytergә өyrәtү.

Reading books at the request of children from the book corner. Games in the touch corner: lacing, in-ear. Ecological game "Guess what's in hand" - to learn to recognize the named object using one of the analyzers.

Ask parents for help in cleaning the area from leaves.

Consultation "Whether to vaccinate a child (For and against)".

H.-e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing

Topic 8. "Beautiful ladders".

Etc. sod: Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to draw paint on a brush, dip it with all the nap in the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with a pile; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch of a cloth to choose a paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Material: gouache paints of 2 colors, cans of water, brushes, napkins.Komarova T. S. “Visual activity in kindergarten.Second junior group", P.49


Physical Education.




Bird watching (appearance, habits). P / and "Throw the ball" - to promote the acquisition of the skill of throwing the ball, to develop dexterity. D / and "Collect all the red scoops" - consolidation of knowledge about color ..

Exercise bouncing - develop strength, agility

Take out crumbs and seeds for the birds for a walk, invite the children to take care of the birds themselves, pour food into the feeder.

Labor assignments: building a sand house. Collect pebbles on the site - continue to foster the desire to take part in labor assignments. Independent games of children on the site with portable toys.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skills of proper dressing of sandals and their fastening.

Reading the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane"


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail. Psycho-gymnastics "Hush" - the development of volitional self-regulation.

Traffic rules game: "I am a literate pedestrian" Purpose: to teach children to analyze situations on the road, to reinforce in children the skills of safe behavior on the streets of the village.

Learn to group objects by shape, distinguish shapes -

Continue a situational conversation about who prepares us to eat in the garden. Ask the children about their favorite foods.

Finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been." Д / и "Let's dress the doll for a walk" - remember the name of the parts of the clothes. P / and "Kitty sneaks" - to teach to act on the signal of the teacher.


Chatting with children about the weather. What's the weather like? (cold or warm, the sun is shining or cloudy) - to teach children to answer questions. P / and "Mice in the pantry" - learn to move in accordance with the text.

Friday, 16.10


Admission of children to the group. Chatting with parents about the child's health on weekends. Morning exercises. Consider the picture "Mom washes her daughter", answers to the teacher's questions about the content of the picture. The game for acquaintance with the surroundings "Consideration of a fruit tree - apple tree" - to consolidate the knowledge that fruits grow "high" above the ground - on trees or bushes; to consolidate the concept of "fruit".

Exercise folding a three-seater matryoshka

Situational conversation about how mom bakes cookies.Sensory play: "Light - heavy" Objective: provide children with the opportunity to experience a measure of the severity of familiar objects, thereby enriching the sensory experience of children.

S / r game "Mothers and Daughters" - to follow how they communicate, how they play with dolls; explain that dolls should be treated in the same way as a mother does with her child. While dressing for a walk, remember the dressing sequence

Individual consultations: "Clothes for children in a group."

R. R.

Speech development (speech development)

Topic: "Cockerel, cockerel .."

“Summaries of complex lessons on the development of speech.Second junior group", P. 12


Artistic and aesthetic development Modeling

Topic 18 " Berries and apples on a platter "

Etc. sod: Strengthen children's knowledge of the shape of objects. Learn to distinguish objects by size. Exercise in careful use of glue, use of a napkin for neat gluing. Learn freely, arrange images on paper.

Material. The apples are big and small. Circles - small plates, cut out of white paper (diameter 20 cm), red paper circles (diameter 2 cm). and yellowish - Green colour(4-6 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins. Komarova T. S. “Visual activity in kindergarten.Second junior group", P. 57


Sky observation: gray, gloomy, no clouds. Ask the children where the sun has hidden, is it warm outside if there is no sun. P / and "Catch the ball" - to develop dexterity, speed of movement.

Practice catching the ball with both hands

Situational conversation about the sun. Ask the children if they like cloudy weather.

Labor assignments: collecting toys at the end of the walk. Games with sand, portable material. Independent games for children on the site.

Work before bed

Reading the book "The Seasons" by V. Stepanov - to teach to understand short, accessible rhymes, to accompany the reading by showing pictures, toys, actions.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. P / and "Run to me" - to teach to run without bumping into each other. " Reading Barto's poem "Horse" - to help understand the meaning of the poem, play with it with a toy... Speech development game: "What kind of vegetable" Purpose : development of tactile, visual and olfactory analyzers.

Develop imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, perseverance - d / and "Houses for figures" -

Exercise "We do everything in order" - to teach children to take off and put on clothes in a certain order, to educate accuracy.

Children's games in the sensory corner. S / r game "Time for toys to sleep" - to improve the independence of children in object-play activities and self-service.


Traffic monitoring. P / and "From bump to bump" - jumping forward.

Monday, 19.10


Admission of children to the group. Remind you to say hello when entering the group. Morning exercises. Mathematical game "Arrange objects in groups" - to consolidate the ability to group objects by color. P / and "Birds and a cat" - to teach to start acting on a signal.Environmentalist / game: "Find a leaflet, which I will show" Purpose: learn to find objects by similarity; their difference in size.

Develop the speech of children, teach to pronounce words - "Name the subject" -

Situational conversation about mom. What does she do at home? What kind of work does it do? Who is helping her?

Organize a music game"Yes, yes, yes" muses. E. Tilicheeva- v Perform movements on the text (clap your hands, stomp your feet, wave your hands, tap your feet).

Construction corner games - build gates for cars.

Parents' participation in creating a developing environment.

Consultation "What a beauty these fairy tales are!"


Cognitive development (introduction to social prices) Topic: " Loaf". Examination of bread products

Etc. soda: Introduce children to bakery products, teach to distinguish and name essential features and product quality; enter into the children's dictionary the words: loaf, loaf, loaf, lush, golden, rye and words denoting other qualities of objects; teach children to understand the asked question and answer it. Zatulina G.Ya.

“Summaries of complex lessons on the development of speech.Second junior group", P. 26


Physical Education.

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, with a turn in the other direction at the signal of the teacher; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and exercises in balance.

Equipment: Chairs for all children, tambourine, cord, 6 pins, cat mask.


Watching the wind. The wind is blowing, plucking leaves from the trees, after the rain there are puddles. Ecological path "On a visit to the birch tree." Drawing with a stick on the ground.

Exercise walking on the treadmill - develop balance -

Labor assignments: collect the sheets. - develop interest in work. Independent games of children with portable toys.

Work before bed

Reading familiar fairy tales - to provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when reading by the teacher.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking the health trail. Continue teaching children to put on their own pantyhose after sleep. P / and "Throwing balls" - to develop dexterity, develop the skill of throwing the ball. Sensory game "Rolling from a tray of colored balls" - to teach children to play with concentration with one toy.

Offer to build a garage for cars

D / and “Look at yourself in the mirror, how beautiful and neat we are” - to cultivate neatness, respect for things.

Children's games in the doll's corner: prepare dinner, repeat the name of the dishes. Consideration of books, magazines - to teach how to properly handle books.Finger play: "Who lives here" Purpose : Teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.


Birdwatching - instilling a desire to take care of the birds. Organize p / and "Sparrows and a car" - to learn to jump gently, bending your knees.

Tuesday, 20.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger game "Goat" - to develop coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills. P \ and "Where it rings" - to develop auditory attention. Play with children with balloons: create a joyful mood, consolidate the name of the color, develop dexterity, attention

To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly - "Draw colored balls" -

A situational conversation about the native village: what is it called, what is the name of the street where the house is located.Mat / game: “Let's treat the squirrels with mushrooms” Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​equality based on a comparison of two groups of objects.

Putting the constructors in place together with the children - fostering a respect for toys, teaching children to help each other. The game for the development of speech "What's in the basket" - to continue to acquaint with fruits, to clarify their name, color, shape, taste.

Consultation "Children and Nature".

H.-e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Physical Education

Tasks: 1.To consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing a large ball into the distance from below with both hands. To develop in children the ability to vigorously push the ball off with their hands.

2. Exercise children in the ability to move on palms and knees on a board laid on the floor.

3. To acquaint children with the rules of the outdoor game "Hares and the wolf". In bouncing in place on two legs, teach to land on bent legs by rolling from a toe to the entire foot.

4. Teach children to walk around the edges of the playground.

Equipment: Handkerchiefs for all children, a tambourine, a board, a gymnastic bench, a large ball.


Birdwatching, feed the rolls. Games with portable material. P / and "The sun and rain" - teaches to act on a signal. Д / и "Find the same sheet

Exercise in stepping over an obstacle -

Invite the children to feed the birds by sprinkling bread crumbs on them and watch the birds peck at the food.

Labor orders - to collect sticks on the site - to teach to carry out simple labor orders. Independent active activity of children on the site. Games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Rukavichka" - accompany the reading by showing pictures. To teach to observe the elementary rules of conduct in the group, in the bedroom.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail. D / and "Where did the dog hide" - to develop orientation in space, to teach the use of prepositions in speech. Playing with dolls "The doll Olya stained the dress" - to give children an idea of ​​some work assignments and items necessary for washing (water, soap, basin), to foster interest in work assignments.

The game "Let's build a red carpet for a cockerel" - to consolidate the knowledge of red, to develop the desire to build -

Situational conversation about older brothers and sisters. What are they playing with? How and with what toys do they play?

P / and "Shaggy dog", teach to start moving on a signal. Children's games with board games: "Pictures-halves", "inserts", "Make up of parts"Psychogymnastics: "Surprise" Purpose: develop observation skills.


Watching the wind. P / and "Traps" - to exercise in running, navigate in space, dexterity.

Wednesday, 21.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Children play with soap bubbles- create a joyful mood, develop a deep exhalation of children. Mathematical game "Collecting a pyramid from rings of different sizes" - to give an opportunity to get acquainted with physical properties subject.

D / and "Find mistakes" - to develop attention -

Situational talk about toys. What toys are there at home? Are there many toys or not?

Moose / game: "Clink, clink, horse" muses. E. Tilicheeva To master figurative-play movements. Teach children to move one after another.

Games in the doll's corner. D / and "Put the doll to sleep." D / and "Recognize by sound" - development of auditory attention


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson number 4

Etc. sod: to improve the ability to make a group of objects from separate objects and to single out one object from the group, to designate the aggregate with the words one, many, not one. Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle, examine it with a tactile-motor path and compare the circles in size:

big small.

D / M: car, pouch, large and small circles of the same color.

Р / М: fruits (according to the number of children), plasticine, modeling boards, napkins. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group ", p. 15


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Examining the machine that brings food to the d / s, remember the parts of the machine. P / and "Cars" - to teach to follow the rules of the game. Draw a road for cars on the ground with a stick, build a garage for cars out of sand.

Play the game "Step over the cube" - learn to bend your knees, maintain balance -

A situational conversation about who comes to kindergarten by car.

Independent active activity of children on the site. Children's games with portable toys.

Job Assignments: Take the Toys to the Group

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale "Turnip", accompanying the reading with a tabletop theater show.


The gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the health trail.Logical thinking game "Construction from sticks" Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, the development of logical thinking.

Game "Spell the word" - to develop the speech of children, to learn to pronounce words -

Examining pictures of a family - to teach children to look at pictures, highlight fragments.

P / and "The sun and rain". If you are going for a walk, continue to teach you how to put on your own trousers, boots, and put your slippers in the closet.


Watch the rain through the window. Listen to the raindrops knocking on the glass. P / and "The sun and the rain" - to teach to act quickly on a signal.

Thursday, 22.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. To talk about the weather outside the window - to develop observation, speech, attention. Mathematical game "Bring and Show" - to develop the ability to navigate in a group. The game is fun with balloons- create a joyful mood. Ecological game "Guess what's in hand" - to learn to recognize the named object using one of the analyzers.

Encourage the teacher to repeat the nursery rhyme "Cockerel" - correct pronunciation -

The teacher's story about sad wet shirt sleeves - teaching children to roll up their sleeves before washing; educate accuracy. "Hands must be washed clean, sleeves must not be wet"Tat / uen: Didactic uen“Bakchada nilur үsә?” - The theme is buencha sүzlekne buetu: agachta, chiya, әche, tүgәrәk. Phonemic ishetү sәlәten үsterү.

Ightibarlylyk tәrbialәү.

Consider the items that are in the “Hairdresser's” corner (scissors, bottles, hairdryer, comb), introduce you to the purpose of each item. The organization of the game "Make me a hair" - to teach to follow the rules of the game.

Recommendation for parents

Olga Koshevaya
Work plan for the day in the 2nd junior group

Group Individual

1. Musical No.

2. Cognitive development

pp. 18-20, O. A. Solomennikova

Topic 4. I have a kitten (natural environment)

Software content: continue to acquaint children with pets, develop the ability to properly handle animals. Develop a desire to watch the kitten. Learn to share the impressions received. S-k, R. p. 1. D / i "Geometric Lotto": develop attention, consolidate geometric shapes. P.R.

2. Suggest coloring pages for free coloring - exercise in the skill of shading with a pencil.

3. Board-printed games - to develop attention, perseverance, logical thinking. P. S-k.

Gymnastics No. F. p. 1. D / i "Whose baby?" ___

Expand horizons, enrich the dictionary. Etc. R. p.

2___ suggest "Mosaic" for folding. P.

3. Exercise "Get into the hoop"

F. r. Puzzle pictures, coloring pages, board games


1. Observation in the flower garden: develop interest in natural phenomena, broaden horizons. Etc.

2. D \ u "Where have we been, we won't tell?": Expanding vocabulary. R. p.

3. P / i "Trap"

4. Exercise "Jump off the bench"- exercise in jumping. F. r. 1. Chatting on pictures on theme: "Transport" ___: enrich the vocabulary, learn to generalize. P.R.

2. Didactic game "Seasons and Holidays" ___ - to activate speech, broaden horizons. R. R., P. R.

3. Exercise "Roll the ball between the pins" ___ -exercise in rolling the ball. F. r. hoops

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "Find an item by description": develop attention, broaden horizons. Etc. S-k.

2. Games with a constructor Lego- to develop imagination, perseverance, the ability to play with someone. P., S.

3. P / i "Mother hen and chickens" "Whose baby?" with ___ - to develop attention, broaden horizons. P., S.

2. Exercise "Crawl under the rope" with ___ develop coordination of movements. F. r.

3. Game "Find a wider strip, already ..." with ___ exercise in determining the value. P. Constructor Lego, ball, skittles

Directly educational activities

(integration of educational areas)

Joint activities of the educator and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Educational activities carried out during times of security

Group Individual

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. (Painting)

p. 66, T. S. Komarova

Topic 4. Trees in the snow

Program tasks: to teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing. Exercise in drawing trees. Learn to place several trees on a sheet. Strengthen the ability to wash the brush. Develop aesthetic perception.

Etc. S-k. R.

2. Physical culture number

F. r. 1. Reading the tale of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"- to continue acquainting children with K. Chukovsky's fairy tales, to foster a desire to listen. R. p.

2. Consideration of illustrations about fire: continue to educate children about safety rules. Etc.

3. Independent games with dice. - continue to teach to play in a team. S-k. R.

4. Suggest coloring pages for free coloring - practice drawing with pencils. Huh. R.

Gymnastics No. F. p. 1. D / i "Find the item by description?" ___

Develop imagination, observation. Etc.

2___ offer educational pictures "Tableware": to activate speech, to enrich the vocabulary of R. p.

3. Suggest "Mosaic" for folding ___ - to develop attention, perseverance. Etc. S-k. R. Baby books


1P / i "My jolly ringing ball": exercise in catching and throwing the ball, the ability to respond to a signal. F. r.

2. D \ u "Who lives in the house?": formation speech hearing, expanding vocabulary. R. p.

3. P / i "Swan geese": to develop physical activity of children, coordination of movements. F. r.

4. Independent activity children: learn to play together without quarreling. S-k. R.

5. Game-situation "At the hairdresser's"-Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the profession of a hairdresser. P. r., S-k. R. 1. Chatting on pictures on theme: "Cloth" ___: activate speech. R. p.

2. Didactic game "Geometric Lotto" ___ - to activate speech, exercise in the definition of geometric shapes. R. R., P. R.

3. Exercise "Roll the ball between the pins" ___ -exercise in rolling the ball between objects. F. r.

4. Offer ___

Disassemble and assemble liners: Exercise in performing sequential actions. Etc. Didactic games, ball, skittles

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "What does it look like?": develop observation, broaden horizons. P. r., S-k.

2. Games with dolls and by machines: learn to play by creating a plot. Etc. S-k.

3. Chatting with children at theme: "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy": continue to introduce children to dangerous situations... Etc. 1. D / i "Find the same" with ___ - to develop attention. Etc.

2. Offer shading stencils ___ - develop fine motor skills of the fingers. F. r.

3. Offer a puzzle picture for folding ___ to develop attention, logical thinking. Etc.

Directly educational activities

(integration of educational areas)

Joint activities of the educator and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Educational activities carried out during times of security

Group Individual

1. Physical culture number

2. Cognitive development (FEMP) p. 29, I. A. Pomoraeva

Program tasks: learn to compare two unequal group objects in a superimposed way, denote the comparison results with the words more - less, as much - how many.

To improve the ability to compare two objects of contrasting height in familiar ways, to denote the comparison results with the words high - low, higher - lower. P.R. 1. Observation in a corner of nature for blooming geranium: to foster interest and desire to care for houseplants P. p. S-k. R.

2. P / i "At the Bear in the Forest": to teach to act on a signal, to develop orientation in the environment. F. r.

3. Building games: develop imagination, desire to build for (dolls, cars, birds, etc.)... Etc.

Gymnastics No. F. p. 1. D / i "Find a similar item" ___

Develop attention, consolidate the ability to determine the shape of objects. P. r., S-k.

2___ consider subject pictures "Cloth": activate speech. R. p.

3. "Catch the ball"-exercise ___ to develop physical activity. F. r. Machine building material, dolls


1. Chatting with children at theme: "Rules of conduct on the carriageway"»: Teach the rules of the road. Etc. R. p.

2. P / i "Catch up"- to develop physical activity. F. r.

3. Watching floating clouds - broaden your horizons. Etc.

4. Reading familiar poetry: Exercise in memorizing a short text. R. p.

5. Independent activity children: fostering friendly relationships. S-k. R. 1. Finger gymnastics "Cabbage" with ___: development of fine motor skills. R. p.

2. D / i "Seasons and Holidays" with ___ broaden your horizons. Etc.

3___ consider plot images: Match the image with spoken text. R. p.

Toys at the request of children

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "Shapes and Shapes"- to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. Etc. R. p.

2. Consideration of subject pictures by subject: "Cloth"-to teach children to generalize P. p. R. p.

2. Games with construction material: develop creativity using construction techniques. Etc.

3. P / i "Crucian carp and pike": to develop attention, coordination of movements. F. r. 1. D / i "Which?" with ___ - to enrich the dictionary. R. p.

2. Suggest "Mosaic" to lay out ___

develop attention, perseverance. P. r., S-k.

3. Game "Magnetic rod" with ___ to develop fine motor skills of hands. F. r.

Days of the week


Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Information about the carrying out of the autumn exhibition of hand-made articles. Offer to parents

Observe the children

"Puddles after

rain ".

Objectives: to tell what

Puddlesthere are deep and shallow, for this they are measured with a stick; hands and feet should not be wet in puddles, as you can get sick.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

1. An outdoor game "Yellow (red) leaf, fly to me."

2. Game situation "Leaves in the garden". Objectives: to introduce children to each other, teach them to call peers by name, develop a sense of self-confidence.

3. Finger game "Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip"

4. Water the houseplants, wipe the ficus leaves.

Individual task for the child "Bring many leaves (one leaf)"

    Subject game situation "Misha got his feet wet."Goals:develop children's spoken language and communication skills, arouse a desire to help.

    Watching the fall leaves fall (slowly in calm weather, quickly -

in windy), note the richness of shades of leaves

Didactic games: "Magic bag", "Know and name vegetables".

Target:enrich children's vocabulary and sensory experience

Painting"Beautiful ladders" Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom, draw them straight without stopping, teach them to draw paint on a brush, dip it with all the nap in the paint, remove the excess on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush in water, dry the brush on a napkin, continue to introduce flowers. T.S.Komarova p. 49

Music according to the music director's plan


for a walk.

Walk: games, observation, labor,

1. Game situation "Let's help collect the leaves."

Objectives: to develop a coherent speech of children, to foster a desire to help adults.

2. Observing the work of the janitor. Objectives: to enrich children's vocabulary, to generate a desire to help.

An outdoor game "Harvest".

"Pick up a piece of paper" Conversation with children

"What has autumn brought us?"

    Examination "Buds, flowers in a flower bed."

    Labor assignment.

Children running along the paths with fallen leaves, listening to their rustling. Offer the children to choose one sheet they like.

Work before bed

Developing game situation "Vegetables, fruits, berries" (with the use of the poem "Vegetables" by Yu. Tuvim, the fairy tale "Be able to wait" by K. Ushinsky).

Objectives: to show children that some vegetables are visible, they flaunt in the beds, others need to be looked for in the foliage; invite children to examine vegetables: stroke (smooth turnip, rough cucumber), press (hard), taste.

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities, preparation for


    An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain".

    Didactic game "Let's put together a beautiful bouquet of leaves."

Polina B, Dima E. - a conversation about the toys "Ball", "Doll".

Help situation "Mushrooms scattered."

Purpose: to develop an interest in the actions of adults, a desire to help.

Examination of pictures on the theme "Where does that grow" in a corner of nature.


Labor assignment "Acorns and cones". Objectives: to teach how to collect natural material, to maintain children's interest in figurative actions and comparisons: a bump is like a hedgehog, an acorn has a hat like a human.


to parents

and children


behind the falling leaves.

Objectives: to be like

with kids

by foliage, listen

how they rustle,



per color

and shape,


1. Situation-dramatization "Leaflets". Purpose: to invite children to depict leaflets flying in the wind.

2. Didactic games: "Such a leaflet", "Leaflet, fly to me", "Collect the yellow leaves."

Objectives: to form color perception, encourage children to participate in joint activities, develop an interest in natural objects, in leaf fall.


playing with children

“What do we get

was carrying Mishutka? "

Purpose: to consolidate the names

familiar vegetables and fruits.

Play with folk collapsible toys "Collect

mushrooms in a basket ".

Purpose: to form game

actions, teach to interact with adults and peers.

Didactic game "Find

and name the vegetables in the picture. "

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables, their shape, size, color.

Organized educational activities

FEMP Quantity. Strengthen the ability of children to distinguish the number of objects using the words one, many, few. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A., p. 12

Motor activity according to the instructor's plan for physical. culture


for a walk.

Walk: games, observation, labor,

individual work, health and fitness work

1. Observation "What has grown in the garden?"

2. Outdoor games: "Rain and leaves", "The locomotive is taking us to the autumn forest."

3. Observation "Mushroom".

Unlearn with children

pure phrases

1. Labor assignment.

Help adults remove dried plants from a flower bed or garden bed, put them in a cart and take them to a certain place.


game "Hang, wreath".

Purpose: to teach

Make upfrom leaves of multi-colored paths.

Work before bed

Hand washing with nursery rhyme:

Roll up our sleeves, open the tap - water.

We took soap in our hands so that the germs were washed away.

My fingers and palms!

Look, crumbs, at your palms.

And we have palms! Clean palms!


food, afternoon tea,


    Conversation with children about the rules of conduct in the forest.Target:continue to form elementary ideas about how to interact with plants and animals. Pantomime "Autumn Leaves"

"Take one toy (many toys)"


Children's stories “How we went to the forest”. Purpose: to form the need to share their impressions, to cultivate respect for the storyteller.

Stencil drawing "What grows in the garden?"


    Game of low mobility "Leaf fall".Target:to consolidate knowledge about the color, size of autumn leaves; learn to move around the site, following the instructions given in a playful way; to concretize the concept of "leaf fall" Reading the poem V. Mirovich "Leaf fall

Introducing parents to outdoor games recommended for

with children of younger preschool age.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Didactic exercise "Folding the leaves in the likeness". Objectives: to clarify and consolidate the concept of "sheet"; to acquaint with the concepts:

smooth, spiny, long, short.

Chatting with children

on the theme "Walk in the garden

and the garden "

Welcome ritual:

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same land

I greet you all!

Board print game

“Find a pair

leaflet (mushroom, bump) ".

Organized educational activities

Speech development

Sound culture of speech: sound at Exercise children in clear articulation of sound (isolated, in sound combinations); work out a smooth exhalation; no6you wait to pronounce a sound in a different key with a different volume (imitation) .Gerbova V.V. "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group"

Physical development according to the plan of the physical instructor


for a walk.

Walk: games, observation, labor,

individual work, health and fitness work

1. Developing educational situation on the basis of a game "Fall of leaves, fall of leaves, yellow leaves are flying."

Purpose: to teach to determine the weather

by external signs.

2. Didactic exercises: "Find the most beautiful leaf", "Recognize the tree by leaf."

3. Thematic walk "Where does something grow?" Purpose: to consolidate the concept of a variety of plants, their structure and benefits to human health

Individual assignment


which of these

the tracks are longer, and which one is shorter; which is wider and which is narrower "

    Observing the work of the janitor - cleaning the autumn foliage.

    Helping the janitor in collecting foliage at the kindergarten site. Objectives: to provide a holistic perception by the child of the simplest work process (motive

and the purpose of labor, tools, a sequence of 2-3 actions, the result of labor); develop focusing attention, observation, accuracy, the ability to act side by side, together

Outdoor play

“Run to the one

what will I call ".

Purpose: to acquaint with the concepts of "tree"

and "bush".

Work before bed

Functional exercise "Compote": We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit - here:

We will crush apples,

We will chop a pear

Squeeze out the lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people!

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.)

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities, preparation for admission

food, afternoon tea,


    The game "Pick a Fruit" (children are asked to listen to the words; as soon as they hear the name of the toy, they need to clap their hands, the name of the fruit - raise their hands up).

    Learning etudes: "The wind is blowing", "Rain.

Teaching childrenbuttoning


Role-playing game "Doll for a walk". Objectives: To encourage children to be independent in dressing and undressing; to achieve the formation of accuracy skills.

Equipping the play environment with dolls' clothes and shoes according to the season.


    Thematic walk "Flower Garden". Purpose: to acquaint with the appearance and names of several flowers, to show the structure of the plant (the flower hasstem, leaf, flower ); to consolidate the concept of "high" - "low".

    Outdoor games: "Horses", "Shaggy Dog".


with parents

role-based dialogues,

songs and dances

for the matinee


autumn ".



parents in activities


in the role


autumn matinee.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

1. Games-dramatization: "Stands in the field

teremok "," Turnip ".

2. Conversation about the signs of rain: "What

the smaller the raindrops, the longer it will

will go "," Before the rain, beavers work all night, and frogs crawl ashore. "

Game controlYou know me closely.
I am a friendly pussy.
Top - tassels on the ears,
The claws are hidden in the pillows.

Chatting with children

about signs


E. Fold the Pattern game

2. Duty in the dining room.

Learn to lay out the spoons to the right of the plate with the ladle up;

participate in cleaning dishes after meals: collect teaspoons,

carry to the serving table

napkin holders and bread boxes.


book exhibitions with children

about autumn

in the bookstore


Organized educational activities

The world around "Clothes" Exercise children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, highlight the main features of clothing items (color, shape, structure, size); group items according to features. O. V. Dybina str. 14


for a walk.

Walk: games, observation, labor,

individual work, health and fitness work

1. Thematic walk "By the flower bed".

Objectives: to introduce the names of several colors - phlox, marigold (calendula); show the structure of the plant, consolidate the concept of "high" -"Low" (flower), "long" - "short" (stem).

2. An outdoor game "Gherkin". Purpose: to exercise children in bouncing on two legs and running in a given direction


with children poems about autumn

1. Observation "Wind and Leaves".

Purpose: to teach to understand and evaluate

natural phenomena.

2. An outdoor game "Leaf fall".

3. Experiment "Can our

hands feel the sun?

Workshop of children's creativity "Composing bouquets of leaves and flowers."

Work before bed

    Exercise "We are already big."

Objectives: to improve the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat a second course, alternating meat with a side dish, swallow food without leaving it behind your cheek.

    Duty in the dining room: teach to lay out the spoons to the right of the plate with the ladle up; participate in cleaning dishes after meals: collect teaspoons, take napkin holders and bread bins to the serving table.

    Training in preparation for bed: first take off a dress or shirt, then shoes, take off tights correctly, hang clothes on a high chair or in a closet, turn things out.

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities, preparation for admission

food, afternoon tea,


    Entertainment "Garden".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children

about vegetables, their appearance, shape, size, color.

    Exercises: "We go to the store for balls", "A ball is rolling."

Objectives: to develop physical qualities; create conditions for interaction and development of motor activity, accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children in ball games.

Individual task for the child

"Put many pyramids (few pyramids, one pyramid)"

    Reading and learning the nursery rhyme "Clever, Katya".

    Conversation on the questions: “Who is the nursery rhyme about? What did Katya not want to eat? What kind of porridge? What will you eat for dinner? "

Objectives: to educate the ability to follow the development of the action, to empathize with the heroes of the work; create conditions for memorizing nursery rhymes; develop basic self-service skills

Drawing "What grows in the garden?"


Watching the sun. Purpose: to teach to mark the warmth of the gentle sun while reading the story about the golden autumn.




on questions



and learning


based on work

in the group "Postal



to parents

in preparation


to the competition.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Conversation with children on issues:

When you entered the kindergarten site, who did you meet first?

What was he doing?

How did he work?

What is the profession of a janitor for?

What tools does a janitor need?

What is a broom for? What is a shovel for?

Individual assignment

to kid

“Find in the picture which


many, which -



1. Reminder about the rules of washing hands, about the rules of conduct

while eating.

2. Demonstration of washing techniques

hands, difficult handling of cutlery.

Game of low mobility "Find a toy".

Purpose: to promote the emergence

and the development of endurance and observation.

Organized educational activities

"Artistic creation" (application).

"Balls (apples), large and small" Teach to stick circles on the strip. Strengthen children's ideas about different sizes of objects. Teach to alternate images of different sizes... Exercise in applying correct gluing techniques. T.S.Komarova p. 47

Motor activity. (according to the plan of the physical manager)


for a walk.

Walk: games, observation, labor,

individual work, health and fitness work

Labor assignment "Putting the leaves in the basket."

Objectives: to teach children to carry out simple assignments, to be careful when performing work assignments.

Expansion of ideas about the characteristic features of autumn nature and weather and changes in clothing associated with these seasonal characteristics

Individual assignment

to kid


who is higher:

Sasha or Tanya "

Thematic walk "Listopad".

Objectives: to develop children's interest, curiosity, purposefulness of perception and emotional responsiveness to natural phenomena, to show the variety of colors of the golden autumn;

to reveal the meaning of the new concept of "leaf fall".

Labor activity: sweeping areas illuminated by the sun.

Objectives: to keep learning


brooms, bring the work started to the end

Work before bed

Game "Additives". The teacher reads the sentence, and the children finish:

    Dirt always helps out ...;

    Lyudmila went to wash her hands, she needed ..

    You, kid, don't touch him - it's very sharp ..

    Mom picked up the threads, and immediately fell out ..

    I folded my things, saw in my pocket ....

Objectives: to form in children ideas about dangerous objects, to teach to select rhymes according to meaning

Evening: games, leisure, communication and hobby activities, preparation for admission

food, afternoon tea,


Drawing "Rain, rain, thicker, I'll give you thicker"

Objectives: to teach how to rhythmically apply strokes, placing them throughout the sheet; to acquaint with a natural phenomenon (rain); learn to find the similarity of strokes with raindrops; develop the ability to draw with a pencil.Summary: an introductory conversation with Pencil, a poem about rain, finger gymnastics "Cap, cap, cap ..." practical work children, summing up: selection of drawings with heavy and light rain

Individual task for the child

"Find the longest strip, find the shortest strip, the shortest"

The plot game "Katya the doll meets and treats guests with tasty and healthy dishes", a situational conversation about healthy food.

Objective: to encourage children to participate in joint games; developing interest in various toys; assistance in uniting children into groups based on personal sympathy; replenishment of knowledge about useful products.

Putting things in order by children in the doll corner: washing dishes, washing bed linen for dolls, wiping the shelves from dust, folding doll clothes on the shelves in the closet, arranging furniture, etc. etc.


An outdoor game "Along a flat path".

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements.

Day of week

Educational activities in times of security

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

(activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Group, subgroup













physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

Creating problem motivation

Morning exercises

d / and "Walk to the garden"

viewing the album "Vegetables"

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

Caregiver with children

(according to the teacher's plan)

Work in the center of creativity:

Coloring Pages


Scarecrow toy

Submit demo albums on "Vegetables"

Exhibition of visual material for parents: "Crafts from natural materials"


educational activities



reading x / l

Learn the Scottish Song "Buy an Onion"

P / s: expand children's ideas about vegetables, using the works of foreign poets; activate speech, develop expressiveness of speech (subgroup).





Phys. culture,







Examining the vegetables brought by the parents.

D / and "How are they similar and how they differ"

(fix color, shape, size)

P / and "Rather, run a vegetable to me."

D / and "What's superfluous?"

on the development of movements: throwing the ball to each other.

Fixing the names of vegetables and fruits with Sasha, Katya, Oleg.

Sound pronunciation work (according to the teacher's plan)

Plates (wood, plastic) for the construction of roads and bridges,

Removal of equipment for labor on the site (collection of fallen leaves).


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Planting vegetables.

Observing the work of the plant caretaker (loosening)

Experimenting with water

(warm - cold). "Watering vegetables"

Track how children put away toys, clean up activity centers.

Create conditions for the s / r game "In the Garden":

Dummies of vegetables


Garden bed layout, tools

Ask to prepare photos for a photo reportage

“And we have a vegetable garden” (family photographs, drawings, stories).

Organize joint work to clean the site.


physical culture,

P / and "Vegetable garden", "Rather a vegetable, run to me", d / and "Paired pictures", s / r game "Harvesting", observing the weather.

Day of week

Educational activities in times of security

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Morning exercises

Didactic games "Find your vegetable", "Where is the vegetable hidden?", "Name it correctly"

Examination of pictures depicting vegetable dishes.

Games with Kuisener's sticks "Building a fence for a vegetable garden"

(set value)

On the development of speech: composing a short story with a teacher about a vegetable with Yura, Sasha, Dima

Pick up material for making a model of a vegetable garden: playing around

"In our garden."

Add dummies of vegetables and fruits, Kuisener sticks, D / and "Find your vegetable", "Where is the vegetable hidden?", "Name it correctly."

Album "Cooking dishes from vegetables"

Consultation: "Child labor in the garden"


Mini-consultation "Create a collage"


educational activities

Knowledge, health


reading x / l

First steps in mathematics: "Vegetables and fruits". F / s: consolidation of the concepts "one", "many", "the same", "more", "less"; the development of children of the ability to navigate in space, to develop the ability to find and call objects round and oval, stimulate cognitive activity, activate the vocabulary of children.

Health, music

physical the culture

Physical activity: according to the plan of the instructor in physical education).


Phys. culture,







Observing the work of senior preschoolers in the garden: preparing the beds for winter.

P / and "Vegetables and Fruits".

Д / и "Wonderful bag".

Outplaying (children's games with models of vegetables and fruits).

By art:

drawing rounded shapes "What kind of vegetable?" with Katya, Dima, Masha.

Take out the attributes for the s / r game "Family": prepare vegetables for the winter.

Carrying out material for playing with sand:

-socks, rakes, buckets, molds


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Follow the sequence of dressing for a walk Sasha, Kolya, Viti. Д / и "Dressing for a walk"

Bring in equipment for the game "Fences of different heights".

Offer the children red, yellow and green crayons and paints.

Individual consultations.

Conducting a master class for parents on making crafts from vegetables

"Magic zucchini"


physical culture,

cognition, socialization, labor, communication

P / and "Whether in the garden". Round dance game "We have a vegetable garden".

Remind you of a friendly attitude towards each other. Monitoring the janitor's work. Strengthen children's ideas about the work of a janitor.

Day of week

Educational activities in times of security

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup







physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l,

artistic creation, music

Morning exercises

D / and "Vegetables and fruits: their differences." Reading riddles about the gifts of autumn. Д / и "Wonderful bag".

Games with mosaic "Vegetables": fixing basic colors and shapes. Coloring silhouettes of vegetables and fruits.

Talk to Sasha, Dasha, Katya about fruits, fixing names.

Add the "Vegetables" mosaic. Silhouettes of vegetables and fruits.

Creation of a subject-developing environment for the game "Family": the plot is making a fruit compote.

Exhibition of children's books about gifts of autumn.

Exhibition of children's literature for reading on the theme "Autumn": poems, stories, proverbs and sayings.


educational activities



labor, communication

Labor, communication

reading x / l, artwork.


Phys. culture,







D / and "What's missing?"

P / and "Harvest in a basket", "Vegetable-fruit", "Scarecrow"
D / and "Paired pictures"

In mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one" with Yulia, Dasha, Nikita. (With vegetables and fruits)


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Reading S. Marshak "Vegetables"
Optional games.

by nature: the names of vegetables and fruits with Kolya, Dasha, Masha.


physical culture,

cognition, socialization, labor, communication

Causal relationships.

Day of week

Educational activities in times of security

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l,

artistic creation, music

Morning exercises.

Examining illustrations about the work of people in the garden and in the garden.

Di "Paired pictures".

Games with natural material: examination, choice for making crafts.

Music: repeat the lyrics about vegetables and fruits with Nastya, Katya, Sasha, Misha.

Add coloring pages about vegetables and fruits.

Illustrations depicting vegetables and fruits.

D \ and "Paired Pictures".

Natural material.

Ask parents to bring audio recordings of stories and songs about fruits and vegetables.


educational activities



labor, communication

Social world: "What did autumn bring us?" Purpose: to encourage children to answer the teacher's questions; to consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits; to acquaint people with work in the garden in the fall; cultivate hard work.

Labor, communication

reading x / l, artist creative

Application "Vegetables and fruits". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to create images of objects using ready-made forms; master the sequence of work; bring up accuracy when working with glue.


Phys. culture,







Monitoring the unloading of vegetables brought to the preschool educational institution.

Construction of sand beds, playing around.
D / and "What's missing?"

P / and "Gather the harvest in the basket",

"Fruit-vegetable", "Scarecrow"
D / and "Paired pictures"

in mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one" with Yulia, Dasha, Nikita. For example, vegetables and fruits.

Removal of equipment for collecting leaves on the site.

Carrying out material for playing with sand:

-socks, rakes, buckets, molds


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Reading S. Marshak "Vegetables"
Optional games.

by nature: the difference between vegetables and fruits with Sasha, Dasha, Kolya

Together with the children, select the equipment for the game "Family": we make preparations for the winter

Together with parents, to conduct a photo session "Autumn landscapes".


physical culture,

cognition, socialization, labor, communication

Self play activity children on the site, games of your choice. P / and "To its place", "Harvest in a basket", "Vegetable-fruit", "Scarecrow"
Weather observation: windy. Condition of trees in windy weather.

Causal relationships.

Day of week

Educational activities in times of security

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l,

artistic creation, music

Morning exercises

Examination and conversation on pictures with the image of dishes from vegetables and fruits.

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage".

ЗКР: pronunciation of hissing sounds with Masha, Natasha, (cards with vegetables).

D / and "Puzzles", "Find the artist's mistakes."

Ask parents to help create a collage of children's work.


educational activities



Musical activity: according to the plan of the music director.

Artist. creation

reading x / l

communication, labor

Drawing: "Tomato and Cucumber". Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to draw objects of a round and oval shape, to develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape, to develop small arm muscles.


Phys. culture,







Observing the janitor's work on pruning branches, tell the children why this is done.

D / and "What's superfluous?"

Collecting flower seeds, making crafts.

C / r game "Harvesting"

P / and "Who will harvest the harvest faster", "Catch and name"


rules of behavior in nature: how to eat vegetables and fruits.

Carrying out material for playing with sand:

-socks, rakes, buckets, molds.


Phys. culture, health


socialization, labor

cognition, communication

reading x / l

artistic creation, music

Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Game - dramatization based on Marshak's poem "Vegetables"

Screening and presentation of the photo collage "What the autumn gave us", tea drinking with fruit jam.

In mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one". For example, vegetables and fruits.

Organization of the environment for the show and presentation of the photo collage "What the autumn gave us"


Phys. culture,

cognition, socialization, labor, communication

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of their choice. P / and "To its place", "Harvest in a basket", "Fruit-vegetable", "Scarecrow", observation of trees in the fall, what has changed.

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